
Who can get a tax deduction for an apartment? What is a tax deduction when buying an apartment and how can you get it? How soon do you get your tax refund?

A property deduction when purchasing an apartment with a mortgage is provided by the state to refund part of the income tax when making certain purchases, in particular, the purchase of housing. We will tell you in detail how to get a personal income tax deduction when buying an apartment with a mortgage.

What is a property tax deduction?

This is an amount established by law that reduces your costs for purchasing housing, be it a house, apartment, or a plot for individual development. The algorithm for applying the property tax deduction is regulated by Art. 220 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, and the Federal Tax Service and the Ministry of Finance regularly issue letters with explanations for controversial situations.

The principle of deduction: you spent money on the purchase of real estate - the state, represented by the Federal Tax Service, will return 13% to you. Moreover, it does not matter whether you paid for housing or land right away or took out a mortgage for the purchase - a deduction is given both for the real estate itself and for the interest paid to the bank. But you cannot get 13% of the amount of any housing - for example, a mansion on the coast for 100 million rubles or a penthouse in the center of Moscow for several tens of millions of rubles. The amount of monetary compensation from the state is limited.

What amount of deduction can you get when buying an apartment with a mortgage?

The size of the tax deduction when purchasing an apartment with a mortgage depends on two variables:

  • dates of receipt of property ownership;
  • The procedure for paying for housing is one-time or using a bank loan (mortgage).

Please note!

You must have not just a loan with the bank, but a mortgage agreement.

  • The tax deduction for an apartment on a mortgage purchased by citizen Igor Anatolyevich Anokhin in 2013 consists of two parts:
  • deduction for the apartment itself - a maximum of 2 million rubles;

deduction for the amount of interest paid to the bank - this amount has no upper threshold.

For owners of expensive mortgaged housing, the old rules were very beneficial. But for those whose apartment costs less than 2 million rubles, the deduction is valid only in the amount of the actual cost of housing. That is, if Anokhin had bought an apartment for 1 million rubles in 2013, he would have received only 130 thousand rubles. But he can no longer use the rest of the deduction.

According to the rules applied for housing purchased before 2014, a citizen receives only one right to a deduction, and if he was unable to realize the deduction in full, then in the future he can neither use the remaining deduction nor again claim his right to a refund of income tax. tax when purchasing other real estate. The same rule applies to interest - they can be presented to the state in full, but only once in a lifetime for one apartment.

What changes to the rules for obtaining a tax deduction for an apartment on a mortgage did 2014 bring?

If Igor Viktorovich Anokhin received a “pink” certificate after January 1, 2014 and before that had no property tax deductions, then Anokhin’s housing deduction for his entire life is 2 million rubles. The difference is that Anokhin can now receive a deduction for several real estate properties: in 2015 he bought a two-room apartment in a small town for 1 million rubles - he received a 1 million tax deduction, in 2016 he also bought a one-room apartment for 850 thousand rubles - and again entitled to a deduction in the amount of purchase expenses. And if Anokhin intends to buy another home, then you can use the remainder of the deduction of 150 thousand rubles (clause 2, clause 1, article 220 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Upon reaching the amount of 2 million, the right to deduction is considered realized.

But mortgage interest for calculating tax deductions is now standardized - the maximum deduction amount since 2014 is 3 million rubles. And this deduction can be realized only for one property. If Anokhin’s interest on one apartment for the entire mortgage period is less than 3 million rubles, then he will be given a deduction only for the actual amount of interest paid; the remainder of the interest deduction cannot be used when purchasing another apartment.

Attention! The amount of expenses for obtaining a tax deduction when purchasing an apartment with a mortgage includes the costs of completion and finishing - but if the real estate purchase agreement contains a clause that the apartment is purchased without finishing. But if you decide to change the layout, you won’t be able to deduct such costs, as well as the costs of household appliances, furniture, and lighting.

So, you will receive a tax deduction for an apartment with a mortgage purchased before 2014 - 2 million rubles plus the interest actually paid. The tax deduction for an apartment purchased with a mortgage after January 1, 2014 is a maximum of 5 million rubles (2 million deduction, which can be stretched over several purchases, and 3 million one-time deduction for interest on one apartment).

