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Test Guide. Test guide Walkthrough of the game black ops 2 test

Game: Platform: PC, PS3, Wii U, X360 Genre: action Release date: November 13, 2012 In Russia: November 13, 2012 Developer: Treyarch Publisher: Activision Publishing Publisher in Russia: Novy Disk Localizer: Novy Disk / Track down ATTENTION: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS SPOILERS!

Difficulty – Hardened.

Pyrrhic victory.
Province of Kunene, Kunene.
Alex Mason.

July 2, 1986.

Let's watch the introductory video. The game takes place both in the past and in the future. The CIA lured Alex Mason into an operation to rescue Frank Woodson in Angola. Before each task, we can choose equipment - from the main weapon to various additional equipment. It all starts with the fact that we do not have time to save the burning man. Savimbi pulls us away and reports that it’s time to move on. We move across the field, destroying dozens of enemies. From time to time we receive orders - to deal with mortar men or to destroy machine gunners conducting suppressive fire. A couple of times we request air support and launch missiles at enemy equipment. Eventually we force the enemy to retreat. The MPLA have not yet been completely defeated, but it’s time for us to fly away to save Woods.

We fly up to the barge and jump down at Hudson’s command (forward button “W”). We clear the deck, then open the wooden box and put on the sapper vest. We shoot the boats approaching us from the side machine guns. If this is not done in time, then the enemies will board you. The machine guns are at different levels, so we shoot the boats when they are far away. We open the container and see decaying corpses. In the midst of them we find Woods, visibly exhausted and on the verge of madness. We quickly pick up the Valkyrie and destroy the Mi-24. We aim in the direction where the plane is flying. The projectiles are guided, so there will be no problems.

We pull Woods out from under the water and drag him to the shore. We are going deeper into the tropical thickets; we cannot be found. Therefore, we do everything exactly as Hudson says. We lie down under a log, then crawl along the grass. We move from one non-hazardous area to another. We get to a small building, from where we take a trap. We run to the radiation room, get inside and try to intimidate young Menendez. But he turned out to be unusual and disabled the radio. The enemies came running, we shot at Menendez and rushed to the river. We place traps behind us, and in short breaks we can replenish ammunition and hold back our opponents a little. Savimbi flies to the rescue, with the help of whom we successfully escape.

Hkababo Razi Mountains, Myanmar.

April 20, 2025.

Let's move into the future. We give a signal to Harper, then press the move button to the left to swing our partner. He will do the same to us; we will have to press two buttons in order to grab hold of the sticky gloves. We meet with Salazar and Crosby. Let's go on a free flight together. Use the movement keys to adjust your own flight. We take turns early so as not to collide with the mountains. We open the parachute before the landing zone.

Let's follow the enemies, they use camouflage, which makes it difficult to determine their location. The rifle's sight has a built-in collimator that detects invisible enemies and even those hiding behind cover. Stealth enemies can also be revealed using EMP grenades. We break forward to the temple, mostly on the left side. The enemy’s weapons are very unsafe, so we make extensive use of shelters. We quickly destroy the helicopter preparing to climb. We smash the doors of the temple and get inside. We go down to the research center. Small bots with built-in machine guns appeared. Let's deal with them first. Through the rooms we get to the lift and go down to the lower laboratory. We follow our partners, clearing the premises. We open the locker from where we extract the bot. Then we open the box and take out Eric. There is no time to interrogate him; first we will deal with the arriving enemies. The bot will help us with this. Next, we get the celeriium disk and break through to the evacuation group.

Old wounds.
Khost Province, Afghanistan.
Alex Mason.
CIA Special Operations Division.
September 5, 1986.

We arrive in the desert in order to find out about Menendez’s connections with the Soviets. We meet Zhao, harness the stallion and follow him. We arrive at the Mujahideen camp, who need help to repel the Russian attack. In return, we will receive the information we are interested in.

First, let's go west and clear the ruins of enemies. On the stallion we are quite vulnerable, so we quickly get to the designated place. We go upstairs, pick up the stinger and destroy the armored personnel carriers. It’s better not to throw away this weapon, because now we need to get to the northern gate and hold back the pressure of the equipment arriving at the camp: from armored personnel carriers to tanks. The stinger has several aiming modes, an additional one is suitable against aircraft.

The enemies have occupied an armory in the east, let's go there and clear it. Then we will return to the base and rush towards the largest representative of the Russians. The stallion dies, so we free ourselves from his body by holding down two buttons at once. We throw an RPG shell into the hatch of the tank, and Kravchenko manages to jump out. During interrogation, he admits that there is a “mole” in the CIA. All this time we must resist by quickly pressing the corresponding button. Woods kills Kravchenko and the Mujahideen attack us. They leave us to die in the desert.

Base range.
Himachal Pradesh, Northern India.
Strike group OKSO.
May 21, 2025.

First, let's go through the training. We follow the instructions indicated on the display, according to which we learn to control units and equipment. We switch to strategic mode and distribute troops across the area.

We must hold the plant within 10 minutes. We are given three external points - A, B, C. From the strategic mode we send one type of troops to each of them. The main D zone will open after the previous points are captured by enemies. Being inside makes it even easier to defend. We play as any of the fighters and from the top floor we shoot the enemies getting inside. These can be either fighters or flying drones. We also do not forget to constantly bring new fighters to us; we are unlikely to cope alone.

Having completed this task, we can take on the next one in the “Strike Group” series. These missions are not required to complete, but are only optional.

Time and fate.
Vasa King, Nicaragua.
Alex Mason.
CIA Special Operations Division.
September 25, 1986.

We watch Menendez from afar. Control turns to him. Chinese fighters burst into the room and grab us and Sister Josephine. Menendez seems to have broken free: with a sharp leap he kills his sister’s offender. Having woken up, the Chinese commander frees us, we attack him, but do not have time to destroy him - the sister is more important. Under the influence of rage and zeal to commit lynching, we break forward, destroying everyone in our path. Enemies often engage in close combat, so we quickly deal with those approaching us. We get to the house, go inside and go upstairs. Hudson tries to stop us, and Woods throws a grenade into the room where Josephine was.

Fifteen minutes ago. Now let's look at the situation from Mason's point of view. After observing the capture of Menendez, we go down the slope to the river and clear the cartel village. We move forward, destroying all the enemies we encounter. There were machine gunners in the houses, and snipers on the roofs. They should be priority targets. Having killed every single one, we enter the house through the side door. We go down and clear out the basements. We go upstairs, trying to keep Woods from shooting. He throws us back and throws a grenade.

Fallen Angel.
Lahore, Pakistan.
David Mason // Call sign: Sector.
Anti-terrorist group OKSO.
May 29, 2025.

We quickly repair the bot and let it go ahead. We don’t get into trouble, but move forward, being behind CLAW. The streets are flooded, so there is no point in relying on steel friends anymore. We clear the entire width of the road. Then we turn left into the alley and quickly press the appropriate button to open the grate.

Drones have appeared and are not recommended to be seen. We do everything exactly according to Harper's instructions. We get to the sewer pipe and cut with the 2 in the upper positions. We get inside and contact the admiral.

We use the hook to grab onto the roof and climb up. We neutralize the soldiers who have turned away. We scan the area while holding the zoom button. Menendez is standing right in front of us in a snow-white suit. We recognize the targets and listen to the conversation. When they hide in the building, we turn left and carefully follow Harper. You can’t get caught in the spotlights of drones, otherwise you’ll die instantly. We jump lower, move at a crawl and continue recording the conversation. We go up under the boxes and scan another person near the helicopter. We continue recording and get the 2nd data package. We hide under the door arches and wait for the drones to fly away. We jump down and deal with the enemies.

We enter the station and conduct video surveillance until the train appears. The 3rd package of fundamental data has been recorded. Let's go down and swim underwater. While trying to observe Menedez, he discovers us and shooting begins. We swim out from the other side and hold the defense while in the garage. We switch between CLAWs and shoot enemies until we are destroyed. We go outside and get into the transport. Control at times switches over to the drone, which we use to clear the way for the jeeps. We leave Antema and meet with the aged Zhao.

Giant, Cayman Islands.
David Mason // Call sign: Sector.
Anti-terrorist group OKSO.
June 12, 2025.

We penetrate the Giant and go through the checkpoint. An alarm went off on the adjacent path, but it will not affect us in any way. We show our ID and go to the elevator. We go down to the very first floor and quickly deal with the guards. We place the suitcase on the table, from which we extract the bug robot. We send it into the ventilation shaft and control it remotely.

We move forward, jump over the small abyss. We use a wave gun to disable the electrical panel. We continue moving, avoiding uneven surfaces. In the gratings we look for holes in the corners through which we can pass. We move along the blue and red pipes, jump over the abysses. We stun the enemy with a wave cannon and scan his retina. The standard has been received, we can go to the server room. We deal with the mercenaries, then we use the main computer. Below it shows what actions need to be performed. Drag the mouse and press the motion control button. We recognize the lady we saw earlier when Harper came out on the intermediate floor and collided with her - this is Karma.

We go back, but not to the elevator, but let’s go further through the rooms. Eventually you will still need to take the elevators. We go into the club and find Karma and Harper on the dance floor. Defalco appears and begins to kill one girl at a time, demanding that Chloe (Karma) give herself up. Karma escapes from us and Defalka drags her away to an unknown direction. We move to the left and slow down to destroy opponents. We get out into the shopping arcades, kill even more mercenaries, and pursue targets. We open the huge doors and go outside. We continue to stubbornly run after Defalco, but we won’t be able to catch them.

Suffer like me.
Fort Clayton military base, Panama.
Sergeant Frank Woods.
CIA Special Operations Division.
December 19, 1989.

We meet with Mason, the two of us go to the backyard, where we communicate with McNamee about the upcoming operation. We return to the car, which the local youth managed to paint.

We jump off the boat, go up and throw a knife at the enemy. We make our way to the building and go upstairs. We go downstairs and head straight to the hotel. We penetrate into the room where the False Prophet is located. Hudson reports that Noriego is a “valuable commodity,” so he must be delivered to the checkpoint.

