Driving lessons

The combatant charter of the armed forces of the Russian Federation. Drill





Enacted by Order

minister of Defense of the Russian Federation


This Charter defines combat techniques and movement without weapons and with weapons; build units and military units on foot and by car; the procedure for performing military greetings, conducting combat drill; the position of the Combat banner of the military unit in the ranks, the procedure for the joint removal and attribution of the State flag of the Russian Federation and the Combat banner of the military unit; duties of military personnel before and during formation and requirements for their combat training, as well as methods of movement of military personnel on the battlefield and actions in case of a surprise attack by the enemy.

All military personnel of military units, ships, military command and control bodies, enterprises, institutions, organizations and military educational institutions of vocational education of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - military units) are guided by combatant guidelines.

The Charter applies to servicemen of other troops, military units and bodies created in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as to citizens called up for military training.

Chapter 1 General Provisions

1. Build and manage them

1. Build- the deployment of military personnel, units and military units, established by the Charter, for their joint actions on foot and in vehicles.

2. The line- a system in which servicemen are stationed one next to the other on the same line at established intervals.

A line of cars is a system in which cars are placed one next to another on the same line.

3. Wing- the right (left) extremity of the system. During turns, the names of the flanks do not change.

4. Front- the side of the system in which the military personnel are facing (the cars - the frontal part).

5. The back side of the system- side opposite the front.

6. Interval- the distance along the front between the military personnel (vehicles), units and military units.

7. Distance- the depth in depth between military personnel (vehicles), units and military units.

8. The width of the system- the distance between the flanks.

9. Depth- the distance from the first line (in front of a standing soldier) to the last line (behind a standing soldier), and when operating on cars, the distance from the first line of cars (in front of a standing machine) to the last line of cars (behind a standing machine).

10. Two-line system- a system in which the military personnel of one line are located in the back of the head of the military personnel of another line at a distance of one step (outstretched arm, palm laid on the shoulder in front of a standing soldier). The ranks are called firstand second. When turning a line, the names of the ranks do not change.

Row- two servicemen standing in a two-lane formation at the back of the head one to another. If a soldier of the first line does not stand in the back of the head a soldier of the second line, this row is called incomplete.

When a two-rank system turns around, a part-time soldier goes into the front line ahead.

11. One-lane and two-lane systemscan be closed or open.

In with closedin a row, servicemen in ranks are located along the front of one another at intervals equal to the width of the palm between the elbows.

IN openin a row, servicemen in the ranks are located along the front of one another at intervals of one step or at intervals indicated by the commander.

12. The column- a system in which servicemen are located in the back of the head to each other, and units (vehicles) - one after the other at distances established by the Charter or commander.

Columns can be one, two, three, four or more.

Columns are used to build units and military units in a deployed or marching system.

13. The extended system- a system in which units are built on the same line along the front in a one-lane or two-lane system (in the line of vehicles) or in the line of columns at the intervals established by the Charter or the commander.

The deployed system, as a rule, is used to conduct checks, calculations, reviews, parades, as well as in other necessary cases.

14. Campaign- a system in which a unit is built into a column or units in columns are built one after another at distances established by the Charter or commander.

Marching system is used to move units during the march, the passage of a solemn march, with a song, as well as in other necessary cases.

15. Guide- a serviceman (unit, machine) moving head in the specified direction. The rest of the servicemen (units, vehicles) will realize their movement along the guide.

Trailing- a serviceman (unit, machine), moving last in the convoy.

16. Management of the systemcarried out by commands and orders, which are given by the commander in voice, signals and personal example, as well as transmitted using technical and mobile means.

Commands and orders may be transmitted along the convoy through unit commanders (senior vehicles) and designated observers.

Controlincarcarried out by commands and orders given by voice and by means of internal communications.

In the ranks, the senior commander is located where it is more convenient for him to command. The remaining commanders issue commands, remaining in the places established by the Charter or the senior commander.

The commanders of units from a company and higher in the marching formation of the battalion and regiment are allowed to fail only to give commands and verify their execution.

17. The team is divided into preliminary and executive; teams can be and only executive.

Preliminary teamserved clearly, loudly and lingeringly, so that those in the ranks understood what actions the commander required of them.

According to any preliminary command, the servicemen who are in the ranks accept the combatant stand, move to the combatant move while out of action, they turn towards the chief and take the combat stand.

When performing techniques with weapons in the preliminary command, if necessary, the name of the weapon is indicated.

For instance:"Automata on - BREAST". "Machine guns for re-MEN"etc.

Executive team(printed in large print in the Charter) is served after a pause, loudly, abruptly and clearly. The executive team performs its immediate and accurate implementation.

In order to attract the attention of a unit or an individual soldier in the preliminary team, if necessary, the name of the unit or the rank and surname of the soldier is called.

For instance: "Platoon(3rd platoon) - STAY. ” "Private Petrov, Kru-GOM."

18. Signals for controlling the system and signals for controlling the machine are indicated in applications 3and 4 to this Charter.

If necessary, the commander can assign additional signals to control the formation.

