English language

Kursk State University (KSU). Kursk State University (KSU), Kursk: faculties, passing scores, departments KSU Admissions Committee in contact

Bachelor's, postgraduate, specialist, doctoral, master's

Skill level:

full-time, part-time, part-time, evening, daytime

Form of study:

state diploma

Certificate of completion:



From 37 to 73

Passing score:

Number of budget places:

University characteristics

Budget funding (free training):
Non-state funding (paid training):
Deferment from service:
Preparatory training:
Medical service:
Medical examination:
Sport sections:

general information

Since 1994, having upgraded its status to a pedagogical university, our university has successfully provided pre-university, higher professional and post-graduate education. A flexible system for selecting and training applicants who are professionally oriented towards the teaching profession has emerged. This was facilitated by various types of educational institutions: gymnasiums and lyceums with in-depth study of a number of subjects, a pedagogical college, a faculty for future teachers and a preparatory department. KSPU became one of the first universities in Russia to develop and implement packages of educational and methodological documentation for innovative types of educational institutions. During the 90s, the university's graduate school expanded from 5 (in which 22 people studied) to 24 specialties (205 graduate students). At the end of the 90s. the university had the right to conduct general educational activities in twenty-six specialties.

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KSU is ready

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Ecologist Day in Russia is one of the youngest holidays. Its founder was the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, who signed Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 2007 No. 933 “On Ecologist Day.” For the first time after its publication, events dedicated to the event were held at the official level in 2008. Today it is no longer a secret to anyone that there is such a profession - ecologist! Every day we hear about pr...

June 1 is Children's Day. When else, if not on this day, is it worth organizing a holiday for those children who are a little less fortunate than the rest? The students of the KSU creative group “Enthusiasts” thought so too. Therefore, Saturday, June 1, began for them with a visit to the Kursk regional social shelter for children and adolescents. They were greeted cordially by both the institution's employees and the small spectators. All...

The capital of the Republic of Tatarstan hosted one of the largest student events - the All-Russian Festival of Student Sports “Our Choice is Sport!” The festival participants were representatives of 55 regions of the country, more than 200 educational organizations of higher education, 2,500 thousand student representatives who were selected at the regional level. Volga Academy...

In the 2018-2019 academic year, the “Thematic Open Day at KSU” project became a platform for demonstrating the best master classes, trainings, business games, technologies, life hacks from teachers and staff of educational and scientific departments of Kursk State University. Almost every Saturday the doors of KSU opened for everyone who dreams of getting a higher education at the university...

The team of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology took part in celebrating the birthday of the famous Kursk youth educational project “Lawn Zone - Educational Picnics”. In the Children's Park, experienced and novice speakers spoke at 8 thematic platforms: political scientists, psychologists and social movement organizers. Master classes were held by athletes, actors and artists. On de...

In the first year of the Faculty of Philology, I took the traditional theater test. Students under the guidance of Associate Professor of the Department of Literature N.V. Frantsova presented their reading of works of Russian literature of the 18th century. The audience heard a speech from the life of Russia during the Enlightenment, sometimes not entirely understandable to the modern viewer, but creating an unforgettable atmosphere. Students are enthusiastically playing...

On Children's Day, the Green Marathon “Running Hearts” was held in 60 cities across the country. This is a traditional promotion that Sberbank has been conducting for several years throughout the country. The Kursk region joined the charity project for the first time, on the initiative of the head of the region, Roman Starovoit. I decided to run a distance of 4.2 km - from Red Square to Perekalsky Square and back...

The editor of the KSU medical center, Lilia Koroteeva, took part in the global forum Start-up Village, which took place last week at the Skolkovo innovation center. The VII annual international conference brought together technology entrepreneurs and investors, providing an opportunity to exchange experience and knowledge with successful entrepreneurs from different countries. Also within the framework of the conference there was an intensive...

May 31 is International No Smoking Day. Every fourth resident of Kursk suffers from tobacco addiction. More often than others, teenagers and young people find themselves in nicotine captivity. To overcome a bad habit, experts advise finding a hobby. Science, sports, creativity - each of the children has their own “key” to health. On this day in the park named after. 50th anniversary of the Komsomol within the framework of the city...

From May 27 to 31, our city hosted the regional qualifying stage of the V National Championship of professional excellence among people with disabilities “Abilimpix 2019” in the Kursk region. The championship events create an accessible environment for education and communication for students with disabilities, contribute to the improvement of their professional skills, and draw attention to this category...

