
Seasoning for meat dishes. Spices and seasonings for meat. Exotic seasonings for pork

Today it is difficult to surprise people with any special recipes for cooking pork with spices, even the most exotic ones. Finding any recipe and tips for cooking juicy, aromatic pork, and even flavored with skillfully selected spices, is easier than steamed turnips. This time we decided to offer you an unusual approach to this issue.

  1. You will learn why the smell of pork and spices affects our mood. What scientists say about the connection between the smell of spices and our brain, why it is so important to use spices in our diet.
  2. We have compiled a kind of reminder for you on how to use the best spices for pork. It contains recommendations from professionals, chefs from today's restaurants, as well as advice from famous chefs of past years, who left behind knowledge about the secrets of small aromatic herbs.
  3. As you know, the East is a very tasty business. Many spices and their secrets came from there. Therefore, you will also find out the opinion of specialists in this region.

We hope that the knowledge of professionals will be useful, because... They are the ones who know how to please anyone with their culinary art.

The smell of spices

The smell of cooking pork with spices lifts your spirits and evokes anticipation of the holiday. And the absence of smell gives rise to the effect of absence of taste. Why?

It has been established that we can determine the smell of any substance if only a tiny part of it is present in the air - 1/30,000,000,000! As soon as this particle enters the olfactory zone, the brain immediately determines its meaning.

An indisputable scientific fact: the brain is the main commander of our entire body. The limbic system is a part of the brain that is the center for controlling our emotions. It is with this system that the sense of smell is connected.

Research results say:

  • about the ability of smells to awaken (mint) or relax (lily of the valley)
  • the aroma of nutmeg will reduce stress
  • the smell of the sea or vanilla cookies will evoke memories of childhood
  • rose, jasmine, carnation activate the brain more than the strongest coffee
  • the smell of rosemary improves memory

A scientific experiment is described in which 254 odors associated with home and food were proposed, including the smell of pork with spices. It turned out that our main emotions depend on aromas. Thus, the smell of spices with meat caused an association with mother, friends, relaxation and celebration. A simple conclusion: smells have a strong impact on our physical state and govern human emotions. Incorrectly mixed odors can ruin or change your mood.

There can be no doubt: spices will not only make food tasty, but will also decorate our lives with emotions and good mood. But using spices correctly requires knowledge. As they say, it is impossible to feel the music until you place accents. We move on to this interesting activity.

Spices in cooking

  1. Spices add flavor and aroma to any dish.
  2. When permissible limits are exceeded and when heated strongly, they produce bitterness.
  3. When used correctly, they help digestion, stimulate the body's metabolic functions, cleanse and protect it.
  4. Spices are in our control, because... depend on the goals we have set: to correct or enhance the taste, add a new aroma, prevent spoilage, etc.

Thus, the choice of spices does not happen randomly, it is controlled. Except for cases when you don’t want to change the “standard” spices or situations from reviews of cooking pork with spices: “I decided to cook pork with rosemary and wine. After two bottles I didn’t even understand what I was doing in the kitchen.”

  • Celery
  • Parsley
  • Marjoram
  • Savory
  • Basil
  • Thyme
  • Garlic

The listed spices can be used individually, but it is better to use them in the specified combination.

Try making pork soup with a different spice mix:

  • Marjoram
  • Thyme
  • Rosemary
  • Sage
  • Garlic

Adding rate: put a teaspoon of the mixture into a saucepan for 4 servings a few minutes before the soup is ready. Let the soup brew.

Cook's tip: When preparing pork soup, cook only the meat, covered. Then remove the lid and set it aside. Only in this case will the soup be clear and fragrant.

The composition of spices was proposed by culinary specialist and writer Stalik Khankishev for those who love natural kebab with a perfectly harmonious taste.

  • Ground black pepper
  • Coriander
  • Thyme

Cook's tip: Marinating pork for a long time for barbecue is a mistake. No need to use vinegar or other dressings. Love natural kebab. It is enough to cut the onion into half rings, salt it, crush it well with your hands so that the juice comes out, add spices, mix with the meat and leave for 10 minutes. When threading the pork onto the skewer, do not leave any gaps between the pieces. Let all the meat soak in each other's juices.