Why do we pay so much attention to norms that are no longer valid today? Because no matter when you decide to apply for a deduction: immediately after purchase or several years later, your tax refund will be calculated according to the rules that were relevant at the time of purchase of the living space.

Let’s say Anokhin bought an apartment without a mortgage in 2013 and received a property deduction, and in 2016 he plans to buy another apartment using bank funds. Then he can receive a personal income tax refund for interest on the mortgage (Letter of the Federal Tax Service dated May 21, 2015 No. BS-4-11/8666).

Apartment with a mortgage - how to get a tax deduction?

An unemployed person cannot receive a property deduction when buying an apartment with a mortgage - since he does not have income subject to personal income tax at a rate of 13%. For the same reason, it is impossible to return personal income tax to a merchant on a patent, simplified tax or imputation.

Tax deduction is relevant for a businessman on the general taxation system. If a person works in several places, then his income from each place of work is summed up. In addition to wages, the property tax deduction also takes into account the rental of property, the sale of housing or transport.

Please note!

Dividends, although subject to income tax of 13%, are not counted as a tax base for property deductions when purchasing an apartment for a mortgage (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated April 15, 2014 No. 03-04-06/17162).

You are allowed to receive a deduction when purchasing an apartment with a mortgage if you paid for the purchase yourself. If your employer pays for you, then you are not entitled to a deduction. You will not receive a deduction for living space purchased from a spouse, child, parent, or ward (Article 105.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). You can spend maternity capital funds on the purchase of housing, but then a deduction is allowed only from the amount paid in excess of maternity capital.

What is the algorithm for obtaining a property tax deduction when purchasing an apartment with a mortgage? You bought an apartment and entered into a mortgage agreement with the bank. After receiving a certificate of ownership, you can collect documents to use the right to property deduction.

Attention! You cannot receive a tax deduction on an apartment for mortgage interest at once for the entire amount of interest that you will have to pay to the bank. Deductions are given only for directly incurred expenses.

By taking out a mortgage on an apartment, you can get a tax deduction in two ways:

  • at the tax office - at the end of the calendar year, inspectors will calculate the amount of the deduction and compare it with the personal income tax you paid for the year. If you paid less in personal income tax than you should get back, then next year you submit documents to the inspectorate again and receive the rest of the deduction. And so on until you have completely exhausted the deduction. If you bought an apartment a long time ago, say, in 2010, and submitted documents for the deduction in 2016, then your income tax refund will be calculated based on the tax amounts transferred over the last three years.
  • - this method has been available to citizens since 2015. Having received a notification from the Federal Tax Service, the employee refers it to the employer (the deduction can be received not only at the main place of work, but also part-time) and the employer stops withholding income tax from the employee - until the calendar year ends or the deduction is exhausted. If you quit and find a new job, please take notice for the new employer.

Attention! You can submit documents to the Federal Tax Service to receive a deduction from your employer immediately after receiving a certificate of registration of ownership of the apartment. But to receive a deduction directly from the tax authorities, you need to wait until the end of the calendar year.

Let us explain with an example how the two methods of obtaining a tax deduction when purchasing an apartment with a mortgage differ.

In January 2015, Angelina Sergeevna Vorobyova bought her daughter an apartment with a three-year mortgage for 3 million rubles. Loan rate - 12.5%, term - 10 years. The monthly loan payment amount is 44,335 rubles, of which 19,335 rubles are mortgage interest. Angelina Sergeevna’s salary is 75 thousand rubles.

Angelina Sergeevna can receive the maximum deduction for an apartment. She will no longer be able to use the property deduction. From February to December 2015, the amount of expenses on mortgage interest was 11 * 19,335 = 212,685 rubles.

