
What are the types of dance styles. Types of sports dancing

Sports dances - a direction that involves the use of movements and elements in the appropriate rhythm, and sequence for a predetermined music. Sports dances are very popular, and all thanks to their beauty, sensuality and originality.

In connection with the popularity of sports dancing, there are many of their directions. This article will talk about what types of sports dancing exist and how they differ from each other.

Latin sports dance

This group of sports dances includes samba, rumba, and paso doble. It is noteworthy that all these dances are very different from each other. For example, samba is characterized by a rapid change of position of both partners, as well as expression, passion, and activity of the hips. Samba is an obligatory dance in the Latin American program.

Rumba is characterized by a more dramatic nature of the selection of music, the same activity, movement of the hips and a certain eroticism of movements. At the same time, rubma itself was originally meant as a Cuban dance for cabarets and cereal establishments. After rumba, she migrated to the sports dance section, becoming part of the Latin American program.

Cha-cha-cha is also a sports dance using the active movement of the hips, legs, back. Some elements are not easy to perform, so cha-cha-cha experts recognize one of the most complex types of Latin American direction. The movement in this dance is fast, the musical size is 4/4, the tempo is 30 (120 beats) beats per minute.

Modern types of sports dancing

Types of sports dancing are constantly changing and transforming in accordance with the origin, rhythms and movements. That is why, nowadays, not such as rumba or waltz are more popular, but based on the use of a new, bright melody, such as strip-dance, tectonics, break-dance.

Strip dance is a mixture of pole dancing and private dance with sporting elements and classic movements. Strip dance is a true art of seduction based on dance moves. Strip dance classes are held in small groups with the participation of girls only.

By the way, now not plastic strip is becoming more and more popular, but the go-go dance, which is so common in clubs. Go-go are incendiary rhythms in combination with complex movements and active work of the hips.

Break dance is a completely different dance direction with complex tricks that are performed both in the standing position and in the supine position. These types of sports dances have spread due to the promotion of mass rep culture. Break dance includes complex, sometimes even acrobatic movements in combination with standard dance plastic and rhythm.

Each type of sports dancing is unique and inimitable, but each of them really makes you feel how the rhythm of movements affects modern human life.

Ballroom dance is necessarily performed in pairs. These dances today are usually called standardized sports dances performed at dance competitions and special occasions. Today, in the world of dance, there are two main classifications, in total consisting of ten dance styles: European and Latin American programs. Read more about dancing below.

The history of ballroom dancing

The origin of the concept of "ballroom dance" comes from the Latin word "ballare", meaning "dance." In past times, such dances were secular and were intended only for higher persons, and for the poor people remained dances. Since then, of course, this class division in dances no longer exists, and many ballroom dances are actually ennobled folk. In particular, the culture of the African and Latin American peoples had a great influence on modern ballroom dancing.

What is called ballroom dancing, and depends on the era. At the balls at different times various dances were presented, such as polonaise, mazurka, minuet, polka, quadrille and others, which are now considered historical.

In the 1920s, the Ballroom Dance Council was founded in Great Britain. Thanks to his activities, ballroom dance then acquired the format of competition and began to be divided into two groups - sports dances and the so-called social dances. The program includes: waltz, tango, as well as slow and fast types of foxtrot.

During the 30s – 50s, the number of dances increased: the Latin American paired dances, such as rumba, samba, cha-cha-cha, paso doble and jive, were included in the program. However, in the 60s, ballroom dancing ceased to be ordinary entertainment, as it required certain technical training from the dancers, and was replaced by a new dance called a twist, which did not need to be paired.

Dancing European program

The program of European dances, or Standard includes: slow waltz, tango, foxtrot, quickstep and Viennese waltz.

Slow waltz

In the XVII century, the waltz was a folk dance in the Austrian and Bavarian villages, and only at the beginning of the XIX century was presented at the balls of England. Then it was considered vulgar, because it was the first ballroom dance where the dancer could keep his partner so close to himself. Since then, the waltz took many different forms, but each of them has a unique elegance and a romantic mood.

