
The program of dance classes for children. Work program of the pop dance club

Extracurricular activities of younger students.

Dance club "In the rhythm of dance"

  1. Explanatory note

Choreography has great potential for the full aesthetic improvement of the child, for his harmonious spiritual and physical development

Creativity, its formation and development is one of the most interesting and mysterious problems that attracts the attention of researchers of various specialties. The study of this problem is relevant in connection with the fact that the main condition for the progressive development of society is a person who is capable of creative creation.

Choreographic art teaches children the beauty and expressiveness of movements, shapes their figure, develops physical strength, endurance, dexterity and courage. In dance, beauty and perfection of form are inextricably linked to the beauty of the inner content. In this unity lies the power of its aesthetic, moral impact. Only during the development of creative abilities does a genuine aesthetic education begin. Raising the need for creativity, the ability to create according to the laws of beauty - this is the side of aesthetic education, which is associated with the formation of a worldview and the upbringing of moral standards.

Dance classes form the correct posture, instill the basics of etiquette and a competent manner of behavior in society, give an idea of \u200b\u200bacting.

Dance is of great importance as a means of educating national identity.

Dance, like any other form of art, has its own expressive language, which, by virtue of figurative conventions, is organically combined with the conditional language of music. The perception of music in dance is active, which encourages dance action.

The program "In the rhythm of dance" is designed to teach the basics of choreographic art in extracurricular activities. The program is the basis of the study group. It provides for systematic and consistent training. However, the leader of the circle, adhering to the content of the program, can be creative in conducting classes. It depends on the level of general and musical development of children, the skill of the teacher, and working conditions.

The program of the circle is aimed at developing the creative abilities of the child in the field of knowledge of the art of dance.

The program provides the formation of a basic culture of the child’s personality, which will help him master a certain type of activity (dance) and knowledge in this area.

The purpose of the circle:

Formation of a spiritually rich, humanistically oriented, developed, creative personality by means of dance art.

To teach children to master the expressive means of dance, to contribute to their physical development, to improve the general and aesthetic culture

1. Health promotion.
2. Improving psychomotor functions.
3. The development of creative and creative abilities.

The program is focused on:
- improvement of performing abilities;
- development of thinking;
- broadening the horizons;
- instilling a common and musical culture.

Thematic plan for the sections:
1. Organizational work.
2. Educational work
- ABC of musical movement;
- spatial exercises;
- exercises for the development of dance technique;
- dance elements;
- music games and rhythmic exercises.
3. Events educational-cognitive characteristics.

Priority areas of work:

Acquaintance with the history of dance, musical literacy;

The study of the elements of acrobatics, aerobics, gymnastics, classical and folk dances;

Acquaintance with the directions of modern dance;

Setting dance numbers and participating in celebrations.


Educational lesson

Training session

Collective - creative activity

Control lesson

Individual lesson

Musical activity (listening to musical material, talking about music, musical games)

Informal events (attendance at cultural events, leisure activities within the team)

All classes are closely interconnected, complement each other. The knowledge acquired in the lessons of choreography is widely used in other classes and lessons at school.


  • Verbal (explanation, remark)
  • Visibility (personal display of the teacher)
  • Practical (performing movements)

Ways of learning:

  • Classes should be varied both in content (rhythmic exercises, orientation tasks, learning exercises of a training nature, learning and repeating dances), and in the set of methods used.
  • When repeating, it is necessary to avoid monotony, boredom, introduce an element of novelty into a familiar movement, dance, present new requirements, set new tasks.
  • Any task that students are asked to complete must be appropriate to their degree of preparedness.
  • The entire learning process must be built on the conscious assimilation of knowledge and skills.
  • Classes should go at a good pace, you should not work out the same movement for a long time, dance, explain for a long time, trying to teach everything at once.
  • In the lesson, you should consolidate all the skills that were developed earlier, repeat the movements and figures completed.

