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The meaning of the heroic name Ratmir. The meaning of the name Ratmir. Find out who it's best for

Translated from Old Russian as “army of peace” or “peacemaker”. This is quite consistent with the character and life position of this boy and man. In the family they are most often called diminutively: Mirchik, Ratmirchik.


From a very young age, Ratmir has a peaceful and even character. He does not like fights and conflicts and always tries to avoid them. If someone quarrels in front of him, then Ratmir will certainly make every effort to calm things down and reconcile opponents. The name Ratmir characterizes the boy as vulnerable and touchy. He is very sensitive to criticism and reacts painfully even to tactful and insignificant remarks. This does not mean that he is fearful or shy.

Ratmir studies well at school. He is smart and has a good memory. Sometimes he lacks interest and motivation, but his resourcefulness helps him out. Ratmir is worse at humanities than at exact sciences. He loves when everything can be explained using mathematical formulas and logic. The meaning of the name Ratmir is manifested in his desire to subordinate everything to the rules. He loves sports, especially those types where you can calculate everything. The boy loves his parents and is very attached to them. He gets worried if he sees them quarreling.

Adult Ratmir

The meaning of the name lies in the determination and responsibility of this man. These qualities will allow him to make a good career in industries such as mechanical engineering or high technology. He does not like empty talk and is known as a somewhat reserved person. He meets new people without much enthusiasm. Chance meetings are not for him.

Can be revealed as cheerfulness and friendliness. He readily displays these traits when meeting old friends. He is ready to go on a hike or to a party with them. In this case, he will most likely act as their organizer. Such activities fill his life with meaning and entertain him.

Family life

Ratmir does not shy away from the female sex and does not mind spending the evening in the company of a charming girl. He chooses his wife carefully. Marriage is very important to him. In women he values ​​kindness and loyalty. Ratmir knows how to find a compromise and solve any problems. It's shaping up well. He treats his wife with tenderness and looks favorably on all her whims. But she shouldn’t often start scandals and sort things out. This could lead Ratmir into complete despondency and destroy the marriage.

Ratmir adores his children. They are more valuable to him than anything in the world. He will take care of them and protect them from all adversity.

Adult Ratmir never stops taking care of his parents. He tries to maintain warm relations with them. Relationships with his wife’s relatives are also important to him. He tries to live with them in peace and harmony. Ratmir is sensitive to the history of his family. Most likely, he has already compiled a family tree of his kind.


If you believe astrologers, the meaning of the name Ratmir is most in harmony with the characteristics of people who were born under the signs of Scorpio and Aries. Therefore, it is best to name a boy born in November or April this way.

Dr. -glory.

The character is soft, easily wounded. Ratmir sociable, very patient. “September” is more balanced, knows how to find a middle ground, and is not so touchy. Ratmir, without meaning to, often presents his parents with many surprises: he comes home with wounded knees, a black eye, and a broken nose. He may often have stomach pain and a weakened immune system. Those born in July are secretive, never complain, and endure all insults in silence. Ratmir selective in friendship, trusts few people. However, if he finds a friend he likes, he tries not to part with him, avoids quarrels, and values ​​his good attitude. Often invites friends to play at his home, where he feels more comfortable; parents should take this into account and try to strengthen his attachment to home, although this creates certain inconveniences for them. For his successful upbringing, a separate room is required, he does not tolerate the presence of strangers in the house, and tries to retire. He quickly gets bored with guests.

Not a careerist, does not know how to adapt to superiors, is too proud for that. He strives to help everyone and does not know how to refuse. Ready to help with advice, sympathetic, capable of empathy. Ratmir- an intellectual, reads a lot, is interested in everything, is able to absorb a wide variety of information, has an excellent memory. However, few people take their word for it, everyone

checks. "September" Ratmir ambitious, carefully thinks through his actions, makes plans so as not to get into trouble. He easily masters any profession, but often finds it difficult to make a choice. Professions:

programmer, prosecutor, head of a large enterprise, head of the personnel department, investigator for particularly important cases, journalist, artist-designer, tax inspector, head of the criminal department, diplomat, urologist, surgeon, leather cutter, trolleybus driver, electrician, bank manager. He is strict in his work, his colleagues respect him very much.

