
The first lesson of the dance club in kindergarten. Work plan of the dance group "Cheerful heel"

  Zokoeva Olga Nikolaevna
  The work program of the dance club "Birch" for children 4-7 years old

2013–2014 academic year

Program   reviewed and approved I approve:

at a meeting of the Council of Educators

MDOU "Kindergarten with. Yagodnaya Polyana Head of MDOU "Kindergarten

Tatishchevsky municipal district Tatishchevsky municipal district of the Saratov region "Saratov region"

Minutes No. «___»   ___ 20 ___ g ___ N.V. Kosobokova

Working programm

dance club« Birch»

for children 4-7 years old

for the 2013-2014 academic year

Compiled by:

Zokoeva Olga Nikolaevna

music director

Explanatory note.

Classes "Choreography" have a positive effect on the body children: prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system; improvement of posture, strength, flexibility, endurance; the acquisition of vital motor skills; physique improvement; production   lifelong exercise habits; development of motor memory.

Children's choreography contributes to the development of children   musical perception, emotionality and imagery, perfecting melodic and harmonious hearing, musical memory, sense of rhythm, culture of movements, the ability to creatively embody the musical-motor image.

The choreography merges the auditory (rhythmic)   and visual impressions, the emotional state of a person is transmitted by natural and expressive movements. Movement to music can be considered as the most important means of developing the child’s bodily experience and, consequently, developing his personality as a whole, this will help choreography.

For children   preschool age developed by   a system of classes in musical rhythmic movement (children's rhythm, which incorporates the best of domestic and foreign experience in this area. In the concept of a domestic system of classes in rhythm for children   preschool music plays a leading role, and the movement is seen as a manifestation of emotions associated with a musical image, as a means of assimilation of musical patterns.

Choreography is the beginning, the base, the impetus for the future physical form of the child, for the future style and rhythm of his life. This is very important - how your child will move through life and how healthy he will be. Do not neglect this.

goal programs:

To instill interest in preschoolers in choreographic art.



1. Train children dancing movements.

2. To form the ability to listen to music, understand its mood, character, transmit them dance moves.

3. To form plasticity, culture of movement, their expressiveness.

4. To form the ability to navigate in space.

5. Form the correct setting of the body, arms, legs, head.


1. Develop at children   activity and independence, communication skills.

2. To form the general culture of the child’s personality, the ability to navigate in modern society.

3. To form a moral and aesthetic relationship between children and adults.

4. Creating an atmosphere of joy of children's creativity in cooperation.


1. Develop creativity children.

1. Develop a musical ear and sense of rhythm.

1. Develop imagination, fantasy.


1. health promotion children.

Program   designed for two years learning: for older children(5-6 years old)   and for children   school preparatory group (6-7 years old). Classes are held twice in a week: for children   the first year of study is 25 minutes, the second - 30 minutes. Form of study - group and individual lessons. Selection children   carried out in accordance with the desire and individual characteristics children.

The lesson consists of three parts:

1. Introductory - it includes bow, marching, warm-up. (3-5 minutes)

2. Basic - it is divided into training (study of new material, repetition, consolidation of the past)   and dance(learning dance moves, combinations, compositions). (15-20 minutes)

3. Final - music games, auxiliary and corrective exercises, bow. (5 minutes)

The lesson is held twice a month.

Number of pupils in mug - 12.

The duration of the lesson is 25 minutes.

List childrenvisiting dance club.

1. Volodin Dmitry.

3. Kosobokov Maxim.

4. Lekomtsev Artem.

5. Lopatkin Egor.

6. Maksimova Varvara.

7. Chikunova Polina.

8. Tokoreva Dana.

9. Trefilova Maria.

10. Redkova Violetta.

11. Fedorov Artem

12. Petukhova Polina.

September - 1 lesson

classes Drill exercises Igro-rhythm Choreographic exercises Dance   rhythmic dance steps

1. Movement

2. Compositions dancing

Building in a row and column. Toe walking ( "Kitty") and with high hips ( "heron") 1. Claps on each account and through the account

2."Polka-clapperboard" (polka music)

2. Dance

Dance "Polka"

October - 2-3 occupation

1. Movement

2. Compositions dancing

Movement in bypass, step and run. Running in circles and landmarks ( "Snake") 1. Kicks to each account and through the account

2."Polka-clapperboard" (polka music)   1. The first, second, position of the arms and legs

2. Dance workout

Side and cross step towards Dance "My mum"   Dance "Polka"

November - 5-6 occupation

1. Movement

2. Compositions dancing

Alignment. Turns by step by order. Rebuilding in a circle.

1. On the first account - cotton, on the second, third, fourth account - a pause.

2 "Dance with Rattles"   1. The first, second, position of the arms and legs

2. Dance   Side warm-up and cross step to the side Dance-Rhythmic gymnastics "Dance with Rattles"

December - 7-8 occupation

1. Movement

2. Compositions dancing

Running in circles and landmarks ( "Snake") 1. On the first account - the influx, on the second, third, fourth account - the pause, on the fifth account - the influx, on the sixth, seventh, eighth account - the pause Rhythmic dance “If you have fun.”   1. The second, third, position of the hands, the third and fourth position of the legs

2. Dance   warm-up Combination of side steps and crossed steps to the side

Dance "Snow falls"

January - 9th lesson

1. Movement

2. Compositions dancing

Movement by step and run. Build in a circle On each account in turn clap their hands

The game "Musical Chairs"   - p. 114 (Sa-fi-dance)

1. Half-squats, standing sideways to the support. Putting your feet on the toe to the side, standing facing the support. Turns to the right (to the left, stepping on toes, holding on to a support. 2. Dance   warm-up Soft high step on toes. 360 degree rotation in steps. 1. Dance "Cheerful dance"

February - 10-11 occupation

1. Movement

2. Compositions dancing

Build in a row, clutch hands.

