
Significant dates October 1. Forum organization "bastion". Birthday of the Russian Navy

1737 Born A. G. Orlov, military and statesman, General-in-Chief (1769), Count (1762). He began his service as a soldier in the Life Guards Preobrazhensky Regiment. He played a significant role in the coup of 1762, which elevated Catherine II to the throne. Direct participant in the murder of Peter III. In 1768-1769. developed a plan for an expedition against Turkey in the Mediterranean. Carried out general management of the expedition. For the victory in the Chesme naval battle in 1770, he was awarded the Order of St. George 1st class. and received the right to add the name of Chesmensky to the surname. The main organizer of the export to Russia of Princess Tarakanova, who claimed the Russian throne. Retired since 1775. Died 01/05/1808

He was a connoisseur and connoisseur of horses. Visiting the East and Europe during military campaigns and buying horses for himself and the palace stables, Orlov did not skimp, as a result of which the most valuable breeding material was concentrated in Russia. Catherine II granted Orlov 120 thousand acres of land in the Voronezh province, and in 1776 the Khrenovsky stud farm was founded there, which became the main center for the creation of a new breed. In the process of creating the Oryol trotter, Arabian, Danish, Dutch, Mecklenburg and other breeds were involved. In 1784, a gray foal, Bars I, was born, who is considered the ancestor of all Oryol people. According to Orlov, the new horse "had all the parts that corresponded to growth, were correct, had lightness, great strength and ran excellently, lively at a trot."

1754 The Senate Decree "On the establishment of customs outposts and outposts on the Polish border, on the determination of a sufficient number of cavalry troops for patrols" was issued. The decree determined specific measures to protect the border and combat smuggling.

1763 King Augustus III of Poland, enthroned with Russian help in 1733, dies. The absence of the sovereign allowed a new intervention of foreign states in Polish affairs.

1788 The frigate "Evangelist Mark" fought a detachment of the Swedish rowing flotilla.

1854 The first bombardment of Sevastopol: at dawn - from land. At noon - from the sea. The Anglo-French-Turkish fleet, having fired 50,000 shells, was forced to withdraw.

1888 In Sevastopol, the Naval Cathedral was consecrated in the name of Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, which served as the burial place for many officers of the Russian army and the Black Sea Fleet.

1903 A. L. Getman was born, General of the Army (1964), Hero of the Soviet Union (1965). Participated in battles on the Khalkhin-Gol River (1939) against Japanese troops. Having started the Great Patriotic War as a commander of a tank division, he graduated from it as a deputy. commander of the 1st Guards Tank Army. After the war he commanded an army, a military district. Chairman of the USSR DOSAAF in 1965-1972. Died 04/08/1987

1904 During the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905. a battle began near the Shahe River between the 200,000th Russian army (General A.N. Kuropatkin), advancing to assist the besieged Port Arthur, and the 170,000th Japanese army of I. Oyama. The battle was in the nature of oncoming battles and ended on October 17 with a transition to positional defense.

1909 N.D. was born. Sergeev, admiral of the fleet (1970). He began his service in the Navy in 1928. During the Great Patriotic War, an officer of the Main Naval Staff, commanded a brigade of ships of the Volga military flotilla. After the war, he held a number of positions in the central apparatus of the Navy, commanded a military flotilla, In 1967-1977. Chief of the Main Staff of the Navy - 1st Deputy. Commander-in-Chief of the Navy. Died 02/11/1999

1917 N. I. Smirnov, Fleet Admiral (1973) was born. In the Navy since 1937. During the Great Patriotic War he fought in the Black Sea Fleet. In the post-war years, he commanded the submarine forces of various fleets, was deputy. commander of the Black Sea Fleet, deputy. Chief of the Main Staff of the Navy. Since 1969 he has been commander of the Pacific Fleet. Since 1974, the 1st deputy. Commander-in-Chief of the Navy. Died 1992

1918 Local criminal investigation bodies were created under the Main Police Department of the NKVD (Tsentrorozysk) - Day of Criminal Investigation Workers.

1930 Born P. R. Popovich, major general of aviation (1976), twice Hero of the Soviet Union (1962, 1974), USSR pilot-cosmonaut. He flew on the Vostok-4 in August 1962, Soyuz-14 and on the Salyut-3 orbital station in July 1974.

In 1939, the USSR and Latvia concluded an agreement on mutual assistance, according to which the 2nd Special Rifle Corps of the Red Army entered the territory of Latvia.

1944 The Memel offensive operation of the troops of the 1st Baltic (General of the Army I. Kh. Bagramyan) and part of the forces of the 3rd Belorussian (General of the Army I. D. Chernyakhovsky) fronts began.
On October 10, Soviet troops reached the Baltic Sea, cutting off the enemy grouping from East Prussia. The operation ended on October 22.

1948 One of the most disastrous earthquakes known to world history occurred on the territory of the Turkmen SSR. The city of Ashgabat with a population of 130 thousand people has turned into ruins. The death toll was over 32 thousand people. The troops of the Turkestan military district were urgently transferred to the earthquake area, 10,000 tarpaulin army tents, 50 thousand square meters were sent. m of prefabricated wooden houses, a lot of cement, glass, nails, plywood, etc., in order to create conditions for the affected population that support their livelihoods. From October 6 to October 11, 240 heavy aircraft of both military and civil aviation delivered doctors, medicines, food and other necessary goods to Ashgabat,

1967 Pilot M. Komarov on the E-266 (modified MiG-25) set a world record on a closed 500 km route, flying along it at an average speed of 2981.5 km/h.

1967 Pilot A. V. Fedotov on a jet aircraft E-266 with a load of 2 tons reached a height of 30,010 m, setting a world record. (E-266 - designation E-155 when registering a record with the FAI.)

1995 The President of the Russian Federation approved the Regulations on the Fundamentals of the Border Policy of the Russian Federation.

1999 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1122 established the Government Commission on Social Issues of Servicemen, Citizens Discharged from Military Service, and Members of Their Families, approved the Regulations and composition of the commission. Among the main tasks are the development of measures for the military-patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation, coordination of the activities of federal and regional executive authorities participating in the implementation of the State program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2001-2005." Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation V. I. Matvienko was elected Chairman of the Commission.

1799 - during the Swiss campaign of Suvorov, in the battle near the village of Nefels, the vanguard of Russian troops (6 thousand people) under the command of General Pyotr Bagration defeated a 5,000-strong French detachment.

1919 Dmitry Ilyich Kozlov was born. Twice Hero of Socialist Labor (1961, 1979), laureate of Lenin (1957) and State Prizes of the USSR (1976, 1983), State Prize of the Russian Federation. Scientist and designer in the field of rocket technology. Died March 7, 2009.

1944 The Moscow Suvorov Military School was opened.

1654 - During the Russian-Polish war of 1654-1667, Russian troops under the command of Prince Yakov Cherkassky forced the Polish garrison of Smolensk to capitulate.

