
Prayer of Saint Galina of Corinth. Righteous Galina, daughter of Emperor Septimius of the North Prayer to Saint Galina and her icon

Question answer: Please place in the newspaper material about the life of Saint Galina - we, Galina, could not find her biography anywhere, but we want to know about her.

Galina Muratovskaya,
With. Yurla, Yurlinsky district, Perm region

The Holy Martyr Galina was born in Corinth (Corinth at that time was the main city of Achaia, enlightened by the Apostle Paul). By the grace of God she met the righteous elder Kodrat, who converted her to faith in Christ.

Saint Kodrat spent most of his life in the mountains and deserts, where he remained in fasting and prayer. Many years passed, Saint Kodrat approached old age. His friends and followers often came to him in the desert to listen to his instructions. Among them were Cyprian, Dionysius, Anekt, Paul, Crescent and many others who suffered with him for Christ.

Their suffering occurred in this way. During the persecution of Christians by order of the wicked emperor Decius (c. 251), believers in Christ began to be tortured. By order of Decius, hegemon Jason came to Corinth. The holy elder Kodrat was captured along with his disciples, among whom was the righteous Galina, and thrown into prison. They were tortured, but, having failed to get anyone to renounce Christ, they were thrown, on the orders of Jason, to be devoured by wild beasts, but the beasts did not touch the martyrs. This did not stop the persecutors. The righteous were tied by their feet to chariots and dragged outside the city to the place intended for execution, while the crowd threw stones at them. Here the saints, having asked for a little time for themselves, prayed with zeal to the Lord, then bowed their honest heads to the sword and were beheaded on the tenth day of the month of March. After the murder of the first six martyrs, other captured Christians were tortured and killed in various ways.

Righteous Galina and other wives - Hariessa, Kalisa (Kalida), Nunekhia, Vasilisa, Nika, Gali, Theodora, imitating Saint Codratus and keeping his instructions in their hearts, voluntarily went to suffer for Christ. They could have taken cover, but did not. On April 29 they were beheaded... At the place where the Corinthian martyrs were executed for Christ, a source of clean water appeared - to remind Corinth of the suffering of the saints who shed rivers of their blood.

According to another legend, the holy wives Galina, Hariessa, Nunekhia, Kalisa (Kalida), Vasilissa, Nike, Gali, Theodora - disciples of Elder Kodratus - died on April 29 in 258 (apparently this happened during the eighth persecution of Christians under Emperor Valerian). They, together with the holy martyr Leonidas, were thrown into the sea, but they did not drown, but walked on the water as if on dry land, and sang spiritual hymns. The torturers caught up with them on the ship, hung stones around their necks and drowned them.

So, by the grace of God, all the names of the Corinthian martyrs and everything that is known about the holy martyr Galina of Corinth were preserved. But isn’t this enough for everyone, and not just Galina, to know about her feat in the name of Christ?

Troparion to the Holy Martyr Galina

Your Lamb, Jesus, Galina calls with a great voice: I love You, my Bridegroom, and seeking You I suffer and am crucified, and I am buried in Your Baptism, and I suffer for Your sake, for I reign in You, and I die for You, and I live with You. ; but as an immaculate sacrifice, accept me, offering myself to You with love. Through prayers, as the Merciful, save our souls.

Prayer to the holy martyr Leonid and the martyrs Hariessa, Nika, Galina, Kalisa, Nunekhia, Vasilisa, Theodora, Irina and others like them who suffered

O holy martyr! Extend your favorable prayers to our Lord and Creator and beg His goodness to grant us (names) everything necessary for eternal salvation, and also necessary for this temporary life: we believe without a doubt that everything is possible for you, as His true saint. Hey, holy wonderworkers! Do not disgrace our hope, but through your prayers make us heirs of being the Kingdom of Christ, so that we glorify the love of mankind in the Trinity of the glorified and worshiped God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your holy intercession, forever and ever.

The holy martyr Galina of Corinth suffered for Christ in the 3rd century (according to some sources - in 250 or 251, and according to others - in 258).

During the persecution of Christians (in the 3rd century), one pious woman named Rufina fled from Corinth to the mountains to escape persecution. There she gave birth to a son, Kodrat, and died soon after giving birth.

By the providence of God, the baby remained alive and was nourished miraculously: a cloud descended on him, feeding him with sweet dew. Saint Kodrat spent his childhood and youth in the desert.