If Angelina Sergeevna decided to take a deduction in “real” money from the inspectorate, then at the end of 2015 she must collect a package of documents and bring it to the tax authorities. After the audit, the tax inspectorate will have to pay Angelina Sergeevna 230 thousand rubles for the apartment itself (2 million * 13%) and 27,649 rubles (212,685 * 13%) for interest on the mortgage for 2015. Tax officials cannot pay Angelina Sergeevna more than she paid in personal income tax to the budget for 2015: 75 thousand * 12 months * 13% = 117 thousand rubles (Angelina Sergeevna’s daughter is 25 years, therefore Vorobyov does not have the right to deduct 1,400 rubles). Angelina Sergeevna decided to get a deduction directly for the apartment itself, and then for the interest on the mortgage. Thus, for 2015, the state will transfer 117 thousand rubles to Vorobyova, and the rest of the money will be paid at the end of 2016 (provided that Vorobyova’s salary remains the same). And then Angelina Sergeevna will begin to receive a deduction from payments paid under the agreement mortgage lending interest.

If Angelina Sergeevna decided not to wait until the end of 2015, then she can receive a deduction from her employer. To do this, she also needs to take the documents to the tax office, where she will receive a notification to the employer. Let’s assume that Angelina Sergeevna brought the notice in March 2015. Supreme Court decided that a property deduction must be provided for all income from the beginning of the year, regardless of the month in which the employee brought the notice (Review of the practice of the courts in applying Chapter 23 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation of October 21, 2015).

That is, the accounting department has not withheld personal income tax from Vorobyova’s salary since March 2015: 75 thousand * 13% = 9,750 rubles. And personal income tax for January and February 2015 is returned to Vorobyova as overdeducted. The employer pays Angelina Sergeevna wages in full, without withholding personal income tax, throughout 2015. In order to continue to receive a property tax deduction from the employer in 2016, Angelina Sergeevna needs to visit the Federal Tax Service again at the beginning of 2016 and receive a notification for the employer for 2016. If Vorobyova’s salary does not change, then she will stop receiving deductions for the purchased apartment in mid-December 2016.

For interest on the loan, Vorobyova will be able to receive a deduction every year in the amount of 19335 * 12 months * 13% = 30162.60 rubles. At the employer, Angelina Sergeevna realizes her right to a deduction in a little more than three months (the amount of the deduction is divided by the amount of personal income tax from Vorobyova’s salary).

Summarize. It is more convenient to receive a deduction from the Federal Tax Service because the deduction comes to the taxpayer’s bank card in one amount. But taking a deduction from the employer means increasing your monthly salary by 13%. In both cases, if you do not exhaust the deduction due for the year, you will have to collect documents again and submit them to the inspectorate.

Note! Income tax refunds are made from official salary amounts. If you receive money from your employer “in an envelope,” it will take much longer for you to receive the full deduction.

Let’s assume that Angelina Sergeevna officially receives 10 thousand rubles, and the employer pays 65 thousand “in gray”. Then every year Angelina Sergeevna will receive only 10 thousand * 12 months * 13% = 15,600 rubles deduction from the inspection. It is not difficult to calculate that to fully receive the deduction due for the purchase of the apartment itself, Angelina Sergeevna will need more than 16 years! And Angelina Sergeevna will receive the full deduction from mortgage interest (2,320,200 rubles (the amount of interest on an apartment for a 10-year mortgage) * 13% = 301,626 rubles) only after 19 years! Another argument against “envelope” salaries.

When one person buys an apartment with a mortgage, the rules for obtaining a tax deduction are clear and transparent. And if spouses take joint ownership of housing, how then should the property deduction be distributed? It depends on what year the apartment was purchased. If before 2014, then a deduction of 2 million rubles is given for the property itself; if after 2014, then a maximum deduction of 2 million rubles is available to each spouse. That is, for an apartment worth 4 million rubles in 2013, you could only count on a 2 million deduction for both family members, and in 2014 - already 4 million (if both spouses decide to exercise their right to a deduction).

Spouses may not use the deductions due to them in full - the Tax Code of the Russian Federation allows them to be distributed even in the proportion of 0% and 100% - that is, one spouse claims the right to a deduction, and the second does not (letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated April 8, 2015 No. 03- 04-05/19849).

