
What days can you start a new business. When to start a new business

Ruling planet of Aquarius: Uranus.

Talismans of Aquarius: key icon.

Aquarius personality: kind, sociable, tactful, cheerful, original, inventive, good intellect, intuition.

At this time, the number of random and unforeseen situations increases. The period is not suitable for starting most cases. Successful for mental work, participation in the affairs of the team. The Moon in Aquarius helps in matters related to large groups.

Good for social activities, meetings, symposiums, admission to parties, circles, participation in mass and cultural events. These days we become friendly, sociable, open to everything new. Increasing interest in everything unusual, surprising. An unsuccessful period for changing jobs, contacting various institutions and authorities, moving, repairing, for solving financial and domestic problems.

Aquarius themselves definitely need companions to restrain his non-standard and disagreement with the law. Choosing a companion Aquarius needs to be down to earth enough so that he can lower him to the ground and keep him within the framework of the law and generally accepted norms. If he takes up some business and does not spare any effort on it, then it will certainly succeed.

Aquarius, as a standard of renewal in everything among all the signs of the Zodiac. His organizational talents are clearly manifested at a time when the world or the state is shaken by financial cataclysms. They are sociable and democratic, and therefore they have many friends from various social strata. They are able to engage only in the area that they are really interested in, and at the same time, they will not pay attention to others.

Let's look at the phases of the moon in order to understand when to start a new business. We all know that the moon goes through 4 phases, so there is a definite answer to the question of when to start a new business: during the period of the growing moon. Since during the period of the growing moon, a person becomes more energetic, lucky, active. Therefore, for this period it is worth planning the most responsible and important things.

In the previous article, " ", we looked at the general principles that you need to follow in order for your endeavors to be successful. In this article, we consider a favorable time to start a new business from the standpoint of the lunar phases and their influence on a person.

The full cycle of the moon is divided into 4 main parts. The first part is the New Moon when the Moon is in conjunction with the Sun, the first quarter is when the Moon is in right square with the Sun, the Full Moon is in opposition to the Sun, and the last quarter is when the Moon is in left square with the Sun. Let's start with the new moon and its impact on a person.

The exact moment of the new moon is the conjunction of the Moon and the Sun. This is the period when the moon is not visible. This period can last from several hours to several days. You can see the exact time of the new moon in any flip calendar. In order to find out what lunar day it is today, look at the calendar in the left panel of the site.

Let's go back to the moment of the new moon. Any actions that you take at the time of the new moon can be very risky. Don't make big decisions, don't make commitments. New acquaintances may later bring unexpected unpleasant surprises. Starting a real project can bring big setbacks in the future. You can not hire staff, start new projects, new relationships.

New moon

The period from the new moon to the first quarter lasts approximately 7.5 days - it's time for creative plans. During this period, you can attend a seminar, an exhibition, go where you have never been before, you can start writing a book, draw up all your grandiose (and not so) plans. This is the time to get inspired, to shape new ideas. It is time to weigh, calculate and plan future affairs, but it is too early to start active actions.

The meaning of the new ideas that you have drawn up in your head (and on paper) during the new moon will fully manifest in 9 months. This does not mean that nothing will happen during these nine months. It's like building a house, when you lay the foundation, gradually build the walls, and nine months later you see a bright manifestation of your work - a finished project, a fully erected building. It may take a lot of effort to continue, but an intermediate, significant result is already visible.


This is the time from the first quarter to the full moon, this period lasts approximately 7.5 days. The first quarter of the moon is a great time to work hard, there is no time to relax. Work at full strength at full speed, but watch out for obstacles.

Remember that now you can be overly optimistic and tend to invest more than you need, be careful, otherwise you will have to pay for too bloated schemes in a year and a half. Now you can apply and most likely you will get a positive result.

As for business.

During this period, it is good to consider issues and contracts that relate to short-term ventures. If you wanted to buy a property, it is worth visiting the site of your choice and making an offer to buy. Invest money in small portions in different projects. A good time to continue designing and changing styles.

However, the decision on the final color scheme should be temporarily postponed. It's not the best time to launch ads, wait another week. During this period, there is a temptation to overspend, so expand production in moderation, excluding global methods. Restock office supplies.

As for creativity and people of creative professions.

A good time to start writing a book, painting, finding a place for a creative exhibition, there is a desire to organize a performance. This is the best time to continue any research that you have already started before. Establish contact with people with whom you have the same interests, start making joint plans for slowly getting to know each other. Commitments during this period should be postponed.

Helpful Hints

We already know what the moon does great importance for all living and even non-living on our planet and also affects the psychological well-being of people. And although some people feel this influence more acutely than others, the change of lunar phases, signs and days cannot be completely ignored.

moon day or lunar day by analogy with a sunny day occurs from dawn to dusk of the moon. Lunar days do not at all coincide with the sunny days to which we are accustomed, although, just like solar days, they are divided into morning, afternoon, evening and night. Different lunar days carry their own energy, their own charge, which is reflected on us, hence the conclusion was made about their influence and features.

Knowing about the characteristics of each lunar day and which of them are favorable for doing certain things, you can significantly make your life easier, you will not waste energy when it is not required. All things done on time will be easy to get.

Unfavorable lunar days

Before the moon becomes full, it will take about 15-16 lunar days. Approximately every 7 days, the moon changes phase. The days of the change of lunar phases, including the days before the new moon and full moon are considered bad days. However, they have certain characteristics that suggest which cases can be assigned specifically for these days.