As an adult, he once met Christians who enlightened him with the light of true faith. Kodrat learned to read and write, and later studied the art of medicine and achieved great success in it. But most of all, Kodrat loved desert silence and spent most of his time in the mountains, indulging in prayer and contemplation of God.

Many years later. His friends and followers often came to the saint in the desert to listen to his instructions. Among them were Cyprian, Dionysius, Anekt, Paul, Crescent and many others.

The Holy Martyr Galina was born in Corinth at the beginning of the 3rd century. Corinth at that time was the main city after Athens and the capital of Achaia, the central region of Greece, where the Apostle Paul lived and preached in the 1st century. By the grace of God, Saint Galina met the righteous elder Kodrat, who converted her to faith in Christ.

During the persecution of Christians by order of the wicked emperor Decius (c. 251), believers in Christ began to be tortured. By order of the cruel Decius, the military leader Jason arrived in Corinth.

The holy elder Kodrat was captured along with his disciples, among whom was the righteous Galina, and thrown into prison. They were tortured, but without getting anyone to renounce Christ, they were thrown, on the orders of Jason, to be devoured by wild beasts, but the beasts did not touch the martyrs. This did not stop the persecutors.

The righteous were tied by their feet to chariots and dragged through the city, while the crowd threw stones at them. The first of the martyrs were dragged outside the city to the place intended for execution. Finally, the martyrs were sentenced to beheading by sword. At the place of execution, the saints asked themselves a little time for prayer, and then one after another they began to approach the executioner, bowing their heads before the sword raised above them.

The rest of the disciples of Saint Codratus also suffered for Christ: Dionysius (another) was stabbed to death with a knife; Victorinus, Victor and Nikephoros were crushed alive in a huge stone mortar; Claudius's arms and legs were cut off; Diodorus himself threw himself into the fire prepared for him; Seraphion was beheaded; Papias and Leonidas were drowned in the sea.

Righteous Galina and other wives (Haryessa, Kalisa/Kalida, Nunekhia, Vasilisa, Nika, Gali, Theodora), imitating their teacher Saint Codratus and keeping his instructions in their hearts, voluntarily went to suffer for Christ. They could have taken cover, but did not.

According to one legend, they were beheaded with a sword and beheaded on March 10, Old Art. At the place where the Corinthian martyrs were executed for Christ, a source of clean water appeared to remind Corinth of the suffering of the saints, who shed rivers of their martyr's blood.

According to another legend, the holy wives Galina, Chariessa, Nunekhia, Kalisa (Kalida), Vasilissa, Nike, Gali, Theodora - disciples of the elder Kodrat, died in the same way, but on April 16 according to Art. Art. in 258 (apparently this happened during the persecution of Christians under Emperor Valerian I). They, together with the holy martyr Leonidas, were thrown into the sea, but they did not drown, but walked on the water as if on dry land, and sang spiritual hymns. It was on Easter.
Roman soldiers caught up with them on a ship, hung stones around their necks and drowned them.

All of them suffered in Corinth between 250 and 258.

The icon of the Holy Martyr Galina is a Christian shrine that reminds modern believers of the goodness of the present time, of the value of free communication with God, helping to strengthen faith and be filled with the grace of God.

The meaning and veneration of the icon

The Holy Great Martyr Galina is the guardian angel of all women with that name. Her holy image is a reliable amulet, bestowing the grace of God and the protection of the Savior for life.

Icon of Saint Galina of Corinth

Anyone can turn to the martyr Galina for help, regardless of name, gender, skin color or religion. Galina of Corinth is a protector in the days of temptation and a shining example of spiritual achievement and self-denial in the name of Jesus Christ.

It is difficult to understand what the faith of the great martyr was, who laid down her own life on the stone of suffering for the love of Christ. It is difficult for modern Christians to imagine how one could suffer so much without betraying the name of Jesus.

The peaceful image of the saint does not convey the torment that Christians experienced while watching the torture of their teacher. Kondratiy was hanged upside down and was caned, but he found the strength to support his students, reminding them of their imminent meeting with Christ.

The icon of St. Galina makes us reflect on the value and grace given to us, and rethink our actions before God.

What does the holy icon help with?

How strange, in the age of spiritual freedom, when there is no persecution and all the doors to knowledge of the sacred will of the Lord are open, people voluntarily renounce faith, neglect knowledge of the Word and attendance at divine services.

