
Words of gratitude for teachers: what to write in a postcard to your favorite teacher? What inspires me as a teacher? (essay) "A teacher who inspires me"

On January 22, 2012, within the framework of the lecture hall "Culture and We", a meeting of teachers and teachers of educational institutions with the head of the Laboratory of Humane Pedagogy in Novokuznetsk I.V. took place. Afanasyeva.

During the January school holidays, Irina Vladimirovna became a participant in the XI International Pedagogical Readings on humane pedagogy in Moscow, at the Moscow State Pedagogical University, “Teacher, inspire me to be creative!”, where, together with the primary school teacher of gymnasium No. 111 A.V. master class "From a pure source - to the beautiful far away."

Irina Vladimirovna told those present at the meeting about the Manifesto of Humane Pedagogy adopted by the pedagogical community in 2011, which proclaims the need to accept classical pedagogical values ​​with their fundamental concepts of spirituality and humanity, love and kindness, peace and good. “Only through a change in pedagogical consciousness on the basis of these concepts will it be possible to overcome the “scourge” of education - authoritarianism with its consequences of multiplying lack of spirituality and immorality in modern society,” the Manifesto says.

I.V. Afanasyeva also spoke about the speeches at the pedagogical readings of academicians of the Russian Academy of Education Sh.A. Amonashvili, D.D. Zuev, professors V.G. Nioradze, E.N. Chernozemova, D.M. Mallaev and other representatives of the higher pedagogical school. Reading participants were looking for answers to the questions: “Where can I get inspiration? How to wake him up and save him? And Shalva Alexandrovich Amonashvili helped a lot in this search. In his speech, he spoke of Inspiration not as some kind of abstract, detached state, but as a necessary "instrument", the most important component of any act, and even more so of education. It is inspiration, which can be so easily visited and so difficult to preserve and prolong, that should lead the movement of humane pedagogy to a new stage of its development.

In the program of the Readings, along with plenary sessions, there were round tables, where there was a free exchange of views on the proposed topic. This made it possible for teachers to expand their pedagogical consciousness, exchange experiences, find like-minded people and establish themselves in their search for a humane beginning in pedagogy.

At the end of her speech, Irina Vladimirovna showed a half-hour film "Heaven of Childhood", in which Ukrainian authors - Sorovsky Laureate, Knight of Humane Pedagogy V.F. Buck and medic N.V. Salienko, appeal to adults with the wish to be attentive to children, try to notice their troubles and look at the stars with them more often.

E.S. Kulakov,
head of the National Museum of the Roerich family of the Library. D.S. Likhachev.

We are the children of the Sun, and the children of the Sun

Bring Goodness and Light with them!

The sun of the 11th century rose over the Earth and new children came into the world - the Children of the Sun. These children are even more in need of a new teacher, who not only gives knowledge, but in the Teacher - the Creator, the Teacher - the Inspirer, the Loving Teacher. Shalva Alexandrovich Amonoshvili writes in his work “Teacher, inspire me to creativity”: “Creativity is a great concept. It is the basis of all the foundations of our existence - earthly and aboveground. Creativity is the essence of personality: the meaning of life and the path of improvement. The whole Universe, the whole Nature is based on creativity. Can a person not create? Man - a man of the century, his true face, in the age of the Sun, man is not just "chosen by the appointed builder and collector of all the treasures of the Universe", he is a ray of the Sun, the light of Love, the highest manifestation of the Cosmos. Oh, how I agree with Shalva Alexandrovich, and with what rapture I read his works, like the earth parched by heat, I absorb all his thoughts, I learn his art of being a True Teacher...

“Man is so created: creativity is his nature. A thought is given to him only for him to create... In creativity, a person manifests the Will of God... But what will happen to a person in such an educational world, where teachers themselves are not inspired to create and therefore cannot inspire their students. if I can't take full care of Roses, Tulips, Carnations and Lilies? What if the weeds grow too rapidly and my inspiration for bright creativity is not enough? What if I can’t become a source of constant inspiration for creativity and creation for my children? But they disinterestedly love me, teachers, sincerely believe me, hope for me ...