1. 1-4 - step forward, hands in grip up. 5-8 - step forward, hands in grip down. Hands in the preparatory position: 1-4 - in the first position. 5-8 - in the third position. 1-4 - in the second position. 5-8 - in the preparatory 2. Dance Workout In a circle: four soft steps to the center, eight high steps back, four steps to the right with a clap, the same to the left. Dance "Cheerful dance"

March - 12-13 occupation

1. Movement

2. Compositions dancing

Building in a circle 1. Performing simple hand movements in various pace: I. p. - stop crouching 1-4 - stand up, arms up 5-8 stop crouching. 2. Musically mobile game "Fall asleep grass"   (p. 127, Sa fi fi dance

2. Dance workout

Side and cross step to the side, three tributaries Puppet dance

April - 14-15 occupation

1. Movement

2. Compositions dancing

Building in a row 1. Movement hands: I. p. - right hand up; 1-4 - right hand smoothly down

5-8 - left hand smoothly up 2. Musically mobile game “Bird without a nest”(p. 135, Sa fi fi dance) 1. Repeat session 5-6 (March)

2. Dance workout

Dance "Round dance of flowers"

May - 16-17 session

1. Movement

2. Compositions dancing

Musical game for building in a column, line, circle 1. General developmental exercise with a scarf (p. 138, Sa fi fi dance)

2. Dance rhythm. gymnastics “Handkerchief exercise”   (p. 139-140 Sa fi fi dance) 1. Fifth and sixth foot positions

2. Dance workout

Side steps with turning around in pairs Dance "Round dance of flowers"

Reporting concert dance club

Long-term plan work mug« Birch»   for 2013-2014


1. I. Kaplunova, I. Novoskoltseva "Holiday every day"-3 collections

Publishing house "Composer", St. Petersburg, 2009.

2. I. Kaplunova. I. Novoskoltseva. I. Alekseeva. "Carnival of Toys",

Publishing house "Composer", St. Petersburg, 2007.

3. I. Kaplunova. I. Novoskoltseva. I. Alekseeva. "Top - top, heel"№1

Publishing house ,year 2000.

4. I. Kaplunova. I. Novoskoltseva. I. Alekseeva. "Top - top, heel"№2

Publishing house "Composer, St. Petersburg",2005 year.

5. T. Suvorova. « Dance rhythm for children» №1,№3,№4,

Publishing house "Composer, St. Petersburg"1998,2000,2003 years.

Municipal preschool educational institution

kindergarten of the general developing type No. 10 "Sputnik"

“AGREED” “I APPROVE” senior teacher Head of the kindergarten A.V. Tumanova ____________ general developmental species No. 10

O.S. Lubinetskaya ____________

“_____” ________________ 2013

  "Cheerful heel"

dance club work plan

Musical Director:

Orlova A.Yu.