Important! The deduction for interest is distributed in the same way as the deduction for the apartment itself e.

A deduction can be obtained even if the ownership is registered in the name of only one spouse - either the property owner receives a personal income tax refund, or both spouses exercise their right to a deduction in a certain proportion.

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The Tax Code establishes several ways to obtain a deduction for the purchase of an apartment - through the employer and through the tax service. The timing depends on these methods.

Important points

In accordance with the law, when purchasing an apartment, a person has the right to return part of the funds from this purchase using a tax refund.

The following categories are eligible to receive a deduction:

The tax service has the right to refuse the applicant. The reasons are:

Features of receiving:

Interested persons are entitled to receive the benefit Its size is equal to the amount of costs for purchasing an apartment. But in total they should not exceed 2 million rubles, with the exception of purchasing real estate at
If the taxpayer does not use the entire amount of the deduction Then it automatically moves on to the next purchase
A citizen must have an official place of work And his employer must pay tax on his wages. If the person receives it “in an envelope” or is not officially employed, then the right to the deduction is lost
The deduction is provided only to income tax payers of 13% It is not available to private entrepreneurs

How many times are you allowed to get a deduction? Options 2:

For each year, a person can return the amount that is equal to income tax (13%). The remaining funds do not expire; returns can be issued in subsequent years until the limit is exhausted.

If the property was purchased during marriage, but is the property of one of the spouses, then two people can apply for a deduction.

As already mentioned, the deduction request can only be submitted once. If the applicant changes his place of work, he has the right to apply at the beginning of the new calendar year.

The funds are returned when the applicant submits all documents. There are cases when the purchased property is not registered immediately; the applicant has the right to return part of the tax.

But on the condition that no more than 3 years have passed since the moment. The remainder is carried over to the next year.

If you buy an apartment in a new building, you can receive the deduction not immediately, but after a year.

What is the purpose of the return?

A tax deduction for the purchase of real estate was established in order to improve living conditions and for official employment. That is, the owner has the right to return part of the money that was spent on the purchase of housing.

Legal regulation

The right to receive a tax deduction is enshrined in. In accordance with, you must contact the tax service no later than the last day of the year.

It states that in order to receive a tax deduction, you must provide a completed application.

Deadlines for paying income tax when purchasing an apartment

After tax inspectors check the submitted documents, a desk audit is carried out. It takes up to 3 months.

In case of providing a tax deduction - 1 month - after verification. Therefore, the return period may take up to 4 months.

If the repayment deadlines are violated, interest will be charged on the amount deducted. They are calculated for each day of delay.

Currently it is 11% per year. Interest is calculated without judicial intervention. But this also happens.

Finances are transferred within 5-7 days to the specified account of the taxpayer. The official return period is 4 months, but practice shows that the procedure can take up to 5 months.

If the applicant wishes to receive cash, then he must contact the tax service 1 year after purchasing the apartment.

Documents are also provided, the employee reviews them within 3 months and issues a decision - to provide a deduction or refuse.

Video: tax deduction when buying an apartment

The money is not paid out immediately, but in small installments. If an applicant misses the deadline for filing an application for a deduction, he must provide a valid reason.

This year, a form is submitted for payments when purchasing an apartment within the time limits specified by law.

To ensure that tax officials do not have any claims against the applicant, a strictly defined declaration form is used - 3-NDFL.

What documents will you need?

When contacting the tax office, you must have the following documents with you:

  • passport;
  • if the deduction is obtained for a child, then it;
  • income statement;
  • issued by the employer. If a person works in several organizations, then a certificate is taken from each place of work;
  • account details – for transferring funds;
  • TIN code;
  • certificate of title to the apartment - contract, etc.

Documents are submitted to the tax office at the place of registration. Original certificates or their certified copies are provided. Documents are reviewed within 3 months.

If the decision is positive, the amount will be credited to the specified account. To receive a deduction from the employer, the following certificates must be presented:

  • from the tax service that the employee is entitled to this deduction;
  • certificate of ownership of real estate;
  • from the seller of the apartment;
  • , bank check or copy of the seller's passbook indicating the amount deposited.

