
An essay on the topic: what is the superiority of the princess over the queen in “The Tale of the Dead Princess. What is the superiority of the princess over the queen according to the Tale of the dead princess and the seven heroes (Pushkin A.S.) The Tale of the dead princess: the queen

The writing

"The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs" is the most talented work of Alexander Pushkin. His positive characters are endowed with character traits, especially appreciated by people: kindness, generosity, courage, devotion. The Queen Mother is truly waiting for her husband, who has gone on a long campaign:

Looks in the field, inda eyes

Got sick looking

From white dawn to night;

Not to see a dear friend!

He only sees: a blizzard is winding

Snow falls on the fields

All the white earth.

The princess daughter is the embodiment of virtue: she is meek, patient, generous. She is a caring hostess. Once in the tower of the heroes, the first thing she did was "cleaned everything up", "lit a candle to God, lit the stove hotly." She is humble, honest and well-bred. When the heroes woo her, she replies:

I love you all heartily;

But to another I am forever given.

The most dear to me is the Prince Elisha.

The prince Elisey seems to have been written off by Pushkin from the epic hero. His love saves the princess. And evil crumbles into shards of the stepmother's mirror. The complete opposite of the modest and hardworking princess is the "evil" stepmother, who thinks only about her beauty. It is this heroine, jealous and envious, who personifies the "dark world" in the fairy tale.

AS Pushkin opposes "face" and "soul", external beauty and internal beauty. In the poet's understanding, true beauty is a life full of good.

The plot of "The Dead Princess" is very common in Russian folklore. Let's consider how it is realized in the fairy tale of A.S. Pushkin. The queen-stepmother is outwardly very beautiful, “tall, slender, white”. But she is “proud, lazy, capricious and jealous”. She is sincere and cheerful only with her mirror. It is interesting that Pushkin's mirror is not just an object in which the tsarina looks at her face. It reflects primarily the inner qualities, the soul; it is in conversations with the mirror that we learn the queen's temper. The stepmother is not only rude, angry, “angry woman,” but also envious and cruel. For her atrocities she suffered a well-deserved punishment, and the punishment was in herself, no one did anything wrong to her, she died “of anger”.

The image of the princess is created according to the principle of antithesis. If the queen is “proud, lomy, capricious and jealous”, then the princess, on the contrary, “has a meek disposition”. The beauty of a young princess is like a flower that grew quietly and imperceptibly, and when it blossomed, immediately struck everyone with its beauty. Her characterization is also based on the attitude of other characters to her: Chernavka, Korolevich Elisha, Bogatyrs, even the dog Sokolko. The princess is kind to others, caring, loyal to her groom, hardworking. Pushkin never said that the princess looks in the mirror, but she nevertheless knows and appreciates her beauty, because she is equal to her soul.

The motive of the discrepancy between external beauty and internal qualities arises once again in the scene with the apple. The stepmother gave her “portrait” to her stepdaughter.

Thus, the conflict driving the plot is the "rivalry" of external beauty and internal beauty. Pushkin here looks at a woman in the same way as the people: external beauty in itself does not evoke respect and admiration in the people's consciousness. Inner beauty is much more important.

Such a genre as a tale is close to a fairy tale. The theme of beauty in Bazhov's tales is primarily associated with the image of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain. The writer gives her an extraordinary appearance. This heroine has a lot in common with the fairytale princess. Not only extraordinary beauty, but also wonderful helpers who carry out all her orders. She lives in a beautiful underground palace. The relationship of the Mistress's Copper Mountain with people is determined by special conditions, the so-called prohibitions. It was no coincidence that the workers were afraid of the Mistress and avoided meeting her.