Married Ratmir Alexandrovich, born in May, is flexible; does not marry for a long time, is careful in choosing a wife. His wife should not be too independent, he needs to feel her defenselessness; she should share all her problems with him, he will always help, he likes to be needed by his girlfriend. In addition, the house must be in perfect order, the wife must be attentive to Ratmir’s relatives, and take part in all his affairs. Her attitude towards sex is also important: she should always be ready to respond to his feelings. Ratmir in sex he strives for equality, is not inclined to suppress his spouse, therefore he expects sincere love from her. A woman born in August is more suitable for him than others, a woman born in December is less suitable than others.

The meaning of the name Ratmir

Origin of the name Ratmir. Name Ratmir Slavic.

Name synonyms Ratmir. Ratimir, Racimir, Racimierz, Ratomir, Ratsha.

Short form of name Ratmir. Ratya, Mira, Ratik, Ratek, Ratko, Ratmirek, Mirek.

Name Ratmir- this is a Slavic name, formed from two parts “army” (army) and “peace”. Literally the name translates as “one who stands for peace”; there are variants - “warrior of peace”, “army of peace”, and also “warrior”.

The name became generally known after the appearance of A. S. Pushkin’s poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, where this name was borne by one of the characters - “the young Khazar Khan Ratmir”. It is possible that the prototype of this hero was the warrior of Prince Alexander Yaroslavovich, the hero of the Battle of the Neva - Ratsha (Ratmir).

Serbs have a female version of the name - Ratimirka. And the diminutive title Mira is also an independent name and a short form for many female and male names.

Name Ratmir worn by a real historical character - a Novgorod hero of the 13th century, a comrade-in-arms of Prince Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky. The name of this hero is mentioned among the six main heroes of the Battle of Neva in the chronicle “The Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky.” The chronicle says that he died during the battle, but some researchers claimed that he survived and later served Nevsky’s brother, Prince Yaroslav Yaroslavovich. It is possible that several heroes bore the same name.

Ratmir was a symbol of Novgorod greatness, a particularly revered hero. His sword was kept by the Novgorodians and passed down from generation to generation. The most famous episode is when this sword was given to the young commander Miroslav, son-in-law of Martha Posadnitsa, for the defense of Novgorod from the Moscow prince Ivan the Great.

Name Ratmir is quite rare. Its owner is distinguished by cunning, determination and pride. To achieve his goal, he will stop at almost nothing. Ratmir very smart, often capricious. His temper may prevent him from achieving success in life.

In a team, this man tries to stay apart. Not everyone can find an approach to it. In communication he is quite a difficult person. He rarely makes contact and is not talkative. Sometimes it's gloomy. In some situations he is able to show patience and gentleness.

Celebrating a birthday in the autumn months. Ratmir a calmer person. Rarely takes offense at anyone. The summer owner of the name is distinguished by restraint and closeness. He tends to hide his feelings. Such Ratmir trusts few people. He chooses his friends carefully. He avoids quarrels with a like-minded person and values ​​his attitude.

Ratmir hospitable owner of the house. He likes to invite guests to his place, but often gets tired of them. He always feels cozy and comfortable. Ratmir feels a certain craving and attachment to home. But for a calm existence, this man needs to have personal space.

Born in autumn Ratmir generous and merciful. If necessary, he will share with another the last thing he has. The man leads an active lifestyle. He is interested in football. Loves cycling. Characterized by restlessness.

"Winter" Ratmir feels great affection for his father's house. From childhood, he needs to feel parental love and care. The opinion of his parents is a powerful argument for him in any situation. At school he exhibits exemplary behavior and receives good grades. Has an excellent memory.

Career growth is not the most important thing in life for him. Pride will never allow him to suck up to management for the sake of promotion. He is always ready to help people in need. It is rare to hear a refusal from him. Ratmir likes to spend time reading books. He is an intellectually developed person.