voskresensk 2013 - 2014

Explanatory note. Music is the greatest source of aesthetic and spiritual enjoyment. It accompanies a person throughout life. Observing the rhythm of movement in nature and in labor processes, studying the laws of life, physiologists, scientists, doctors pay attention to the use of music in combination with the movement for medicinal purposes. “Movement to music turns out to be one of the most effective methods of developing musicality - a method based on the natural reaction to music characteristic of any child.” Musical-rhythmic movements are a synthetic kind of activity, therefore, any program based on movements to music will develop musical ear . And motor abilities, as well as those mental processes that underlie them. However, doing one and the same kind of activity, one can pursue various goals, for example, to focus on the development and sense of rhythm in children. Or motor skills, artistry, etc. The interconnection of music and movements in children is especially pronounced. It is known that with the help of movements the child learns the world. Performing various movements in games, dances, children expand their knowledge of reality. In the process of practicing musical rhythmic movements, children develop musical hearing, memory, attention; moral-volitional qualities are brought up - dexterity, accuracy, speed, determination; such motion properties as softness, springiness, energy, plasticity are developed; the child’s body is strengthened, posture is improved. The musical rhythm helps to streamline movements and facilitates their mastery. With proper selection, musical rhythmic movements strengthen the heart muscles, improve blood circulation, respiratory processes, and develop musculature. Seeing the beauty of movement in games, dances, dances, round dances, trying to perform movements as beautiful, elegant as possible, to harmonize with music, the child develops aesthetically, learns to see and create beauty. Performing group, couple dances, participating in outdoor musical games, children are brought up activity, discipline, a sense of collectivism, the ability to evaluate themselves and a friend. At the age of 5-6 years, children have the opportunity to perform more complex movements coordination; the ability to perceive the subtle shades of a musical image, means of musical expressiveness increases. Priority Tasks:development of flexibility, plasticity, softness of movements, as well as fostering independence in performance, encouraging children to work. Main content. 1. The development of musicality:
  • fostering love and interest in music, the need for listening to it, movements to music in free games;
  • enrichment of listening experience - the inclusion of a variety of works for rhythmic movements: folk, modern children's songs and some accessible works of the graphic nature of classical composers ("Children's Album" by P. Tchaikovsky, "Biryulki" by M. Maykopar)
  • development of the ability to convey the diverse nature of music in plastic. Various shades of mood (funny, sad, playful - calm, joyful, solemn, playful, restless, etc.);
  • development of the ability to betray the main means of musical expression: pace (moderately fast - moderately slow, fast); dynamics (loud, quiet, moderately loud, sound enhancement and decrease); register (high, low, medium); metro rhythm (strong beat, rhythmic pulsation of the melody, a combination of eighths and quarters); distinguish between 2-3 partial forms of a work, variations with parts contrasting in character;
  • development of the ability to distinguish between the genre of a work (dance, lullaby, march) and express it independently in the corresponding movements and words.
  • 2. The development of motor qualities and skills   Development of the ability to transmit a musical image in plastic using the types of movements listed below. The main ones:
  • Walking - peppy, calm, on half-fingers, on socks, stomping, forward and backward (back), with high knee raising (high step) at different pace and rhythm, walking on all fours;
  • Running - light, rhythmic, conveying a different image ("Butterflies", "Birds", "Brooks", etc.), wide ("Wolf"), sharp (we run along the "hot sand");
  • Jumping movements - on two legs in place, moving forward, straight gallop - “horses”, light jumps;
  • General developmental exercises for different muscle groups and various character, way of movement (exercise on smooth movements, swings, springiness); reliance on flexibility, smooth movements;
  • Imitation movements are various figurative-game movements that reveal an image, mood or state that is understandable to children (funny or “cowardly bunny”, “sly fox”, “tired old woman”, “brave soldier”, etc.). Be able to convey the dynamics of mood.
  • Dance movements are elements of folk dancing, available for coordination.
  • 3. Development of skills to navigate in space: to find a common place in the hall, rebuild in a circle, join in pairs and one after another, build in shirenga and a column, in several circles. 4. Creativity development:
  • nurturing the need for self-expression in movement to music;
  • the formation of skills to use familiar movements in various game situations, to other music;
  • development of imagination, phantom. Ability to find your own. Original movements, pick up words that characterize music and a plastic image.
  • 5. Development and training of mental processes:
  • development of the ability to independently begin and end the movement together with music - the development of auditory attention, the ability to coordinate auditory performance and motor response .;
  • development of the ability to express emotions in facial expressions and pantomime - joy, sadness, fear, surprise, resentment, etc .;
  • training of mobility (lability) of nervous processes based on movement at various rates and rhythms;
  • development of perception, voluntary attention, will, all types of memory (auditory, visual, motor) thinking, speech - in the ability to express your perception in movements, as well as drawings, in a verbal description.
  • 6. The development of moral and communicative personality traits:
  • upbringing skills to sympathize, interconnect, perceiving a musical image, mood. Explaining your senses with words and expressing them in plastic;
  • the formation of a sense of tact;
  • the cultivation of cultural habits in the process of group communication with children and adults, the habits of fulfilling the necessary rules on their own: skipping elders in front of themselves, boys to be able to invite a girl to dance and then carry her out, apologize if there was an accidental collision, etc.
  • Development indicatoris not only the expressiveness and immediacy of movement to music, but also the ability to precisely coordinate movements with the main means of musical expression, the ability to memorize and independently perform compositions, the use of various types of movements in improvisation to music. The purpose of the program:
  • child development.
  • formation by means of music and rhythmic movements of various skills, abilities, personality traits.
  • Tasks:   1. The development of musicality.
  • The development of motor qualities and skills.
  • Development of creative abilities, the need for self-expression in movement to music.
  • The development and training of mental processes.
  • The development of moral and communicative qualities of the individual.
  • Organization of classes: The program involves holding 1 lesson per week in the afternoon. Wednesday - 16.30 Lesson duration -up to 25 minutes (senior group) Number of participants   - 15 people. Classes per year -   35 hours Circle leader   - Orlova Alia Yusupovna; Literature:   “Rhythmic mosaic” program for rhythmic plastic for children by A. I. Burenin “Dance rhythm for children” by T. Suvorov “Musical games” S. Nasaulenko “The system of musical and recreational work in kindergarten” by O.N. Arsenyevskaya “Entertaining physical education for preschoolers” by K.K. Utrobin “Health Island” health-improving work in a preschool educational institution under the program of E.Yu. Alexandrov SchedulingMonth Content The timing Hours 1 september   1. Diagnosis of physical fitness of children to identify motor-gifted children with a high level of development of basic motor skills. Formation of a group of children. Drawing up a work plan for a rhythm and dance club. 2. Introductory conversation about dance. Warm up (peppy step, easy running one after another and in loose). Respiratory gymnastics “Ladoshki” Familiarization with the positions of the legs, arms. Acquaintance with the types of walking: walking (calm walking), “stomp” (step on the whole foot), round dance, steps and whirling with a hook. Game self-massage, relaxation. 1 Week 2 week 3 week 4 week 2 2 2 october   1. Warm-up (peppy and calm step, easy running, walking on toes). Respiratory gymnastics “Pogonchiki” Jumping on two legs: a jump on the right and left foot, jumping with legs thrown back and legs thrown forward, picking on a jump. Dance movements: spring, spring with twist, heel. The staging of the dance. 2. Warm-up (peppy step, easy running one after another and in loose). Respiratory gymnastics “Ladoshki” Special exercises: strengthening the spine by turning and tilting to the sides - “pendulum”, “month”, “ant”, “dragonfly”, “fox”, “nut”. Etude game: (for the development of attention and hearing) “Blindfolded with voice”, “Who left?”, “Meeting of emotions”, “Charge of vivacity”. Game self-massage, relaxation. 1 Week 2 week 3 week 4 week 2 2 3 november 1. Warm up (step from the toe, straight gallop) Respiratory gymnastics “Pump” Learning the positions of the legs: “butterfly” (1 p.), “Dragonfly” (2 p.), “Herringbone” (3 p.), “Arrow” (4.p.), “Boat” (6 p.). Dance movements: flush - a cheerful heel, a "picking" on a jump, a complex heel, a complex "picking", an "accordion". Rhythmic fantasies: gymnastics with raindrops balls. Game self-massage, relaxation. 2. Warm-up (peppy and calm step, easy running, walking on toes). Respiratory gymnastics “Pogonchiki” Learning the positions of the hands: “moon” (sub. P.), “Ship” (1 p.), “Star” (2 p.), “Sun” (3 p.). Learning the types of steps: walking quietly, “clappers”, lateral step step, variable step, cross step. Jumping on two legs: jumps, gallop, “swing”, “scissors”. Porter gymnastics: “float”, “rocking chair”, “frog”. The staging of the dance. 1 Week 2 week 3 week 4 week 2 2 4 december   1. Warm-up (step from the toe, straight gallop) Respiratory gymnastics “Pump” Leg positions (fastening). Positions of the hands (fastening): “moon”, “boat”, “star”, “sun”. Types of step (fastening): “topotushki”, round dance step, lateral round dance step, high step, variable step, cross step, step with a strait. Jumping on two legs: jumps, gallop, “scissors”, spinner. Dance movements (fastening): "spring", "spring" with a turn, the inflow - a cheerful heel, a "pick" on a jump, a complex "pick", a complex heel, an "accordion". Game self-massage, relaxation. 2. Warm-up (step from the toe, side gallop) Respiratory gymnastics “Warm Up” Rhythmic fantasies: exercise. with sultans, "Flight of rainbow salutes." Porter gymnastics (fastening): “float”, “rocking chair”, “frog”, “kitty”. Musical game “Bear and bees” S. Nazaulenko Game self-massage, relaxation. 1 Week 2 week 3 week 4 week 2 2 5 january 1. Warm-up (step from the toe, side gallop) Respiratory gymnastics “Pogonchiki” Position of the legs (improvement) Position of the hands (improvement); learning: “cams on a barrel”, “shelf”. Types of step (improvement); Familiarization: gallop forward, side step - cross Jumping on two legs (improvement); familiarization: a side gallop, face and back in a circle, one at a time and in pairs, “rope” Musically rhythmic composition “Chickens” Game self-massage, relaxation. 2. Warm-up (step from the toe, straight gallop) Respiratory gymnastics "Pump" Learning the elements of folk dance. Special exercises: fun training (“Connect hands”, “Heron”). Game-sketch (for the development of creative imagination) “Skaters”, “White Snowflakes” Musically rhythmic composition “Chunga-Changa” Game self-massage, relaxation. 2 week 3 week 4 week 1 2 6 february   1. Warm-up (step with high hips raised) Respiratory gymnastics “Cat” Position of legs (improvement): 1 - 4, 6 positions. Position of hands (improvement): 1-3 positions. Types of step (learning): minced floating step, round dance step pigtail Musical rhythmic composition “Dance while sitting” Game self-massage, relaxation 2. Warm-up step from the toe, straight gallop) Respiratory gymnastics “Ladoshki” Jumping on one leg: “watch”, “rope. Dance movements: “winder”, complex “picker”, complex heel, rope, pinwheel. Psycho-gymnastics: “Crystal water”. Porter gymnastics: “float”, “rocking chair”, “butterfly”, “frog”. Musical and rhythmic composition "Dance while sitting" Game self-massage, relaxation. 1 Week 2 week 3 week 4 week 2 2 7 march   1. Warm-up (step with high hips, jumps) Respiratory gymnastics “Hug shoulders”
      Orlova Alia Yusupovna