We deal with enemies who beat civilians. We go into the building and go outside. We go along it, dealing with opponents. We look behind the roofs where grenade launchers and machine gunners are holed up. We don’t get ahead or lag behind our partners, so as not to find ourselves under heavy enemy fire. We storm the building and make our way through it. We find a lady covered in shrapnel. When trying to save her, we are immediately attacked by an angry enemy. Noriego escaped, we pursue him, destroying enemies along the way. When they throw the blind woman, we run away, but do not collide with our partners, otherwise we will not be able to jump to the balcony. We get to the checkpoint and go upstairs. We fire a shot at the prisoner from a sniper rifle. Having gone downstairs, we understand that it was not Menendez who was destroyed at all, but our own closest friend, Mason. Raoul appears and shoots Woods in the knees. Then he treats Hudson in the same way.

Achilles' curtain.
Socotra Peninsula, Yemen.
Farid // Undercover CIA agent.
Infiltrated into Menendez's circle.
June 19, 2025.

Menendez is planning an attack on several major cities in two countries. In this way, he will immediately kill two superpowers - China and America. The Admiral sends us to Yemen, although we realize it is a trap. Playing as Farid, we approach Menendez and together go to the podium. Then he will hide and say where we will meet. We break through to the stronghold, preferably along the flanking sides. Because from there we can take countless enemies by surprise. Having reached their destination, Menendez knocks out the transport in which Harper was located. We make a choice of whom to destroy - it will be Raul Menendez. Unfortunately, he blocks our hand and shoots at us.

Achilles' curtain (continued).
Socotra Peninsula, Yemen.
David Mason // Call sign: Sector.
Anti-terrorist group OKSO.
June 19, 2025.

We'll shoot at the enemies a little and, having landed, we'll run up to Harper. Apparently Menendez spared him. Let's go through the alley. We use guidance for the drones so that they clear the way. Walking in the center is dangerous, so we move through the buildings on the left. We overtake Menendez and make a capture.

Ship Barack Obama, Gulf of Mexico.
David Mason // Call sign: Sector.
Anti-terrorist group OKSO.
June 19, 2025.

We go into the interrogation room, because Menendez wants us to personally communicate with him. Meanwhile, unknown forces are approaching the aircraft carrier. As soon as we turned away, Menendez grabbed Salazar. We throw the weapon, put on handcuffs and find ourselves stunned. Having woken up, we leave the room and replenish the arsenal with any easily accessible equipment. We open the door and go out into the corridor. We destroy a huge number of enemies, and also first deal with the turrets suspended on the ceiling. We go up to the upper deck and get to the captain's bridge. We are trying to regain control of the system, but the attempt is in vain. We go down to the lower decks, then go up again. We get to the video tracking system. Briggs is threatening because she wants to restart the system.

Playing as Menendez, we go upstairs and capture the general. Salazar turned out to be a traitor. He kills 2 fighters, and asks us to spare Briggs and just shoot him in the leg. But we will still kill Briggs with a headshot and then load the celeriium chip, which contains the virus, into the main system.

Let's play as Mason. Through the ventilation system we will get to the server room. Let's go down to the hangar, where Salazar was captured and detained. Harper promptly kills the traitor. We stand on the platform and go up. We break through to the rescue shuttle. There are quite a lot of enemies here, we are painstakingly watching for fragments of planes - grenade launchers are located on their roofs.

Cordis Di.
Los Angeles, USA.
David Mason // Call sign: Sector.
Anti-terrorist group OKSO.
June 19, 2025.

We need to escort the President to a safe place, because for Menendez this is a priority goal. The helicopter we were in, including the president, was being shot down. We successfully climb out and continue moving in an armored personnel carrier. But the armored personnel carrier also finds itself under fire. We jump to the anti-aircraft gun. We can rotate all three hundred and sixty degrees. Countless drones are marked in reddish frames, all we have to do is press the shoot button. We have a choice to go down or cover from the top position. In the first case, we will slowly have to move towards the transport; in the 2nd - shoot attacking opponents with a sniper rifle, the sight of which reveals even those opponents hiding behind cover. Let's go down and catch up with our allies.

We make our way forward using transport. We avoid blocked sections of the road. We end up getting hit by a big truck. Having woken up, we get out of the armored personnel carrier and first grab the RPG. We move forward, destroying opponents. Priority targets are CLAWs. We get to the allies, help them fight off the grenade launchers on the heights and the remaining mercenaries. Soon the area will be covered in smoke, watch the video.

We run to Andersen, she is still alive. We board the FA-38 fighter. We accompany the president from the air. We destroy everyone and everything, then switch to real fighter mode. We catch up with the fast drones and deal with them. When we are hit, we eject, and Harper meets us on the ground.

West coast of Haiti.
David Mason // Call sign: Sector.
Anti-terrorist group OKSO.
June 19, 2025.

The main command post, and at the same time Menendez, is located on the Haitian peninsula. We are forced to make the jump, some time earlier than planned. We fly down, dodging the debris of fighters and fiery flashes. Having landed, we immediately begin to fight with the mercenaries. With a strong sniper rifle it is quite easy to destroy CLAWs and transports from which machine gunners are firing suppressive fire. We get to the military base and get inside. We deal with everyone who gets in the way. We find ourselves in the command center, where we view Menendez’s appeal.

Menendez deliberately destroyed all the drones, thereby hoping to weaken the defense forces. We follow Harper, shooting opponents. The floor collapses underfoot and Harper falls down. Let's jump after him, in slow motion we kill the surrogate, Menendez's right hand, and then himself. Let's watch the final video. After the credits we are treated to an exciting show.

You are unlikely to understand what is being said in the opening videos and “who are all these people?” And even if you played it a long time ago, it’s hard not to get confused by the flashing of characters in different time periods. The “present time” here is 2025, it was at this moment that the events of the first part and the Cold War in general had the greatest impact on the not-so-distant future. But I’ll probably omit the details.

  • Angola, Cunene Province, July 2, 1986
  • Mission: Rescue Woods
  • Alex Mason

First you need to decide on your arsenal. Most of the trunks are still closed, but there is still a choice. Shotgun, machine gun, submachine gun, and even a couple of upgrades for them. It is not at all necessary to go with standard equipment; this innovation is definitely pleasing. When finished, click to start the task.

We just arrived and already came under mortar fire. In the beginning, you just have to shoot lightly armed rebels. However, they are not afraid even of tanks and run up very close, so you need to look not only through the sights, but also to the sides. The first target is the mortar men who hid behind the rocks. We just run up closer and shoot at point-blank range. Then you need to indicate to air support the location of the T-62 tanks. Excellent Soviet cars, I even feel a little sorry for them. But you have to control the helicopter turret yourself. By [Right Mouse Button] rockets fly out, destroy all the tanks with them. After that, shoot the machine gunners in the designated trucks. Then Hudson will be able to repeat his raid; significantly more tanks arrived during this time. Now climb onto the armored car and just shoot for fun. Now you and the graying Hudson fly off to save Frank Woods.

The helicopter is hit, jump onto the deck of the barge. Kill everyone on the deck, open [F] the box with the body armor and stand [F] behind the machine gun on the starboard side. Shoot down the boats, and then stand behind the machine gun on the left side (you can climb up the stairs to it). Now search the indicated container on the deck. Sergeant Woods is in terrible shape, but he's alive and that's all that matters. But the Mi-24 flew over your head. Grab the Valkyrie rocket launcher. The missiles are aimed manually, try to catch the lead so that the projectile has enough fuel. If you don't have enough ammunition, you can replenish it from a box on the deck.

After destroying another example of the Soviet military industry, you find yourself in the water with the nearly drowned Woods. Row towards the shore. On the shore, follow Hudson into the village. To your left there is a fallen tree, a log, just go up to it and drop Frank. Then crouch down and follow Hudson without moving. At the signal, get up and run straight into the destroyed house. Go closer to the right side so as not to get caught by the patrol. In the house, duck down again and wait out the patrol. After that, follow Hudson into the reeds, bend down and do as your partner says. Soon you will have to scout the path alone. You can replenish your ammunition and pick up the SVD. If you look in the barn, you will find a trap that can be used as a trap. However, you can quietly move on and climb through the window of the house straight ahead. An attempt to call for reinforcements was unsuccessful. Now the traps you pick up (and there are surprisingly many of them) can be used to slow down the chase. Return to your comrades and help defend. I must remind you that waves of enemies in the series Call of Duty are often infinite. So you don't have to wait until you run out of enemies (answer: never!). Hudson will then pick Woods up and drag him a little further. New position for defense. Another change of position, a truck pulled up from behind, at the top of the waterfall. Just shoot the machine gunner. Then another truck, and a new stream of bandits. Retreat to the river. The old team is back together!


  • Myanmar, Hkababo Razi Mountains, April 20, 2025
  • Mission: Capture Celerium

And here is that same Future. However, YouTube and Twitter have not changed at all. Interesting prediction.

You find yourself on a mountain, not far from the enemy camp. Press [right mouse button] to signal your partner, then [C] to throw the rope, then [spacebar] to swing, then immediately [right] and [left] mouse buttons to grab onto the rock. Repeat three times. When told, press the [Right] and [Left] mouse buttons to activate the wings. Then jump down. While flying, you need to move your mouse right or left to avoid the rocks. You can increase the sensitivity of the mouse, it will be easier. When approaching, press [F] to open the parachute. Follow your comrades.

Go down to Harper and open fire. The enemy has suits that make them almost invisible. An EMP grenade or a special sight can help you see them. A sight is preferable. On the left you can find an elevator, or you can go up directly. Hide from the active drone until it is blown up. Run to another drone, press [F] to use its cannon, shoot everyone you can. Then run forward and break through to the gate. In small buildings you can replenish ammunition. Outside the gate you are already greeted by an automatic turret, and more than one. You can bypass them, shoot them from behind, or knock them out with a grenade. You must break through to the doors inside the Temple. The doors will be blown up, go inside.