Day of the Space Forces of the Russian Federation.

Day of the Civil Defense Troops of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation.

1894 Sergey Gavrilovich Simonov was born. Hero of Socialist Labor (1954), winner of two Stalin Prizes (1942, 1949). Designer of small arms (in particular, he created the SKS self-loading carbine). Died May 6, 1986.

1904 - During the Russo-Japanese War (1904–1905), a battle began on the Shahe River. An attempt by a 200,000-strong Russian army under the command of General Alexei Kuropatkin to help the besieged Port Arthur ended in failure. After a series of stubborn oncoming battles, the Russian and Japanese (170 thousand people) troops switched to positional defense.

1944 - Soviet troops during the Great Patriotic War launched the Memel offensive operation and on October 10 reached the Baltic Sea, cutting off the German grouping in the Baltic from East Prussia. The operation was completed on 22 October.

1934 - test pilot Konstantin Popov took to the air a prototype of the first domestic high-speed bomber SB (6656 machines of this type were built in 1936-1941).

1944 - During the Great Patriotic War, Soviet troops launched the Petsamo-Kirkines offensive operation. Ended October 27th. Parts of the Red Army and sailors of the Northern Fleet liberated the city of Petsamo (Pechenga) and the northern regions of Norway from the Nazis.

1959 - An American reconnaissance aircraft RB-57D was shot down over the territory of China (near Beijing) with the help of the Soviet S-75 anti-aircraft missile system. The first successful combat use of the domestic air defense system.

1794 - Russian troops (14 thousand people) under the command of General Ivan Ferzen defeated a detachment of Polish rebels (7 thousand people) led by Tadeusz Kosciuszko in the battle near Maciejovice (he was wounded and captured).

1914 - the first Russian battleship-dreadnought "Sevastopol" entered service.

1899 - The Anglo-Boer War began between the British Empire, on the one hand, and the Republic of South Africa and the Free Orange State, on the other. It ended in 1902 with the victory of Great Britain.

1929 - Parts of the Special Red Banner Far Eastern Army under the command of Vasily Blucher began hostilities against Chinese troops who seized the Chinese Eastern Railway (CER) belonging to the USSR. The fighting continued intermittently until December, when the Chinese side was forced to sign an agreement on the restoration of the former legal regime of the CER.

1944 - Soviet troops during the Great Patriotic War cleared the capital of Latvia, Riga, from the Nazis.

1964 - China conducted the first test of a nuclear weapon (capacity - up to 20 kilotons).

1849 Nikolai Petrovich Mikhnevich was born. General from Infantry (1910), a prominent Russian military theorist and historian. In 1911-1917 he was the chief of the General Staff. Died February 8, 1927.

1929 Mikhail Petrovich Simonov was born. Hero of the Russian Federation (1999), winner of the Lenin and several State Prizes. Aircraft designer, participated in the creation, led the development of a number of combat aircraft of the Su brand (including the Su-24, Su-25, Su-27).

Day of the Communications Troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

1919 - The Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic issued order No. 1736/362 on the creation of the Communications Department and the introduction of the post of chief of communications of the Red Army.

1944 - Soviet troops, together with units of the People's Liberation Army of Yugoslavia, liberated the Yugoslav capital of Belgrade from the Nazi invaders.

1949 Nikolai Nikolaevich Bordyuzha was born. Secretary General of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (since 2003), Colonel General.

1959 - the first launch of the P-35 marine cruise missile, created in OKB-52 under the guidance of designer Vladimir Chelomey, took place.

Day of formations and units of special purpose of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

1924 Viktor Petrovich Makeev was born. Twice Hero of Socialist Labor (1961, 1974), laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. General designer of missile systems for submarines. Died October 25, 1985.

1904 - Nikolai Leonidovich Dukhov was born. Three times Hero of Socialist Labor (1945, 1949, 1954), laureate of five Stalin Prizes, Lenin Prize. Designer of heavy tanks, chief designer of naval nuclear weapons. Died May 1, 1964.

1699 - ended the so-called "Kozhukhovsky campaign" - the maneuvers of the Russian troops, organized by Tsar Peter I, which showed the advantage of the regiments of the "new system" over the archery regiments.

1974 - the Order "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" of three degrees and the medal "For Distinction in Military Service" of two degrees were established.

1904 Alexander Alexandrovich Morozov was born. Twice Hero of Socialist Labor (1942, 1974), laureate of three Stalin Prizes, Lenin Prize. Designer of armored vehicles. Died June 14, 1979.

1944 - During the Great Patriotic War, Soviet troops launched the Budapest offensive operation. It ended on February 13, 1945 with the liquidation of a 180,000-strong enemy group surrounded in the Hungarian capital Budapest.

Birthday of the Russian fleet.

1939 Mikhail Petrovich Kolesnikov was born. General of the Army (1995). In 1992–1996, he was Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Died March 26, 2007.

Significant events in the world of music - BIRTHDAYS

AND Talian composer and baroque singer was born October 1, 1639 (1644 ) of the year. For a long time there was no accurate biographical data about him in the literature. Around the personality of the composer, a legend has developed about the miraculous power of his music, about attempts on his life because of jealousy and revenge.

wrote operas, cantatas, oratorios and instrumental music. Artworks Stradella was widely known during her lifetime.

R Omantic story of life and death Stradella she herself became the source of several operas, of which the most famous - Friedrich von Flotow "Alessandro Stradella" (1844 ).

F French composer, theater critic Paul Abraham Dukas came into being October 1, 1865. His first major compositions were two overtures written in 1883 . After a series of unsuccessful attempts to win the Prix de Rome, the young musician left the conservatory.

At rush came to Duke V 1892 when his overture was performed in Paris "Polyevkt". Other notable writings 1890sSymphony C-dur and scherzo "The Sorcerer's Apprentice". Despite the success of his writings, Duke he was very critical of them and destroyed the manuscripts, which is why many of his works of this time have not survived.

IN early 20th century Duke turned to major stage works: opera "Arianna and Bluebeard" and ballet "Peri", first introduced in 1912. In the future, the musician switched to teaching and critical work and no longer composed a single major work, and destroyed all existing sketches.

October 1, 1903 born - American pianist of Ukrainian origin. His first solo concert took place in Kharkov in 1920. Beginning with 1922 Horowitz, giving concerts in the cities of Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, has accumulated a gigantic repertoire in terms of volume.

In September 1925 Vladimir Horowitz before leaving for Germany, he learned and played in Leningrad 1st concert. Thanks to this work, he became famous in Europe. The concert played a "fatal" role in the pianist's life: every time, achieving a triumph in the countries of Europe and America, Horowitz performed exactly this piece.

WITH Soviet authorities have chosen Gorovets represent Ukraine at the inaugural international competition V 1927, but the pianist decided to stay in the West and therefore did not participate in the competition. Before 1940 he traveled with concerts almost all the countries of Europe and everywhere had a stunning success. In Paris, when he played, the gendarmes were called in to calm the audience, who broke chairs in ecstasy.

