
Interesting information about cheerleader costumes. Interesting facts about cheerleading. What is cheerleading

Rida Khasanova April 30, 2019, 17:00

Cheerleading is an organized cheerleading group in various sports. At the moment, this is not just a performance of beautiful fans, but spectacular staging numbers with the implementation of complex elements. This sport, and cheerleading really is, has its own history of origin and development, which deserves attention.

What is cheerleading and its features

Cheerleading appeared in the United States at the end of the 19th century, but gained real popularity only in the middle of the last century. Initially, he was exclusively male sport, but everything changed when the first girl joined the support group. Then it became clear that female cheerleading looks much more attractive and spectacular.

At the moment, about 98% of cheerleaders are women. They perform in short sports shorts and T-shirts. Girls perform complex elements, using pom poms.

Cheerleading is an independent sport that successfully accompanies sports competitions, providing support to teams

Cheerleading is of two types:

  1. Sports. Representatives of different groups compete among themselves for the title of the best team. They are obliged to follow clear rules and requirements in the process of setting programs. Athletes receive ranks and titles for prize-winning places.
  2. Corporate. This type represents the cooperation of cheerleaders with sports teams, clubs and federations. The cheerleading team must attract spectators, mitigate the aggressive mood of the fans and support the athletes during the game.

sports cheerleading

In Russia, cheerleading has existed since August 1999, but only in 2007 was it recognized as an official sport. It is not so developed in our country, but is gradually gaining public recognition.

Cheerleading is not just a performance of beautiful cheerleaders, but real art. There are several unknown facts about this sport that will interest everyone:

  1. Cheerleading was practiced by many American celebrities- for example, Jimmy Stewart, Cameron Diaz, Madonna, George W. Bush, Michael Douglas and Steve Martin.
  2. Pompoms began to be used only in the 30s, before that cheerleaders performed without any attributes.
  3. Cheerleading is one of the most traumatic sports, but despite this, millions of girls dream of being in a cheerleading group.
  4. Suits cheerleaders are directly dependent on the performance. If the number is performed in support of a sports team, then the design of the clothes will be made in the colors and symbols of this particular club. At sports competitions, each group performs in the costumes of its dance group.
  5. In America, every educational institution has its own support group, and in some countries cheerleading is studied as part of the school curriculum.

Cheerleader Uniform

Myths and reality

This sport has given rise to many myths that people continue to believe in. Because of this, many miss the opportunity to try themselves in cheerleading and get to know him better.

Myth #1 – Anyone can join a support group

No, it's not. In order to become a full-fledged member of the team, you must:

  • have good physical fitness;
  • have an attractive appearance;
  • be able to work in a team;
  • be a balanced and stress-resistant person, since cheerleading is a tough sport.

Myth #2 - Only unmarried high school students and students can get into the group

In fact, the stamp in the passport does not affect a sports career in any way. Both 18-year-old girls and women of 30 years old can join the group. For example, in Japan there are teams whose members are 40-50 years old.

Myth #3 – Only a Model Girl Can Become a Cheerleader

The support group takes girls of different builds. Miniature athletes are always at the top of the pyramid, and large young ladies are chosen to support the lower tier.

Myth #4 – You will need a new costume for every performance.

This question is decided by the coach. Usually professional groups have at least 20 numbers in their arsenal and prepare a certain set of clothes for each.

Myth #5 – Cheerleading is a non-intellectual sport

85% of all athletes have an average score of "4" or higher. Cheerleaders must be able to think quickly, connect with the crowd, and focus on the task at hand.

This sport is great for developing memory, because during a performance you need to remember the exact sequence of elements.

Cheerleading is beautiful and difficult sport. Only physically prepared people with an attractive appearance, charm and talent can get into it.

You can learn more about cheerleading by watching the video:

They say that pathos and luxury are alien to American fashion, the style of most girls and women can be described as "simple and comfortable." But all this is irrelevant when it comes to cheerleader outfits. See for yourself!

