
Scenario of the anniversary evening for a woman of 60 years. A ready-made, cool script for an anniversary (60 years for a woman) at home, in a cafe, at work. Contest "Inconvenient pies"

Throughout a person's life, round dates are pursued. There are a lot of them, and psychologists advise celebrating all of them in order to feel alive, to communicate with new people, to rest your soul. Therefore, if your loved one soon comes (or a woman), which, by the way, is an anniversary, then it is your direct responsibility to arrange such a holiday for him, from which he will still be moving away for a very long time.

In order to organize everything at the highest level, you need to carefully plan everything. To do this, you have to write a small script. What should be included in the celebration? Firstly, any holiday begins with a feast. At this time, all relatives raise their glasses for the woman of the anniversary and say some beautiful words of parting words, wishes. Secondly, there must be dancing. If someone says that he does not like to dance, it means that he has drunk very little more - add alcohol to the poor fellow. Thirdly, no anniversary passes without presenting gifts. A gift for a woman must be chosen very carefully. Some ladies in old age react negatively to gifts such as cosmetics and perfumes. They consider it an insult, as if you told her to her face that she looks terrible and smells bad.

Do not look at what, that the hero of the day is far from being young. Do not forget, when writing a script for the anniversary of 60 years, a woman still knocked. And you need to show her that she is still young enough. And you can do this thanks to fun contests. Then improvise, based on knowledge about the birthday girl.


Every person has the right to a holiday, and such a date as the 60th anniversary of catfish is a celebration. At this age, a woman simply deserves it, because she is not just a woman, she is a good mother and already a caring grandmother.


"Older years are not a problem, the 60th date is full of happiness." The script should fully reveal the life of a pensioner, prove that even at this age she is undoubtedly beautiful as a woman and simply a model for her grandchildren to follow. We decorate the room colorfully: with balloons, fresh flowers, Anniversary congratulatory garlands.


The evening will be charming

The holiday will be entertaining,

And I'm so glad to you, guests,

I shout: "Hurrah!", I loudly to you,

Thank you for coming here

They brought smiles with them

There is a reason for this,

And this is the news

(first name, patronymic) - 60,

And let the years praise her

Her soul is young

And looks just as good

What am I going to talk about here?

Time to call her!

One-two-three (name, patronymic) - come out!

(guests call the Anniversary in chorus, she comes out to applause)


With a smile, I present you with a medal,

And congratulations on your anniversary

And I also give a diploma

Because you live your life!

(medal and diploma can be purchased at a specialized gift shop)


Before I toast

I will give each guest one word,

I ask you to say compliments in a circle,

And praise our dear hero of the day!

(guests in a circle say compliments to the Anniversary)


Well, now we open the champagne,

Pour it into glasses

We lift them up

And for happiness and health (name, patronymic) - we drink!

(musical break, meal)


Grandma's competition is open,

And I call all knitters here!


The competition is called: "Knitted thread." Everyone is welcome to participate. Each participant is given knitting needles and a ball of thread. At the command of the presenter, to cheerful music, everyone must knit a thread 10 cm long in two rows. Who will make everyone go forward. That one is the winner. Prize: a good ball of woolen thread.


To be warm in the soul,

So that (name, patronymic) is still lucky in many ways,

I order everyone to raise their glasses,

And drink wine for her!

(musical break, meal)


You can’t do without ditties on such a day,

Who wants to sing, well, respond?


The competition is called: "The Best Chastushechnik". 4 people take part. Everyone is given the words of a ditty and describes the image of the hero, on whose behalf they will be performed.

Baba Yaga (broom);

Text: At the chicken hut, I jumped here to sing a ditty to you: Happy Birthday to you!

Dr. Aibolit (medical gown);

Text: I take care of my health, and I’ll tell you what, congratulations on your Anniversary. I always want to drink balm!

Alla Pugacheva (red wig);

Text: That's how Alla Pugacheva, I congratulate you, 60 is not a lot, because you can't tell by me, huh ?!

Luntik (pink ears)

Text: My grandchildren asked me to congratulate you, they teased me with Luntik because I have big ears!

Each is given a prize - a box of chocolates, and the best, in the opinion of the Anniversary, also has a bottle of cognac.