World-famous, award-winning chef and TV presenter of culinary battles, Hector Jimenez-Bravo, offers a set of spices for cooking pork in the oven. The composition of natural spices for juicy pork is as follows:

  • Mustard seeds
  • Dry crushed garlic
  • Bulb onions
  • Ground black pepper
  • Paprika
  • Turmeric
  • Rosemary
  • Chopped nutmeg
  • Chopped chili pepper
  • Tarragon
  • Cumin
  • Bay leaf

Spices Application

It so happens that spices, spices and their mixtures are widely used in all countries. However, some have a clearly national character (Asia), others have become international (Europe). It is interesting that it was in Western Europe that combinations of spices and the principles of their use that were approximately common to many countries were developed. In these countries, culinary preferences are given mainly to classic spices, and they are used strictly differentiated: spices for meat, fish, vegetable and sweet dishes. Moreover, even the type of meat is taken into account: there are spices for pork, spices for chicken, spices for lamb pilaf, spices for pork pilaf, etc. In other countries, for example, in China, spices and their mixtures are used equally in absolutely all dishes: meat, fish, vegetables in baked goods, etc.

We belong to the first group of spice lovers and use combinations or separately use spices in a differentiated manner, as in other European countries. Moreover, national differences in spices have smoothed out, and dishes have become almost international.

V. Pokhlebkin, a famous historian, writer, and a leading specialist in the history of cooking, identified 10 spices that we often use, which, being the basis for preparing dishes, have become the main spices. When cooking pork, we most often use 5 spices:

  1. black pepper
  2. allspice
  3. garlic
  4. Bay leaf


  1. Plant code. Science news. and. Pharmacology and aromatherapy, No. 3, 2008.
  2. Nutrition of the future Nutrition of the future, 08, 2015.
  3. S. Khankishiev. Pilaf. Culinary research.
  4. V. Pokhlebkin. All about spices.
  5. V. Pokhlebkin. National cuisines of our peoples.
  6. E. Nartov. Spices for health and cooking
  7. R. Wright. The science of smell. M., 2006

When creating various seasonings, I mainly focus on my taste. If you like any specific ingredients or spices, be sure to add them too, because every time the seasoning is prepared it comes out with a new aroma and taste!

I have been creating seasoning for beef for many years now and constantly add dried basil to it. I tried combining it with rosemary or khmeli-suneli, but I don’t like the metallic tint that appears in the taste, because I always try all my creations after cooking. That is why I decided to leave the most optimal set of spices for beef, to which you can add those that you like!

When creating seasoning, focus on the color of the meat. If it is red, then colorful spices must be excluded, and vice versa - if the meat is white (chicken, rabbit, pork), then it is advisable to add ground paprika or turmeric.

Beef or veal is red meat, so I excluded bright spices, but added basil, which goes well with red tomatoes, and therefore with this type of meat (purely in my opinion).

Pour dried basil and coarse sea salt into a mortar. You don’t need to add a lot of it, since the recipe already contains lemon salt.

Add dried herbs and lemon salt and pepper.

Add dried ground garlic and literally a couple of pinches of ground ginger - don’t add too much, otherwise the seasoning will be bitter. Grind everything thoroughly in a mortar.

If your dried basil is not in crumbs, but in leaves, like mine, then the resulting seasoning will need to be crushed a little more in a blender. Approximately 2-3 minutes.

After grinding, open the lid of the container very carefully, or even better, wait until the dust settles - you risk getting a burn to your mucous membranes if you inhale it.

The prepared beef seasoning is very flavorful and colorful in appearance - store it in a tightly sealed container.

Even a novice housewife knows that not a single meat dish will be truly tasty without the addition of spices and herbs.

The main thing is to know which spices are suitable for this or that meat. After all, incorrectly selected spices can ruin the taste of the food.