In 1928 Vladimir Horowitz brilliantly performed at Carnegie Hall in New York and traveled with resounding success to many cities in America. IN 1940 he finally settled in the United States.

Early 1980s the pianist was pursued by failures. Concerts in Japan in 1983 failed. IN 1986, after a 6-year absence, gave concerts in Moscow and Leningrad. The concert in the capital of Russia was broadcast by the world's leading television companies, and video cassettes did not leave the stores for many years. IN 1987 the film "The Last Romantic" was filmed in the pianist's New York apartment; in the same year, the pianist gave his last concert in Hamburg.

IN great musician died November 5, 1989, and with 1995 held in Kyiv International Competition for Young Pianists in Memory Vladimir Horowitz .

October 1, 1935 was born Julie Elizabeth Andrews DBE is a British actress, singer and writer. Already during the war, she constantly performed in the music halls of London, and with the onset of adulthood she moved to Broadway, where she was proclaimed "Queen of the Musical". A real sensation caused her performance as Eliza Doolittle in the updated version of the play by George Bernard Shaw "My Fair Lady". The best writers have written musicals "Camelot" And "Cinderella" especially for the young actress, however, in 1964 Andrews I thought it was time to try my hand at cinema.

Signed a contract with the Walt Disney Studios to shoot in the film version "Mary Poppins". This picture turned out to be one of the most commercially successful projects in the history of the studio and brought the actress an Oscar for Best Actress. On the wave of success, she starred in a musical film "Sounds of music", which also became an enduring classic of family cinema: it won an Oscar for the best film of the year, brought Andrews second nomination for this award and made her name known to the whole world.

In 1997 as a result of surgery to remove polyps Julie lost her amazing voice. Fortunately, her career as an actress continued. IN 1999 The Queen of Great Britain conferred on her the title of Lady. The paradox was that playing virtuous governesses, Andrews found herself squeezed into the confines of a certain type, with which she had to fight for the rest of her life. In the framework of the musical theater, she essentially had nothing more to play, and in the cinema she was written off as a star early 1960s. However, since the film "The Americanization of Emily", the acting range has constantly expanded. Not so long ago, she made her debut as a theater director, played in the children's comedy The Princess Diaries and voiced the queen in the cartoon Shrek 2.

P congratulations from friends and relatives accepts today. Russian actor, playwright, poet, songwriter born October 1, 1945.

In 1978 Denisov met with Anatoly Kalvarsky. To the music of this composer Nicholas wrote his first four songs. The first performer was the theater and film actor, who released in 1980 record "Four Ballads".

WITH At the same time, Valery Leontiev began to write poetry for songs. In total, the singer performed over 50 compositions on verses Nikolai Denisov, among them: " Cabaret», « I'm groovy», « Sheri», « Maple Leaf», « Night call», « My berry" and others.

P sing to verses Nikolai Denisov also perform Nadezhda Babkina, Philip Kirkorov, Mikhail Shufutinsky, Anne Veski and others.

H Dutch singer, lead singer shock blue was born October 1, 1947.

Mariska began her singing career in 1964 in The Hague with a beat band Les Mysteres. The ensemble won talent competition in Merrust (Warmond), toured Germany and released a single "Summertime".

In 1966 the singer joined the Blue Fighters, the Hague group. Then she sang with groups Danny & Favorites (1967 ) And Motowns (1967 ). Veresh recorded two solo singles: "Topkapi" (1965 ) And "Dag en nacht" (1967 ) before joining 1967 To Bumble Bees.

H two years later, in 1969 , the group released their first official album, and in 1970 became world famous after the single Venus topped the charts in the US, Italy, Belgium, France, Spain and Germany. In the Netherlands the single rose to number 3 and in the UK to number 10.

P donkey "Venus" Shocking Blue released 15 more singles and 10 albums. Their songs became hits "Never Marry a Railroad Man", "Long Lonesome Road", "Hello Darkness", "Blossom Lady" And "Eve and the Apple".

P after the collapse shock blue V 1974 Veresh started a solo career, but did not achieve success. IN 1978 Mariska took part in the recording of the single Neon City groups Mistral. IN late 1980s the singer performed with her own band called Veres, and in early 1990s performed on stage with The Clarks. IN 1992 Mariska Veres became the lead singer of a jazz group Shocking Jazz Quintet and released one CD with it. IN 1993 she put together a new lineup shock blue with whom she recorded a single "Body And Soul" (1994 ). IN 2003 Veresh recorded an album with a gypsy ensemble Andrey Serban "Gypsy Heart".

She was not married and had no children. She died of cancer December 2, 2006 at the age of 59.

WITH Enegalese singer and drummer - one of the most famous singers of the African continent, who gained worldwide fame after writing and performing the composition "7 Seconds" in duet with Nene Cherry V 1994 was born October 1, 1959.

Early 2012 the singer announced that he intends to run for the presidency of Senegal. The Supreme Court of the country forbade him to do so.

P After the victory of the opposition candidate Maki Sala, he was appointed Minister of Culture of Senegal.

October 1, 1962 born - Russian drummer.

AND Known for working with artists such as Arsenal, Alliance, Nautilus Pompilius, A-Studio, Zemfira, and many others.

P professional music career Igor started with 1988. Became a member of the group Arsenal Alexey Kozlov, where he wanted to go since childhood, but stayed there for only a year. Then played in a band Igor Granov. IN 1989 was invited to the group "Nautilus Pompilius", from where it went to Igor Talkov to the group "Lifebuoy".

In 1992 Igor Javad-Zade played in a band "Alliance". Later, the entire staff moved to Inna Zhelannaya. Collaborated with. Four years Igor played in "A-Studio". WITH 2000 - at Zemfira. IN 2006 became a member of the Kazakh group "Ulytau" playing ethno-rock.

Igor Javad-Zade I have two own projects: Plastillinne And Drums Dreams.

October 1, 1969 born - jazz saxophonist from Israel. The first team in which he played was the Tel Aviv team DXM. Moved to USA 1991 .

P after graduating from college 1996 Kaplan formed a group with Tom Abbs And Jeff Mann, called Trio Plus. The trio became a quartet in 1997 when he joined them Steve Swell. Kaplan joined a rock band Firewater V 1998 and toured the US and Europe. He also created Ori Kaplan Percussion Ensemble With Susie Ybarra, Jeff Mann And Andrew Bimki.

Joined the group Gogol Bordello and toured with them 2001-2004. IN 2004 formed Balkan Beat Box With Tamir Muscat.

was born October 1, 1972. Director, writer, singer and TV presenter before starting a musical career in the group Butch She worked as a political commentator for the Vremya program on the First Channel of Television.

In the 2000s, Pogrebizhskaya left journalism and took up music professionally, creating Butch. 4 albums released Credo saw the light in October 2007 already with the updated name of the group - . IN 2005 Elena published the book "The Artist's Diary", which was the bestseller for 3 weeks. IN 2007 her book "Confessions of Four" and the documentary film "I'll Rise Anyway" were published.

