
Are there currently juvenile affairs inspectors? Inspectorate for Juvenile Affairs, who is the personal injury inspector and his rights and responsibilities. Can a minor be registered?

The state can only exist when the population reproduces. And it must be loyal, law-abiding, active and creative. It is no secret that there are negative trends in society that influence teenagers. Children, due to their lack of life experience, are easily pushed into committing a crime. To prevent this from happening, a juvenile affairs inspectorate has been created. This body is entrusted with a number of functions that contribute to improving the situation in the teenage environment. Let's talk about the nuances of working in this direction.

General concept

The Inspectorate for Minors is a structural unit in the system of internal affairs bodies. Its employees carry out their work, obeying the order of the Minister of Internal Affairs. That is, their regulations are strictly standardized, all actions are scheduled, as it should be in a strong, democratic state.

The head of the juvenile affairs inspectorate is a police officer. He carries out general management of his employees, plans, distributes responsibilities, distributes tasks, and controls.

You should not assume that there are many inspectors at the grassroots (district) level. The size of the inspection is regulated by special documents. They contain standards for the number of workers per thousand adolescents (fortunately, only a small percentage of children are prone to crime). However, the workload of an inspector who conscientiously performs his duties is quite heavy. He is obliged to prevent the repetition of crimes, to ensure that children are protected from the influence of dubious subjects. And behind this lies a gigantic practical and analytical work.

Juvenile Affairs Commission

One should not assume that the state has entrusted the care of teenagers who have gone astray only to the police. There is also another body - a collegial body. Its name is the juvenile affairs inspectorate. It is being created in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and locally. That is, every person facing trouble has somewhere to turn.

The fact is that parents, for moral reasons, do not particularly want to go to the police - this seems like a betrayal towards the child. They are not able to cope on their own, and sometimes they have no idea where to expect help. And you should go to local authorities.

At the district level there is a unit that deals with juvenile cases. Its specialists have all the legal and organizational information. They are obliged to provide advisory and other assistance. By the way, they keep minutes, draw up agendas, collect documents, organize meetings, and so on. Therefore, children or parents who have problems should turn to these specialists.

Commissions and inspectorates for minors work in close cooperation. They have one common goal, but different areas of activity. Without coordination, it will not be possible to achieve results, so the district inspector must be included in the collegial body.

How to find an inspection?

An ordinary citizen may suddenly have such a question. Life brings surprises, sometimes unpleasant ones. Addresses of juvenile affairs inspectorates can be found online. This information should be widely disseminated so that people feel the support of the state in this area.

If there is no internet, then go to your local council. In fact, local workers work closely with the inspector and naturally have his contacts. And they will tell you where exactly you should write about your problem. If in doubt, ask for the telephone number of the juvenile affairs office.

You can get advice from a specialist without a personal meeting. Citizens are advised not to be shy. The inspector gets paid to talk to people and solve their problems. This is his job responsibility. In addition, all contacts of government agencies are contained on special websites. This is open information, the dissemination of which is the responsibility of employees.

As a last resort, contact the principal of the school where the child is studying. The inspectorate works closely with educational institutions.


Please understand that you are contacting a government agency. Despite the fact that the juvenile affairs inspectorate performs quite extensive functions, it employs people just like everyone else. They have their own problems, families, children and so on. And their work schedule is the same as that of other government organizations.

They come to work at 8–9 o’clock and perform duties throughout the day. They finish and go home at 17–18. There is also, like everyone else, a break for lunch. You should know that these specialists do not always sit in offices. They are supposed to visit families and educational institutions, talk with teenagers and their parents. Therefore, you need to ask when the inspector’s office hours are. At this time, he always sits at the place of service and waits for visitors. The inspector has a day off on Saturday and Sunday. Although his schedule may include events that he conducts during the time allotted for rest.

Who does the inspector work with?

The job responsibilities of this specialist are extensive. He is obliged to control the lives of teenagers who have committed crimes. This refers to citizens in respect of whom there is a court decision admitting guilt.

The Inspectorate for Minors' Affairs keeps complete and permanent records of these teenagers. A special file is opened for each person, in which the activities carried out are recorded. These are conversations, visits, characteristics from the place of residence and study, contacts, hobbies, and so on. The inspector monitors the lifestyle of a teenager who has stumbled so that he does not get into trouble again.