Beef is perhaps the most picky meat to flavor. Almost any spice goes well with it. But there are some nuances here too.

Young beef is soft and tender meat. It cooks very quickly, so it is most often used for frying. Moreover, they try to fry the tenderloin as a whole piece to preserve its juiciness and taste. Old meat is tough and therefore suitable for stewing and boiling. Therefore, when choosing spices, the method of heat treatment is first taken into account.

What seasonings are added when cooking beef?

Beef is cooked with a minimum amount of spices and herbs so as not to drown out the natural flavor of the meat.

If meat is boiled to obtain broth, then only white roots are used - parsley, celery, onions, as well as carrots to give the broth a beautiful yellowish tint. Spices include peppercorns, bay leaves, and dill. The same spices are also used for cooking meat, which will later be used for salad, appetizers or filling pies.

If you want to cook soup or borscht using meat broth, then the list of seasonings can be much wider. It all depends on the recipe itself and what national cuisine the dish belongs to. For example, if you are preparing ordinary rice soup, then the classic set of spices and herbs is added to the broth - carrots, onions, bay leaves, pepper, parsley.

But if you cook Georgian kharcho soup, then at the end of cooking the dish you add suneli hops, garlic, and hot pepper. Or they replace Georgian seasoning with spices and dried herbs that are included in it. Moreover, it is not necessary to put the entire bouquet of spices, because it is quite large. These are basil, coriander, marjoram, parsley, mint, celery, bay leaf, paprika. Therefore, based on her own preferences, the housewife can choose one or several spices.

All these spices can be added to borscht cooked in beef broth. Thanks to such spices, borscht turns out to be very aromatic and tasty.

What spices and seasonings are added when frying beef?

With this method of heat treatment, you can use onions, garlic, dill, parsley, as well as marjoram, basil, thyme, oregano, chili pepper, savory, rosemary, sage, and tarragon. But at the same time, you need to know how certain spices combine with each other. For example, it is better not to use rosemary with bay leaves. And spicy sage mixed with delicate herbs will drown out their aroma.

You also need to take into account the fact that when frying, the extractive substances of meat affect the taste of the finished dish. And therefore, with such heat treatment, much less spices are added than when stewing it.

If the meat is tough and old, then before frying or baking it is kept in a marinade, which is prepared by mixing vinegar or wine with your favorite spices or seasonings.

Mustard softens meat very well. To do this, a washed and dried piece of beef is rubbed on all sides with prepared mustard and left for several hours, after which the meat is fried.

What seasonings are added when stewing beef?

If the meat is stewed without adding tomato, and white sauté is added instead, then a minimal amount of herbs is used. It is enough to add onion, parsley, dill or a pinch of thyme.

But if beef is cooked with a lot of vegetables, and especially tomatoes, then more aromatic seasonings are added - oregano, rosemary, marjoram. By the way, they go well not only with many vegetables, but also with each other.

Sometimes cloves or oregano (especially with marjoram) are added to the meat to obtain a more spicy aroma.

Hyssop, a spice with a pleasant smell and slightly bitter taste, also goes well with beef stew.

Mint or sage is added in small quantities to beef dishes.

Paprika is a common ingredient in meat dishes of Hungarian and Bulgarian cuisine. It is used to season vegetable and meat dishes, including beef. But when fried, it loses its beautiful color and acquires an unpleasant odor. Therefore, it is added to meat during stewing.

What seasonings are added to beef sauces?

Almost any herb can perfectly flavor a beef sauce. The main thing is that it fits harmoniously with the other ingredients.

Soy sauce is not often used in preparing meat dishes that are not Korean or Chinese cuisine. Although it is this that gives the meat its piquancy and rich taste. And if you mix it with honey and vegetable oil and lubricate pieces of beef with this mixture, then during frying they will be covered with a golden crust.

What seasonings to serve cooked beef with?

Almost any sauce goes well with boiled and fried beef - red, white, sour cream, garlic.

