English language

Quotes about the last bell at school. Statuses about the last call. Examples of the best poems from graduates for teachers on the last call

We are all overwhelmed with feelings -
It's time to say goodbye.
And happy for you, and sad,
That soon we will have to part.

The last bell has rung for you.
Just a little more, just a little more -
And, having danced the last school waltz,
You will leave the school threshold.

We wish you achievements and victories.
Go forward, achieve your goals,
And the school windows have an unquenchable light
It always burns for you, don’t forget.

Let the moments and years fly by
You always keep this light in your souls.
Don't forget the teachers. Sometimes,
We will be very glad to come.

May your path be easy
May everyone have good luck.
We wish you all the best. For now -
Successful exams for everyone.

Just yesterday, just a child,
You were in a hurry to get to your first lesson.
Tripped his neighbor
I untied his shoelace...

He hid cheat sheets in his pockets,
Fought and fled with a briefcase
The very first at the relay race.
And I didn’t expect any changes at all.

But now the bell sings playfully,
And my heart sank so much in my chest.
And time is so leisurely
It would seem that it should go...

These doors are already open,
Where the mystery needs to be solved.
It's time to believe in many things
And justify your goals.

Let it save you from boredom
Good luck faithful wing!
And it’s time to comprehend science,
And destined to be successful!

The last call sounds for the guys,
And everyone is happy today in their own way.
Exams are the last step
Requires a lot of mental investment.

We wish you good luck, patience and strength,
The last push - and you win.
Let everyone's change go with a bang,
It's time to say goodbye to school.

So the school years flew by,
Last lesson completed...
Today is a special day for all of us.
Today is the last call!

We all want you to be who you want to be
To be successful, to be smart,
Achieve any goal
And don’t forget your school!

For the whole world, for the whole planet
The bell will ring for you...
This means that the last
Your lesson is over!

A new one flashes ahead,
Adult life stage
Let him fall before you
A bright ladder to a bright life!

Will lead you to the world of luck,
Happiness, laughter and beauty.
We want you to achieve
In this life you are of heights,

All dreams come true
Keeping peace in our hearts,
May every new dawn
Happiness shines in your eyes!

The last bell is ringing for you
And tears roll from my eyes.
May the holiday be sad, but happy,
After all, you have your whole life ahead of you.

Fly away like birds from their cages,
But always remember school.
After all, you have learned a lot,
These years have not passed in vain.

Always look forward boldly
Let dreams come true.
So many wonderful days await you,
Good luck, happiness, kindness!

Flowers, bows, a sea of ​​smiles,
The shine of the eyes is like the rays of the sun,
A universal holiday, as if echoing,
The bell rings, poetry sounds.

The school year went by quickly,
Bringing streams of knowledge,
Which will never be forgotten,
Remaining in our minds forever.

Now the last bell will ring
And your heart will beat with excitement.
We don't need to rush to class,
The bell is like an echo - it will respond with a ringing.

We will turn over the leaf of our school years,
This page went well.
So let the accomplishments await us all
And a lot, a lot of happiness in your personal life!

We will remember our school years
And the school that opened a bright path for us.
And we will carry friendship through the years,
And this holiday is bright, dear to the heart!

We walked together until May
The last bell will ring.
And the sadness flashes a little,
And my heart beats in excitement.

Someone to meet again in the fall,
For whom a new path will open.
School is the basis of our whole life,
A start for us to fly higher.

We whiled away the days at our desks
And crammed the theorems of fate.
We boldly dreamed about the future
And they built their own bridges.

The time has come when we must say goodbye,
You for the summer, and I for good,
How will we return home?
To see everyone again.

We sat quietly, waiting,
The teacher ends the lesson.
The desire to linger even for a moment,
But our last call sounds.

The school year has flown by,
The last bell rang
And today we are from the heart
Congratulations to everyone at school.

You tried all year not in vain,
Thank you teachers
After all, only thanks to you
Now we know more.

And we tried our best
And took care of your nerves,
Sciences are different all year
They taught with diligence.