Basic didactic rules:

  • From easy to difficult.
  • From simple to complex.
  • From the known to the unknown.
  • Take into account the physical fitness of students.
  • Do not overload.
  • Use the elements of training in accordance with the capabilities of your team.

Class structure:

  • Preparatory part (warm-up)
  • The main part (learning new material)
  • The final part (consolidation of the learned material)

Work plan of the dance club

p / p

Lesson topic

1 half year


Introductory lesson

Discussion of the work plan, viewing photos, listening to music.

Dance styles.

Acquaintance with the characteristic movements of different dance styles


“We are little children!”

Dance performance “We are little children!”

Dance rehearsal. Practice movements to music.

Folk dances

Learning movements. Listening to music.

Dance staging, movement to the music. Round dance rehearsal.

Modern dance

Listening to music, presentations. Discussion of ideas, suggestions. Rehearsal of previously learned dances.

Learning movements to music.

2 half year

Rehearsal of previously learned dances.

Dance staging, listening to music, learning movements.

Dance staging, practicing movements without music at the expense of. Discussion of costumes.

Practice movements without music at the expense of the design of the dance.

Testing the dance pattern, rhythm, coherence.


« »

Rehearsal of the learned dances, refinement of artistic expressiveness.

Rehearsal of the learned dances, working out of artistic expressiveness, preparation for the performance.

Performance in the concert "Alumni Meeting Evening".

Listening to music, staging a dance, practicing movements at the expense of.

Dance staging, practicing movements without music at the expense of.

Training movements to music, preparing costumes.

Dance "Blue Water"

Learning a dance pattern, practicing movements.

Character, dance mood. Costumes.

Improving coherence, preparing costumes.

Dress rehearsal in costumes, preparation for the performance.

Performance at a family holiday.

Learning the movements characteristic of a waltz.

Staging a waltz, listening to music, learning movements.

Learning a dance pattern, practicing movements.

Waltz of the Flowers

Character, melody of the dance. Costumes, props.

Dance rehearsal. Training movements to music, preparing costumes.

Testing the artistic expressiveness of the dance.

Dance staging, practicing movements without music at the expense of

Listening to music, learning movements.

Learning a dance pattern, practicing movements.

Dance with ribbons and hoops

Learning movement, practicing smoothness, artistic expressiveness of dance.

Character, dance mood. Costumes.

Testing the smoothness and artistic expressiveness of the dance.

Listening to music, staging a dance.

Learning movement, practicing smoothness, artistic expressiveness of dance.

Learning movement, practicing smoothness, artistic expressiveness of dance.

Character, dance mood. Costumes.

Dance "School Waltz"

Dance rehearsal, preparation for the performance.

Speech at the festival "Farewell, elementary school!".

Testing elements

Development of movements, ligaments

Development of movements, ligaments

Practice the whole dance

Practice the whole dance

Final lesson

Expected Results of the Program

  • The results of the first level (the acquisition by students of social knowledge, understanding of social reality and everyday life):

The acquisition by schoolchildren of knowledge about road users, about types of pedestrian crossings, about traffic signals, road signs, about the specifics of road markings, elementary rules for safe behavior on roads and using vehicles, the rules for a group of children crossing the road.

  • Results of the second level (the formation of a positive attitude of the student to the basic values \u200b\u200bof our society and to social reality in general)

The development of the student’s value relationship to his health, his own safety.

  • Results of the third level (the acquisition by a student of the experience of independent social action)

Students gaining experience of safe self-organization as a participant in road traffic, experience of proper behavior in public vehicles, experience of safe passage of the carriageway independently and as part of a group, experience of using road markings and road signs in real traffic conditions.

Educational and methodological support of the program:

1.R.P. Babin. Textbook for students of grade 2 "My friend Traffic Light". Moscow. 2008 year.