The days before the new moon, when the moon is hidden from view, are considered dark days. Emotionally, the person feels very uncomfortable. This 29th and 28th lunar day. These days there is a high probability of falling into dependence on people or circumstances.

The New Moon is usually associated with loneliness and pessimism. Perhaps because on this day too little energy left. The moon has grown old and disappeared, and the new month has not yet appeared in the sky. As the moon grows, energy will increase

When the Moon becomes full, the energy overflows, which can also have a bad effect on the emotional state. The full moon in this sense is also considered an unfavorable day: excitability, irritability increases, our internal psychological problems are activated that go outside, so these days there are a lot of quarrels, aggression, stress.

Critical days are also considered days of lunar phases. According to statistics, these days there are many accidents, accidents, chronic diseases are exacerbated. Usually these days are associated with trials, dangers and temptations. Lunar days of phase change: 9th, 15th, 23rd and 29th. These days it is not recommended to start new business, plan important life-changing events, such as a wedding.

Favorable lunar days

Fortunately, there are more auspicious days in the lunar month, which carry light energy, help in business, give support. These days, people understand each other better, quarrel and get sick less, feel a surge of strength, everything conceived succeeds. These days include: 6th, 7th, 12th, 16th, 24th and 28th(if there are 30 lunar days in a lunar month).

It should also be remembered that if you want to start a new life, to change something significantly in life, you should do it. on the growing moon on auspicious days until the full moon. If you want to get rid of something, become free, get rid of bad habits, then you need to start on the waning moon, but not on the days closest to the new moon.

Lunar birthday

Knowing your lunar birthday is very important to understand some deep personality traits. To find out on which particular lunar day you were born, you need to look at the calendar of lunar days and pay attention to the time of your birth.

It is believed that a person’s lunar horoscope can tell a lot about his karma, since depending on what phase of the moon a person was born, he has a certain amount of cargo, which brings with it from previous incarnations.

How closer to new moon you were born, the more influence the Moon has on you, the more tender and young your soul is. Such people have little experience, they are just beginning the cycle of lives, therefore they are very inquisitive, responsive, open to everything new, vulnerable.

If you were born in the second phase of the moon, you already have more experience, but you have not yet experienced large and difficult trials in the past. Usually during this period emotional people are born, receptive, but they know how to control themselves. It is especially good to be born in the middle of the second phase: on 9-11 lunar days.

On a full moon people are born with excessive emotionality, who are full of energy, but far from always know how to use it correctly. These people, as a rule, have a contradictory character, completely different qualities are fighting inside them. They are often dissatisfied with themselves, cannot achieve harmony in their souls, rush from side to side, experience problems in their personal lives, suffer from problems in the parental family.

On a full moon sometimes happen lunar eclipses. To be born on such a day is especially unfavorable. Events in the life of such people are predetermined, little depends on them, it is very difficult or almost impossible for them to change something in their fate at will.

In the third phase of the moon those who have already gained enough experience are born, have learned and seen a lot in past incarnations, so this world is not new to them. They have a feeling that they have already seen and know a lot, but they still have something ahead of them.

If you were born in the fourth and final phase of the moon, your incarnation cycle is nearing completion. Such people are born with great emotional experience, which can be felt from childhood. They know how to hide their emotions well, control themselves. They have seen a lot, seen good and evil, in the depths of their souls they know and wear what others have yet to learn.

Characteristics of lunar days

The lunar month usually consists of 30 lunar days, however, some lunar months lose their last day and therefore last 29 lunar days. In such incomplete months, unfavorable days are more acute, and events happen more abruptly and unexpectedly.

first lunar day falls on the new moon, when the conjunction of the moon and the sun occurs. Due to such a connection, in the first days of the lunar month you will not see the Moon in the night sky, but in a couple of days a thin growing sickle of the month will appear, which will grow every day.

The lunar month is divided for 4 phases (4 lunar weeks), which depend on the position of the Moon relative to the Sun. With 1 to 15 lunar day The moon is rising 15 to 30 lunar day- decreases. This is also taken into account in the characteristics of lunar days. We invite you to find out the characteristic features of all lunar days. The days of the change of the lunar phases this summer (Moscow time) are indicated.

1 lunar day

Symbol of the day: Lamp

The very beginning of the lunar month gives us a unique opportunity to set the rhythm of the entire upcoming month, to think about what would we like to change in ourselves and in our environment, how we would like to improve our lives. This is a day of reflection, dreams, but not action.

Good for analyzing the past, reviewing past grievances, quarrels, learning lessons. Negative memories can easily go away if you let them go on the 1st lunar day, forgive all offenders.

The magic of the 1st lunar day is that on this day you can make a wish that are more likely to be fulfilled. However, it is important to imagine not the desire itself, but what you will become when it is fulfilled.

The 1st lunar day can often last quite a bit: just a few minutes and this can happen at night.

1st lunar day to be expected: June 8 (19:57) - June 9 (05:47); July 8 (11:15) - July 9 (06:35), August 7 (01:51) - August 7 (06:39) 2013

Good time for: planning, making wishes, pure thoughts, forgiveness

Bad time for: the beginning of new affairs, bad thoughts, insults, quarrels, vigorous activity

2 lunar day

Symbol of the day: Cornucopia

On this day don't get angry or be aggressive otherwise, it may adversely affect health. It is advisable to show generosity and hospitality: set the table, invite guests, make pleasant surprises for relatives and friends.