Ratmir's married life is developing quite calmly. He behaves easily and rarely gets into arguments with his wife. He chooses his wife carefully. This man attaches great importance to family life.

Name day of Ratmir

Ratmir does not celebrate name day.

Famous people named Ratmir

  • Ratmir or Ratsha ((d. ​​1240) warrior of Prince Alexander Yaroslavich, hero of the Battle of the Neva)
  • Ratmir Shishkov ((1988 - 2007) Russian singer, rapper)
  • Ratmir Kholmov ((1925 - 2006) Soviet and Russian chess player, grandmaster (1960), Moscow champion (1987))
  • Ratmir Bobovikov ((1927 - 2002) Soviet party and statesman)
  • Ratmir Comratov ((born 1951) representative of the high command of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, rear admiral, commander-in-chief of the Navy of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2008 - 2009))

The name Ratmir, what does it mean? Does the name Ratmir influence the fate of the bearer or does everything depend on parental upbringing? The answers to these questions vary, sometimes even contradictory. And yet, almost every one of us at least once in our lives has met a person whose name does not suit him: “Well, she’s a Ratmir of pure water!”

Have you ever called people you barely know by the “wrong” name? And this is absolutely natural, since each of us subconsciously identifies the image of a person with the well-known and significant features of a particular name.

And in order to understand who is who, on the website aZnaeteLiVy.Ru we tried to collect the most complete information about names - their origin, meaning, name days, talismans, patrons of the name and zodiac signs inherent in them.

About the name Ratmir: Meaning, origin

  • The meaning of the name Ratmir: warrior
  • Origin of the name Ratmir: Slavic Abkhazian Russian Old Slavonic

The name Ratmir is a Slavic name, formed from two parts “army” (army) and “peace”. Literally the name translates as “one who stands for peace”; there are variants - “warrior of peace”, “army of peace”, and also “warrior”.

The name became generally known after the appearance of A.S. Pushkin’s poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, where this name was borne by one of the characters - “the young Khazar Khan Ratmir”. It is possible that the prototype of this hero was the warrior of Prince Alexander Yaroslavovich, the hero of the Battle of the Neva - Ratsha (Ratmir).

Serbs have a female version of the name - Ratimirka. And the diminutive title Mira is also an independent name and a short form for many female and male names.

The name Ratmir was borne by a real historical character - a Novgorod hero of the 13th century, an ally of Prince Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky. The name of this hero is mentioned among the six main heroes of the Battle of Neva in the chronicle “The Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky.” The chronicle says that he died during the battle, but some researchers claimed that he survived and later served Nevsky’s brother, Prince Yaroslav Yaroslavovich. It is possible that several heroes bore the same name.

Ratmir was a symbol of Novgorod's greatness, a particularly revered hero. His sword was kept by the Novgorodians and passed down from generation to generation. The most famous episode is when this sword was given to the young commander Miroslav, son-in-law of Martha Posadnitsa, for the defense of Novgorod from the Moscow prince Ivan the Great.

The name Ratmir is quite rare. Its owner is distinguished by cunning, determination and pride. To achieve his goal, he will stop at almost nothing. Ratmir is very smart, and is often capricious. His temper may prevent him from achieving success in life.

In a team, this man tries to stay apart. Not everyone can find an approach to it. In communication he is quite a difficult person. He rarely makes contact and is not talkative. Sometimes it's gloomy. In some situations he is able to show patience and gentleness.

Celebrating a birthday in the autumn months. Ratmir is a calmer person. Rarely takes offense at anyone. The summer owner of the name is distinguished by restraint and closeness. He tends to hide his feelings. This Ratmir trusts few people. He chooses his friends carefully. He avoids quarrels with a like-minded person and values ​​his attitude.

Ratmir is a hospitable host of the house. He likes to invite guests to his place, but often gets tired of them. He always feels cozy and comfortable. Ratmir feels a certain craving and attachment to home. But for a calm existence, this man needs to have personal space.

Born in autumn, Ratmir is generous and merciful. If necessary, he will share with another the last thing he has. The man leads an active lifestyle. He is interested in football. Loves cycling. Characterized by restlessness.