3.E.A. Kozlovskaya, S.A. Kozlovsky. Teaching aid. Road safety: training and education of a primary school student. Moscow. 2002 year

4.Video materials

  • Safety lessons.
  • Safe road of childhood.
  • Safety lessons for traffic rules (Smeshariki)
  • Rules of the road (Smeshariki)
  • The street is full of surprises.
  • Disley goes to school.

Calendar-thematic planning.

Dance improvisation.

The development of the child’s creative abilities, the formation of the desire for independent creativity is facilitated by classes on the topic, i.e. dance improvisation.

In improvisation classes, two situations can be considered:

  1. The teacher sets a specific topic.

  2. The child independently chooses the topic.

The task of the teacher is to encourage children to creative activity, associative thinking, plastic expressiveness. It is in the classes of improvisation that the artistic abilities of each child are revealed.

^   Educational work.

The choreographic work in the team should be distinguished by high organization, and discipline, a culture of behavior and real upbringing in communication between team members and their teachers.

The independent work of children in order to help each other fosters a sense of collectivism and industriousness in children.

Performances at school-wide events instill a sense of responsibility and punctuality in children. The team must work in union: children - teacher - parents. Solving the problems of the team together with parents makes it more cohesive and mutually interested.

Predicted Results

The circle contains rich opportunities for the formation of general educational skills of students, which creates the basis for the holistic development of the individual.

Students should master the concepts of “rhythm”, “score”, and learn that music consists of measures and musical phrases, while students must be able to distinguish between the introduction and the main melody, and enter into a dance with the beginning of the musical phrase.

Regular dancing classes, as well as physical education classes, create and strengthen muscle corset, improve the work of the heart, nervous system, strengthen the psyche.

By the end of the school year, students must:

  • be able to move to the beat of the music;
  • have acting skills;
  • be able to technically competently perform the figures of program dances;
  • know the position of the arms and legs;
  • dance the dance proposed by the program, with a certain degree of ease and automatism.
  1. List of references
  1. Lisitskaya T.S. Choreography and dance [text] / T.S. Lisitskaya. - M, 1998.-p. 18-42.
  2. Organization of additional education at school: planning, programs, lesson development / ed. N.A. Belibikhina, L.A. Koroleva. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.-pp. 35-46.
  3. Children's musical theater: programs, lesson development, recommendations / aut.-sost. E.Kh. Afanasenko et al. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009. - p. 76-98.

Our dance group "Rainbow" is an adornment of not only all the holidays held in the school and in the village, but even travel with their numbers and beyond.

Here is a short list of the holidays in which they took part:

October - Day of the Elderly

November - Mother's Day

February - School-wide Parents' Meeting

March - Concert "Congratulations to our mothers"

April - District Dance Marathon

May - RMO of teachers of the Chuvash language and literature

June - Village Day

When we pronounce the word “dance”, not only dance figures of the dance itself, but also its characteristic music always arise in our minds.

Dance is a huge, rich and very diverse field of art. There are dances that are associated with any particular nationality, belong to one particular people and do not go beyond the boundaries of his life, life, culture. And there are dances born of one people, but which have become the property of many, sometimes even all peoples of the world. Some dances were danced only by ordinary people - in villages and cities, others - only in palaces and in aristocratic salons. And there were those who enjoyed the same success both among the common people and in court circles. The life of some dances was very short, others lived a very long time. Some dances, born to be danced, always remain so. Others, having stepped beyond the limits set by him at birth, cease to be only everyday, ordinary dance and penetrate into all genres of music from a simple song to operetta and symphony.

We live in the 21st century. This age of computerization, the introduction of newer technologies, so our modern children are prone to a sedentary lifestyle. In order to give society a fully-developed person in schools, there are sports clubs, but not all children want to attend them, so there was a need to open a dance club, in which students want to surprise their peers and themselves.

This program is designed for 4 years. It is intended for students aged 6.5 to 11 years. There are 2 classes per week for 1 hour per day. Classes of this circle are held after lessons (training sessions). The circle is attended by all interested students in the class, without restrictions.