19. Commands relating to all units are accepted and immediately executed by all unit commanders and commanders (senior) vehicles.

When a command is transmitted by a signal, a signal "ATTENTION",and if the team belongs to only one of the units, then a signal is sent indicating the number of this unit.

The readiness to accept a command by a signal is also indicated by a signal "ATTENTION".

Receiving a signal is confirmed by repeating it or by submitting the appropriate signal to its unit.

20. To cancel or stop receiving a command “RESET”.By this command, the position is taken that was before the reception.

21. During training, it is allowed to carry out the drill tactics specified in the Charter and to move along the divisions, as well as using preparatory exercises.

For instance:"Automatic chest, by division: do-ONCE do-TWO,do - THREE". "To the right, by division: do-ONCE do-TWO".

22. When forming national teams, they are marching into units. For calculation, military personnel are lined up in a single-rank or two-rank system and are calculated according to the general numbering, as indicated in art. 85of this Charter. After that, depending on the size of the team, successive calculations are made for companies, platoons and squads, and the commanders of these units are appointed.

To participate in parades, as well as in other cases, a unit by order of the commander can be built in a common column of three, four or more. At the same time, construction is usually performed by growth.

23. Construction of units is carried out by team BECOMEbefore which the construction order is indicated.

For instance:"Branch, in one line - BECOME."

On this command, a soldier must quickly take his place in the ranks, gain the set interval and distance, take a combat station.

24. When submitting commands for units of the combat arms and special forces, instead of the names "detachment", "platoon", "company", "battalion" and "regiment", the names of units and military units accepted in the combat arms and in special forces of the Armed Forces are indicated Forces.

(entered into force by order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of 01.01.01, N 600)

This Charter defines combat techniques and movement without weapons and with weapons; build units and military units on foot and by car; the procedure for performing military greetings, conducting combat drill; the position of the Military Banner of the military unit in the ranks, the order of its removal and attribution; duties of servicemen before building and in service and requirements for their combat training, as well as ways to move servicemen on the battlefield and actions in case of a surprise attack by the enemy.

The Charter applies to military personnel of the border troops, internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, railway troops, civil defense forces, and the system of federal state security agencies. The Main Directorate of Security of the Russian Federation, the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation, the State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Interior, other ministries and departments of the Russian Federation.

All military units, ships, headquarters, directorates, institutions, enterprises, organizations and military educational institutions of vocational education * of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation should be guided by combatant charter.

Chapter 1. General Provisions

1. Build and manage them

1. Build  - the deployment of military personnel, units and units, established by the Charter, for their joint actions on foot and in vehicles.

2. Rank  - a system in which servicemen are stationed one next to the other on the same line at established intervals.

Line of cars  - a system in which cars are placed one next to another on the same line.

3. Wing  - the right (left) extremity of the system. During turns, the names of the flanks do not change.

4. Front  - the side of the system in which the military personnel are facing (the cars - the frontal part).

5. The back side of the system  - side opposite the front.

6. Interval  - the distance along the front between the military personnel (vehicles), units and units.

7. Distance  - the depth in depth between the military personnel (vehicles), units and units.

8. Building Width  - the distance between the flanks.

9. Building depth  - the distance from the first line (in front of a standing soldier) to the last line (behind a standing soldier), and when operating on cars, the distance from the first line of cars (in front of a standing machine) to the last line of cars (behind a standing machine).

10. Two-line system  - a system in which the military personnel of one line are located in the back of the head of the military personnel of another line at a distance of one step (outstretched arm, palm laid on the shoulder in front of a standing soldier). Ranks are called the first and second. When turning a line, the names of the ranks do not change.

Row  - two servicemen standing in a two-lane formation at the back of the head one to another. If a soldier of the first line does not stand in the back of the head a soldier of the second line, this row is called incomplete.

When a two-rank system turns around, a part-time soldier goes into the front line ahead.

11. The one-lane and two-lane systems may be closed or open.

In a closed formation, soldiers in ranks are located along the front of one another at intervals equal to the width of the palm between the elbows.

In an open formation, military personnel in ranks are located along the front of one another at intervals of one step or at intervals specified by the commander.

12. Column  - a system in which servicemen are located in the back of the head to each other, and units (vehicles) - one after the other at distances established by the Charter or commander.

Columns can be one, two, three, four or more.

Columns are used to build units and units in a detailed or marching system.

13. Line  - a system in which units are built on the same line along the front in a one-lane or two-lane system (in the line of vehicles) or in the line of columns at the intervals established by the Charter or commander.

The deployed system is used for inspections, calculations, reviews, parades, as well as in other necessary cases.

14. Campaign  - a system in which a unit is built into a column or units in columns are built one after another at distances established by the Charter or commander.

Marching system is used to move units during the march, the passage of a solemn march, with a song, as well as in other necessary cases.

15. Guide  - a serviceman (unit, machine) moving head in the specified direction. The rest of the servicemen (units, vehicles) will realize their movement along the guide.

Trailing  - a serviceman (unit, machine), moving last in the convoy.

16. The formation control is carried out by commands and orders, which are given by the commander by voice, signals and personal example, as well as transmitted by technical and mobile means.

