
Dragon and rat - compatibility in family life. Compatibility of rat and dragon in love

The compatibility of the Rat and the Dragon is quite favorable. But not in the sphere of love. They can become excellent friends, associates, partners, and even start a family. But in love relationships, success does not always await them. Let's try to figure it out.

Relationships between these two signs usually begin very quickly. They notice each other in a crowd of people, fall in love instantly and become completely immersed in the relationship. The passion doesn't subside long enough. These are exactly the kind of couples who cannot take a single step away from each other.

Despite the difference in character, relationships can be successful because the partners complement each other. They can build a strong family, raise children and live together until a ripe old age.

But such an outcome is only possible if both constantly work on the relationship, successfully overcome problems and find compromises in problematic situations.

Rat Man and Dragon Woman

Such a couple can be quite harmonious. This is a healthy relationship in which both partners complement each other perfectly. They have every chance to preserve love and carry it through the years.

A man likes the intelligence, charisma and creative nature of his chosen one. He quickly falls in love and strives to conquer the inaccessible beauty at any cost. He is delighted with her passionate temperament, mystery and ability to intrigue.

The girl likes his chosen one’s sense of purpose and intelligence. She senses his self-confidence and it completely blows her away. He meets all ideas about an ideal partner.

Both individuals are purposeful and self-confident. They know what they want from life and achieve it. This applies not only to fulfillment in society and career, but also to relationships. They clearly understand what kind of partner they would like to see next to them.

Their union is a healthy and harmonious relationship in which there is no place for empty grievances, claims and stupid quarrels. The only problematic point is that the man will have to take on the lion's share of household responsibilities, because his chosen one hates doing housework.

But she can become a wonderful mother. Their children become examples and role models.

What are the disadvantages of such a union:

  1. Both partners are strong and purposeful individuals. Everyone will fight for leadership; competition here is inevitable. To save the relationship, the girl should give in and admit that the man is in charge.
  2. A man should try not to control his chosen one too much, not criticize her and allow her to be realized in life, and not turn her into a dull housewife. Despite the fact that he will be the leader, it is necessary to take into account the opinion of his wife, otherwise she will sooner or later be disappointed and leave.

Otherwise, everything will turn out well, to the envy of others.

Dragon Man and Rat Woman

At first glance, their couple seems very successful. Relationships usually begin very quickly, without unnecessary foreplay. Passion flares up instantly, and for some time the couple ceases to exist for the outside world, completely immersing themselves in communication with each other.

If, after the passion subsides, they do not separate, they can create a completely prosperous family. The woman will become the keeper of the home and will give the man energy for achievements. He, in turn, will try to do everything possible to provide his wife and children with a decent standard of living.

There will usually be no problems with money, because a man easily fulfills his duties as a protector, breadwinner and person responsible for solving problems. He is an excellent strategist who knows how to see promising areas for development.

It is very important that a woman supports her husband in everything and provides him with a reliable rear, turning their home into a quiet, cozy haven where it is pleasant to return after a hard day at work.

There is also a problematic issue that threatens separation if it is not resolved. Both partners are ambitious and purposeful natures. They can compete and fight for leadership, which should not be done under any circumstances.

If a woman turns out to be strong enough and manages to crush her chosen one under her, this will not end well. From a successful man, he will sooner or later turn into a weak and weak-willed person.

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The Dragon is an active, promising and talented sign. He always knows what he wants and how to achieve it. The Rat is a very similar sign, but it perceives life a little differently. At the same time, the compatibility of the Rat and the Dragon is considered very successful in terms of building friendships and love relationships. Possible for a business partner, since according to the horoscope both signs complement each other.

Rat Man and Dragon Woman

This union is promising, since the Rat man is efficient. In addition, he has a lot of energy and time left for children and everyday life. He organizes his time perfectly and always manages to do everything. The Dragon woman is a little absent-minded; she often has her head in the clouds. She is a creative person and loves to express herself. Regarding everyday life, in this couple the man will do household chores, but this does not mean that he will have to drag everything on his shoulders.

The Dragon woman is very smart and creative, she almost always organizes various holidays and romantic get-togethers. With such a woman, the Rat man will be very comfortable, despite the large number of worries that are placed on him. Motherhood will not become a burden for a woman, despite the lack of desire to do household chores, she will be able to raise creative children and develop all their talents. Leo and Gemini are able to combine motherhood and career.

