Driving lessons

Driving courses in extreme situations. What are extreme driving courses

Experienced drivers

Driving school. Contraception courses

Driving Courses

Driving School "GT-Driving" offers you driver training and emergency training courses. This program is aimed at driving skills  experienced drivers. Often, participating in urban traffic, the driver understands that situations arise on the road in which the basic driving skills obtained are insufficient to effectively and safely respond to them. Therefore, we are ready to offer you emergency coursesfor people with even a lot of driving experience.

In the process of training on driver training courses  you will be able to gain knowledge about the physical side of the car’s movement, under the guidance of an instructor, to work out automatism techniques of emergency actions, including those used in motorsport. Whatever driving experience you have, believe me, there are still many unsolved secrets of professional driving.

Since it is impossible to make out these skills in urban conditions, the length of the student’s experience does not matter! These trainings will be equally useful for both novice drivers and experienced ones.

Driving courses in Moscow

Classes are held individually: one coach - one student. The student is paid much more attention than in the classroom, which has the following advantages:

  1. When completing tasks, errors and shortcomings are identified by the instructor in the process of doing work, which avoids the formation of the wrong skill.
  2. The instructor has the opportunity to take into account the level of the student and his personal characteristics during the lesson. The group usually focuses on the average skill level.
  3. The instructor's words addressed to the student personally are remembered much better, sometimes for life. Words addressed to the group are often perceived as referring to other students, but not to themselves.
  4. Due to the opportunity to discuss, specify and clarify the technique of the exercise, the instructor can convey to the student the correct interpretation of the assignment.
  5. The effectiveness of individual lessons is much higher. The instructor can perfect each stage of the student’s training, and the quality of the acquired skills will be significantly higher.
  6. To achieve a high level of skills, the amount of knowledge gained, requires significantly less time.
  7. Classes are held on an individual schedule: the student independently chooses their time and frequency, can transfer it to another day if necessary.

What car to do?

The gearbox or drive of your car does not matter.We recommend your own car training. , since this will allow you to feel and understand it much better in emergency situations, while any actions that may harm the car will not occur, everything is absolutely safe and you can not worry about the integrity of the car. You can read more about choosing a car for classes

GT-Driving - driving School  conducts the following emergency driving courses in Moscow:

The program "Introductory course of counter-driving driving." Contrarian preparation. Individual lesson.

The program includes:

Ergonomics of landing of the driver

Individual program lasting 1 hour at the circuit.

Tuition on your car: 5500 3 900   rub.

( BMW 118i automatic transmission 2017 ) : 6900 5 900   rub.

The program "Fundamentals of extreme driving." Contrarian preparation. Individual lesson.

The program includes:

Ergonomics of landing of the driver

Braking. Ways of braking. Emergency braking.

Emergency detour obstacles. Simulation of the unexpected appearance of an obstacle in front of the car. Elk test.

Individual program lasting 2 hours at the circuit.

Tuition on your car: 7500 6 900   rub.

Tuition fees for a school car(BMW 118i automatic transmission 2017 ) : 12900 10 900   rub.

The program "Express course of extreme driving." Contrarian preparation. Individual sessions.

The program includes:

Ergonomics of landing of the driver; work with all car controls.

Hand position on the steering wheel

The impact of electronic systems of modern cars on safety.

The principles of safe cornering.

Braking. Ways of braking. Emergency braking.

Emergency detour obstacles. Simulation of the unexpected appearance of an obstacle in front of the car. Elk test.

Individual program lasting 6 hours at the circuit.

The cost of training on your car: 22500 20 700   rub.

Tuition fees for a school car( BMW 118i automatic transmission 2017 ) : 38700 32 700   rub.

The program "Full course of extreme driving." Contrarian preparation. Individual sessions.

The program includes:

Ergonomics landing driver. Work with all car controls.

Hand position on the steering wheel.

Contrarian taxiing methods that prevent emergency situations and, if they occur, will cope with them.

The impact of electronic systems of modern cars on safety.

The principles of safe cornering.

Methods of emergency braking in the corner.

Braking. Ways of braking. Emergency braking.

The balance of the car. Using the weight of the car to reduce the consequences of emergency travel, any irregularities on the road.

Principles of loading and unloading vehicle axles and their purpose.

Braking. Ways of braking. Emergency braking.

Emergency detour obstacles. Simulation of the unexpected appearance of an obstacle in front of the car. Elk test.

Slip. Stabilization of the car when sliding the front axle. Stabilization of the car when sliding the rear axle. Braking on slippery surfaces. The principles of cornering on slippery surfaces. (Provided slippery cover in winter!)

Guided slip. Passage of a turn and bundles of turns in a drift (drift). (Provided slippery cover in winter!)

The principles of sports trajectories.

Fundamentals of sports driving.

Individual program lasting 10 hours at the circuit.

Tuition fees for your car: 37500 34 500   rub.

Tuition fees for a school car( BMW 118i automatic transmission 2017 ) : 64500 54 500   rub.

Drift program. Guided slip.

The program includes:
- Driven car slip. Passing a turn in a controlled drift.

Individual program lasting 2 hours at the circuit.

Tuition on your car: 10,900 8 900   rub. (Check if your car is suitable for drifting when recording)

AUTOSPORT program Motorsport training.
Suitable for those who want to try themselves, as in amateur competitions (time attacks, sprints,

  rally 3 categories, etc.), and in professional motorsport.