But his functions do not include raising a child. This is what parents and schools do. You need to understand that the juvenile affairs inspectorate is a government body, not a charitable organization. It has its own tasks and functions. Although, in everyday life, a specialist will always tell you what to do if parents cannot cope with upbringing.

Preventive work of the juvenile affairs inspectorate

Monitoring errant teenagers is only a small part of the activities of specialists. The main task of the state is to prevent children from being involved in crimes. Therefore, teenagers prone to illegal activities are identified and tried to reorient them into a positive field.

The inspector regularly receives information about children who need attention. Its task is to prevent their involvement in criminal activities. Educational institutions, local councils, and residents provide information to the specialist.

Not everyone is registered - in order for an inspector to become interested in a child, he must do something very bad. For example, become the organizer of several brutal fights.

Preventive conversations and explanatory work are carried out with the rest. The inspector submits some problems to a collegial body for consideration. Sometimes the help of other government agencies is required. For example, in order to remove a child from the influence of a negative personality, he is brought to the sports section.

Who can become an inspector?

Only adult citizens of the country are accepted to work in the internal affairs bodies. There is a whole list of requirements for their candidacies. Including, the person will have to undergo a number of psychological tests. You understand that communicating with the near-attack world is not an easy thing.

You must have a stable psyche, a tempered will, flexibility of mind, and excellent reaction. By the way, sociability and communication skills are two important qualities for someone who wants to do this work. A person must have a higher education in the legal or pedagogical field. You also need to have public speaking skills.

And if the inspector is wrong, what should you do?

Let us repeat, it is not gods who work in government agencies, but ordinary people. They can make mistakes, are under pressure from their own problems, and simply make a decision without understanding it. If you notice this, don’t expect everything to correct itself.

The inspector has a heavy workload and has no time to return. He, like a mother with many children, must pay attention to a hundred teenagers, if not more. Therefore, if an error occurs, go to the specialist’s supervisor. He must figure it out. If the manager refuses justice, go to the prosecutor's office. That body carries out supervisory functions, that is, controls the inspection.


Having become generally acquainted with the work of the state with teenagers, you should understand that the inspection and commission are bodies that help parents. They do not replace them in the educational process, but support them in a difficult situation. And if a child is in trouble, then we should deal with his future fate together, without finding out who is to blame and who will be responsible. By and large, the future of a state depends on how many citizens it has. And everyone is valuable, even those who accidentally stumble and make a mistake.

Statistical analysis confirms that the age threshold for primary crimes has decreased significantly in recent years, and unauthorized acts committed by minors occupy a large share. The only way out of this situation is crime prevention, which is carried out by the juvenile affairs department. Who is responsible for such actions from the point of view of law, and what the term PDN means, will be discussed later in the article. Any child can come under close attention after an offense, and this will become the basis for proceedings by law enforcement agencies.

PDN is a unit for juvenile affairs - a supervisory body responsible for suppressing child crime and conducting preventive education. In the case of juvenile delinquency, information about the incident is transmitted to various authorities: military registration and enlistment offices, upon admission or study at a university. The Juvenile Affairs Inspectorate, which is part of the internal affairs system, depending on the level of subordination, may have units at the following level that regulate the law:

  • City, district, municipal.
  • Related to ATC and administrative-territorial formation.
  • Operating on different types of transport.

Explanatory work with teenagers is carried out taking into account their psychology, perhaps that is why they are trying to hire more women for this position, who, in a motherly way, will be able to better understand the psychology of a minor. When working with teenagers, consistency of beliefs and strict adherence to legal aspects are required. A juvenile affairs inspector, who has many qualities, must be able to find an approach to young people, therefore, when hiring for a job in the Department of Children's Affairs, psychological and pedagogical education is always welcome, although the specialized one should be legal. In addition, it is easier for a woman to find a common language with her parents, since the educational process also includes this type of influence.

What are the functions of the PDN?

The work of the PDN is aimed at stopping all types of crimes and identifying the circumstances that lead to such actions on the part of a minor. The activities of the inspection are regulated by law. 3 Federal Law “On Police” and the following documents:

  • Ch. 14 and ch. 20 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Art. 73, art. 420, Art. 421, Art. 432 Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation;
  • Art. 183, art. 187 – 190 Penal Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Art. 5, art. 20 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

The list is supplemented by internal documents and instructions that outline the activities of all departments.