Holy Martyr Galina of Corinth

Prayer at the icon of St. Galina helps:

  • rise from spiritual decline;
  • strengthen the Christian faith;
  • get rid of spiritual illnesses and infirmities;
  • observe fasts and remain in prayer.

After a prayerful stay at the holy image, those praying experience the courage to overcome the machinations of the devil, who is trying to distract Christians from the faith.

The icon of the holy martyr Galina is a reminder to Christians of the feat of faith, of the price that the disciples of Jesus paid for their faith in the third century of the last millennium. The holy image, as in a mirror, reflects our spiritual weaknesses. The story of life, persecution and terrible torment makes every conscious Christian think about the given grace of coming to the cup of the Lord without fear for his physical life.

Devotees of faith strengthen believers during fasting and prayer rules, showing how insignificant our sacrifice is compared to the price that the first Christians paid. Saint Galina helps each of us understand what place church life should occupy in the lives of Christians in order to gain the eternal life that lies ahead.

On a note! The Church remembers the saints who were martyred for their faith in Jesus Christ in the early period of Christianity on one day, April 29.

Icon of the Holy Martyr Galina

Akathist to the holy martyrs Kondrat, Victor and Galina and many others who suffered with them

Chosen by the Hand of the Lord from among the wicked, who, by the purity of their righteous life, were worthy imitators of Christ the Lord, and who, even to death, maintained their fierce loyalty, the holy martyrs Kondrat, Victor, Cyprian, Dionysius, Paul with the holy wives Galina, Vasilisa, Theodora and many others , with them who suffered, let us sing a song of praise. You, who have great boldness towards Christ the Giver of Life, free us with your prayers from all troubles and with tender hearts we sing to you: Rejoice, holy martyrs Kondrata, Victora and Galino, who glorified Christ in difficult sufferings.

The Archangelic powers in heaven and the God-loving people on earth are amazed, seeing how you, the holy sufferers of Christ, defending the faith of Christ and enduring great torments for Christ, even to death, remained faithful to the Lord by nature, and with Him now you taste the sweetness of heaven. We, strengthened by your long-suffering deeds in faith and love for God, call this:

Rejoice, you who have come from pagan darkness to the light of Christ. Rejoice, having enlightened your hearts with that light. Rejoice, having purified your souls through torment for the Lord. Rejoice, you who fearlessly preached the Gospel of Christ. Rejoice, cleansing by the Holy Spirit. Rejoice, having prepared your souls for an imperishable dwelling for the Lord. Rejoice, holy martyrs Kondrata, Victora and Galino, who glorified Christ in their grave sufferings.

Kontakion 2

Seeing your mother Rufina, blessed Kondrata, how great the persecution was against Christians, she fled from the city of Corinth to the mountains and was saved there from her pursuers. There you gave birth to your son, and soon after your birth you gave up your pure soul to God. By the providence of God you were preserved, holy Kondrat, for the heavenly cloud fed you with sweet dew. But you, growing and strengthening, sang to God: Alleluia.

With your mind to comprehend all the greatness of God, which is not possible, the Lord, Saint Kondrate, brought you to true Christians, so that you were enlightened by the light of the true faith, after which you will teach your disciples, and with them receive this singing from us:

Rejoice, you who have sought the Lord with all your soul. Rejoice, having received the Lord into your hearts. Rejoice, you who have not deviated from the path to Christ. Rejoice, having loved the Lord above all earthly blessings. Rejoice, having glorified the Creator with your life. Rejoice, you who have placed your trust in the One Lord. Rejoice, holy martyrs Kondrata, Victora and Galino, who glorified Christ in their grave sufferings.

Kontakion 3

By the power of the Most High, strengthened by the Creator and blessed by the exploits of Saints Cyprian, Dionysius, Anekta, Paul and Criskenta, they naturally came to Saint Kondrat in the desert, where he remained in the desert silence in prayer and contemplation of God. But you, putting all his instructions in your hearts, sang to God naturally: Alleluia.

Having great love for God, the holy wives Galino, Hariesso, Nunekhie, Vasiliso, Nikia and Theodoro, together with pious men, took up the cross and followed Christ naturally. Glorifying your prudence, we praise you:

Rejoice, virgins, who are called brides of Christ. Rejoice, wives, in your fulfillment of piety. Rejoice, having dedicated your life to the One Lord, and Rejoice, having given the beauty of your souls and bodies to the Creator. Rejoice, having adorned your soul with the purity of your immaculate soul. Rejoice, you who have crowned your heads with imperishable crowns. Rejoice, holy martyrs Kondrata, Victora and Galino, who glorified Christ in their grave sufferings.