Rat Woman and Dragon Man

Everything is fine in such a couple too. The wife takes care of household issues, and the man earns money. It would be great if such a union could organize a joint business. The Dragon is a generator of ideas and large-scale projects, while the Rat will help with boring and routine work that cannot be avoided. A woman really likes that this man does not need to be led and directed. He independently knows about his responsibilities and fulfills them with pleasure.

The Rat likes this kind of independence and creativity.

Most likely, they will have ideal compatibility in marriage. The dragon will guide his little companion, she will feel like behind a stone wall. Relationships develop successfully if a woman is born under the constellation Libra, Sagittarius, Pisces and Aquarius. Such women are unarrogant and harmonious.

Love compatibility between Rat and Dragon

Sexually, such a couple is completely idyll. The Mouse considers its partner ideal, unlike the Monkey. He is able to ignite a volcano of passions in her. In addition, the Rat is impressed by his resourcefulness and unconventional approach. These people make good lovers, especially if the woman is born under the sign of Scorpio, Taurus or Virgo.

As you can see, horoscope compatibility among people born under these signs is ideal. They understand each other perfectly. But at the initial stage there are many difficulties. Both signs are active and self-sufficient. They are educated and everyone wants to be the leader in the relationship. At the very beginning, the Rat tries to gain the upper hand, but it doesn’t quite succeed, since the Dragon is not ready to put up with it. The couple reaches an agreement through negotiations and compromises.

Only when everyone knows about their responsibilities does peace come to the couple.

Difficulties in the relationship between the Rat and the Dragon:

  • excessive emotionality of partners;
  • desire for leadership;
  • excessive criticality and arrogance of the Rat.

The Dragon and the Rat get along great. These signs make ideal couples who love to receive guests. They amaze with their activity and hospitality.

The first thoughts that arise when you try to imagine a dragon and a rat together are very frightening. After all, the dragon is huge, and the rat is small and defenseless. However, the Rat and the Dragon, whose compatibility would seem impossible, actually create wonderful and happy couples, sometimes even prosperous families. Rats love freedom and the Dragon is able to give what his partner needs, since he completely shares his preference. Both people have amazing generosity and kindness, for which they deserve universal love and recognition.

The peculiarity of this relationship will be noticeable from its very inception: the story of meeting and falling in love will be told many times, striking with its exquisite romance and passion. Both partners will devotedly love, respect and appreciate each other. They have nothing to fear when they are around because each of them is the most reliable support in the world.

Rat-Dragon Family Relationships

A couple where the man is a Dragon and the woman is a Rat can confidently be called the most successful and happiest in the entire Eastern horoscope. Everything in this union promises to work out successfully and favorably. The Dragon is a lover of travel and adventure, which the Rat absolutely loves. She, in turn, is extremely seductive and sweet, so the Dragon simply cannot resist such a temptation, which any man desires. The Rat woman will be conquered by the strength, courage and determination of her partner; she will follow him in everything, as she completely relies on his rightness and confident actions.

The head of the family in such a tandem will be a man, and the woman will only be happy with this outcome. While the Dragon works to ensure the financial well-being of the family, the Rat will put things in order at home and create a cozy and warm atmosphere in the apartment. The man will also entrust the choice of a vacation spot to his wife, and both will be satisfied with the vacation.

None of them will express dissatisfaction with this distribution of roles, as they are ideal for each of them. However, the Rat will allow itself to be dominated only if there is boundless respect for it. And the relationship will work out as well as possible if the partner takes her opinion into account too.

Compatibility Horoscope for Rat and Dragon

If we take into account the compatibility horoscope, the Rat and the Dragon are an excellent couple in which an ideal partnership is possible. Rat women are endowed with excellent logical thinking, which will prove incredibly useful in those moments when the Dragon man loses inspiration and runs out of strength to successfully complete things. The wife will protect her beloved spouse from unreasonable and risky activities, which will help maintain peace in the family.

Dragon men can boast of their love of love, and Rat women can boast of their calm attitude towards this. Due to the fact that the increased attention of the opposite sex does not cause attacks of jealousy in the wife, the man will understand what a wonderful gift he received as a wife. Rats are generally incredibly talented and energetic, and they can also share their positive charge and inspire good deeds.

Rat-Dragon sexual compatibility

Both signs have an intense sexual horoscope. Dragon man - Rat woman is a union in which love pleasures are not in last place. Dragons love to show their true fiery selves during intimate play. Perhaps representatives of this animal are not very good at oratory, but in practical exercises they are undoubtedly the best.