In addition to its supervisory functions, the Juvenile Affairs Department provides legal protection for teenagers and, if necessary, rehabilitation, including their parents. In addition, these departments identify cases of youth involvement in criminal activities. The juvenile affairs inspector is engaged in preventive activities with the following categories of citizens:

  • Persons who use psychotropic substances and drugs.
  • With those who committed offenses at the age that allows the application of administrative punishment, and in the period before the onset of responsibility.
  • Exempt under an amnesty from criminal liability or for options of compulsory influence.
  • Those accused of a crime but not in custody.
  • Released from special institutions who require assistance and rehabilitation.
  • Conditionally convicted persons assigned to correctional labor without imprisonment.

These are just a few criteria from a large list of supervised ones that require attention from the PDN. The department inspector is also required to work with parents who do not fulfill their direct parenting responsibilities or negatively influence their own children. PDN inspectors, due to their competence, assist in the search for wanted teenagers who have already committed an offense or, according to verified information, may participate in such an act.

The Commission on Minors' Affairs and the Protection of Their Rights (the term is defined as KDN and ZP) considers applications from citizens and various authorities regarding any offenses committed by adolescents for which criminal liability cannot be applied until adulthood. This service also makes proposals for measures of influence at all levels that are provided for by law. When a complaint is received about offenses by teenagers, inspectors conduct an inspection, which consists of the following stages:

  • An account or file is created for a specific suspect.
  • The explanations of the victims and the accused himself are heard.
  • Materials about the crime are being collected.
  • An act on the living conditions of the minor is drawn up.
  • Information is collected about the work being carried out with the suspect himself and his parents.
  • Characteristics, information and certificates about what a person is interested in, how he spends his leisure time and other information are filed.

Based on the above documents, a conclusion of the audit is prepared in the case. The initiators of registering a child can be the staff of child care institutions, affected adults, or parents of offended children, or employees of government agencies.

But the final decision remains with a special commission. After six months, if there is a clear correction, the minor can be deregistered at the request of the parents.

Cooperation between PDN and guardianship authorities

The Commission on Minors' Affairs actively interacts with administrative and educational institutions in the adjacent territory, jointly develops a set of preventive measures with them, and monitors pupils located in specialized closed reception centers. Inspectors help guardianship authorities work with “difficult” teenagers who are left without parental care, and carry out preventive and explanatory work.

The Department of Juvenile Affairs is trying in every possible way to identify the leaders of various youth groups who campaign for antisocial activities, identify unreliable citizens who involve teenagers in taking narcotic or intoxicating drugs. Inspectors participate in various raids to prevent young people from drinking alcoholic beverages and strictly combat the spread of drugs among young people together with specialized drug control services.

Basic rights of juvenile affairs inspectors

The following rights are legally assigned to inspectors:

  • Call teenagers and their representatives for a conversation to clarify the picture of the offense.
  • Conduct conversations with teenagers and parents about the inadmissibility of such illegal acts, and, if necessary, request any information concerning the minor.
  • It is allowed to take violators to the police station for three hours and inspect them if necessary.

In case of systematic offenses, PDN inspectors register such teenagers and constantly monitor their activities in order to avoid aggravating actions.

Important! The inspector is obliged to prevent cruelty towards the teenager, violence or sexual harassment from parents or other persons.

If such violations are detected, the inspector is immediately obliged to take measures regulated by law under Art. 5.35 Code of Administrative Offences, Art. 156, art. 116, Art. 117, Art. 125 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and ensure the safety of the teenager.

If a teenager systematically violates the law, he is placed in a special center upon reaching the age of 14, and only by court decision.


The legislation does not seek to bring minors to criminal liability for the slightest offense. The created PDN services have the function of preventive influence on young people. And if an offense has already occurred, then they take responsibility for correcting the teenager and monitoring his future activities.

The distribution of employees of juvenile affairs units on the territory of the territorial internal affairs body is carried out according to the zonal principle. The size and boundaries of the zones they serve are determined by the head of the territorial internal affairs body, taking into account the operational situation and the number of inspectors. Wherein:

In territorial internal affairs bodies, the size and boundaries of the territory served by PDN employees are determined and revised by the head of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the interregional and district levels, taking into account the operational situation in this area of ​​activity, the number of PDN employees provided for by the staffing schedule of the specified body; in internal affairs bodies in transport, the size of service areas (zones) depends on the number of stations, ports, piers and other factors;

The assignment of a juvenile affairs inspector to the serviced territory and his release from his duties is carried out by order of the head of the relevant internal affairs body in whose service the territory is located. Depending on the operational situation, the head of the internal affairs agency may reduce or increase the size of the serviced territory.