    Approved by the head of the children's

    garden "Rainbow" Petrova E.V.

    Order No. of

    Dance club: "Spring fantasies."

    Group: children from the senior preparatory groups.

    List of children:

    1.Kulik Olya. 11.Khokhlov Dima.

    2.Zakharova Vika. 12.Rodionov Lesha

    3. Mazharova Katya. 13.Demonova Dasha.

    4.Yasankin Andrey. 14. Sorochkina Anya.

    5.Zelenkova Lisa. 15. Chadayev Semyon.

    6. Rybin Sasha. 16. Checherin Roma.

    7.Dautkaliev Maxim. 17. Lysukov Tolya.

    8.Abubekirova Leila. 18. Ulitina Lena.

    9.Papukin Artem. 19.Bondarenko Olya.

    10. Members Anton. 20.Rusakova Luda.

    Circle Leader:

    Musical Director of MDOU "Rainbow"

      Aleshina Lyudmila Anatolyevna.

    Explanatory note.

    Objectives: Awaken creative abilities and enable these abilities to be realized through harmony of movements. In the process of learning dances, games, exercises to develop the self-esteem of children. To create an atmosphere of friendliness and mutual understanding, to teach to show independence and initiative. Learn to create and realize your fantasies.

    Tasks: To acquaint children with the variety of dance genres in an attractive form. Enriching children with musical impressions through games, dances. Introduction to folk culture (learning folk dances and round dances.) To develop communication skills (respectful communication with each other, creative use of dance impressions in everyday life.)

    Expected results: Music and dance will develop a musical ear, a sense of rhythm. Children will increase self-confidence. Memory, attention, horizons, imagination, speech, thinking will develop. A steady interest in dancing will form.

    Evaluation Criteria: Concert.

    Attendance Journal: Notebook.

    Forms and methods of training: Verbal, visual, reproductive - reproduction of acquired skills; search - participation in a collective search.

    Form of work: Group, individual.

    Forms of conducting classes: Concerts, holidays, consultations.

    Place, time, period: music room, afternoon - 15.30, day of the week - Friday.

    Educational - thematic plan.

    Form of organization.


    Program tasks.

    Dance moves. Round dance step.

    “Oh you, birch.” (Holiday every day, cf. P. 44)

    Round dance step in a circle one after another, to teach a smooth round dance step.

    Dance traffic. Side step to the side.

    German dance tune. (Sat. No. 2, p. 160)

    To teach to put foot to foot and, without turning the body towards the step, go forward with your shoulder.

    Dance movement. Side gallop.

    Country dance. Muses F. Schubert (Holiday every day, p.Gr.p.231)

    Performing the movement is easy, with little advancement and a slight bounce off the floor.

    Jumps (according to the method of K. Orff)

    Any fun music (audio recording).

    Learning to move is easy at ease.