Classes for this program begin with a warm-up, i.e. exercises to the music to warm up all the ligaments of the body. Then there is an explanation of the rules of the dance and at the end of the lesson the skills of performing the set elements in the dance are tested, or more simply - rehearsal of the dance.

The result of the program should be the performance of the dance group with the set dances.

Goals and objectives of the program

The purpose of the program:   To promote the development of skills in dance movements, the ability to expressively and rhythmically move in accordance with the diverse nature of music, conveying emotional-figurative content in the dance.


1. The development of students plasticity and sense of rhythm.

2. Training in the ability to hear and feel music;

H. Formation of students' culture of communication and behavior in society.

Students should be able to:

Expressively and rhythmically move in accordance with the diverse nature of music, musical images;

Transmit a simple musical rhythmic pattern;

Start movements independently after a musical introduction;

Perform various exercises with a mirror image;

Synchronously perform movements in the dance;

Hear and feel the music;

Rate yourself in dance, etc.

Program structure.

The program consists of two sections corresponding to the age characteristics of children and the level of complexity of dance compositions.

1 section."Modern dances"

The main task is to improve the process of music perception through teaching the basic movements and dance elements.

2 section."Chuvash dances"

The objective of this section is to introduce students to a rather large volume of movements, with different positions in a pair, with different manners of performance. Children get acquainted with the dance movements of the round dance, mobile dance character.

Child development indicators

· Expressiveness, lightness and accuracy of performance of movements to music.

· Mastering a large volume of various compositions and certain types of movements, different in style and character.

· The ability to improvise using original and diverse movements.

1 section "Modern dances"

1. Listening to rhythmic music.

2. Learning the basic and preparatory movements of pop dances.

3. Shoulder movements, head movements: turns, raising and lowering, circular movements.

Body movements: tilts, turns, shift to the right and left.

4. The connection of the body and shoulders with the head in turns, bending, bending.

5. Learning hand movements: circular movements, backward, forward, swinging to the sides.

7. Learning to move legs: lunges with putting the feet on the heel, swings, raising legs.

8. "Dancing" on the semi-learning the basic body positions on the floor, simple dance combinations.

9. The combination of learned movements in dance combinations.

10. Practicing the learned dance combinations and joining the dance.

2 section "Chuvash dances"

1. The history of the Chuvash folk dances

2. Learning: the basic position of the legs in the Chuvash dance.

3. Learning: basic positions of the hands.

4. Chuvash dance steps are simple steps.

5. Learning: Chuvash variable steps: smooth, one long and two short, on the heel rib with a pad.

6. Dance Run: Step Run or Running Step

7. Fractions: tributaries, tributaries with half squats, tributaries with a jump.

8. "Signet" or simultaneous inflow with two legs, half-finger punches, "busts", fractional path fraction with a jump.

9. Round dance. “Circle”, “Two circles nearby”

10. “Circle in a circle”, “Tartlet”, “Eight”, “Snail”.

11. “Snake”, “Column”, “Street”, “Gate”, “Comb”.

12. The combination of learned movements in dance

13. Practice rebuilding, determining the lines of dance.

14. Accuracy and synchronism in dance performance

15. Work on emotional expressiveness.Modern dance

Short description

To develop the creative abilities of students with mild mental retardation through their inclusion in dance activity.


state treasury educational institution of the Rostov region special (correctional) educational institution for students, pupils with disabilities special (correctional) general education boarding school VIIIview of Donetsk. DANCE CIRCLE PROGRAM KAPPI Z (senior group) Compiled by Korobeinikova E.A.