When appointed to the position of a juvenile affairs inspector, the head of the internal affairs body or the head of the internal affairs body acquaints him with the characteristics of the territory served, the operational situation and introduces him to the heads of the relevant local government bodies, organizations, educational institutions, and public associations.

The work plan and schedule of the juvenile affairs inspector are approved by the head of the internal affairs agency or his deputy. Each inspector works according to a personal (individual) plan for the day.

It is not allowed to attract heads, deputy heads of the PDN, senior inspectors (inspectors) for juvenile affairs to perform duties not related to the prevention of neglect and delinquency of minors, including their involvement for duty in investigative and operational groups, immediate response groups, duty units of territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, as well as to perform tasks for the protection and escort of detained persons.

Key points on the basics of organizing the activities of juvenile affairs inspectors are regulated by the main departmental regulatory legal act on the work of juvenile affairs units - Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated October 15, 2013 No. 845 “On approval of the Instructions for organizing the activities of units for juvenile affairs of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation” (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 6, 2014 No. 31238).

The juvenile affairs unit maintains a log of preventive measures, which reflects the activities of inspectors in carrying out preventive raids and operations, other preventive measures, as well as individual preventive measures in relation to minors, their parents or legal representatives who are not registered with the juvenile affairs unit. minors.

In addition, each juvenile department must maintain the following documentation:

Plan of the serviced area;

Regulatory legal acts, instructions, methodological recommendations on the activities of departments for juvenile affairs of internal affairs bodies;

Logbook of the results of inspections of the activities of the juvenile affairs unit;

Observation cases on groups of antisocial minors;

Registration and preventive cards;

Accounting and preventive matters;

Lists of persons with whom preventive work is carried out;

Lists of wanted minors.

Carrying out general prevention of juvenile delinquency, employees of juvenile affairs units collect, summarize, and analyze information on the state of the fight against neglect and juvenile delinquency in the serviced territory; predict trends in the spread of negative factors affecting the state of juvenile delinquency prevention; They develop, taking into account the current situation, action plans aimed at preventing juvenile delinquency, and, on their basis, make proposals to state and public organizations on improving the preventive activities of interested departments.

Identification of juvenile offenders and persons who negatively influence them begins, first of all, with the daily review by a juvenile affairs unit employee of:

Books delivered to the duty station of the internal affairs body;

Daily summary of crimes committed and persons detained;

Incident reporting books.

The grounds for individual preventive work by juvenile affairs inspectors in relation to minors, their parents or legal representatives are the circumstances provided for in Art. 5 of the Federal Law “On the Basics of the System for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency”, if they are recorded in the following documents:

Application by a minor or his parents or legal representatives for assistance on issues within the competence of bodies and institutions of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency;

A verdict, ruling or court order;

Resolution of the commission on affairs of minors and protection of their rights, prosecutor, investigator, inquiry agency or head of the internal affairs agency;

A conclusion approved by the head of the body or institution of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency, based on the results of an audit of complaints, statements or other messages;

Documents defined by law as the basis for placing adolescents in institutions for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency.

Minors who have committed administrative and other offenses may be taken to the duty station of the territorial internal affairs body or to the office premises of juvenile affairs units for a period of no more than three hours. The investigation is conducted by an official of the juvenile affairs unit, and in his absence - by the operational duty officer of the internal affairs body. Upon delivery, data characterizing his personality, information about relatives or legal representatives, conditions of upbringing, education are established, and, if necessary, materials are drawn up to bring him to administrative or criminal liability. His parents or their substitutes must be notified of the detention of a person under the age of majority. After the proceedings, the minor is transferred in the prescribed manner to his parents or legal representatives, which must be noted in writing in the protocol of administrative detention and the register of persons brought to the duty station of the internal affairs body, indicating the time of transfer and the adult to whom the teenager was transferred.

Inspectors for juvenile affairs of the internal affairs body maintain two main types of records:

1). registration and preventive cards (CPC);

2). accounting and preventive files (UPD).