Cheerleading is an energetic sport and dance fun of American schoolchildren and students, known all over the world. Slender, fit girls with harmonious shapes and bright pom-poms in our hands are strongly associated with the cheerleading team of world teams. In Russia, cheerleading is not yet as common as in the homeland of the sports movement, but every year the situation is changing for the better.

Beautiful, slightly erotic movements of a close-knit team arouse admiration among the fans of the stronger sex and the desire to have a spectacular costume among the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. This winter, cheerleading has taken to the heights of the fashion catwalk in the form of bright, colorful, sexy outfits.

How it all began?

Like many other interesting things, cheerleading was created by men and for men. The history of the popular trend dates back to the late nineteenth century. At that time, spectacular tricks and acrobatic numbers, which modern cheerleading is famous for, were not yet in use. And the support group included only men. The main tasks of the cheerleaders were to turn on the crowd and chant chants. To draw attention to themselves, they waved bundles of hay, which, you guessed it, are the progenitors of pompoms.

Gradually, the popularity of the movement gained momentum, women began to take cheerleaders. In the 40s of the twentieth century, when most men were forced to go to the front, the number of girls in the team began to exceed the number of men. This only benefited the movement, making it more spectacular, interesting, and exciting. After all, it was the cheerleading girls who came up with a complex dance and acrobatic program. So cheerleading became a women's sport and to this day it is 97 percent female.

Famous faces of cheerleading

In their youth, cheerleaders were many of the world's stars who shine today in the Hollywood sky. Among them are Madonna, Sandra Bullock, Lindsay Lohan, Alicia Silverstone and Halle Berry.

The choice of celebrities is difficult to dispute, because doing such a spectacular sport perfectly develops endurance and physical abilities. To complete a complex performance program, which includes tricks and jumps, you have to train for a long time. And the role of cheerleaders does not end there.

Girls from the support group should create a favorable atmosphere in the stadium, minimize aggression and negativity. If cheerleaders see excitement and skirmishes between fans of different teams in the stands, they must take action - chant chants or perform a number and draw the attention of the militant parties to themselves.

Cheerleading Trends in World Fashion

The latest collections of the Haute Couture brands are full of colorful dresses inspired by the popular sports movement. So, the Italian brand offered its fans laconic A-line sports mini-dresses.

The provocative brand distinguished itself by tops with team numbers. From the models of past years, modern products differ in an interesting cut with overhead details.

Glamorous versions of dresses, performed with deliberate pomp, brilliance and chic, play on the fashion podium in performance.

Mini-skirts combined with tight-fitting turtlenecks, as an undoubted classic of cheerleading, are found on shows. Fashion experts approve of the brand's design decision as a great adaptation of team cheerleading outfits for everyday life.

An outstanding global brand included in its shows a typical detail of a cheerleader uniform - a triangular neckline with stripes. A free-cut vest, bright in a contrasting play of red and black, worn over a gray turtleneck, looks bohemian and glamorous in the best traditions of sport chic.

But cheerleader outfits are not the only component of the women's outfit that has been perfected on the fashion catwalk. Such an element of the costume as a pompom also finds echoes in fashionable images of our time. Short fur coats of the brand can serve as an eloquent example of this.

Cheerleading Code

Style experts are sure that in order to feel the atmosphere of the famous American movement, it is not enough to put on a spectacular suit. Every self-respecting cheerleader must learn and follow a special code of honor.

So, members of a close-knit team are forbidden to smoke and drink alcoholic beverages while they are dressed in uniform. Underwear should not be visible through the elements of the costume.

Cheerleading is not just a sport and dance fun, it is a lifestyle with a great future.


The popularity of cheerleading has grown rapidly in recent years. This new direction is interesting for people of different ages, primarily for children and adolescents. The organizers of sports and cultural events want to see dynamic and incendiary performances of girls in beautiful bright costumes as part of their program. Television channels invite cheerleaders to participate in programs, to record videos with artists.

cheerleading is a bright and interesting sport in which athletes support other athletes and unite fans by regulating their emotions.