IN 2007 the next film was released on the Ren-TV channel Elena Pogrebizhskaya"Blood Dealer" IN 2008 with this movie Elena became the winner of the main television award of the country "Tefi". For the second time, she became the owner of "Tefi" in the nomination "Best Television Documentary" for the film "Doctor Lisa".

WITH now Elena working on new films and albums. IN 2010 she created the television company "Creative Workshop of Elena Pogrebizhskaya".

Significant events in the world of music - DAYS OF MEMORY

June 30, 1846 was born Riccardo(Richard) Drigo- Italian and Russian composer, conductor. From childhood, he performed in his native city as a pianist, in adolescence he began to compose romances and waltzes. Graduated from the Conservatory in Venice 1864, student of the famous composer Antonio Buzzola(who in turn studied with Gaetano Donizetti). He worked as a tutor at the Garibaldi Theater in Padua, where he made his first conducting debut. IN 1868 the first opera was staged here Drigo"Don Pedro of Portugal". In the next 10 years Drigo managed to win success on the best theater stages in Italy, in particular, to conduct several premiere operas Wagner at the La Scala Theatre. IN 1878 Baron Karl Karlovich Kister invited Drigo in Saint-Petersburg.

From 1879 Riccardo Drigo was a conductor of the Italian Opera in St. Petersburg, then a conductor and composer of the Ballet Orchestra of the Mariinsky Theatre. Under the direction of Drigo, in collaboration with choreographers M. I. Petipa and L. I. Ivanov, the first ballets were staged in St. Petersburg "Sleeping Beauty" (1890 ), "Nutcracker" (1892 ) And ( 1895 ), as well as ballet A. K. Glazunov "Raymonda" (1898 ). During the summer he toured Europe. He is the author of many ballets, including "Mascot" (1889 ), "Harlequinade" ("Millions of Harlequin", 1900 ), as well as several operas.

In 1919 Drigo returned to Padua, where he composed and conducted productions at the Garibaldi Theater until the end of his life. IN 1878 Drigo came to Russia. For 30 years he worked at the Mariinsky Theatre. IN 1920 returned to Italy where he died October 1, 1930.

R Russian singer (mezzo-soprano), performer of Russian folk songs and romances (née Vinnikova) was born September 29, 1879. Passion for singing led Dezhka (as her relatives called her) to the choir of the Holy Trinity Convent, where she lived for more than two years as a novice. The monastic existence was not to the liking of a 16-year-old girl.

Nadia got a job as a maid in a rich merchant family, and after moving to Kyiv, she entered a chorus girl in chapel Alexandra Lipkina , where after some time she began to perform solo parts. The illiterate peasant girl who did not know the notes possessed not only an amazing voice, but also an absolute ear for music and easily coped with the most difficult solo parts, and soon Hope became a professional singer. Later Nadia entered into ballet troupe Stein , where she met with the former ballet soloist of the Warsaw Theater Edmund Plevitsky whom she married.

IN over the next five years, the young artist sang in the popular "Chorus of Lapotniks" Minkevich , and then in the Moscow restaurant "Yar", where she gained great fame as a soloist - a performer of Russian folk songs. Assisted by Leonida Sobinova performed in the Great Hall of the Conservatory, was friendly with Chaliapin and many actors of the Art Theater. She performed at the Court more than once. Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, at one of these receptions, presented Plevitskaya brooch with diamonds in the form of a beetle. The most famous admirer Nadezhda Plevitskaya was Nicholas II.

Summer 1915 And 1916 in the estate Plevitskaya filmed two films "Cry of Life" and "The Power of Darkness", with Plevitskaya starring. IN 1918 both pictures were remounted into one called "Agafya".

P after the revolution - in exile (Germany and France), where she enjoyed success. IN 1930 began to cooperate with Soviet intelligence. IN 1937 was arrested and sentenced by a French court to 20 years hard labor for complicity in the abduction from Paris of the head of the EMRO, White General Yevgeny Miller.

P the resident of France refused to pardon her. died in a women's prison in Rennes October 1, 1940(by this time France was occupied by the III Reich).

– Soviet, Ukrainian and Russian opera singer (baritone) was born December 13, 1900. IN 1921-1924s studied at the Kiev Cooperative Institute and at the same time was engaged in singing.

In 1925 was invited to the opera studio of the Kyiv Conservatory. For a year of hard work he managed to prepare the parts of Prince Igor, Demon, Yeletsky, Rigoletto, Germont. Onegin's party became the thesis work.

In 1926 the singer was simultaneously invited by the Tbilisi and Baku opera houses. worked in Baku, Odessa and Sverdlovsk Opera and Ballet Theatres. WITH 1934- soloist of the Ukrainian Opera and Ballet Theatre, and with 1950 By 1956 soloist of the Bolshoi Theatre.

W famous American classical composer was born February 12, 1898. The father accidentally discovered his son's musical abilities and took him a music teacher, who gave him Roy first piano lessons. On his own initiative, a capable child learned to play the clarinet and became a member of the school orchestra.

P After serving in the army, he tried many professions, but the dream did not leave him - to write music. He raised some money and went to Los Angeles to get a musical education. Years of study showed passionate love Harris to music and his exceptional and rare ability to work. After three years of study, he began teaching at one of the Hollywood music schools. Then he actively engaged in composing music. He wrote quickly, barely managing to transfer his compositions to paper.

P first major work Harris became "Andante" for symphony orchestra. spring 1926 first performance took place at Rocherst. The premiere was a success and soon the composition was performed in New York and then at the Hollywood Bowl concert venue.

M The music of the young composer received universal recognition. This allowed him to receive financial assistance from the Fund for the Encouragement of the Arts in order to continue his musical education in Paris.

IN returning home to America after studying, Harris He devoted most of his time to composing music. He received true recognition in his homeland after the premiere of his "Symphony 1933" performed by the Boston Symphony Orchestra under S. A. Koussevitzky. Particularly popular in America at that time was the composer's overture on the theme of an American folk song. "When Johnny Comes Home". International fame brought the composer "Third Symphony" written in 1937. She was considered the best example of American national music.

– English composer, arranger and conductor – was born August 4, 1937. He is known not so much for his own works, but for his fruitful collaboration with other performers (primarily with Michael Oldfield).

H despite a purely academic background, Bedford showed interest in rock and roll and was known as a great admirer The Who. Rock and changed his life. Autumn 1969 on the recommendation of a mutual friend ex-bassist Soft Machine Kevin Ayers invited Bedford arrange your first solo album "Joy Of A Toy". When in March next year Ayers decided to collect The Whole World, Bedford became her first volunteer. Although the group lasted a little over a year and recorded only two discs, for David Bedford she opened the doors to a new world. Later on, as before, he worked with Ayers, after 1971 collaborated productively with Roy Harper. Besides David occasionally performed in jazz clubs solo or in a duet with a saxophonist Lolo Coxhill. His formal debut on record was the release of 1970 plate "Music For Albion Moonlight"(he played the piano on one side - the second was occupied by compositions Elizabeth Lutyens).