The main characters of the tales are ordinary people. The positive heroes of folklore, a good fellow and a red maiden, must necessarily be beautiful, and their beauty is described in accordance with the ideas of the people. We find similar colorful descriptions in Bazhov's tales. But there are other descriptions as well. In the appearance of Nastasya, Stepan's bride, it is not external beauty that is emphasized first of all, but humanity. A simple, ordinary girl is clearly opposed to the Mistress, but she defeats her almighty rival. The direct duel between the bride of Danila, the master Katya and the Mistress, is described in the tale "Stone Flower". The author admires her courage and determination. Even the "stone girl" is conquered by the power of love, dedication and loyalty of the heroine.

The warmth and beauty of the human soul conquers the brilliant, cold beauty of the Mistress. Metal, stone in clothes, hair, even in behavior, more than once emphasize her coldness. The motive of opposing living heat and dead stone is found not only in the description of heroes, but also in contrasting living nature to a dead, albeit very beautiful, stone.

Thus, Pushkin and Bazhov continue the folk tradition, glorifying the ideals of moral beauty, opposing it to ostentatious, external beauty that has no internal content.

He left us many wonderful creations. Among them there are fairy tales familiar to us from childhood. Here we met one of them in the literature and made an analysis of the queen from the drawing. Now it is necessary to make a characterization of the heroes of the tale about the dead princess and the seven heroes, answering the question of what is the superiority of a young girl over her stepmother.

The Tale of the Dead Princess: The Queen

In order to answer the question of what is the superiority of the princess over the queen, we will make both heroines. In Pushkin's tale, the queen is described to us as a beautiful, slender woman, but very proud, and even jealous and with sick pride. She wants to be the only beauty in the whole world and that's it. She is ready for anything to be so. She even decides to kill the princess, whose stepmother she is. She does not hesitate, orders to give the girl to be torn apart by animals. Not having achieved what she wanted, she personally carries the poisoned apple, after eating which the young heroine dies. But in a fairy tale, good always wins, so her fiance came to the princess and healed the girl with his love. But the queen herself, having learned that this time her plan did not succeed, dies of anger, anger and despair.

The princess was the opposite of her stepmother. She was also a beautiful girl, but that was where their similarity ended, because, in contrast to the queen, the girl was kind, sweet, hardworking and modest. She didn't care if she was the only beauty or not. For a princess, the most important thing is to be a beautiful soul, and she does not attach any importance to her external beauty.

What is the superiority of the girl over the queen in Pushkin's tale? Of course, excellence in youth, in kindness of soul, in human qualities, and not in brutal intentions. And I am very glad that the heroine survived, she also married a loved one, but the queen got what she deserved and I don't feel sorry for her at all.

An essay on the topic: what is the superiority of the princess over the queen in "The Tale of the Dead Princess"

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An essay on the theme of the queen and the princess in the “tale of the dead princess and the seven heroes” by A.S. PUSHKIN Characteristics of the princess from "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs" Composition based on the fairy tale "The Frog Princess"

Theme. A.S. Pushkin. Images of the princess and the queen in "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes" by A.S. Pushkin.

goal :

    to reveal the folk basis of A.S. Pushkin's fairy tale, the meaning of the opposition between the evil queen and the princess, the external and internal beauty, the role of artistic and visual means in the fairy tale;

    develop the skills of expressive reading, lexical work, working with illustrations;

    educate attentive, thoughtful readers.

Equipment: multimedia presentation.


І. Updating students' knowledge.

1. Organizational moment.

We love to read and listen
Tales and poems about friendship
Beat the rhythm with your feet
And revive the heroes.
Hello fairy tale and story,
What are you preparing for us now?/ chorus /

2. Introductory part. Introduction by the teacher:

There are names like the sun!
Names are like music!
Like apple trees in bloom!
I'm talking about Pushkin: a poet,
Valid at all times.

This is what the 20th century writer I. Severyanin said, and I completely agree with him. Guys, what are the tales of A.S. Do you know Pushkin? (Children's answers)

And with what tale did A.S. Pushkin, did we meet in previous lessons?

(With the tale of the dead princess and the seven heroes.)

II. Lesson topic, setting goals and objectives.

In order to determine the topic of our lesson, you need to solve the crossword puzzle. We work in pairs.

