
Catholic Christmas: date. Catholic Christmas: Traditions. Christmas for Western Christians: History, Traditions and Rituals When Christmas is celebrated in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine

Christmas is the main holiday of Christians around the world. Catholics, Protestants, Lutherans and Orthodox in many countries celebrate it on December 25th. The Serbian, Bulgarian and Russian Orthodox churches did not switch to the Gregorian calendar and continue to use the Julian calendar, in which December 25 corresponds to January 7 in the Gregorian calendar. This is due to the temporal discrepancy incomprehensible to many.

The exact reason why Christmas is celebrated on December 25 is unknown, as is the exact date of Jesus' birth. According to one version, this choice is due to the fact that all early Christians celebrated the feast of the Annunciation on March 25th. Adding 9 months to this date, they got the date of Christmas. According to another version, one of the most important Christian holidays replaced the celebration of the winter solstice, which all pagans celebrated as the moment of the birth of the sun god.

4 Sundays before Christmas, the Advent period begins for Catholics - a time of fasting and repentance. Catholic clergy wear purple vestments. On the eve of the holiday - Christmas Eve - they observe a particularly strict fast and eat barley or wheat grains boiled with honey - sochivo. On this day, the family decorates the Christmas tree and gathers at the Christmas table late in the evening. They celebrate Christmas until January 1, and every day of the Christmas Octave is associated with the name of a saint, martyr, or some gospel story.

On Christmas Day I want to congratulate
I wish you friends
Great faith and hope
Love and happiness, silver.

So that dreams always come true,
Smiles, peace and warmth.
To have relatives with you
Today, tomorrow and always!

Let there be only a holiday in the house,
Peace, comfort and kindness.
I wish you good health
And a lot of magic!

Let the heart shine on Christmas
In fate reign only warmth, prosperity,
And only happiness reigns triumph,
Let luck leave a bright imprint.

Let life play joy with a string.
We wish you health and prosperity.
Let the big house sparkle with success,
All dreams and wishes come true!

Happy Catholic Christmas! I wish that in every home there was peace and tranquility, harmony and prosperity. Let miracles and wonderful events happen, filling life with delightful moments, happy smiles and kindness of human hearts. Love, well-being and prosperity!

May this day be Christmas, bright,
God will send you unearthly gifts,
I wish the Lord to you from heaven
He sent health, kindness and miracles!

Let all evil recede from you,
May God fill hearts only with goodness,
Only peace and tranquility live in the soul,
And happiness flows to you like a stormy river!

A star lights up
And December sparkles:
On the day of Holy Christmas
Let the miracle happen!

Let joy come from heaven
Will give happiness to everyone
If you believe, it's waiting
To become a part of life.

Let the lights burn brighter
On a good holiday, bright -
You will fulfill all your dreams
Let heaven help!

Christmas has come to your house
The holiday is knocking on the door.
We wish magic
Let it happen!

May the Lord bless
Will strengthen you in faith.
This evening a bright spirit
Let him enter your door.

Do good to others
And it will return.
And then surely
Happiness smiles.

Guiding star
Will add joy
Pure white snow
Add joy.

Christmas is coming
Throw away all your worries
May goodness and magic
At a glorious hour, they come to visit.

Let the sparkle of candles shine
Chasing away all the bad
To the best of all nights
Giving the light of happiness!

I wish you a Merry Christmas
And I wish that every moment
Was saturated with goodness and warmth,
So that you always live without trouble!

May he send you happiness, health
Merciful Lord at Christmas,
And fill the souls with love
Turning the world into magic!

Merry Christmas to you!
Let the celebration please everyone,
Santa Claus with a huge bag
Will definitely visit your house.
Friends will gather around the table
Friendly and big family
Wish each other well
So that hope lives in the souls.
Well, I wish you all success.
Lots of happiness, smiles and laughter.

Congratulate on December day
I want you Merry Christmas
May the Lord bestow happiness
Peace, light, magic.

Happiness to you and your loved ones
And the health of the whole family,
Let faith illuminate you
The path is always in worldly darkness.

