
What events happened on June 1st. Calendar of memorable dates for June. Day of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Navy

BC e. - at the secular (secular) games on June 1-3, the Roman princeps Augustus marked the beginning of a new era - the era of universal peace. He proclaimed loyalty, peace, honor, morality and courage as its highest values. The first secular games - a feast of sacrifice to the underground gods - took place in 249 BC. e. during the first Punic War and were then to be repeated every hundred years, but in 49 BC. e. failed due to the civil war. August restored an ancient tradition

Roman emperor Marcus Didius Severus Julianus murdered in his palace

The first written mention of Scotch whiskey in the Scottish treasury records. The distiller was monk John Cor

The building of the Smolny Institute was laid in St. Petersburg (architect Giacomo Quarenghi)

In St. Petersburg, a fence of Turkish guns, trophies of the Russian-Turkish war of 1828-1829, was installed around the Transfiguration Cathedral

The first controlled flight on the Aeron-1 airship without an engine. The airship could lift off the ground, fly against the wind and make a smooth landing. This was done by moving the cockpit and tilting the airship up or down. The flight was made by dropping ballast

American inventor Thomas Alva Edison received the first patent for an electric vote recorder.

In Denmark, the Great Northern Telegraph Society was founded, which in the following decades built underwater communication stations throughout the Russian Empire. One of the oldest companies currently operating in Western Europe - partners of Russia

A bust of Peter I was opened in St. Petersburg on the territory of the Imperial River Yacht Club on Krestovsky Island

The bank building in New Haven, Connecticut, installed the first pay phone - the forerunner of modern pay phones

The US Senate rejected the proposal of US President Thomas Woodrow Wilson to establish an American protectorate over Armenia

A library campaign has been announced in Soviet Russia, designed to help revitalize the activities of libraries, attract peasants, workers and youth to them.

A contract was signed between the USA and the USSR on the participation of American engineers in the construction of 90 Soviet metallurgical plants

In the USSR, the Northern Military Flotilla was formed with a base in the Kola Bay. Zakhar Zakupnev appointed commander

The first transcontinental airline in the USSR was opened from Moscow to Vladivostok, one of the longest in the world. In those days, flights were made with intermediate landings for 4 days

The first issue of the Action Comics comics magazine was published, in which the most famous comic book hero Superman appeared. The magazine cost ¢10, and by 1995 surviving copies were selling for over $75,000. Superman Adventures was written by Jerome "Jerry" Siegel and art by Joe Shuster

For the first time in the UK, British European Airways began delivering air mail by helicopter.

International Children's Day

This holiday has been celebrated annually in the world since 1950. Its purpose is to draw people's attention to the position of children in the family and society. This is a reminder to the adult population of the need to respect the rights of the child - to life, education, recreation, freedom of opinion, religion. Adults should not forget that absolutely every child, regardless of place of birth and skin color, should have their own carefree childhood. In which there is no place for threats, aggression, violence and exploitation of child labor.

On June 1, numerous entertainment events are organized for millions of children around the world - free rides on attractions, drawing with crayons on asphalt, watching children's films in cinemas, free distribution of balloons, ice cream and other sweets. From squares, parks, cafes, sonorous joyful children's laughter is heard. For many schoolchildren, their favorite summer holidays begin on this day.

world milk day

The International Food and Agriculture Organization, acting under the auspices of the United Nations, once took the initiative to celebrate June 1 every year as World Milk Day. This day was not chosen by chance. In some Western countries, Milk Day has already been celebrated as a national holiday. And it fell just either on June 1, or on days close to this date. Therefore, we stopped at this day. The first international celebration took place in 2001. After 7 years, the dairy holiday was already celebrated by about 40 countries, including Russia - the main festivities were held in the Rostov region. Where sports and exciting games were held on the sports and theatrical venues of the Central Park. Free distribution of dairy products was also carried out here, and fairy-tale heroes staged all kinds of performances on a dairy theme. The celebration was organized by two companies - Tetra Pak and ALL. The purpose of celebrating World Milk Day is to promote a healthy lifestyle and nutrition, explain the benefits of dairy products and inform people about activities related to milk production.

June 1 in the folk calendar

June 1, according to the folk calendar, is marked as Ivan the Long. Long - because the day is longer than the night, and while it passes, you can do a lot of things, and there will still be time for rest. Many signs are associated with June Ivan. For example, to find out whether the month will be rainy or not, you need to pay attention to the weather. If it rains on Ivan, and the next day after him, it means a dry, hot summer. After Ivan came the real summer, as unnecessary they hid warm clothes for the winter. Cucumbers were planted on Ivan for a long time, and the fields were also spoken from crop failures, bad weather, the evil eye, and pests.