Admissions Committee Contacts

Admission conditions

Admission to KSU for the first year of study in undergraduate programs, specialist training programs and programs
master's degree is conducted:
Based on the results of the Unified State Exam (hereinafter referred to as the Unified State Examination) in general educational subjects corresponding to the field of study (specialty) for which admission is being made, and based on the results of additional entrance tests of a creative and (or) professional orientation - persons with secondary (complete) general or secondary professional education.
Based on the results of entrance examinations, the form of which is determined by the university independently, of the following categories of citizens (at their request) if they do not have the results of the Unified State Exam of the current year: - those with secondary (complete) general education received before January 1, 2009;
- those with secondary vocational education - upon admission to study in undergraduate programs or specialist training programs in the relevant profile;
- having secondary (complete) general education received in educational institutions of foreign countries.
If the specified categories of citizens passed the Unified State Exam in the current year in the relevant general education subjects, the university takes into account the Unified State Exam results as the results of entrance tests in such general education subjects and does not allow these persons to take entrance tests, the form of which is determined by the university independently.
3.3. Based on the results of entrance examinations, the form and list of which are determined by the university independently, of the following categories of citizens:
- those with secondary vocational education - upon admission to study in a shortened bachelor's program of the relevant profile;
- those with higher professional education - upon admission to undergraduate programs and specialist training programs.
3.4. Admission of citizens with disabilities can be carried out both on the basis of the Unified State Examination results and on the basis of the results of entrance examinations conducted by the university independently (in the absence of Unified State Examination results), the specifics of which are established by Chapter VI of these Admission Rules.
4. The results of the Unified State Examination, recognized as the results of entrance tests in general education subjects corresponding to the 4th direction of training (specialty) for which admission is carried out, cannot be lower than the minimum number of points established by the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science
based on the results of the Unified State Examination in such general education subjects, confirming the mastery of the basic general education program of secondary (complete) general education in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational standard.


  • Algebra
  • Physics
  • Informatics
  • geography
  • biology
  • story
  • social science
  • Russian language
  • literature
  • foreign language

Multidisciplinary Olympiad of Kursk State University

Students of grades 9-11, mastering general education programs of secondary (complete) general education, educational institutions of the Kursk region, as well as other regions of the Russian Federation, take part in the Olympiad on a voluntary basis.

Winners and medalists of a similar Olympiad of the previous year can participate in the final stage of the Olympiad if they continue to master general education programs of secondary (complete) general education.

Also, winners and prize-winners of a similar Olympiad at the regional (regional) stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren of the previous and current year can participate in the final stage of the Olympiad if they continue to master general education programs of secondary (complete) general education.

An application for participation in the Olympiad is submitted to the organizing committee electronically or in person according to the established format within a strictly defined period.

Admission to the Olympics is carried out after preliminary registration with the organizing committee upon presentation of a passport or other identification document.

Quotas for participation in each stage of the Olympiad are determined by the regulations (procedure) for holding the Olympiad.

A uniform procedure is established for all stages of the Olympics:

During the Olympiad, only members of the organizing committee and methodological commission are allowed to enter the classrooms in which it is held; the presence of other persons at the Olympics is not allowed;

At the end of the Olympiad, the works are handed over to an authorized member of the organizing committee who encrypts the works;

Checking of works is carried out only in the premises of KSU and only by members of the jury of the Olympiad;

Written Olympiad works are checked in a way that excludes establishing the authorship of the work;

After the completion of the Olympiad, authorized jury members analyze the content and evaluation criteria of the Olympiad tasks with students and teachers;

After checking the work and completing the appropriate documentation, the results of the Olympiad are announced;

The official announcement of the results is considered to be a statement posted on public display at the Olympic venue, certified by the signatures of the jury members; the results of the Olympiad are posted on the KSU website;

Participants of the Olympiad can, if desired, receive Olympiad materials and keys to assignments after the work has been checked and the results of the Olympiad have been announced;

Appeals are submitted on the day the Olympic results are announced;

The works of the Olympiad participants are stored for 1 year at the place where they were held (faculties).

The winners and prize-winners of the Olympics are determined based on the results of the final stage of the Olympics. Information about the winners and prize-winners of the Olympics is entered into the final table, which is a ranked list of participants, arranged in descending order of the points they scored. Participants with equal scores are listed in alphabetical order.

The winners of the Olympiad are the participants who score the most points. The winners of the Olympics are the participants within the established quota who follow the winners in the final table.

In the event that a participant, determined within the established quota as a winner, has the same number of points as those following him in the final table, the decision on this participant and all participants who have an equal number of points with him is determined as follows :

All participants are recognized as winners if their scores are more than half the maximum possible;

All participants are not recognized as winners if their scores do not exceed half the maximum possible.