On this day, you can easily figure out with whom it is worth communicating in the future, and from whom it is better to stay away. You should not start new things: there is still too little energy. New knowledge will certainly benefit you.

Maybe increase appetite, so be careful not to overeat, especially if you intend to lose extra pounds. On the growing moon, this is very difficult to do, but gaining too much is as easy as shelling pears.

Good time for: generosity, gifts, plans, accumulation of strength, dreams, baths, dry fasting and diets

Bad time for: the beginning of new cases, conflicts, quarrels, showdowns, manifestations of greed

3 lunar day

Symbol of the day: Leopard

This day should go to activity, real actions and plans that you managed to think over in the first days of the lunar month. You can start intense sports or turn to any physical activity so that the accumulated energy does not stagnate in the body, but is used.

Good time for: activity, getting rid of negative emotions, sports activities

Bad time for: passivity, manifestations of negative emotions, suspiciousness, manifestations of deceit

4 lunar day

Symbol of the day: paradise tree

This day is more suitable for seclusion and loneliness than for collective and group work, otherwise there may be disappointments. The day is considered negative in terms of energy, as temptations and temptations are possible. In order to prevent the irreparable, you should carefully consider each of your actions, and if possible, do not communicate with anyone at all.

Good time for: loneliness, passivity, simple household chores, relaxing with family, walking in the forest

Bad time for: hasty decisions, teamwork, any group activity

5 lunar day

Symbol of the day: Unicorn

Today, creative activity, self-confidence and a desire to act will not interfere. Much can be achieved. You can learn a lot of new and important things if you ask for information. On this day food is well absorbed, but it is better not to overeat. It's good to go on the road if you have a trip planned.

Good time for: rejection of temptations, planning for the future (for example, upcoming holidays, important events), gaining new knowledge, upholding principles and beliefs

Bad time for: starvation

6 lunar day

Symbol of the day: Bird

The day is intended for routine daily work. Everything around should be accepted as it is, you can not complain about life and loved ones. There is an opportunity to sort out some old problems thanks to your own intuition, which is especially aggravated on this day. Illumination may come, clairvoyance may manifest.

Good time for: solitude, humility, forgiveness, meditation, breathing exercises, scientific research, experiments, spiritual practices

Bad time for: complaints, quarrels, manifestations of dissatisfaction

7 lunar day

Symbol of the day: Rose of Wind

Be careful about everything that has been said, as there is a high probability that what is said out loud will come true. Today, people can be provoked to say too much. Every word should be carefully considered. Everything secret can become clear very quickly, especially if you share secrets with someone else.

Shouldn't start long and lengthy business that day, but only those that you can quickly complete. It is also useful to resolve various issues with superiors and high-ranking officials.

Good time for: good and heartfelt wishes, deeds that will be completed quickly, the struggle for justice

Bad time for: lies, insincerity, lengthy affairs

8 lunar day

Symbol of the day: Fire

Day of forgiveness and repentance. It is good to think about your sins, to reflect, to ask for forgiveness from those whom you offended. One can imagine how all the anxieties, fears and unpleasant past are burned in the flame of a cleansing fire.

Sensitivity, perception of the surrounding world may become aggravated. If a person is prone to adventures, he will be lucky on this day, so it is quite possible to take risks.

Good time for: confessions, repentance, liberation from sins, forgiveness, fasting and fasting, decisive actions, travel, business trips, risk

Bad time for: practitioner with fire

9 lunar day

Symbol of the day: Bat

This is one of the unfavorable days of the month when The moon changes phase from first to second. Fears may escalate, gloomy thoughts appear. You can become a victim of deception, illusions and temptations. By all means avoid the risk of being deceived on this day. For example, if possible, you should not appear in crowded places, it is better to communicate less, postpone meetings.

The 9th lunar day is to be expected: June 16 (13:22) - June 17 (14:37); July 16 (14:55) - July 17 (16:14); August 14 (15:15) - August 15 (16:27)

Good time for: continuation of the started cases, solitude, work in a calm atmosphere

Bad time for: communication, meetings, new business and undertakings, attempts to prove something to someone, showdown, quarrels, manifestations of aggression

Source: Laurie Reid. Moon magic. How the Moon rules us / Per. from English. P.A. Satanovskaya. - M .: LLC "TD" Publishing house World of Books ", 2006

The influence of the moon on the success of your business.

Everyone knows how important it is to be at the right time in the right place. Every day we make one or another choice in life: what to wear, what to cook for dinner, when to invite friends over, when to travel. Some of us are accustomed to long-term projects: creating our own business, building a manor, investing in real estate, works of art, jewelry.

As an astrologer, I cannot but recommend taking the grandiose projects of your life more than seriously: that is, weighing all the pros and cons, exploring the motivations for your choice and action, contacting a specialist to determine the moment in time for the implementation of the project - this is very effective in that case if a person is focused on the end result. But many of us are interested not so much in the result as in the process itself. These are people of a fundamentally different warehouse: they like to take risks, worry about the difficulties they face, feel constantly busy. For example, such a person will start building a house, not having in his hands not only a project, but even a clear idea of ​​what he is actually building. To offer such a person the services of an architect, interior designer or astrologer is sheer nonsense. The goal of such a person is not to realize his project, but to gain experience of interacting with the outside world through such personal creativity. This is his reward and main interest.