Now the holidays are waiting for us,
The warm seas are calling us,
But let's not forget what
They taught us at school!

The last bell is an annual school holiday that ends the school year and marks the beginning of the long-awaited summer holidays. But in the prevailing atmosphere of fun and smiles, which can be seen on this day in all schools of the country, a sad note is also clearly felt. And all because for graduates of grades 9-11, this Last Bell is truly farewell. On this day they part with their younger school friends and subject teachers. It is not surprising that both graduates and teachers, in particular the class teacher, feel a special need to express their sad feelings at the holiday assembly. Touching poems for the Last Bell are one of the most effective and beautiful ways to say “thank you” to your favorite school and all those who have been a significant part of the lives of today’s graduates for many years. In our article you will find not only sad to tears poems for teachers, but also cool options for school graduates for the Last Bell.

Touching poems for the Last Bell 2017 for graduates of grades 9-11 from teachers

Graduates of grades 9-11 are one of the main characters in the assembly in honor of the last bell, along with teachers who always prepare touching poems for them. As a rule, at the farewell party with the school, in addition to the class teacher, several subject teachers also prepare parting words for graduates. And touching poems for the Last Call for graduates of grades 9-11 from teachers are ideal for this purpose. They contain parting words, warm wishes, and sad farewell phrases. You will find options for such touching poems addressed to school graduates from teachers on the Last Bell below.

Poems for graduates of grades 9-11 from teachers for the last bell at school

How quickly time has flown by

Since the first lesson was.

Today you have all grown up,

The last bell rings.

You won't forget your school lessons,

Your class, friends, teachers.

Now you will involuntarily feel sad,

The classroom door will be closed.

You guys have become adults.

Today you are graduates!

Once upon a time there were kids

Without letting go of mom's hand.

Good luck to you in your adult life,

Don't forget the school route.

And value your friendship,

After all, the past years cannot be returned.

I wish you truthful, honest actions,

You cherish the joy of meetings.

Grow up, value your friendship,

Manage to save the school waltz!

The last bell rang -

The beginning of your adult life.

How many roads will be covered...

And it became a little sad.

Congratulations now!

May success always surround you.

And the sparkle of the eyes will remain youthful,

And fate fulfills wishes!

The last call is a holiday with a little sadness -

There's a little ache in my chest from loss,

And everyone now remembers something different,

But he believes that the best is yet to come.

Cherish hopes: from home, from school,

Fly to the sun, strengthened, and up,

I wish you a successful, rich, cheerful life,

Strive, surpass yourself, ascend!

Poems to the class teacher for Last Bell 2017 from school graduates to tears

The last call for graduates is a celebration of farewell not only to the school and teachers, but also to the class teacher, who deserves touching poems that bring us to tears like no one else. It was the class teacher who was the kind angel who helped the foolish fifth-graders, today's graduates, master knowledge and adapt to new conditions, rules and requirements. The class teacher was always better informed than other teachers about the problems and characteristics of the students in his class, their dreams and talents. The close communication over the years gradually developed into a respectful friendship between teacher and students. Touching poems for the class teacher on the last call from school graduates to tears - this is the best way to thank your beloved teacher. You will find options for such touching congratulatory poems for a cool mother below.

Poems to bring tears to the class teacher on the last call from graduates

You are the most valuable teacher to us,

After all, we fled to you with our misfortune and happiness.

You rejoiced with us when there was success,

And shattered our differences.

Saying goodbye to you is the hardest thing for us,

After all, for so many years under your leadership

Our class learned friendship and work,

Patience, science, nobility.

We are grateful to you for your enormous work.

Rest assured that it was not in vain.

We wish you strength for many years to come.

You are a great leader by vocation!

There were many teachers who taught us.

We will remember them all.

However, not for them at first

We would like to say a few words.

The manager is the coolest

We got it, no doubt about it.

You were with us every hour

For many years.

Thank you very much for everything!

We really love you very much.

Close you have become our soul

And you mean so much to us.