The following minors are placed on preventive registration with the establishment of the Criminal Procedure Code:

Using narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances without a doctor’s prescription or intoxicating substances;

Those who consume alcohol and alcohol-containing products;

Those who have committed an offense, including before reaching the age at which administrative responsibility begins;

Those who have committed an antisocial act;

Those released from criminal liability as a result of an amnesty act, or in connection with a change in the situation, or in connection with reconciliation with the victim, active repentance, as well as in cases where it is recognized that the correction of a minor can be achieved through the use of compulsory educational measures;

Those who have committed a socially dangerous act and are not subject to criminal liability due to not reaching the age at which criminal liability begins;

Those who have committed a socially dangerous act and are not subject to criminal liability due to mental retardation not associated with a mental disorder;

Accused and suspected of committing crimes in respect of whom preventive measures not related to detention have been chosen;

Parents or other legal representatives who do not fulfill their responsibilities for the upbringing, education and maintenance of minors and negatively influence their behavior or abuse them.

The following minors are placed on preventive registration with the UPD establishment:

Those released on parole from serving their sentences;

Released from punishment as a result of an amnesty act or in connection with a pardon;

Those who received a deferment of serving their sentence;

Those released from institutions of the penal system, who returned from special closed educational institutions, if during their stay in these institutions they committed violations of the regime or committed illegal acts;

Those released from institutions of the penal system, those who have returned from special closed educational institutions and who, after release (release), are in a socially dangerous situation or in need of social assistance or rehabilitation;

Those convicted of committing crimes of minor or moderate gravity and released by the court from punishment with the use of compulsory educational measures;

Conditionally convicted persons;

Those sentenced to restriction of freedom as the main punishment;

Those sentenced to other types of punishment not related to imprisonment.

In addition, in order to prevent group crimes, one observation case may be opened against a group of antisocial minors by the juvenile affairs inspector in whose service area the majority of its participants or the leader of the group live.

Persons registered with the establishment of registration and preventive cards and files are registered in the register of persons registered with the juvenile affairs unit. Inspectors for minors' affairs notify educational institutions where registered persons study, enterprises and institutions where they work about registration. Drug treatment institutions are notified of minors consuming alcoholic beverages, narcotics and other intoxicants. In addition, twice a year, lists of registered teenagers aged seventeen to eighteen are sent to military commissariats.

The registration and preventive case is conducted by the juvenile affairs inspector for six months, after which the period for conducting the case, if necessary, is extended by a resolution approved by the head of the territorial internal affairs body or his deputy each time for six months, but no more than until the person reaches the age of eighteen. In each case, this resolution is accompanied by a plan of preventive measures to prevent new administrative and other offenses on the part of the person under charge.

As a rule, the following official documents are attached to accounting and preventive cases in chronological order:

Resolution on opening a case;

Documents containing information that served as the basis for registration;

Certificate of minor's identification information;

An inspection report on family (housing) and living conditions;

Plan of individual preventive work with a minor;

Preventive measures record sheet;

Explanations of the minor, his parents or legal representatives, received during registration, as well as on the facts of committing administrative and other offenses by the minor;

Certificate of initial conversation between the head of the territorial internal affairs body and the minor, his parents or legal representatives;

A list of connections, which indicates information about the persons with whom the minor communicates, the nature of their influence;

Sheet of monthly checks on information and reference records of administrative offenses committed;

Information from the information center about criminal records;

Materials characterizing a teenager (characteristics from place of residence, study, work);

A report to the local police commissioner and the operational police commissioner (about registering a minor and the need to carry out comprehensive joint preventive work with him);

Resolution on termination of accounting and preventive maintenance

If necessary, accounting and preventive files may contain other procedural and official documents.

Registration and preventive records and registration and preventive cards are subject to termination, and minors are deregistered in the following cases:

Corrections (in this case, persons diagnosed with “drug addiction” or “substance abuse” are deregistered after five years from the date of abstinence from consuming narcotic and other intoxicating drugs; persons consuming narcotic and other intoxicating drugs, alcohol, but those who do not have a diagnosis of drug addiction or substance abuse are deregistered after one year);

Achievement of eighteen years;

A court ruling to revoke a suspended sentence or defer a sentence;

Expiration of the probationary period during a suspended sentence;

Placement in a special closed educational institution;

Committing a crime if a preventive measure in the form of detention is chosen against a person or if he is sentenced to imprisonment;

The occurrence of circumstances excluding the possibility of committing offenses;

Death or recognition of a person as dead or missing.