Commands and orders may be transmitted along the convoy through unit commanders (senior vehicles) and designated observers.

Control in the car is carried out by commands and orders given by voice and by means of internal communication.

In the ranks, the senior commander is located where it is more convenient for him to command. The remaining commanders issue commands, remaining in the places established by the Charter or the senior commander.

The commanders of units from a company and higher in the marching formation of the battalion and regiment are allowed to fail only to give commands and verify their execution.

17. The team is divided into preliminary and executive; teams can be and only executive.

The preliminary command is given clearly, loudly and lingeringly, so that those in the ranks understand what actions the commander requires from them.

According to any preliminary command, the servicemen who are in the ranks accept the combatant stand, move to the combatant move while out of action, they turn towards the chief and take the combat stand.

When performing techniques with weapons in the preliminary command, if necessary, the name of the weapon is indicated.

For example: "Automatic on - BREAST". "Machine guns on - re-MEN", etc.

The executive team (in the Charter printed in large print) is served after a pause, loudly, abruptly and clearly. The executive team performs its immediate and accurate implementation.

In order to attract the attention of a unit or an individual soldier, in the preliminary team, if necessary, the name of the unit or the rank and surname of the soldier are called.

For example: "Platoon (3rd platoon) - STAY." "Private Petrov, Cru-GOM."

18. Signals for control of the system and signals for control of the machine are indicated in appendices 3 and 4.

If necessary, the commander assigns additional signals to control the formation.

19. Commands relating to all units are accepted and immediately executed by all unit commanders and commanders (senior) vehicles.

When a command is transmitted, the signal preliminarily gives the signal "ATTENTION", and if the command refers to only one of the units, then a signal indicating the number of this unit is given.

The readiness for accepting a command by a signal is also indicated by the signal "ATTENTION".

Receiving a signal is confirmed by repeating it or by submitting the appropriate signal to its unit.

20. To cancel or stop the reception, the “STOP” command is issued. By this command, the position is taken that was before the reception.

21. During training, it is allowed to carry out the drill tactics specified in the Charter and to move along the divisions, as well as using preparatory exercises.

For example: "Automatic chest, by separation: do - ONCE, do - TWO, do - THREE." "To the right, according to the divisions: do - ONCE, do - TWO."

22. When forming national teams, they are marching into units. For the calculation, military personnel are lined up in a single-rank or two-rank system and are calculated according to the general numbering, as indicated in Art. 85. After that, depending on the size of the team, successive calculations are made for companies, platoons and squads, and the commanders of these units are appointed.

To participate in parades, as well as in other cases, a unit by order of the commander can be built in a common column of three, four or more. At the same time, construction is usually performed by growth.

23. The construction of units is carried out by the command "BECOME", before which the order of construction is indicated.

For example: "Branch, in one line - BECOME."

On this command, a soldier must quickly take his place in the ranks, gain the set interval and distance, take a combat station.

24. When submitting commands for units of the combat arms and special forces, instead of the names "detachment", "platoon", "company", "battalion" and "regiment", the names of the units and units accepted in the combat arms and in special troops of the Armed Forces types shall be indicated .

2. Obligations of commanders and military personnel before and in the formation

25. The commander must:

Indicate the place, time, construction order, uniforms and equipment, as well as what weapons and military equipment to have; appoint an observer if necessary;

Check and know the presence in the ranks of subordinates of their unit (unit), as well as weapons, military equipment, ammunition, personal protective equipment and trench tools;

Check the appearance of subordinates, as well as the availability of equipment and the correctness of its fit;

Maintain discipline of the system and demand the exact fulfillment by units of commands and signals, and by military personnel of their duties in the system;

When giving commands in the pedestrian formation on the spot to take a combat station;

When building units with armaments and military equipment, carry out an external inspection of them, as well as check the availability and serviceability of equipment for transporting personnel, the correctness of the fastening of the transported (towed) material part and the laying of property; remind personnel of safety requirements; observe the set distances, speed and traffic rules in motion.

26. A soldier is obliged:

Check the serviceability of their weapons, weapons and military equipment assigned to them, ammunition, personal protective equipment, trench tools, uniforms and equipment;

Carefully refuel the outfit, put on and fit the equipment correctly, help a comrade eliminate the noticed shortcomings;

Know your place in the ranks, be able to quickly, without fuss, take it; in movement to maintain equality, the established interval and distance; comply with safety requirements; not to fail (cars) without permission;

In the ranks without permission, do not talk or smoke; Be attentive to the orders and commands of your commander, quickly and accurately execute them, without interfering with others;

To transmit orders, commands without distortion, loudly and clearly.

Chapter 2. Combat techniques and movement without weapons and with weapons

1. Combat techniques and movement without weapons

Drill stand

27. The combat station (Fig. 1) is accepted by the command "BECOME" or "SMIRNO". On this command, stand straight, without tension, put the heels together, align the socks along the front line, putting them on the width of the foot; straighten the knees, but do not strain; Lift the chest, and slightly forward the whole body; pick up the stomach; deploy shoulders; lower your hands so that the hands, turned with the palms inward, are on the side and in the middle of the hips, and the fingers are bent and touch the hip; keep your head high and straight, without raising your chin; look straight ahead; be prepared for immediate action.