With the help of cheerleading, you can organize children's leisure time, as well as interestingly hold sports events and holidays.

1. Parsing concepts

cheerleading is a sport that includes elements of gymnastics, acrobatics, choreography and basic cheerleading moves.

In the original language - CHEERLEADING - Cheer is an exclamation, a cry, a call, leader- leader.

cheerleaders- athletes - girls and boys who are engaged in cheerleading.

stunt- a figure in which one person is lifted or thrown up.

Pyramid- several stations connected to each other.

Spotters- very important people when performing stunts and pyramids, are responsible for safety when performing complex elements - insure flyers

flyer- athletes who make up the upper parts of the pyramids and stunts.

Base- athletes who are the basis of pyramids and stunts, they support, throw out and catch flyers.

Chir- catchy chants addressed to the team and the audience.

Chant- chants-chants, they, along with the cheerleaders, are repeated by the audience several times.

Cheer dance - a short dance block of a cheerleading routine based on basic cheerleading moves

2. How to start cheerleading training

Cheerleading is a modern sport that promotes a healthy lifestyle and positive relationships between people - goodwill, mutual assistance, mutual understanding and trust. Cheerleaders take to the sports grounds to create an atmosphere of beauty and attraction. Cheerleading teams may compete in their own cheerleading competition or participate as a cheerleading team in other sports competitions.

Classes with beginner cheerleaders should begin with the study of the basic rules of the CHEERLEADER CODE, which are the same and mandatory for all cheerleaders in Russia, Europe and the World. Here are some rules from the CODE:

  1. Always show respect and courtesy to other team coaches, cheerleaders and fans.
  2. Remember the responsibility for discipline not only during but also outside the competition.
  3. Do not criticize other team coaches, cheerleaders, or spectators in public.
  4. Do not use rude and profanity.
  5. Strive to be humble in victory and kind in defeat.

Second step in cheerleading- basic movements on the basis of which performance programs are built:

Learning the basic moves for a cheerleader is as necessary as learning how to skate is for someone who wants to play hockey.

  • Hi wee
  • Low V
  • Broken T
  • Right El
  • Left K
  • touchdown
  • Low touchdown
  • Daggers

Movements must be performed:

  • Strong straight arms
  • Clearly
  • Sharp
  • Fast
  • Synchronously

In the third part of the training athletes are taught to do simple pyramids and stunts, learn movements for cheer - dance and chants.

3. Cheerleading gear

There are rules for cheerleading costumes.

Classic suit- this is a short skirt or shorts that do not interfere with free sports movements and a vest or top made of non-slip fabric without dangling and detachable parts.

Shoes- light comfortable shoes.

Mandatory attribute of cheerleading- bright fluffy pom-poms.

4. How to write a cheerleading program

According to the rules of cheerleading, the program must include mandatory elements: stunts, pyramids, jumps, acrobatic elements, chants, cheer dances. All this, especially cheer dancing, should be built on the basis of basic hand positions. All mandatory elements are entered into the program in any order.

Now let's focus on the elements that are most characteristic of cheerleading compared to other sports - these are stunts and pyramids and chants.

Stants and pyramids

Once the cheerleaders have mastered the technique of performing basic movements, they can move on to the study of more complex elements, such as stunts and pyramids.

The main danger is injury, you need to know the safety precautions!

One of the simplest stunts is the “hipstand” (pictured as part of a pyramid):

There are also more complex stunts and pyramids, the technique of which can be mastered after intensive training under the guidance of a cheerleading coach:


To make it more interesting and varied to organize training sessions for teaching chants, you can conduct Shouting competition.

Divide the team into groups of 4-7 people and let the children come up with chants on various topics - sports, victory, you can also use the name of the team and so on. The text of the chant and the performance are evaluated. The winner of the competition is the team that composed the best text, and loudly, clearly and synchronously shouted the chant.