For officials of juvenile affairs departments

Internal Affairs is also entrusted with the responsibility to carry out initial actions to accommodate children left without parental care or their legal representatives. When such children are brought to the territorial internal affairs bodies or juvenile affairs units, an act is drawn up on the placement of the minor in a specialized institution for minors in need of social rehabilitation. The act is certified by the operational duty officer of the territorial internal affairs body. For abandoned children, an act is drawn up in several copies, one of which is registered in the incident log to resolve the issue of initiating a criminal case and searching for the person responsible for leaving the child in a life-threatening condition, the second is sent along with the child to an institution for minors in need of social rehabilitation.

The quality of prevention of juvenile delinquency in large cities with developed transport infrastructure largely depends on how closely the departments for juvenile affairs of the internal affairs bodies in transport cooperate with the territorial divisions for juvenile affairs of the internal affairs bodies.

Officials of the juvenile affairs units of the internal affairs bodies on railway, water and air transport, along with performing the functions inherent in all employees of the juvenile affairs units, are called upon to:

Implement measures to identify street children at transport facilities, transfer them to parents or persons replacing them, or send them to specialized institutions for minors in need of social rehabilitation, informing the internal affairs authorities at the place of residence of minors about this;

Comprehensively analyze the reasons for the commission of offenses by minors that entailed violations of traffic safety in transport, accidents with teenagers, and send information on such issues to the interested authorities and institutions with proposals for eliminating the identified causes and conditions;

Develop measures to prevent child injuries, crimes and other acts that threaten the safe operation of transport, and interact in solving these problems with employees of transport organizations.

Summing up the interim results, we note that from our position, the main part of the work in the field of preventing administrative and other offenses of persons under eighteen years of age is not limited to the activities of the internal affairs bodies. Prevention carried out by internal affairs bodies should be considered in close connection with the same activities of justice bodies, the prosecutor's office and the court. The prevention carried out by them is also one of the tasks of these bodies, the solution of which is related to the implementation of their functions. The decisive element of any activity is its organization. The prevention of administrative and other offenses by minors requires an integrated approach, combining the efforts of many entities, and a constant combination of general and individual prevention measures at all stages of preventive work.

Road safety is the most important aspect of law enforcement activities. We are talking specifically about safety - since the car, which in itself is a source of increased danger, is the object of this complex social institution.

Traffic police inspectors ensure our safety on the roads every day, there are many jokes on this topic, but the reality is much harsher than ordinary people imagine. After all, it is the traffic police inspectors who spend many hours every day on the street, on the road, to discipline the huge flow of vehicles and pedestrians. It is they who, when they find themselves near serious traffic accidents, save people by getting them out of crippled vehicles and without demanding gratitude. They are the ones who, in any weather, inhale exhaust fumes in huge quantities while on duty and do not demand free milk for this.

When checking vehicles, traffic police officers draw up a lot of reports on administrative offenses, if any. In addition, as police officers, they have the right to carry out a number of procedural actions, and if prohibited items are found in vehicles, they confiscate them. They are the ones who detain drunk drivers who endanger the lives of many people.

Profession tax inspector

The tax inspector performs responsible work - carries out activities aimed at verifying the correctness and timeliness of receipt of taxes and fees from citizens and organizations. The filling of the country's budget directly depends on their professionalism. It is tax inspectors who monitor the payment of taxes and fees, conduct tax audits, identify violations and punish unscrupulous taxpayers. In this way, tax inspectors make a significant contribution to the financial well-being of the country.

Profession HR inspector

The main function of the HR inspector is the selection of personnel, maintaining documentation related to staffing, maintaining documentation for hiring and dismissal. HR inspectors prepare orders for vacations, business trips, incentives, penalties, and also keep records of working hours.

Occupation: juvenile affairs inspector

The profession of a juvenile affairs inspector requires a person to be highly erudite, since when working in the Ministry of Internal Affairs system through minors, a lot of social relations are affected that can relate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs only indirectly.

PDN inspectors interact with all internal affairs services - divisions of the criminal police service, with the public security police, the inquiry agency and the preliminary investigation authorities. They receive materials not only about crimes and offenses committed by minors, but also against minors.