2012-2013 academic year
Explanatory note The program of additional education of the dance group "Caprice" was modified by the head of the club E. Korobeinikova in accordance with the features of its functioning on the basis of GKOU RO boarding schoolVIII view of the city of Donetsk, taking into account age and individual characteristics of children. Musical and choreographic art are indispensable means of aesthetic education, artistic development that can deeply affect the spiritual world of a child. In parenting, dance has a special place. One of its main goals is the formation of a variety of emotions and feelings, which are the most important condition for the development of personality. It is very difficult for teenagers with disabilities (HIA) to adapt to the new, unusual environment, which our boarding school, in which they live, is for them. For learning and development, they need a specially organized learning environment. This environment should gradually change in accordance with the cognitive and personal needs of the child and, therefore, the child does not always feel absolutely comfortable in it. The leader has a difficult task: on the one hand, it is necessary to create a developmental environment for the child, and on the other hand, to help him learn to behave appropriately in it, despite the constant change in the situation. The structure of the dance, its clear pattern form external supports for the child’s personal behavior. Dancing creates an emotional balance in the group: collect, calm, facilitate the transition from one activity to another. Among other things, the dance switches the attention of children, distracts them from various problems (for example, contributes to their more painless adaptation). Teaching teenagers to dance and developing their creative abilities on this basis require from the head of the circle not only knowledge of a certain appropriate technique, but also suggest that he has the correct idea of \u200b\u200bdance as an artistic activity, a form of art. It is an understanding of the nature of dance that allows the teacher to more meaningfully and competently solve the tasks. Dance is a musical plastic art, the specificity of which is that, like any kind of art, reflecting the surrounding life in artistic images, it embodies them with the help of expressive movements of performers, without any verbal explanation. This fully corresponds to the motor nature of children's imagination, which is characterized by the effective recreation of images by children "through the medium of their own body." It follows that in dance, creative imagination can develop more effectively than in other types of children's musical activity. The development of creative imagination has a special effect on music. And this happens, primarily in the process of its perception, which is inherent in a creative nature. In this regard, the creative nature of all types of musical activity, including dance, becomes apparent. Once again, it should be mentioned that imagery and plot are inherent in dance. This gives it traits of dramatization and brings it closer to the role-playing game, which, in the words of L.S. Vygotsky, is the "root" of any children's creativity. The game features of the dance also characterize it as an activity beneficial for the development of adolescents' abilities. Thus, dance is a type of artistic activity that is optimal for the formation and development of creativity and imagination in adolescents, due to the combination of three characteristics of dance - music, movement and play - in a single activity. In this program, dance is considered as a means of overcoming difficulties associated with health restrictions (mental retardation). The purpose of the program:To develop the creative abilities of adolescents with disabilities through their inclusion in dance activity, as well as the formation of a creative personality by teaching children the language of dance, introducing pupils to the world of dance art, which is the property of universal and national culture.
The objectives of the program: 1. Determine the starting abilities of each child: a sense of rhythm, musical and motor memory. 2. Develop children's creative abilities based on a personality-oriented approach. 3. To reveal the abilities of adolescents and to form in them the ability to perceive and understand the beautiful.
4. To instill a love of dance art.
5. Develop imagination and fantasy in dance. 6. To acquaint teenagers with various musical rhythmic movements in accordance with the nature of the music. 7. To acquaint teens with the simplest rules of behavior on stage. 8. To help increase self-esteem among insecure adolescents (a key role in dance, verbal encouragement, etc.). 9. To consolidate the acquired skills through speaking at the events of the boarding school. To develop the communication skills of adolescents through dance games. The main forms of conducting classes: · dance rehearsals · the game
· conversation · holiday Main occupations - individual and group creativity, intergroup exchange of dance performance. Methods: · game; · demo (display method); · method of creative interaction; · method of observation and imitation; · exercise method; · method of internal listening. Delivery method.Learning a new movement, the leader's position is preceded by an accurate display. This is also necessary because in the performance of the teacher, the movement appears in its final form. Visualization method. This method includes auditory visualization (listening to music while dancing), visual and tactile visualization, which are combined with auditory impressions (showing singing technique, movements, pictures, toys, etc.). Game method.In adolescents with mild mental retardation, the game reflex dominates; they perceive everything better through the game. In music and rhythmic classes, they form knowledge, abilities and skills in various types of activities related to music: perception of music, musical and rhythmic movements (dance and gymnastic movements, their simple compositions to music). Correctional work is based on purposeful development in children. perception of music.Learning music perception is aimed at developing their emotional responsiveness to music and shaping the perception of its basic elements. Frequency of classes 2 hours a week, 71   hour per year. Class time: Monday, Friday from 18.00 to 18.40 ANNUAL PLANNING