Historical events June 1

His first brainchild was caterpillar tractors with a capacity of 60 hp, which ran on naphtha fuel. Only in 1937. more economical diesel tractors began to roll off the assembly line. During World War II, Kharkov and Kirov Motor Plants were evacuated to Chelyabinsk. And by common efforts, on the basis of the tractor plant, the production of tanks, including the famous T-34, was started. The modern ChTZ has not only changed its name (now it is URALTRAK), but also expanded its products, which are supplied to the foreign and domestic markets. These include bulldozers, pipelayers, mini-tractors and front loaders, as well as spare parts for them and other high-tech engineering products.

From that moment on, to become a full-fledged car driver, it was necessary to obtain car registration numbers and pass exams, proving that the driver was ready to drive a car. Only then did he get a driver's license.

Now it is hard to imagine, but before 1936, to get from Moscow to Vladivostok by plane, it was necessary to spend 4 days on the road and make several transfers. This caused great inconvenience to the passengers. And only the opening of a transcontinental airline solved their problems at once. By the way, this route is still considered one of the longest in the world.

The world saw the first issue of a comic book magazine, on the pages of which appeared the defender of the offended and oppressed - the invincible Superman. In the now world-famous tight-fitting blue suit. The author of his adventures was Jerry Segal, and he embodied the idea in drawings, including inventing the famous costume - artist Joe Shuster. The magazine was called Action Comics.

June 1, 2009 Airbus A 330 with 228 passengers took off from Rio de Janeiro heading for Paris. 4 hours after departure, the airbus hit the turbulence zone, then disappeared from the radar. When the plane did not arrive in Paris at the scheduled time, and, according to experts, it should have run out of fuel, the search for the missing ship began. The next day, the wreckage of the French A 330 was found by search aircraft. All passengers and crew members were killed.

June 1st were born

On the first summer day in 1926, Norma Jean Mortinson (Baker) was born in Los Angeles - the sex symbol of the twentieth century, known throughout the world as Marilyn Monroe. She starred in several films - "Love Nest", "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes", "Chorus Girls", "Only Girls in Jazz", etc. Only a few can appreciate what an actress she was. But what a woman she was, millions cannot forget. Unfortunately, beauty and charm did not bring happiness to Marilyn. All her life she was treated kindly by the attention of men, but she remained lonely and misunderstood by them. Disillusioned with life and men, she voluntarily left this world at the age of 36. The pathologist determined death from an overdose of sleeping pills.

The future star of Soviet cinema - Evgenia Simonova was born into an intelligent Leningrad family. Simonova's mother taught a foreign language, and her father was a famous scientist. And of course, the parents did not predict the career of the actress of their daughter. Little Zhenya was engaged in choreography, studied music (she graduated from the Gnessin Music School). And after graduating from high school, she entered the theater school. Success in the cinema came to Evgenia Simonova immediately in the first year. When she starred in the legendary film by Leonid Bykov - “Only old men go to battle”, presenting herself in the image of a young pilot Masha Popova. After there were Katya Snegireva in Athos and Tasya Smelkova in The Lost Expedition and many more roles in theater and cinema, which brought Simonova further popularity. But still, the hearts of many millions of viewers were forever conquered by the sweet, modest, charming, with a beautiful smile, young Masha Popova.

Name day June 1

Alexander, Dmitry, Anton, Valentin, Maxim, Mikhail, Pavel, Nikolay, Ivan, Sergey, Anastasia

June 1st- International Children's Day.
June 1st- Day of the Northern Fleet of Russia.
June 1st- Day of military transport aviation of the Russian Air Force.
June 1, 1897 was born twice Hero of the Soviet Union General of the Army P.I. Batov.

June 3- The Security Council of the Russian Federation was formed 20 years ago.
June 4, 1777 born Russian military and statesman General of Infantry and Artillery A.P. Ermolov.
June 7, 1897 Hero of the Soviet Union Marshal of the Soviet Union K.A. Meretskov.
June 7, 1887 was born twice Hero of the Soviet Union, commander of the Putivl partisan detachment (later - the Sumy partisan unit), Major General S.A. Kovpak.
June 8, 1892 born domestic aircraft designer N.N. Polikarpov.
June 9, 1672 Pyotr I Alekseevich (Romanov) was born.
June 10, 1807 during the war with France 1805–1807 near Heilsberg (East Prussia) a battle took place between the 85,000th Russian army under the command of L.L. Bennigsen and the 115,000th army of Napoleon. Nobody got the victory. After the battle, Marshal Lannes told Napoleon: "The Russians are fighting better and better." “Yes,” he agreed, “we give them lessons, and perhaps they will become our teachers.”
June 11, 1942 in Washington, an agreement was signed between the USSR and the USA on mutual assistance in the war, securing the obligation of the United States to supply the USSR with material and technical assistance under Lend-Lease.
12 June- Russia Day.
June 17- Day of the medical worker.
June 18, 1937- the beginning of the world's first non-stop flight of the crew (V.P. Chkalov, G.F. Baidukov, A.V. Belyakov) from Moscow over the North Pole to the USA on the ANT-25 RD aircraft (completed on June 20, 1937).
June 18, 1877 the heroic defense of the Bayazet fortress by a small Russian detachment (30 officers and 1,300 lower ranks) began.
June 20, 1957 Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant founded. The enterprise manufactures Tor-M2E air defense systems, Tor-M1 air defense systems, Osa-AKM air defense systems, Saman-M1 target complex, and provides their service.
On June 20, 1637, the Turkish fortress of Azov (a garrison of four thousand and 200 guns) was taken by the Don Cossacks. After that, the heroic Azov siege began - the defense of the fortress from the Turkish-Tatar troops continued until May 27, 1642.
22nd of June- Day of Memory and Sorrow - the day of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War (1941).