Inspectors interact with centers for temporary isolation of minors - in cases where representatives of the contingent have not reached the age of criminal responsibility, but require isolation. They also provide patronage to special closed and semi-closed schools, as well as a guardianship and trusteeship fund.

When working with minors, a lot of questions arise, since due to age, psycho-emotional development, and so on, they are not fully able to protect their rights and interests. Inspectors help them exercise their rights and obtain the necessary support or protection provided by law.

Each inspector has his own area where relevant records are kept of minors and everything connected with them: dysfunctional families, previously convicted minors from 14 to 18 years of age, persons prone to crime and an immoral lifestyle under 14 years of age. Each specific case is monitored.

The preventive work of the PDN inspector is to create conditions for the minor in order to prevent the occurrence of situations in which he could commit a crime or an administrative offense. The PDN inspector is responsible for the persons registered with them.

If it turns out that a minor has committed a serious or especially serious crime due to improper control by a juvenile affairs inspector, the latter may even be subject to disciplinary action.

Profession fire inspector

The Ministry of Emergency Situations is also called upon to ensure the safety of citizens. Fire inspectors spend a lot of time and meticulously checking wiring, electric heating devices, space heating systems, and so on, not because they like to torment people, but so that a tragedy does not occur. Everyone remembers the Lame Horse tragedy, which is why the work of fire inspectors is important, along with many other types of inspectors.

  • Suponina Elena Alexandrovna, Candidate of Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer
  • Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

The article examines certain powers delegated by law to PDN employees to resolve applications and reports from citizens about crimes and administrative offenses committed by minors, as well as incidents involving persons under the age of majority.

  • On some powers of police officers to identify, prevent and suppress offenses by persons under the age of majority
  • On the issue of administrative offenses encroaching on the rights and legitimate interests of minors
  • Administrative responsibility for promoting non-traditional sexual relations among minors: problems and prospects
  • Administrative responsibility for the admission of a minor to a theatrical, entertainment, cultural, educational or entertainment event with public performance of a work of literature, art or folk art containing obscene language
  • Legal regulation and law enforcement practice of taking a child away from parents: problems and prospects

Legal regulation of the system for preventing unlawful acts by persons under the age of majority is one of the priority areas of the legal policy of our state. For these purposes, various (mainly educational) methods, methods and techniques of preventive influence are used in relation to minors who lead an antisocial lifestyle, as well as juvenile delinquents. A special place in the system of preventing neglect and juvenile delinquency is occupied by the juvenile affairs divisions of the internal affairs bodies.

One of the main job responsibilities of a police inspector as an employee of internal affairs bodies (police) is the function of receiving messages, statements and other information about illegal acts of minors, as well as other events that threaten the personal safety of adolescents or public safety, promptly informing the duty officer about their receipt. territorial Department of Internal Affairs of Russia, immediately take measures provided for by current legislation.

In order to consider applications, proposals and complaints from citizens within the competence of the service, juvenile affairs inspectors receive them. In accordance with clause 28 of the Instructions for organizing the activities of units for juvenile affairs of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, registration of the reception of citizens is carried out in the journal for registering the reception of citizens in the PDN.

In accordance with paragraph 29 of the mentioned instructions, the PDN keeps a log of the results of inspections of the PDN activities, including accounting and registration activities. Control over the completeness and correctness of the design of this journal, the timeliness of eliminating identified violations during its maintenance is carried out by the heads of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on a monthly basis. The results of the work of the PDN are reviewed by one of the managers of the PDN at least once a month.

Specific deadlines, as well as the mechanism of action when exercising the powers of PDN employees to receive, register and resolve messages and statements about crimes, administrative offenses (hereinafter referred to as APN), and incidents are determined by the relevant instructions approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated August 29, 2014 No. 736.

In accordance with this instruction, a PDN employee who has received a message or statement about an unlawful act committed by a minor, or about an incident involving a teenager, is obliged to report information about the essence of the received (accepted) message (application), for the purpose of immediate registration of the latter in the KUSP.

If, for objective reasons, the PDN employee who received the corresponding message or statement is not able to immediately transmit the above information to the duty station, it must be transmitted there in the form of a message (original statement, protocol for accepting an oral statement, etc.) upon the employee’s arrival at the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

A PDN employee who receives a message or statement about an unlawful act committed by a person under the age of majority or about an incident involving such a person is obliged to immediately inform the officials of the duty station:

  • about the date and time of receipt of the message or application;
  • about the surname, name and patronymic of the person who submitted the application or message;
  • about the address of residence (place of stay), telephone number of the person who submitted the application or message;
  • on the form of recording a message or statement;
  • about the content of the message or statement.