The competition for fame is clearly a success,

Every sitting person would admit this,

Let's pour wine for this,

And let's drink this whole holiday together!

(musical break, meal)


60 - not a little, and not a lot,

60 - wonderful years,

Confirm the guests this again and again,

Congratulate the Anniversary, say the words!

(guests alternately congratulate the Anniversary and give gifts)


For these gifts and congratulations,

Please pour the wine without delay,

For happiness (name, patronymic) - we drink.

And congratulations on her 60th birthday!

(musical break, meal)


Entertainment is needed

Entertainment is important

And even more so when it is for everyone,

That will certainly be a success here!


The competition is called: "We are treated together." Everyone is welcome to participate, we are divided into two teams. The meaning of the competition is to show how our dear grandmothers treat, and they always treat deliciously, not with medicines, but with folk methods. In front of each team, at a distance of 5-6 meters, a chair is placed, a bandage for the head, a jar of jam, a spoon, a jug of fruit drink and a glass hang on it. Task: everyone, in turn, runs up to a chair, puts on a bandage, eats a spoonful of jam and drinks a glass of fruit drink, then returns to his team and passes the baton to the next participant. The team that runs out of medicine the fastest is the one who recovers and wins. Prize: each a jar of jam.

For this you need to drink

Now we know how to treat

We can always ask grandmothers!

(musical break, meal)


Grandmothers cook everything very tasty,

Grandmothers will definitely not hide this,

So (name, patronymic), baked pies,

And looking for someone who wants to eat them in two chews!


The competition is called: "Inconvenient Pie". Four people take part. Each is given a plate on which lies the most ordinary pie. At the command of the host, the participants should start eating their pies, but only without the help of hands. Whoever eats first gets a prize - a big cheesecake.


And now I will say my words, and so as to correspond to this celebration:

Six dozen flew by at a time,

And you won't understand right away

Did everything turn out the way you wanted?

Was it true or a lie

It just doesn't matter,

After all, half a life is still ahead,

If only these years would go on and on,

So that they can be longer

And that's exactly how it was,

I wish you well from the bottom of my heart

So that happiness circles everywhere,

So that you (name, patronymic) are in love with everything,

To raise their grandchildren,

To be able to babysit great-grandchildren,

To make everything that you dreamed come true

To have everything for the soul!

Happy 60th birthday! Happy anniversary!

(good rhythmic music sounds)

(the holiday continues, but without a host)

Sixty years is a respectable age worthy of respect. By this time, a woman usually has long been a wife, mother, and grandmother. Congratulations on the anniversary should be special and the holiday can be held according to an interesting, pre-prepared scenario. We suggest using a ready-made cool option suitable for a woman in honor of her 60th birthday. It is important to prepare everything in advance, to take into account all the features and preferences of a particular person.

Preparatory moments

The script for the 60th anniversary of the woman is given below with all the remarks, contests and digressions. This is a ready-made cool option that you can change at your discretion.

The anniversary is conceived as a party, so you need to prepare the necessary attribute in advance:

  1. Brilliant.
  2. Flappers.
  3. Confetti.
  4. Funny cardboard caps.

In addition, the hall is pre-decorated in the appropriate theme. A dress code for guests is determined, if possible. It could be "70s disco" or "retro party".

By the anniversary, several wall newspapers must be completed, which include:

  1. Children's, youthful photos of the hero of the day.
  2. Photos of memorable moments.
  3. Personal family photos.
  4. Photo from work or any merits of the hero of the occasion.
  5. Photos with friends, from travels or favorite activities, hobbies, .

It is important to make a video of congratulations from children and grandchildren, from friends or colleagues, it will be included in the party script.

The background for the whole evening, for the time when the music will sound, can be a video sequence with changing photos of the family archive or any other, where the main character is the birthday girl. They are displayed on a screen mounted on the central wall of the hall.

Music for the entire event:

  1. Compositions for numbers and competitions.
  2. Background music.
  3. Music for dancing.

It is necessary to think over and prepare small prizes for guests for competitions.

This is all that needs to be thought out in advance, and here is the script for a 60-year anniversary for a woman. This is a cool ready-made script that you can change, add or remove any moments from it.