Keyword. "IMAGES"

INTERPRETATION OF THE WORD (5. In a work of art: type, character.)

-Whose images do you think we will consider in the lesson? (children's answers)

Please formulate the topic of our lesson. (Children's answers)

That's right, the topic of our today's lesson “Images of the princess and the queen in the "Tale of the dead princess and the seven heroes" by A.S. Pushkin. "

Today in the lesson we must analyze the images of the princess and the queen in a fairy tale and understand whatthe meaning of contrasting heroines, what is the author's attitude to heroines, and, of course, consider your attitude to these images.

And what two human qualities are clearly manifested through the images of these heroines?

(good and evil)

3. Analysis of the content of the tale.


In order to present the images of the Tsarina-stepmother and Tsarevna, we turn to the text and read the lines characterizing the Tsarina and Tsarevna.

On the desks you have a table that you must fill in "What the author shows both heroines in the tale"

What are the words that characterize the QUEEN. Read them.From 85.

Let's put them in a table:









Now name and write down the words with which the author describes TSAREVNA:

    white face


    the temper of the meek










white face


Behavior character






    the temper of the meek




4. Lexical work

Tell me how you understand the words:

Temper - character, spiritual qualities.

Gentle - gentle, submissive, meek.

Proud - aware of his superiority.

Lomliv (from the verb "break" - stubborn, capricious.

Wayward - stubborn, doing as he pleases.

Jealous here: anxious to be the best.

What other qualities can you add from yourself to each heroine? Name.

Write it down in the table.

And what are the common features that connect them? (Both are of royal origin)

What means of expression does the author use when showing the images of the queen and princess? COMPARISON

Now we will have a little rest - we will spend a physical education "Pushkin's Tales":

One two three four!
The cockerel sat on the spoke!
One two three four!
The queen had a miracle!
One two three four!
The fish could speak!
One two three four!
Punished priest Balda!
One two three four!
We love Pushkin's fairy tales,
We will never forget them!

Teacher : Why did the queen decide to destroy the princess? What is the essence of the conflict between them?

pupils : The stepmother queen considers herself the most beautiful, and the princess becomes her rival, because the magic mirror informs her that the stepdaughter is “nicer and whiter” than she is.

Teacher b: What words can we express the attitude of the queen to the princess?

pupils : Hatred, envy.

Teacher : Does a kind person have such feelings?

Pupils: No, these feelings are typical for evil people.

Teacher: And how does the princess relate to the queen, who decided to destroy her, to Chernavka, who takes the girl into the dark forest?

Pupils: She even treats her enemies well, does not hold any grudge against them, does not try to take revenge on them.

Teacher: Both the queen and the princess are outwardly beautiful. About which of the heroines can we say that she also has inner, spiritual beauty?

pupils And the princess is truly beautiful, she loves everyone, does good, and everyone helps her.

Teacher: Where did the princess have such wonderful qualities?

Pupils: from mother

Let's re-read the beginning of the tale and see what it was like.

Is waiting - wait from in the morning till night,

Looks in the field, inda eyes

Got sick looking

From white dawn to night;

Teacher: What are the main character traits we see?

Pupils: Love and fidelity.

Teacher: With what does the author compare the princess, saying “… grew, grew, got up - and blossomed”?

Pupils: With a flower. She is as beautiful as a rose.

And now, in order to prove that the queen personifies evil, and the princess personifies good, let us turn to reading and analyzing episodes in which the vivid characteristics of the images of the heroines are most visible.

6. Analysis of episodes.

Episode . “But the bride is young

Wandering until dawn in the forest ... ”(Expressive reading)

Teacher: Why did the princess decide that “good people live” in the house?

Pupils: There are icons, the upper room is clean and light.

Teacher: What did the heroine do in the house?

Pupils: She lit a candle, lit the stove.

Teacher: How does this characterize the heroine?

Pupils: She is not only beautiful, modest, but also hardworking.