In the event of a message about an APN or a crime being received via a helpline, the authorized PDN employee who received it is obliged to record the information in the appropriate accounting form, formalize it as a report and transfer it to the duty department of the territorial authority for timely registration in the KUSP, and also report this to the head of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

If there is a registered message, it is checked by an employee on instructions given by the head of the territorial body, and during his absence - on instructions given by the operational duty officer. In this case, the relevant information is recorded in column 6 of the KUSP.

The PDN employee tasked with conducting the inspection:

  1. Upon an application for a crime involving a minor, in the case where no signs of the specified crime have been identified, an appropriate report is drawn up.
  2. Upon reporting a crime involving a minor:
    • if signs of the specified crime are revealed, the corresponding statement of crime is taken from the person who reported it;
    • if there are no signs of a crime, a corresponding report is drawn up.
  3. Based on a report of an APN involving a minor, if an unlawful act is identified or there are no grounds for initiating a case on an APN, an appropriate report is drawn up.
  4. Upon notification or application of an incident involving minors:
    • if signs of a crime are detected, the corresponding statement of crime is taken from the person reporting it;
    • if reasons for initiating a case regarding the APN are identified, draw up a corresponding report;
    • if the initially received information is not confirmed, namely: there are no signs of a crime or grounds for initiating an APN case, a corresponding report is drawn up.

Upon arrival at the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the PDN employee is obliged to immediately submit to the head of the territorial body or, in his absence, to the operational duty officer the relevant documents prepared or received during the inspection. The mentioned documents must be attached to the message or statement about the crime, the APN and the incident previously registered in the KUSP, and the relevant information must be entered in Column 4 of the KUSP.

For each registered statement about a crime, about the APN and about an incident involving persons under the age of majority, the head of the territorial body is obliged to give written instructions on their resolution, which will subsequently determine the sequence of actions of the PDN officer.

If signs of a socially dangerous act are identified when considering a message or application for an APN or an incident involving persons under the age of majority, a PDN employee must immediately prepare an appropriate report for reporting to the head of the territorial body and registration in the KUSP.

Based on the results of consideration of a message or application for APN with the participation of adolescents, a PDN employee or an official authorized to draw up protocols on APN within the limits of his powers makes one of the following decisions:

  1. On the initiation of a case regarding the APN.
  2. On issuing a ruling to refuse to initiate a case regarding the APN.
  3. On the transfer of materials for consideration within the jurisdiction.

The materials on which the decision was made to begin proceedings on the APN case are registered in the register of APN cases. The maintenance and storage of these logs is assigned by the head of the territorial body to employees of departments for the implementation of administrative legislation.

PDN employees must ensure timely and clear identification of juvenile offenders, parents or other legal representatives who negatively influence children, by studying and analyzing information contained in such records, materials on bringing offenders to administrative and other liability, materials on refusal to initiate criminal proceedings cases, their termination, KUSP, a book of records of persons brought to the duty station of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, as well as information received by the PDN from other divisions of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and other bodies and institutions of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency.

Thus, consideration of appeals, statements and reports of crimes, APNs concerning persons under the age of majority, is one of the basic responsibilities of a juvenile affairs inspector. Based on the above, every PDN official must know the timing and procedure for receiving and considering this information, which is received by the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. This will make it possible to correctly and timely take the necessary measures to prevent offenses committed by teenagers and to protect the rights and legitimate interests of citizens. It should be remembered that violation of the procedural deadlines for considering messages, proposals, complaints from citizens and statements about illegal acts committed is a gross violation of the law.


  1. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated October 15, 2013 No. 845 “On approval of the Instructions for organizing the activities of juvenile affairs units of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation” / [Electronic resource] - Access mode. - URL: www.base.consultant.ru (date of access: 09/21/2016).
  2. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated August 29, 2014 No. 736 “On approval of the Instructions on the procedure for receiving, registering and resolving in the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation statements and reports of crimes, administrative offenses, and incidents” / [Electronic resource] - Access mode. - URL: www.base.consultant.ru (date of access: 09/21/2016).