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Recipe Bulgur with carrots and onions. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value. A pleasant variety of dishes for every taste: bulgur with vegetables Bulgur with onions and carrots recipe

Bulgur is one of the most popular whole grain cereals, actively used in the Middle East. It makes incredibly tasty and crumbly side dishes, which are a good alternative to traditional pasta or potatoes. Therefore, today more and more of our compatriots are interested in how to cook bulgur with vegetables. Recipes for such dishes will be presented in today's publication.

In order for you to get a tasty and healthy side dish, you need to follow a few simple rules. First of all, you should remember that this cereal does not need to be washed. This is due to the fact that during the production process it is subjected to steaming and grinding.

Before preparing bulgur with vegetables, the recipe for which can be found in today’s article, it is advisable to fry it in a frying pan greased with olive, ghee or butter.

To simply cook this cereal, pour it with hot water in a ratio of 1:2 and boil over low heat for fifteen minutes. If it is prepared in combination with juicy ingredients, then the amount of liquid can be slightly adjusted downward.

Bulgur with vegetables in a slow cooker

Recipes using this device allow you to quickly and easily prepare an excellent lunch or dinner. So that your family can appreciate the taste of this dish, you need to go to the store in advance and purchase all the required components. The list you compile must include:

  • 150 grams of cereal.
  • 300 milliliters of water.
  • 150 grams of canned peas and corn.
  • One carrot.
  • 150 grams of butter.
  • A pair of large onions.

In order for you to get aromatic bulgur with vegetables (the recipe will be given step by step below), it is advisable to supplement the above list with table salt, ground pepper and spices for pilaf.

Process description

Despite the fact that this cereal does not require pre-rinsing, many housewives still do this. The prepared bulgur is poured into the multicooker bowl, filled with filtered water, salt and butter are added. Close the device with a lid, activate the “Porridge” mode and wait a little less than half an hour.

While the cereal is cooking, you can do the vegetables. Washed and peeled onions and carrots are chopped. Asparagus is cut into large pieces so that it retains its natural taste. As for corn and peas, the brine is simply drained from them. By the way, in the absence of preservation, it can be replaced with fresh frozen products. All vegetables are combined in one bowl and, after the multicooker signal, added to the cooked cereal.

The contents of the device are thoroughly mixed, salted, peppered, seasoned and cooked for ten minutes. Bulgur with vegetables, the recipe for which was discussed above, will be an excellent addition to all kinds of salads.

Porridge with zucchini and sweet pepper

This aromatic Lenten dish can be served for lunch or dinner. It should be noted that preparing four servings of this treat will take no more than one hour. The process itself is so simple that even a novice cook can master it without any problems. To avoid having to interrupt cooking and be distracted by searching for missing ingredients, you need to audit your own pantry in advance and purchase all the required products. You should have at hand:

  • 150 grams of cereal.
  • 300 milliliters of boiled water.
  • Two sweet bell peppers.
  • Nine cloves of garlic.
  • A couple of fresh zucchini.
  • Juice of half a lemon.

Plus, the recipe for making bulgur with vegetables requires a small amount of high-quality olive oil, a bunch of cilantro, salt and curry.


First you need to start preparing the vegetables. Pre-peeled five cloves of garlic are crushed with a knife, combined with curry, placed in a pan with heated olive oil and kept on the fire for a couple of minutes, remembering to stir constantly. After this, add bulgur to the same container. Mix everything thoroughly so that the cereal is thoroughly saturated with oil, and pour hot water. Then cover the pan with a lid and leave to simmer over low heat for twenty minutes.

In a separate frying pan, greased with heated olive oil, lightly fry pre-washed, peeled and chopped bell peppers. After this, it is sent to a pan with cooked cereal, mixed thoroughly, removed from the stove and wrapped in a towel.

Our bulgur with vegetables, the recipe for which is discussed in today’s article, is almost ready. All that remains is to make the pickled zucchini. They are washed, cut into thin strips and placed in a clean deep bowl. Salt, garlic passed through a press, the juice of half a lemon and chopped herbs are also added there. Mix everything well, cover with a lid and place in the refrigerator. As a rule, ten minutes is enough for the zucchini to marinate. After this time, the finished dish can be served.