If you are not deprived of a share of adventurism, then you know how nice it can be to embark on such a scam! But if you are more inclined to sobriety, more practical and would like, in addition to an additional portion of adrenaline in the blood and strong emotional experiences, to receive material dividends from your enterprise, you should act with an eye on the objective factors of life.

You should not run for a consultation with an astrologer for any reason. A mentally healthy person has a well-functioning intuition, an inner confidence that he is doing everything right. An astrologer, like a doctor, should be contacted when something really bothers you seriously: you yourself feel it or others persistently let you know about it. And in the choice that does not go beyond the scope of everyday life, it is enough to be guided by the knowledge of general laws, just as we are guided by the knowledge of the rules of general hygiene, nutrition, sleep and activity to maintain health.

The oldest and most accessible rule for success in everyday life is the rule of matching our actions to the phases of the moon. To comply with this rule, you can not even look at the calendar: on a clear night, just look at the sky to determine the phase of the moon.

Moon phases

The moon goes through four major phases in a month: new moon, first quarter, full moon, and last quarter. But since the Moon constantly waxes or wanes as it moves around the Earth, and changes the shape we see each night, the lunar cycle can be broken down into eight smaller phases. The first four phases are the phases of the growing moon, the next four are the waning ones. The ninth phase is the phase of the return of the moon to the beginning.

  1. New Moon - There is no moon in the sky, it is closed for the observer from the Earth by the Sun.
  2. Growing Moon - the Moon appears in the sky in the form of a thin sickle, the horns of which look to the left, and the belly J of the outer bend to the right. From this phase, it begins to "grow". Symbolically, the growing Moon is similar to the Russian letter "R" in the part that adjoins the stick with a crescent: "R" - "growing".
  3. The first quarter of the Moon is the growing Moon, which is visible from the Earth as a half of an apple in profile, the pot-bellied side of which is on the right.
  4. Growing Moon - for an observer from the Earth, it looks like a defective coin, which on the left is a little short of a perfect circle.
  5. Full Moon - The moon is perfectly round.
  6. Defective Moon is now a defective coin that is missing on the right side.
  7. The last quarter is a half of an apple in profile, the pot-bellied side of which is on the left. Symbolically, the falling moon corresponds to the letter "P" displayed in the mirror.
  8. The waning month is a thin sickle, the horns of which look to the right, and the belly to the left.
  9. And again a new moon.

Each phase of the moon lasts approximately three and a half days.

The moon itself does not emit light - it glows by reflecting the sunlight falling on it. While the Moon goes around the Earth, the sun's rays illuminate different areas of its surface. When the Moon is directly between the Earth and the Sun, it does not reflect light to the Earth at all, since the sun's rays at this time illuminate its reverse side. That is why at this time the Moon is not visible from the Earth.

The moon moves around the earth, and the sun's rays illuminate it from different angles, making more and more of it visible.

Rules of the Solar-Lunar cycle

For success in the business to which you devote your attention, you need to take into account the change in the lunar phases and plan your activities in accordance with the most favorable data. The position of the Moon in the sky affects the events taking place in the world, the mood of people, their hopes, and, in general, changes the rhythm of life.

To be fully armed at any moment, you need to learn to adapt to the rhythms of the moon and take into account its impact on the environment. The basic rule of the Moon in business is very simple: on the growing Moon (immediately after the new moon) we launch new projects; on the falling (from the period between the full moon and the new moon) we plan the final stages of projects.
Projects started during the two weeks of the waxing moon tend to be more successful than those started immediately after the full moon. If you decide to launch a new project during the waning moon, keep in mind that it will develop very slowly and is most likely doomed to failure.

But, on the other hand, in the period between the full moon and the new moon, it is good to plan the final stages of various projects, for example:

Reducing the volume of operations, laying off employees, cleaning, researching new directions, studying competitors.

The day when a new moon is born can be called a day of development: from that moment on, the moon begins to grow again, becomes brighter, and its influence intensifies. It is time to pick up the pace and make new plans for the future in both personal and business life. Set yourself five to ten major goals for the near future or a few months ahead and begin to gradually work towards their implementation.

On the day of the new moon, make plans, set goals and start new projects.

Make plans and start new projects between the birth of a new moon and the full moon.

Two weeks after the new moon is a time of growth and development. Use them to advance your career, job or business.

It is not prudent to look for a job, apply for a new job, or launch a new product on the market in the two weeks between the full moon and the next new moon.

From the new moon to the first quarter follows:

Make new deals
- develop new contracts
- sign contracts and agreements
- parse correspondence
- start dating
- ask for a raise or look for a new job
- present new ideas, suggestions
- announce the price when taking over a smaller company
- join partnerships and societies
- sue for damages
- start new construction
- appoint important boards of directors
- stand for election
- elect new members
- to publish positive results of the company's activity

From the first quarter to the full moon follows:

Launch advertising campaigns
- to carry out attention-grabbing activities - for example, to improve the image of the company
- take legal or economic advice
- lend money
- notify employees of salary increases
- announce a merger

On the full moon day:

Slow down activities and evaluate the results
- suspend current projects for the next two weeks
- schedule the cancellation of time-consuming but inefficient projects

From the full moon to the last quarter follows:

Conduct investigations, undercover work and covert projects
- suspend important research
- explore new markets
- to study information about new clients and customers
- prepare a budget or estimate
- take inventory
- Maintain and maintain equipment
- write reports
- view company policy
- develop new plans
- enroll in educational courses

From the last quarter dot of the new moon follows:

Quit or retire
- fire employees
- report a pay cut
- carry out restructuring
- delegate authority
- break partnerships
- collect debts
- defend in court
- publish official results of activities
- go on strike
- clean, paint, renovate the workspace
- repay debts
- prepare to carry out new projects in the next phase of the new moon

Rules for the position of the Moon in the Sign of the Zodiac

Each sign of the zodiac in which the Moon is located has a unique, special effect on the markets, because each sign is unique in its properties.

