
Cool statuses for valentine's day. Statuses for Valentine's Day Statuses about love on February 14

The most romantic of all statuses for Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki and Facebooka. Probably no one will argue with this. The only thing everyone is looking for valentines day status according to your mood. Someone is looking Valentine's Day statuses about love someone is looking for statuses for Valentine's Day congratulatory, statuses for Valentine's Day for women, somebody Valentine's Day statuses for men, statuses on Valentine's Day congratulations, Valentine's statuses, statuses on February 14th.

Do you know what real courage is? Confess to someone in love, not counting on reciprocity

Statuses for Valentine's Day congratulations:

Give me your heart - I already gave you mine

Anyone can catch my eye, but only you managed to catch my heart

Keep those feelings that inspired, never part, I wish you to love as you love now - always.

I want to hug you and reassure you, touch your lips, not in my thoughts - in reality and whisper in your ear “I am with you, Love me as I love you”

Saint Valentine on this day allows Those to confess their love, who do not yet know What other way to choose to open their whole soul and expose their love.

Do you know what real courage is? Confess to someone in love, not counting on reciprocity

How nice to know that today is February 14 and you have a person who will make this holiday even better!!

Well, where are you, my other half? I hope you don't ignore me at least this Valentine's Day??

All the same, it's good to be a woman ... The lover gave me an iPhone, the husband bought a Yamaha mini system for the iPhone. Now I sit and wonder, maybe they communicate?

Forget about sadness and pain...

After all, love reigns on this day ...

Statuses for Valentine's Day for women:

Give me your heart - I already gave you mine

And I don't need Valentine's Day!

I love you everyday

You are my very, very best.

I love you.

My favorite told me .... a mirror on the morning of Valentine's Day.

February 14 is a day for the people we love. So-so. Since I don’t have a boyfriend, I’ll dedicate this day to myself, my beloved!

Statuses for Valentine's Day for women about love:

What is the true proof of love? When someone wants to take your partner away, but he does not want to be with anyone but you

Love the one who deserves love, not the one who needs it

I love you!!!

And this is not glamorous pathos on Valentine's Day -

This is the cry of the soul.

Proof of love cannot be romantic words, promises, sighs and gifts. The real proof of love is pain and patience.

True love can't have a happy ending - it just doesn't end, True love can't have one day a year.

Love is the ability to hate the same things together

Love! Love is unique! Love! After all, there is no shame in this! Love! for everyone to see it! And I could say: Wow!

Love is not complicated at all - it's people who make it so!

Statuses for Valentine's Day for men:

To whoever is reading this: You are beautiful and someone pines for you. Smile. Life is too short to be sad.

On Valentine's Day, men are just intermediaries between women. Some women sell flowers to other women.

Fate decides who we meet, but you decide who will remain in your heart ... love, thank you for choosing me

Butterflies do not see their wings. They do not understand how beautiful they are, but others see their beauty. Same with you.

True love is not when you want someone, but when you need this someone - the sun, I only need you

Valentine's Day is not a holiday for lovers, but for sellers of postcards and chocolates.

All my life I have been assembling a puzzle, and I realized that I would not succeed without one piece, and this piece is you!

If you want to be original and install this status for valentine's day in your social bookmarks, which will be unique, not hackneyed from year to year, but fresh, interesting, romantic or even cool, then you have come to the right address.

Statuses for Valentine's Day for men

* * *
Honey, wake up! Valentine's Day
Gently, softly knocked on our door today!
I have already opened it to him, and he asks to pass,
What else in the world can not be found like you!
* * *
Honey, I know, I know, I'm unromantic
I don't like balloons and hearts in cardboard
But you know, I'm a man, so I'm practical!
Isn't it better for us to fly to Valentine's at sea? ..
* * *
Bunny, my sunshine! On this great day
Valentine's Day - I want to openly
Claim for the whole city, no - for the whole country:
I am crazy in love with you! I love you!
* * *
On the plumbing flute
I'm playing a serenade for you.
I sing, I speak and I shout about
How much I adore you!
* * *
In honor of Valentine's Day, for the hundred thousandth time I will sing, speak and shout:
“You are so alone. I am lucky. I don't have to look anymore."
* * *

Statuses for Valentine's Day for a girl

* * *
Honey, wake up!! No, no, we weren't robbed!
I just remembered we didn't book a table.
Also, on Valentine's Day...
Oh, fell asleep ... He is a romantic ... Simply impossible!
* * *