No. p / p Lesson content Hours Deadlines
1. Organizational work. Gathering team members. The choice of the headman. Familiarization with the repertoire. Learning to warm up. Preparation for Teacher's Day. 7 o'clock september
2. Classical exercise machine. The rhythm. Speech at the event. Learning new dance moves. 9 hours october
3. Gymnastics. Classical exercise machine. Learning the movements of the dance "Dance with candles." 9 hours november
4. The rhythm. Preparing for New Year's events. Learning the Snowflake Dance 8 ocloc'k december
5. Repetition of learned dances, learning new movements of modern dance. 5:00 january
6. Classical exercise machine. Plastic. Preparing for the event on March 8. Learning movements for dancing to songs. 8 ocloc'k february
7. Staging the body, arms, legs, head, the development of natural data, the elimination of physical imperfections, the development of the concepts of elongation and eversion, musicality. 8 ocloc'k march
8. Repetition of the passed material. The rhythm. Preparing for Victory Day. 9 hours april
9. Participation in celebrations. Classical exercise machine. Preparation for the reporting concert. 8 ocloc'k may
No. p / p Lesson content Hours date
1 Organizational work. Collecting team members ... Games with children 1 hour 7.09.2012
2 Gathering participants, addition to the team. The choice of the headman. Familiarization with the repertoire. 1 hour 10.09.2012
3 Learning to warm up. Repetition of dances of the first year of study. Preparation for Teacher's Day. 1 hour 14.09.2012
4 Warm up. Exercises on the "square". Repetition of the dance "Dance of Life". Preparation for Teacher's Day. 1 hour 17.09.2012
5 Warm up. Exercise classic drainage. The repetition of the dance "Modern Hai Fai." Preparation for Teacher's Day. 1 hour 21.09.2012
6 Rhythmic simulator: spatial musical exercises: marching in pace and rhythm, figured marching. Preparation for Teacher's Day. Dance run “Dance of Life”, “My Russia”, “Modern High Fi” 1 hour 24.09.2012
7 Warm up. Preparation for Teacher's Day. Rehearsal of the dances included in the concert. 1 hour 28.09.2012
8 General run of dances for Teacher's Day. 1 hour 1.10.2012
9 The participation of the team in a festive concert, dedicated. Teacher's day 1 hour 5.10.2012
10 Warm up. Arms and legs in the dance. Movement in the image: "Girl and the ball." Learning the movements of the Waltz dance. 1 hour 8.10.2012
11 Portrait gymnastics: exercises for the foot, elongation of socks. Dance staging, combination of learned exercises. Learning the movements of the contemporary Waltz dance, contemporary movements to the dance. 1 hour 12.10.2012
12 Setting the head, eliminating physical imperfections, mastering the concepts of elongation and eversion. Learning the movements of the modern dance “Dance with candles” 1 hour 15.10.2012
13 The staging of the body, arms, legs, head, the development of natural data. Side gallop, step with outstretched toes. Learning the movements of the modern dance “Dance with candles” 1 hour 19.10.2012
14 Warm up. Learning the male and female party “Bow”, “Kovyryolochka” back and forth ... Learning the movements of the modern dance “Dance with candles” 1 hour 22.10.2012
15 Warm up, dance movement "Spring with Turn", "Jumps in the Turn." Games with children. Learning the movements of the modern dance “Dance with candles” 1 hour 26.10.2012
16 Rhythmic training: walking in pairs, a snake, an asterisk. The setting of the body. Repetition of the dance "Modern Hai Fai" 1 hour 29.10.2012
17 Classical exercise machine. Exercises on the "square". Dance movements "Deep lunges", "Wave". Learning the movements of the modern dance “Dance with candles” 1 hour 2.11.2012
18 Classical exercise machine. Learning of individual elements, movements. Connection and staging of modern dance “Dance with candles” 1 hour 5.11.2012