Teacher, really, you are from God,

A wonderful, kind person.

May life give a lot of happiness

Let success await you in everything!

We are sorry, believe me, to leave,

But we will remember you

We will call and meet

You are a good mother for us!

Thank you for everything that was

For your affection and for your work,

We want you to forgive us all,

Other guys are waiting for you!

For warmth, love, patience,

For spoiling us

For wisdom, talent, skill,

We say thank you now!

Touching poems for the last call to teachers from school graduates

All teachers deserve special touching poems and kind words on the Last Bell from graduates. It is on this bright holiday that high school students have a clear understanding that despite past misunderstandings, conflicts and bad grades, they have only respect and gratitude for all teachers. Indeed, largely thanks to the efforts of teachers, today's graduates will soon begin to bear the proud title of students. Below you will find a selection of the most touching poems for teachers on the Last Call from school graduates.

The most touching poems for teachers on the last call from graduates

Thank you. Even if it's a simple word

Will not express all the feelings of these years.

Thank you for putting up with us so much

And we have endured so many troubles.

Today we're leaving - a relief.

But we see tears in your eyes.

For so many years, following our lives,

You still loved us so much.

Taking us from the hands of mothers, grandmothers and aunts,

You raised, bringing knowledge.

They gave eternal, reasonable, and also

They gave each of us themselves.

Let me hug you, second mothers.

Those who showed the path of life.

Today we must say goodbye to you,

But we promise: we will visit.

How many heartfelt words were spoken,

And we will repeat them more than once:

Congratulations to the teachers,

And we thank you from the bottom of our hearts

For the fact that we were raised and taught,

Educated, sowed goodness,

Skills and knowledge invested,

They gave understanding and warmth.

We wish you success and good luck,

Health and strength for many years to come,

Students who are diligent and obedient.

And we will never forget you!

We wish all teachers

Dreams and goals to come true

To smile more often

And just enjoy life!

Let every moment illuminate you

Indescribable beauty!

And the word warms the soul,

Don't let pain disturb your heart.

Please accept our gratitude

For your hard work in school.

Keep the rejoicing, joy,

And there is happiness and comfort in the house!

Cool poems for subject teachers on Last Bell 2017 from graduates of grades 9-11

In addition to sad and touching poems, graduates of grades 9-11 also prepare funny congratulatory poems for subject teachers on the Last Bell. With the help of such funny poems with humor, you can not only lift the spirits of everyone present at the holiday, but also make the line bright and memorable. A selection of the funniest poems for subject teachers for the Last Call from school graduates below.

Cool poems from graduates of grades 9-11 for last call for subject teachers

Farewell, teachers -

I've grown up quite a bit.

I'm getting ready to do my legs -

Run cross-country through life.

The bell rings in vain -

Delicious kvass is on the way,

Life is too beautiful

To return to class.

Rings a farewell bell

Furious summer

I look sad

But happy - secretly.

Oh, you have suffered with us,

But know that we appreciate you

Dear teachers,

And here for the last time:

The bell is ringing today

We're leaving school

Thank you for everything,

And happiness is in the palm of your hand.

Patience with others

Good luck, creativity,

Don't give up your positions

You are a very strong incentive.

You led us through the thorny path of knowledge,

You taught us not to give up.

From you we learned to see the essence

Like physics, like chemistry, and other sciences.

From “two” we climbed to “five”

We also learned the bends of the sinuses.

Now we are ready to go into the adult world.

Teachers, thank you very much!

Beautiful and touching to tears, funny and short with humor, kind and full of words of gratitude poems for the Last Bell are awaiting both graduates of grades 9-11 and school teachers. We hope that among the selections of the best poems for Last Call from our article, you will definitely choose worthy congratulations for your class teacher, subject teachers or graduates.

The last bell sounds
Farewell call
Today is a school year
He finishes.

Someone's comma
He will definitely
And to graduates -
Exclamation mark.

Let the call scroll through
School pages,
I wish you guys
Always strive forward.