Kontakion 4

The wicked Jason was filled with a storm of evil, commanding thee, holy Kondrat, to renounce his Lord and render sacrifice to a vile idol. But you, even to death, remained faithful to the Lord, singing to Him with your soul in your suffering: Alleluia.

Having heard from you, martyr of Christ Kondrat, wise words: do not be afraid of fierce torment and stand firmly for your faith in Christ, your disciples are strengthened in soul, so that they will fearlessly accept suffering for the Lord. For this reason, we please you with these praises:

Rejoice, valiant and undaunted warriors of Christ. Rejoice, you were not afraid of severe persecution from your enemies. Rejoice, having looked to the Lord in your suffering. Rejoice, you who have received strength from Him. Rejoice, guarded by the angels of God. Rejoice, having come to know the sweetness of heaven through your torment. Rejoice, holy martyrs Kondrata, Victora and Galino, who glorified Christ in their grave sufferings.

Kontakion 5

Fulfilling the ungodly command of the wicked Jason, the soldiers of the martyrs of Christ threw them to be torn to pieces by wild beasts, both of which killed the legs of the saints and did no harm to them. Having seen such a miracle on you, we praise God: Alleluia.

Seeing your enemies, holy martyrs, that it is impossible for you to create anything like a beast, I will tie your nose to the chariot and drag along the city behind the chariots. But you, striking your head on the stone, offered to the Head of the Church, Jesus Christ, a holy sacrifice for yourself, so that people, in tenderness of heart, would sing to you:

Rejoice, having glorified Christ through your sufferings. Rejoice, you who touched the angelic faces with your torment. Rejoice, for through your exploits you strengthened the weak in faith. Rejoice, for you have naturally received crowns from the Lord. Rejoice, protectors of our invincibility. Rejoice, our invisible helpers. Rejoice, holy martyrs Kondrata, Victora and Galino, who glorified Christ in their grave sufferings.

Kontakion 6

The preachers of the truth of Christ appeared naturally, the good martyrs of Christ, among the unfaithful, blinded by the light of idols, exuding the light of true faith, so that all the ends of the universe would see the Giver of the never-evening Light, who enlightens all the pagans, and they would sing to Him the song of glory: Alleluia.

Naturally, our precious martyrs shone like bright stars when, at the place of execution, I indulged in prayer and bowed my beautiful heads under the swords of my tormentors. Such is your great courage, the Lord glorified you: when the earth was stained with your holy blood, a source of clean water appeared, from which many received healing. For this reason, accept this praise from us:

Rejoice, you who followed the Lord fearlessly. Rejoice, having entered the Kingdom of Heaven by the narrow path. Rejoice, having labored for the One Lord in this world. Rejoice, for you have received a great reward from Him for your labors. Rejoice, you who have found the most precious pearl, Christ the Lord. Rejoice, having loved the Creator above all earthly riches. Rejoice, holy martyrs Kondrata, Victora and Galino, who glorified Christ in their grave sufferings.

Kontakion 7

Although they were imitators of His Lord in His sufferings, some of your disciples, Saint Kondrat, suffered for Christ in the same way, so that together with you in the Kingdom of Heaven they would sing to Him without silence: Alleluia.

Christ has revealed you to His people as new martyrs, and through your sufferings, glorified martyrs, all who exist today are strengthened in the Orthodox faith, praising you with these titles:

Rejoice, Victor, Victorina and Nikifor, who accepted their death in a stone mortar. Rejoice, having gained salvation through that cruel death. Rejoice, Papias and Leonidas, drowning in the waves of the sea. Rejoice, you who have dried up the sea of ​​passions with your sufferings. Rejoice, Claudius, Seraphione and Dionysius, who through the sword beating and stabbing have improved eternal life. Rejoice, you who have endured torment, in which the machinations of the evil one have been cut. Rejoice, holy martyrs Kondrata, Victora and Galino, who glorified Christ in their grave sufferings.

Kontakion 8

It is strange to see you, martyrs of Christ, for you, shedding your blood for the Lord and not sparing your life, naturally entered with your feet into the Kingdom of God without fear, singing to the King Christ: Alleluia.