An individual program, the number of classes is formed individually.

Tuition fees for your car: 10900 8 900   rub / 2 hours

Tuition fees for the car of the school (BMW 118i automatic transmission 2017 ) : 20800 17 800   rub / 2 hours

Conditions for conducting classes:

We work on a prepaid basis. In the first lesson, you must pay for the first and next lesson, in the next - the next, etc.

Cancel or rescheduleindividual driving lesson  can be a day before the appointed date. In case of cancellation or postponement on the appointed day, the lesson is considered held and paid.

The start time of the lesson is fixed, if you come later, the lesson starts from the appointed time.

Contrarian driving: 10 useful lessons

Feel that you are capable of driving more, but nowhere to realize your driver potential? Not on public roads, to do it ... That's right, it’s much safer for you and others to train in a closed area. And even more useful if you will develop your skills under the supervision of a professional instructor.

Full counter-emergency preparation is not a cheap pleasure. However, all the skills and lessons learned will not only come to your aid in emergency situations, but will also help you get more pleasure and ride comfort.

A competent instructor in emergency management training is a universal teacher. In addition to the direct training of driving skills, he will make you recall the laws of physics, elements of human physiology and conduct psychotherapy. Yes, the student will have to strain gyrus, step over the most natural and deep-rooted psychological barriers, but all this work will allow him to perceive in a completely different way the banal movement by car from point A to point B.

Feng Shui

Human physiology is very important in controlling a machine. First of all, the instructor will force the student in the driver's seat. The almost vertical position of the body and the small distance to the steering wheel - such is the racing fit. However, in reality there is nothing Spartan about this.

№1.   The human vestibular apparatus works perfectly precisely with the vertical position of the body. Thanks to this, the driver can timely sense the beginning of the loss of stable vehicle movement (drift germ from skidding). The reverse side of the coin - for example, I have problems with my back and she was ill for about a week, getting used to her new position. But after training the back is much less likely to get tired and worried. Even a car trip with frankly uncomfortable seats does not cause as much discomfort as before.

№2.   A close position to the steering wheel is the key to the maximum speed of its rotation. This is extremely important during emergency maneuvers, there are even standards for professional drivers of special services: for a certain time, you need to have time to turn the steering wheel from lock to lock a certain number of times. Even with the right fit, you will have to work out for a good result, and if you sit down incorrectly, you definitely can’t meet the standard.

№3. Only when you can accurately plot the trajectory of movement, whether it is a turn or an emergency detour of an obstacle. At the same time, the driver feels good grip of the front wheels with the road surface. This feedback is important not to lose when you have to turn the steering wheel at large angles. In this case, intercepting the steering wheel, it is important to maintain the correct position of the hands.

With improper driving, the car’s feeling is dulled, and the driver’s actions will not be accurate enough. This is clearly visible, for example, with high-speed passage of a snake on the site. But, as soon as the instructor reports to the student the essence of the problem and puts him correctly, the result will immediately improve.

№4.   In addition, the use of the platform under the left foot will help improve the quality of driver’s maneuvers. In due time for me it became a revelation. During sharp maneuvers, especially with seats without pronounced lateral support and with ordinary three-point belts, the driver begins to cling to the steering wheel imperceptibly. Accordingly, the quality of work with the steering wheel is greatly reduced. However, it is necessary to rest your left foot on the platform, and the same snake can be passed at a much higher speed.


Human psychology is very insidious. Several seemingly natural and logical instincts of self-preservation often lead to disastrous results. For example, even where the driver’s gaze is directed is important.

№5. No matter what skills the driver possesses, he will always come where he is looking. In no case should you focus on the obstacle when you go around it. In a mysterious way, this psychological nuance makes you perform any action, except the right ones. That is why even on a spacious snowy ground you can always come to a single pillar, purposefully training or just enjoying driving sideways!

№6.   Probably the most dangerous psychological reflex is to brake urgently to the last. Maximally extinguish speed, of course, is important. However, it is also necessary to be able to release the brake so that braking does not interfere with the correct maneuver. This nuance has not lost its relevance even with the advent of directional stability systems and the simplest anti-lock braking system ABS.

With sharp braking on a car that is deprived of even the simplest electronic assistant ABS, there is a high risk of locking the front wheels. In this case, it is useless to turn the steering wheel - the car will continue to move in a straight line. ABS and retain the ability to drive a car in various conditions, but do not abolish the laws of physics. The front wheels are constantly acting longitudinal forces (acceleration and deceleration) and transverse (rotation). Their interaction characterizes the circle of Kamm. For example, a wheel locked during braking (excessive longitudinal force) is already unable to transmit any turning force (lateral force). Therefore, even with the intervention of ABS, the brake pedal pressed to the floor greatly increases the turning radius. Conversely, no assistants will make the car fit into a bend when the speed of the car is too high.

The laws of physics, which are difficult to understand, are best conveyed to the student by the “rearrangement” exercise. It repeats the well-known "moose test", but provides for intensive braking before avoiding an obstacle. The instructor arranges the cones in such a way that it is very difficult to fit into the artificial framework. You need to act for sure. If you do not release the brake pedal before turning the steering wheel, even with electronic assistants, the car will go along a wider arc and carry a couple of plastic stops.