No matter how big or small a company is, whether it is new or already established in the market, it must take into account the influence of the Moon in order to be successful. The moon has a tremendous impact on any business, as it is able to change important factors not only tactical, but also the company's strategic activities in the commercial market.

Modern calendars indicate the position of the Moon in the sign.

Moon in Aries

Favorable time for: trading, buying, selling, making intuitive decisions, taking tough measures, risky decisions, launching new projects, starting a new business (especially where there is risk).

Avoid: open conflicts, rash acts.

Beware: bad mood of others.

automotive, equipment trade, sports, new businesses.

Moon in Taurus

Favorable time for: investing, renting property, recruiting new staff, refurbishing workspaces, building relationships with colleagues.

Avoid: do not sit in the shadows, do not skid in one place, do not miss good opportunities.

Beware: inflexibility of others.

A good time for activities in the field: construction, decoration and decoration of the house, farming, agriculture and gardening, landscape design, confectionery art.

Moon in Gemini

Favorable time for: trade, purchases, sales, business trips, development of new solutions, correspondence, interior decoration, office reshuffles, commissioning of new equipment, including telecommunications, presentations, anti-crisis management measures.

Avoid: do not be distracted from the main goal, do not assess the situation superficially, do not hide the truth, do not take on several important things at once.

Beware: scammers.

A good time for activities in the field: media, audio and video equipment, communications, printing and printed products, postal services, school education, toy production.

Moon in Cancer

Favorable time for: signing of various documents, formation of a new company, elimination of unfavorable conditions.

Avoid: don't get stuck on one idea, don't be afraid to take risks, don't take criticism too seriously, don't be influenced by the bad mood of others.

Beware: people who believe the world should revolve around them.

A good time for activities in the field: household goods, property and real estate, furniture manufacturing, baby care products, shipping and fishing industries.

Moon in Leo

Favorable time for: renting property, dealing with money issues, active support, happy occasions, in order to take control of the situation.

Avoid: do not spend too much money, do not act arrogantly with colleagues and employees, do not have intimate relationships with colleagues.

Beware: careless actions of other people.

A good time for activities in the field: luxury goods, design projects, beauty products, first class travel, hospitality, theatrical arts, children's products, lotteries and gambling.

Moon in Virgo

Favorable time for: trading, buying, selling, business trips, reorganization, account information presentation, demonstrations, analysis of the effectiveness of mailing lists, purchase of shares.

Avoid: do not lose sight of the big picture by giving too much importance to the details, do not be overly critical, do not judge strictly.

Beware: fussy people.

A good time for activities in the field: medicine, veterinary medicine, pharmaceuticals, statistics, precision instrumentation, healthy eating, diet and fitness, voluntary medical practice, catering, pet food production.

Moon in Libra

Favorable time for: refurbishment and improvement of work premises, disclosure of information, entering into new business alliances, conducting marketing campaigns and public relations activities, signing contracts, negotiating, resolving disputes, holding corporate events.

Avoid: open hostility, do not wait, hoping that someone will take your responsibility, do not weave intrigues.

Beware: indecisiveness of other people.

A good time for activities in the field: diplomacy, show business, art, haute couture, weddings, advertising campaigns, public relations.

Moon in Scorpio

Favorable time for: signing documents, renting property, painting work areas, showing trust, solving problems, making detailed inquiries, launching campaigns against competitors, making important deals.

Avoid: do not try to hide the facts, do not reveal all your plans, do not be too tense, do not try to carry out secret plans, do not pretend that you know more than you really do.

Beware: resentment of someone around.

A good time for activities in the field: police control, surgery, research, intelligence, meat trading, mining, investment management, as well as in the field of funerals.

Moon in Sagittarius

Favorable time for: trade, promotions, advertising campaigns, important correspondence, travel, business meetings, borrowing money, resolving legal or legal issues.

Avoid: don't overlook details, don't fuss, don't be irresponsible with money, don't be sloppy with work.

Beware: carelessness of others.

A good time for activities in the field: publishing, legislation, tourism, foreign trade and telecommunications, religious institutions, teaching, higher education.

Moon in Capricorn

Favorable time for: getting serious about a business, working overtime, large financial transactions, reorganizing the filing system, creating new work schedules, managing cases, applying for a promotion, starting a new business, hosting a boss.

Avoid: don't be stubborn, don't get depressed about work, don't be too hard on colleagues and co-workers.

Beware: cruel ambition of other people.

A good time for activities in the field: banking and finance, real estate, municipality, political parties, government, monarchy, superstars.

Moon in Aquarius

Favorable time for: renting property, improving working conditions, transferring money, repairing and decorating an office, cooperating with colleagues.

Avoid: do not sacrifice one person for the sake of the whole team, do not take a completely opposite point of view, do not deviate from the intended direction.