All the Sweetest Jesus Christ will bring sweetness and desire to you, holy wives, for Him, together with their husbands, they naturally endured great suffering. For this reason, praising your courage, we praise you:

Rejoice, Hariesso and Nunehie, who followed the men into torment. Rejoice, having gained glory together with those. Rejoice, Vasiliso and Niko, who voluntarily stained their bodies with blood. Rejoice, having cleansed your souls from filth with that blood. Rejoice, Galino and Gali, for having offered yourselves as an immaculate sacrifice to Christ. Rejoice, for with that sacrifice you have atoned for all your sins. Rejoice, holy martyrs Kondrata, Victora and Galino, who glorified Christ in their grave sufferings.

Kontakion 9

All angelic nature rejoiced greatly, seeing how great a number of righteous souls are in heaven and worship the Creator, singing to Him sweetly: Alleluia.

The vetoes of multi-proclamation will not be able to adequately praise your suffering for Christ and your bright death, blessed martyr. We, with our unclean lips, dare to chant to you:

Rejoice, our warm intercessors before the Lord. Rejoice, you who ever pray to the Creator for us. Rejoice, you who open the entrance to the Kingdom of Heaven for us. Rejoice, for by your intercession you protect us from troubles. Rejoice, you who heal our souls and bodies free of charge. Rejoice, you who strengthen us in various circumstances. Rejoice, holy martyrs Kondrata, Victora and Galino, who glorified Christ in their grave sufferings.

Kontakion 10

You set a good example for those who want to be saved, O martyrs of the fortress; through your patience in enduring suffering for the name of God, we strengthen ourselves and praise the Lord: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Desiring to please the One Heavenly King, the saints gave up their souls in His hands completely to nature, the holy martyr. For this reason, accept this praise from us:

Rejoice, you who have loved the One Lord. Rejoice, you who have lost your souls to Him. Rejoice, you who have pleased God with a pure life. Rejoice, you who did not know the path other than the narrow one. Rejoice, having submitted your will to the will of the Lord. Rejoice, you who feared nothing with the Lord. Rejoice, holy martyrs Kondrata, Victora and Galino, who glorified Christ in their grave sufferings.

Kontakion 11

Now you hear the singing of angels in heaven, the all-praised martyr, seeing the Creator, the Giver of Life, sitting on the Throne and crying out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

The Giver of Light is the Lord and Creator in His Kingdom, like His friends, He feeds you, the glorious martyrs, with the heavenly table. Pray for us, so that we too may be worthy to partake with the Lord of His bounties, but you will accept our prayers:

Rejoice, Kondrat and Nikifor, and we too will partake of your joy. Rejoice, Victor and Victorina, may you and I also abide in the love of the Lord. Rejoice, Papias and Leonidas, that you and I may enter into the joy of our Lord. Rejoice, Claudius and Seraphione, and you and I will continually praise the Lord. Rejoice, Cyprians and Dionysius, that you and I may also be worthy of the heavenly inheritance. Rejoice, Criscenta and Diodora, and you and I will always worship the Most Holy Trinity. Rejoice, holy martyrs Kondrata, Victora and Galino, who glorified Christ in their grave sufferings.

Kontakion 12

The grace given to you from God, to heal the sick, to heal the weak, to quench sorrows, to those who are knowledgeable, we tirelessly resort to your prayerful intercession, holy martyr, and cry out to Christ: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your miracles and mercies, holy martyrs of God, we all praise you, as zealous intercessors for us before the Throne of God, we gratefully worship you, and cry out with emotion:

Rejoice, Chariesso and Nunehia, who humbly trusted in the Lord. Rejoice for your love for the Creator, beloved by the Lord. Rejoice, Vasilisso and Niko, who kept the commandments of the Lord in sorrow. Rejoice, having received the grace of God with joy and love. Rejoice, Galino and Theodoro, having received the favor of the Heavenly Father. Rejoice, having labored diligently for the Lord. Rejoice, holy martyrs Kondrata, Victora and Galino, who glorified Christ in their grave sufferings.

Kontakion 13

Oh, holy and praiseworthy martyrs of Christ, Kondrat, Viktor and Galino, and those like you who suffered for Christ! Accept this song of our praise and with your favorable prayers deliver us from all troubles and circumstances, save us from eternal torment and be worthy of the Kingdom of God, beseech the Lord that we may sing to Him: Alleluia. Alleluia. Alleluia.