As soon as you enter the scientific complex, open the box - it contains the same camouflage that the terrorists had. You can turn it on and off using the key. Inside you are already greeted by people and robots. You can walk along the lower or upper tier. Make your way to the elevator and use it to go down. Below you can shoot the nitrogen tanks. Next are new opponents and robots. Open one of the containers to activate one of these for your service. Then, together with your squad, open another container. One scientist hid in it. Replenish your ammunition and welcome guests. You can very comfortably stand behind a shield in the middle of the room. When the enemies are gone, go to the indicated panel, then go through the opened gate and follow Eric. After you receive the device from Celerium, you can go back and get out. A rescue team has already arrived to you.

Old wounds

  • Afghanistan, Khost Province, September 5, 1986
  • Assignment: Collect data on the cartel
  • Alex Mason

The CIA and China are cooperating in Afghanistan. Therefore, Zhao will take you to the Mujahideen base. Get on the horse and follow other riders. There is no need to shoot at anyone, everyone is on their own. In the camp, dismount from your horse and catch up with the others by jumping faster. There will be a meeting in the mine, and then the Russians will begin to storm the base. Get back on the horse and ride to the checkpoint. Now you can shoot. There is already a battle going on at the checkpoint. Make your way through the ruins to the Stingers. You can find mines in a box on the roof. Pick up the stinger and destroy the armored personnel carriers. Then go down and come back to plant a charge under the gate. Run to cover and explode. Get on your horse and ride to the next goal.

You must have a stinger in your hands to destroy tanks. Pick one up if you missed yours. Blow up a tank and an armored personnel carrier, helicopters will fly after them. Turn on the stinger's air defense mode and knock them out. Then return the stinger to normal mode again and destroy the armored vehicles. Then ride east to the ammunition depot. Dismount and carefully destroy helicopters and armored vehicles. On the left you can climb up, where there is a bridge. There is an ammunition depot there. Then you can go down again, get on your horse and return to base. The Russians brought in a huge heavy tank. Whether you like it or not, the horse will gallop right at him. Hold down the [left] and [right] mouse buttons to push her body away. Here is an old friend - Kravchenko.

You have to make a choice whether to kill him or not. The numbers still guide Mason. “Dragovich, Kravchenko, Steiner - must die!”- even a year after completing the original game, this sequence easily comes to mind. But the US President was also a coded target, and the fact that he is alive proves that Mason is able to resist “numbers.” If you want to prevent Viktor Reznov from taking revenge, press [ F ], if you don't care, don't do anything.

Base Spectrum

Strike team training

The task begins with learning how to control drones. Hold to take control of CLAW. Use a machine gun somewhere [LMB], switch places with infantry and, turret, strategic view of the battlefield. Then take CLAW again. You can, without leaving the strategic view, give direction to your troops, just like in a strategy game. Or you can take control of one of them yourself. To do this, select a combat unit and press . By holding, you give an order to all forces at once. Using these techniques you will complete your training.

  • Himachal Pradesh, Northern India, May 21, 2025
  • Main objectives: Protect the complex from KSS attacks
  • Strike Force Oxo
  • Available troops: SEALs, turret, CLAW.

Now the mission itself. You can use the skills acquired during training. You can defend the base from first person, or in strategic mode. That's your business. At the beginning, you need to try to prevent the enemy from destroying three objects. To do this, move to the troops that are closest to them and destroy the threat. If one of the objects is destroyed, you will have to devote all your efforts to defending the command center. There's a great turret there. The mission will be completed if the enemy fails to capture the command center within ten minutes. All that remains is to finish off the remaining forces. Victory!

Shipwreck (strike group)

Missions are now divided into “Episodes” and “Strike Teams”. The first of these are the main story missions. The second ones are carried out in the same way as the previous task “Spectrum Base”.

  • Keppel Terminal, Singapore, 30 May 2025
  • Strike Force Oxo

To begin with, you have three targets that need to be hacked and captured. You must approach them as an infantryman and attach a beacon. Shoot enemies who try to destroy your device while the hack is not completed. When it is successfully completed, you can move on to the next goal. When all three are captured, call in an airstrike and target the ship. Victory!

Time and fate

  • Nicaragua, Vasa King, September 25, 1986
  • Alex Mason
  • CIA Special Operations Division

Mason and his unit found Raul Menedez. The Panamanian army is helping them.

  • Raul Menendez

The villain himself managed to survive, but his younger sister, Josephine, remained in the burning estate. In the role of Raul Menendez, distraught on drugs, we quickly return to the estate. There are a lot of hostile military people here. Where the execution is being prepared, grab the ax. Make your way further up, open the stable. In especially hot moments, Raoul takes out a blade. He is no longer afraid of bullets. Soldiers in white T-shirts will also appear here - these are our own. Opponents wear uniforms. Return to Josephine's house.

  • 15 minutes before the incident
  • Agent Hudson, operatives Mason and Woods
  • North side of the village

Now we’ll find out how the squad ended up in Menendez’s house. Follow the party down the slope into the village. The side is now different: the whitening cartel is now enemies. There are Molotov cocktails in the box. It seems that with their help such a fire was started here. Make your way higher up the road. From the place where the truck with the machine gun drives out, it is important to take out a sniper rifle, especially against enemies in the windows. Go through the house. While Woods and Hudson are arguing, you can open the garage and take mines. Now we are going to storm the estate. There are many paths in the yard. You can go around from different sides, you can climb the bell tower. The goal is to clear the yard (this time there are no more enemies). Go down to the underground laboratory. Behind the door is a small armory. When you are told to save the evidence before it burns, you must find documents about the CIA in a nook on the table. Clear the laboratory and get out on the other side. Follow the mad Woods.

Fallen Angel

  • Pakistan, Lahore, May 29, 2025
  • David Mason // Call sign: Sector
  • Anti-terrorist group Oxo

Here you can specify CLAW targets. Click , you will see a blue area. Use it to point to a new target and press [LMB]. Get out of the building and onto the street. The world then began! Although, no, just local. Move along the street, and when you see a floating bus, run to Harper to hide, pressing [F] often. In the nook on the right you can replenish ammo. Crouch near the fortification made of bags to hide from the drone, you should not be noticed. It also reacts to noise. Just follow Harper. Make your way into the sewer with him. If you open the door in a place where voices are heard, you will receive data.

You need to secure the cable to climb onto the roof. Hold [G], aim where the line turns red, and release the button. Kill the right sentry [V]. Now, using the scanner, you need to identify Menendez. To do this, aim at the soldier and wait for the identification process. Repeat until you hear the conversation. Follow your partner along the roof, jump down, lie down and crawl. Stay away from spotlights. Point the scanner at the circle representing Menendez. Follow Harper further and you will see a helicopter through the window. Record the conversation between Menendez and his henchman. Follow your partner, you need to try to catch up with Menendez. Stun [V] the person digging in the car when you jump off the roof. In the next room, continue recording the conversation. At this point, you should already have three call recordings. Sail after Harper. Unpleasant meeting.

We need to get out. Get out of the water and run after your partner. Take control of CLAW, shoot enemies and blow up the truck. Then use the second robot to clear the yard. After that, get into the car. However, first you will have to control a hacked enemy drone. But then they will let you drive the car. Later, you'll even be given the choice to control a car or a drone. Avoid exploding objects.

S.V.U. (strike group)

  • Afghanistan, Maidan Shahr, June 6, 2025
  • Strike Force Oxo
  • Main objective: Escort the convoy to the evacuation point

Only robots are at your disposal. Only ground-based drones can destroy a tank, but flying ones cope better with infantry. To clear mines, it is better to send a lot of drones through tactical mode. Victory condition: at least one armored car of the convoy must survive.


  • Colossus, Cayman Islands, June 12, 2025
  • Mission: Capture Karma
  • David Mason // Call sign: Sector
  • Anti-terrorist group Oxo

Welcome to the floating city of the future. Only the richest people on the planet can afford to live here. Go through the checkpoint and then go to the counter. Go through the hall into the elevator. You and Salazar will go down to the floor where Menendez's people are already working. They're settling in, devils. Follow your partner and approach the table.

Under your control is a spider-bug robot. He can crawl along walls and ceilings, and also shoot electrical discharges. You can jump over the hole, or somehow get around it, just avoid the fan. Up ahead you can see soldiers planting a bomb. Shock the electronic panel, this will remove the protective field. Then you can only crawl through the gratings into the holes by climbing up the wall. Next there will be a lot of pipes. Use the jump [Space] to jump from one to another. You need to climb into the next technical tunnel. Open the grate with a stun gun and hit the target below you. You have received a retinal imprint. Now go to the door and open it. The terrorists are already there, in the server room. On the screen, you need to simultaneously hold down [D] or [W] and move the mouse in the direction indicated on the icon.

Return to the door, there are more mercenaries behind it. Make your way to the elevator. You will be taken to the Solar Club. Find Harper and a girl named Chloe with a Karma tattoo. Shoot all the mercenaries in slow motion. Time to go after Defalco and Chloe. The path runs through the trading floor of the future. Make your way to the other end and open the door. There are now hostile robots below. Damn it, how can the richest city have such a weak security system? First of all, shoot the helicopter crew, and then eliminate the robots. You need to act quickly, otherwise Defalco may escape. You need to catch up with him, I recommend using light weapons to speed up the run.

Suffer like me

  • Fort Clayton Military Base, Panama, December 19, 1986
  • Mission: Capture Manuel Noriega
  • Sergeant Frank Woods
  • CIA Special Operations Division

Judging by the decorated houses, it is Christmas Eve, although there is not a speck of snow. Go to the house where the Hummer is parked. Follow Alex into the backyard and go into the shed for the bag. This, it turns out, is where CIA operatives live.

The squad lands ashore. Follow Mason, go up the stairs and attack the checkpoint. The attack on the fort is in full swing. Follow Mason and go up to the hangar roof. Jump through the hatch and go down the stairs. Make your way down to where the plane is. Make your way to the motel. Noriega doesn’t even think about running away from you.