    Wash Exercise

    “Turkish Bazaar” (Dance rhythm for children No. 1, p 6.)

    To teach to interact with partners, to use objects - basins.

    "Minuet" (Top –top, heel.№1.p68-72, track21.)

    Introduce the history of dance. To learn to perform movements gracefully, with his head held high.

    "Kamarinskaya" (Carnival of Toys.)

    Interact with adult dancers, perform movements rhythmically, just to the music.

    "Dance of the monkeys."

    “Charleston.” (Toy Carnival, p. 6, track 12.)

    To learn to imitate an adult, to perform movements simultaneously, rhythmically and emotionally.

    “Russian lyrical dance” (Top-top, heel. No. 1, p. 30, track 9.)

    Develop the ability to see and keep the distance between pairs.

    Dance creativity.

    "Pinocchio" Mus. Rybnikova (audio recording)

    Independently invent dance moves.

    "Spice-cake" (Top - top, heel. No. 2, p. 41)

    To teach to drive round dances with scarfs, to keep an exactly circle, to learn to be reconstructed.

    Pair dance.

    Polish. (Holiday every day, subgroup gr. No. 1) No. 34.

    Hear two partial form of the work, respectively change the movement.

    “Who is sooner?” (Subgr.№1, p. 41№26)

    To instill a sense of endurance and the ability to act on a signal.

    “Mirror” (Prepared by gr. №1№28)

    Develop auditory attention and a sense of rhythm.

    Material support: Music material, costumes, TCO, noise toys, music room.

    Methodical support: Educational-methodical sets-audio and video discs.


    1 .I. Kaplunova, I. Novoskoltseva "Holiday every day" -3 collections,

    Compozitor Publishing House, St. Petersburg, 2009.

    2 .I. Kaplunova. I. Novoskoltseva. I. Alekseeva. "Carnival of Toys",

    Compozitor Publishing House, St. Petersburg, 2007.

    3. I. Kaplunova. I. Novoskoltseva. I. Alekseeva. "Top - top, heel" №1

    Publisher "Composer, St. Petersburg", 2000.

    4. I. Kaplunova. I. Novoskoltseva. And. Alekseeva. "Top - top, heel" No. 2

    Publisher "Composer, St. Petersburg", 2005.

    5. T. Suvorova. "Dance rhythm for children" No. 1, No. 3, No. 4,

    Publisher "Composer, St. Petersburg", 1998,2000,2003year.

      Aleshina Lyudmila Anatolevna

    Explanatory note.

    Currently, increasingly high demands are placed on the organization of training and education of children in preschool educational institutions. The society wants to see the future student as fully-fledged, comprehensively developed. The most complete disclosure of the creative potentials of a preschooler’s personality in a preschool educational institution is determined through the choice of a priority direction — musical education, which occupies one of the leading places in the content of the educational process of preschool educational institutions.

    It is the musical-rhythmic and dance movements that make it possible to teachchildren freely control their body through the work of allthe muscles.   Gradually, through the ability to control your muscles, the skill of revealing the emotional internal state of the child begins to develop.Through music and movement, a child develops not only artistic taste and creative imagination, but also love forlife, man, nature, internal is formedspiritual world . Musical and rhythmic activity not only satisfies the children's need for movements, exciting game actions, but also develops the emotional perception of music.Musical movements are the most productive type of musical activity from the point of view of the formation of musical creativity and creative personality traits among preschoolers.   The reasons for creating this program were the high interest of children in dance activities, the possibility of revealing the creative potential of each child in the process of additional dance classes.

    The basis of this course are the programs “From birth to school” and “From gesture to dance” by E.V. Gorshkova.

    Particular emphasis in the proposed program is made on the interpenetration of teaching and creative moments in a single process, which is based on the principle: from teaching the language of expressive movements to performing creative work, and from it to “compositional” creativity in dance.

    Principled   feature of the proposedprograms in that the work on expressive performance does not begin after, but before the children fully master the motor skill, or rather, immediately after their first acquaintance with the movement and throughout all stages of its development: from exercise to story dance.

    The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe program- to teach children to comprehend the figurative content that they creatively embodied in dance.

    This is achieved through the preschool children learning the language of expressive movements (pantomimic and dance), which is used in dance for figurative embodiment.

    The program corresponds to the average abilities of children. In the classroom, motor skills and abilities are being formed, but this is not a goal, but a means for developing a child’s abilities. The main thing is joy, the possibility of self-expression in the dance. And he will feel this joy of freedom when he learns to freely, easily move in space. This form of training, where body plastic and music are combined into a whole, helps to reveal the potential abilities of the child, creates a versatile creative personality.

    This program is built in accordance with federal and state requirements for the training of students in musical education.

    1.1. Program concept.

    In the process of dance-rhythmic classes, all psychophysical processes are formed, figurative-plastic interaction develops through figurative reincarnation.

    The formation of dancing skills and abilities takes place in a single process of acquaintance of children with movement throughout all stages of its development: from exercises to story-based dance.

    Leisure activities contribute to introducing preschoolers to expressive movements in dance, to figuratively plastic reincarnation in playing exercises and sketches.

    1.2 Relevance.

    The harmony of musical and aesthetic education is achieved only when all types of musical activity that are available to preschool age, all the creative possibilities of a growing person, are used.

    As a result of an annual survey of parents on the subject of satisfaction with the pre-school education services, from the proposed areas of further education, parents give preference to physical (45%) and artistic and aesthetic (43%) development.

    Developing a creative attitude to music is necessary, first of all, in activities accessible to children, such as the transfer of images in musical games and round dances, the use of new combinations of familiar dance movements. This helps to identify independence, initiative, desire to use the learned repertoire, the ability to dance in everyday life. Musical - rhythmic movements are included in music classes in kindergarten, but their number is limited

    The Luchiki circle allows you to devote more time to staging dances expressed in the joint work of the teacher and children. In the process of staging dance compositions to propose the idea of \u200b\u200bdance, plot, details and movements to come up with together, which helps to increase creative initiative in children.

