
Quadrille dance is a story of origin. Methodical development of the production of the Russian dance quadrille "berries"

The quadrille is a pair dance, once a salon, but now it has somewhat changed, but it has not lost its compositional features.
  The quadrille can be Ukrainian and Russian, Lithuanian and American, each of them is original and diverse.

A quadrille appeared in France in the seventeenth century, it was danced at balls and in salons. The pairs formed a quadrangle and in turn performed their parts. The dance consisted of five figures, culminating in a unifying general movement.

At first, all the figures were complex, they were called “pants”, “pastoral”, “chicken”, “summer”, “final”. Despite the difficulty, the performers brought the movements to perfection. Over time, the dance changed, figures began to be denoted by numbers, some movements disappeared, others became simpler.
  Having gained popularity in the dance halls, the quadrille spread among the people. Gradually, she changed, became the favorite national dance of the people. Various changes and provided a long life dance square dance. Watch the video (the dance is complicated) before you start learning. But we still consider the features and some types of quadrille.

Dance square dance video:

The Russian quadrille is distinguished by a variety of principles and construction of forms, the complexity of the technique of execution and composition. Three groups of dance are distinguished by the form of construction.
  The first group. Corner or square shapes, the movement of the dancers diagonally or crosswise. The second group - double-row forms, up to sixteen pairs are involved. The movement towards is characteristic. The third is circular shapes for four, six or eight pairs. Movement in a circle, in some cases to the center and back.

In the Russian quadrille, movements have names according to the nature of the movement - "acquaintance", "gait", "collar", "asterisk" and the like. There is a pause between the figures, the leader announces all the figures, giving a sign in a trench or scarf.

There are many figures in the Ukrainian quadrille, mainly the difference in the musical compositions under which the dance is performed.

The Belarusian quadrille is simple, the constructions are diverse, the figures are from four to twelve. The difference between the Belarusian version in the solo dancers, in pairs or separately.
Inside the species, there may be local variants, of which there are a great many. Some types of quadrille are built on the fusion of folk dances having the form of this dance, for example, Vrubel, Goby, Chizhik.

Quadrille is a dance that every self-respecting young man and every educated girl from a good family should have been able to dance. The execution of the quadrille was mandatory at social events and balls. Over time, the quadrille became widespread not only in its homeland, but also in many countries of the world.

Basic movements

Quadrille - pair dance. Quadrille movements are performed by both partners. The quadrille has several varieties - circular and angular quadrille. A choreographic drawing consists of several stages, which are called figures. By the principle of its movements, the quadrille recalls a whole history of dating and the development of relations between two lovers.

Dance figures

The first dance figure is called dating. The guy with the girl are facing each other. The girl is standing to the right of the audience, her partner is on the left side. The pair moves to the center of the hall, where they greet the right hand, after which several rotations are made, using simple steps that start from the heel, followed by a triple influx, and the partners disperse.

The second figure is walking. Partners move in a circle, taking four steps that alternate with triple tributaries. After the pair has passed the circle, it returns to its original place. Standing in place, the partners perform the rotation, after which the hands rise up and connect. Under the hands of one pair, the following pairs pass in the dance, and stand in their places, this is called a trickle.

The third figure is a detour. Both partners simultaneously take steps, drawing a square, but do not turn to face each other. At the completion of the steps, both partners will be in a position facing each other. After the last step, the guy and girl join hands.

Fourth figure. Both partners perform springy movements, after which they approach one step towards each other, the legs are slightly bent at the knees. Having approached, partners align their legs, and repeat movements, again bending their knees slightly. Such elements of the dance must be repeated, performing them synchronously.

The fifth figure is a successor. The girl walks past her partner, and goes to another dancer, at this time the partner comes to the girl from another pair. Thus, all couples change their partners. It is necessary to make such a shift until the partner reunites with her original partner. So the dance ends.

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House of Children's Culture (Arts) "Rainbow"

Methodical development of Russian folk dance   quadrille


for children 6 - 8 years old

Compiled by:

Teacher additional


A.A. Dubrovskaya


2016 year

Quadrille - alive fast dancewho found his "I" in many countries of the world. Despite the fact that the Quadrille was born in France, it irrevocably fell in love with Russian dancers. In our country, "Quadrille" appeared at the beginning of the 18th century. It mutated and flourished, acquired new forms, movements, the nature of execution. In different parts of Russia, quadrille gave new elements that are characteristic of the local mentality and preferences. “Quadrille" is a pair dance with a certain compositional structure, which must be adhered to during the performance. The fundamental composition of the quadrille consists of four pairs of dancing, arranged in the shape of a square. Each of the pairs alternately performs its own dance fragment, and then all the pairs are combined into a common dance figure. The “square dance", as a rule, includes from five to six figures. The construction of dance figures in quadrille is diverse. There are hundreds of different variations of transitions and dance patterns in the dance, but despite this, three groups can be distinguished by the form of construction. Circular shape, linear shape (in two rows) and square shape (angular). The circular shape is characterized by movement in a circle, to the center of the circle and vice versa. In a circular quadrille, as a rule, an even number of pairs, from two to sixteen. Couples line up in two rows and dance with those couples who are, messing with them. Here, each pair either approaches another pair, or the pairs move towards each other. Square constructions are characterized by the movements of dancing couples crosswise or diagonally of a square. Four pairs are involved in a square quadrille. Now the Russian “Quadrille” is completely unlike the original French dance, it has become its native incendiary dance, which our people love so much!

Goal: Creating an atmosphere of creative interaction between students and the teacher in the implementation of their own dance ideas.