Shalva Alexandrovich in his work “Teacher, inspire me to creativity” writes “would someone come up with, introduce the position of good fairies, bright angels, inspirers into education! What use would they be, and with what joy the teachers would accept them - would learn from them, would be inspired by them, would rise with their help. I think these fairies, angels and inspirers are us, the teachers of self-discovery. It is we who inspire teachers to creativity in order to give children bright and lively knowledge, we are the guardian angels of our children who lead them to righteous behavior, to harmony, we are the fairies who give love to the whole world ... Why are we talking about the integration of self-knowledge now in educational subjects? Because every child is a spark of God from birth, but it is necessary for the Teacher, inspiring him to be creative, to awaken in the child "all his highest element." It is the teacher of self-knowledge who, first of all, should inspire subject teachers, school administration, parents and children to the feat of Inspiration and Love, and "then and only then the world will see what kind of generation is coming on Earth, and what gifts of spirit it brings to earthlings." There is no need to force children to learn, it is necessary to revive dead knowledge, give creative tasks that inspire them to learn new things and create good things, love them and they will begin to learn on their own. This is our mission - the mission of a teacher of self-knowledge. This is a great honor and responsibility, this is daily conscientious work on oneself, creative inspiration and selfless love for everything and everything. The words “My teacher! I beg you, do not touch me without love and without faith in my abilities, do not try to standardize me and do not let anyone standardize you ... Drive away from yourself all thoughts that humiliate Your high dignity ... Do not come to me without inspiration for creativity and self-improvement. All these misunderstandings of authoritarianism dig a gulf between me and You, they make us deaf to each other.

I know the student is waiting for my response:

My kind and beloved student!

I promise You, to love You, to create for You! I promise You to be an inspired person! Accept you as you are, give you a smile and grow in you the seeds of Goodness, Creativity, Inspiration.

I promise you to try to find the right mood for You, the right occasion, the right environment, to say the right word at the right moment so that Inspiration embraces the entire Universe and all your essence and all your consciousness. I promise to become Your inspirer, always remain in my supermundane world of inspiration and elevate You there too. I promise you to rejoice at every meeting with You!

1. Spoon feeding in the long run can only teach us what the shape of the spoon itself is. E. M. Foster

2. The secret to real learning is to think about what you learned this morning as if you've known it all your life. author unknown

3. We can teach from our experience, but we cannot communicate the experience itself. Sasha Azevedo

4. A teacher is one who, over time, makes himself unnecessary. Thomas Carruthers

5. I like teachers who, besides homework, give us something else to take home to think about. Lily Tomlin

6. Teaching is an opportunity to learn something twice. Joseph Hubert

7. The highest art that a teacher possesses is the ability to awaken the joy of creative expression and the acquisition of knowledge. Albert Einstein

8. The teacher influences eternity: one can never be sure where his influence ends. Henry Adams

9. A truly wise teacher does not invite you to visit his own house of wisdom, but leads you to the threshold of your own mind. Kahlil Gibran

10. The art of teaching is the art of helping discoveries. Mark Van Doren

11. I am not a teacher. I am the one who awakens you. Robert Frost

12. Don't try to heal your students, heal yourself first. A good teacher will make a bad student good and a good student great. Marva Collins

13. When our students fail, we, as their teachers, also fail. Marva Collins

14. When teaching, there are three things you need to know: your subject, who you teach it to, and how to teach your material elegantly. Lola May

15. The average teacher talks. A good teacher explains. A very good teacher demonstrates. A great teacher inspires. William Artut Ward

16. An average teacher explains complex things, a gifted teacher reveals the beauty of simple things. Robert Brault

17. A good teacher is like a candle. He dissolves himself in order to give light to others. author unknown

18. Do not be angry with others that you cannot force them to be as you please. Be angry at yourself for not being able to become what you want to be. Thomas A. Kempis

19. The real purpose of every teacher is not to impress his opinion on others, but to kindle the minds of others. F. W. Robertson

20. The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a torch to be kindled. Plutarch

21. Knowing how to make assumptions is the great art of a teacher. Henry Frederic Amiel

22. You can pay people to teach. But you can't pay them to worry about the outcome. Marva Collins

23. He who teaches must always continue to learn himself. Richard Henry Dunn

24. No one can teach a crab to walk in a straight line. Aristophanes

25. I never teach my students. I only provide the conditions in which they can learn. Albert Einstein

26. Ideal teachers are bridge people who offer their students to cross over to the other side. The moment they are solved, bridges are destroyed and teachers inspire students to build their own bridges. Nikos Kazantzakis

27. Sometimes one person can inspire many others. Andrew Jackson

28. The flow of thoughts is stories, stories about different events, stories about people and stories about achievements. The best teachers are the best storytellers. We learn by listening to stories. Frank Smith

29. A good teacher gives more questions than answers. Joseph Albers

30. Time is a great teacher. What a pity that he kills all his students. Louis Hector Berlioz

31. Teachers who inspire know that teaching is like gardening. And those who don't know what to do with thorns should never deal with flowers. Author unknown.