Party "60 years - the beginning of youth"

Several pairs of participants are selected. In advance, you need to prepare music of different genres:

  • waltz;
  • lambada;
  • quadrille;
  • twist.

Couples dance to the sounding melody, and when the music stops, you need to freeze in a pose that matches the genre of music.

The soul shines with joy and joy,
When we are spinning in a waltz, we are slowly!
So that dancing always fills our lives,
I suggest drinking immediately!



Do you love to sing? I know for sure, love. Let's celebrate talent!

Guests are divided into 2 teams. One team sings, the other must answer with a song that is opposite in meaning.

The heart dances and sings
Hearing these songs.
So that we sing all year round,
Let's drink together!
For our (name), we raise a glass!
We capture her enthusiasm and youth for centuries!

"Truth or lie"


Loving close people gathered at the celebration today. Let's check how well you know our hero of the occasion. Let's play true or false.

All guests can be divided into 2 teams. Everyone is given cards of different colors, some are true, others are false. The entertainer asks questions that are prepared in advance and the answer is known about the facts from the life of the hero of the day. Teams raise cards in response. Whichever team has the most matches wins.


Obviously, here are gathered
Close friends only!
We now know the truth
You can't say better!

final moment

Entertainer: It's a sad moment, the party is coming to an end. We look forward to repeating it in the next 60 years! We wish the birthday girl that the holiday in her life does not stop! And on the next anniversary, we were next to each other in the same lineup or in a larger one!

They say that a woman, when she turns 60, is already almost an old woman. That she is not up to fun and not to the holidays. But those who do not know women who are 60 years old say so! And those who know such people can tell you that at this age women are cheerful, kind and active! Therefore, we came up with our own comic and funny scenario for the anniversary of a woman for 60 years. In our scenario, there are many fun moments, jokes and games for guests. Look, choose the best moments and spend them on your holiday.

Good evening dear guests! Today we have gathered here to celebrate the anniversary of our charming (name of the hero of the day). How old was she? It doesn’t matter, especially since it’s not customary to talk about a woman’s age. But if you look at our hero of the day, look at her blossoming face, look into her sparkling eyes, take a look at her from head to toe, then you can immediately see that she is 18 years old today! With what we all solemnly and congratulate her!

Toast for the hero of the day.
As children, we all collected puzzles. Some people collected quickly, some slowly. Someone collected a puzzle of 8 pieces, and someone of a hundred or more. But be that as it may, after all our puzzles crumbled into pieces.
So our life from year to year is collected piece by piece in the form of a puzzle. And at some point it will gather and crumble.
I propose to drink for our hero of the day, and for her life puzzle, so that it keeps gathering and gathering, and for a long time does not collapse into small pieces!

And tell me, what is the most famous birthday song in our country? Which? Quite right - the song of the crocodile Gena! Do you remember the words to this wonderful children's song? Do you remember that today we are celebrating 18 years with our hero of the day? So, she is just becoming an adult, and we can still sing this children's song to her. Let's sing?

The guests sing a song.

Well done, sleep well. And we have a surprise for the hostess of the evening! Cheburashka himself came to her for the holiday! I know that she was madly in love with him as a child. And now, years later, he came to congratulate her and sing a song.

A young man comes out with big cardboard ears, like a Cheburashka. He sings a song to the motive - I play the harmonica. Only the words have been changed for the anniversary.
And here is the song itself:

And now I propose to play a game in the form of a quiz. Whoever answers the question correctly wins a prize. And not just a prize, but a gift from our hero of the day!
I will read the question, then you offer answers. If you didn’t guess, then I give a second hint. If again there is no answer, then the third clue.
But there is one more condition - if you gave your answer to the question and did not guess, then you can no longer answer this question. So keep in mind that you only have one attempt per answer!
So, here are the questions:

1. He is almost always on top. Sometimes it's the last one! But most of the time it's on the phone! (call)
2. She is both in the sea and in the sky. And sometimes even on stage. (Star)
3. This is the favorite sight of sheep. In sports, they are stormed. They score goals. (Gates)
4. He is both near and far. This is the thinnest thing! Visible on the horizon. (East)
5. He is different, both high and low. Men try to avoid getting under it. Women learn to walk on them. (Heel)
6. It can be found. He can hit from the ground. They open locks. (Key)