    Classes in the circle "Luchiki" develops the creative imagination of preschoolers and partner understanding. They contribute to strengthening the health of the child, his physical and mental development. Allow self-affirmation, showing individuality and getting the result of their creativity.

    1.3. Program goal:

    The development of creative abilities, artistry, inner freedom, the disclosure of the creative potential of the child by means of musical rhythmic and dance movements.

    1.4 Tasks.

    1.5 Age of children

    This program is designed for children 4, 5, 6 years old. This is determined by a significant increase in physical capabilities, a change in psychological position and the feeling of "adulthood" by preschoolers, a desire to show their individuality, creative abilities, and independence in determining the purpose of the movement.

    1.6 Cup fullness

    8 to 15 children

    1.6 Duration of the program.

    The program is designed for a year of study for children from 4 to 5 years. Children attend the club at will. In addition, the individual abilities of each child are taken into account.

    1.7 Training mode.

    Circle classes are held 1 time per week.

    The music teacher selects the days of classes of the circle, depending on the intensive academic load on the children, in accordance with the schedule of the main classes. Each child is engaged in a circle once a week, but when implementing a creative idea, the number of classes is individually regulated.

    Duration of classes no more than 20 minutes. A flexible form of organization of children in leisure activities allows you to take into account the individual characteristics of children, desires, state of health, level of mastery of the skills of dance movements. The composition of the group of dancing children does not change. a training system is needed with the gradual complication of dance classes.

    1.8 Forms and methods of program implementation:

    At the beginning of classes it is recommended to conduct a musical warm-up according to the teacher’s word or show. The teacher selects the workout complexes independently, because the methodological and musical literature on this issue is very diverse and informative.

    Forms and methods of conducting classes are different. Methods such as:

    theoretical or verbal   - conversations, dialogues with children about dancing, genres;

    practical - exercises, the use of various techniques for the detailed learning of a particular movement, the preparation and conduct of dominant shows for the audience;

    visual auditory   - presentation of musical material, analysis in form, compilation of the plot of the dance;

    visual-visual   - showing the movements of the teacher, showing illustrations, helping to create a more complete impression of the composition.

    During the year, various methods of detailing are mastered.

    1.9 Expected Results.

    Classes in the program "Rays" will contribute to:

    1. disclosure of the creative potential of the child:

    A manifestation of interest in musical culture, movement, dance.

    The development of imagination and fantasy.

    2. Musical development:

    The ability to listen and understand music;

    The ability to move to music in accordance with the nature of the musical work.

    Development of a sense of rhythm;

    Developing the ability to distinguish between dance genres and styles.

    3. The development of motor skills:

    The ability to accurately perform dance movements;

    Act synchronously and expressively in a group;

    Ability to navigate in space;

    The ability to memorize and perform a dance drawing on their own, without a hint.

    4. The development of moral and communicative qualities:

    Ability to behave in pairs (invite, hold, give a hand, a greeting, a bow);

    The ability to empathize, empathize with other people.

    5. development of mental processes:

    Perceptions, thinking, attention, memory, will, etc.

    Curriculum-thematic plan

    A brief description of the topics.

    Theme of employment.

    Time spending.

    « Forest wizards "

    1-2   Introductory lesson."Let's get acquainted! ”Getting to know the rules of the dance club.

    3-4 "Fairy Bunnies» .

    To teach the transfer of images of forest animals

    in a game situation.


    « Harvest in the garden "

    1-2 "Harvest and stock up for the winter"

    Performance of songs about the crop. To recreate game images of vegetables.

    3-4 “Autumn Gifts”.

    Mastering the methods of detailing. (Character character behavior).


    "Yellow rug"

    1-2 "Leaves are playing hide and seek"

    encouraging children to search for expressive movements and gestures that convey a “transition” from one state to another. (image of a change in weather, rain, wind)

    3-4 “Guilty Cloud”

    Find your own image using expressive plastic and music.


    "Winter's Tale"

    1-2 "Good and evil wizards."

    To acquaint children with the ways of embodying the image of a fantastic character by his character.

    3-4 "New Year at the gate."

    Encouraging children to search for ways to embody images. (Parsley, gnomes, snow queen)


    « Amazing near »

    "Winter patterns."

    1-2 Lead the children to find ways to play a detailed story.


    “We are athletes”

    1-2 "Sports, sports, sports."

    To consolidate the skills of musical rhythmic movements in the construction of various figures.

    3-4 “We are soldiers”

    Play not a big plot on a military theme.


    "Grandmother's chest"

    1-2 "An Evening Tale"

    Mastering the ways of images of tenderness, love, mutual understanding.

    3-4 "Spring Telegram"

    Encourage children to search for images of awakening nature from sleep.


    “Sunny dress”

    1-2 "Magic Flowers"

    To bring children to the movements depicting modifications of the appearance of the character. (Flowers fade, come to life, etc.)

    3-4 "The world around us."

    To develop expressiveness of children's performance of movements and the “game” scene as a whole.


    « Merry-go-round»

    1-2 "Towards the sun"

    Mastering the elements of pop dance. Creative dance staging with individual improvisation.


    Forward planning.

    work on the development of creative manifestations of children 4-7 years old

    in musical rhythmic movements.

    The child should have a good idea of \u200b\u200bwhy he is learning a cycle of special exercises, so complex and incomprehensible at first glance. And they are needed in order to express emotions in the dance, to convey mood and movement.

    In musical games, children also create a certain image and convey a variety of feelings.

    Musical and rhythmic activity develops the following skills in a child: the ability to mark the beginning and end in the movement of the melody, to hear the rhythmic pattern of the melody, to recognize the means of musical expressiveness.