32. Hey great teachers: listen to what you say! Goethe

33. A teacher is the person who must pass on to the new generation all the valuable accumulations of centuries and not pass on prejudices, vices and diseases. Anatoly Vasilievich Lunacharsky

34. Teaching should be filled with ideas, not stuffed with facts. author unknown

35. Before teaching others, a person must understand his life direction. Buddha

36. Treat people as if they are already perfect, and then you will help them become what they can become. Goethe

37. The best teachers teach with their hearts, not with a book. author unknown

38. A teacher who teaches without inspiring students to learn is trying to forge cold iron. Horace Mann

39. Give me a fish and I can eat for a day. Teach me how to fish and I'll eat for the rest of my life. Chinese proverb

40. Teachers who "burn out" are not the ones who are constantly learning, which can also be exhausting. Those who "burn out" are teachers who try to keep their students and what is happening in the classroom under their constant control. Frank Smith

41. Be the one who opens doors for those who follow you. Ralph Waldo Emerson

42. A real teacher will teach his students not to succumb to other people's influence, including his own. Amos Bronson Alcott

43. Both upbringing and education are inseparable. It is impossible to educate without passing on knowledge; all knowledge acts educationally. L.N. Tolstoy

44. Teachers should lead without forcing and participate without repressing. S. B. Neblette

45. For every one who wants to teach, there are about 30 people who don't want to learn anything else. V. S. Stellar

46. ​​The most important knowledge for every teacher to do his job well is to know how to students experience the learning process, and how they perceive their teacher's actions. Stephen Brookfield

47. You can't control the wind, but you can set the sails. author unknown

48. To educate another, we must first educate ourselves. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

49. Everything should be as simple as possible. But not easier. Albert Einstein

50. The teacher works on the most responsible task - he forms a person. The teacher is an engineer of human souls. M.I. Kalinin

To create a person is the highest happiness.

V. Sukhomlinsky

Having chosen the profession of a teacher, at first I did not fully understand the measure of responsibility that fell on my shoulders. Having already received my education, I crossed the threshold of the school for the first time. In front of me were small children of the 5th grade, who were ready to believe in everything that I would tell them. At that moment I realized how much I am responsible to them. After all, these children were just like a blank slate - write on them what you want. But I could write completely wrong things on them, and then irreparable things could happen ... It turns out that the teacher is the arbiter of human destinies ?!

Can I? Am I strong enough to do everything I have to do? These thoughts haunted me. But every day, seeing gratitude and love in the eyes of children after each lesson, I understood more and more that my place is here, at school. And what a joy it is to know that you live your life not in vain!

But how can I make the lessons interesting for my little students? This question became important for me from the first days. After all, the teacher not only teaches, but also educates, develops universal human values ​​in children. It’s not enough to just give good standard lessons. I decided that my lessons must be inspiring. And then I began to create a creative atmosphere in the lessons, more and more deeply using creative tasks in my work. Yes, it is very difficult, because preparing such lessons every day is a huge job. But what could be more beautiful than work that has a result? Does the teacher really need any other gratitude than to see the inspired faces of the children and know that this day has not been lived in vain, and you left a small good mark in the soul of a little person.

And yet, what is the difference between just good lessons and lessons that inspire creativity? In my opinion, only those lessons that come from the heart of the teacher, with great love for children, inspire creativity. If the teacher himself does not believe in what he says, the children will certainly feel it, and such lessons can only bring harm. Moreover, I believe that rude, unloving teachers in the school have nothing to do. And if we want to be inspired by creativity in our profession, we need to love children with pure, sincere love, because without love and without sincerity, no creativity is possible. All great creators have created their masterpieces precisely because of these feelings.

Inspiration is like a perpetual motion machine: the teacher inspires the student, and the student inspires the teacher. A teacher who inspires a student for creativity is akin to the one who teaches to fly, who opens the limitless expanse of the starry sky to the person walking on earth... And if inspiration did not leave anyone on Earth, our world would be the embodiment of harmony.