Beware: delays.

A good time for activities in the field: power industry, research and development, trade union activities, new inventions, electronics and high-tech equipment, clubs, societies, social services.

Moon in Pisces

Favorable time for: signing documents, drafting financial agreements, mailing letters, necessary equipment repairs, buying shares.

Avoid: don't sugarcoat the prospect ahead, don't be influenced, don't argue against logic, don't doubt yourself.

Beware: too unrealistic expectations and behind-the-scenes intrigues.

A good time for activities in the field: television and film industry, petrochemical and oil refining, brewery trade, shipping, foot care and footwear industry.

Rules for aspects of the Moon with other planets

The zodiac contains 360 degrees. If we take the point of the circle and measure a certain number of degrees from it, we get an arc, which in astrology is called an aspect. Each number of degrees has a special nature, quality and symbolism.

During the day, the Moon can form several different aspects with the Sun and planets. In our case, it is advisable to use the so-called major aspects: conjunction (0 degrees), sextile (60 degrees), square (90 degrees), trine (120 degrees) and opposition (180 degrees). To use the information of the aspects of the Moon in business, you can use special astrological calendars, which indicate the phase of the Moon, its position in the zodiac sign and aspects. An example of such a calendar is the calendar published in Russia for many years by Alexander Zaraev.

Influence of aspects of the Moon

In sextile or trine with the Sun: look for work, look for the location of higher persons. Make important decisions. Embark on business travel and leisure travel. If you need to impress, this is a good day.

In square or opposition to the Sun: a day on which one should avoid communication with higher people and not seek their favor. Not the right time to travel and to start everything important. Do not rush to make a decision regarding new beginnings, postpone it until the next phase of the moon. On this day, many people experience irritability, have a bad mood.

In conjunction, sextile or trine with Mercury: the day is good for all sorts of office work, trips. Dedicate it to your studies, write reports, write letters, start things that require ingenuity.

Square or Opposition Mercury: Not good for studying, traveling or sending messages, don't file reports, don't write anything important like don't do editorial work - and generally anything that becomes known to many. Many people come across as slow-witted, asking questions several times, some of them are too fussy, nervous, talk a lot and not to the point.

Conjunct, sextile, or trine with Venus: wear new clothes and jewelry, seek new partners, hire servants, advertise.

In square or opposition to Venus: an unlucky day for social events. Wearing clothes for the first time on this day will make an unfavorable impression on your partners. Advertising launched on this day will be ignored. At this time, people of the opposite sex may behave inappropriately. Many violate the rules of the culture of behavior in society, behave what is called ugly.

Sextile or trine with Mars: a day of enterprise, activity. At this time, you can successfully carry out a large amount of work, inspire subordinates with your enthusiasm, give the impression of an active and energetic person.

Conjunct, square or opposition Mars: An unlucky day for doing any kind of work that requires precision and patience. Avoid arguments, don't take trips, don't make new friendships, don't communicate with partners if possible. On this day, most people experience strong internal tension and the desire to quickly do important things. This affects the increased accident risk on the roads. People can behave inappropriately rudely and aggressively, look for conflict in order to vent anger on someone.

In conjunction, sextile and trine with Jupiter: a good day for any undertakings. Ask for advice, consult judges and clerics, lawyers and people in government positions. Seek patronage and patronage.

Square and Opposition Jupiter: Don't brag. If at this time petitioners come to you, do not give them money and do not make patronage. When dealing with famous and empowered people, be respectful but not obsequious, don't fawn or ask for anything. At this time, people are called "pret": I want to demonstrate to everyone the object of their pride. Many begin to unreasonably refer to authorities and flaunt their high connections. Many show inappropriate generosity or a tendency to put others down. Many demand to be praised or rewarded.

Sextile and trine Saturn: Seek the company of older people and wise advice. If you are a leader, the day is good for promoting an employee in a position with more responsibility assigned to him. It is good for establishing long-term partnerships, starting a project that requires patience and concentration of forces, concentration of attention. A very good day for everything connected with the earth: agriculture, real estate, building materials (not tools). Real estate acquired during this period will increase in value over time.
Conjunct, square and opposition Saturn: do not start anything important, limit communication, do not travel, do not negotiate, do not deal with matters relating to real estate and production. Many people at this time are attacked by a bout of pessimism, blues and depression. Many may show unexpected stinginess or indifference, coldness. The authorities can be in a very bad mood and unfairly harass and criticize. Bureaucratic obstacles and delays are especially unpleasant during this period.

Sextile and trine Uranus: Favorable for matters related to advanced technology and wireless communications. All unusual ideas and inventions during this period contain a rational grain, which should be considered carefully. Good for scientific research, the development of new mechanisms that are the result of the achievements of science and technology.

Conjunct, square and opposition Uranus: Computer outages, problems with electrical and electronic equipment and in the air transport industry. At this time, it is better not to engage in research and search for a strong solution - the ideas of this period, as a rule, lead the wrong way.

Sextile and trine Neptune: good for the film industry and any activity that has to do with fluids. For people associated with art, these aspects bring inspiration, the vision of new images, the synthesis of disparate parts into a single whole, a successful color and sound solution is found.

In conjunction, square and opposition with Neptune: human consciousness enters the world of illusions. At this time, any kind of intoxication, whether it be alcohol or strong emotions, should be avoided. A person can easily fall into error, believe in something that does not really exist.