    In preschool children, the visual, auditory, muscle and vestibular sensitivity is not sufficiently developed. Imperfect perception: children cannot focus on music for a long time, do not accurately perceive movement, are poorly oriented in space and time. Therefore, my task is to develop the senses and sensory skills.

    Consistency, gradualism and consistency are the main pedagogical principles. Children will not be able to perform movements to music freely and beautifully if the dance or game is unlearned immediately, without preliminary preparation, that is, without mastering the dancing skills.

    The entire learning process is based on the conscious assimilation of skills. This arouses interest in children in the classroom.

    Musical rhythmic skills

    (software content)

    Skills of expressive movement in the field of classical, folk and modern choreography


    1. The ability to move rhythmically in accordance with the different nature of the music, dynamics (loud, moderately quiet, louder, quieter), registers: high, medium, low.

    2. Hear and note in the movement a strong beat (beat), change the movement in accordance with the form of the musical work.

    3. Distinguish low-contrast parts of music.

    4. Move in accordance with the nature of the music, independently start and end the movement with the beginning and end of the music.

    5. Distinguish parts and phrases of a work, dynamic shades and transmit them in motion.

    6. Pass clapping simple rhythmic pattern.

    7. To feel in music the transition from a moderate pace to a fast or slow pace.

    8. Independently distinguish between tempo changes in music and respond to them with movements.

    9. Start movements independently after entry.

    10. Change movements with the change of parts, musical phrases.

    11. Expressively. Rhythmically transmit movements with objects (ball, cube, ribbon), coordinating them with the nature of the music.

    1. Figured marching: movement in a circle, in lines, diagonally.

    2. Exercises for the development of orientation: turn right, left; construction in a column one at a time, two in motion, in place; alignment; building in a circle, expansion and narrowing of the circle; position in pairs.

    3. Walk and run rhythmically, walk with a calm step, brisk step.

    4. Walk on toes and heels.

    5. Easy, free to do a straight gallop.

    6. Develop skills springing movement.

    7. To strengthen the ability to expose the foot alternately on the toe and on the heel.

    8. Exercise in a calm step, a step with a high elevation of legs, an easy jump, in an easy, wider run.

    9. Repeat jumping on two legs with forward movement.

    10. Independently build a circle, walk in a circle, holding hands; narrow and widen the circle; observe the distance between pairs (or triples), moving in a circle.

    11. Achieve loose, smooth hand movements.

    12. Exercises for the development of muscle feeling: bending the hands down, up, moving them to the right, left, circular rotation; the same movements, but gradually; tension and relaxation of the muscles of the arms and legs; exercises for the feet: lifting, withdrawal from yourself, to yourself.

    13. Dance-training exercises: learning the positions of the arms and legs. The position of the hands is on the belt, behind the dress (in girls). Raising hands from a preparatory position in① , ③   position and back. Setting the body, head. Turn right, left. Turns and tilts the head. Half squat by   position. Half-fingered climb① position.

    14. Side step with a squat.

    15. Rhythmically, expressively move in a straight gallop.

    16. Spin on a jump in pairs.

    17. Soft springy step.

    18. Elements of folk and ballroom dancing.

    19. In games, act independently, seek expressive movements without imitating each other; to invent or choose movements in accordance with the nature of the musical work.

    20. Creative use of familiar movements in free dancing, improvisation, games.

    21. High run.

    22. Move in pairs in a circle, maintaining the distance between the pairs.

    23. Freely navigate in space.

    24. A variable step.

    1. Springing movements. The skill of spring movements is important for proper running, jumping, jumping and other dancing movements.

    2. Spring running in pairs. We move rhythmically, spin in pairs on the run.

    3. We transfer in movements the change of parts of a musical work.

    4. The movement of the hands. We swing our hands to the music smoothly, at ease.

    5. Walking under the march. Tasks: independently begin and end walking with the beginning and end of music. The step is rhythmic, peppy, clear.

    6. Walking calmly.

    7. Learning to transmit the movement of the change in the dynamics of music. Musical accompaniment - any song. Verse: children march with outstretched toes, chorus - jumps.

    The idea of \u200b\u200bchanging the dynamics is clear to children - a change in verse and chorus.

    8. Step and run (independent change of movements in accordance with the change of parts of music).

    9. Change the movement in accordance with the form of a musical work; for example: allegro - clap on a strong beat of the beat, adagio - whirling, raise the handles to the beat.

    10. Exercise with ribbons.

    11. Running with ribbons.

    12. Exercise with the ball. Pass the ball around in a strong beat. Throw the ball up and hit the floor, coordinating movement with the music.

    13. "Bunnies." Arbitrary in all directions. Imitate a bunny (hands).

    14. Jumps in pairs. Performing jumps, we develop the ability to transmit a rhythmic pattern with claps, tributaries. The step is light, springy.

    15. Jumping. We train in a simple jump and jump with squats.

    16. Claps. First 1 cotton per 1 quarter. The dynamics of music is changing - one-eighth claps.

    At this age, the opportunity arises to perform movements that are more complex in coordination of movements, the ability to transmit subtle features and details of an image increases, the ability to subtly feel musical works, means of musical expressiveness and their transmission in motion increases. Psychological features allow the child to better coordinate their actions with a partner; children have an increased ability to compose, fantasize, and combine various movements. Therefore, the main focus in working with older children becomesthe interaction of several characters, a combination of several movements and rearrangements.

    The task of the teacher is to form ways of relations with several characters, develop the ability to understand them, convey the same image in different moods, in a different nature, to form ways of combining various dance movements and rebuilding.

    Children are offered more complex compositions, bright, contrasting musical works for perception and transmission of a musical image, more complex schemes of rearrangements, combinations of dance movements are offered.