Horseradish is served with the prepared dish. But you need to know that grated horseradish darkens when exposed to air. Therefore, it is mixed with sour cream.

Also served with beef:

  • Seasonings based on soy sauce.
  • Garlic mixed with sour cream and dill.
  • Any ketchup.
  • Lausian seasoning made from a mixture of hot pepper, garlic, vinegar and vegetable oil.
  • Mustard also goes well with beef.

When to add seasonings to a dish

  • Sweet peas, coriander seeds, cumin seeds, cloves and other similar spices are added at the beginning of cooking.
  • Chopped dried spicy herbs are added a few minutes before the end of the dish’s heat treatment so that it does not have time to fizzle out. But oregano, rosemary, and thyme can be added at the very beginning of cooking, because they retain their aroma.
  • It is recommended to add the bay leaf 10-15 minutes before the end of cooking, and then remove it, otherwise the dish will become bitter.
  • The roots are placed in the middle of cooking.
  • Fresh chopped herbs are sprinkled over the finished dish.
  • Tomato is added at the beginning of frying or stewing, as it gives the meat a pleasant taste.

When using spices during cooking, every housewife should remember that the main thing is not the quantity of herbs and spices used, but the quality of the finished dish.

Seasoning for meat is a mixture consisting of various herbs, spices and herbs (see photo). It has been used since ancient times to give meat dishes a special smell and taste. By adding a little seasoning to a meat dish, you will not only give it a unique twist, but will also bring significant benefits to the body, enriching it with vitamins and minerals.

Today, some kind of seasoning is often used for cooking. Purchasing this product will not be difficult, because store shelves are filled with a huge variety of spices that will satisfy the taste of every consumer. You can purchase a ready-made set of ingredients for preparing meat seasoning or select it yourself. With the help of seasoning, the meat acquires an amazing smell, softness and special taste. Each time you can add new flavor notes to the meat by experimenting with spices.

By choosing the right meat seasoning, you can completely avoid salt, which will have a beneficial effect on your health and will not spoil the taste of the dish.

Each component of the meat seasoning fills it with a unique aroma, taste and medicinal properties.

In the Middle Ages, seasonings were considered a very expensive pleasure. Regular pepper, which is the main ingredient in meat seasoning, was used instead of money. They were paid for purchases and services.

For thousands of years, herbs, spices and herbs have been used to treat various diseases. The famous healers Avicenna and Hippocrates once used them in their medical activities.

The main feature when using meat seasoning is that it is imperative to figure out which spice will suit the meat and when it is best to add it. After all, no one wants to spoil the dish.


The composition of meat seasoning is very diverse. It all depends on a person’s gastronomic preferences. We will tell you more about what types of spices are best for cooking meat below.

The most popular ingredient for meat seasoning is pepper. All its varieties are used: green, red, fragrant, cayenne, black, white, pink, chili and red paprika.

Green pepper- These are unripe fruits with unique freshness. It is mainly sold in the form of dry peas.

Black pepper is the most common type. It has peculiar taste characteristics. You can buy it in powder or pea form. It will ideally complement any meat dish with taste and aroma.

White pepper is an unripe hot pepper, or rather, its fruits. The content of essential oils in this type of pepper is very high. It is the main spice for minced meat. It brings significant benefits to the human body and a special, spicy taste to the dish.

Has a sweet taste pink pepper, it is similar to coriander. It is recommended to use it as an ingredient for pork, veal and chicken.

Extracted from red pepper beans cayenne pepper is the hottest and hottest. It is used for frying meat on the grill. In addition to the spicy taste inherent in this type of pepper, it also gives the dish an amazing red hue.

Fragrant pepper is the fruit of an evergreen tree called capsicum. Outwardly, it looks like small peas. It can also be purchased in powder form.

Cumin, cumin, cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, ginger, turmeric, curry and many other types of spices added when cooking meat will give it an amazing taste and smell, and you will get incredible pleasure and benefits from eating such a product.