Kill soldiers who are beating civilians. Storm the door, and behind it the street. There are a lot of guys with rocket launchers on the roofs, and not only on the roofs, but also shooters in the windows. You need to make your way to the exchange point. You don’t have to think about Mason and Noriega, get to the right door. Inside you will find a girl who has been crushed. You will finally be attacked by Noriega's men. Go up the stairs. Help the Chinese get up, then you will need to run from the helicopter and jump [space] into another building. Here is the checkpoint.

You find yourself on the roof with a rifle in your hands. Keep an eye on the prisoner at the other end of the street. You will have to kill the unknown (although, as a player, you already know that this is no Menendez), following Hudson's lead.

Elimination (strike group)

  • Peshewar, Pakistan, June 17, 2025
  • Primary Objective: Eliminate General Zhao
  • Strike Force Oxo

You have 8 minutes to get to the Chinese general's fallen VTOL aircraft, hack it and kill Zhao. If in the previous mission you only had robots at your disposal, now you only have people. Better stay away from the main street, go around on one flank. Manually place a charge near the VTOL and protect it with all your might. When the hack is complete, you must get close to the lethal vehicle to kill General Zhao. Please note that you can only set the charge and kill the general by manually controlling the infantrymen.

Second Chance (Strike Team)

  • Socotra Island, Yemen, June 13, 2025
  • Strike Force Oxo

So you have 8 minutes to complete. Five buildings to search. Most likely, the target will be in the last building, but who knows. Under your command are several types of infantrymen, as well as a helicopter gunner. To free Chloe, you need to control a foot soldier. Then you will be able to control even "Karma", or not. You need to deliver the girl alive to the evacuation site.


  • Socotra Island, Yemen, June 19, 2025
  • Mission: Capture Raul Menendez
  • Farid // Undercover CIA Agent
  • Infiltrated Menendez's circle

Now you will see Menendez through the eyes of someone who could have killed him a hundred times, but did not. Just follow Raul to the podium. Then, when the attack begins, you will miss him. Go through the courtyard to the market. Shooting at robots and American infantry is allowed. Make your way towards the Citadel. Yemen is especially beautiful at this time of year. When you find Raoul, the real show unfolds. You can shoot Harper, or you can shoot Menendez. The result is predictable.

  • David Mason // Call sign: Sector
  • Anti-terrorist group Oxo

At the same time, Mason was flying to save Harper. There will be flying drones under your control. Click to bring up the target pointer. The controls are the same as with CLAW. You, Salazar and the drones must fight your way to the Citadel. From the city you will enter the mountainous area. Alas, the drones will be taken away just as quickly as they were given as a gift. On the way to the fortress you will cross a bridge, watch your step. Get to the VTOL. Very reminiscent of the famous Trojan knight move.


  • USS Barack Obama, Gulf of Mexico, June 19, 2025
  • David Mason // Call sign: Sector
  • Anti-terrorist group Oxo

Go to the interrogation room with Menendez. He, quite expectedly, will sneak out of it. Arm yourself in the arsenal and start recapturing Obama from the invaders. Clean out compartment by compartment. You need to get to the captain's bridge. After an unsuccessful attempt to restore control, go downstairs to the server room. Check CCTV data.

  • Raul Menendez

You are again in the shoes of the main villain. Unfortunately, there is still no “shoot” button. Now it’s clear who the rat is. You can kill Admiral Briggs, or only wound him.

  • David Mason // Call sign: Sector

David needs to catch up with Menendez again. Get into the technical channel. Check the host computer. Follow to the hangar, Salazar surrendered himself. You will rise to the deck, already captured by mercenaries. Make your way through them to the VTOL.

Cordis Dee

  • Los Angeles, USA, June 19, 2025
  • Mission: Protect the US President
  • David Mason // Call sign: Sector
  • Anti-terrorist group Oxo

This mission will be familiar to those who have seen the first gameplay videos of the game.

Run and jump on the anti-aircraft gun. You need to fire rockets at the moment when all the drones in sight are marked red. The tower can be rotated 360 degrees. When you're done, move across the bridge, take out a rifle with a scope that allows you to see through objects. It can also hit targets behind almost any cover. Enemies are highlighted in yellow. We need to save the convoy. You need to find and destroy all the mercenaries. Get into the armored car, you will have to drive it.

There will be a city battle. Not only mercenaries are against you, but also CLAW, which are very strong in cramped conditions. To beat them you need a powerful weapon. There are several boxes here, one of them contains a rocket launcher. Move towards the shopping center. There is an anti-aircraft gun behind the door here that can be used to shoot down flying drones. But now you also need to save the French President, his security cannot last forever. Beware of numerous grenade launchers, they are a priority target. After the big explosion, run towards the FA-38 fighter.

There's still some flying to do. The controls are extremely standard. Changing the height is locked for you, but this is even better. The machine gun is more accurate, but the missiles are homing. Follow the van and shoot all the red targets. However, when fighters appear, you will also be given the opportunity to change altitude, moreover, afterburner will appear, which promises great difficulties in terms of “not repeating September 11th.” Try to line up exactly at the tail of the enemy column of fighters and repeat their maneuvers, continuously shooting.

Judgment Day

  • West Coast of Haiti, June 19, 2025
  • Mission: Find Raul Menendez
  • David Mason // Call sign: Sector
  • Anti-terrorist group Oxo

You will have to land from a very high altitude, but enemy anti-aircraft guns can reach it too. You can control the fall in a horizontal plane, try not to crash into anything.

You need to break higher. Destroy the jeeps with arrows first. Here you can move around quite freely. You need to make your way to the entrance to the Big Building. A very warm welcome awaits you inside. It is very similar to the main headquarters of Menendez: here is a production workshop, a military base, and a command post - everything is equipped with the highest level of technology. You need to make your way to the drone control panel to try to cut them off. Listen to the speech of the main villain and move to the exit from this abode of evil that is falling to pieces. Soon you will finally catch up with Raul Menendez. You can kill him, or spare him. That's all!


Difficulty – Hardened.

Pyrrhic victory.
Province of Kunene, Kunene.
Alex Mason.

July 2, 1986.

Let's watch the introductory video. The events of the game take place both in the past and in the future. The CIA recruited Alex Mason to rescue Frank Woodson in Angola. Before each task, we can choose equipment - from the main weapon to various additional equipment. It all starts with the fact that we do not have time to save the burning man. Savimbi pulls us away and tells us that it’s time to move on. We move across the field, destroying dozens of opponents. From time to time we receive orders to deal with mortar men or destroy machine gunners conducting suppressive fire. Several times we request air support and launch missiles at enemy equipment. Finally we force the enemies to retreat. The MPLA isn't completely defeated yet, but it's time for us to fly off to save Woods.

We fly up to the barge and jump down at Hudson’s command (forward button “W”). We clear the deck, then open the wooden box and put on the sapper vest. We shoot the boats approaching us from the side machine guns. If this is not done in time, the enemies will board you. The machine guns are at different levels, so we shoot the boats when they are far away. We open the container and see decaying corpses. Among them we find Woods, visibly exhausted and on the verge of madness. We quickly select the Valkyrie and destroy the Mi-24. We aim in the direction where the plane is flying. The projectiles are guided, so there will be no problems.

We pull Woods out from under the water and drag him to the shore. We're going deeper into the jungle so we can't be discovered. So we do everything exactly as Hudson says. We lie down under a log, then crawl along the grass. We run from one safe area to another. We get to a small building, from where we take a trap. We run to the radiation room, get inside and try to intimidate young Menendez. But it turned out to be difficult and disabled the radio. The enemies came running, we shot at Menendez and rushed to the river. We place traps behind us, and in short breaks we can replenish ammunition and hold back the enemies a little. Savimbi flies to the rescue, thanks to whom we successfully escape.

Hkababo Razi Mountains, Myanmar.

April 20, 2025.

Let's move into the future. We give a signal to Harper, then press the move button to the left to swing our partner. He will do the same to us, we will have to hold down two buttons in order to grab hold of the sticky gloves. We meet with Salazar and Crosby. Let's go on a free flight together. Use the movement buttons to control your flight. We enter turns early so as not to collide with rocks. We open the parachute before the landing zone.

Let's follow the enemies, they use camouflage, which makes it difficult to determine their location. The rifle's sight has a built-in collimator that detects invisible opponents and even those hiding behind cover. Invisible enemies can also be revealed using EMP grenades. We break forward to the temple, mainly on the left side. The enemies' weapons are very dangerous, so we actively use cover. We quickly destroy the helicopter preparing to take off. We smash the doors of the temple and get inside. We go down to the research center. Small robots with built-in machine guns appeared. We deal with them first. Through the rooms we get to the lift and go down to the lower laboratory. We follow our partners, clearing the premises. We open the cabinet from where we extract the robot. Then we open the box and take out Eric. There is no time to interrogate him; first we will deal with the arriving enemies. The robot will help us with this. Next, we get the celeriium disk and break through to the evacuation group.

Old wounds.
Khost Province, Afghanistan.
Alex Mason.
CIA Special Operations Division.
September 5, 1986.

We arrive in the desert in order to find out about Menendez’s connections with the Soviets. We meet Zhao, harness the horse and follow him. We arrive at the Mujahideen camp, who need help to repel the Russian attack. In return, we will receive the information we are interested in.

First of all, let's go to the west and clear the ruins of enemies. On horseback we are quite vulnerable, so we quickly get to the indicated place. We go upstairs, pick up the stinger and destroy the armored personnel carriers. It is advisable not to throw away this weapon, since now we need to get to the northern gate and hold off the onslaught of equipment arriving at the camp: from armored personnel carriers to tanks. The stinger has several aiming modes, an additional one is suitable against aircraft.

The enemies have occupied a weapons depot in the east, let's go there and clear it. Then we will return to the base and rush towards the largest representative of the Russians. The horse dies, so we free ourselves from its body by holding down two buttons at once. We throw an RPG shell into the hatch of the tank, and Kravchenko manages to jump out of there. During interrogation, he admits that there is a “mole” in the CIA. All this time we must resist by quickly pressing the appropriate button. Woods kills Kravchenko and the Mujahideen attack us. They leave us to die in the middle of the desert.