June 23, 1782 General of Infantry P.S. was born. Kotlyarevsky. For the capture of the fortress, Lankaran was awarded the Order of St. George, 2nd degree.
June 24, 1812 Napoleon's troops crossed the Neman River and invaded Russia. The Patriotic War began.
June 26, 1877 born Soviet military and party leader Ya.F. Fabricius.
June 26, 1712 in the presence of Peter I, the first ship of the line, laid down in the St. Petersburg Admiralty for the Baltic Fleet, was launched. He received the name "Poltava".
June 29- Day of partisans and underground fighters.
June 29, 1942 The Voronezh-Voroshilovgrad defensive operation began.

Children Protection Day was founded in 1949 by decision of the session of the Women's International Democratic Federation. It was first celebrated in 1950 in 51 countries of the world. In Ukraine, Children's Day is celebrated in accordance with the Decree of the President of May 30, 1998.

The protection of children and their rights have always attracted the close attention of the international community. This is especially true of the 20th century, because the attitude towards children at different times was not always the same, and to the need to protect them, their rights (the very concept of “the rights of the child” did not even exist), society had to go through a certain period of development, to evolve. Today it may seem strange, but the attitude of the family and society towards the child, for example, in the Middle Ages and subsequent times, was not so reverent - the child was not the object of excessive guardianship, protection or worship - this was to a certain extent facilitated by high birth rates and high infant mortality .

In the twentieth century, with the development of medicine, the emergence of the latest contraceptives, when families usually began to have no more than two children, attitudes towards them also began to change. Back in 1924, the League of Nations adopted the Geneva Declaration on the Rights of the Child. At that time, children's rights were considered mainly in the context of measures that needed to be taken in relation to slavery, child labor, child trafficking.

In 1959, the United Nations adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, which proclaims social and legal principles relating to the protection and well-being of children. However, the Geneva Declaration of the Rights of the Child of 1924 and the Declaration of the Rights of the Child of 1959 were only declarative and recommendatory in nature, and specific laws and international treaties were needed to protect and ensure the rights of the child. Then the question of legislation on children's rights arose.

On November 20, 1989, the UN General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which is considered the world constitution for children. The fight for the adoption of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child was long and difficult, and the victory was not easy. Ukraine ratified the Convention on September 27, 1991, and since then this document has been part of the national legislation. However, for the concept of the Convention to become a reality for every child, it must be a guide to action for every adult.

It should be noted that in recent years the situation with the protection of children in Ukraine has worsened. Now the main factors of this have become the annexation of Crimea and the armed conflict in the East of Ukraine. Under such conditions, children living in these regions are in constant danger.

World Parents Day proclaimed by resolution 66/292 of the UN General Assembly in 2012 and is celebrated annually on June 1, just like International Children's Day. As the name implies, the Day is dedicated to the parents of the whole world - women and men. The family is entrusted with the main responsibility for the upbringing and protection of children, for ensuring that the full and harmonious development of their personality necessarily takes place in a family environment, in an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding. Parents in all parts of the world, regardless of their racial, religious, cultural and national identity, are the main educators and teachers of their children, they are the ones who prepare them for a happy, fulfilling and productive life. Parents are the core of the family and the backbone of our society. Today, women and men equally need more government support to be able to combine professional and family responsibilities. Families that are created on the principles of recognizing the equality between men and women contribute to building a more stable and productive society. In today's changing world, humanity faces many challenges, but one thing remains the same: the importance of the role of mother and father, their unprecedented contribution to the upbringing of a new generation. The General Assembly, in its resolution, invites Member States to celebrate World Parents' Day in full partnership with civil society, in particular by engaging youth and children.