May wishes come true
The heart sings in joy
Christmas let the cleansing
It will bring enlightenment.
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When is Christmas celebrated by Western Christians?

Every year on December 25, Western Christians celebrate Christmas. This holiday is established in honor of the birth in the flesh of the Son of God by the Virgin Mary in the city of Bethlehem.

This is one of the most important Christian holidays for both Catholics, Lutherans and other Protestant denominations, as well as for the Orthodox Church, which celebrates this event in the old style a little later, on January 7th.

In 2018, Catholic Christmas falls on a Tuesday. Since 2017, this holiday has been approved in Ukraine at the official level and is a day off.


Nativity of Christ among Western Christians - the history of the holiday

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Presumably, this event is timed to date, which in many cultures was regarded as a rebirth and the beginning of a new life.

In addition, it is believed that the feast of the Nativity of Christ supplanted paganism and originates from the cult holiday "Birthday of the Invincible Sun" held by the Romans on this day.

Another version says that the Nativity of Christ was calculated based on the date of the feast of the Incarnation (the conception of God's Son), which occurred on March 25. If we add 9 months to this day, we get December 25th.


How Catholic Christmas is celebrated - traditions and rituals

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Four weeks before Catholic Christmas, the Advent period begins, i.e. a time of fasting, waiting, preparing and meditating on the subject of the second coming of Jesus Christ.

Also on Christmas Day, 3 Christmas services are performed - in honor of God the Father, the Mother of God and the Christian soul. According to tradition, fasting ends with the appearance of the first evening star in the sky.

Starting from the 13th century, the custom appeared in the temples for the worship of Christians to decorate a manger with the Infant Jesus, the Mother of God, Joseph, shepherds, and also domestic animals.

In the celebration of Christmas, church and folk rituals are closely intertwined. In Catholic countries, house-to-house walking, caroling, songs and holiday wishes are popular. Unfortunately, this custom is condemned by church authorities as pagan.

Many traditions are associated with the holiday period, such as Christmas Eve, the Christmas wreath, the Advent calendar, the Christmas log, the breaking of bread, gifts and others.

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The main tradition of the Nativity of Christ is the establishment of a ritual tree in houses, temples and city squares - a Christmas tree decorated with toys, garlands, nuts and sweets. This pagan tradition originated among the Germans, for whom spruce is a symbol of life and fertility, and gradually spread throughout the world.

Recall that we previously said how to make Christmas crafts with your own hands. See tips and photos on.

Christian denominations living according to the Gregorian and the so-called New Julian calendar celebrate Nativity two weeks earlier than Orthodox Christians, who adhere to the so-called "old style". Christmas in the Western religious tradition is considered the main holiday, which is associated with the joyful expectation of a miracle.

When is Catholic Christmas

Christmas according to the Gregorian and New Julian calendars is celebrated December 25. Christmas Eve is celebrated December 24, and in the evening on this day all the main Christmas services are held.

Who celebrates Christmas on December 24-25

When is Christmas celebrated in Russia and Ukraine

Russian Orthodox Church celebrates holidays according to the Julian calendar, so in Russia they will celebrate Christmas on the night of 6 to 7 January. This holiday is a public holiday in Russia.

In Ukraine and Belarus, the majority of Orthodox people also celebrate Christmas together with the Russians - on January 6-7. But in Ukraine, for the sake of Catholics and representatives of other faiths who live according to the Gregorian calendar (and there are many such among Ukrainians, although not the majority), December 25 is also declared a day off. However, this is probably for the best, since an extra holiday day is always good, especially when it comes to Christmas.

History of Christmas

Christmas is associated with the gospel story of the birth of the son of God Jesus Christ at the virgin Mary.

According to the Gospel, in the year of the birth of Jesus, by decree of the emperor august in the Roman Empire, of which Judea was a part, a census was conducted. For the convenience of scribes, all the inhabitants of Judah were ordered to appear in the city of their birth. Husband of the Virgin Mary saint Joseph was a descendant of the king David, and his "small homeland" was Bethlehem. Mary, at that time already pregnant, went to Bethlehem with her husband.