Bulgur with vegetables and chicken

Recipes for preparing this cereal are varied. In this case, in addition to other ingredients, meat will be used. Before starting the process, check if your kitchen has:

  • 550 grams of chicken fillet.
  • One sweet bell pepper.
  • 200 grams of cereal.
  • A couple of medium carrots.
  • One large onion.

In order for you to get a tasty and satisfying dish, the above list must be supplemented with filtered water, table salt, spices and vegetable oil.

Cooking technology

First you need to tackle the vegetables. Pre-washed and peeled onions and carrots are crushed using a blender. If you do not have this device, you can use other available tools. In this case, the carrots are simply grated and the onions are finely chopped. The bell pepper is removed from the stalk and seeds, and then cut into medium cubes.

Vegetables prepared in this way are placed in a multicooker bowl. Cereals and pre-washed and cut into two-centimeter pieces of chicken fillet are also placed there. All this is thoroughly mixed, salted, seasoned with spices and filled with filtered water so that it completely covers the products. Close the device with a lid and activate the “Extinguishing” mode. After about half an hour, the dish can be served. If desired, ready-made bulgur with vegetables, the recipe for which is presented above, is seasoned with butter or vegetable oil.

Today I offer you an easy and quick to prepare dish - bulgur with carrots and tomatoes. Bulgur is still quite exotic in our country, so I’ll tell you a little about what it is and what it is eaten with. Bulgur is boiled, dried and crushed grains of durum wheat. This cereal is very popular in the Middle East, the Caucasus and Southern Russia, the Balkans, Turkey, African countries, Northern India and Pakistan. This method of processing wheat has been known since very ancient times; the first written mention of bulgur dates back to the 9th century BC. e.

Per 100 grams dry Bulgur has 76 grams of carbohydrates (of which 18 grams are fiber), 12 grams of protein and 2 grams of fat, which will give us a total of 342 calories. In 100 grams boiled Bulgur will be only 83 calories. In terms of nutritional value, bulgur is slightly less caloric compared to buckwheat and rice, despite the fact that when boiled it contains 1.5 times more fiber than buckwheat, and 11 (!) times more than rice. Therefore, this cereal is so loved by nutritionists around the world and is recommended for people who are losing weight, children and the elderly.

Bulgur contains vitamins (group B is especially well represented: thiamine, folic acid, nicotinic acid, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, choline, etc.) and microelements (a lot of manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, there is copper, iron, zinc, calcium, potassium and selenium). When cooked, the cereal increases in volume without being boiled, although, unfortunately, it loses some of its microelements, however, it almost does not lose in vitamins.

Most often, bulgur is used in dishes such as pilaf, soups, porridges, and salads. There is no need to pre-rinse or soak it, but before cooking it is better to fry it for a few minutes in oil - this will help bring out its nutty flavor. Bulgur does not take long to cook - about 10-15 minutes for coarsely ground grains, and for fine grinding it will be enough to pour boiling water over it and let it brew. Coarsely ground bulgur is preferable because it has a lower glycemic index (i.e., it is a “slow” carbohydrate that will not cause sudden spikes in blood glucose). In taste and appearance, bulgur is somewhat reminiscent of the more familiar one.

My version of cooking bulgur can serve as a side dish for meat or fish or act as a main course.

4 – 6 servings / prep 10 min / ready 15 min


  • 200 gr. / ¾ tbsp. bulgura
  • 1 onion
  • 2 medium carrots
  • 3 medium tomatoes
  • 1 tsp. curry powder
  • 400 ml / 1 ¾ tbsp. water
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil
  • Salt and ground black pepper to taste


  1. Peel the onion, chop finely and fry in a deep frying pan or saucepan in olive oil until golden brown over medium heat. Peel the carrots, cut them in half lengthwise and chop them into semicircles 1/2 cm thick. Add the carrots to the onion and fry for another 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  2. Also cut the tomatoes into semicircles, add to the vegetables and fry for another 2-3 minutes, then add the bulgur, add curry and fry, stirring thoroughly, for another 2 minutes.
  3. Pour in water, turn up the heat, add salt and pepper, bring to a boil, then reduce the heat, cover with a lid and leave to cook until the bulgur is ready (for cooking time, see the packet, usually about 10 minutes). All the water should be absorbed and the bulgur will become soft. When serving, you can garnish with herbs of your choice (to enhance the oriental accent, you can use cilantro or mint).