In sextile and trine with Pluto: the aspect is important for those who are connected with the energies of large teams and big money, power structures. Favorable for an in-depth analysis of the processes taking place in business and politics, organizing trainings for staff training.

Conjunct, square and opposition Pluto: Dangerous for conducting large financial ventures and interacting with a large number of disorganized people.

Moon without aspects.

At some period of time, the Moon makes the last aspect and before it leaves this sign of the Zodiac, it will not have any aspect. In astrology, such a moon is called the Moon without Course. It has its own characteristics that should be taken into account.

Material things at this time are going badly, and the subconscious mind of many people is inhibited.

This has a particularly strong effect on those areas of life in which a person seeks to get out of the yoke of his mother, gain freedom, feel the flight of thought and spiritual take-off, which at other times, as a rule, is blocked by the subconscious, habits and instincts. Many people at this time are absent-minded, insecure, too gullible, indulge in dreams and cease to follow what is happening around. During this period, “unfortunate misunderstandings”, unusual or even unpleasant events often occur.

With the Moon “out of course”, the Earth and people are inclined or forced to act at random, since they “see” only the blurry outlines of objects and can only find their way by touch. The fog clears as soon as the Moon moves into the beginning of the next sign, and situations become clearer and more definite.

At the same time, the nature of the influences of the Moon “without a course” depends on which planet the Moon made the last major aspect with. If the planet is favorable, then the influences of the Moon "out of course" will be more favorable. If the planet is malefic, then the influences will be unfavorable.

The moon "off course" can affect situations in different ways.

The positive influence of the Moon “without a course” is a time of inner freedom, when many should think about the soul, devote time to their inner world, just relax. For single people, this is a time of breakthroughs, the implementation of new scientific and technical solutions, and for others, it is the rise of intuition, going beyond routine and standard solutions.

The negative influences of the Moon "out of course" are periods of making unrealistic decisions, unforeseen difficulties, lost profits, acquiring useless things. The time of unplanned events, delays, difficulties, errors, shortcomings, alterations, disruptions in the traffic schedule. Many feel unwell, stressed and prone to nervous breakdowns. This is a difficult time for diagnosis, healing, and any psychic practice. The time of the Moon "out of course" is not suitable for making important decisions, as they may be based on incorrect premises or erroneous data.

In financial matters. Money received or paid at this time may return in a completely different way than planned, or not return at all. If the last major aspect was with a favorable planet, then a clear benefit will go unnoticed, and if with an unfavorable one, then transactions can result in large financial losses.

In collective financial affairs. Cases related to inheritance, large corporations, government agencies. Here, the Moon "without a course" indicates the possibility of doing some kind of scam and getting rich personally (with the last aspect with a favorable planet) or getting into the field of attention of tax authorities and the judiciary and incurring losses (with a malefic planet). In America, astrologers advise filing income declarations with the tax authorities precisely during the passage of the moon "without a course", since it has been noticed that such a position allows a person to more easily pass through the sieve of tax system checks and thereby avoid trouble.

Meetings and trips. Unusual situations, pleasant surprises and acquaintances are possible if the last major aspect was with a favorable planet. If the last aspect was with a malefic planet, then major losses, conflicts and troubles, risky situations, unforeseen circumstances and delays are likely.

Long trips, travel, contacts with sponsors. You will have to adjust plans and look for alternative options (when aspected by a favorable planet) or you will have to completely abandon trips and joint projects (when aspected by a malefic planet).

Gambling, entertainment and creative self-realization. Unexpected big gains (when aspected by a benefic planet) or losses (when aspected by a malefic planet). Moreover, at this time, unexpected changes are possible that will force you to look for a different line of behavior or act in a new way in order to achieve success, because. old tricks are unlikely to be effective.

Partnerships. When aspected with a malefic planet, partnerships can be ruined, misunderstandings, mutual claims and accusations are possible. When aspected by a favorable planet, relationships can suddenly move to a new level. In any case, this time should be used to rethink the experience, release old attachments and prepare for a new stage.

In career matters. With the last aspect with a malefic planet, the need to stay away from superiors and not make hasty conclusions, not try to make important decisions or put pressure on subordinates. With the last aspect with a favorable planet, it becomes possible to do your business behind the back of the boss, as well as use your past authority to start new business, to grow in a new field or look for a new job.

Note for safe storage and interaction with explosive substances, observe safety regulations both at work and at home. It is important to exercise caution and prudence, to rest more, to do ordinary, well-known things.

It is best to start any important events at least two hours before the moment of the aspect from which the Moon “loses course”.

Lunar and solar eclipses.

Eclipses have been known since ancient times for their significant influence on the course of personal and world events. This is a very large topic in astrology and requires separate consideration. The time of the eclipse and its quality can be found in the calendar.


Alan Leo. Alan Leo's Complete Astrological Dictionary / Translated from English. - Alexander Kolesnikov. - K .: "Sofia", Ltd, M .: Firm "Konek", 1996

Reid L. Magic of the Moon. How the Moon rules us / Per. from eng. P.A. Satanovskaya. - M: LLC "TD" World Book Publishing House ", 2006

Anthony Lewis. Business strategies with the moon without a course. Collection of articles edited by Noel Thiel. Volume 1. Per. from eng. T.S. Drabkina - M:. Editorial staff of the Urania magazine, 1998

July 7, 2008

Women's living room Mirror welcomes you! May and June swirled in the parade of planets. Mars retrograde, Saturn retrograde, Jupiter conjunct Rahu.