For example(cheer and chant):

  • Forward Team!
  • You are the best!
  • We believe in victory
  • Success awaits you!
  • Raise your hands up!
  • Why can't we hear you?
  • Light up with us!
  • Repeat with us:
  • (team name) (clap-clap-clap)
  • (team name) (clap-clap-clap)
  • (team name)

6. Competition cheerleading teams in the summer camp.

If during the shift you could regularly conduct cheerleading training in several teams, then at the end of the shift it is logical to hold a competition (festival, competition) of cheerleading teams. This will sum up the results of the work and serve as a bright moment in the solemn events to close the shift.

Cheerleading has a rich history in the United States. Many fans start in elementary school and may continue to participate in high school, high school, and university. Even professional sports teams have fans, so those who like to cheer can continue the sport into adulthood.

Video of the day


According to the book The Complete Guide to Cheerleading, organized cheering began at Princeton University in 1884 when the crowd called out a cheer to inspire their team. In 1898, Tom Peebles became the first cheerleader when he led the crowd at the University of Minnesota. That same year, a six-member group at the University of Minnesota continued this trend and expanded into cheerleading. In 1923, cheerleading expanded to include women.


Cheerleading has grown significantly since its inception - most college football and basketball teams now have their own teams. Also, every team in the NFL has a cheerleading team, as well as most NBA teams. In 2003, the Florida Marlins became the first MLB team to introduce a cheerleading team, which other teams have since duplicated.


According to the book Cheerleading and the Law: Risk Management Strategies, with all the high flying associated with cheerleading, injuries can happen. Between 1982 and 2006, 45 serious injuries occurred in early high school, with two of those injuries resulting in death. Of the 45 injuries, 14 resulted in permanent disability, including paralysis. During the same years, one female college student died after a cheerleading stunt, while an additional five ended up with disabilities and 11 were seriously injured. Men accounted for two injuries leading to disability and two other serious injuries during this time period.


To maintain safety in the sport, the American Association of Cheerleading Coaches and Administrators has put in place some rules that members must follow. During practice, teams must have a coach and receive all the necessary training before making a maneuver. During the front throw, the top man must start in an upright position and maintain melee contact with the two bases. These steps should also include a spotter that can protect the top person's head and neck in the event of a fall. During partner tricks, bases that support another cheerleader cannot hold props. For elementary, middle schools, and junior senior fans, there are additional sanctions against throws and the number of twists in takedowns.

Without a doubt, each of us at least once in our lives watched an American film about schoolchildren and noticed that the most popular and charming girls there are members of the basketball or football team cheerleaders, the so-called cheerleaders. Their incendiary and dynamic performances between half-times, bright fluffy pom-poms, beautiful costumes, rhythmic dances, splits, loud chants, acrobatic stunts - all this, at times, caused no less a surge of emotions and inspiration from the public than the game itself.

Although many of the associations have remained the same, today cheerleading is much more than just cheerleading tricks. Now it is an officially recognized sport, in which competitions of various scales are held all over the world and sports categories are awarded.

Cheerleading originated in the United States in the 1870s and became most widespread by the middle of the 20th century.

In the 1860s, it became fashionable for students in Great Britain to cheer athletes during competitions, and this trend soon spread to the United States. The first cheerleading club was organized in New Jersey at Princeton University in 1865. They say that at one football game in Princeton, Thomas Peebles gathered six people who lined up in front of the bleachers with students and chanted chants throughout the game, encouraging the rest of the spectators to cheer for their favorite team.

But 1898 is still considered to be the year of the birth of cheerleading. It was in this year that the football team of the University of Minnesota clearly did not have a season. And before the next game, a meeting was held at the university, which was attended by students from all faculties. One of the professors present there put forward a brilliant scientific thesis in favor of spectator support for athletes at competitions. He argued that the incentive of several hundred students focuses on the positive energy that is directed to the team and helps it win. His final line was, “Let's go to Madison! Let's go to Madison! Apply the law of positive incentives!”