Benefits and harms

The benefits for the body when using meat seasonings are very great. Each spice included in this product has different beneficial properties for the body and complements dishes with a variety of flavor characteristics.

Adding meat seasoning will benefit your body in so many ways.:

  • will speed up the blood circulation process;
  • will have a preventive effect against viral diseases;
  • normalizes the functioning of the immune and nervous systems;
  • strengthens blood vessels and heart;
  • improves mood;
  • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • cleanses the body;
  • will serve as an aphrodisiac.

The main value of seasonings for meat is that the spices they contain contain a large amount of essential oils. They not only add unique taste to meat dishes, but also stimulate the production of digestive enzymes. With their help, meat fibers are digested faster and easier and are easily absorbed by the body.

Moderate consumption of meat seasoning will bring great benefits to the body, but if you abuse this additive, you can cause irreparable harm to your health. Since the seasoning contains salt, which retains water in the body, it is not recommended for people with high blood pressure.

When buying ready-made seasonings for meat, you need to pay great attention to the ingredients that are included in their composition. If this product contains various flavor enhancers, food colorings, emulsifiers, monosodium glutamate, genetically modified organisms and other harmful substances, you should not consume it: it will cause harm to the body. When preparing food, children are not recommended to use any seasonings.

People with stomach diseases, allergies, or bronchial asthma are not advised to use seasonings in cooking. The use of any spices by people with cystitis is prohibited. When using medications, you should not use spices, as they neutralize the therapeutic effect of the tablets.

Before using any unusual seasoning, you should definitely consult your doctor. Perhaps you have an individual intolerance to some component.

The use of seasoning for meat in cooking

The use of seasoning for meat in cooking is very popular and varied. We will talk about the features below.

When preparing baked or stewed meat, it is recommended to add seasoning 2 minutes before cooking. Spices should be added to smoked meat and minced meat before cooking.

Using meat seasoning, onion, garlic, lemon and other ingredients, you can easily prepare a marinade or sauce for meat.

Dried meat is a very healthy, tasty and easy to prepare dish. There is a wide variety of recipes, but the main ingredients always remain the same: meat tenderloin, coarse salt, black peppercorns, coriander, dill and bay leaf.

Cooking smoked meat based on a universal recipe requires the least variety of spices. This process requires salt, black pepper and garlic.

For pork

For pork, culinary professionals recommend using the following spices:

  • black pepper – added whole, crushed or powdered;
  • coriander - will give your dishes a wonderful smell and taste, you should add a little of it;
  • paprika – will give a slight pungency and spicy aroma;
  • cumin – has a peculiar sour smell and taste;
  • oregano - will ideally add flavor to your broth;
  • khmeli-suneli - a Georgian mixture of herbs and spices;
  • sumac - ground sour berries, reminiscent of pomegranate in taste;
  • basil – has a sweet taste and freshness that will add piquancy to the pork.

You can come up with a large number of homemade seasonings for pork yourself. Each person has his own taste preferences, so you need to select the ingredients yourself to get a true gastronomic pleasure.

For lamb

For lamb it is very important to choose the right seasoning. It will give the meat a special aroma and taste, and the beneficial substances contained in the spices will help you easily digest heavy food.

To slightly eliminate the smell of lamb, it is recommended to use a pinch of ground paprika (preferably sweet) and chili pepper. If you want to make your lamb preparation unique, you can use lemon or lemon juice. Store-bought seasoning will also help add flavor to the dish. An Abkhazian, Turkish or Georgian mixture of spices will serve as an excellent addition to a meat dish.

To give the finished lamb a special taste, before eating, you need to add a mixture of chopped herbs, garlic, mustard and spices (to taste). Garlic placed in the cuts on the lamb before baking will give your dish an incredible aroma.

Cooking this meat in the fresh air in the form of shish kebab requires pre-soaking. To make the marinade, mix lemon, barberry, thyme, rosemary, salt and pepper. Then prepared spices are added to the meat and filled with mineral water.

There is a wide variety of spices, homemade seasoning methods and recipes for lamb using all sorts of ingredients.