As in slow motion filming - breakdown of computers, disrupted broadcasts, "loss" of sound during meditation, server failure, as it's all familiar. This is on the one hand.

And on the other hand: calmness, acceptance and action with a smile on your face. New ideas, thoughts, projects.

Who is the conductor? Do we have women? Of course, you are right, planet Moon.

The appearance of the moon is the young youth Chandra "sparkling".

…Once the Supreme Ruler punished the Moon for a complaint from the nakshatras, the Ruler was so angry that he ordered the Moon to disappear from the Heavenly Kingdom. And the moon began to wither, decrease in size, hurt.

Rivers began to dry up, plants withered, animals were left without food and water. And then other Gods came to the Supreme Ruler and began to ask for the forgiveness of the Moon.

But the Supreme Ruler could not cancel his punishment, and together the Gods decided that for 11 days the Moon would grow and be filled with strength, and for the second 11 days the Moon would decrease, lose strength and get sick. This is how the lunar day and the phases of the moon arose ...

Do they affect us women? Undoubtedly! This is our mind (manas) and our emotions, on which Mana and 5 elements of female happiness depend.

Let's look at each lunar day separately :

The month, according to tradition, consists of 29 and 30 lunar days. This suggests that from the 1st lunar day to the 16th lunar day, Chandra grows, fills with strength, “white”.

At this moment, new actions are good, new beginnings, everything goes in expansion, although there may be difficulties at the beginning of the path.

From the 16th to the 30th lunar day, Chandra decreases, begins to wither, get sick, get angry. And the smaller the moon, the less power. The exacerbation of schizophrenia, fears, insomnia, "imaginary" loneliness, howling dogs at the moon - this is just a small drop of the lunar carousel, the "black" moon.

Any actions and undertakings give excellent results at the beginning - a “quick start” and problems in the future.

In any case, it is important to understand: there are always difficulties, but how emotionally we cope, it depends on you and your knowledge.

An excellent time for undertakings is from 8 lunar days to 23 lunar days.

So, lunar days. What lunar day can be viewed in the lunar calendar or on the Internet.

And according to the table, determine the actions.

riktha- “Empty action, poverty, debts. Bad days. Day of meditation, awareness and reflection. No beginnings, loans. We don’t lend, we don’t go to a beauty salon and we postpone travel to another day.
Purna- filling. Very favorable lunar days. Full moon. We dedicate the day to our relatives and household chores. Marriage is good. All undertakings and projects too. The day is good for everything. Money rituals are welcome.

Mirror Report

Nanda- bliss, an averagely favorable type of lunar day. It is useful to visit a holiday, an exhibition, a festival, a beauty salon (haircut). Travel is favorable, a new position or job change is possible, a favorable day for solving real estate issues.
Bhadra- wisdom, medium favorable type of lunar day. A great day for communication with superiors, negotiations. You can safely start building not only a house, but also a career, as well as a family (marriage).
Jaya- victory. Mega auspicious lunar day. A great day for marriage, repair, creativity.
riktha- “Empty action, poverty, debts. Bad days. It is not worth starting anything new on these lunar days. We dedicate ourselves to cooking, get rid of unnecessary things in the house, burn candles and meditate. Nice day to clean the house.
Purna- filling. Very favorable lunar days. A good day for acquiring jewelry and new beginnings. Marriage, purchases in the house, surgical interventions and the beginning of the treatment of the body are favorable.
Nanda- bliss, an averagely favorable type of lunar day. Favorable new position, career advancement, job change. Communication with friends, new acquaintances will enhance the joyful mood and give positive action. Marriage is not very favorable on this day.
Bhadra- wisdom, medium favorable type of lunar day. We are getting married. Let's go on a trip. We buy transport. We go to the fitness center.
Jaya- victory. Mega auspicious lunar day. Auspicious day for construction, design layout of the house, a good day to start learning. Development of creativity. Dancing, holiday.
riktha- “Empty action, poverty, debts. Bad days. Calmness and acceptance. Marriage is not recommended. Arguments and competitors will try to unbalance. Fitness classes will improve the situation, meditation will help.
Purna- filling. Very favorable lunar days. Moving. Marriage. Shopping. Shopping for the home. Important meetings and communication. The day is favorable for all undertakings.
Nanda- bliss, an averagely favorable type of lunar day. EKADASHI. Strict post. On this day, you can cleanse your karma from sins. Meditations, spiritual practices and fasting (minimum water, better its absence). All food on this day is saturated with negative vibrations, no bread, proteins and legumes. The last option is vegetables and fruits in a minimal amount.
Bhadra- wisdom, medium favorable type of lunar day. Travel, shopping and marriage are undesirable. We serve food to the needy, charity. We make promises and vows.
Jaya- victory. Mega auspicious lunar day. We get pleasure from life, walk, communicate, any actions are favorable, especially entertainment, visiting the pool and relaxing the soul and body.
riktha- “Empty action, poverty, debts. Bad days.
Purna- filling. Very favorable lunar days. Full moon. Communicate with spiritual teachers. Full moon. We dedicate the day to our relatives and household chores. Marriage is good. All undertakings and projects too. The day is good for everything. Money rituals are welcome.

This table will help you make the right decision and be at the right time in the right place!