Statuses for loved ones

* * *
Let's forget all the insults and quarrels
At least for Valentine's Day!
And we will remember everything
what has united us for a long time!
* * *
Maybe we're not perfect at all.
But such a living love must be looked for!
Valentine's Day has come and I propose
Try to become the ideal for each other!
* * *
We were in joy and in sorrow, on land and in water,
We met a lot of sun, giving a chance to darkness.
And today, in this light
And romantic Valentine's Day
We will not allow between us
Flashed even the slightest, but a shadow.
* * *
Cold and uncomfortable? It's not a problem!
After all, my love will warm even in the cold!
And if I bring a blanket and a cup of tea,
It will get even warmer - I promise!
* * *
Flowers and sweets on - it's traditional and familiar. But our love will never become familiar.
* * *
Saint Valentine died because of love. I offer a more optimistic option: live for our love!
* * *

Cool statuses for Valentine's Day

* * *
Carefully! In love!
* * *
Held with love - do not disturb until the morning!
* * *
Let more passion and intimacy into your home as Valentine's Day strikes!
* * *
Today is Valentine's Day. Have you stocked up on bears and sweets? ..
* * *
Someone loves for something ... Someone because of something ... But I love in spite of everything and just like that ...
* * *
Wow, today is Valentine's Day!
I'll send out postcards, I can do it!
It seems like a trifle, but nice: a light in the heart
Lights up. Attention is like a flower...
* * *

Beautiful statuses on Valentine's Day

* * *
You don't like Valentine's Day? In vain!
No beloved, beloved? But there are friends!
Maybe they, like you, are very lonely!
Call, congratulations! And the holiday will not be cruel!
* * *
Valentine, come on!
We've been waiting for you
Flowers and dinner on the table...
How much we dreamed
Finally hold
This day is right!
And so we to you
Very, very happy!
* * *
There are people who don't like Valentine's Day. And, in my opinion, they do not like not the holiday itself. They don't like to love...
* * *

If you like our statuses for valentine's day, feel free to put them on in the morning, cheer yourself up and those around you, give love and receive it in return! Happy Valentine's day!

Don't know who to give a heart on February 14th? Give it to your Mom - She deserves it ...

In Russia, it's time to rename the Catholic holiday - St. Valentine on the Day of the Chelyabinsk meteorite and give each other pebbles))))))

Sending Valentines, I wish you all love.

On Valentine's Day, you came home drunk, all sullen, with a sour face, and I was waiting for you with a salary ...

Not only on Valentine's Day, but always love, regardless of the year ...

But I want to dedicate this status to all the cool women who, like me, will celebrate alone on St. Valentine's Day, sit at home with a chocolate bar and a mug of tea...

On Valentine's Day, my mine turned sad ((

This will be the first February 14th that I will meet with a live guy. How to behave? Disconnect it from the battery?

The fly stomps with its paws, that's an infection, it wants a lot! The cat lifted its tail with a pipe - it is not enough to see it today. Hedgehog and hedgehog rustle, all in needles, but they want to. Everyone in the world crave intimacy! Happy St. Valentine!)))

Caramel - sweet, airy chocolate! And in the internet, I will give you, friends, hearts!

Valentine's Day is the best time to confess your feelings and, most importantly, find out if they are mutual...

I will lay the fields for lovers, let them sing in a dream and in reality! I breathe - and that means I love, I love - and that means I live!

Do you know why when kissing lovers close their eyes? Because tenderness and love come to their eyelids with small legs.

Happy Valentine's Day to all your loved ones! Those who love and love, whose love we keep in our hearts!

The crisis of the financial market will overshadow even the day of lovers, so a valentine came from the bank: “Our beloved! Pay off the loan!

The most important love after God is self-love. Appreciate each other and never, ever feel alone! Happy Valentine's Day!

Compose a fairy tale together, bring it to life, patience and kindness to everyone, always be with your loved ones !!!

Love is the mirror of the soul. When you love and are loved, the souls of lovers are mutually reflected in each other. A radiant aura of happiness is created around them, one for two!

An elegant woman is a woman in a black sweater and a black tight skirt, walking arm in arm with a man in love with her.

Of course, I don't care who Saint Valentine was, but I doubt that he wanted everyone to fuck in memory of him.

The best gift for Valentine's Day is a table where you serve breakfast in bed Beloved ...

There is an extra reason and reason for the kindest, most tender words. May love unite hearts on Valentine's Day.

You wake up on February 14, kiss her gently, whisper: “You are the best thing I have!”, Turn her over with a cold side and fall asleep.

Love is kindness. Love is a dream Love is a fairy tale For those who are in love!