However, in Bethlehem, due to the influx of guests, Mary and Joseph could not get into the hotel. When the due date approached, Mary gave birth to the child Jesus in a cave in which cattle were hidden from the weather.

After the birth of Jesus, the first to bow to him were the shepherds, who were informed by an angel about the birth of the son of God. Next came the magi, who showed the way to the cave a star that appeared in the sky at the time of the birth of Jesus. The Magi brought Jesus royal gifts - gold, frankincense and myrrh. With this gift, the Magi made it clear that they see in the baby Jesus the king of God.

According to the Catholic tradition, the Magi, who themselves were kings (according to another version, magicians) were called Melchior, Caspar And Balthazar.

Having learned about the birth of the son of God, the then king of Judea is cruel Herod decided to destroy Jesus. Herod did not understand and ordered to kill in Judea all babies under the age of two years (the famous massacre of babies).

However, an angel of God saved Jesus and his family. The angel told Joseph, together with Mary and the child, to flee to Egypt, where the holy family hid until the death of Herod, after which they safely returned to Judea.

Catholic Christmas - holiday traditions

Catholics begin to prepare for Christmas in advance - a month in advance. The pre-Christmas period is called Advent, it includes prayers, fasting (not as strict as Christmas for the Orthodox), as well as various activities related to charity.

Advent is dedicated to the expectation of the miracle of Christmas, so various Christmas events are held in Europe at this time - fairs, performances, etc. The most grandiose pre-Christmas fairs are held in Germany.

Catholic Christmas Eve

On this day, it is customary for believers to keep a strict fast. It is advisable not to eat anything all day, and when the first star lights up in the sky, “break the fast” with juicy - grains of various cereals boiled in honey. At this time, festive services are held in Catholic and Protestant churches, and then people go home and sit down at the festive table, which traditionally includes meat delicacies.

Catholic Christmas traditions

nativity scenes

Since the Middle Ages in Western Europe, a custom has appeared to arrange Christmas cribs for Christmas - to make toy mangers with dolls in the form of the Virgin Mary, baby Jesus, St. Joseph, shepherds, wise men, etc.


At Christmas, Europeans, especially children, love caroling - dressing up in carnival costumes and masks and walking through the streets and houses, singing Christmas carols. Singers are usually given sweets or money.

Christmas tree

The main Christmas custom, which came to Russia in the time of Peter the Great by visiting Germans, is to put a decorated spruce tree in houses and squares, which symbolizes the tree of paradise.

Santa Claus

Santa Claus(he's a saint Nicholas) is a Christmas grandfather who brings gifts to children at Christmas. In Western tradition, it is believed that, like St. Nicholas, Santa enters houses at night through the chimney, leaving gifts under the tree or in a special sock hung by the fireplace.

As we wait for this wonderful holiday,
Again the world is lit up with magic,
How much joy, how much happiness
You and I will bring Christmas!

Holiday time, gift time,
Time of happiness, peace, miracles,
Let the star of Christmas shine bright
We love, sending from heaven!

Let Christmas light up
Every home
Strengthens faith in God
For in it -
Consolation, joy, and support.

And the hope is
What we will soon understand:
There is nothing more precious in the world than love,
With her, we seem to be higher from the earth.

Christmas will remind us of this again,
Let love give way to miracles.

This is a holiday that we all love, uniting peoples and countries, called Christmas. Catholic Christmas is traditionally celebrated on the night of December 24-25. This is customary in America and Africa, in many European and Eastern countries.

Why are there two dates for Christmas?

Everyone knows that there are two dates for the celebration of Christmas - this is on the night of December 24-25 and on the night of January 6-7, when Orthodox Christians celebrate.

The main difference is due to confusion in the calendars of the chronology - Julian and Gregorian.

When Catholic Christmas is celebrated, the date corresponds to the setting of the Roman Church after the victory of Constantine the Great (320 or 353 AD). Since then, Christians began to celebrate Christmas on December 25, with the exception of a few eastern temples, which set a different date - January 6.