Great, everyone did a great job. Do you remember what was the last answer? That's right - the key! The key has a variety of meanings. But they all come down to one thing, that they can open something. Let's open something with our keys.
Look, I have a bunch of keys. They all have their own number. And we have a target hanging on the wall, and it also has numbers. We also have a chest with a lock.
Everything seems to be clear - you take a dart, throw it at a target in any number. What number you hit, you take such a key number. Trying to open the lock. Opened - you take away the prize. Didn't open, sorry! Everything seems to be clear, right?!
But not everything is so simple! Firstly, in the chest the prize is not simple, but from our hero of the day and it is personalized! Secondly, in order to throw a dart, you need to buy it. The starting price of the first five darts is 1 ruble. If the lock is not opened, then the cost increases to 5 rubles. If the lock is closed again, then 50 rubles per dart. Everything is clear here, the fewer keys remain, the greater your chances of winning a prize. But even if you bought a dart. Then you still need to get into the figure! If you don't get it, then buy again! And thirdly, money. Which you pay for darts. They don’t go to me, but to this beautiful jar with the inscription: ON THE SEA! That is, by buying darts, you help our hero of the day save money for a trip to the sea! So do not be stingy, buy darts and miss, sorry, hit the numbers and try your luck!

Guests participate in the game. Money for darts is put in a jar. After the game, the bank is given to the hero of the day.
And the prize in the chest can be like this - since it is nominal, then you can put a frame with a photo of the hero of the day there!

What is the most important thing in a person's life? That's right - health! It is what helps us to live. And in order to be healthy, you need to breathe fresh air.
Three grandmothers from Siberia came to us for the anniversary. And they brought the most unusual gift!

Three grandmothers come out (disguised guests, men and women can be). They go out, in the hands of one bag. What is not visible in the bag.

We came from distant Siberia, and we are over a hundred years old! Do you know why? Because we have been breathing fresh and clean air all our lives! Look at us - we are so young and so groovy! Now we will show it to you!

Grandmothers sing ditties and dance.

Look at me,
I'm still so young!
I was a hundred years old yesterday!
Wow, what nonsense!

Well, I walk
For Kudikin mountain!
I'm not afraid of distance
My legs are young!

Days and nights through
I dance and sing!
After all, I live in Siberia,
I breathe clean air!

See what we are! And you will be the same! Here you go! (they take out a jar from the bag, which is closed with a lid). This jar has the pure air of Siberia! Breathe it and you will be just like us!

Well, we continue our holiday!
Would you like to drink more? No problem, just play one little game first!

Shouting game.
The host reads the first two lines of the chant. The third line is shouted by all men, and the fourth line is shouted by all women. After the chants, everyone drinks together and goes to dance.
And here is the scream itself.

You need to take care in advance and come up with a cool script for the anniversary of 60 years for a woman with contests. This is simply necessary on any holiday, and even more so on an anniversary. If this is not done, then the celebration will be boring, everyone will sit and be silent. This is how the holiday will pass, the guests will eat and disperse. The birthday girl needs to arrange a real holiday. You can make a script for the anniversary of 60 years for a woman cool with contests in verse. This will make it even more interesting.

You can include some guests in the program, let them participate. After all the guests have sat down, the first thing to do is to raise glasses for the hero of the day. You can read the toast. For example, each guest will speak one line at a time. After that, everyone drinks for the hero of the occasion and her health.

congratulatory program

Now the scenario of the anniversary of 60 years for a woman will be presented, cool with competitions without a toastmaster. If you do not use the services of professionals, you can create an entertainment program yourself, but it will be more difficult.

It will be necessary to identify a leader who will be responsible for the event. This falls on the shoulders of the children of the hero of the day or her friend. Some of them will have to write an interesting script with various contests and jokes. But it must be a responsible person who can flawlessly carry out the event to the bitter end. If you don’t have any ideas, you can watch an exemplary script for a 60-year-old anniversary for a cool woman with contests on the video.