First Cheerleader Johnny Campbell

The game took place, but, contrary to all expectations, the team of the University of Minnesota was defeated with a score of 28:0. Hasn't this support worked? It was necessary to come up with something else. And then there was Johnny Campbell, a first-year medical student. It can be called the first cheerleader. Johnny explained that someone had to lead the chant and the chants had to be varied. So at the next game, led by Campbell, the audience chanted the chant that went down in history: “Rah, Rah, Rah! Sku-u-mar, Hoo-Rah! Hoo Rah! Varsity! Varsity! Varsity, Minn-e-So-Tah!"

The first cheerleaders were men

Thus, cheerleading was born in the United States. It's hard to believe, but at first this sport was more popular among the stronger half. However, when a huge number of men went to the front in the 40s, the situation changed dramatically, and now more than 90% of cheerleaders are women.

Active participation in cheerleading by women began in the 20s of the last century. At the University of Minnesota, cheerleaders have introduced elements of gymnastics and jumping into their programs, and the idea for a dedicated area for cheerleaders belongs to Lindley Bothwell of the University of Oregon.

University of Wisconsin-Madison cheerleaders, 1948

In the late 40s, when the men returned from the front, elements such as twists and turns were added to cheerleading. Gymnastic elements, as a rule, were performed by men, while the girls danced. This marked the beginning of the formation of dance teams.

In 1948, Lawrence Harkimer organized the first cheerleading camp. This took place at Southern Methodist University, where 52 girls took part. At the same time, the National Cheerleading Organization was founded.

Roosevelt, Eisenhower and Bush Jr. were cheerleaders in their day

In the 1950s, cheerleaders began to hold special seminars in colleges, where they taught everyone the basics of this sport.

In the 30s, universities and colleges began to actively use pompoms - an attribute that is still the hallmark of cheerleading today. The modern vinyl pom-pom was invented by Fred Gastoff in 1965 and introduced to the International Cheerleading Organization.

In 1967, it was decided to compile an annual ranking of the "Top 10 College Cheerleading Teams" to determine applicants for the America's Cheerleader competition.

Cheerleading in Canada, 1943

In the early 70s, cheerleading became more and more popular. In addition to playing cheerleaders at football and basketball games, cheerleaders began to appear at school sports. The first television broadcast of the cheerleading championship among college teams, organized by the initiative of the International Cheerleading Organization, took place in the spring of 1978 on CBS-TV.

In 1980, official safety standards and rules were established that prohibited some traumatic somersaults and pyramids. Cheerleading competitions among junior and senior teams were already held all over the United States. This sport began to develop on a national scale, special courses and cheerleading coaches began to appear.

DCC cheerleaders, 1983

In 1995, the European Cheerleading Association (ECA) was founded and took over the leadership of the cheerleading movement in Europe. The first European Cheerleading Championship took place in 1995 in Germany, in Stuttgart.

In 2001, the International Cheerleading Federation (IFC) was founded, which later, in addition to the member countries of the European Association, included Japan, where in 2001 the first world cheerleading championship was held.

In Russia, cheerleading has existed relatively recently. It got its start simultaneously with the advent of American football in our country. The first cheerleading team in our country was created in 1996 under the Children's League of American Football (DLAF). Soon, girls' interest in the original sport grew so much that in January 1998, the Assol Leisure Club, an autonomous non-profit organization established by DLAF, appeared, the main task of which was to develop a sports team support group program.

Cheerleading Festival in Moscow, 2015

In August 1999, at the initiative of the Assol club, the Cheerleaders Federation - Support Groups for Sports Teams NGO was registered. The popularity of cheerleading continued to grow rapidly: already in 1999, the first cheerleading competition for the Federation Cup took place at the Dynamo Sports Palace. On February 12, 2007, cheerleading in Russia was officially recognized as a sport, and on December 1, 2008, the Russian Cheerleading Federation was officially registered.