The number of Olympic winners should not exceed 10% of the total number of participants in the final stage of the Olympics.

General To The number of winners and prize-winners of the Olympics should not exceed 45% of the total number of participants in the final stage of the Olympics.

The winners are awarded 1st degree Diplomas. The winners are awarded Diplomas of the 2nd and 3rd degrees. Participants in the Olympiad may be awarded certificates of participation, certificates, and memorable gifts.

The presentation of diplomas and prizes is carried out personally to the participants or their authorized representatives.

Diplomas of winners and prize-winners are subject to strict accounting. Diplomas of the winners and prize-winners of the Olympics are signed by the chairman of the organizing committee of the Olympics.

The teachers who trained the winners and prize-winners are awarded letters of gratitude from the Olympic organizing committee.

Rights of winners and prize-winners of the Olympics

Winners and medalists of the Olympics:

They have the right to participate in the final stage of a similar Olympiad next year if they continue to master general education programs of secondary (complete) general education;

They can be enrolled in one of the KSU student clubs.

The winners of the Olympiad, within one year from the date of approval of the lists of winners, become the holders of a grant to pay half the cost of training at KSU in the relevant field of study (specialty), allocated from extra-budgetary funds of the university, subject to their receipt of Unified State Examination results confirming the successful completion of entrance examinations in general education subjects included in the list of entrance tests in the relevant field (specialty): the Unified State Examination results must correspond to the minimum number of points established by the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science, confirming the development of the general education program of secondary (complete) general education.

Graduate School Contacts

Postgraduate studies at Kursk State University were opened in 1962. Currently, highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel are being trained in 44 specialties of postgraduate professional education in 16 branches of science.

The training of graduate students and applicants at the university is carried out in branches of science and scientific specialties for which the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences is awarded in accordance with the current nomenclature of specialties of scientific workers, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated February 25, 2009 No. 59.

Postgraduate specialties

01.00.00 - Physical and mathematical sciences

01.01.01 - Real, complex and functional analysis

01.04.14 - Thermophysics and theoretical heat engineering

02.00.00 - Chemical Sciences

02.00.02 - Analytical chemistry

02.00.03 - Organic chemistry

03.00.00 - Biological sciences

03.02.01 - Botany

03.02.07 - Genetics

03.02.08 - Ecology (biology)

05.00.00 - Technical sciences

05.13.01 - System analysis, management and information processing (in economic and pedagogical systems)

05.13.18 - Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and software packages

05.25.02 - Documentary, document science, archival science

07.00.00 - Historical sciences

07.00.02 - National history

07.00.03 - General history (new and recent history of the West and East)

08.00.00 - Economic Sciences

08.00.05 - Economics and management of the national economy (economics of environmental management)

09.00.00 - Philosophical sciences

09.00.03 - History of philosophy

09.00.11 - Social philosophy

09.00.13 - Philosophical anthropology, philosophy of culture

10.00.00 - Philological sciences

10.01.01 - Russian literature

10.01.02 - Literature of the peoples of the Russian Federation (Slavic group)

10.02.01 - Russian language

10.02.19 - Theory of language

10.02.22 - Languages ​​of the peoples of foreign countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, the aborigines of America and Australia (Germanic languages)

12.00.00 - Legal sciences

12.00.01 - Theory and history of law and state; history of doctrines about law and state

13.00.00 - Pedagogical sciences

13.00.01 - General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education

13.00.02 - Theory and methodology of teaching and upbringing (literature, foreign languages, mathematics and computer science, fine arts, drawing, physics, level of general and professional education)

13.00.04 - Theory and methodology of physical education, sports training, health-improving and adaptive physical culture

13.00.08 - Theory and methodology of vocational education

17.00.00 - Art history

17.00.09 - Theory and history of art

19.00.00 - Psychological sciences

19.00.03 - Occupational psychology, engineering psychology, ergonomics

19.00.05 - Social Psychology

19.00.07 - Pedagogical psychology

22.00.00 - Sociological sciences

22.00.06 - Sociology of culture

22.00.08 - Sociology of management

23.00.00 - Political sciences

23.00.01 - Theory and philosophy of politics, history and methodology of political science

24.00.00 - Culturology

24.00.01 - Theory and history of culture

25.00.00 - Geosciences

25.00.23 - Physical geography and biogeography, soil geography and landscape geochemistry

25.00.24 - Economic, social, political and recreational geography

25.00.27 - Land hydrology, water resources, hydrochemistry

25.00.36 - Geoecology

  • Extra

The university-wide newspaper “Alma Mater - Bulletin of KSU” is registered in the Central Russian Interregional Territorial Administration of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Press and Mass Communications. Certificate. Series PI No. 8-1558. Issued December 2, 2003.