    Based on these features, the main stages of working with children will be the following:

    Lesson Section

    The main (base) component

    Musical repertoire

    September - November


    (3-5 min)

    2. Exercises and



    3. Dancing

    4. Games

    Round dance, pulling off the sock.

    Circling on toes with hands up

    Spinning in pairs with an asterisk while running, springy running in pairs.

    Left and right gallop

    Putting your feet forward on the heel, back on the toe, triple mop.

    Throwing straight legs with a toe.

    1. “Happy travelers”

    2 “Let them run awkwardly” V. Shainsky

    3. "Cheburashka" V. Shainsky (r. 45)

    "Sudarushka" rn.m.

    "Good bug"

    "Antoshka" Mikhailova, Shainsky

    "Glade" rn.m.

    "Old Polka" (r.m. flash drive)

    1. "Exercise with autumn leaves"

    M. Legrand (b. 83)

    2. "Dance with umbrellas" guilty cloud.

    3. “Happy couple” to the song “Four cockroaches and a cricket”

    4. "Kalinka" rnp .

    5. "Dance of the bells" P. Tchaikovsky

    6. “Waltz” Collection “Rhythmics” 24

    1. “Birds and a crow” A. Kravtsovich (r. 54)

    2. “Be agile” N. Ladukhin (from music to movement. Issue 3, p. 6)

    3. “Who will soon hit the tambourine” L. Schwartz (from the metro station dv.№3 - 7)

    December - February

    1. Warm up

    3. Dancing

    4. Games

    Attached step.

    Cross step, legs parallel.

    The squat is full and spring.

    Smooth movements of the hands in different positions with and without ribbons.

    Running with ribbons.

    Hops in place and with advancement.

    Polka step.

    1. “It’s fun to walk together” V. Shainsky (r. 67)

    2. "White ships" V. Shainsky (r. 55)

    3. "Rotary horses"

    "The month is shining" (r.m.)

    "Mischievous" (r.m.)

    Evening Serenade "F. Schubert (m.)

    "Song of the summer" E. Krylatov (flash drive)

    1. "Dance with ribbons"

    V. Shainsky “Clouds”

    2. "Dance of snowflakes and blizzards"

    3. "Dance of the sailors" O. Gazmanov (b. 148)

    4. “The bird polka danced” A. Rybnikov (b. 90)

    5. "Tango" V. Muller.

    6. Dance of "Ice Stars"

    1. “Goats and the Wolf”, music from the movie “Sounds of Music” (r. 62)

    2. "Magic fun tambourine" Ukrainian dance "Katerina" arr. T. Lomovaya.

    3. “You roll, funny ball” (sing, play, dance - 194)

    4. “Get up around”

    March - May

    1. Warm up

    2. Exercises and dance moves

    3. Dancing

    4. The game

    5. Entertainment at the end of the quarter.

    Gallop straight.

    Lateral step with an influx.

    A variable step, a step with a trench in place.

    "Crushers", fractional step.

    "Crushers" in a pair. Circling the boat.

    Ball exercise

    1. “March” G. Sviridov (r. 57)

    2. "Grasshopper" V. Shainsky (r. 49)

    3. “Chunga-changa” V. Shainsky (r. 59)

    “We go to the grandmother in the village” Georgian song (r.m. disk number 1)

    "From under the oak" rn.m. arr. N. Metlova (ibid.)

    "Polka" P. Tchaikovsky (music and movement sub. Gr. - 106)

    1. "We are musicians" Russian dance.

    2. “Waltz” by E. Dogi (r. 87)

    3. "Plastic sketch"

    4. "Dance of Puppets and Bears" D. Kabalevsky (b. 71).

    5. "Old polka" music of old Russian polka.

    1. “Find your item” latv. nar melody arr. G. Frida (music and movement st.gr.-100).

    2. "Burn clearly" r.p. S. Bodrenkova (music and movement

    3. Repetition of early learned games.

    “Treasure seekers towards the sun”

    In addition to the main sections of the lesson, throughout the year work is underway on the child's improvisational, creative activities.

    The task of the teacher is to create conditions for the search for the characteristic features of plastic characters, details of their behavior.

    • Children are invited to find the characteristic plastic character:
    • Baba Yaga
    • kind sorceress
    • evil fairy
    • snowflakes
    • stars
    • mechanical doll
    • Children are invited to master several compositional constructions:
    • three columns
    • from the column in two circles
    • star
    • snake
    • diagonal movement
    • narrowing and widening of the circle
    • circle in circle

    All these tasks are combined in different forms of work: in free games, in preparation for the holidays and entertainment, individual work with the child, in theatrical activities.

    However, it is necessary to take into account not only the age characteristics of children, but also their individual characteristics, capabilities, and to correct tasks in the conditions of a preschool institution.

    List of references:

    1. Lomova “Music and movement” Moscow. 1984

    2.A.A. Potapchuk, T.S. Ovchinnikova "Motor game for preschoolers" St. Petersburg 2002

    3.Raevskaya "Musical-motor exercises" Moscow. "Enlightenment" 1991

    4. Bekina S.I., Lomova "Music and Movement" subgroup. 1983.

    5. Vetlugin "Music in kindergarten" 1985

    6. Byrchenko. T., Franio G., “Reading book on rhythm” Moscow. 1991

    7.M.A.Mikhailova., N.V. Voronina "Dancing game exercises for beautiful movement."

    8.P.I. Tchaikovsky. "Children's album"

    9. Vetlugina “Musical education in kindergarten”

    10. Gorshkova "From gesture to dance."

    11.E.P. Iova “Morning exercises to the music”

    12.Z. Root "Musical scenarios for kindergarten, dance movements" Moscow


    13.N.O. Berezina, O.E. Vennetskaya “Success” methodological recommendations. Moscow 2011.