    To educate in children a sense of respect for the traditions and dance culture of the Russian people.

    To generalize and realize the acquired knowledge of practical activity - to compose together one of the quadrille figures.

    To develop communication skills, imaginative thinking in the creation and formulation of their ideas.

Lesson plan:

    Warm up.

    Square quadrille. ” Learning the dance.farewell

    The final conversation.

Course progress:

    Introducing children into the atmosphere of classes. Bow.

A melody of a Russian folk song sounds. Childrenenter the hallrebuildfour people in a line.Russian is performedfolk   bow.

    Warm up

Teacher: Today we have an unusual activity, today I will spend master Class   for you, I’ll tell you about one of the types of Russian dance   - quadrille. You will learn   dance   and try   myself as a choreographer.

The melody of the Russian folk song “Moscow quadrille" A dance-rhythmic warm-up is performed, based on the movements used in quadrille (tide, fractions, crackers, squatting, “picking”). The warm-up task is to warm up the child’s musculoskeletal system, create a psychological and emotional mood for the lesson, get acquainted with the basic movements of Russian dance .

    Information about the Russian folk dance "Quadrille". Forms of quadrille construction.

Teacher :

There are many types of square dance as a folk dance: Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Lithuanian, Estonian, Latvian, etc. Inside the species, there may still be many local variations, for example, the Russian quadrille can be called Moscow, Volga, Ural, or, as in the northern regions of Russia, four, six, eight.

The Russian quadrille has diverse forms and principles of construction, as well as quite complex in composition and technique.

According to the construction form, three groups of quadrille can be distinguished:

1. Square or corner, where the pairs are on the sides of the square (there are usually four) and the movement is carried out crosswise or diagonally.

2. Linear or double-row, in which up to 16 pairs and even more can participate. The composition of the linear quadrille is characterized by the movement of two lines of dancers towards each other.

3. Circular - they dance 4, 6 or 8 pairs. The movement is carried out in a circle, sometimes to the center of the circle and back to the big circle.

The figures in the Russian quadrille can have names associated with the nature of the movement performed or the dance pattern: penetration, acquaintance, cool, asterisk, collar, etc. There are pauses between the figures. The figures are announced as the leader or a sign is given for their execution - a scarf or a tributary.

4. "Corner quadrille." Learning the dance. Execution. Joint composition of children and teacher farewell   quadrille shapes. Demonstration of options. The final performance of the dance.

Teacher :

We will now stand with you on the first, second and subsequent figure of the angry square dance and teach a lesson, and we will compose the final figure (divided into subgroups) with you.

Our dance is called "Berries", so every boy has a basket in his hands. This will be a comic number in which the boys meet and go for berries, and in the forest they meet girls, walk with them, and then treat them to the harvest. But, one boy walked so much that he forgot to pick berries, the girl was offended by him, but he was not taken aback and presented her with a scarlet flower.

Description of angular quadrille (to the tune "Moscow Quadrille):

    The “Meeting” figure. Starting position: performers stand in lines on both sides of the class. The boys are on the right side of the viewer and on the left, girls are also only closer to the viewer. Four couples are participating.

The male performers line to the center of the class, greet them with their right hands, then bow to the viewer, then go in one line and go forward.

The figure uses a simple step with a heel and a triple flush

    Acquaintance figure

Girls go around the boys and stand on their right side. The boys put down baskets and invite the girls to dance, holding out their right hand. Dancers perform the movement - steps with claps, then go around each other and stand in the picture "Asterisk".

    Asterisk figure

Dancing couples walk in a circle, performing six simple steps and a triple influx. The boys stand still, and the girls go to the next partner.

    The figure "Walk".

Returning to their place, they perform a rotation in a pair to the left. Then, in pairs opposite each other, they converge diagonally to the center of the circle and change places, in turn.

    The Conspiracy Figure

The boys converge to the center of the circle with a usual step and begin to whisper, and the girls at this moment stand in the corners and are surprised, performing movements of their hands to the right and left. Then the girls come up to the boys and drag them to the corners, and they themselves converge to the center and also whisper. The boys are standing in the corners, offended.

    Reconciliation figure

Girls come up to the boys and take their hand. Perform the movement together: picking right, left, right and stoke. Then the boys sit down and the girls walk around them.

    The Kruteya figure

The dancers perform the movement - steps with claps, then go around each other. The movement is executed twice.

    The figure of the "Collar"

Dancingin pairs lining up in a column in the center of the class and starting from the fourth pair, they pass through the gate, the girl gets up and waits, and the boy goes to his basket and gives the girl “Berry,” and so on, all the pairs. But the first couple, there was no berry in the basket, so the girl cries, and the boy takes out a flower from the cap and they leave together.   Thus, the dancers of the first pair go last.

    The "Farewell" figure.

Teacher: I propose work in groups - to compose the last square dance figure. The figure is called “Farewell”.

Children work in groups. The melody sounds. Versions of compositions are performed. An interesting option is being learned by the whole group.

All participants go from different sides to the middle of the hall, stand in one line, bow and leave in pairs, waving a hand to the viewer.

In conclusion, the whole dance is performed.

5. The final conversation

Teacher: In this lesson, we not only got acquainted with one of the types of Russian folk dance, quadrille, as well as with the forms of its construction, features and manner of performance. You conveyed the bright, playful character of a Russian quadrille, visited the role of a dance director, and showed creativity and imagination in creating your own ideas. On this our master class is over.

At the end of the workshop, a Russian bow is performed.