In the second half of the 1970s, Bedford released a few more albums, but his activity in this area has decreased significantly.

May 22, 1924 was born (Shahnur Vahinak Aznavouryan) - an outstanding French chansonnier and actor of Armenian origin. Being one of the most popular performers in France, he is also well known far beyond its borders. WITH May 5, 2009 the singer was Armenia's ambassador to Switzerland and the country's permanent representative at the UN headquarters. According to a joint poll by TIME magazine and CNN ( 1998 ), Aznavour recognized as the best pop singer of the 20th century.

Born into a family of Armenian emigrants who went to France in 1922. He studied at the children's art school. From the age of 9 he sang and played on stage, already in 1936 made his film debut. Initially Aznavour performed in a duet with the composer Pierre Roche. I noticed both, and 1946 Aznavour And Roche participated in her tour of France and the United States. From that time began a professional career Aznavour like a chanson. However, a decisive breakthrough to the musical Olympus occurred in 1956 after successful concerts in Casablanca and Paris, where he performed three times a day in the famous Olympia Hall for a long time.

In the early 1960s, Aznavour gave concerts in New York halls "Carnegie Hall" and "Ambassador Hotel", and later at the firm Reprise Records released their first American album. Songs Aznavour perform also Ray Charles, Bob Dylan, and others. Aznavour performed in a duet with Frank Sinatra, Placido Domingo, Liza Minnelli, E. Segara and etc.

- composer of music for operettas "Monsieur Carnival" (1965 ), Douchka (1973 ) And "Lotrek" (2004 ). IN 2006 82 year old Aznavour went to Cuba, where, together with Chucho Valdes wrote an album Color Ma Vie which was published February 19, 2007. The world premiere of new songs took place in Moscow, where April 20, 2007 Aznavour gave a single concert.

Aznavour created approximately 1,000 songs, played in 60 films and sold over 100 million discs. Among the world famous songs Aznavour "Bohemia", "Mother", "Eternal love", "Unfashionable Joys", "Youth", "yesterday still", "Isabel" and etc.

Significant events in the world of music - SIGNIFICANT DATES

Kiev Opera and Ballet Theater named after T. G. Shevchenko– the oldest musical theater in Ukraine – opened in 1867 and before 1919 called "Russian Opera". The theater is traditionally distinguished by a high level of vocal art, the presence of good singing voices. In different years they sang here A. V. Nezhdanova, L. V. Sobinov, F. I. Chaliapin, B. A. Rudenko, A. V. Solovyanenko. The permanent opera troupe, along with the theaters of Moscow and St. Petersburg, became one of the best in the Russian Empire.

P first season Kyiv Opera and Ballet Theater was opened by the opera Verstovsky "Askold's Grave". Soon put "Ivan Susanin" And "Ruslan and Ludmila", for opera premieres "Oprichnik" (1874 ), (1889 ) And ( 1890 ) came to 1893 at the opera premiere "Aleko" attended S. V. Rachmaninov, and in 1895 Rimsky-Korsakov came to the premiere "Snow Maiden".

In February 1896 after the morning show "Eugene Onegin" there was a fire that completely destroyed the City Theater. The construction of the new building began in 1898 . The opera house hall included a stalls, an amphitheater, mezzanine and four tiers, which accommodated about 1650 spectators. The facade was decorated with busts M. Glinka, A. Serova, Shevchenko, presented to Kyiv by artists of the St. Petersburg Mariinsky Theater.

TO apart from operas by Russian composers, the theater also staged operas G. Puccini, R. Wagner, J. Massenet as well as opera N. Lysenko "May Night" (1903 ) And "Nocturne" (1914 ).

In 1919 the theater was nationalized and named "The State Opera Theatre. K. Liebknecht», With 1926 Kyiv State Academic Ukrainian Opera(performances were in Ukrainian), and in 1934, with giving Kyiv the status of the capital, - Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet of the Ukrainian SSR. IN 1939 theater name Taras Shevchenko. Now this ( National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater of Ukraine named after Taras Shevchenko).

IN creative plans of the largest musical theater in Ukraine - opera "Missing Letter"(music Miroslava Skoryka), opera, resumption of ballets "Sacred spring" And "Pictures at an Exhibition", ballet performance "Anna Karenina", operas "Don Carlos". Ukrainian composer Evgeny Stankovich is working on a large-scale performance based on the plot of Gogol's story "Terrible Revenge". Among the projects is one of the versions "Ladies with Camellias" and ballet performance "Tatiana" based on Pushkin's story.

October 1, 1922 The first jazz concert took place in Moscow Valentina Parnakha on the stage of the Central College of Theater Arts (later - GITIS) in Maly Kislovsky Lane. Tickets cost from one and a half to ten million rubles.

T urn "Tina: Live in Concert Tour" started in Kansas City October 1, 2008 and was considered one of the most successful in North America.

Updated: April 13, 2019 by: Elena

World Space Week

On 6 December 1999, the General Assembly proclaimed the period from 4 to 10 October as World Space Week to celebrate the contribution that space science and technology makes to human well-being. For the first time, the idea to establish a World Space Week arose at the 3rd UN World Conference on Space. At this forum, the Moroccan delegation put forward a proposal to declare July 20 World Space Day, coinciding this date with the day of the US expedition to the moon. Morocco's proposal was met with a very mixed reception. Most delegations expressed their support for the idea of ​​declaring a special World Space Day. However, the date itself has sparked a lot of controversy. An unexpected proposal was made by the delegate of Iran. He suggested not celebrating World Space Day, but World Space Week, which could start on October 4 and end on October 10. Such an unexpected proposal was supported by most countries, including Russia, since it was based on two important dates for it. This is the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite and the entry into force of the Outer Space Treaty, which was developed at the initiative of Russia. The proposal for a World Space Week was unanimously supported by the conference participants.

world animal day

The decision to celebrate World Animal Day was made on October 4 at the International Congress of the supporters of the movement for the protection of nature, held in Florence in 1931. Societies for the protection of animals in many countries of the world have declared their readiness to organize various mass events every year. In Russia, this date has been celebrated since 2000 at the initiative of the International Fund for Animal Welfare. Animal Day was established to increase public awareness of the need to protect the environment, increase activity in animal protection.

Civil Defense Day EMERCOM of Russia

Today, civil defense is one of the most important functions of the state, an integral part of defense building and ensuring the country's security. Over the past years, specialized Russian civil defense units have taken part in more than 150,000 rescue operations in Russia and 48 countries around the world. At present, a unified state system for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations (RSChS) has been formed and is effectively operating in Russia, which is a national system for countering crisis phenomena.