I wish for a dream
Walk the path of knowledge
School bells
Let him preserve his memory.

School years, wonderful years,
Let your troubles be forgotten!
May your childhood always remain with you,
May the sun always shine brightly for you!

There will be a last call today,
He won't call you to class anymore.
Adult life is now open to you
A wonderful door to a bright road!

Suddenly he started singing a little sadly
Farewell call,
It's over for you guys
Our big lesson from school!

You might get sad sometimes
Remembering my native school,
Maybe you'll come back sometimes
You miss the walls of your loved ones.

Let your path be only the right one,
And without obstacles all roads are dear to you,
And may the fate of the five only
Gives you credit for any lesson!

The last bell is ringing for all of us,
Which means it’s time for us to say goodbye to school!
Farewell, our dear and beloved class,
Alas, we need to part with you!

The last call - there is joy and sadness in it,
He is full of hopes and wonderful achievements!
We say goodbye to the school, so be it,
Many more cool achievements await us!

The bell is ringing boldly,
It rings and doesn't stop!
You are an adult, you are skillful -
He knows this for sure!

All roads are open
School is at the beginning of the journey!
Defeat all obstacles
Pass with dignity!

Walk towards your goal with steadfastness
Don't be afraid to make mistakes
After all, life doesn’t give two marks,
And the experience will come in handy!

This is your last call,
I sincerely wish you to enjoy it to the fullest
And this holiday, and every moment,
Today everyone can have fun.

I wish you achievements ahead,
Wins, triumphs, and follow your dreams
Always confident and purposeful,
After all, ahead while you are young.

Today you say goodbye to school,
And forward to new achievements
You will run without looking back.
We know: everything will be fine with you.

We're letting you out of school,
In your adult life we ​​wish you
Make all your wildest dreams come true,
Important plans to implement.

Good health always,
And the family will be strong.
Remember with joy sometimes
Last call day!

Today is your last call
It's time to say goodbye to school
I wish you young at heart
Always guys stay.

Let all ideas come true
Let life be happy
Let you remember this
Such a special, warm May.

May your path be smooth
And the light of knowledge leads forward,
Let everything that you wish for,
You will certainly be lucky.

It rang like a gurgle,
The last countdown was given to everyone.
It has come, a cheerful moment,
Three, two, one! Goodbye school.

Some are happy, others are sad,
Only life tells us this:
Since the bell is ringing now -
On a new journey, favorite class!

Let the bell ring on a May day,
Your school lesson is over,
Forward, boldly, on a good journey!
An adult is about to step into the world!

We wish to remember this day,
The school door is open for you,
Let the load of knowledge that was given to you
Leads you to new frontiers!


(Short thumbnails

are played by graduates)


– Do you know why in our school they work practically only women?

– Because all the best is for children!

– GUO Commission gave our teachers are highly appreciated, but so that they more often gave away her children.

The good half teachers at our school writes comments in diaries, and the angry one also calls parents to school.

– We have seen from experience that what more absent-minded teacher, the better he is sows reasonable, good, eternal.

– Psychologists at our school have found that in school there is more and more difficult boys, but girls are all lighter and lighter...

“Did you hear that our sixth-grader bit a fifth-grader, and a year later the fifth-grader... also became a sixth-grader.”

– And in the humanities there are two eleventh-graders didn't share Guys, they’re not doing well with division; in our physics and mathematics department, girls don’t have such problems.

11 "A" speaks Russian, English, French better than anyone else at school... and in other lessons too.

A first grader approaches a student 11 "A" class.

– Zhen, how to draw a figure eight?

– Yes, it’s as simple as shelling pears: we take the infinity sign and in the Cartesian coordinate system we rotate it by an angle P/2.

– Only students 11 “A” were able to correctly decipher the name of the school position head teacher– Knownly a Smart Man!

– Once upon a time, with the help of a globe, scientists proved to everyone that the earth is round, and the boys of our class, with the help of a globe, can prove that the earth is empty!

- Anton! What subject did you like most at school?