Teacher: The heroes, captivated by her modesty and beauty, sheltered her in their home


And the princess came down to them, I gave honor to the owners, She bowed deeply to the belt; Blushing, she apologized Why did she come to visit them, Although she was not invited. Instantly they recognized by speech That the princess was accepted;

Teacher: Highlight the verbs that speak of her friendliness, modesty

Pupils: I gave honor to the owners, She bowed deeply to the belt; Blushing, she apologized

Teacher : What was the girl's speech that immediately became clear that she was a princess?

Pupils: Friendly, kind, beautiful.

Teacher This means that speech can be a visiting card of a person, characterize him and cause an appropriate attitude towards him

Teacher: Can we say about the queen that she is kind and hardworking?

Pupils: No, she always sits idle, only looks in the mirror, admires her beauty.

Teacher: How did the queen get the mirror? (Dowry)

Teacher What has the mirror become to her?

Pupils: It became the only interlocutor

Teacher: Why was she only happy with the mirror?

pupils She wanted to hear from him about her beauty.


IV. Summing up the lesson.

1. Frontal conversation.

After analyzing the tale, we saw that the queen-stepmother is opposed to the princess.

How do heroines differ? Are there any similarities between them? What is the meaning of opposition? (There is an outward resemblance between the princess and the queen: both are beautiful.

Talking about the kindness and meekness of the young princess, the author emphasizes that the beauty of the soul is most important.

Depicting the breaking and antics of the queen-stepmother, her anger, envy and anger, Pushkin shows how disgusting an outwardly attractive person can be if he is deprived of inner beauty.

Kindness is gullible and naive, it needs protection; evil is insidious, vile and cruel, but initially doomed).

Generalize the images in syncwine. Work in pairs.

Couples with number one will write sincwine about the queen, and those with number two will write about the princess.

2.Creating syncwine.

Checking, reading 2 syncwines from the spot.


On the desks you have apples, if you were active in the lessons, raise them with the red side to me, if you think that you were less active, raise them with the green side.

We present all the works of third graders, which turned out, in our opinion, quite interesting.

Levillien Daniel
The tale of A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes" tells about the struggle between good and evil. The queen represents evil, and the princess represents good. The queen was tall, slender, white, she was herself - herself, but on the other hand, she was proud, lazy, wayward and jealous. She had one mirror that could talk. Only the queen had weak nerves: when she heard that someone was more beautiful than her, then she wanted to remove her competitor. The princess was a beauty, she was a kind girl, she served with seven heroes. When the queen found out about her new rival, the princess, she ordered Chernavka to leave her in the forest to feed the wolves. But the princess prevailed. She let go, saying: "Do not twist, God be with you." After the queen found out that this did not help, she came up with another intrigue: to give a poisoned apple. And this time the queen was lucky. But not for long. Thanks to the love of the prince Elisha, she was resurrected. He hit his fist with all his might on a glass coffin, once - and boom! And the queen, when she heard about the princess, immediately broke the mirror, ran into the courtyard and died. In this tale, good has prevailed.

Nekrasova Lena
The tale of A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes" tells about the struggle between good and evil. The princess is good, and the queen is evil.
The king married the queen for a reason. She was very beautiful, intelligent and cunning. But very angry. She was also proud, lazy, capricious and lazy. And the princess was also very beautiful and intelligent. White-faced, black-browed, meek disposition. But there was also a drawback: the girl was gullible.
The queen kept making troubles for the princess, because she was jealous of her beauty. First, she made Chernavka take the princess into the forest, and she also gave the queen a poisoned apple, and this time the princess was caught. Finally, good won out over evil. Elisha found the princess, and she came to life. And when Elisha brought the princess into the kingdom, then the queen, seeing her, died of envy. And the next day they got married.
In good tales, good always triumphs over evil.