1. First, you will need to decide in advance on the host of the event. He will lead the program throughout the holiday. He is given a script, everything else he does himself. He can get a script for a 60th birthday for a woman with competitions from colleagues who also want to congratulate the hero of the day on her 60th birthday. Colleagues at work can draw up a program with various competitions related to their professional activities. Or you can come up with an individual program by adding several competitions proposed by colleagues and something of your own. You can diversify the script a little by pouring new colors into it.

2. All guests are seated in their favorite places, but the hero of the day should sit at the head of the table. The host welcomes all guests, colleagues and the birthday girl. He explains why everyone is gathered in this room today. All guests greet the hero of the occasion, their colleague and just a beautiful woman.

3. Then the facilitator reads a verse about the anniversary. The best words and compliments are directed towards the birthday girl. The presenter tells in poetic form to the hero of the day what the anniversary is, how her friends and employees compliment her, not sparing words, that everyone wants to congratulate her on this significant date. The host also explains to the hero of the occasion how all her relatives need her advice, that they all listen to her. He continues the story of how her whole family, friends appreciate her, and they all wish her health and strength. You can sing your own poetry.

4. The girlfriends of the hero of the day can congratulate her in an extraordinary way by performing a song, reworking the words for the holiday.

5. After that, the leader asks to fill the glasses and drink for the birthday girl. Here you can insert some kind of scene by dressing up guests or professional actors in interesting animals. They will congratulate the hero of the day. You can somehow combine this with the fact that everyone present will come up to the microphone and say nice words, give a gift or flowers, who has prepared what. Disguised animals will amuse the people with songs and dances. You can arrange interesting contests like at weddings. Guests can take pictures with the animals. Those present will have a lot of fun and funny animals will only please them, because all adults still remain children in their hearts.

6. After such an entertainment program, the host takes the microphone and says how many wonderful guests have gathered here, and they all came to congratulate their girlfriend, wonderful colleague and caring wife and mother on the holiday. The hero of the day can celebrate her holiday with her family or invite all her friends, colleagues and even the director.

7. At this moment, the leader can give the floor to him. The director, of course, makes a toast with a bunch of nice wishes and compliments, and then gives a gift.

8. Then you can line up the men so that they read to a beautiful woman, our birthday girl. After that, colleagues come to congratulations. Of these, you need to choose a leader who will say one toast for everyone. Well, what do colleagues usually say in such an event?! They say how stable their team is, that they have always been friendly and efficient, how they wanted to congratulate their girlfriend and colleague today. (say the name). After that, all colleagues of the birthday girl sing a song to any known motive, reworking the words for a festive atmosphere. Such a scenario for the anniversary of 60 years for a woman is cool with contests and will always give a holiday to people.

9. Then you can make a medal with some kind of fun inscription and the number 60. At the end of the celebration, hand it over and give the floor to the husband of the hero of the day, if any. After that, guests can play any games, sing and have fun in every possible way. The festive program dedicated to the celebration on the occasion of the anniversary is coming to an end. Then the guests themselves have fun.

Here is a scenario you can come up with for a cafe if you want to celebrate a birthday without a toastmaster. Of course, turning to a professional for help will be easier, since the entire responsibility of holding the event falls on his shoulders. This will be more correct than shifting all the responsibilities to friends or relatives who also want to celebrate and sit at the table, and not hold the event.

Another thing is if you are celebrating an anniversary at home, with your family. There you can cook food and call only the closest people. For such an event, a simple script for a 60-year anniversary for a woman is cool with contests at home.

And competitions can be thought up of any plan. They can be dance, poetic and the most ordinary. A very interesting dance competition. Anniversaries are always attended by many guests of different ages. All those present must participate. People who are under 40 years old are pushed in one direction, and those who are over 40 - on the contrary.

We turn on modern youth music for the youth, hits of the 80s for the rest of the participants. Each team takes turns dancing to their own music. All this must happen very quickly. And the last song needs to be included in a common one, where all the guests will dance together. It will turn out a lot of fun, in the end friendship will win, and all the guests will be satisfied.