International Doctor's Day (date for 2009)

The medical profession is one of the oldest. The first professional oath of a doctor was the Hippocratic Oath. At the initiative of the World Health Organization, the first Monday of October is celebrated as International Doctor's Day. This is a day of solidarity and active action by doctors from all over the world. In 1971, the international medical humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders - Medecins Sans Frontieres, MSF was created. MSF, acting under the auspices of the UN, provides assistance to victims of natural disasters, armed conflicts, epidemics, social exclusion in more than 80 countries around the world, helps everyone regardless of political, religious or ethnic affiliation. Every year, about 700 MSF health workers work in hot spots around the world.

World Architect Day (date for 2009)

In 1996, the International Union of Architects, at its 20th General Assembly in Barcelona, ​​adopted a resolution to postpone the celebration of World Architecture Day to the first Monday in October. The International Union of Architects was created immediately after the Second World War. Then his goal was to resolve the urgent problem of restoring war-torn cities, towns and industrial enterprises - the consequences of the Second World War. Now the UIA has about a hundred national sections and more than a million architects. Traditionally, on this day, architects around the world gather at conferences where they discuss the conditions and results of their activities, consider the problems of architectural education, and arrange creative discussions. Exhibitions are organized on this day. Each year the festival has a specific theme.

World Housing Day (date for 2009)

World Habitat Day is celebrated on the first Monday of October, its other name is International Habitat Day (from the English "habitat" - "living conditions"). In 1985, in accordance with the recommendation of the Commission on Human Settlements, the UN General Assembly established "World Habitat Day" with the aim of providing housing for the world's population by the year 2000. The problems of housing and living conditions were raised at a high level at the first UN conference on sustainable development of settlements in Vancouver in 1976. Since then, the world has changed significantly, but the problems of poverty, pollution and disease have not lost their urgency.

290th Birth Anniversary of Giovanni Piranesi (1720–1778)

Italian archaeologist, architect and graphic artist. Born October 4, 1720 in Mogliano Veneto, in the family of a stonemason. He was taught the basics of Latin and classical literature by his elder brother Angelo. Later, working in the magistrate of Venice under the guidance of his uncle, he comprehended the basics of architecture. In 1740, Piranesi travels to Rome. There he enthusiastically explores ancient architecture. Along the way, he studied in the workshop of Giuseppe Vasi in the art of engraving on metal. In 1743, Piranesi published his first series of engravings in Rome. In his engravings, he imagined and showed fantastic architectural structures that were impossible for real implementation. Great success brought him a collection of large engravings "Grotesques", released in 1745, as well as a series of fourteen sheets "Fantasy on Prison Themes". In these works, Piranesi paid tribute to the so-called paper, or imaginary, architecture. In 1763, Pope Clement III commissioned Piranesi to build a choir in the church of San Giovanni in Laterano. The main work of Piranesi in the field of real, "stone" architecture was the restructuring of the church of Santa Maria Aventina. Work was carried out in 1764–1765. In the 1770s, Piranesi also made measurements of the temples of Paestum and made corresponding sketches and engravings, which, after the death of the artist, were published by his son Francesco. The artist died on November 9, 1778 in Rome after a long illness. He was buried in the church of Santa Maria del Priorato.

85 years since the birth of Marlen Martynovich Khutsiev (b. 1925)

Film director. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1977), People's Artist of the USSR (1986). President of the Guild of Film Directors of Russia. Head of the Department of Feature Film Directing at VGIK, professor. Since 1944 he has been working in cinema (artist's assistant). In 1950 he graduated from the directing department of VGIK and made his debut as a director. The theme of the modern young generation, with its problems and relationships, is especially close to his work. In the films “Spring on Zarechnaya Street” (together with F.K. Mironer), “Two Fyodors”, “I’m Twenty Years Old” (Jury Prize at the 26th Venice International Film Festival), “July Rain”, as well as in the TV movie “ It was the month of May ”a detailed, unhurried narration is distinguished by documentary accuracy, imbued with deep inner drama, subtle lyricism. Khutsiev owns the documentary television film "The Scarlet Sail of Paris". Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation (1993). Cavalier of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree. Awarded with the Order of the Badge of Honor.


(1207 — 16.11.1272),
King of England (1216-72). During his reign, foreign (in particular, papal) influence on political life increased noticeably, which could not but cause opposition from the English barons. As a result of the unfolding civil war in May 1264, the rebels defeated the army of the king and took him prisoner. In January 1265, the leader of the rebels, Simon de Montfort, Earl of Leicester, convened a meeting of representatives of the estates in London, which is considered to be the beginning of the English Parliament. In the same year, the king's eldest son Edward defeated the opposition troops, the king's power was restored, but parliament was preserved.

1754 - PAUL I
(1754 — 24.3.1801),
son of CATHERINE II, Russian emperor in 1796-1801 Many interesting stories are associated with his name. But perhaps the most interesting was the tsar's decree, which was handed over to the military governor of St. Petersburg to supervise the execution. “- In order to have more courtesies on the streets, it is forbidden for everyone to wear tailcoats; it is forbidden for everyone to wear any kind of vests, and instead of them - German camisoles;
- do not wear shoes with ribbons, but have them with buckles, also boots, called boots, and short ones, pulled together in front by laces and with lapels;
- do not twist the neck immensely with scarves, ties or scarves, but tie them in a decent way without excessive thickness;
- all serving and retired officers with uniforms are prohibited from wearing fur coats in winter, and instead they are allowed to wear overcoats lined with fur;
- it is forbidden to dance the waltz;
- so that no one has a sideburn;
- it is confirmed that the coachmen and postilions did not shout while driving;
- so that public meetings are not called clubs;
- so that everyone leaving the city, wherever it was, was published in the newspapers three times in a row;
- it is forbidden to wear blue women's frock coats with red collars and a white skirt;
- I ask you to tell everyone who has orders that stars be worn on frock coats, fur coats and other things.

The reputation of a martinet and a petty tyrant, which was entrenched in Pavel in Soviet historiography, was largely facilitated by the diligence of fools who carried out his orders. So, one day the emperor got angry, passing by shabby guard booths, and ordered "immediately paint everything here." The next morning, he saw that everything was painted in black and white stripes: both the booths and the houses adjacent to them, and even the pavement. And when, wanting to punish the maid of honor guilty of immoral behavior, he ordered: “Soap her head” - the servants immediately brought in a basin, soap, and the dignitary who received the order began to lather the offender in the most natural way!

1791 - Sergei Timofeevich AKSAKOV
(1791 — 12.5.1859),

1826 - Carl Theodor VON PILOTY
/Karl Theodor von PILOTY/
(1826 — 21.7.1886),
German painter.

1870 - Alexander Dmitrievich TSURUPA
(1870 — 8.5.1928),
Bolshevik, from January 1918 People's Commissar for Food, from December 1921 Deputy Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars and the Council of Labor and Defense of the RSFSR (then the USSR).

Buried at the Kremlin wall.