If I suddenly open up on Valentine's Day, like a decent man, Do not deceive me?

I love you! Most in the world!!! You are my only, beloved, and the best girl in my life ... ”- the mirror told me on St. Valentine's Day.

February 14 will be the day when the girls will be divided into two types: some will roar and thump, and others will take pictures of their bouquets ...

Happy Valentine's Day, friends!!! On this day, I ask you very much: Do not be shy about feelings, yourself. If love has settled in your heart and lives in you, let it be mutual, not wither, but bloom!!!

Even though it's cold and blizzard outside... We know how to warm each other... Happy Valentine's Day! !

“Sunny, I love you so much and I’m so afraid of losing you. So this Valentine's Day, I'm giving you this GPS collar!"

Only sincerely loving hearts can survive everything, can forgive everything and can endure a lot, in the name of their soul mate and love.

I wish that you were loved on Valentine's Day, So that the bed would not break ... When they congratulate.

- Beloved, February 14 is coming soon! Have you come up with something special yet?
- Soon. Invented a skateboard for pigeons.

Your love, like rose petals, filled my heart! Happy Valentine's day!

Lovely women! You can February 14 We will not prove what you are "the most - the most" and that our Love for you is "the most - the most" ...

How do you celebrate Valentine's Day?

Let the pieces of ice from a cheerful valentine melt in your heart!

My gave me a big bear and sex, I'm happy, you can go to sleep.

Happy Valentine's day! Confess your love to each other.

On Valentine's Day, for you I'm a ballerina!

On Valentine's Day, I drank like a beast. All further garbage passed without me!

On Valentine's Day, the horoscope promises a new love.

Happy Valentine! I wish you a cool s * ks, know in the February frosts, a stormy s * ks is more expensive than a rose!

On Valentine's Day, on this bright holiday of ours, congratulations and kisses, many, many, many times!

Dear soulmate!...I want to remind you that February 14 is coming soon...Where are you???!!!

On Valentine's Day We remember about love, "Ai love you" to your loved ones.

No one to give love on February 14? You apparently forgot about the most important person - about the one who gave birth to you and was there when you were sick.

Attention! The cycle of the brightest holidays of the year is approaching! February 14 - S * X Day for a postcard! February 23rd is Men's Deodorant Day! March 8 - Deodorant Revenge Day!

On February 14 I will take a bottle of champagne and drink for those who still believe in love... Happy people.

A selection of the best statuses for Valentine's Day. Beautiful romantic statuses for Valentine's Day. Cool statuses for February 14

I love you! Most in the world!!! You are my most beautiful and best girl in my life ... ”- on Valentine's Day, the mirror told me.

Love cannot be “Downloaded” or “Copyed”, and in the heat of the moment it can be “Delete”, “Block”, “Format” in the trash, but love can be “Save” ...

Valentine's card... some kind of colored paper, in the shape of a heart... because of this piece of paper I am happy and have been with him for almost two years...

I want love like baby shampoo: no tears!

My heart was stolen by you... Take it, I'm not a greedy man! Happy Valentine's Day!

I will love you with cement effect! I will fill you with my love from head to toe, and over time it will only grow stronger! It remains only to find you ...

You live in my heart. You live in my thoughts. You live in my soul. When will you pay rent?

Everyone celebrates Valentine's Day, and I'm 14 days before the start of spring

I love to love my beloved, I love to be his beloved!

And even a million million of the most beautiful statuses will not tell you how much I love you!!!

Love is when there are 365 Valentine's Days in a year

I like her, and no one will guess who this is dedicated to!

Each of us is an angel, but with only one wing. And we can only fly by embracing each other...

Love has come ... Holidays at the mind ...

I so want to hear from you only 3 words ... Only 10 letters ...

Call an ambulance"! Cupid just shot me!!!

Don't be upset if you don't have a soul mate, God looks at you and says "I'm saving this girl for someone special"

I'll be my own Valentine because I'm awesome!

Please love and don't complain!

I will celebrate Valentine's Day in a wonderful company: me and me.

God created man first, and then he had a great idea.

Bake a heart cake, buy Raffaello and champagne... and eat it all myself

On Valentine's Day, I got drunk like a brute. All further garbage passed without me!

On Valentine's Day, a woman will either receive a gift from a man, or will nag him for not receiving a gift. But in both cases, she will enjoy.

Valentine's Day is a celebration of passion and fire. Do not forget to congratulate ONE ME on this holiday !!

Girl, do you have "valentines" with the inscription "to my only"? - Eat! Give me 20 pieces...