O glorification of the saints of Christ: Kondrat, Cyprian, Dionysius, Anekte, Paul, Criskent, Dionysius (other), Victor, Victorina, Nikephoros, Claudius, Diodora, Seraphione, Papius, Leonidas and the holy virgins and wives Galino, Hariesso, Nunekhie, Vasiliso , Nikie, Gali, Theodoro and many others, together with you, the Lord, through their lives and deeds, glorified and established the Orthodox faith among the pagan world! Praising your works and exploits, we pray to you tirelessly, do not stop begging our Lord Jesus Christ for us, may he be merciful to all our infirmities and weaknesses, generously grant us forgiveness of all sins, guide us on the path of true repentance and help us in everything, yes and we will be numbered among the bright face of saints and will always abide with the Creator in indescribable joy, to whom honor and glory belong forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion of St. much Galina, ch. 4

Thy Lamb, Jesus Christ, Galina calls with a great voice: I love Thee, my Bridegroom, and seeking Thee I suffer, and I am crucified, and I am buried in Thy baptism: and I suffer for Thy sake, that I may reign in Thee: and I die for Thee, that I also live with You: but as an immaculate sacrifice, accept me, sacrificed to You with love. Through prayers, as the Merciful, save our souls.

Kontakion of St. much Galina, ch. 2

Your all-honorable temple, as if you have found spiritual healing, all the faithful cry out loudly to you: virgin martyr Galino, most famous, pray to Christ God unceasingly for all of us.


We magnify you, passion-bearer of Christ Galino, and honor your honest suffering, which you endured for Christ.

Patron saint of wearers
name GALINA -
Holy Martyr Galina of Corinth

The Holy Martyr Galina of Corinth suffered for the Christian faith in the 3rd century. According to legend, the holy martyr Galina died on the first day of Easter in the year 258. She, along with other holy martyrs, was thrown into the sea. Holy
Galina of Corinth helps in all matters those who are baptized in the name Galina, and the holy martyr becomes the first helper and intercessor of those who are with her on the holy namesake.

Life of the Holy Martyr
Galina Korinthskaya

The names of the martyrs from Corinth - Cyprian, Dionysius, Anekt, Paul, Criscent, Dionysius another, Victoria, Victor, Nicephorus, Claudius, Diodorus, Seraphion, Papias, Leonidas, as well as the martyrs Galina, Chariessa, Nunekhia, Kalisa (Kalida), Basilissa, Niki, Gali (fallen name - Gali, emphasis on i) and Theodora did not disappear through the centuries thanks to the preserved feat of their mentor Elder Kodrat.

It is known about the holy martyr Galina of Corinth that she was born at the beginning of the 3rd century in Corinth, and from there her nickname Corinthian came. The Greek city of Corinth was second in importance after Athens, the capital of the central part of the country - Achaia, enlightened in Christianity in the 1st century by the supreme apostle Paul. Let us remember the Epistles of the Apostle Paul to the Corinthians - how much fatherly love, how much tender and strict spiritual care is put into these words, thank God, sealed for us forever in the book of the New Testament. Here, among other Christians of Corinth, Saint Galina met the holy elder Codratus, who enlightened her in the Teachings of Christ and converted her to the Christian faith.

Emperor Decius then ruled in Rome - it is believed that it was around the year 251 from the Nativity of Christ. To identify Christians and punish them, Decius sent the military leader Jason to Corinth. He quickly found Elder Kodrat with his disciples, and everyone, including Saint Galina, was taken into custody and taken to prison. All those taken were first tortured - here the Roman pagans were very successful in the fantasies of the executioners, but the faith of Christ was stronger, and, seeing that their efforts were useless, by order of Jason, the persecutors threw the martyrs to be devoured by wild beasts, but even they sensed the Holy Spirit of the Creator of all things in These people refused easy prey.

This miracle did not cool the ardor of the persecutors. Christians were given over to new torments, descriptions of which we will omit, because any horror film that we watch today is an easy spectacle compared to what the torturers did to the martyrs of Corinth. After all the torture, according to some surviving sources, they were beheaded.

Before the execution, they asked to be given a little time for the last prayer, they themselves went to the place of execution and lay down under the sword. This happened on March 10/23, approximately 251 A.D., and at the site of their execution a spring with wonderfully clear water appeared.

According to other sources, they died a little later, in 258, already under Emperor Valerian I. They tried to throw them into the sea together with Saint Leonidas, but the saints did not drown, but walked on the water singing hymns to Christ. This happened on Easter and was another evidence of the power and glory of the Lord. However, the persecutors caught up with them on a ship, tied a weight around their necks and drowned them in the sea waters.