A combatant stand on the spot is also accepted without a command: when giving and receiving an order, during a report, during the performance of the National Anthem of the Russian Federation, when performing a military greeting, as well as when giving commands.

28. At the FREEDOM command, to become free, to weaken the right or left leg in the knee, but not to move, not to weaken attention and not to talk.

At the command “FILL”, without leaving his place in the ranks, to correct weapons, uniforms and equipment; if necessary, fail for permission to contact the immediate supervisor.

Before the command “FILL”, the command “FREE” is given.

29. To remove hats, the command "Hats (headgear) - REMOVE" is given, and to put on - "Hats (headgear) - DRESS". If necessary, single military personnel remove their headgear and put on without a team.

The removed headdress is held forward in the left freely lowered hand by the star (cockade) (Fig. 2).

Without a weapon or with a weapon in the “behind” position, the headgear is removed and put on with the right hand, and with a weapon in the “belt”, “chest” and “leg” positions - with the left one. When removing the headgear with a carabiner in the "on the shoulder" position, the carabiner is previously taken to the leg.

Turns in place

30. Turns on the spot are performed according to the commands: “Napra-VO”, “Nale-VO”, “Kru-GOM”.

Turns in a circle, to the left are made towards the left hand on the left heel and on the right toe; turns to the right - towards the right hand on the right heel and on the left toe.

Turns are performed in two steps:

the first technique is to turn around, maintaining the correct position of the body, and, without bending the knees, transfer the weight of the body to the leg in front;

the second method is to put the other foot in the shortest way.


31. Movement is made by step or run.

Step movement is carried out at a pace of 110-120 steps per minute. The step size is 70-80 cm.

Running is carried out at a pace of 165-180 steps per minute. The step size is 85-90 cm.

The step is drill and marching.

The combatant step is used when passing units with a solemn march; when they perform a military greeting in motion; when a serviceman approaches the commander and when moving away from him; upon failure and return to duty, as well as in drill lessons.

The marching step is applied in all other cases.

32. Movement in a marching step begins with the command "Marching step - MARCH" (in the movement "Stroyevoy - MARCH"), and movement with a walking step - at the command "Step - MARCH".

According to a preliminary command, move the body a little forward, transfer its heaviness more to the right leg, while maintaining stability; on the executive team, start the movement with the left foot in full step.

When moving with a drill step (Fig. 3), take the leg with the toe extended forward to a height of 15-20 cm from the ground and place it firmly on the entire foot.

With your hands, starting from the shoulder, make movements around the body: forward - bending them at the elbows so that the hands rise above the belt buckle to the width of the palm and the distance of the palm from the body, and the elbow is at the level of the hand; back - to failure in the shoulder joint. The fingers are bent, keep your head straight, look in front of you.

When moving with a walking step, the leg should be carried out freely, without pulling the sock off, and put it on the ground, as with normal walking; hands to make free movements around the body.

When moving in a marching step at the SMIRNO command, go to the combatant step. When marching at the command "FREE" to go in marching steps.

33. Running starts at the command “Running - MARCH”.

When moving from a place by a preliminary command, slightly forward the body, bend your hands halfway, moving your elbows a little back; on the executive team, start running from the left leg, with your hands make free movements back and forth to the beat of running.

To move from step to run on the preliminary command, bend your hands half-way, moving your elbows a little back. The executive team is served simultaneously with the left foot on the ground. On this command, take a step with your right foot and start running with your left foot.

To go from running to a step, the "Step - MARCH" command is issued. The executive team is served simultaneously with the right foot on the ground. On this command, take two more steps in a run and start moving in steps with the left foot.

34. The designation of the step on the spot is performed by the command "On the spot, step - MARCH" (in motion - "IN PLACE"),

According to this command, the step is designated by raising and lowering the legs, while raising the leg 15-20 cm from the ground and putting it on the whole foot, starting with the toe; hands to make movements in step of a step (Fig. 4). By the command "DIRECT", which is given simultaneously with the left foot on the ground, take the right foot one more step in place and start the movement with the left foot in full step. In this case, the first three steps should be drill.

35. To stop the movement, a command is given.

For example: "Private Petrov - STAY."

According to the executive command, which is submitted simultaneously with the right or left foot being placed on the ground, take one more step and, with the foot resting, take the drill stand.

36. To change the speed of movement, the following commands are given: "WIDE STEP", "SHORT STEP", "MORE STEP", "MORE STEP", "HALF STEP", "FULL STEP".

37. A command is sent to move the single military personnel several steps to the side.

For example: "Private Petrov. Two steps to the right (left), step - MARCH."

On this command, take two steps to the right (left), placing the foot after each step.

A command is issued to move forward or backward several steps.

For example: "Two steps forward (back), step - MARCH."

On this command, take two steps forward (back) and put your foot.

When moving to the right, left and back, the movement of the hands is not performed.