After this, you need to write an application addressed to the employer. If an apartment is purchased for a minor child, you must provide his birth certificate.

The list of documents may vary depending on the region. This fact must be clarified in advance.

Application procedure

The procedure for applying through an employer takes place in several stages:

Payment can be processed before the end of the reporting tax period. If there is official employment in several organizations, then you can claim a deduction from each employer.

In order for the employer to stop calculating tax, it is necessary to submit an application to the organization’s accounting department. The process of obtaining a deduction from an employer is more complicated than through the tax office.

To receive a deduction through the tax office, you must follow these steps:

  1. Prepare documents and declaration form 3-NDFL.
  2. Send them to the tax office.
  3. Wait for consideration – no more than 3 months.
  4. If approved, write an application and indicate your bank account number.
  5. Expect the transfer of money no more than 1 month.

The registration process is simple.

Nuances of a mortgage

Many citizens buy an apartment with a mortgage. The owner has 2 ways to return costs - for the purchase and for the interest he paid.

The rules are the same:

In addition to the overpaid mortgage tax, you can return 13% of interest payments. But the amount is limited - 3 million rubles.

The main condition is that the purpose of the mortgage (“for housing investments”) must be indicated. If there is no instruction, then the deduction will not be returned.

You can receive a deduction for the purchase of real estate after submitting a declaration at the end of the tax period.

If the main payment has ended, and the amount of interest on the mortgage is small, then you are allowed to submit documents not every year, but once every few years, when the interest accumulates.

Registration of a property deduction is permissible after the provision of such papers - a registration certificate, or a court decision that has entered into force.

Conditions for obtaining a mortgage deduction:

You will need the following documents:

  • passport or other identity document;
  • certificate 2-NDFL – confirmation of tax payment;
  • contract of sale;
  • title deed;
  • agreement with the bank to obtain a mortgage;
  • certificates confirming payment of mortgage interest;
  • application for deduction.

You can apply for a deduction in the same way - at the tax office or with your employer. As for, a deduction can also be obtained, despite the fact that the apartment is purchased at the expense of the state.

But in the event that the serviceman paid extra with his own funds.

You can get back the money you paid to the government in taxes, or you can choose not to pay tax (up to a certain amount). To do this, you need to receive a so-called tax deduction, that is, reduce your taxable income. A tax deduction is an amount that reduces the amount of income on which tax is levied. Often the income you receive is only 87% of what you earned. Because your employer (or other tax agent) pays 13 rubles out of every 100 rubles for you as tax (personal income tax, otherwise called income tax). In some cases, you can get this money back. One such case that gives the right to a tax deduction is the purchase of residential real estate (for example, an apartment).

The deduction amount reduces the so-called taxable base, that is, the amount on which tax was withheld from you. You will be able to receive from the state in the form of tax refunds not the amount of the deduction, but 13% of the amount of the deduction, that is, what was paid in taxes. At the same time, you will not be able to receive more than you paid in taxes. For example, 13% of 100 rubles is 13 rubles. You can receive 13 rubles only if you paid 13 rubles in taxes for the year. If you paid less in taxes, you can only get back what you paid. You can carry the rest over to the next year, because the property tax deduction for the purchase of real estate, unlike other deductions, is carried over to future years. Also, when calculating, you need to take into account the deduction limit established by law. If the deduction limit is 2 million rubles, your deduction cannot be greater, and the tax refund cannot be more than 13% of the deduction limit, that is, 260,000 rubles. Taxes paid at a rate of 13% will be refunded when purchasing an apartment.

Maximum deduction amount

The maximum amount of property tax deduction when purchasing an apartment is 2 million rubles, not counting interest on the loan. This amount is established starting from 2008 and remains for subsequent years (including, for example, 2015 and 2016). Previously, the maximum deduction amount was 1 million rubles. The amount of tax refund will be 13% of the deduction amount.