Anniversaries of the day:

116 years since birth Zoya Mikhailovna Gaidai (1902-1965), Ukrainian singer (soprano). A student of the famous Kyiv music teacher Elena Alexandrovna Muravyova (Ivan Kozlovsky and Larisa Rudenko studied with her). During her creative life, Zoya Gaidai sang more than 50 opera parts, most of them on the stage of the Kyiv Opera and Ballet Theatre. With equal success, she performed parts of both comedy, lyric-comedy and drama. During her lifetime, the artist played more than fifty roles. Among the brightest are the parts of Natalka Poltavka, Mariltsy (Natalka Poltavka, Taras Bulba by Lysenko), Oksana (The Night Before Christmas by Rimsky-Korsakov), Mazhenka (The Bartered Bride by Smetana). In addition to opera, she performed as a chamber performer of folk songs and classical romances. In 1937, when Dmitri Shostakovich was persecuted for the “pro-bourgeoisness” of the opera Lady Macbeth (Katerina Izmailova), Zoya Gaidai was not afraid to say a kind word about the work and support the composer, for which he thanked her very much in letters. One of the confirmations of the independent nature of the singer was the fact that at a time when it was forbidden to talk about religion, she often listened to the Metropolitan Choir in the Vladimir Cathedral, which was led by her father. Ministerial officials did not like these visits (“the people's artist goes to church”), but they were forced to endure, just as they “endured” Ivan Kozlovsky or Antonina Nezhdanova.

Born on this day Marilyn Monroe (1926-1962), American film actress, movie star of the 50-60s of the twentieth century. Marilyn Monroe (Norma Jean Baker Mortenson) was born in Hollywood. Her mother worked at a film studio, but she hardly took care of her daughter. Soon she abandoned the child altogether. Since then, the girl was brought up by strangers, she also visited orphanages. At 16, she married four years older funeral director James Dougherty. A year later, her husband got a job as a sailor on a merchant ship, and Norma got a job at a factory sewing parachutes. There she was noticed by an army photographer who was looking for models for Life and Peak magazines. The girl posed for $5 an hour. Thus began the career of the future "American goddess of love." In 1946, employees of the 20th Century Fox film studio, having properly assessed the external data of the model, invited her to try her hand at cinema. At first, the girl starred in musical comedies, but pretty soon she began to play the main roles. And after the films Love Nest, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, How to Marry a Millionaire, Only Girls in Jazz, Marilyn Monroe becomes the idol of millions. Despite the huge success, the actress was not a very happy person. Her personal life did not work out: her three marriages ended in divorce (after James Dougherty, she was married for 9 months to American baseball legend Joe DiMaggio, her third husband was playwright Arthur Miller (“I fell in love with his wisdom,” Monroe said about him)), and her love affairs were actively discussed in the newspapers. On August 5, 1962, she was found dead in her own bed. The official version is suicide. Of course, this version did not suit many. Someone said that the actress was killed by American intelligence services for her affair with the Kennedy brothers, who saw the ubiquitous mafia in this mysterious death ... Those who considered the death of Marilyn Monroe a suicide included her third husband, playwright Arthur Miller. In his autobiography, he described his wife as a very insecure woman who had constant doubts about her acting talent. She dreamed of serious roles in serious films, but filmmakers, producers and viewers wanted nothing from her, except for her body. In her last interview with a Times journalist - a few hours before her death - she bitterly threw: "Success is like caviar: tasty, but if you eat a lot of it, it can get boring."

76 years since birth Oleg Krysa (1942), Ukrainian violinist, teacher, Honored Artist of Ukraine (now Oleg Krysa is called an American violinist of Ukrainian origin). A student of David Fedorovich Oistrakh, who treated his student with special trepidation, saying that “for 30 years of teaching, I have not met another such musical personality as the Rat. Oleg has a brilliant natural gift, unusual musicality, bright artistry and great charm. Oleg Krysa is known as the first violinist of the famous Beethoven Quartet and the first performer of works by Schnittke, Sylvestrov, Skorik, many of which were written especially for him. Lecturer at the Kyiv (1968-1973) and Moscow (1974-1987) conservatories. Laureate of international violin competitions in Poznan (1963), Genoa (1963), Moscow (1966), Montreal (1969). The maestro is quite calm about competitions, realizing that there are many great musicians in the world who have never taken part in any competition, just like there are those who were once laureates, but no one remembers their names anymore , so transient was the laureate glory. He is also skeptical about all kinds of titles, especially popular in the expanses of the former Soviet Union: “Just imagine: US People's Artist Frank Sinatra! Doesn't it sound funny? In the West, only the name of the artist weighs - his image and prestige, ”notes Oleg Krysa. In 1971, the violinist made his American debut at Carnegie Hall. This performance was described by The New York Times as a performance that would have made a violinist's reputation if he hadn't had it." Lived in the USA for almost 30 years. Since 1988 - professor at the Ukrainian Musical Institute in the USA (New York), professor at the Eastman School of Music (Conservatory) at the University of Rochester.