Turns in motion

38. Turns in movement are performed according to the commands: “Napra-VO”, “Nale-VO”, “Around - MARCH”.

To turn to the right (left), the executive team is given simultaneously with the right (left) leg on the ground. According to this command, take a step from the left (right) leg, turn on the toe of the left (right) leg, at the same time as turn, move the right (left) leg forward and continue moving in a new direction.

To turn around, the executive team is served simultaneously with the right foot on the ground. According to this command, take one more step with the left foot (counting times), move the right foot half a step forward and somewhat to the left and, sharply turning towards the left hand on the toes of both legs (two in a row), continue moving from the left foot in a new direction (three in a row).

When cornering, the movement of the hands is performed in step measure.

2. Combat techniques and movement with weapons


39. The drill stand with the weapon is the same as without a weapon, while holding the weapon in the “on the belt” position with the muzzle up, touching the top edge of the waist belt with the right hand, and the muzzle with the folding butt - muzzle down (Fig. 5 , a, b, d).

Hold the machine gun (machine gun) at the foot with the freely lowered right hand so that the butt rests with the butt plate on the ground, touching the foot of the right leg (Fig. 5, c).

Keep the rifle at your feet in the same way as a light machine gun, while grabbing the barrel by the gas pipe with your freely dropped right hand (Fig. 5, e).

Performing weapons tricks on the spot

40. The machine from the "on the belt" to the "on the chest" position is taken by the command "Automatic on - BREAST" in three steps:

the first trick is to put the right hand along the belt slightly up, remove the machine from the shoulder and, grabbing it with the left hand on the forearm and receiver, hold it in front of you vertically with the magazine to the left, with a muzzle at the height of the chin (Fig. 6, a);

the second trick is to take the belt to the right with your right hand and grab it with your palm from below so that your fingers are bent and facing you; simultaneously pass the elbow of the right hand under the belt (Fig. 6, b);

the third method is to throw a belt behind your head; take the machine with the right hand by the neck of the butt, and quickly lower the left hand (Fig. 6, c).

An automatic machine with a folding butt from the "on the belt" position to the "on the chest" position is taken according to the same command in two steps:

the first method is to remove the machine from the shoulder with the right hand, without removing the elbow of the right hand from under the belt, and, grabbing the machine with the left hand by the forearm and receiver cover from the bottom, hold it in front of you with the magazine down, muzzle to the left (Fig. 6, d) ;

the second trick is to put the belt behind the head on the left shoulder with the right hand, take the machine by the receiver by the belt, and quickly lower the left hand (Fig. 6, e).

41. The machine from the "on the chest" to the "on the belt" position is taken by the command "On re-ME" in three steps:

the first trick is to take the machine with the left hand by the forearm and the receiver pad from the bottom and, while feeding it slightly forward up, take the right hand out from under the belt, grasp the neck of the butt and hold the machine, as shown in Fig. 7 a;

the second method - lifting the machine up, throw the belt over your head and hold the machine in front of you vertically with the magazine to the left, with a muzzle at the height of the chin (Fig. 7, b);

the third trick is to take the belt by its upper part with the right hand and throw the machine by the right shoulder into the “on the belt” position, and quickly lower the left hand (Fig. 5, a).

An automatic machine with a folding butt from the "on the chest" to the "on the belt" position is taken according to the same command in three steps:

the first method is to take the machine with the left hand from the top of the barrel and the gas pipe and, lifting the machine slightly up, remove the elbow of the right hand from under the belt, with the right hand, palm from the bottom, take the belt from the receiver (Fig. 7, c);

the second method - turning the machine with the receiver up, throw the belt over your head and hold the machine with the magazine to the right (Fig. 7, d);

the third method is to throw the machine over the right shoulder into the “on the belt” position, and quickly lower the left hand (Fig. 5, b).

42. A carbine (light machine gun) from the “from the foot” to the “on the belt” position is taken on the “On-ME” command in three steps:

the first trick - with your right hand, raise the carbine (light machine gun), without taking it away from the body, turn the magazine (light machine gun with the pistol grip) to the left; use your left hand to take the carbine by the magazine (light machine gun by the fore-end) and hold it with a muzzle at eye level; squeeze the elbow of the right hand (Fig. 8, a, b);

the second method is to take the belt with your right hand and pull it to the left (Fig. 8, c);

third method - quickly throw a carbine (light machine gun) over the shoulder; lower the left hand; lower the right hand along the belt so that the forearm is in a horizontal position; Press the carbine (light machine gun) lightly with your elbow to the body (Fig. 8, d, e).

43. From the “on the belt” position, the carbine (light machine gun) to the “to the leg” position is taken at the “no-GE” command in two steps:

the first method - giving the right hand a little upward along the belt, remove the carbine (light machine gun) from the shoulder and, grabbing it with the left hand on the forearm, take the carbine (light machine gun) by the upper part of the barrel trim with the magazine (light machine gun - pistol grip) to the left, muzzle at eye level (Fig. 8, a, b);

the second trick is to quickly lower the left hand, and smoothly put the carbine (light machine gun) on the ground at the foot with the right hand (Fig. 5, c, e).