Base spectrum.
Himachal Pradesh, Northern India.
Strike group OKSO.
May 21, 2025.

First, let's go through the training. We follow the instructions indicated on the screen, according to which we learn to control units, as well as equipment. We switch to strategic mode and distribute troops across the territory.

We must hold the plant for ten minutes. We are given three external points - A, B, C. From the strategic mode we send one type of troops to each of them. The main D zone will open after the previous points are captured by enemies. Being inside is much easier to defend. We play as any of the soldiers and from the top floor we shoot at the enemies getting inside. These can be either soldiers or flying drones. Also, do not forget to constantly bring new soldiers to us; we are unlikely to cope alone.

Having completed this task, we can take on the next one in the “Strike Group” series. These missions are not required to complete, but are only optional.

Time and fate.
Vasa King, Nicaragua.
Alex Mason.
CIA Special Operations Division.
September 25, 1986.

We watch Menendez from afar. Control passes to him. Chinese soldiers burst into the room and grab us and Sister Josephine. Menendez seems to have broken free: with a sharp jerk he kills his sister’s offender. Having woken up, the Chinese commander frees us, we attack him, but do not have time to kill him - my sister is more important. Under the influence of rage and the desire to commit lynching, we break forward, destroying everyone in our path. Enemies often engage in close combat, so we quickly deal with those approaching us. We get to the mansion, go inside and go upstairs. Hudson tries to stop us, and Woods throws a grenade into the room where Josephine was.

Fifteen minutes ago. Now let's look at the situations from Mason's point of view. After observing the capture of Menendez, we go down the slope to the river and clear the cartel village. We move forward, destroying all the enemies we encounter. There were machine gunners in the houses, and snipers on the roofs. They should be priority targets. Having killed every single one, we enter the mansion through the side door. We go down and clear out the basements. We go upstairs, trying to keep Woods from shooting. He throws us back and throws a grenade.

Fallen Angel.
Lahore, Pakistan.
David Mason // Call sign: Sector.
Anti-terrorism group OKSO.
May 29, 2025.

We quickly repair the robot and let it go forward. We don’t get into trouble, but move forward, being behind CLAW. The streets are filled with floods, so there is no point in relying on iron friends anymore. We clear the entire width of the road. Then turn left into the alley and quickly press the corresponding button to open the grate.

Drones have appeared and are not recommended to be seen. We do everything exactly according to Harper's instructions. We get to the sewer pipe and cut with the two in the upper positions. We get inside and contact the admiral.

We use the hook to grab onto the roof and climb up. We neutralize the soldiers who have turned away. We scan the area while holding the zoom button. Menendez is standing right in front of us in a white suit. We recognize the targets and listen to the conversation. When they disappear into the building, turn left and carefully follow Harper. You can't get caught in the drone's spotlights, otherwise you'll die instantly. We jump lower, move at a crawl and continue recording the conversation. We go up under the boxes and scan another person near the helicopter. We continue recording and get the second data package. We hide under the door arches and wait for the drones to fly away. We jump down and deal with the enemies.

We enter the station and conduct video surveillance until the train appears. The third packet of important data has been recorded. Let's go down and swim underwater. While trying to observe Menedez, he discovers us and shooting begins. We swim out from the other side and hold the defense while in the garage. We switch between CLAWs and shoot enemies until we are destroyed.

We go outside and get into the transport. Control periodically switches over to the drone, which we use to clear the way for SUVs. We leave Antema and meet with the aged Zhao.

Colossus, Cayman Islands.
David Mason // Call sign: Sector.
Anti-terrorist group OKSO.
June 12, 2025.

We penetrate into Colossus and go through the checkpoint. An alarm went off on the next path, but it will not affect us in any way. We show our ID and go to the elevator. We go down to the lowest floor and quickly deal with the guards. We place the suitcase on the table, from which we extract the bug robot. We send it into the ventilation shaft and control it remotely.

We move forward and jump over a small gap. We use a wave gun to disable the electrical panel. We continue moving, avoiding uneven surfaces. In the gratings we look for holes in the corners through which we can pass. We move along the blue and red pipes, jump over the abysses. We stun the enemy with a wave cannon and scan his retina. The sample has been received, we can go to the server room. We deal with the mercenaries, then use the main computer. Below it shows what actions need to be performed. Drag the mouse and press the motion control button. We recognize the girl we saw earlier when Harper came out on the intermediate floor and ran into her - this is Karma.

We go back, but not to the elevator, but let’s go further through the rooms. As a result, you will still need to take the elevators. We go into the club and find Karma and Harper on the dance floor. Defalco appears and begins to kill one girl at a time, demanding that Chloe (Karma) give herself up. Karma escapes from us and Defalka drags her away to an unknown direction. We move to the left and slow down to destroy enemies. We get out into the shopping malls, kill even more mercenaries, and pursue targets. We open the large doors and go outside. We continue to persistently run after Defalco, but we will not be able to catch them.

Suffer like me.
Fort Clayton military base, Panama.
Sergeant Frank Woods.
CIA Special Operations Division.
December 19, 1989.

We meet with Mason, the two of us go to the backyard, where we communicate with McNamee about the upcoming operation. We return to the car, which the local youth managed to paint.

We jump off the boat, go up and throw a knife at the enemy. We make our way to the building and go upstairs. We go downstairs and head straight to the hotel. We penetrate into the room where the False Prophet is located. Hudson reports that Noriego is a “valuable commodity,” so he needs to be delivered to the checkpoint.

We deal with enemies who beat civilians. We go into the building and go outside. We walk along it, dealing with opponents. We are watching the roofs where grenade launchers and machine gunners are holed up. We don’t get ahead or lag behind our partners, so as not to find ourselves under heavy enemy fire. We storm the building and make our way through it. We find a girl covered in debris. When trying to save her, we are immediately attacked by an angry enemy. Noriego escaped, we pursue him, simultaneously destroying his opponents. When they throw the blind woman, we run away, but do not collide with our partners, otherwise we will not be able to jump to the balcony. We get to the checkpoint and go upstairs. We fire a shot at the prisoner from a sniper rifle. Having gone downstairs, we realize that it was not Menendez who was killed, but our best friend, Mason. Raoul appears and shoots Woods in the knees. Then he treats Hudson in the same way.

Achilles' curtain.
Socotra Island, Yemen.
Farid // Undercover CIA agent.
Infiltrated Menendez's circle.
June 19, 2025.

Menendez is planning an attack on several megacities in two countries at once. Thus, he will destroy two superpowers at once - China and America. The admiral sends us to Yemen, although we understand that this is a trap. Playing as Farid, we approach Menendez and go to the podium together. Then he will disappear and tell you where we will meet. We break through to the citadel, preferably along the flanking sides. Since from there we can take numerous opponents by surprise. Having reached their destination, Menendez knocks out the transport in which Harper was located. We make a choice of who to kill - it will be Raul Menendez. Unfortunately, he blocks our hand and shoots at us.

Achilles' veil (continued).
Socotra Island, Yemen.
David Mason // Call sign: Sector.
Anti-terrorist group OKSO.
June 19, 2025.

We'll shoot at the enemies a little and, having landed, we'll run up to Harper. Apparently Menendez spared him. Let's go through the alley. We use guidance for the drones so that they clear the path. It’s not safe to walk in the center, so we move through the buildings on the left. We overtake Menendez and make a capture.

Ship Barack Obama, Gulf of Mexico.
David Mason // Call sign: Sector.
Anti-terrorist group OKSO.
June 19, 2025.

We go into the interrogation room, since Menendez wants us to personally communicate with him. Meanwhile, unknown forces are approaching the aircraft carrier. As soon as we turned away, Menendez immediately grabbed Salazar. We throw down our weapons, put on handcuffs and find ourselves stunned. Having woken up, we leave the room and replenish the arsenal with any available equipment. We open the door and go out into the corridor. We destroy many enemies, and first of all we deal with the turrets suspended on the ceiling. We go up to the upper deck and get to the captain's bridge. We are trying to regain control of the system, but the attempt is in vain. We go down to the lower decks, then go up again. We get to the video tracking system. Briggs is in danger as she wants to restart the system.

Playing as Menendez, we go upstairs and capture the general. Salazar turned out to be a traitor. He kills two soldiers, and asks us to spare Briggs and just shoot him in the leg. But we will still kill Briggs with a headshot and then load the celeriium chip, which contains the virus, into the main system.

Let's play as Mason. Through the ventilation system we will get to the server room. Let's go down to the hangar where Salazar was captured and held. Harper promptly kills the traitor. We stand on the platform and go up. We break through to the rescue shuttle. There are quite a lot of enemies here, we carefully monitor the wreckage of the planes - grenade launchers are located on their roofs.

Cordis Di.
Los Angeles, USA.
David Mason // Call sign: Sector.
Anti-terrorist group OKSO.
June 19, 2025.

It is necessary to escort the President to a safe place, since this is a priority goal for Menendez. The helicopter we were in, including the president, was being shot down. We successfully climb out and continue moving in the armored personnel carrier. However, the armored personnel carrier also finds itself under fire. We jump to the anti-aircraft gun. We can spin all three hundred and sixty degrees. Numerous drones are marked in red frames; all we have to do is press the shoot button. We have the choice to go down or cover from the top position. In the first case, we will slowly have to move towards the transport; in the second, shoot attacking enemies with a sniper rifle, the sight of which reveals even those enemies hiding behind cover. Let's go down and catch up with our allies.

We make our way forward using transport. We avoid blocked sections of the road. As a result, we are confronted by a huge truck. Having woken up, we get out of the armored personnel carrier and first of all grab the RPG. We move forward, destroying enemies. Priority targets are CLAWs. We get to the allies, help them fight off the grenade launchers on the heights and the remaining mercenaries. Soon the area will be engulfed in smoke, watch the video.

We run to Andersen, she is still alive. We board the FA-38 fighter. We accompany the president from the air. We destroy everyone and everything, then switch to real fighter mode. We catch up with the fast drones and deal with them. When we are hit, we eject, and Harper meets us on the ground.