1879 - Oka Ivanovich GORODOVIKOV
(1879 — 26.2.1960),
military leader, colonel-general, Hero of the Soviet Union. The title of Hero was awarded to him in 1958, while all the feats were accomplished during the years of the civil war.

1881 - William BOEING
/William Edward BOEING/
(1881 — 29.9.1956),
American industrialist.

Starting as an aircraft designer, and then founding the largest aircraft manufacturing company, in the 30s he left his offspring and started breeding thoroughbred horses.

1903 - Mikhail Alekseevich GURYANOV
(1903 — 27.11.1941),
one of the first heroes of the partisan movement during the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union.

1910 - Bonnie PARKER
/Bonnie Parker/
(1910 — 23.5.1934),
partner of gangster Clyde Barrow.

Danila Bagrov's predecessors just as easily and ruthlessly killed people, but at least they recognized themselves as criminals. They themselves were then presented as romantic heroes, but even Hollywood did not dare to let them escape retribution.

1920 - Walter MATTHAU
/Walter MATTHAU/
(1920 — 1.7.2000),
American film actor. The son of immigrants from Russia won an Oscar in 1967 for best supporting role, and in the 70s he twice claimed the title of best actor of the year.

1924 - Jimmy / James Earl / CARTER
/Jimmy (James Earl CARTER)/,
39th President of the United States.

He held this post from 1977 to 1981.

1927 - Oleg Nikolaevich Efremov
(1927 — 24.5.2000),
People's Artist of the USSR, theater and film actor, organizer and first director of the Sovremennik Theater, who in recent years directed the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov.

Like many graduates of the studio school, he wanted to go straight to the Moscow Art Theater, but they didn’t take him, and then he said: never mind, I’ll still come there as the main director. And he did come! :)

1930 - Simon Lvovich SOLOVEYCHIK
(1930 — 18.10.1996),
teacher, writer, journalist. In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" he came up with the strip "Scarlet Sail", in the last years of his life he was the editor-in-chief of the newspaper "September 1".

1930 - Richard HARRIS
/Richard Harris/
(1930 — 25.10.2002),
Irish actor (“Such is the sporting life”, “The Barber of Siberia”, “Gladiator”, all “Harry Potters”, “The Count of Monte Cristo”).

In our encyclopedias and dictionaries he is called an English actor, but by birth, habits and temperament he was a real Irishman, and when he left, this was noted in all obituaries. His father's name was Ivan, there were 9 children in the family, Richard himself promised to become a rugby star, but the threat of developing tuberculosis prevented him. As a result, he became a Hollywood star, twice nominated for an Oscar, almost became a rock star, joined the Order of Malta, was knighted by the King of Denmark, and received an honorary doctorate from the University of Scranton. His drinking companions were Peter O'TOOL and Richard BARTON, and he agreed to play the role of the wizard Dumbledore only after the threat of an 11-year-old granddaughter not to talk to him if he refused. husband".

1931 - Philippe Noiret
/Philippe NOIRET/
(1931 — 23.11.2006),
French film actor

1948 - Mariska VERES
/Mariska VERES/
(1948 — 2.12.2006),
Dutch group vocalist shock blue who became famous thanks to the song Venus, which topped the charts all over the world in 1970.

1951 - Nina Nikolaevna USATOVA, theater and film actress.

A woman who can laugh very funny (sorry for the pun).

1959 - Yussu N "DUR
/ Youssou N "DOUR /,
Senegalese singer. After a performance in London in 1984, Peter GABRIEL was the first to pay attention to him, who specially traveled to Senegal to meet with the musician. Gabriel invited N "Dur to participate in the recording of his album So and world tour (1986).

The artist attracted the attention of other famous musicians and, more importantly, record labels. The song brought him true fame all over the world. Seven Seconds performed in a duet with Nena CHERRY.

1970 - Alexey Yurievich ZHAMNOV, hockey player (Winnipeg Jets, Chicago Black Hawks), Olympic champion in 1992.

1975 - Chulpan Nailevna Khamatova, theater and film actress.

Young and early ...:)))



331 BC- In the Battle of Gaugamela, ALEXANDER OF MACEDONI defeated the Persian king Darius III.

910 - Tsargrad (Constantinople, modern Istanbul) was besieged by the Saracens. During the all-night vigil in the Blachernae Church, where the robe and head covering of the Virgin Mary were kept, the Mother of God herself appeared with a host of saints and angels. Having removed the veil /omophorion/ from her head, she spread it over the people praying in the temple, protecting them from enemies visible and invisible. The heavenly queen raised a prayer for the salvation of the world, for the deliverance of people from troubles and hardships. This miraculous vision appeared to Saint Andrew the Holy Fool and his disciple Epiphanius, who, in response to the teacher’s question, said: “I see, holy father, and I am horrified.” First, the worshipers, and then all the inhabitants of the city, having heard about the phenomenon, were filled with joy and hope. Like it or not, the Saracens were repulsed. In the 12th century in Rus', in honor of this miraculous salvation, Prince ANDREY BOGOLYUBSKY erected the famous Church of the Intercession on the Nerl near Vladimir and established the feast of the Intercession of the Mother of God, which the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates on October 14.

1661 - The first yacht races took place in England: King Charles II and his brother James competed. Naturally, the king won.

1800 - Conclusion of an agreement between France and Spain in Saint-Ildefons. The return of France to Louisiana, which was ceded by the French to Spain in 1762. The Spanish king Charles IV only managed to get NAPOLEON BONAPARTE to verbally agree never to transfer this territory to a third party.

1815 - The poet V. A. ZHUKOVSKY in a letter to P. A. VYAZEMSKY reports: “I made another pleasant acquaintance! With our young miracle worker Pushkin. I was with him for a minute in Sarskoe village. Sweet living creature!

He rejoiced at me and firmly pressed my hand to his heart. This is the hope of our literature... We all need to unite to help grow this future giant who will outgrow all of us!”

1856 - In a French magazine Revue de Paris Gustave Flaubert's novel Madame Bovary began to be published.

The novel, which was included in the treasury of world literature and had the subtitle "Provincial Mores", was published in the journal until December 15, and the following year it was published as a separate publication in two volumes and already in 1858 was translated into Russian. Its author was not yet 35 years old, and the book became his literary debut. Worked on the novel took five years, he wrote: “Bovary is progressing sluggishly; for a whole week - two pages !!! There is something to fill your own face for. Official public opinion took up arms against the novel, and the government even brought the author and publisher to court on charges of “insulting public morality, religion and good morals.” With the help of a brilliant defense, Flaubert managed to avoid a guilty verdict, a fine and a ban on the novel. But at the same time he lost his friends forever: the writer du KAN and the poet LAURENT-PICHA published his novel in a magazine in a shortened form, distorted to their taste - and Flaubert did not forgive them for this insult.

The writer, who suffered from epilepsy, was never married, and is the only copyright hidden behind his famous phrase: “Emma Bovary is me”?