Two ways to get a tax deduction

There are two ways to receive a deduction: at the end of the year for which the deduction is received, by receiving the entire amount from the tax office, or during the year for which the deduction is received, by underpaying the tax and receiving a deduction from the employer (or other tax agent).

To receive a property tax deduction from the tax office, you need to submit a 3-NDFL tax return, an application for a deduction and some other documents to your tax office at the end of the year for which you want to return taxes. Then, after the tax office verifies your documents, you will receive your tax refund in your bank account. That is, the taxes you paid will be returned to you.

To obtain a property tax deduction from an employer, you need to provide the employer (if you have several of them, one of your choice) with an application and notification received from the tax office. To receive a notification from the tax office, you will need to submit to your tax office an application for issuing a notification and documents confirming the right to the deduction. The employer, after receiving the notice, must pay you income without withholding tax until the end of the calendar year.

Unfortunately, when receiving a deduction from an employer, the employer will pay you all income only after providing notice. That is, for example, if you bring a notice in August, only from August. And through the tax office (at the end of the year) it will be possible to return taxes for the entire year, and not just from August to December.

Another disadvantage of receiving a deduction from the employer is that, as a rule, you will have to go to the inspectorate twice. First, you will need to request a notice to the employer from the tax office (confirming your right to the deduction). The inspectorate, as a rule, does not issue a notification immediately - by law it has one month to do so. Therefore, you will need to go to the inspectorate again to pick up the prepared notification. If you receive a deduction not from your employer, but from the tax office, as a rule, one “trip” to the inspectorate is enough.

New and old rules for tax refund when buying an apartment

Since the beginning of 2014, new rules for obtaining deductions have been in effect, but not for everyone. The new rules are for you only if two conditions are met.

The three main changes are:

  • The deduction becomes multi-use. Now the deduction can be obtained for several residential properties (for example, several apartments). (But do not forget that the limit of 2 million for all objects remains.)
    Example. Peter bought two apartments. Each apartment costs 1 million rubles. According to the old rules, Peter could receive a deduction for only one of the apartments. Now - on both.

  • The deduction limit is now determined not per housing object (for example, an apartment), but per person (the buyer who receives the deduction).
    Example 1. Peter bought two apartments, each of which costs 1.5 million rubles. According to the old rules, Peter could only receive a deduction in the amount of 1.5 million rubles (because the deduction is only possible for one apartment). According to the new rules - 2 million rubles.
    Example 2. The couple (Peter and Svetlana) bought an apartment for 5 million rubles. According to the old rules, the two of them (together) could receive a deduction in the amount of 2 million rubles. According to the new rules - 4 million rubles.

  • The deduction limit for interest on a mortgage loan is now 3 million rubles. Previously, such deductions were not limited.

Here's a slightly more detailed one-page memo on the new rules that you can download:

Do you need to somehow take these changes into account if, for example, you bought an apartment in 2013? No. For example, you bought an apartment in 2013. This means that your right to deduction came in 2013. You may not study these changes. The new rules are not for you. Even if you are returning taxes for 2014 or years after 2014 - including 2016 or 2017.

Is it possible to get a deduction for mortgage interest on a second home if you received a deduction for the cost of your first home (but not for mortgage interest)? If the right to deduction for the first home occurred before 2014? Yes, it's possible. This is the only situation in which you can use the deduction again, despite the fact that you have already used it and the right arose (for the first time) before 2014. The Russian Ministry of Finance wrote about this in letter No. 03-04-05/64922 dated December 16, 2014. In such a situation, you may be able to claim a mortgage interest deduction. When filling out the declaration, leave the answers for housing purchase costs blank, and fill out the answers for mortgage interest.

For example, you bought an apartment in 2013. You received a deduction for the cost of the apartment, but not for the mortgage interest. In 2014, you bought another apartment using a mortgage. You can get a deduction for a second apartment, but only for mortgage interest.

How to get the maximum deduction quickly and easily?

The easiest way is to quickly prepare the correct documents for the maximum refund and submit these documents with the Tax Office. With the Tax Inspectorate, the documents will be approved and you will not have to redo them. You will receive the correct documents and expert advice. And then you can choose whether to take the documents to the inspectorate yourself or submit them online.