For chicken

Various seasonings are used for chicken to get a special taste and eliminate blandness and dryness.

Chicken meat goes well with different types of peppers, marjoram, sage, basil, mint and other spices. When using pepper, you need to know that it is better to add it to the dish before removing it from the heat, so that it does not give the chicken a bitter taste during the cooking process.

The use of aromatic herbs in cooking chicken is very popular. They rub the chicken with it and let it sit for half an hour so that it absorbs all the flavors.

Using seasonings such as curry and ginger in cooking chicken will add an oriental taste and aroma to your dish. Ginger will add a little heat, and curry will add amazing color and smell.

Depending on the method of cooking chicken, different seasonings are used. For example, turmeric is best suited for grilling chicken. Thanks to it, the meat acquires a golden color and excellent aroma. You need to use it a little, as it is very spicy and can overpower the aroma of fried meat.

To give the minced meat a wonderful taste and unsurpassed smell, you need to add the fragrant herb oregano to it.

For beef

A huge variety of spices, herbs and seasonings are used for beef. To make beef soup, stew, goulash or steak, it is best to use spices such as:

  • basil;
  • coriander;
  • turmeric;
  • oregano;
  • pepper;
  • mustard seeds;
  • tarragon;
  • thyme and others.

Boiled beef has a subtle natural aroma, and to prevent it from disappearing, do not use a large amount of seasonings. It is best to add dill, bay leaf and peppercorns in small quantities. They will give a pleasant taste and will not spoil the aroma of the meat itself.

Fried beef does not have the same flavor as boiled beef, so you can use any seasoning you like for it. But it is worth considering that some herbs and spices may not be compatible with each other. For example, bay leaves are not recommended for use with rosemary, and sage is not recommended for use with delicate herbs. They drown out each other's scent.

For beef stew without vegetables, it is best to use minimal seasonings. A mixture of dried spices such as onion, parsley, thyme and a pinch of dill is great. If you want to add any vegetables to the meat, then you will need much more spices. Marjoram, rosemary and oregano go perfectly not only with vegetables, but also with beef itself. Paprika is recommended to be used only when stewing meat, and this spice is not suitable for frying.

A variety of seasonings are used not only for cooking meat, but also for sauces for it. Spicy herbs will serve as an excellent flavoring for any sauce, but you need to pay attention to whether the meat combines with the spice.

When choosing which spices to use to season meat at home, you need to focus on your taste and whether this or that spice is suitable for this type of meat.

Seasoning for pork– a ready-made set of ground spices (see photo), with which you can improve the taste and aroma of any dish prepared from pork meat. This mixture is an affordable product, and today it can be bought at any grocery store.

The most popular companies producing this seasoning are Cykoria, Knorr and Kotanyi. Such mixtures are sold in vacuum packages weighing no more than thirty grams. Also in the assortment of this product there are spices for pork, packaged in plastic jars. For example, the Avokado company usually produces seasoning in such containers. Plastic containers are many times more convenient than soft packaging, since after opening they can be resealed.

The standard pork seasoning includes the following list of components:

  • basil;
  • coriander;
  • red pepper;
  • turmeric;
  • juniper;
  • nutmeg;
  • paprika;
  • parsley;
  • sugar;
  • salt;
  • dill;
  • black pepper.

Of course, the components of a given product may differ depending on its purpose. For each type of pork meat processing, there is a separate type of spicy mixture.

What seasonings go well with pork?

There are a huge number of spices and herbs that are ideal for pork. Today, professional chefs have identified more than twenty of their varieties, which really go well with pork, but we will share only a few of them.