A feature of the waltz is the musical size of three quarters and a slow pace (up to thirty beats per minute). You can master its basic figures at home yourself.

Tango is a ballroom dance born in Argentina at the end of the 19th century. At first, tango was part of the Latin American dance program, but then it was transferred to the standard European program.

Perhaps, having seen the tango at least once, then everyone will be able to recognize this dance - this assertive, passionate manner cannot be confused with anything. A feature of tango is a sweeping step for the whole foot, which distinguishes it from the classic "flow" from heel to toe.

Slow foxtrot

Foxtrot is a relatively simple ballroom dance, giving beginners a wonderful foundation for further development. Foxtrot can be danced in slow, medium and fast pace, which allows even beginners without special skills to gracefully move on the parquet. Dance is pretty easy to learn from scratch.

The main feature of the foxtrot is the alternation of fast and slow rhythms, but surely the smoothness and ease of steps, which should give the impression that the dancers are fluttering over the hall.


Quickstep appeared in the 1920s as a combination of foxtrot and charleston. Musical groups of that time played music that was too fast for foxtrot movements, so they were modified in quickstep. Since then, as it has developed, this ballroom dance has become even more dynamic, allowing dancers to show their technique and athleticism.

Quickstep combines many different elements, such as the chassis, progressive turns and steps, and many others.

The Vienna Waltz is one of the oldest ballroom dances, which is performed at a fast pace, characterizing the first waltzes. The golden age of the Viennese waltz in Europe came at the beginning of the 19th century, when the famous composer Johann Strauss lived and worked. The popularity of this waltz rose or faded, but it never went out of style.

The size of the Viennese waltz is the same as that of the slow one, it is three quarters, and the number of measures per second is twice as large - sixty.

Latin dance program

The following sports ballroom dances usually represent the Latin American dance program: cha-cha-cha, samba, rumba, jive and paso doble.


This ballroom dance is considered the national dance of Brazil. The world began to discover samba for itself in 1905, but this ballroom dance became a sensation in the USA only in the 40s thanks to the singer and movie star Carmen Miranda. Samba has many varieties, for example, samba, which is danced at Brazilian carnivals, and ballroom dancing with the same name is not the same thing.

Many movements that distinguish other Latin American ballroom dances, samba combines: here there are circular movements of the hips, and "springy" legs, and measured rotation. However, it is not very popular for study: the fast pace of performance and the need for physical training often deprive novice dancers of enthusiasm.

The name of this dance is a reference to the sounds that dancers make with their feet, dancing to the rhythm of maracas. The dance evolved from rumba and mambo dance. Mambo was widespread in the United States, but it was very difficult to dance to its fast music, so the Cuban composer Enrique Jorin made the music slower - the cha-cha-cha dance was born.

A feature of the cha-cha-cha is the so-called triple step into two counts. This feature distinguished cha-cha-cha into a separate dance, distinguishing it from mambo, although the rest of the movements are quite similar to this style. The cha-cha-cha is also characterized by minimal movement around the hall, mainly this ballroom dance is performed almost in one place.

Rumba has a rather rich history - it arose both as a musical genre and as a dance style, whose roots go back to Africa. Rumba is a very rhythmic and complex dance that has spawned many other dance styles, including salsa.

Previously, this Latin American dance was considered too vulgar because of its relaxed movements. It is still called the dance of love. The mood of the dance can change during its execution - from measured to aggressive. The style of performance resembles the styles of mambo and cha-cha-cha. The main measures of rumba are QQS or SQQ (from English S - “slow” - “slow” and Q - “quick” - “fast”).

“Paso doble” in Spanish means “two steps”, which determines its marching nature. This is a powerful and rhythmic dance, which is characterized by a straight back, a look from under the eyebrows and dramatic poses. Among many other Latin American dances, the paso doble is notable for the fact that in its origin you will not find African roots.

This Spanish folk dance was inspired by bullfighting: a man always portrays a tamer-matador, and a woman plays the role of his cloak or bull. However, during the performance of a paso doble at a dance competition, the partner never depicts a bull - only a cloak. Due to its stylization and a large number of rules, this ballroom dance is practically not performed outside of dance contests.