“Winter” Ratmir feels great affection for his father’s house. From childhood, he needs to feel parental love and care. The opinion of his parents is a powerful argument for him in any situation. At school he exhibits exemplary behavior and receives good grades. Has an excellent memory.

Career growth is not the most important thing in life for him. Pride will never allow him to suck up to management for the sake of promotion. He is always ready to help people in need. It is rare to hear a refusal from him. Ratmir likes to spend time reading books. He is an intellectually developed person.

Ratmir's married life is developing quite calmly. He behaves easily and rarely gets into arguments with his wife. He chooses his wife carefully. This man attaches great importance to family life.

Numerology of the name Ratmir

  • Name number: 9
  • Heart number: 2
  • Personality number: 7
  • Happiness number: 9
  • Lucky numbers for the name Ratmir: 9, 18, 27, 34, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90, 99, 108, 117
  • Happy days of the month: 9, 18, 27

The meaning of the letters of the name Ratmir

The letters of a name play an important role in shaping a person’s character. For example, the first letter of a name indicates the first task that its owner needs to solve in life and is associated with a certain element.

In contrast to the first letter, there is the last letter of the name. The last letter of the name shows our weakest point, reveals the place of our greatest vulnerability in life. This is our Achilles heel, which must be covered and protected.

  • a – strength and power
  • t – endless search, pursuit of the ideal, sensitive creative personality
  • m - hard work and pedantry, caring, shyness
  • and – impressionability, realism, subtle spirituality, peacefulness
  • r – constant tension, emotionality, self-confidence, dogmatism

Talismans named after Ratmir

  • Happy season: Summer
  • Lucky days of the week: Wednesday
  • Unlucky days of the week: Thursday and Friday
  • Lucky Color: Gold
  • Mascot plant: Violet
  • Talisman stones named after Ratmir: Amethyst, Mercury, Flint, Jasper, Agate, Onyx, Carnelian, Sardonyx, Lapis Lazuli, Citrine, Pearl, Chrysolite
  • Spirit animal: Brown Bear
  • Tree nut

Astrology named after Ratmir

According to astrology, a correspondence has been identified between the planet - the ruler of the name and a certain quality of character.

For the name Ratmir, the ruling planet is Mercury, which gives the name a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages that Mercury gives: Methodicality, accuracy, precision, pedantry, sense of proportion, inward mind, striving for the beginning

Disadvantages that the name Mercury gives: Excessive criticality, pettiness, vanity, poor memory, uncontrollable nervousness

  • Astrological color of name: Violet
  • Direction: South
  • Astrological stone: Opal, Pearl, Peridot, Diamond
  • Representing animal: Beaver, Elephant, Eagle

In addition, each letter of your name also corresponds to one or another planet, which in turn have a direct impact on a person’s destiny. Therefore, if a name has repeating letters, then the influence of the planet that corresponds to this letter increases significantly. Such planets are called dominant and you should pay attention to its position (strong or weak, what sign of the Zodiac it is in).

Dominant planet for Ratmir: Saturn

And an important role belongs to the planet that controls the last letter of the name - the final one. The final planet in some cases influences life expectancy and the nature of death.

Last planet named: Saturn

Planetary number and meaning of the name Ratmir

For the name Ratmir the planetary number is 10 and manages this name Pluto.

Pluto, as the key planet of the name, sets the task of conquering all fears, learning to overcome any extreme situations and managing collective energies, leading other people.

Zodiac and Sacred number of the name Ratmir

For the name Ratmir the Zodiac number is 6 Virgo.

Virgos involve you in the mystery of selfless service and caring for others, creating a field of work, duty and rationalism.

Sacred number for the name Ratmir - 9 , which corresponds to the zodiac sign - Sagittarius

Sagittarians involve you in the mystery of teaching, the search for teaching, tradition, finding your place and authority in society. They create a field of law, transmission of traditions, expansion of activity, long-distance travel.