1888 - Sofia University was founded - the first institution of higher education in Bulgaria. ( In fact, this date should have been celebrated on October 13, since the country lived according to the Julian calendar until 1916.)

1905 - The Turkish football club "Galatasaray" was founded, in its history 16 times becoming the champion of the country, and in 2000 the first Turkish club to win the European tournament - the UEFA Cup.

But here, too, the problem is the same as with Sofia University, since the Turks switched to the Gregorian calendar even later - in 1925. Therefore, the exact date of the creation of the club is October 14, 1905.

1908 - Henry Ford introduced a new model of his Ford Lizzie (Model T), which became the most popular car of the first quarter of the century due to its low price (850 dollars), endurance and economy.

By 1927, 15 million cars of this brand were produced.

1922 - In Moscow, in the building of GITIS, the first jazz concert of Russian musicians, organized on the initiative of Valentin Yakovlevich PARNAKH, was held. Music historians consider this date the birthday of Soviet jazz.

1931 - Regular television programs began in the USSR.

1931 - The reconstructed automobile plant AMO in Moscow was put into operation. On the day the plant was launched, J. V. STALIN sent a telegram of congratulations in which he wrote: “Where Russian capitalists could build automobile workshops with backward technology, low labor productivity, and barbaric methods of operation, a mighty giant was created with a productivity of 25,000 trucks. machines ... Your victory is the victory of all the working people of our country ... Warm Bolshevik greetings to all the builders of the first auto giant in the USSR - the AMO plant.

The workers warmly responded to the greeting of the leader and asked to name the plant after Stalin. Now the plant bears the name of I. A. LIKHACHEV (pictured).

1931 - At the Kharkov Tractor Plant. S. Ordzhonikidze produced the first tractor.

1938 - The History of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) was published as a separate publication. Short Course. Edited it, of course, STALIN. For the first time, the “Short Course in the History of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks” was published chapter by chapter in 12 issues of the Pravda newspaper from September 9 to 19, 1938 (whatever I think, 12 issues in 11 days can’t be obtained).

In the decree of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks that followed soon after, the publication of the book was described as a major event in the ideological life of the party, for the party received a powerful new ideological weapon, an encyclopedia of basic knowledge in the field of Marxism-Leninism. From now on, Party members were armed with knowledge of the laws of social development and political struggle, a means of increasing the political vigilance of Communists and non-Party people. In creating this work, the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks proceeded primarily from giving a unified guide to the history of the party, representing an official, verified by the Central Committee interpretation of the main questions of the history of the party and Marxism-Leninism. The publication of the Short Course of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks put an end to the arbitrariness and confusion in the presentation of the most important questions of the theory and history of the party, which took place in a number of previously published textbooks on the history of the party.

Having prescribed a course of a potent drug to everyone and everyone (for 14 years the book was published in over 40 million copies in the languages ​​of the peoples of the USSR and more than 11 million were published in foreign languages), the party ideologists immediately put an end to the fog in the heads of patients and at the same time saved themselves from a headache .

1938 - The German army entered Czechoslovakia and occupied the Sudetenland.

1941 - As a result of a three-day meeting in Moscow of representatives of the USSR, the USA and England, a trilateral agreement was signed on the supply of military materials and weapons to the USSR.

1946 - The International Military Tribunal completed its work in Nuremberg.

Of the 24 top Nazi leaders, the verdict was announced on the 22nd. Even before the start of the process, the head of the German Labor Front, Robert LEY, committed suicide, and Gustav Krupp was declared terminally ill, in connection with which his case was suspended and then terminated due to the death of the accused. 12 people were sentenced to hang (Martin BORMANN (in absentia), Hans FRANK, Wilhelm FRICK, Hermann Goering, Alfred JODL, Ernst KALTENBRUNNER, Wilhelm KEITEL, Joachim VON RIBBENTROP, Alfred ROSENBERG, Fritz SAUCKEL, Arthur SEYS-INQUART, Julius STREICHER), three to life imprisonment (Rudolf HESS, Hans FUNK, Erich REDER), four to prison terms of 10 to 20 years (Karl DÖNITZ, Baldur VON SHIRACH, Albert SPEER, Konstantin VON NEURAT) and three are acquitted (Hjalmar SCHAKHT, Franz VON PAPEN, Hans FRITSCHE).

For the first time the aggressor appeared before the court of the world community. For the first time, the world was accused of drawing up and carrying out a conspiracy against peace and humanity. For the first time, organizations were named criminal: the leadership of the National Socialist Party, the assault (SA) and security (SS) detachments, the security service (SD), the secret police (Gestapo). The Tribunal also ruled that crimes against humanity should not have a statute of limitations.

The Soviet judge, in his dissenting opinion, expressed disagreement with the acquittal of some of the defendants and the punishment imposed on them, as well as the refusal of the tribunal to recognize the government office of fascist Germany, the General Staff and the high command of the German armed forces as criminal.

1949 - The People's Republic of China is proclaimed.

1967 - Central television began broadcasting programs in color.

1972 - The first games were held in the World Hockey Association (WHA), which separated from the NHL and managed to attract such players as Gordie Howe and Bobby Hull to its ranks.

1977 - PELE left big football, scoring 1281 goals in 1363 games during his sports career.

In the last game, Pele played one half for his last club, the New York Cosmos and one half for the Brazilian Santos, where he began his legendary football career.

1982 - A vote of no confidence in German Federal Chancellor Helmut SCHMIDT (after leaving the government coalition of the Free Democratic Party) led to the election of CDU leader Helmut Kohl as chancellor, who held this post until October 1998.

1987 - General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU MS GORBACHEV, who arrived in Murmansk, at a solemn meeting presented the city with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal. The title "Hero City" was awarded to Murmansk on May 6, 1985 for the courage and steadfastness shown in defending the city during the Great Patriotic War. According to Hitler's plans, 3 days were allotted for the capture of Murmansk, and for 40 months they could not even approach the city.

1992 - Russia has begun issuing privatization certificates - vouchers.


On December 14, 1990, the General Assembly decided that October 1International Day of Older Persons.

This holiday originated in the 20th century. First, the Day of the Elderly began to be celebrated in Europe, then in America, and in the late 80s around the world. Day of the elderly is celebrated on a large scale in the Scandinavian countries. On this day, many television and radio programs broadcast programs tailored to the tastes of the elderly.
On October 1, there are various festivals organized by associations for the protection of the rights of older people, conferences and congresses dedicated to their rights and their role in society. Public organizations and foundations arrange various charity events on this day.

An excerpt from the speech of the UN Secretary General:

“On the International Day of Older Persons, which is celebrated today, I call on governments, the private sector, civil society organizations and all people of the world to focus on building a society for all ages, as envisaged in the Madrid Plan of Action on Aging and in line with the goals in development areas of the Millennium Declaration, as well as the larger global development goals. Together we can and must ensure that people not only live longer, but also that their lives are better, more varied, more fulfilling and more satisfying.”