Love is not in status… Love is in the heart!

February 14 is coming soon. Some people don’t have a soul mate, but this is no reason to lose heart! After all, it is on this day that you can meet your happiness (at least in a drunken state).

On Valentine's Day
Congratulations to all loved ones!
Those who love and are loved
Whose love is in our hearts!
I send valentines around the world
I am all over the world...
I wish everyone happiness!
Happy Valentine's Day, friends!

No one to give love on February 14? You apparently forgot about the most important person - about the one who gave birth to you and was there when you were sick.

On February 14 I will take a bottle of champagne and drink for those who still believe in love... Happy people...

I have a dream that the two of us drink vodka under the fence .. such a damn picture, happy Valentine's Day.

On Valentine's Day, I'll bring from the store, not a pie, not sausages, but ... shorts with hearts!

February 14 will be the day when the girls will be divided into two types: some will roar and thump, and others will take pictures of their bouquets ...

A real girl should not have a rag next to her, but a real man! Only a mop is worthy of a rag!

The 14th of February. Some single girls say that they don't need anyone and the holiday is nonsense. And I really want to be told that day, “You know, I love you so much.”

February 14... I hope that there will be more people who will enjoy this day than those who will listen to the player and say "It's just a day."

For most, February 14th is an ordinary day, but deep down everyone is hoping for something more.

Yes, be loved and love yourself, and in summer and winter mope with love so that there, on the transcendental kingdoms of peaks ... pray for you and love, Valentine.

On Valentine's Day, don't go without Vaseline. Maybe you or you ... Only this is all loving.

I love the smell of coffee in the morning, beautiful stories, fallen leaves and writing your name with your finger on a misted window... And I also love you... Happy Holidays.

All who are in love today
Celebrate and rejoice
Spread your wings wide
Love, live, kiss!

Valentine's Day is not supposed to be shy. I'm going to explain my feelings to you now, you bastard!

I wish you sex, affection and intimacy - on Valentine's Day.

On this day, I will receive a bunch of unnecessary cards and gifts, but not a single declaration of love.

February 14 is Valentine's Day, happy couples congratulate each other..and I'll go buy chocolate or Rafaello and give it to myself ...

So many plans for February 14, I really don’t know where to stop: watch movies, sleep or surf the Internet.

Love is the only phenomenon that is so complex and so simple at the same time.

St. Valentine is honored by the earth, the planet has gone crazy with love. And I go, wanting only you. My love, save me soon!

On February 14, everyone is with couples, and I hope that you love me and we will be together again, always, always ...

Why does a citizen have a trouser leg protruding on Valentine's Day? No, he is not a maniac at all, he brings cognac to the department!

It took me just one moment to understand that I want to spend an eternity with you.

Why are you sad, stupid? Why are you dreaming about him? He doesn't deserve you baby. He's not completely in love with you. You will grow up and be happy. There will be sunshine in your heart. Be patient, there will be a boy in your life with whom you will feel good together.

Let everything in life pass by, except for money and intimacy! Happy Valentine's Day!

The day of lovers is coming - a holiday of passion and fire. Don't forget to congratulate me on Valentine's Day!

I love February... Severe frost, your hands on your waist, your "love" on Valentine's Day... And spring is coming soon!

I paint valentines and sign with other people's names.

Confessions, wishes, congratulations. Anger, pangs of jealousy, doubts. Sometimes I get angry, but sometimes I don’t sleep, all because I love you!

Observe the laws decorously, hurry up to honor the traditions: on Valentine's Day, be sure to sin!

Stolen hearts cannot be returned or exchanged!

Confessions, wishes, congratulations. Anger, pangs of jealousy, doubts. Sometimes I get angry, well, sometimes I don’t sleep, all because I love you!

So what if it's February 14th? A bottle of champagne in splendid isolation and dancing until the morning. For now, that seems to be enough.

Valentine card... Some kind of paper painted, in the shape of a heart... Because of this piece of paper, I have been happy for almost two years with him...

I heartily congratulate you on Valentine's Day, Happy Lovely Eyes Day, lit up with love! Let sadness melt like a winter snowflake, Valentine will help you with this!

The cold of February is not a problem for love! Valentine's Day in the soul of two forever!

I believe in the magic of love, in its mysterious power, and on Valentine's Day I send you my impulses.

I wanted to write a lot, I wanted to, but I won’t! I'll just write one! I love and will not forget!

I find out in surprise, That it's time to give gifts - The winter holiday of all lovers Will certainly be hot!