The meaning of the name Ratmir - a detailed description of the origin and characteristics of the name, name day dates, famous people.
Short form of the name Ratmir. Ratya, Mira, Ratik, Ratek, Ratko, Ratmirek, Mirek.
Synonyms for the name Ratmir. Ratimir, Racimir, Racimierz, Ratomir, Ratsha.
Origin of the name Ratmir. The name Ratmir is Slavic.

The name Ratmir is a Slavic name, formed from two parts “army” (army) and “peace”. Literally, the name translates as “one who stands for peace”; there are translation options: “warrior of peace”, “army of peace”, as well as “warrior”.

The name became generally known after the appearance of A.S. Pushkin’s poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, where this name was borne by one of the characters - “the young Khazar Khan Ratmir”. It is possible that the prototype of this hero was the warrior of Prince Alexander Yaroslavovich, the hero of the Battle of the Neva - Ratsha (Ratmir).

Serbs have a female version of the name - Ratimirka. And the diminutive title Mira is also an independent name and a short form for many female and male names.

The name Ratmir was borne by a real historical character - a Novgorod hero of the 13th century, a comrade-in-arms of Prince Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky. The name of this hero is mentioned among the six main heroes of the Battle of Neva in the chronicle “The Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky.” The chronicle says that he died during the battle, but some researchers claimed that he survived and later served Nevsky’s brother, Prince Yaroslav Yaroslavovich. It is possible that several heroes bore the same name.

Ratmir was a symbol of Novgorod's greatness, a particularly revered hero. His sword was kept by the Novgorodians and passed down from generation to generation. The most famous episode is when this sword was given to the young commander Miroslav, son-in-law of Martha Posadnitsa, for the defense of Novgorod from the Moscow prince Ivan the Great.

The name Ratmir is quite rare. Its owner is distinguished by cunning, determination and pride. To achieve his goal, he will stop at almost nothing. Ratmir is very smart, and is often capricious. His temper may prevent him from achieving success in life.

In a team, this man tries to stay apart. Not everyone can find an approach to it. In communication he is quite a difficult person. He rarely makes contact and is not talkative. Sometimes it's gloomy. In some situations he is able to show patience and gentleness.

Celebrating his birthday in the autumn months, Ratmir is a calmer person. Rarely takes offense at anyone. The summer owner of the name is distinguished by restraint and closeness. He tends to hide his feelings. This Ratmir trusts few people. He chooses his friends carefully. He avoids quarrels with a like-minded person and values ​​his attitude.

Ratmir is a hospitable owner of the house. He likes to invite guests to his place, but often gets tired of them. He always feels cozy and comfortable. Ratmir feels a certain craving and attachment to home. But for a calm existence, this man needs to have personal space.

Born in autumn, Ratmir is generous and merciful. If necessary, he will share with another the last thing he has. The man leads an active lifestyle. He is interested in football and loves cycling. Characterized by restlessness.

“Winter” Ratmir feels great affection for his father’s house. From childhood, he needs to feel parental love and care. The opinion of his parents is a powerful argument for him in any situation. At school he exhibits exemplary behavior and receives good grades. Has an excellent memory.

Career growth is not the most important thing in life for him. Pride will never allow him to suck up to management for the sake of promotion. He is always ready to help people in need. It is rare to hear a refusal from him. Ratmir likes to spend time reading books. He is an intellectually developed person.

Ratmir's married life is developing quite calmly. He behaves easily and rarely gets into arguments with his wife. He chooses his wife carefully. This man attaches great importance to family life.

Famous people named Ratmir

  • Ratmir or Ratsha ((d. ​​1240) warrior of Prince Alexander Yaroslavich, hero of the Battle of the Neva)
  • Ratmir Shishkov ((1988 - 2007) Russian singer, rapper)
  • Ratmir Kholmov ((1925 - 2006) Soviet and Russian chess player, grandmaster (1960), Moscow champion (1987))
  • Ratmir Bobovikov ((1927 - 2002) Soviet party and statesman)
  • Ratmir Komratov ((born 1951) representative of the high command of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, rear admiral, commander-in-chief of the Navy of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2008 - 2009))

  • Short form of the name Ratmir. Ratya, Mira, Ratik, Ratek, Ratko, Ratmirek, Mirek.
    Synonyms for the name Ratmir. Ratimir, Racimir, Racimierz, Ratomir, Ratsha.
    Origin of the name Ratmir. The name Ratmir is Slavic.