Judgment Day.
West coast of Haiti.
David Mason // Call sign: Sector.
Anti-terrorist group OKSO.
June 19, 2025.

The main command post, and at the same time Menendez, is located on the island of Haiti. We are forced to make a jump, a little earlier than planned. We fly down, dodging the debris of fighters and fiery flashes. Having landed, we immediately begin to fight with the mercenaries. With a powerful sniper rifle it is quite easy to destroy CLAWs and transports from which machine gunners are firing suppressive fire. We get to the military base and get inside. We deal with everyone who gets in the way. We find ourselves in the command center, where we view Menendez’s appeal.

Menendez deliberately destroyed all the drones, thereby hoping to weaken the defense forces. We follow Harper, shooting enemies. The floor collapses underfoot and Harper falls down. Let's jump after him, in slow motion we kill the surrogate, Menendez's right hand, and then himself. Let's watch the final video. After the credits, an interesting performance awaits us.

Difficulty – Hardened.
Prologue. The game takes place in different time periods (past and future). On orders from the CIA, Agent Alex Mason was assigned the task of rescuing Frank Woodson in Angola. A wide selection of equipment is provided (from primary weapons to additional equipment). The initial steps towards completing the task are marked by failure to save a burning man, but Savimbi pulls us away in time and convinces us of the importance of moving forward. The enemies are coming. And having gathered our courage, we begin to move across the field, while skillfully destroying opponents and carrying out important assignments for successfully suppressing enemies, namely dealing with mortar men or exterminating machine gunners. To achieve results, we need to request air support several times and launch missiles at enemy equipment. We eventually overwhelm the MPLA, forcing them to retreat, giving us time to fly away to rescue Woods.

We approach the barge, prepare for Hudson’s command and, at his sign, jump down (forward button “W”). We kill the enemies on the deck by opening the wooden box, we find a sapper vest, and put it on. Having seen the boats approaching us, we shoot them with side machine guns, knowing that if this is not done in time, the opponents will begin to attack. Let's pay attention to the fact that the machine guns are located at different heights, so we destroy the boats when they are far away. Having opened the container and seeing decomposing corpses there, to our surprise, among them we find Woods, an exhausted and thinner half-crazed man. Having noticed the approaching Mi-24, we quickly capture the Valkyrie, direct the shells in the direction in which the plane is flying, and destroy it.

We pick up Woods who has fallen into the water and carry him to the shore. Remembering Hudson's advice, we go into the jungle and follow the recommendations in detail: we lie down under a log, and then crawl through the grass. Carefully, we dash through safe areas to get to a small structure, where we find a trap. We get inside the radiation room and try to intimidate the still young and green Menendez. After futile attempts, we understand that he is a strong guy and learn about the radio he broke. At this time, the opponents are approaching, we have no choice but to shoot at Menendez and quickly head towards the river. We set traps along the way, and, if possible, replenish ammunition and shoot enemies. By this time, Savimbi arrives, and we safely leave the location.

Fast forward a few years. We signal Harper, swing our partner (press the move button to the left). He will do the same with us (we press two buttons - we cling with gadgets). Salazar Crosby approaches, after which we set off for free flight (we control the flight with the movement buttons, taking turns in advance so as not to crash into the rocks). We open the parachute when it is necessary to land.

We keep an eye on hidden enemies. A rifle equipped with a collimator sight and the use of EMP grenades help us detect hidden, invisible enemies. We pass the path that leads to the temple on the left side, without neglecting the available shelters, because... The enemies have powerful weapons that can cause us significant harm. Having noticed a helicopter taking off, we destroy it. To get into the temple, we smash the front door to pieces, after which we go down to the research center. Suddenly we are attacked by small robots with built-in machine guns, with which we immediately begin to fight. Having cleared the territory, we make our way through the rooms to the lift, which takes us to the laboratory. We advance with our friends, killing everyone in our path. Having seen the locker, we open it and find a robot, our assistant in the future. Also, in a nearby box, we find Eric, whom we will interrogate a little later because we are being attacked by newly arrived enemies. Having finished with the opponents, we get the celeriium disk and break through to the evacuation group.

Old wounds.
To find out Menendez’s connection with the Soviets, we go to the desert, where Zhao is waiting for us. We saddle the horse and follow him to the camp of the Mujahideen, who need reinforcements to repel the Russian attack. By helping them, we receive important information in return.

Initially, we jump to the west and clear the ruins from enemies. We quickly get to our destination, because... on horseback we are not sufficiently protected. Having gone up, we select a stinger, which has several aiming modes, suitable even for aircraft, and destroy the armored personnel carriers. It would be good not to get rid of these weapons, since we need to get to the northern gate and hold off the arriving armored personnel carriers and tanks.

Having learned that the opponents have captured the eastern weapons depot, we go there and clear the territory. After which we return to the base to meet with the main representative of the Russians. During a strong gallop, the horse dies, so we free ourselves from his body (hold down two buttons at once). To destroy the tank, we send an RPG grenade into the hatch, and Kravchenko jumps out. During his interrogation, we learn that there is a “mole” running in the CIA. Woods shoots Kravchenko and the Mujahideen attack us, significantly injuring us and leaving us in the desert.

Base spectrum.

Education. Instructions appear on the screen, with the help of which we learn to control soldiers and equipment. Having switched to strategic mode, we distribute units across the territory.

We hold the squad for ten minutes. Having set three points, from the strategic mode we send one detachment to each. The next zone will be opened after the enemies have captured the previous points. To repel the attack of enemies, we are inside, we select any soldier and from the upper floor we fire at enemies, both soldiers and flying drones. At the same time, we are constantly bringing in new soldiers.

Having completed the task, we can perform additional, optional operations from the “Strike Group” series.

Time and fate.

From afar we watch Menendez, to whom control is transferred. Chinese soldiers fill the room and seize us and Sister Josephine. In an angry outburst, Menendez quickly kills the offender. Having come to his senses, the Chinese commander lets us go, but remembering the offense inflicted on our sister and with a sense of justified vendetta, we attack him and break through, destroying everyone who interferes and restrains us quickly and successfully in both long-range and close combat. Having reached the building, we go in and go up. Hudson tries to stop our actions, and Woods uses a grenade.

Fifteen minutes earlier. The action takes place from Mason's point of view. Having followed Menendez, we make our way down to the river and destroy the enemies in the village. We carefully move forward, shooting enemies along the way, as well as machine gunners in houses and snipers on the roofs, who are the primary targets. Having cleared the entire territory, we enter the building through the side door. Descent into the basements, freeing them from opponents. Having gone upstairs, we try to keep Woods from shooting, but he throws us away and uses a grenade.

Fallen Angel.

We promptly repair our robot, let it go forward so that it takes the first fire, and move calmly behind CLAW. Flooding of streets The streets are filled with flood, which eliminates the possibility of using iron equipment. We completely destroy everyone along the road and turn left into the alley (by quickly pressing the corresponding button to open the grate).

We have a hook and use it to attach it to the roof. Quietly and carefully we neutralize the turned away fighters. We scan the area (hold the zoom in button). We notice that Menendez in a white suit is directly opposite us. We identify each target, eavesdrop on the conversation, wait for them to hide in the building, turn left and carefully follow Harper. We carefully bypass the drone spotlights, because... they bring instant death. Having jumped lower, we move at a crawl, continuing to record the conversation. Having climbed up under the boxes, we recognize another person near the helicopter. Continuing the recording, we receive the second package of information. Hiding under the door arches, we wait for the drones to disappear, after which we jump down and clear the area.

At the station, we observe with the help of video devices before the train appears. We receive the third package with important information. Let's go down and dive under the water. While watching Menedez, he sees us and tries to kill us. We swim out from the other side and shoot back in the garage. Controls are often transferred to different CLAWs in order to successfully shoot opponents until we are destroyed.

Having made our way up, we get into any vehicle in which we leave Antema. During the trip, we also control a drone, with the help of which we clear the path for SUVs. We meet the aged Zhao.

To complete the next task, we make our way to the Colossus and cross the checkpoint. Having noticed an alarm sounding in the next compartment, we present our documents and we are allowed into the elevator. After descending to the last floor, we destroy the guards and approach the table, on which we place the suitcase and take out the bug robot to introduce it into the ventilation shaft. We do remote control.

Moving forward, we overcome the obstacles awaiting us: we jump over a small abyss, use a wave cannon to destroy the electrical panel, and go around uneven surfaces. Having seen the bars, we find corner holes to pass through. We move along blue and red pipes and jump over chasms everywhere. The door we need is equipped with a combination lock, and to open it we neutralize the enemy with a wave cannon in order to scan his retina. After which we can go to the northern part, where we immediately clear the territory and approach the main computer and apply the actions (cancel below: fiddle with the mouse and press the motion control button). We remember Harper's incident when he exited the elevator on the intermediate level. The same girl he encountered during this time appears. her name is Karma.

We need to go back. We follow the path through the rooms through which we pass. Finding ourselves in the club, we see Karma and Harper on the dance floor. Suddenly, Defalco appears (demanding that Karma (under the name Chloe) declassify herself) begins to kill innocent girls. Unable to withstand such cruelty, Karma breaks free and a satisfied Defalco takes her to an unknown direction. We are attacked by opponents, we move to the left and deal with them in slow motion. Finding ourselves in the shopping arcades, we kill all the enemies and keep an eye on the targets. Chasing Defalco, we run through the large doors, go outside, run after the villain, but they manage to escape

Suffer like me.

We meet with Mason, with whom we move to the backyard, where we talk with McNamee about the upcoming operation. Returning to the car, we see its new highlight, because... it was painted by local children.

We jump off the boat, go up and stab the knife into the enemy. We see a building, carefully creep up to it, and go up. After which we go downstairs and move towards the hotel. We find the room where the False Prophet is located, about whom Hudson says that Noriego and such a “valuable commodity” need to be delivered to the checkpoint for interrogation.