19 Gymnastics. Dance movements "Big and small square", "Steps with raising the knee and arms." The combination of movements of the dance "Dance with candles" 1 hour 9.11.2012
20 Classical exercise machine. Dance rehearsal “Dance with candles” 1 hour 12.11.2012
21 Gymnastics exercises for stretching the muscles of the legs. Testing the dance movements “Dance with candles”. Dance run. 1 hour 16.11.2012
22 Repetition of learned movements and dances. 1 hour 19.11.2012
23 Dance improvisation. Free dance improvisation to the given music. 1 hour 23.11.2012
24 Games with children. 1 hour 26.11.2012
25 Components of the character of the dance: facial expressions, gestures, dance accents, etc. 1 hour 30.11.2012
26 The rhythm. Portrait gymnastics: exercise “Bicycle”, “Butterfly”. learning the movements for the Snowflakes dance ... 1 hour 3.12.2012
27 Preparing for the New Year holidays. Learning the movements for the dance "Snowflakes". 1 hour 7.12.2012
28 The rhythm. Learning the movements for the dance "Snowflakes". Preparing for New Year's events. 1 hour 10.12.2012
29 The combination of movements to the dance "Snowflakes" together. 1 hour 14.12.2012
30 1 hour 17.12.2012
31 The rhythm. Rehearsal of the dance "Snowflakes". Run all the dances. 1 hour 21.12.2012
32 Preparing for New Year's events. Rehearsal of the dance "Snowflakes". Run all the dances. 1 hour 24.12.2012
33 Performance at New Year's events. Games with children. 1 hour 28.12.2012
34 Gymnastics. Exercise "Smile at yourself and your friend." Listening to musical works “Waltz”, “Polka” 1 hour 14.01.2013
35 Portrait gymnastics: exercise “Topotushki”, raising legs 90 degrees, “Bird”, “Iron”, “Checkbox”. Repetition of dancing. Synchronization of movements. Testing the clarity and rhythm of movements. 1 hour 18.01.2013
36 The repetition of the dances “Modern High Fi” and the development of the modern dance “Dance with candles”. Synchronization of movements. Improving the clarity and rhythm of movements 1 hour 21.01.2013
37 The rhythm. Repetition and practice of learned dances. Synchronization of movements. Improving the clarity and rhythm of movements 1 hour 25.01.2013
38 Portrait gymnastics: exercise “Triple tributaries with a stop”, “Ball”, “Spring” (soft squats). Learning modern movements. Repetition and practice of learned dances. Synchronization of movements. Improving the clarity and rhythm of movements 1 hour 28.01.2013
39 Dance-shaped movements: snake, cat, heron. Learning movements for modern dance. Repetition and practice of learned dances. 1 hour 1.02.2013
40 Classical exercise machine: yes-mi-plie on the 1st, 2nd, 5th positions. Plastic. Repetition of learned dance movements. 1 hour 4.02.2013
41 The concept of spatial rearrangements: line, column, circle, square. The rhythm. Preparation for the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland. 1 hour 8.02.2013
42 Classical simulator: grand plie in the 1st, 2nd, 5th position (study first with your back to the wall, then facing the support). Learning movements for the Cossack dance. Preparation for the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland. 1 hour 11.02.2013
43 Preparation for the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland and March 8. Practice all the dances. Synchronization of movements. Improving the clarity and rhythm of movements 1 hour 15.02.2013
44 The rhythm. Dance-like improvisation, people of different professions (blacksmith, embroiderer, driver and artist). Repetition of the movements of modern dance. Preparing for the holidays. Repetition and practice of learned dances. 1 hour 18.02.2013
45 Participation in the event, dedicated. Defenders of the Fatherland Day. Games with children. 1 hour 22.02.2013