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Bulgur is an unusual and very healthy grain that many have not even heard of.

However, this does not diminish its value.

It is added to soups, side dishes are made from it, and even salads are made.

The article presents several recipes for bulgur with vegetables and various additives.

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Thanks to your nutritional properties Bulgur saturates the body for several hours, allowing a person to feel full for a long time. In addition, it will be useful for both adults and children for harmonious growth and development.

There are many variations of bulgur dishes. Some take minutes to prepare, others take hours to prepare. Here are a few recipes for your repertoire: , s , s , s .

In any case, if you don’t know how to surprise your family and friends, you can always prepare a quick dish of bulgur with vegetables.

Recipe Variations

Total cooking time- 20-30 minutes.

Difficulty level- easily.

Number of servings — 3.

- 170 kcal.

Squirrels — 3.

Fats — 9.

Carbohydrates — 17.


  • bell pepper – 1 piece;
  • onion – 1 piece;
  • bulgur -100 gr;
  • water 150 ml;
  • butter – 20 g;
  • olive oil -20 ml;
  • spicy herbs – 2 g;
  • dried garlic – 2 gr.


  • baking foil;
  • oven;
  • board;
  • stewpan;

Step-by-step cooking recipe:

To make the dish even brighter and more aromatic, add fresh herbs. You can also use other vegetables, such as eggplant.

On a note. Bulgur goes well with vegetables, so don't be afraid to experiment.

Add tomatoes, peppers, eggplant or any other vegetables to it (except cabbage, regardless of its variety). They will add juiciness to the dish and give it a rich taste.

If you like Turkish cuisine, then these recipes are for you: , .
How to prepare a salad with bulgur, watch the video:

Total cooking time- 40 minutes.

Difficulty level- easily.

Number of servings — 2.

Energy value (100 g.)- 130 kcal.

Squirrels — 11.

Fats — 5.

Carbohydrates — 17.


  • shrimp – 150 gr.;
  • garlic – 1 piece;
  • bulgur -100 gr;
  • water 150 ml;
  • green peas – 50 g;
  • tomato - 1 piece;
  • olive oil – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt;
  • spices to taste;
  • lemon.


  • board;
  • stewpan;
  • pan;
  • wooden spatula for stirring.
  • Cooking process:

    1. Pour oil into a heated frying pan, add pre-washed bulgur. Fry for 2-3 minutes.
    2. Add water to the bulgur. Salt. Cook for 20 minutes until done.
    3. Prepare the shrimp - boil in water with the addition of a small slice of lemon, then peel. For this dish, it is preferable to take large shrimp, for example, king shrimp. They are much easier to prepare and clean.
    4. Place peeled shrimp on a heated frying pan. Finely chop the garlic and add to the pan. Fry for 3-5 minutes until the shrimp turn red. Do not exceed the frying time, otherwise the shrimp will turn out dry.
    5. Add green peas and spices (for example, herbes de Provence) to the shrimp and fry for another 2 minutes.
    6. Add fried shrimp and peas to the already prepared bulgur.
    7. Cut the tomato into cubes and add to the bulgur. Mix everything.

    The dish should be served hot or warm. Great for lunch or dinner.

    On a note. Bulgur dishes are best served hot or slightly warm.

    A cooled dish will not be as tasty and will look more like cold porridge. If you are preparing a “cold” salad with bulgur, cereal should not be cooked. It will be enough to soak it in clean water for 30-40 minutes.

    Total cooking time- 40 minutes.

    Difficulty level– medium difficulty.

    Number of servings — 3.

    Energy value (100 g.)- 160 kcal.

    Squirrels — 8.

    Fats — 17.

    Carbohydrates — 30.


    • carrots – 1 pc.;
    • onion – 1 pc.;
    • bulgur -100 gr.;
    • water 150 ml;
    • tomato – 1 pc.;
    • sweet pepper – 1 pc.;
    • spicy herbs – 2 gr.;
    • garlic – 5 cloves;
    • Bay leaf;
    • seasoning for pilaf or any other at your discretion.