Having noticed the beating of people in civilian clothes, we destroy the mercenaries. After which we go into the building and go out into the street, where many opponents are waiting for us. Moving along the street, we destroy the enemies, while paying attention to the roofs where the grenade launchers and machine gunners are holed up. Not wanting to find ourselves under heavy enemy fire, we try not to get ahead and keep up with our partners. We occupy the building in order to get through it, in which we find an unfortunate girl trapped under the rubble. Our honor tells us about her salvation, but with such an attempt we are immediately attacked. While pursuing the escaped Noriego, we deal with our enemies along the way. They throw the blind woman, we run away, but try not to collide with our partners, since we will not be able to jump to the balcony. Having reached the checkpoint, we go upstairs, where there is a sniper rifle, with which we shoot at the prisoner. After which we go down and see that they did not deal with Menendez at all, but killed Mason, their faithful comrade. Raul appears and shoots Woods in the knees, then Hudson.

Achilles' curtain.

Menendez is hatching an insidious plan: to attack several megacities in China and America at once in order to destroy them. On instructions from the admiral, we go to Yemen, knowing that this is a trap. Control switches to Farid. Approaching Menendez, we go to the dais, after which, having indicated the meeting place, he disappears. Along the flanking sides (it will help in a surprise attack on opponents) we approach the citadel. Having reached their destination, Menendez storms the vehicle in which Harper is sitting. We are faced with a choice in murder. Our target is Raul Menendez, but he deftly pinches our hand and shoots.

Shooting at the enemies, we land and run to Harper. We are relieved to learn that he is unharmed. We pass the alley, using guidance from the drones to create a safe path for us. To avoid danger, we move through the buildings that are on the left. And so we catch up with Menendez and capture him.

Menendez is in the interrogation room and wants to communicate with us personally. While we are dealing with the main enemy, enemy forces are approaching the aircraft carrier. Taking advantage of our momentary distraction, Menendez captures Salazar. To save him, we throw away our weapons, handcuff ourselves and are stunned. Having come to our senses, we quickly leave the room, not forgetting to replenish the arsenal with any available equipment. Having opened the door and going out into the corridor, we clear it of enemies, following the algorithm: first turrets suspended on the ceiling, then infantry. Having climbed up to the deck, we move to the captain's bridge, where we try to regain control over the system, but are defeated. We go down, then go up again. Having reached the video tracking system, we see that Briggs is in danger due to his intention to restart the system.

Control passes to Menendez. On his behalf we go upstairs and capture the general. We discover that Salazar is a traitor who killed two soldiers and asks to spare Briggs’ life by simply shooting him in the leg. Not giving in to persuasion, we kill Briggs with a head shot, after which we load the celeriium chip with the virus into the main system.

Control passes to Mason. Through the ventilation system we get to the server part. The captured Salazar is being held in the hangar into which we went down. Harper instantly shoots the traitor. Then we go up on the platform. All the time we keep an eye on the wreckage of the planes where the grenade launchers are hiding, we clear the areas and make our way to the rescue shuttle.

Cordis Di.

Having learned that Menendez is going to attack the president, we accompany him and take him to a safe place. But, unfortunately, the helicopter we are in is shot down. We deftly free ourselves from the remnants and continue our journey in an armored personnel carrier, which is soon also knocked out by our opponents. We jump to the anti-aircraft gun (the ability to turn three hundred and sixty degrees). Press the button to shoot to destroy the numerous drones marked in red. You are given a choice: go down (we will have to slowly move towards the transport) or stay for cover while at the top position (we will have to shoot the enemies who arrive with a sniper rifle with a built-in collimator). We go down and catch up with our friends.

Avoiding blocked sections of the road, we make our way forward using transport. But suddenly we are overturned by a huge van. Having come to our senses, we get out of the armored personnel carrier and take the RPG. We move forward, clear the territory, especially paying attention to CLAWs. Having reached the allies, we help them fight off the remaining mercenaries and grenade launchers on the heights. The square will soon be enveloped in smoke, watch the video.

We run to Andersen, who is still alive. On the FA-38 fighter we accompany the president from the air, while clearing the territory, after which we switch to real fighter mode and neutralize the fast drones. We are hit, we eject to meet Harper on the ground.

Judgment Day.

The main command post is located on the picturesque island of Haiti, where Menendez arrives. We jump out earlier than planned. Therefore, we fly down, dodging the debris of fighters and fiery flashes. Having landed, we immediately deal with our opponents. A powerful sniper rifle helps to easily destroy CLAWs and transports from which machine gunners are conducting suppressive fire. Having reached the military base, we penetrate inside and clear the territory. After which we find ourselves in the command center, from where we view Menendez’s appeal.

Counting on the weakening of the defense troops, Menendez insidiously destroyed all the drones. Following Harper, we destroy our enemies. Suddenly the floor collapses under his feet and Harper falls down. Jumping after him, in slow motion we kill the mercenary, who was Menendez’s main assistant. After which Menendez himself. We watch the final video and credits, after which an interesting performance unfolds.

Difficulty – Hardened.

Pyrrhic victory.
Province of Kunene, Kunene.
Alex Mason.
July 2, 1986.

Let's watch the introductory video. The events of the game take place both in the past and in the future. The CIA recruited Alex Mason to rescue Frank Woodson in Angola. Before each task, we can choose equipment - from the main weapon to various additional equipment. It all starts with the fact that we do not have time to save the burning man. Savimbi pulls us away and tells us that it’s time to move on. We move across the field, destroying dozens of opponents. From time to time we receive orders to deal with mortar men or destroy machine gunners conducting suppressive fire. Several times we request air support and launch missiles at enemy equipment. Finally we force the enemies to retreat. The MPLA isn't completely defeated yet, but it's time for us to fly off to save Woods.

We fly up to the barge and jump down at Hudson’s command (forward button “W”). We clear the deck, then open the wooden box and put on the sapper vest. We shoot the boats approaching us from the side machine guns. If this is not done in time, the enemies will board you. The machine guns are at different levels, so we shoot the boats when they are far away. We open the container and see decaying corpses. Among them we find Woods, visibly exhausted and on the verge of madness. We quickly select Valkyrie and destroy the Mi-24. We aim in the direction where the plane is flying. The projectiles are guided, so there will be no problems.

We pull Woods out from under the water and drag him to the shore. We're going deeper into the jungle so we can't be discovered. So we do everything exactly as Hudson says. We lie down under a log, then crawl along the grass. We run from one safe area to another. We get to a small building, from where we take a trap. We run to the radiation room, get inside and try to intimidate young Menendez. But it turned out to be difficult and disabled the radio. The enemies came running, we shot at Menendez and rushed to the river. We place traps behind us, and in short breaks we can replenish ammunition and hold back the enemies a little. Savimbi flies to the rescue, thanks to whom we successfully escape.

Hkababo Razi Mountains, Myanmar.

April 20, 2025.

Let's move into the future. We give a signal to Harper, then press the move button to the left to swing our partner. He will do the same to us, we will have to hold down two buttons in order to grab hold of the sticky gloves. We meet with Salazar and Crosby. Let's go on a free flight together. Use the movement buttons to control your flight. We enter turns early so as not to collide with rocks. We open the parachute before the landing zone.

Let's follow the enemies, they use camouflage, which makes it difficult to determine their location. The rifle's sight has a built-in collimator that detects invisible opponents and even those hiding behind cover. Invisible enemies can also be revealed using EMP grenades. We break forward to the temple, mainly on the left side. The enemies' weapons are very dangerous, so we actively use cover. We quickly destroy the helicopter preparing to take off. We smash the doors of the temple and get inside. We go down to the research center. Small robots with built-in machine guns appeared. We deal with them first. Through the rooms we get to the lift and go down to the lower laboratory. We follow our partners, clearing the premises. We open the cabinet from where we extract the robot. Then we open the box and take out Eric. There is no time to interrogate him; first we will deal with the arriving enemies. The robot will help us with this. Next, we get the celeriium disk and break through to the evacuation group.

Old wounds.
Khost Province, Afghanistan.
Alex Mason.
CIA Special Operations Division.
September 5, 1986.

We arrive in the desert in order to find out about Menendez’s connections with the Soviets. We meet Zhao, harness the horse and follow him. We arrive at the Mujahideen camp, who need help to repel the Russian attack. In return, we will receive the information we are interested in.

First of all, let's go to the west and clear the ruins of enemies. On horseback we are quite vulnerable, so we quickly get to the indicated place. We go upstairs, pick up the stinger and destroy the armored personnel carriers. It is advisable not to throw away this weapon, since now we need to get to the northern gate and hold off the onslaught of equipment arriving at the camp: from armored personnel carriers to tanks. The stinger has several aiming modes, an additional one is suitable against aircraft.

The enemies have occupied a weapons depot in the east, let's go there and clear it. Then we will return to the base and rush towards the largest representative of the Russians. The horse dies, so we free ourselves from its body by holding down two buttons at once. We throw an RPG shell into the hatch of the tank, and Kravchenko manages to jump out of there. During interrogation, he admits that there is a “mole” in the CIA. All this time we must resist by quickly pressing the appropriate button. Woods kills Kravchenko and the Mujahideen attack us. They leave us to die in the middle of the desert.

Base spectrum.
Himachal Pradesh, Northern India.
Strike group OKSO.
May 21, 2025.

First, let's go through the training. We follow the instructions indicated on the screen, according to which we learn to control units, as well as equipment. We switch to strategic mode and distribute troops across the territory.

We must hold the plant for ten minutes. We are given three external points - A, B, C. From the strategic mode we send one type of troops to each of them. The main D zone will open after the previous points are captured by enemies. Being inside is much easier to defend. We play as any of the soldiers and from the top floor we shoot at the enemies getting inside. These can be either soldiers or flying drones. Also, do not forget to constantly bring new soldiers to us; we are unlikely to cope alone.

Having completed this task, we can take on the next one in the “Strike Group” series. These missions are not required to complete, but are only optional.

Time and fate.
Vasa King, Nicaragua.
Alex Mason.
CIA Special Operations Division.
September 25, 1986.