46 Classical exercise machine. Preparation for the holiday on March 8. Repetition and practice of learned dances. Learning the movements of the Cossack dance. 1 hour 25.02.2013
47 Repetition of learned dances, learning movements to songs. 1 hour 1.03.2013
48 Preparing for the event, dedicated. March 8. Synchronization of movements. Improving the clarity and rhythm of movements 1 hour 4.03.2013
49 Games with children. 1 hour 11.03.2013
50 Parterial Exercise: Exercise tension and relaxation of the muscles of the body, to improve the elasticity of the muscles of the shoulder and forearm, the development of mobility of the elbow joint. Learning movements for the Cossack dance. 1 hour 15.03.2013
51 Parterial Exercise. Learning movements for the Cossack dance. 1 hour 18.03.2013
52 The rhythm. Learning movements for the Cossack dance. 1 hour 22.03.2013
53 Repetition and consolidation of learned movements to the Cossack dance. 1 hour 25.03.2013
54 The combination of learned movements in one picture of a stylized Cossack dance. 1 hour 29.03.2013
55 Game training "Let's get acquainted." Rehearsal of the Cossack dance. Synchronism of movements. Improving the clarity and rhythm of movements 1 hour 1.04.2013
56 Warm up. Hands setting (position of the hand on the belt, position of the hands to the sides, forward, up). Rehearsal and practice of the Cossack dance. Improving the clarity and rhythm of movements 1 hour 5.04.2013
57 Plastic. Rehearsal of the Cossack dance. Synchronization of movements. Testing the clarity and rhythm of movements. 1 hour 8.04.2013
58 The rhythm. Learning additional moves to dance. Preparation for the May holidays. 1 hour 12.04.2013
59 The rhythm. Rehearsal of the Cossack dance. Synchronization of movements. Testing the clarity and rhythm of movements. Preparing for the holidays. 1 hour 15.04.2013
60 Plastic. Rehearsal of the Cossack dance. Synchronization of movements. Testing the clarity and rhythm of movements. Preparing for the Victory Day. 1 hour 19.04.2013
61 Repetition and consolidation of learned dances. Synchronization of movements. Testing the clarity and rhythm of movements. Preparing for the Victory Day. 1 hour 22.04.2013
62 Run rehearsal of learned dances. Testing the clarity and rhythm of movements. 1 hour 26.04.2013
63 Dance rehearsal for the concert, dedicated. Victory Day. Synchronization of movements. Testing the clarity and rhythm of movements. 1 hour 29.04.2013
64 Dance rehearsal for the event, dedicated. Victory Day. 1 hour 3.05.2013
65 Plastic studies on imitation of plants and animals. Team participation in celebrations, dedicated. Victory Day. 1 hour 8.05.2013
66 Discussion of the event. Listening to classical compositions, games with children. 1 hour 10.05.2013
67 Classical exercise machine: relev on the 6th position, por de bra. Preparation for the reporting concert. Practice all the learned dances. Statement of the dance "Waltz". 1 hour 13.05.2013
68 Preparation for the reporting concert. Practice all the learned dances and dances. Synchronization of movements. Testing the clarity and rhythm of movements. Learning the Waltz dance. 1 hour 17.05.2013
69 Classical exercise machine: demi-plie on the 6th position, batman tandyu to the side, forward, backward with a cross, sote. Preparation for the reporting concert. Practice all the learned dances and dances. 1 hour 20.05.2013
70 Dress rehearsal for the reporting concert. 1 hour 24.05.2013
71 Discussion of the reporting concert. Games with children. 1 hour 27.05.2013
Expected Result: During the classes, students will not only learn the basic dance elements, but will also be able to communicate in the language of dance, become more confident in themselves, will be interested in dancing, as a form of creative activity, which will contribute to their successful adaptation in society.