This information will be useful for those who have long graduated from high school and for those who are still studying.

We have collected the best congratulations on Teacher's Day that you can wish your teacher, both in a serious form and in the form of a joke.

Teacher's Day is, of course, the smallest reward for all teachers, because they really have a very difficult job. Yes, and no matter how trite it is, but any teacher plays a very important role in the future fate of any person. So teachers have not only very hard work, but also very responsible. Read more

On the occasion of the teacher's day, you can send congratulations to your teachers, both via SMS and using the status on Facebook or Vkontakte. But, nevertheless, do not forget that there is nothing better than a personal congratulation.

In fact, Teacher's Day can be celebrated all year round, here are just a few examples:

Teacher's Day is celebrated on:
India = September 5
Pakistan = October 5
China = September 10
Germany = October 5
Sri Lanka = October 6
Malaysia = May 16
New Zealand = October 29
Brazil = October 15

Happy Teacher's Day!

Congratulations on Teacher's Day:

"They guide us
They support us
They inspire us
They teach us
Today is the day we can thank them and say
Happy Teacher's Day!"

“The teacher opens the door, but to enter this door, everyone must independently. Thank you for opening doors for us!

"We will always be grateful to you for all the hard work and effort you put into us"

“Happy Teacher's Day to all my teachers! Congratulations to everyone who helped me, who inspired me, and helped me achieve everything that I have achieved in life "

“A good teacher, like a candle, burns itself to light the way for others”

"The teacher influences eternity, no one can ever tell where his influence has stopped"

“The best teachers in the world who teach from the heart, not from textbooks. Happy Teacher's Day "

“Any amount of thanks wouldn't be enough… So, just accept my congratulations! Happy Teacher's Day!"
“You are not only our teacher, you are our friend, you are our conscience, you are our superiors. And all this rolled into one. We will always be grateful to you for your attention and support. Happy Teacher's Day!"

“You pointed out to me, reprimanded, scolded, reproached, but most importantly, you taught me! The question is, how did you manage to do it? Thanks to all my teachers. Happy Teacher's Day!"

“Thanks to you, we have become bolder and now look to the future with confidence, from all the lessons, both formal and informal, that we received from you. We really appreciate your efforts dear you to teacher! Happy Teacher's Day!

Our teachers will always remain something very special to us. Studying is the best experience in life. Unfortunately, we do not often thank these wonderful people. Thank you teachers for what you have done for us!
Thank you for teaching me how to read and write, what is bad, what is good to distinguish. For giving me the opportunity to dream and fly in the clouds, thank you for being my friend, mentor and light.
Happy Teacher's Day!

You were a miracle in my school life
Enlighten me with your wisdom
Transforming me with your intellect and
Working hard with perseverance.
Thank you for who I am today!!
Happy Teacher's Day!
When you deviated from the curriculum, I worried about my knowledge, career and life. Now I understand that you have been teaching all this time what I could not have learned without you. Thank you for teaching us to understand what happiness is in life. Happy Teacher's Day!

SMS congratulations on teacher's day:

— The mediocre teacher says; a good teacher explains; the supreme teacher demonstrates; and a great teacher inspires. Thank you for inspiring me! Happy Teacher's Day!

I have something that no one can steal from me. This is your gift - what you taught me. Thank you. Happy Teacher's Day!
- The goal of a real teacher is not to create students in his own image and likeness, but to develop his students so that they can create their own image. Happy Teacher's Day!

- The winner in the nomination "The best teacher of the year has been announced - and this teacher is you!" Happy Teacher's Day!

“Thank you… for having such a wonderful teacher for my child!” Happy Teacher's Day!
- Thank you for teaching me things that are not written in books ... Happy Teacher's Day!
“God sent teachers to paint the lessons of life on the canvas of our souls. I am lucky to have a teacher like you. My warmest wishes, Happy Teacher's Day!
— Wise people say that… “Experience is the best teacher. But for me… “You, as my teacher, are the best experience. Happy Teacher's Day!!!

Just for your great patience alone, I just want to say, "Thank you!" Happy Teacher's Day!
For all the teachers who taught us the basics of life. Happy Teacher's Day!

Many people think that being a teacher is a privilege, but in fact it is a blessing. Happy Teacher's Day from your student!

Teachers should live forever in the hearts and memories of their students.

Happy Teacher's Day!

Congratulations and wishes on Teacher's Day!