We watch Menendez from afar. Control passes to him. Chinese soldiers burst into the room and grab us and Sister Josephine. Menendez seems to have broken free: with a sharp jerk he kills his sister’s offender. Having woken up, the Chinese commander frees us, we attack him, but do not have time to kill him - my sister is more important. Under the influence of rage and the desire to commit lynching, we break forward, destroying everyone in our path. Enemies often engage in close combat, so we quickly deal with those approaching us. We get to the mansion, go inside and go upstairs. Hudson tries to stop us, and Woods throws a grenade into the room where Josephine was.

Fifteen minutes ago. Now let's look at the situations from Mason's point of view. After observing the capture of Menendez, we go down the slope to the river and clear the cartel village. We move forward, destroying all the enemies we encounter. There were machine gunners in the houses, and snipers on the roofs. They should be priority targets. Having killed every single one, we enter the mansion through the side door. We go down and clear out the basements. We go upstairs, trying to keep Woods from shooting. He throws us back and throws a grenade.

Fallen Angel.
Lahore, Pakistan.
David Mason // Call sign: Sector.
Anti-terrorism group OKSO.
May 29, 2025.

We quickly repair the robot and let it go forward. We don’t get into trouble, but move forward, being behind CLAW. The streets are filled with floods, so there is no point in relying on iron friends anymore. We clear the entire width of the road. Then turn left into the alley and quickly press the corresponding button to open the grate.

Drones have appeared and are not recommended to be seen. We do everything exactly according to Harper's instructions. We get to the sewer pipe and cut with the two in the upper positions. We get inside and contact the admiral.

We use the hook to grab onto the roof and climb up. We neutralize the soldiers who have turned away. We scan the area while holding the zoom button. Menendez is standing right in front of us in a white suit. We recognize the targets and listen to the conversation. When they disappear into the building, turn left and carefully follow Harper. You can't get caught in the drone's spotlights, otherwise you'll die instantly. We jump lower, move at a crawl and continue recording the conversation. We go up under the boxes and scan another person near the helicopter. We continue recording and get the second data package. We hide under the door arches and wait for the drones to fly away. We jump down and deal with the enemies.

We enter the station and conduct video surveillance until the train appears. The third packet of important data has been recorded. Let's go down and swim underwater. While trying to observe Menedez, he discovers us and shooting begins. We swim out from the other side and hold the defense while in the garage. We switch between CLAWs and shoot enemies until we are destroyed. We go outside and get into the transport. Control periodically switches over to the drone, which we use to clear the way for SUVs. We leave Antema and meet with the aged Zhao.

Colossus, Cayman Islands.
David Mason // Call sign: Sector.
Anti-terrorist group OKSO.
June 12, 2025.

We penetrate into Colossus and go through the checkpoint. An alarm went off on the next path, but it will not affect us in any way. We show our ID and go to the elevator. We go down to the lowest floor and quickly deal with the guards. We place the suitcase on the table, from which we extract the bug robot. We send it into the ventilation shaft and control it remotely.

We move forward and jump over a small gap. We use a wave gun to disable the electrical panel. We continue moving, avoiding uneven surfaces. In the gratings we look for holes in the corners through which we can pass. We move along the blue and red pipes, jump over the abysses. We stun the enemy with a wave cannon and scan his retina. The sample has been received, we can go to the server room. We deal with the mercenaries, then use the main computer. Below it shows what actions need to be performed. Drag the mouse and press the motion control button. We recognize the girl we saw earlier when Harper came out on the intermediate floor and ran into her - this is Karma.

We go back, but not to the elevator, but let’s go further through the rooms. As a result, you will still need to take the elevators. We go into the club and find Karma and Harper on the dance floor. Defalco appears and begins to kill one girl at a time, demanding that Chloe (Karma) give herself up. Karma escapes from us and Defalka drags her away to an unknown direction. We move to the left and slow down to destroy enemies. We get out into the shopping malls, kill even more mercenaries, and pursue targets. We open the large doors and go outside. We continue to persistently run after Defalco, but we will not be able to catch them.

Suffer like me.
Fort Clayton military base, Panama.
Sergeant Frank Woods.
CIA Special Operations Division.
December 19, 1989.

We meet with Mason, the two of us go to the backyard, where we communicate with McNamee about the upcoming operation. We return to the car, which the local youth managed to paint.

We jump off the boat, go up and throw a knife at the enemy. We make our way to the building and go upstairs. We go downstairs and head straight to the hotel. We penetrate into the room where the False Prophet is located. Hudson reports that Noriego is a “valuable commodity,” so he needs to be delivered to the checkpoint.

We deal with enemies who beat civilians. We go into the building and go outside. We walk along it, dealing with opponents. We are watching the roofs where grenade launchers and machine gunners are holed up. We don’t get ahead or lag behind our partners, so as not to find ourselves under heavy enemy fire. We storm the building and make our way through it. We find a girl covered in debris. When trying to save her, we are immediately attacked by an angry enemy. Noriego escaped, we pursue him, simultaneously destroying his opponents. When they throw the blind woman, we run away, but do not collide with our partners, otherwise we will not be able to jump to the balcony. We get to the checkpoint and go upstairs. We fire a shot at the prisoner from a sniper rifle. Having gone downstairs, we realize that it was not Menendez who was killed, but our best friend, Mason. Raoul appears and shoots Woods in the knees. Then he treats Hudson in the same way.

Achilles' curtain.
Socotra Island, Yemen.
Farid // Undercover CIA agent.
Infiltrated Menendez's circle.
June 19, 2025.

Menendez is planning an attack on several megacities in two countries at once. Thus, he will destroy two superpowers at once - China and America. The admiral sends us to Yemen, although we understand that this is a trap. Playing as Farid, we approach Menendez and go to the podium together. Then he will disappear and tell you where we will meet. We break through to the citadel, preferably along the flanking sides. Since from there we can take numerous opponents by surprise. Having reached their destination, Menendez knocks out the transport in which Harper was located. We make a choice of who to kill - it will be Raul Menendez. Unfortunately, he blocks our hand and shoots at us.

Achilles' veil (continued).
Socotra Island, Yemen.
David Mason // Call sign: Sector.
Anti-terrorist group OKSO.
June 19, 2025.

We'll shoot at the enemies a little and, having landed, we'll run up to Harper. Apparently Menendez spared him. Let's go through the alley. We use guidance for the drones so that they clear the path. It’s not safe to walk in the center, so we move through the buildings on the left. We overtake Menendez and make a capture.

Ship Barack Obama, Gulf of Mexico.
David Mason // Call sign: Sector.
Anti-terrorist group OKSO.
June 19, 2025.

We go into the interrogation room, since Menendez wants us to personally communicate with him. Meanwhile, unknown forces are approaching the aircraft carrier. As soon as we turned away, Menendez immediately grabbed Salazar. We throw down our weapons, put on handcuffs and find ourselves stunned. Having woken up, we leave the room and replenish the arsenal with any available equipment. We open the door and go out into the corridor. We destroy many enemies, and first of all we deal with the turrets suspended on the ceiling. We go up to the upper deck and get to the captain's bridge. We are trying to regain control of the system, but the attempt is in vain. We go down to the lower decks, then go up again. We get to the video tracking system. Briggs is in danger as she wants to restart the system.

Playing as Menendez, we go upstairs and capture the general. Salazar turned out to be a traitor. He kills two soldiers, and asks us to spare Briggs and just shoot him in the leg. But we will still kill Briggs with a headshot and then load the celeriium chip, which contains the virus, into the main system.

Let's play as Mason. Through the ventilation system we will get to the server room. Let's go down to the hangar where Salazar was captured and held. Harper promptly kills the traitor. We stand on the platform and go up. We break through to the rescue shuttle. There are quite a lot of enemies here, we carefully monitor the wreckage of the planes - grenade launchers are located on their roofs.

Cordis Di.
Los Angeles, USA.
David Mason // Call sign: Sector.
Anti-terrorist group OKSO.
June 19, 2025.

It is necessary to escort the President to a safe place, since this is a priority goal for Menendez. The helicopter we were in, including the president, was being shot down. We successfully climb out and continue moving in the armored personnel carrier. However, the armored personnel carrier also finds itself under fire. We jump to the anti-aircraft gun. We can spin all three hundred and sixty degrees. Numerous drones are marked in red frames; all we have to do is press the shoot button. We have the choice to go down or cover from the top position. In the first case, we will slowly have to move towards the transport; in the second, shoot attacking enemies with a sniper rifle, the sight of which reveals even those enemies hiding behind cover. Let's go down and catch up with our allies.

We make our way forward using transport. We avoid blocked sections of the road. As a result, we are confronted by a huge truck. Having woken up, we get out of the armored personnel carrier and first of all grab the RPG. We move forward, destroying enemies. Priority targets are CLAWs. We get to the allies, help them fight off the grenade launchers on the heights and the remaining mercenaries. Soon the area will be engulfed in smoke, watch the video.

We run to Andersen, she is still alive. We board the FA-38 fighter. We accompany the president from the air. We destroy everyone and everything, then switch to real fighter mode. We catch up with the fast drones and deal with them. When we are hit, we eject, and Harper meets us on the ground.

Judgment Day.
West coast of Haiti.
David Mason // Call sign: Sector.
Anti-terrorist group OKSO.
June 19, 2025.

The main command post, and at the same time Menendez, is located on the island of Haiti. We are forced to make a jump, a little earlier than planned. We fly down, dodging the debris of fighters and fiery flashes. Having landed, we immediately begin to fight with the mercenaries. With a powerful sniper rifle it is quite easy to destroy CLAWs and transports from which machine gunners are firing suppressive fire. We get to the military base and get inside. We deal with everyone who gets in the way. We find ourselves in the command center, where we view Menendez’s appeal.

Menendez deliberately destroyed all the drones, thereby hoping to weaken the defense forces. We follow Harper, shooting enemies. The floor collapses underfoot and Harper falls down. Let's jump after him, in slow motion we kill the surrogate, Menendez's right hand, and then himself. Let's watch the final video. After the credits, an interesting performance awaits us.