- Director's cell phone! (Or something different.)

- Vova! How much is in your 11 "A" will there be medalists?

Apart from me, ten.

– Are you a medalist?

- No. That's what I said - not counting me!

– We propose to Sergei Nikolaevich (name of the school director) to be the first in the city to introduce in our school glossy cool magazines and also do school walls made of transparent material so that children do not smoke behind school.

– And in the literature lesson, Inessa Mikhailovna (the name of the literature teacher) taught us bad things.

- Like this?!!

– Inessa Mikhailovna (name of literature teacher), Nina Vasilievna (name of chemistry teacher)! Judge for us, what is T. Dreiser's book about? Titanium": about the discovery of the chemical element (metal) titanium or about a superhuman financier?

- Galina Leonidovna (name of the physics teacher)! But the truth is our city Omsk named after Ohm? Otherwise I'll lose my bet.

- Nadezhda Ivanovna (name of the mathematics teacher)! We firmly promise you show off on the exam in mathematics ... with new gold earrings, chains and rings.

– Here’s some great advice Galina Gennadievna (the name of the computer science teacher) gave us: “If a thought doesn’t fit in your head, then archive it.”

“We have a sure sign in our class: if you lean out the window the night before the exam... and memorize all the tickets, you will definitely pass.

– Yes, our dear parents, not just put children on their feet... especially early in the morning.

Have you heard the good news? This year, graduates who did not pass the Unified State Exam will be able to take an ECG and fluorography.

Galina Petrovna, Galina Petrovna (name of biology teacher)! And Romka spent the whole night surfing websites gymnosperms plants!

Do you know why our physics student was given a biology teacher as a class teacher? Yes, because if a student is good at mathematics, physics, computer science, he will - botanist!

Only Galina Petrovna (name of the biology teacher), like a real biologist, knows how to raise a whole forest ... hands.

There are 25 in our class goals smart and 250 goals scored into the opponent's goal. Our boys are the smartest football players (as well as basketball players, volleyball players, etc.). “Physics and Mathematics” can and should be deciphered as a physical education and mathematics class!

Beautiful congratulations, good wishes and parting words to the graduates. Congratulations with words of gratitude for teachers from graduates.

On May 25, in all schools in our country, the bell marks the end of the school year, and for graduates it is the last school bell in their lives. Usually the bell is given in the schoolyard during line-up. The students are dressed smartly, the school is decorated. There are no lessons on this day and in all schools it is considered a day off. After the general meeting, at which warm words, gratitude and parting words are heard, boys and girls can go on a picnic, an interesting excursion or a boat trip along the river.

Poems, congratulations, and wishes for the last call holiday

The last bell rang

We are parting with you today,

But let's remember your main lesson -

Move forward harder and harder!

We have already received our certificates

It's time to step into the big life.

Let's freeze for a minute before the start,

To say thank you.

And wish all the best on earth,

Peace, goodness and sunshine!

For our dear teachers

Let happiness smile!

You have become our family,

Dear teachers!

Today we will leave you,

But we will remember many!

We wish you well

Good luck, health, victories.

Let there be everything you need

Here's to happy years!

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts

For wisdom, for attention,

For experience and knowledge stock,

Patience and understanding!

Today, when for us

The last bell is ringing

We wish that every hour

The light of happiness shines on you!

And, like flowers, always

Let children surround you

Teacher, thank you

For the fact that you exist in the world!

But on this beautiful evening

We don't say goodbye

And we’ll tell you: “See you!

Thank you again!”

Unusual excitement

Calls the usual call,

The last moments have come -

The hour of parting is not far off.

And we look at the teachers -

Those who have always been a support,

Who is fair, wise, strict

He has been judging us all these years.

And only now we understand

Your path is so difficult.

The school door will close behind us,

But we won't forget you!

We've become adults now,

Graduation class is over,

The door to the big world is open,

Everything is ahead of you!

There are many different roads

There is so much choice!

Your last bell is ringing,

Good luck, graduate!