    The name Ratmir is a Slavic name, formed from two parts “army” (army) and “peace”. Literally, the name translates as “one who stands for peace”; there are translation options: “warrior of peace”, “army of peace”, as well as “warrior”.

    The name became generally known after the appearance of A.S. Pushkin’s poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, where this name was borne by one of the characters - “the young Khazar Khan Ratmir”. It is possible that the prototype of this hero was the warrior of Prince Alexander Yaroslavovich, the hero of the Battle of the Neva - Ratsha (Ratmir).

    Serbs have a female version of the name - Ratimirka. And the diminutive title Mira is also an independent name and a short form for many female and male names.

    The name Ratmir was borne by a real historical character - a Novgorod hero of the 13th century, a comrade-in-arms of Prince Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky. The name of this hero is mentioned among the six main heroes of the Battle of Neva in the chronicle “The Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky.” The chronicle says that he died during the battle, but some researchers claimed that he survived and later served Nevsky’s brother, Prince Yaroslav Yaroslavovich. It is possible that several heroes bore the same name.

    Ratmir was a symbol of Novgorod's greatness, a particularly revered hero. His sword was kept by the Novgorodians and passed down from generation to generation. The most famous episode is when this sword was given to the young commander Miroslav, son-in-law of Martha Posadnitsa, for the defense of Novgorod from the Moscow prince Ivan the Great.

    The name Ratmir is quite rare. Its owner is distinguished by cunning, determination and pride. To achieve his goal, he will stop at almost nothing. Ratmir is very smart, and is often capricious. His temper may prevent him from achieving success in life.

    In a team, this man tries to stay apart. Not everyone can find an approach to it. In communication he is quite a difficult person. He rarely makes contact and is not talkative. Sometimes it's gloomy. In some situations he is able to show patience and gentleness.

    Celebrating his birthday in the autumn months, Ratmir is a calmer person. Rarely takes offense at anyone. The summer owner of the name is distinguished by restraint and closeness. He tends to hide his feelings. This Ratmir trusts few people. He chooses his friends carefully. He avoids quarrels with a like-minded person and values ​​his attitude.

    Ratmir is a hospitable owner of the house. He likes to invite guests to his place, but often gets tired of them. He always feels cozy and comfortable. Ratmir feels a certain craving and attachment to home. But for a calm existence, this man needs to have personal space.

    Born in autumn, Ratmir is generous and merciful. If necessary, he will share with another the last thing he has. The man leads an active lifestyle. He is interested in football and loves cycling. Characterized by restlessness.

    “Winter” Ratmir feels great affection for his father’s house. From childhood, he needs to feel parental love and care. The opinion of his parents is a powerful argument for him in any situation. At school he exhibits exemplary behavior and receives good grades. Has an excellent memory.

    Career growth is not the most important thing in life for him. Pride will never allow him to suck up to management for the sake of promotion. He is always ready to help people in need. It is rare to hear a refusal from him. Ratmir likes to spend time reading books. He is an intellectually developed person.

    Ratmir's married life is developing quite calmly. He behaves easily and rarely gets into arguments with his wife. He chooses his wife carefully. This man attaches great importance to family life.

    Name day of Ratmir

    Ratmir does not celebrate name day.

    Famous people named Ratmir

    • Ratmir or Ratsha ((d. ​​1240) warrior of Prince Alexander Yaroslavich, hero of the Battle of the Neva)
    • Ratmir Shishkov ((1988 - 2007) Russian singer, rapper)
    • Ratmir Kholmov ((1925 - 2006) Soviet and Russian chess player, grandmaster (1960), Moscow champion (1987))
    • Ratmir Bobovikov ((1927 - 2002) Soviet party and statesman)
    • Ratmir Komratov ((born 1951) representative of the high command of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, rear admiral, commander-in-chief of the Navy of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2008 - 2009))