Jive originated in African American clubs in the early 40s. The word "jive" itself means "misleading chatter" - a popular slang word among African-Americans of that time. US troops brought dance to England during World War II. There, the jive was adapted to British pop music and took on the form it has now.

A characteristic feature of the jive is the fast pace of the dance, due to which the movements come out springy. Another jive feature is straight legs. You can dance this sports ballroom dance on a six-bar account, and on an eight-bar.

Pair dances are dances performed in pairs by a man and a woman.

Types of pair dancing

To select a variety of pair dances, you need to get acquainted with their classification. Among them, there are two main areas:

  • sports ballroom dancing
  • social dances.

Sports ballroom dancing is currently the most popular sport among children and youth. And this is not surprising, because this is an incredible combination of beauty, sport and art!

Ballroom dancing is divided into two programs:

  • latin American
  • european.

The Latin American program consists of the following dances:

Samba - This is the name of the Brazilian national, rhythmic, passionate and spectacular pair dance, which consists of the characteristic movements of the hips necessary for the dancer to generate rhythm, a kind of flirting with a partner.

Cha-cha-cha -the name of a spectacular and incendiary pair dance. The characteristic features of cha-cha-cha are:

  • one hit - one step;
  • strong and frequent movements of the hips;
  • knee extension at every step.

Currently, it is one of the most popular dances in the Latin American program, due to its dynamism, grace and its inherent flirtation.

Rumba  - This is a dance of passion and love. Of the entire Latin American program, he is the one who is particularly emotional. He is beautiful and elegant. This dance captivates the public with its drama. The tempo of the rumba is 27-29 beats per minute, and the musical size is 4/4, with an emphasis on every 4 beat of the beat.

Paso doble -this is a Spanish dance for couples that simulates bullfighting - bullfighting. This dance is the embodiment of passion and the hot flame of struggle. This is a kind of theatrical action, where the partner personifies the proud bullfighter, and the partner is assigned the role of his cloak, sometimes a defeated bull.

Jive- A very fast and incendiary dance, combining the best features of rock and roll and jaterbag, the rate of 44 beats per minute. Jive is one of the most difficult and energy-intensive dances of the Latin American program and is always performed at the end of the program, so that athletes can give their best during performance and not save energy for subsequent dances. It is presented in several versions - swing jive and jump jive.

The European program includes dances called:

Fast foxtrot, or quickstep. Easy, fun dance, which consists of a combination of combinations at a different pace. Quickstep uses syncopated jumps, turns and jumps, and polka and charleston combinations are also included in the dance. Performed to fast music.

Classic Slow Waltz  - Discreet and elegant dance for adults, with pauses and a changing pace.

Tango  - A temperamental Argentinean dance, combining passion with rigor. There are many varieties of tango - Argentinean, ballroom. The competition program includes ballroom tango. The rhythm of the dance is energetic and clear. Characteristic of this dance is the complete stillness of the body and arms. The difference between ballroom tango and Argentinean tango is the lack of improvisation.

Viennese Waltzis a fast and graceful dance, the name of which comes from the German word “walzen” - “spin”, “spin”. The movements in it are similar to a slow waltz, but performed to faster music. If you hear the well-known “one, two, three ..”, “one, two, three ..”, then this just means the most popular figure in this waltz consisting of a full turn in two measures with three steps in each.

Foxtrot  - This is a style of romantic and slow dance, very elegant and light. Slow foxtrot is rightfully considered the king of the European standard ballroom dancing program. It is based on soft, smooth, sliding movements. Its rhythm is 28-30 beats per minute. During its execution, you observe in a pair stretching of the sides with an inclined body, and their legs move so gracefully that it creates a feeling of soaring above the parquet.

Direction of social dancing

Social dances are called dances that are democratic. They were not danced in ballrooms, but they can be performed on the beach or at any party. The main property of this direction is the possibility of easy communication between partners, through emotions and enjoying the process.

Social dances include hustle, salsa, bachata and others.