Orthodox Christmas is celebrated from 6 to 7 because this date was set according to the Julian calendar, according to which there was one more day in February. For many years, namely for every 128, this "extra" day forced the entire chronology to shift, which is why the feast of Easter began to come much earlier than expected. It was then that it was decided to replace the Julian calendar with the Gregorian one in order to correct the situation. Thus, from the end of the 16th century, the whole world began to use the new calendar, while Russia continued to use the Julian until the 20th century, despite the prohibition of the church. Later there were attempts to introduce a new calendar, but they were rejected, and Orthodox Christmas was never celebrated at the same time as Catholic Christmas. The date of the last one remained the same - December 25, but everyone is already used to it.

Dishes for Catholic Christmas

Let's move on to even more interesting details of the celebration of such a wonderful holiday as Catholic Christmas. Consider what is customary to cook and serve on the table on this day.

It is worth noting that in each country you can find its own zest. For example, in the UK, the main dishes for Catholic Christmas are turkey baked in gooseberry sauce and Christmas pudding (which, by the way, is poured over with rum and set on fire before serving).

In France, the turkey is served with a white wine sauce, while in the United States it is served with a cranberry sauce.

Austria and Hungary differ in that Catholic Christmas dishes do not include poultry. The reason for this is the belief that happiness will fly away this evening if it is on the table.

In Poland, at least 12 dishes are usually served on Catholic Christmas, traditionally these are: kutya, borscht or mushroom soup, zucchini rolls, pies with cabbage or mushrooms, herring and baked carp, as well as sweet plum and poppy pies or rolls, the famous gingerbread, uzvar (dried fruit compote), etc.

Germany is also famous for its sweets at Christmas - various types of cookies and gingerbread, cinnamon muffins.

Amazing "fishy" Christmas

Italian Americans have their own amazing menu based on seafood. This festival is called The Vigil. In total, there should be at least 7 dishes on the table. They may consist of Baccalà (salted cod), anchovies, blue whiting, lobster, sardines, smelt, eel, squid, octopus, shrimp, mussels and other shellfish. And each of these seafood should be on the table. These can be both main courses, appetizers and salads, baked or fried fish, sauces, etc. A celebration is not complete without a bottle of good wine.

"Fish" Christmas is also loved in Spain and Norway.

Catholic Christmas: Traditions

On the eve of this holiday - Christmas Eve - it is pleasant to eat lean food: cereals, honey, nuts, and so on. According to the traditions of Christianity, fasting ends with the appearance of the first star in the sky.

This holiday is characterized by special symbols and rituals:

Here are some customs that are accepted around the world on Christmas Day. These traditions wander from country to country. Somewhere they appeared earlier, somewhere later. But today these customs are clear to any Catholic.

Catholic Christmas in Europe

Most Europeans celebrate the Catholic Christmas. Therefore, all the traditions described above in Europe are observed by many, and the festive menu contains approximately the same list of dishes. As we found out, there are some differences in the celebration of Christmas in each country. However, the worldwide love for this holiday unites nations, and traditions are passed from country to country, enriching the culture.

Catholicism is characteristic of most European countries. Of course, there are other religions, but Catholicism prevails. Therefore, on December 25, all people gather in the circle of their relatives and friends at a festive dinner, talk and rejoice at the Nativity of Christ.

Postcards for Catholic Christmas

Well, the most pleasant symbols of this holiday are gifts for Catholic Christmas. Postcards are one of the most popular greetings. Children around the world are looking forward to the Christmas holiday, because on this day they receive their long-awaited gifts that Santa Claus brings them.

Who brings joy to the house?

Tellingly, in different countries this cheerful grandfather, who brings the greatest joy to children, is called differently. In America and Great Britain it is Santa Claus, as well as in some other countries. In Russia and Ukraine, this is Santa Claus. In Germany, he is called Nikolaus, in Latin America there is also his own name - Papa Noel.

On this day, adults and children enjoy gifts, but it is also customary to send postcards. In these messages, people wish each other happiness and health, love, prosperity and wealth, success and good luck in business.

December 25, 2018, like every year, Catholics - residents of South and North America, Western Europe, Australia, Asia and Africa - celebrate Christmas. In Orthodox countries, December 25 is called Catholic Christmas. This day is the most important Christian and public holiday in more than 140 countries around the world.