The company machine gun in the "on the belt" and "to the leg" position is taken as convenient.

44. A carbine from position from foot to position "on the shoulder" is taken only with an attached bayonet on the command "On the Ple-ChO" in two steps:

the first method - with your right hand, lifting and turning the carabiner with the bolt forward, move it perpendicular to the left side of the body and at the same time grab the right hand over the forearm and the barrel, with the left hand slightly forward and put the carabiner with the butt on palm of the left hand so that the butt plate of the butt rests on the palm of the hand, the thumb is in front, and the remaining fingers are pressed to the left side of the butt; hold the carbine steeply in outstretched hand against the left shoulder, butt touching the left leg; elbow of the right hand - at shoulder height (Fig. 9, a);

the second method - quickly lower the right hand, at the same time raise the carbine with your left hand so that it rests in the shoulder extension with the trigger guard, and hold it, without falling to the side; hold the left hand slightly below the elbow, press the butt to the belt, and the forearm to the side (Fig. 9, b, c).

45. A carbine in the “to leg” position from the “on the shoulder” position is taken on the “K no-GE” command in three steps:

the first trick is to quickly lower the left hand, at the same time grasp the rifle with the right hand at the upper part of the forearm and the barrel and put it in the position shown in Fig. 9 a;

the second method is to move the carabiner with your right hand down to the right leg, turning it with the bolt toward you; supporting the carabiner with your left hand near the bayonet tube, hold it along the thigh of the right leg so that the butt touches the foot;

the third trick is to quickly lower the left hand, and with the right hand gently put the carbine on the ground.

46. \u200b\u200bIf necessary, release (tighten) the belt, the command "Belt - RELEASE (TIGHTEN)" is issued.

At the command of the “Belt”, take machine guns and hand grenade launchers into the right hand, carbines and machine guns to the leg; at the machine with a folding butt, fold the butt, for which to put the right hand on the belt a little up, remove the machine from the shoulder and, grabbing it with the left hand on the forearm and receiver pad, keep the store horizontally in front of you down at the level of the chin. Holding the machine with your left hand, with your right hand, release the latch and swing the butt. Take the machine in the right hand by the forearm and the receiver pad. At the command “RELEASE (TIGHTEN)” make a half-turn to the right, at the same time put the left foot one step to the left and, leaning forward, rest the weapon with the butt in the foot of the left foot, and put the trunk on the bend of the right elbow; do not bend your knees; holding the belt buckle with your right hand, tighten (release) the belt with your left hand and take on the drill stand yourself.

47. Before giving the commands “Behind”, “On the belt” and “On the chest”, the weapon is first put on the fuse by the command “Fuse - START”.

If it is necessary to open the bayonet-knife (to tilt the bayonet) or close it, then the commands "Bayonet-knife - UNLOCK" ("Bayonet-OPEN") and "Bayonet-knife (bayonet) - UNLOCK" are issued.

48. The weapon from the "on the belt" to the "behind" position is taken on the command "Arms - FOR THE BACK" in two steps:

the first method - with your left hand to take the belt slightly below the right shoulder, and with your right hand at the same time grasp the butt (automatic with folding butt and hand grenade launcher - for the barrel at the lower swivel);

the second method - with your right hand raise the weapon up, and with your left hand throw the belt behind your head on the left shoulder; arms and hands quickly lower (Fig. 10).

The machine gun in the "behind" position is taken without a bayonet-knife, and the carbine - with the bayonet thrown down.

49. Weapons from the "behind" position are taken to the "belt" position by the command "Weapons - for the REMO" in two stages:

the first method - with your left hand to take the belt slightly below the left shoulder, and with your right hand at the same time grasp the butt (for the barrel, for the bell);

the second trick is to raise the weapon with your right hand and throw the belt over your head to the right shoulder with your left hand, take the belt with your right hand, as shown in Fig. 5, a, b, d and 8, d, e, quickly lower the left hand.

50. To transfer the machine from the “on the chest” position to the “behind” position and from the “behind” position to the “on chest” position, as well as the carbine from the “behind” position to the “to leg” position, weapons are first taken at team to the "on the belt" position.

To transfer the machine with the folding butt to the "behind" position from the "to the chest" position, use the right hand to take the machine by the muzzle of the barrel and transfer it to the "behind" position.

To transfer the machine from the “behind” position to the “on the chest” position with the right hand, take the machine by the muzzle of the barrel and pulling it with the muzzle towards the left shoulder, transfer it to the “on the chest” position.

A light machine gun in the "behind" position is taken as convenient.

51. According to the general “K no-GE” command, carbines and machine guns are taken to the “to the foot” position, while the positions of machine guns and hand grenade launchers are not changed.

52. To correct the incorrect position of the weapon, the command "Correct - WEAPON" is given.

Turns and movement with weapons

53. Turns and movement with weapons are carried out according to the same rules and commands as without weapons.

54. When cornering with arms in the “at the foot” position in place, upon preliminary command, raise the arms slightly and simultaneously bring the bayonet (muzzle) towards you, and press the right hand slightly against the right thigh. Having made a turn, at the same time as placing the legs, gently lower the weapon to the ground.