You can come up with various contests with the presentation of comic gifts. It is also interesting to use balloons, they are very fond of bursting. Guests respond well to different scenes with disguised guests.

You can give each invitee, including the hero of the day, a toy heart and ask them to go to the middle and dance to the music. The heart will mean what is currently going on in your soul and in what mood the guest arrives. Its motive can be anything: slow or fast. It doesn't matter, the main thing is that the guests have fun. Here is such a script for the anniversary of 60 years for a woman, cool with competitions at home, maybe.

But the hero of the day may want to celebrate her 60th birthday not at home, and not even in a restaurant. If the birthday takes place in the summer, then a great offer would be to go all together to nature. There certainly will be where to roam.

In nature, near the river, all guests will have a good rest. On a hot day, you can make barbecue and go swimming in the river. To make it even more fun, you can pre-compile a script for a 60-year anniversary for a woman with cool contests in nature. You can take a tape recorder with you and listen to different music.
Guests will congratulate and give gifts to the birthday girl. There are many beautiful places in nature where relatives and friends can take pictures as a keepsake. You can come up with interesting competitions, especially since there is plenty of space on the street.

You can make a surprise for the hero of the day and present a pre-ordered cake with candles at the end of the celebration. The birthday girl will remember her childhood, make a wish and blow out the candles. It is great to go to nature if there are many children among the guests. Since the kids at home would be bored, but here they have expanse. They can play ball, hide and seek, splash in the river and play board games.

Children can make a separate sweet table where they will spend time and play in their own way. Adults will sit at their table and remember some moments from life. Can be organized outside the city.

Here you can think of anything you want. Some arrange a swimsuit contest. I also remember the children's competition from toilet paper. It will be necessary to wrap someone up and make a mummy. To do this, two volunteers are selected, and the rest are divided into two teams and for a certain time they try to wrap as much paper around the person as possible. Whoever does better wins a prize.

If you have clearly decided that you will celebrate your anniversary in nature, but at the same time you want to make a small script to make it more fun, then you will have to look for a responsible person to lead the event, because someone will have to lead the event. You need to offer this option to your friends, someone will agree. The scenario can be thought out with the hero of the day, or you can not dedicate it to your plans. Thus, you will surprise the birthday girl.

The entertainment program should be designed so that all guests have fun, and everyone can participate in the competition. But choosing nature as a birthday celebration, you will have to constantly monitor the guests so that nothing happens. After all, the guests will drink and congratulate the hero of the day, and there is water nearby, you never know what can happen. But most of the worries will be because of the children. For them, too, someone alone will have to follow, it's still a street. So you can’t completely relax in nature.

It is best to choose a home environment or a cafe as a birthday celebration. Basically, all anniversaries are celebrated in the restaurant, accompanied by live music. You can invite a professional to conduct the event so as not to overwork any of the guests. Everyone can relax and unwind from the soul.


Good evening to all relatives,
Gather your guests.
All those who came from outside
Join our holiday.
We all came to congratulate
Dear lady.
Let's not stop repeating
How we love dear, dear.

The holiday begins with cheerful music, which does not subside until all the guests are seated. Further, the word again passes to the leader.


Let's congratulate the birthday boy
Today, on a bright day.
We will give the floor
One of all friends.

Someone from close friends or relatives makes a toast. It is possible to pronounce toasts in turn for the health of the birthday girl.

Competition 1. Cheerful postcard.

Your feminine mind and your kindness,
Only admiration for us for many years
And let the uniqueness of congratulations
Leave the beauty of today's moments.

The host calls three or four people from among the guests who receive the same amount of inventory. Tools include felt-tip pens, paper, scissors, and glue. With the help of these devices, it is necessary to make a card for the birthday girl, in which all feelings towards her will be expressed. The author of the best card will receive a gift from the presenter and gratitude from the birthday girl. The results of the creative competition are summed up after its completion. During the competition, cheerful music sounds, guests can dance or talk among themselves.


Such a fun, glorious day
Impossible without dancing.
We will drive away the shadow of sadness
And dance will help us with this!

An evening of dancing is announced. Slow and fast music turns on in turn. During slow compositions gentlemen invite ladies.
Competition 2. Associations.