The feast of the Nativity is celebrated in memory of the birth of the innocent Virgin Mary the Son of God Jesus Christ. This event provides an opportunity for the salvation of souls and eternal life for believers.

Why is December 25th celebrated?

The first information about the celebration of Christmas can be attributed to the IV century. The question of the true date of the birth of Jesus continues to be controversial and not unambiguously resolved among church authors.

Probably, the choice of the date of December 25 is related to the solar pagan holiday "Birth of the Invincible Sun", which fell on this day. It is quite possible that after the adoption of Christianity in Rome, it acquired a new content.

The Nativity of Christ involves five days of forefeast. On the eve of the holiday, a strict fast is observed, which is called Christmas Eve, since on this day they eat sochivo - barley or wheat grains boiled with honey.

On the eve of the holiday, a strict fast is observed

In the 13th century, the custom arose to exhibit mangers in churches, in which the figure of the Infant Jesus is placed. After a while, mangers began to be installed not only in shrines, but also in houses before Christmas. Church and pagan customs - rituals are extremely organically intertwined with each other, complementing each other. For example, lighting a ritual fire in the hearth (“Christmas log”), the custom of breaking “Christmas bread”, caroling.

One of the most popular elements of Christmas is an elegant spruce. This tradition comes from the Germanic tribes, in which spruce symbolized fertility and life.

With the advent of Christianity, the peoples of Central and Northern Europe began to decorate the tree, setting it up in their homes on December 24th. Since then, the coniferous beauty has acquired a new symbolism, turning into a tree of paradise abundance.

Catholic Christmas

Catholic Christmas is "ahead" of Orthodox Christmas by thirteen days. This happened because of the difference in calendars: Pope Gregory XIII introduced a new, “Gregorian” calendar in 1582, which was defined as “new style”.

The Julian calendar came to be considered the old style. At the time when Europe switched to the Gregorian calendar, Russia continued to use the Julian calendar. In the Soviet Union, the Gregorian calendar was introduced in 1918, but this decision was not approved by the church. At the initiative of the Patriarch of Constantinople, in 1923, a meeting of the Orthodox Churches was held, where a decision was approved to transform the Julian calendar into the "New Julian" calendar.

Due to historical circumstances, the Russian Orthodox Church did not take part in the meeting. However, Patriarch Tikhon managed to issue a decree on the transition to the "New Julian" calendar, which was perceived rather negatively by the church people. A month later, the decision was cancelled.

Thus, Protestants and Catholics living according to the Gregorian calendar celebrate Christmas on December 25th. And on January 7, the Georgian, Jerusalem, Ukrainian, Serbian and Russian Orthodox Churches, living according to the Julian calendar, celebrate Christmas.

The remaining eleven Local Orthodox Churches of the world celebrate Christmas on December 25, since they do not use the Catholic Gregorian calendar, but the so-called "New Julian", which coincides with the Gregorian.

Christmas customs and traditions

At the heart of the Christmas tradition of giving gifts to each other is the Gospel story of the three wise men who, while worshiping the Infant Jesus, presented him with gifts - myrrh, frankincense and gold. On this day, families gather for a Christmas dinner, and the festive table is decorated with traditional dishes that vary from country to country.

In England, Christmas rum pudding is a must for Christmas.

So, in England at Christmas, Christmas pudding doused with rum and turkey with gooseberry sauce are mandatory dishes. In the US, the Christmas table is decorated with turkey, which is served exclusively with cranberry sauce. In Ireland, a ham or turkey is served at Christmas, in Germany - a roast goose, in Greece - a turkey in wine.

On the festive tables of Hungary, Austria, the Balkan countries there is never a Christmas turkey, chicken or duck. There it is considered that on this evening any bird can carry away family happiness on its wings. In Luxembourg, apples, black pudding and sparkling wine are consumed during Christmas dinner. In Belgium, he consumes traditional cake, sausage with truffles and wine. The Portuguese eat bacalao, a dried codfish dish, for Christmas.

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