  • Black pepper is a universal spice, used in whole, crushed and ground forms, and can be combined with absolutely all pork dishes. During culinary experiments, it was revealed that it is better to use chopped pepper for frying this type of meat, and for boiling and stewing - in the form of peas.
  • Cumin (jeera) - this spice has a unique taste, which has a very pleasant sour note, and is known as the main spicy component in pilaf. Literally one pinch of this spice is enough to perfect a pork dish.
  • Basil is distinguished by the fact that it has a sweetish, fresh taste. This spice changes the taste of pork beyond recognition, especially in soups.
  • Coriander is a popular Georgian ingredient with a bright taste. Despite the faint odor, it is recommended to add it to dishes in small quantities, as it has too rich a taste.
  • Oregano is ideal for pork first courses and has excellent properties. It is not recommended to combine this spice with meat cooked on the grill.
  • Fennel – the seeds of this spice have an intense flavor. Most often they are used to prepare stewed and baked pork meat.
  • Sumac is a famous oriental spice that has an excellent taste with a pleasant keel note. It perfectly harmonizes with pilaf and shish kebab.
  • Turmeric is most often used to color pork dishes an appetizing yellow color. Due to its bright taste, it should be taken in quantities of no more than one pinch.
  • Green pepper – this spice can be combined with absolutely any spices. It goes well with pork cutlets, as well as steaks and steaks.
  • Paprika - goes well with any pork dish, especially goulash. This spice “rewards” pork with a slight hot and spicy flavor.
  • Curry is one of the main oriental ingredients that complements pork in first courses, as well as in pilaf and many other dishes.
  • Garlic (dried) – this spice cannot spoil any culinary pork masterpiece. It will add juiciness and a delicious spicy aroma to any meat delicacy.
  • Saffron - this type of spice is most often used only in its own form. It is very rarely included in ready-made mixtures. This plant is most valued in Eastern countries.

Pork also really loves thyme, rosemary and barberry. These types of spices can be used in cooking either individually or in combination.

How to do it yourself?

There are many reasons why it is better to make your own pork seasoning. Firstly, you can be completely confident in the quality of your homemade mixture. Secondly, it is possible to combine the best spices that not only go well with the meat, but also really taste.

Considering that there are many methods and recipes for cooking pork, there can also be a lot of options for mixtures. For example, to prepare seasoning for pork pilaf, take the following spices in equal proportions:

  • turmeric;
  • black and red pepper;
  • cumin;
  • basil;
  • coriander;
  • garlic.

The components listed above must be taken in dried form. All you need to do with them to get a finished seasoning is mix them in one common bowl and transfer them to a dry, airtight jar for further storage. If desired, the resulting mixture can be supplemented with salt, onion or barberry.

In the same way, you can create a mixture for pork first courses, but in this case it is proposed to mix the following spices:

  • basil;
  • marjoram;
  • parsley;
  • celery;
  • thyme;
  • savory;
  • garlic.

Some cooks prefer to add the spices listed above to soups separately. However, experienced chefs recommend mixing them. This makes the first courses much tastier.

If you need an original seasoning for pork kebab, don’t hesitate to make it from the following spices:

  • black pepper;
  • coriander;
  • cumin;
  • Luke;
  • thyme.

The list of spices mentioned above is ideal for grilled meats. According to the chefs, kebab is marinated in these spices in literally ten minutes, provided they are supplemented with fresh onion rings.

In addition, there is a separate list of components for roasting pork in the oven. In this case, the following spicy spices work well:

  • cumin;
  • turmeric;
  • Bay leaf;
  • nutmeg;
  • paprika;
  • chilli;
  • rosemary;
  • mustard seeds;
  • dried garlic;
  • black pepper;
  • tarragon.

If you combine all the ingredients listed above, you will get an excellent seasoning with which you can make the most delicious baked pork.

Baked pork is often made from pork meat. To make this cold appetizer, a minimal list of spices is usually used, which usually includes thyme, two types of pepper (red and black), as well as garlic, salt and mustard.

Now absolutely every housewife will be able to create an original seasoning for pork, because some of the options mentioned in this section can only be repeated. Bon appetit!

Homemade mixtures should be stored in an airtight container and always in a dry place, since with high humidity this product quickly loses its texture, taste and aroma.

Pork seasoning is a very important ingredient in cooking, without which it is almost impossible to cook pork tasty.