Dear birthday girl
Only the best words
Happy happy lady
We will always say yes.
We start a new competition
Rules, we know it.
Well, a participant, become
You always strive for victory.

The host calls 6 people, whom he randomly divides into three teams. Each participant must show his teammates a certain word associated with the celebration. It is impossible to pronounce words or show something on the fingers. Thus, only with the help of gestures and staged scenes can one guess the word. Words must certainly be associated with the holiday, for example: birthday, gift, surprise, souvenir, toast, congratulations, and so on. The winning team receives a gift from the presenter.


How wonderful and wonderful
See loved ones always nearby.
And you understand that you are not in vain,
Lived all these days and years.
Let loved ones say
Words that easily fly off the lips.
And there will only be sincerity in them.
And how much do they wish well?
Now, today and forever
A series of toasts awaits us.

Everyone can raise a toast to the birthday girl with the most tender and sincere words. After the toasts are pronounced, a musical pause is announced, the guests can dance or relax in their places.

Competition 3. Demonstrative toast.


Wisdom, kindness, kindness,
Tenderness, and care, beauty.
Everything in the birthday girl is so harmonious,
Nice, great, great.
And just for her now
We are preparing a toast without embellishment.
It will be unique for sure.
Get ready, guests, laugh in absentia.

Called willing from the hall. If there are no volunteers, the host can choose someone himself. The selected guest should begin to make a toast, and insert into it all the words that the host will show him. The essence of the competition is that gradually the words become absurd, in no way connected with the celebration. Every time a guest forgets to use a word or fails to insert it, he should drink a glass of champagne. Examples of the word: illumination, gift, disorientation, filmography, unique, colorful, thermometer, and so on. A gift is provided for participation in the competition.

Competition 4. Karaoke.


This holiday is like a song
Joyful, happy.
Flow our song, flow,
Make this day unique.
Let the guests pour glasses
Let them sing along with us.

Several wishing from among the guests are called. The essence of the competition is that each participant must choose a specific composition for performance. First, he performs it in a classical arrangement, standard for this musical composition. After that, another minus is superimposed on the same words, and the guest must sing it again, but in a different arrangement. For example, the song "Moscow Evenings" can be processed in the style of rock or pop. After the end of the competition, you can continue to perform in karaoke, but with normal minuses. If guests do not want to sing karaoke, you can make a music and dance break for about 20 minutes.

Birthday word.


What a pity that congratulations,
Can't express the joy of this moment.
We can only respect and appreciate
The life that we are destined to live.
Let the birthday girl make her toast
And joy will not leave us.
We are waiting for words of tenderness from the one
What brought us together this time.

The birthday girl gets up and says the words dedicated to the guests. Usually this speech does not take more than five minutes.

Competition 5. Dance competition.


How wonderful that we
Freed from prejudice.
And our competition will be wonderful,
What will everyone know as a result?
We invite brave guests
Only masters of various stripes.
And let them dance until they drop
We are very happy about this.

A couple of guests are called. Each of them must dance the other participant to different music. The essence of the competition is that melodic music is replaced by fast rhythms. The further the competition goes, the faster the change of melodies becomes. As a result, the audience must choose the winner. This is usually done as a result of applause, which the participants receive in turn. It is wonderful if friendship wins in such a difficult competition.
If friendship wins, you can say the following words:

And yes, friendship wins
Everyone knows this for sure.
We give gifts to the winners,
We heartily congratulate them.

Solemn presentation of gifts.


No gifts
Birthday is not sweet.
Our guests congratulate
And wish you good luck.
What to present today?
They only could with cordiality to you?
Let the demonstration of the present
It will only bring joy to the moment.

Each guest must take turns saying congratulations in honor of the birthday girl and give her their gift. If the gift is too personal, then it can be given to the birthday girl without congratulations, only by making a toast. After the presentation of gifts, the cake is cut and a musical pause is announced.

Leader's word.

Today I had to work with joy,
There would definitely not be a fun company.
And your joy, your happiness and luck,
Added uniqueness to the moment.
And let the holiday not end today,
And with it, let a new moment of life, of course, begin!

This holiday ends for us. The music turns on, the guests either disperse or continue to dance and have fun.