What to do if common property

Tax Refund Process

Don't be afraid of the tax refund process. This is a common standard procedure for tax inspectorates. To which you have every right. For example, in 2015, according to official data from the tax service, more than two and a half million Russians returned taxes when purchasing or building housing. Inspections usually have separate “windows” for those receiving tax deductions. The queues at inspections, as a rule, are not at these “windows”, but at others - for companies. Many consultants who undertake to obtain a deduction for you deliberately exaggerate the difficulty of this process in order to increase the cost of their services.

Along with the declaration, you can immediately submit all the necessary documents at once. All you have to do is wait until the money arrives in your account. In October 2012, the tax service confirmed that an application for a tax refund can also be submitted immediately (letter 10.26.12 No. ED-4-3/18162@). That is, to receive a refund, as a rule, one “trip” to the inspection is enough. And the Tax Office will make sure that the documents you bring to the inspection are correct.

How to get a tax deduction

On the Tax website you will find everything you need to get a deduction in any part of Russia. Now you don't need to contact consultants. You can do everything yourself much faster and cheaper:

1 Fill out the declaration on the Tax website. With us, filling out the declaration correctly will be quick and easy.

2 Attach the list of documents to the declaration. The list and application templates can be downloaded for free in the “Useful” / “Documents for deduction” section of the website.

3 Submit documents and receive money. All you have to do is submit the prepared documents online through the Tax Office or take them to the inspectorate and receive the money.

To proceed to filling out the 3-NDFL tax return on our website, please click the Next button below.

Purchasing an apartment is associated with joy, since it is an important event in the life of every person. The only thing that clouds the situation is large expenses, but few people know that they can be refunded.

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The purchase of residential real estate is one of the grounds on which you can apply for a personal income tax refund.

Changes in legislation

Since 2018, changes have been made to the legislation, according to which a number of provisions regarding the provided benefit have changed:

  1. Firstly, from this moment on, its binding is carried out not to the object itself, but to its owner.
  2. Secondly, the deduction amount includes costs not only for the purchase, but also for construction and finishing work (if documented and this item is included in the contract).
  3. Thirdly, the unpaid amount is now transferred to the next year and will be paid until it reaches the refund amount.

To whom is it provided?

  • citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • pensioners;
  • children under eighteen years of age.

To receive a deduction, a citizen must work and be a personal income tax payer.

What expenses are taken into account?

  1. Certificate of ownership of a property - this official document confirms a citizen’s right to an apartment or part of it.
  2. If an apartment is purchased in a new building, the construction of which has not yet been completed, then you will need to obtain a transfer certificate.
  3. Photocopy of civil passport.
  4. A photocopy of the purchase agreement.
  5. Bank account details to which funds will be transferred (they are indicated in the application).
  6. Documentation confirming expenses (checks, payment guarantees, account statements, etc.).

Moreover, the owner of a residential property must include in the package of documents:

  1. Application (drawn up in any form) about the need to pay the tax amount.
  2. Declaration in form 3-NDFL.
  3. Salary certificate – issued by the accounting department at the place of work.

If the purchase of real estate occurs under a mortgage program, then the package of documents increases:

  1. Bank agreement on the provision of a mortgage (copy).
  2. A certificate from a banking organization stating that the interest has been repaid. The tax office requires a detailed statement for each year.
  3. Certificate of movement of financial amounts in the account.

If the payment of the deduction is “stretched” over several years, then the documents must be provided in several copies corresponding to the number of years.

Return deadlines

The application will be considered by the tax authorities in . After completion of the inspection, ten days are given to make a decision.

In case of delay, the tax office must reimburse the penalty for each day.

When does the tax office refuse?

Tax authorities may refuse to pay a deduction if:

  • not all documents have been collected;
  • incorrect information is provided;
  • the declaration is filled out incorrectly;
  • funds for the purchase were allocated by the employer or a third party;
  • the right of return has already been exercised;
  • the citizen is not a personal income tax payer.

Video about paying property deductions