Ten years flew by quickly,

But how many events were there:

And bitter mistakes and sweet victories,

And joyful, bright discoveries!

And first love, and devoted friendship,

And complex tasks, and a carousel of worries,

But today you need to part:

The time has come! Graduates, go ahead!

As we say goodbye to you, we wish

Good luck, health, success in work,

And happiness bright without edge,

And a lot of creative ideas.

And so that without grief

Have you checked your notebooks?

Cheerfulness and patience to you,

Smooth roads and paths!

There is no more wonderful profession in the world:

You give knowledge to children,

Help you find all the answers.

And low bow to you for this!

Today, after leaving my school desks,

We promise you seriously:

Hardworking, courageous and passionate

Look for answers to all questions!

Such a proud name -

Your highest calling is

To conduct a lesson!

Educate others -

Very difficult!

Today we give you confessions -

Today it is possible.

We respect you very, very much

And we firmly promise you,

That we will justify all hopes

And we will not lose the power of knowledge!

Every new spring

On time

The prom will open the ball

Last call.

Melodious chime

Doesn't call for lessons

Sounds unusual

In silence it is deep.

He sums it up

Ready to become a springboard

Passes to the road

The main steps in life!

Both solemn and sad

This loud chime.

It contains the bitterness of farewells,

And there are a million hopes!

He'll call now

Last call,

We won't go back to class anymore.

The whole world is at our feet!

We'll tell the school: "Goodbye!"

Everything has its time, its time,

It's time to say goodbye

The last bell rings.

To the sounds of the school waltz

We'll go round and round!

How hard it is to part,

At least adult life beckons!

This joy in my heart

Half with sadness

You are saying goodbye to childhood

And with teachers

With school walls

And with your favorite desk.

Changes are ahead

You are standing before the start.

Let me remember school

Just a kind word

And it will be fun

Your life is new!

Everything is behind us: lessons, exams,

Changes and answers at the board.

Today we say goodbye to you -

We are now graduates!

And now there are others ahead

The tasks and goals are high.

Dear teachers,

Thank you for the lessons!

There's a new long road ahead of you,

Please accept congratulations and greetings,

Let them not obscure the essence of life

Unanswered concerns and questions.

Let the doors open

And the vast world will accept you,

Good luck and victories will smile

And happiness will hug you tightly!

Our dear teachers!

Thank you for your strict views,

For fair grades,

Happy discoveries,

Because you believed in us,

For everything you did for us!

Sorry for mistakes.

Your kind smiles,

Both instructions and advice

They will leave bright memories.

Summer is outside the walls, the sun is at your feet,

How long does the last call last?

The universe doesn't fit in the windows,

The ringing grows, does not stop,

In the huge hall, glances meet,

Everyone says goodbye to school in silence.

It will echo in the soul in due time

This last school bell!

Youth is a wonderful time!

What can you wish for?

Peace, wisdom, goodness

And more sun!

Today each of the guys will say:

“You and I had an interesting life!”

A kind word, a gentle look -

We rejoiced at our victories together!

Thanks for the warmth and knowledge!

Thank you for your care and participation!

We wish with all our hearts

I wish you lasting and long happiness!

School time is over

The page is turned

This carefree spring

Will never happen again!

But maybe we'll be back

To say “thank you” again,

Let's smile at the teachers

And let's look into our native class!

In the meantime, we say “See you!”

Thank you for everything.

Happy graduation evening

We would like to sincerely wish:

And health and patience,

And good luck, the ocean is deep.

So that new generations

They came to your lessons.

Our dear teachers!

We sincerely wish you:

Let every day be decorated

Goodness and carefree joy,

And the attention of pets,

And respect from colleagues,

May the clear sun shine on you

And time slows down,

So that every moment of life

It was happier and brighter!

Health, strength to you, optimism

And long, clear days!

Every year you grow older

This is the last call

Be wiser and braver

Do everything on time!

Toughen up - life is harsh,

It will be difficult, just hang in there!

And go to new heights,

Learn, son, learn!