The magazine is published six times a year with a total circulation of up to 1,500 copies. The editorial staff consists of over 20 employees from 7 university faculties. Up to three thematic issues of the newspaper are published monthly, including the popular “Professional” (let’s find a job together!), “University History” (find out the history of your university!), “Freshman’s Memo” (know and be able to!), “Help the applicant” (we apply together!). The total circulation of thematic issues for the academic year is over 30 thousand copies.

The magazine "Alma Mater - Bulletin of KSU" and its employees are numerous holders of student and professional titles and awards: Grand Prix and laureates of the regional and Russian Student Spring; laureates of the FESTOS festival; awards from the Union of Journalists of Russia and the all-Russian organization of media workers “MEDIASOYUZ”. The magazine is also a member of the Union of Corporate Media of Russia.

"AM" has become a launching pad for many young journalists starting to work or already working in the city media. There is practically not a single print or television media outlet in the city that does not include our former employees. Students who completed the AM school also joined the ranks of the federal media: Rossiyskaya Gazeta, RIA Novosti, Komsomolskaya Pravda, Arguments and Facts, Novaya Gazeta, MIG Interfax, TV channel Rossiya-1 .

Professionalism, competence, the ability to make correct and effective decisions, entrepreneurship - these are the qualities that a young specialist should have. All of them are developed during the training process at KSU Kursk. This is a fairly large university. More than 17 thousand students study there.

The beginning of the way

The existing classical university began educational activities in the last century - in the 30s. Initially it was a pedagogical institute. In the city it was formed on the basis of a technical school that trains teachers.

In the first year, the institute enrolled 200 people. Students studied full-time at the faculties of Russian language and literature and history. 3 years after the opening of the university, a correspondence course appeared, and a few years later new structural divisions began to form. During the war years, the Faculty of Geography was opened for students, in the post-war years - the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics.

New status

The Kursk Pedagogical Institute developed until the early 90s of the last century. Over several decades of existence, the number of faculties, departments, and specialties has increased, and a highly qualified teaching staff has been formed. The number of students in a higher educational institution began to be counted not in hundreds, but in thousands.

All the achievements of the university led to a change in status. The institute became a university. The profile has not changed. The university remained a pedagogical university. However, later the educational institution began to train not only teachers and lecturers. The list of specializations now includes specialties that are not classified as pedagogical. As a result, in 2003 the university became a classical university.

Modern period in the history of the educational institution

More than 80 years. A long period of existence is the past that has shaped the educational institution and its advantages. Today the university is a modern educational center. It offers popular and most relevant specialties, has modern equipment that allows for better quality training and makes the process interesting for students.

Also a state university is:

  1. A powerful research center. The university has created an effective innovation infrastructure. It includes research institutes and laboratories in the priority scientific areas of the university.
  2. Center for International Cooperation. From time to time, the university enters into contracts and agreements with scientific institutions and higher education institutions in the CIS countries, Europe, Asia and the USA. The contacts established allow for the exchange of teachers and students, and joint research work.

Meeting the teaching staff

At Kursk State University, the quality of education is quite high. And this is not surprising, because the university has a highly qualified teaching staff. The teaching staff is about 500 people. Of these, more than 70 people are doctors of science, over 300 people are candidates of science.

External part-time teachers also participate in the educational process. They are also highly qualified specialists:

  • about 12% of the total number of external part-time teachers have a doctorate degree;
  • about 64% of teachers are candidates of science.

In the future, the teaching staff will not change for the worse, and this is confirmed by the university’s personnel policy. The university strives to preserve, strengthen and develop human resources. KSU hires those individuals who have the appropriate education and experience to ensure a high level of training for young specialists.

Faculties of KSU Kursk

There are 17 structural divisions involved in educating students at the university. They are the following faculties:

  • historical;
  • religious studies and theology;
  • psychology and pedagogy;
  • sociology, cultural studies and philosophy;
  • defectological;
  • industrial-pedagogical;
  • natural-geographical;
  • mathematics, physics, computer science;
  • philological;
  • foreign languages;
  • management and economics;
  • jurisprudence;
  • arts;
  • artistic and graphic;
  • physical education and sports;
  • professional retraining and advanced training;
  • current directions.