    For the sauce:

    • 1 stack cream 20%;
    • 1 stack milk;
    • 1⁄4 cup flour;
    • 1⁄4 cup chopped parsley;
    • 1 tsp salt.


    • board;
    • stewpan;
    • colander;
    • pan;
    • wooden spatula for stirring

    Step by step cooking:

    1. Preparing the vegetables. Wash, clean, cut. Grate the carrots.
    2. Place the onions and garlic in a saucepan or frying pan and fry the carrots.
    3. After 3-5 minutes, add chopped pepper and tomato. Simmer everything over low heat. You can first place the tomato in boiling water for a few seconds and remove the skin.
    4. After the vegetables release their juice, add spices and bay leaves. Simmer for another 3-5 minutes.
    5. Cook bulgur. First, the cereal should be washed and, tipped into a colander, wait until the excess moisture drains.
    6. Mix the prepared bulgur with vegetables.

    Preparing the sauce:

    1. Let's move on to preparing the sauce. Mix milk and cream in a saucepan. Heat over low heat.
    2. Mix flour with water. It is important to ensure that there are no lumps, otherwise the sauce will not be homogeneous.
    3. When the mixture of milk and cream becomes hot, slowly add water and flour in a thin stream. Salt to taste. Cook over low heat for another 3-5 minutes. Don't forget to stir the sauce.
    4. Remove the finished sauce from the heat. Add finely chopped parsley.
    5. Place the prepared bulgur with vegetables on a plate and pour plenty of sauce over it.

    You can safely replace parsley in sauce to any other greens or exclude them altogether. Also, if you want an even creamier taste, you can add a small piece of your favorite cream cheese to the sauce. It is important to ensure that it is completely dissolved and does not leave lumps.

    On a note. Don't cook bulgur for too long. With excessive heat treatment, cereal loses some of its taste properties.

    An overcooked dish will not be as flavorful and will lose most of its nutrients.

    Total cooking time- 40 minutes.

    Difficulty level- easily.

    Number of servings — 2.

    Energy value (100 g.)-250 kcal.

    Squirrels — 8.

    Fats — 9.

    Carbohydrates — 32.


    • bulgur -70 gr.;
    • water - 140 ml.
    • salt - to taste;
    • ground black pepper;
    • onion - 1 piece;
    • pumpkin - 100 gr;
    • butter - 25 gr.


    • board;
    • stewpan;
    • pan;
    • wooden spatula for stirring.

    Step-by-step preparation:

    1. Preparing the vegetables. We clean the pumpkin and cut it into small squares. Finely chop the onion.
    2. Place the pumpkin and onion in a saucepan and fry in butter until soft. Don't forget to stir.
    3. Mine is bulgur. Add it to vegetables. Fry for 1-2 minutes.
    4. Add water and bring the dish to a boil. Add salt and pepper.
    5. After the water has boiled away, let it simmer over low heat for 5-7 minutes. No more.

    Bulgur with pumpkin has a very pleasant, sweetish taste, why we love children so much. Place the resulting porridge on a plate and garnish with a mint leaf on top.

    A cooking ring will help you present the dish beautifully. The dish can also be placed on small bright plates and decorated with pieces of apples baked with honey - children will especially like this option.

    Watch the video of cooking bulgur with pumpkin:

    1. Bulgur - a nutritious grain useful to absolutely everyone. Due to its low calorie content and rich chemical composition, it can be eaten even while on a diet.
    2. The cereal will be much tastier if before you start boiling it, fry in a frying pan with butter.
    3. Never do not buy bulgur mixed with other grains. For example, bulgur with crushed wheat or couscous, they differ radically from each other according to the principle of preparation of raw materials.
    4. It's important to remember that Bulgur is not a porridge, but a side dish. It will remain crumbly, no matter how you try to make its consistency uniform.
    5. Bulgur goes well with vegetables, mushrooms and meat.
    6. If you meet a cereal brown bulgur, don’t even hesitate - take it.

      It is brown bulgur that has the highest nutritional value and contains the largest amount of beneficial nutrients.

    7. Bulgur dishes very filling, especially if they contain meat, so you should refrain from eating them before bed. They are best suited for lunch or a not too late dinner.