55. To move with the weapon in the “at the foot” position, according to the preliminary command “Step”, raise the weapon slightly, and upon the preliminary command “Run”, in addition, bend the left hand at the elbow.

When running, keep the weapon in a slightly bent right hand so that the muzzle of the weapon is slightly forward. When running in a closed formation, remove the bayonet on yourself.

56. When moving with weapons in the “at the foot” position and in the “shoulder”, “belt” and “chest” positions with a hand not occupied by a weapon, and when moving with a weapon “behind the back” with both hands, make free movements about body to the beat of a step.

57. When moving with a carabiner in the “on the shoulder” position by the executive command “STOP”, stop and without a command take the carabiner to the leg according to the rules specified in Art. 45.

58. In motion, a carabiner from foot to shoulder is taken in two steps, as well as on the spot (Article 44), on the command “On the Ple-ChO”, which is served simultaneously with the left foot on the ground. According to the executive team, take a step with the right foot and then, in succession with setting the left foot on the ground, perform each move.

59. In the movement of the carabiner in the “to leg” position from the “on the shoulder” position, it is taken in three steps, as well as on the spot (Article 45), by the “K no-GE” command, which is given simultaneously with the left foot being placed on the ground . According to the executive team, take a step with the right foot and then, in succession with setting the left foot on the ground, perform each move.

Chapter 3. Fulfillment of military greetings, failure and return to duty. Approach to the boss and move away from him

1. Fulfillment of a military greeting without a weapon on the spot and on the move

60. A military salute is carried out clearly and well, with exact observance of the rules of the combatant stand and movement.

61. To perform military greeting on the spot out of service without a headdress three or four steps before the chief (senior), turn in his direction, take a drill stand and look into his face, turning his head after him.

If the headgear is on, then, in the shortest possible way, attach the right hand to the headgear so that the fingers are together, the palm is straight, the middle finger touches the lower edge of the headgear (at the visor), and the elbow is on the line and shoulder height (Fig. . eleven). When the head is turned toward the head (senior), the position of the hand at the headgear remains unchanged (Fig. 12).

When the chief (senior) passes the person performing the military salutation, put his head up straight and at the same time lower his hand.

62. In order to fulfill a military greeting in a movement out of action without a headgear three or four steps before the head (senior), at the same time as setting up the legs, stop moving hands, turn his head in his direction and, while continuing to move, look into his face. Having passed the boss (senior), put your head straight and continue moving with your hands.

When wearing a headdress, at the same time as putting your foot on the ground, turn your head and put your right hand to the headdress, keep your left hand motionless at the hip (Fig. 12); having passed the boss (senior), at the same time as putting his left foot on the ground, put his head straight and lower his right hand.

When overtaking the chief (senior), a military greeting is performed with the first overtaking step. With the second step, put your head straight and lower your right hand.

63. If the serviceman’s hands are occupied with a burden, the military greeting should be carried out by turning the head in the direction of the chief (senior).

2. Fulfillment of a military salute with weapons in place and on the move

64. Military greetings with weapons on the spot outside the system are carried out in the same way as without weapons (Article 61); the position of the weapon, with the exception of the carbine in the "on the shoulder" position, does not change and the hand is not applied to the headgear. When performing a military salute with a carbine in the "on the shoulder" position, he is tentatively taken to the leg.

With a weapon in the "behind" position, carry out a military greeting by applying the right hand to the headdress.

65. To perform a military salute when moving out of action with arms at the foot, “on the belt” or “on the chest” three or four steps before the boss (senior), at the same time as setting the leg, turn his head in his direction and stop moving with his free hand; with arms in the "behind" position, in addition, put your hand to the headgear.

When performing a military salute with a carbine in the "shoulder" position with your right hand, continue driving.

Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Build and manage them. Responsibilities of military personnel before the construction and in the ranks.

Drill Charter

Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

This Charter defines combat techniques and movement without weapons and with weapons; build units and military units on foot and by car; the procedure for performing military greetings, conducting combat drill; the position of the Combat banner of the military unit in the ranks, the procedure for the joint removal and attribution of the State flag of the Russian Federation and the Combat banner of the military unit; duties of military personnel before and during formation and requirements for their combat training, as well as methods of movement of military personnel on the battlefield and actions in case of a surprise attack by the enemy.

Build and manage them

1. Build- the deployment of military personnel, units and military units, established by the Charter, for their joint actions on foot and in vehicles.

2. The line  - a system in which servicemen are stationed one next to the other on the same line at established intervals.

A line of cars is a system in which cars are placed one next to another on the same line.

3. Flank- the right (left) extremity of the system. During turns, the names of the flanks do not change.

4. Front- the side of the system in which the military personnel are facing (the cars - the frontal part).

5. The back side of the system- side opposite the front.

6. Interval  - the distance along the front between the military personnel (vehicles), units and military units.

7. Distance  - the depth in depth between military personnel (vehicles), units and military units.

8. The width of the system  - the distance between the flanks.

9. Depth  - the distance from the first line (in front of a standing soldier) to the last line (behind a standing soldier), and when operating on cars, the distance from the first line of cars (in front of a standing machine) to the last line of cars (behind a standing machine).