Each faculty speaks for itself. A specific structural unit offers information related to a specific scientific field. For example, at the Faculty of Philology, students study linguistics and literary studies, philosophy, sociology, and cultural studies. And only one structural unit is mysterious for those interested in the university. It is the Faculty of Current Directions. It was opened in 1998 to implement additional educational programs, vocational training programs for white-collar positions and blue-collar professions.

More information about the Faculty of Current Studies

This structural unit of KSU Kursk periodically recruits for several programs:

  • "Manicurist".
  • "Tailor".
  • "Chemical analysis laboratory assistant."
  • "Computer and VM operator."
  • "Performer of artistic and design works."

Tuition for all programs is paid. At the end of it, all persons undergo a final certification. Based on its results, professional retraining diplomas are issued. Additionally, the Faculty of Current Studies provides training for children and adults in general developmental programs related to the study of foreign languages ​​and health promotion. One example program is “Athletic Gymnastics”.

University departments

Each faculty at KSU consists of smaller structural divisions. They are called departments. Their task is to train students within a specific specialization. For example, the Faculty of Natural Geography of KSU consists of the departments of general biology and ecology, socio-cultural services and tourism, chemistry, social and economic geography, physical geography and geoecology.

At the departments of KSU Kursk, teachers carefully consider the content of the educational process. An important role is given to innovative technologies and modern teaching methods - interactive lectures, business and role-playing games, brainstorming sessions, online seminars, and group discussions.

Training for applicants

The university has one structural unit that deals with applicants. It is called a pre-university training center. The main task of the division is to provide a wide range of educational services. Applicants are offered assistance in preparing for the Unified State Examination and entrance examinations at the university. It is provided through the work of Sunday and short-term courses. Additionally, online consultations with qualified teachers from KSU Kursk are offered.

Also, the pre-university training center is engaged in career guidance work with schoolchildren. Within its framework, students get acquainted with the specialties offered by the university and decide on their future profession. is carried out by the structural unit at open days, during the “Holidays at KSU”. The latest event includes interesting meetings, seminars, master classes, presentations, and excursions.

Analysis of passing scores

In 2017, the highest passing scores at KSU Kursk were observed in “Linguistics” (253 points), “Foreign (English) and second foreign language” (246 points), “Mathematics and Physics” (240 points). In all of the listed specialties, applicants presented the results of three Unified State Examinations or passed three subjects at the university. In those areas in which applicants took an additional creative (professional) test, the passing scores were even higher. The leading positions belonged to “Design” (299 points), “Journalism” (292 points) and “Art Education” (271 points).

The lowest passing score in 2017 was 141. He was in the specialty “Foreign (German) and English.” This figure was slightly higher in “Theology” (142 points). The top three areas with low passing scores were “Philosophy” (159 points).

Advantages worthy of attention of applicants

KSU in Kursk is notable primarily for its wide range of specialties. They are associated with different scientific fields:

  • with physical and mathematical sciences;
  • natural sciences;
  • humanities;
  • social sciences;
  • education and pedagogy;
  • culture and art;
  • economics and management;
  • information security;
  • service sector;
  • electronic engineering, radio engineering and communications;
  • chemical technology and biotechnology;
  • architecture and construction;
  • life safety, environmental management and environmental protection.

The university has developed a high-quality and effective methodology for training specialists and employing graduates. Its first stage is pre-university. University staff introduce applicants to the specialties of KSU Kursk and help them choose a future profession with the help of career guidance tests. The second stage is university level. It is aimed at developing professional potential. The third stage is postgraduate. There, graduates receive informational, psychological and educational support. It turns out to be a specialized center created at the university. This unit offers traditional forms of employment assistance and innovative methods of assisting graduates.

Information for those who decide to enroll at KSU

KSU is located in Kursk at the address: st. Radishcheva, 33. All classrooms and laboratories in the building are modern and well equipped. There is a library. It contains more than 800 thousand copies of printed works and electronic documents. The library's collection includes textbooks, reference and bibliographic, socio-political and popular science publications.

The KSU admissions office is located at the indicated address in Kursk. She works on the first floor of the building. The admissions committee begins accepting documents in June. She does a lot of work every year. During each admissions campaign, the admissions committee has to accept more than 10 thousand applications from applicants, calculate passing scores, and compile lists of people recommended for admission.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that quality education is provided at KSU Kursk. This has been repeatedly confirmed by the leadership of the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science during the accreditation procedure. This is also proven by the stories of graduates. People who graduated from the university say that the knowledge and practical skills acquired at the university and supported by a diploma allowed them to find a good job and opened doors to prestigious organizations in the city and country.