However, in order to earn the Dragon’s trust, you must first reach a certain level of trust in a platonic relationship and only after that move to the horizontal plane. Rats prefer to take the initiative into their own hands. However, they try to take into account their partner’s preferences and give him freedom of choice. It is very important for them to be able to please their partner.

The Rat feels hurt if someone tries to limit its freedom of action. She prefers not to rush into the main action, but to enjoy a full foreplay according to all the rules. If the partner is not used to such a development of events,

The Rat will be happy to teach him how to lift her to the pinnacle of bliss. Rat women are skilled lovers; they usually tune in to their partner’s wavelength and try, as if reading his thoughts, to please their loved one. The imagination of both partners is developed at a high level, so they are guaranteed unpredictable and unusual sex.

The main character traits of the Dragon and the Rat

And yet, people born in the year of the Dragon and the year of the Rat are prone to power and might. They, active and purposeful, always bring the work they start to the end. They are difficult to intimidate, and their self-confidence can only be envied. Rats have excellent self-control even in stressful situations and can easily navigate many issues, although they may not be well informed about them.

All this happens thanks to their natural talent to lead people and the ability to make useful contacts. The disadvantage of the Rat may be an excessive manifestation of selfishness, which, understandably, few people want to put up with."

Dragons are endowed with an extraordinary mindset and inexhaustible imagination. They make a stunning impression on others due to the fact that they always play an honest and frank game. Dragons do not have to pretend to be a decent family man or a hardworking worker because these roles are already destined for him from above and will be achieved without much effort.

Dragons are often overly self-confident, but at the same time vulnerable, so you should treat them kindly, but also not allow them to be capricious. Still, both partners - full participants in the union - must be able to negotiate conditions that suit each party.

No matter how popular they are with the opposite sex, Dragons are practically monogamous. There are not many different partners in their life because they are very selective and will not put themselves in the hands of a suspicious person. As soon as the Dragon finds a suitable mate for himself, he will hold on to it and will not give it to anyone.

Rat Man and Dragon Woman

The compatibility of the Rat man and the Dragon woman leaves no doubt. Everything in this couple is harmonious and built on mutual respect. Rat and Dragon are a very successful combination, regardless of the location of the man and woman in the pair.

Passion between a Dragon woman and a Rat man can flare up literally at first sight. They express their feelings simply and easily, giving each other unforgettable moments. He is ready to surprise her, organize romantic evenings, and she will happily inspire him to new exploits.

The Rat man and the Dragon woman get along well even as friends. However, they do not remain as friends for long, since mutual attraction, despite all the dissimilarity of characters, forces them to be together. The pettiness and nervousness of the Rat man are balanced by the strength and confidence of the Dragon woman, and the flexible nature of the Rat and his ability to get around sharp corners are harmoniously combined with the Dragon’s impulsiveness and some harshness.

Of course, they will have difficulties, but after getting used to it, this couple can become happy; this requires time and their desire to be together.


The couple will encounter the first difficulties after the candy-bouquet period ends and the building of a common life begins. Conflicts can arise due to the fact that both partners are extremely emotional and do not know how to fully restrain themselves.

The Rat man is constantly fidgeting, all on his nerves, does not tolerate it when someone violates his plans, and worries about every little thing. He may be somewhat irritated by the Dragon woman’s sublimity and isolation from pressing everyday problems. She constantly wants a holiday, and he tends to see the world without embellishment.

The Rat man will try to lower the Dragon woman from heaven to earth, reminding her that there is another side to reality. However, the Dragon woman will not tolerate this - Dragons are created to fly, the holiday-seeking Dragon does not want to plunge into gray everyday life. With such a difference in worldview, they can begin to fight for power. The Dragon copes better with leadership; for this she does not need to work particularly hard. But the problem is that the Rat does not want to give up and remain in the shadows. No matter how hard it is for the Rat man, he will try to take power into his own hands cunningly and unnoticed, or at least try to do so.

However, any restrictions on each other's freedom can lead to collapse. Harmony in a couple is possible only if the partners learn to complement each other, and not each pursue their own interests. They will need to negotiate and compromise so that both reach an understanding and the final decision suits both. Then their union will be successful and they will live happily ever after.

The main hope for their compromise will be on the Rat man, his ability to overcome obstacles with cunning and roundabout ways. He is smart and will be able to offer the Dragon woman a plan for coexistence with which she will agree.


Much in the union between the Rat man and the Dragon woman will depend on the man’s patience. He will have to lead his life, earn money and solve all everyday problems. He is more organized than the Dragon woman, since she often does not have enough space in her head for such “trifles”, she is inspired and prepares for great achievements. She will just be there, decorating his life. If this suits him, then they can be happy.