10. Two-line system - a system in which the military personnel of one line are located in the back of the head of the military personnel of another line at a distance of one step (outstretched arm, palm laid on the shoulder in front of a standing soldier). The ranks are called first  and second. When turning a line, the names of the ranks do not change.

Row  - two servicemen standing in a two-lane formation at the back of the head one to another. If a soldier of the first line does not stand in the back of the head a soldier of the second line, this row is called incomplete.

When a two-rank system turns around, a part-time soldier goes into the front line ahead.

11. One-lane and two-lane systems  can be closed or open.

In with closed  in a row, servicemen in ranks are located along the front of one another at intervals equal to the width of the palm between the elbows.

IN open  in a row, servicemen in the ranks are located along the front of one another at intervals of one step or at intervals indicated by the commander.

12. The column  - a system in which servicemen are located in the back of the head to each other, and units (vehicles) - one after the other at distances established by the Charter or commander.

Columns can be one, two, three, four or more.

Columns are used to build units and military units in a deployed or marching system.

13. The extended system  - a system in which units are built on the same line along the front in a one-lane or two-lane system (in the line of vehicles) or in the line of columns at the intervals established by the Charter or commander.

The deployed system, as a rule, is used to conduct checks, calculations, reviews, parades, as well as in other necessary cases.

14. Campaign  - a system in which a unit is built into a column or units in columns are built one after another at distances established by the Charter or commander.

Marching system is used to move units during the march, the passage of a solemn march, with a song, as well as in other necessary cases.

15. Guide- a serviceman (unit, machine) moving head in the specified direction. The rest of the servicemen (units, vehicles) will realize their movement along the guide.

Trailing- a serviceman (unit, machine), moving last in the convoy.

16. Management of the systemcarried out by commands and orders, which are given by the commander in voice, signals and personal example, as well as transmitted using technical and mobile means.

Commands and orders may be transmitted along the convoy through unit commanders (senior vehicles) and designated observers.

Driving in a carcarried out by commands and orders given by voice and by means of internal communications.

In the ranks, the senior commander is located where it is more convenient for him to command. The remaining commanders issue commands, remaining in the places established by the Charter or the senior commander.

The commanders of units from a company and higher in the marching formation of the battalion and regiment are allowed to fail only to give commands and verify their execution.

17.   The team is divided into preliminary and executive; teams can be and only executive.

Preliminary teamserved clearly, loudly and lingeringly, so that those in the ranks understood what actions the commander required of them.

According to any preliminary command, the servicemen who are in the ranks accept the combatant stand, move to the combatant move while out of action, they turn towards the chief and take the combat stand.

When performing techniques with weapons in the preliminary command, if necessary, the name of the weapon is indicated.

For instance: "Automata on - BREAST". "Machine guns for re-MEN"etc.

Executive team(printed in large print in the Charter) is served after a pause, loudly, abruptly and clearly. The executive team performs its immediate and accurate implementation.

In order to attract the attention of a unit or an individual soldier in the preliminary team, if necessary, the name of the unit or the rank and surname of the soldier is called.

For instance: "Platoon  (3rd platoon) - STAY. ” "Private Petrov, Kru-GOM."

23.   Construction of units is carried out by team BECOMEbefore which the construction order is indicated.

For instance: "Branch, in one line - BECOME."

On this command, a soldier must quickly take his place in the ranks, gain the set interval and distance, take a combat station.

24. When submitting commands for units of the combat arms and special forces, instead of the names "detachment", "platoon", "company", "battalion" and "regiment", the names of units and military units accepted in the combat arms and in special forces of the Armed Forces are indicated Forces.

Responsibilities of military personnel before and after construction

26. A soldier is obliged:

Check the serviceability of the weapons and ammunition assigned to it, weapons and military equipment, personal protective equipment and individual armor protection, trench tools, uniforms and equipment;

Carefully refuel the outfit, put on and fit the equipment correctly, help a comrade eliminate the noticed shortcomings;

Know your place in the ranks, be able to quickly, without fuss, take it; in movement to maintain equality, the established interval and distance; comply with safety requirements; not to fail (cars) without permission;

In the ranks without permission, do not talk or smoke; Be attentive to the orders and commands of your commander, quickly and accurately execute them, without interfering with others;

To transmit orders, commands without distortion, loudly and clearly.

1. Military charters.

2. The rights of a serviceman of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

3. The relationship between the military.

4. Placement of military personnel.

5. The distribution of time and internal order in the daily activities of military personnel

6. The duties of the company duty officer.

7. Duties of the sentinel by company.

8. The main measures to ensure the security of military service.

9. Promotions.

10. Disciplinary action.

11. Types and composition of the guard. Sentinel and guard.

12. Responsibilities of the sentry.

13. The post and its equipment.

14. Build and manage them.

15. Obligations of military personnel before the construction and in the ranks.