Larionova Dasha
In A.S. Pushkin's fairy tale "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes" it is said about the struggle between good and evil! The queen was angry and therefore she wanted to be the most beautiful. And the princess was better than her, so she decided to kill the princess. The first time she wanted to take the princess into the forest. Chernavka went to take her to the forest to be eaten by the wolves! The princess was beautiful: "a white-faced, black-browed, meek character, and the groom found her - the prince Elisha". But Chernavka loved her and therefore did not tie her up. She let the girl go and went home. Therefore, the queen tried to kill her a second time! Meanwhile, the princess came across a house where seven heroes lived. She went into it, removed it. There lived a dog. She was received as a guest of honor, and she stayed with them.
The queen changed into a blueberry and went to her. I handed over the apple and walked away! The princess was poisoned! As the seven heroes found out, they did not bury her, but simply hung a crystal coffin in the cave and put the princess there. The prince Elisha has come a long way and found her! He hit the coffin and the spell dissipated! He took her home, but as the queen found out, she could not stand it and died of envy! The wedding was started immediately! After all, good triumphs over evil!

Popova Dasha
In A.S. Pushkin's "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs" refers to the struggle between good and evil. Good is personified by the princess, and evil by the queen.
The queen is very beautiful, intelligent, white, but her character is heavy. She is lazy, wayward, jealous, proud. The queen is a complete hysterical. When she got angry, the queen threw the mirror that was given to her as a dowry. The princess is on the contrary. She was prettier, and her character was different. The princess is black-browed, brown-eyed, thin, slender, white-faced. This girl was gullible; the princess had a meek disposition. She never contradicted. But the queen plotted against her: she took the princess into the forest to be eaten by wolves, gave her a poisoned apple. But all the same, good won, and the evil queen died.
In every fairy tale, good wins.

Chernova Maria
In AS Pushkin's fairy tale "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes" it is said about the struggle between good and evil. The princess is good, and the queen is evil.
The queen is tall, slender, white, beautiful, but there are also flaws: she is jealous, wayward, lomy and proud of herself. The queen's nerves are also out of order. If the mirror told her not what she wanted to hear, then the queen had real hysterics.
White-faced princess, black-browed. She has a meek disposition. She is trusting, modest, beautiful, kind, hardworking. She was fifteen years old.
And out of her malice, the queen came up with two intrigues. First, the queen ordered the maid to take the princess into the forest to be eaten by the wolves. The second - the queen brought the poisoned apple herself, gave it to the princess and received bread in return. And the princess died.
The princess saved Elisha's love. The virgin came to life, and the queen, when she saw her living rival, immediately died.
This tale shows that good triumphs over evil.

Tarasova Christina
The tale of A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes" tells about the struggle between good and evil. The queen is evil, and the princess is kind.
The queen was "tall, slender, white, and she took it with her mind and everything, but she was proud, lazy, capricious and jealous. She had only one mirror as a dowry. And the queen was only with him good-natured, cheerful. And she loved to ask him: "My light, mirror, tell me, but report the whole truth: am I the loveliest in the world, blush and whiter than all?" "And her mirror answered:" You, of course, no doubt. You, queen, are lovelier than all, all blush and whiter. "
And the princess was a "white-faced, black-browed, meek temper." The princess was beautiful, and the queen made her troubles. She called Chernavka and ordered her to take the princess into the forest. But Chernavka let her go, and then the queen found her and poisoned her. But the princess came to life when Elisha came to her. And when the queen saw the princess, she died. "As she was buried, the wedding took place."
Good won and evil disappeared.

Levintan Artem
In the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs" it is said about the struggle between good and evil. The princess was kind, and the queen was evil. The queen was beautiful and intelligent. She had a bad temper. She was "proud, lazy, capricious and jealous." The princess was beautiful, intelligent, slender, white-faced. The queen plotted against the princess, because the princess was more beautiful than she. Here is one of these antics. The queen once disguised herself as an old woman and gave her a poisoned apple. The old woman suddenly left, the princess bit the apple and died. Thanks to Elisha, the princess came to life. And the princess and Elisha came to the kingdom. The queen saw them and died. In this tale, good defeated evil.

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