How an icon protects

In front of the icon of the Holy Martyr Galina of Corinth, they pray for protection from temptations, for strengthening in faith, since all the martyrs of early Christianity are an expressive example of the firmness of spiritual convictions, their self-denial is difficult to comprehend for modern people. Not everyone in our times has the opportunity to make such a choice: their own physical life or a voluntary, moreover, sometimes joyful renunciation of it in the name of testifying to the superiority of spiritual life over physical life. Precisely because in our everyday life there is no place for the suffering that the early Christians went through, refusing to betray the name of the Lord, and the conditions in which they lived and believed are not comparable to ours, when there are no threats to the salvation of the soul, except those hidden within ourselves, reflection on their feat protects us from spiritual falls and transgressions before God.

What does an icon help with?

Saint Galina of Corinth helps in all matters those who are baptized in the name Galina, and the holy martyr becomes the first helper and intercessor of those who are with her on the holy namesake. Prayer before the icon of the Holy Martyr Galina of Corinth helps us, modern Christians, to understand our spiritual weaknesses. When we read the lives of the saints of the first centuries of Christianity, we learn about their suffering in the name of Christ and executions, about the most severe persecution and persecution, about everything that the pagans committed, trying to uproot the seeds of the new, true faith.

How to pray in front of an icon

Your Lamb, Jesus, Galina calls with a great voice: I love You, my Bridegroom, and seeking You I suffer and am crucified, and I am buried in Your baptism, and I suffer for Your sake, so that I reign in You, and I die for You, and I live with You ; but as an immaculate sacrifice, accept me, offering myself to You with love. Through prayers, as the Merciful, save our souls.

Prayer to the holy martyr Leonid and the martyrs Hariessa, Nika, Galina, Kalisa, Nunekhia, Vasilisa, Theodora, Irina and others like them who suffered

O holy martyr! Extend your favorable prayers to our Lord and Creator and beg His goodness to grant us (names) everything necessary for eternal salvation, and also necessary for this temporary life: we believe without a doubt that everything is possible for you, as His true saint. Hey, holy wonderworkers! Do not disgrace our hope, but through your prayers make us heirs of being the Kingdom of Christ, so that we glorify the love of mankind in the Trinity of the glorified and worshiped God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your holy intercession, forever and ever.

Prayerful invocation of the saint whose name you bear

Pray to God for me, holy servant of God (name), as I diligently resort to you, a quick helper and prayer book for my soul.

When is the holy day of remembrance

The days of memory of the holy martyr Galina are celebrated:
March 10/23 - her teacher, the holy martyr Kodrat and others like him, is remembered;
April 16/29 - the holy martyrs who died at sea are remembered.

Which churches have an icon of the saint?

You can venerate Saint Galina of Corinth in the Church of the Holy Martyr Galina of Corinth in Khimki (Moscow region), although in vast Russia there may be small churches and chapels built in her honor. You can find out about this from your diocese.

For home prayers, so that you can pray to your heavenly patroness more often, not only when coming to church for general worship, but at home, if the need for urgent prayer arises, simply spend time in prayerful communication with your heavenly patroness.

Meaning of the icon

About the holy martyr Galina of Corinth, like about most early Christian martyrs, we know very little, and this information is fragmentary. And, of course, an even greater number of names have sunk into Eternity, remaining unknown to us. But the exploits of those whose names we know also speak about those unknown people who suffered next to them. In the history of the Church, only one Saint Galina is known reliably, but there are certainly other holy women with this name who suffered for Christ. On occasion, let us pray for those whose lives remain unknown, but the Lord knows about them as those who brought their feat and their selfless love to the Throne of God.


The meaning of the name Galina

The meaning of the name is “calmness”, “serenity”
Origin: Ancient Greek

Horoscope named after Galina

*Zodiac sign - Aries.
*Guardian planet is the Sun.
*Talisman stone - garnet.
*Talisman color - crimson, purple,
a combination of brick scarlet and blue-gray.
*Plant talisman - sweet pea, pine.
*The animal mascot is a jackdaw.
*The most successful day is Wednesday.
*Predisposition to traits such as -
persistence, pragmatism, inconstancy,
striving for a higher goal, openness

Copy the prayer by hand and always carry it with you, it will be your protection, you can read it at any time when you have problems, and also do not forget to praise your protector - the Holy Martyr Galina of Corinth