    Bulgur is a grain that can replace any side dish. It goes well with meat, vegetables and even some seafood (for example, shrimp, mussels).

    If you want to diversify your diet, as well as include healthy and satisfying dishes, then you should definitely try a selection of our “bulgur with vegetables” recipes.

    In contact with

    Bulgur itself is a cereal that is easy to prepare, and you can cook bulgur as just porridge as a side dish, or with vegetables, meat, or in general, with meat and vegetables. Today I will cook bulgur with chicken, onions and carrots. At the end we will get a second course, hearty and very, very tasty (if you like bulgur itself, of course).

    First, prepare everything you need for the recipe, namely: bulgur, water, sunflower oil, chicken, onions, carrots, salt, a little butter and fresh herbs.

    If you have noticed, the ingredients indicate the amount of bulgur not in grams, but in milliliters. This is because you need to take two parts of liquid for one part of the cereal, then the bulgur will end up crumbly! And that’s how I always measure it. So now I took 2 glasses of 160 ml of bulgur and, accordingly, 4 of the same glasses of water. But first things first...

    Cut the chicken into small pieces and lightly fry in sunflower oil. Chop the onion and carrots (small cubes).

    Add the vegetables to the chicken and fry everything together over high heat. Rinse the bulgur.

    Place the bulgur and chicken fried with onions and carrots in a bowl with thick walls (for example, the one in which you usually cook pilaf).

    Add salt to taste, pour in hot water.

    After the water boils, cook the bulgur over low heat for 20 minutes, turn off the stove, add butter to the bulgur and leave for another 10 minutes, covered with a towel. In the end, this is what we get.

    Everything new scares us and raises doubts. But it is doubt that forces you to try something new. This perception is especially typical for us in relation to new products or new dishes. It happens that a long time passes before we take a risk and try something new, and then we are surprised and annoyed that we did not do it sooner.

    It’s just that a person, nevertheless, is to some extent attached to his habits, to his way of life and, no less, attached to the familiar dishes that make up his daily diet. And when some new product comes into his field of vision, he instinctively dodges it, since this product requires, as they say, more careful attention and it is far from a fact that it will be tasty. For many people, such a product is, for example, unfamiliar cereals.

    For example, bulgur (a dish from the countries of the Middle East, the Mediterranean and the Balkans), which I want to talk about today, is not widely popular in our latitudes precisely because its beneficial properties are little known. It will already be enough that bulgur porridge can easily replace any vitamin complex, since it contains a wide range of B vitamins, as well as phosphorus and iron. So, today we will cook bulgur with vegetables or Turkish pilaf.

    step-by-step photo recipe for making Turkish pilaf


    • bulgur – 1 cup,
    • onions – 2 pieces,
    • large carrots - 1 piece,
    • 1-2 tomatoes,
    • tomato paste – 2 tablespoons;
    • spices, salt to taste,
    • sunflower or olive oil for frying.

    Cooking process:

    First of all, finely chop two onions and place in a frying pan.

    After this, grate the carrots on a coarse grater and mix it with chopped onions. Fry the resulting mixture until soft. Now add a tomato cut into longitudinal slices (a bell pepper would also come in handy). Fry the resulting assorted vegetables again, be sure to stir them by adding tomato paste.

    Now that the vegetable part is ready, it's time to add the bulgur. It does not need to be rinsed like some other grains. This is its significant advantage over rice used in the classic pilaf recipe.

    After adding the cereal, fill everything with water so that the liquid covers the surface of the dish by 2-3 centimeters.

    Now all that remains is to cook the bulgur with vegetables under the lid, not forgetting to stir the contents of the pan several times. When the dish has absorbed all the water, this will signal its readiness.

    This pilaf without meat is served with fresh herbs. Ideal for a Lenten table!

    In addition, bulgur will be an excellent side dish for meat or fish.

    This nutritious porridge is perfect for those who like to eat hearty food and people who watch their nutrition and follow a diet. In this sense, vegetable bulgur is a unique dish in its own way.

    Eat healthy foods, don't be afraid to try new dishes and expand your culinary horizons. Bon appetit!

    Jamila prepared bulgur especially for Good Recipes