Despite the fact that the Dragon woman cares little about everyday life, she will devote a lot of time to children, trying in every possible way to develop their innate talents. She has enough strength to fulfill her maternal duty, but he will have to help her with all his might. In turn, she will not remain in debt and will always support her husband’s endeavors. In the family, she will act as an ideological leader, bring bright emotions to the couple, and give others a holiday. And this is precisely what the solid Rat man sometimes lacks. He will be glad to see such a life partner next to him.

The Dragon woman and the Rat man are both brave and decisive, both are very reasonable and self-confident enough to trust each other - their marriage opens up bright and promising prospects for them, they will look at life with optimism if they come to a system of compromises.

Together they will never be bored. Both love life, communication, travel, adventure and risk. The compatibility between them only becomes stronger over time. With every year they live together, he will admire her more and more, and she will respect him for his perseverance, efficiency and prudence.


Sexually, the Rat man will be hypnotized by the Dragon woman, her inspiration and beauty, her vibrant sexuality. In turn, the Dragon will consider the Rat very attractive and quite temperamental - here everything is in moderation and exactly as much as needed,

Closeness in this couple will play a big role. The emotionality of partners will always give them the opportunity to receive maximum pleasure. Each intimacy will be full of unusual fantasies that will make them feel happy.

They should be together more often, as this gives the Dragon woman inspiration and joy, and allows him to better understand his partner. She will admire her passionate partner, which will give him considerable pleasure. There may not be fabulous sex between them, however, they will enjoy each other.

They are famous for their charm and at the same time aggressiveness. At first glance, they may seem very calm, cheerful and balanced, but this is only the first impression. Under this mask lies almost constant excitement. It is enough to communicate with the Rat just a little to understand that she is nervous, restless and most often has a choleric type of temperament.

A lot in the character and behavior of the Rat will depend on who she connects her life with, or more precisely, what sign she connects with. This is called a compatibility horoscope. The Rat will make an ideal choice if it takes a Dragon or a Boar as its companion.

And so, the Dragon and the Rat. The compatibility of these signs represents a very good union. The Dragon gives the Rat confidence; for him she is ready for actions and exploits. And all in order to attract his attention. But is the Dragon ready for such feats for the sake of the Rat? Not always. This is because people born in the year of the Dragon are very amorous. As soon as a new passion appears on the horizon, the Rat in love fades into the background. So why will the union of the Dragon and Rat signs be so good? The compatibility of such signs implies not only a good love union, but also a strong, reliable friendship. They complement each other very much. The Dragon cannot live without others admiring him, which is what the Rat constantly does. This is why the compatibility of this couple is so good. Much in the prospects of this union will depend on the passage of the first

If the Dragon and Rat signs have common interests and activities, their compatibility will become almost ideal. This will be a strong couple in which the Dragon takes leadership, and the Rat becomes their ideological inspirer, helping in everything, doing menial work. Many can say that the Dragon and the Rat, whose compatibility is still in question, will not live together for long, but this union, with the right balance of power, is capable of crushing mountains.

In general, a very complex character is the Rat. Compatibility with many other signs will be good if the Rat moderates its ambitions and is able to hear its opponent. The Rat will be able to establish a fairly strong and stable relationship with the Pig, because he has a simply wonderful character, and the partners will be similar in many ways - from their views on building love to the way they make money. This is why it is so important to study the compatibility horoscope in advance. The Rat, knowing all the pitfalls, will be able to find an approach to almost any sign. A good alliance is possible for the Rat and the Ox. This is because he will be able to calm the Rat down and will be able to give her a feeling of complete safety and security. An alliance with a Monkey is also possible, since the Monkey will be able to bewitch the Rat, and for this she will be forgiven absolutely everything.

But an alliance with the Tiger will be possible only if the parties constantly compromise. What may irritate the Tiger in the Rat is that she prefers to earn money and not look around, not at all interested in global issues around her. A pair of Rat and Rooster can only work out under one condition - the Rat is madly and truly in love. The whole point is that the partners are too different - one only earns, the second only spends, and in such a way that the first does not have time to earn as much. Since the Rat is sensitive to money, soon this state of affairs will no longer suit her. But if she truly loves, she will endure and forgive all this.

The most striking positions of the Rat compatibility horoscope were discussed above. An alliance with other signs is also possible, but weaker both in terms of spiritual content and material base. Each case of compatibility largely depends on other parameters: upbringing, traditions and habits, so the horoscope is not the only adviser in choosing a partner.