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How World War 3 begins. Where will the third world war begin? How Wolf Messing saw the future

This article may seem scary. But we all live in a time when the start of a new war on a global scale is becoming a real prospect. In the article we will answer the question of whether the start date of the Third World War is predicted or not.

Modern warfare

In the minds of most people who grew up watching films based on the Great Patriotic War, the standard of military operations looks like a cutout from a film. Reasoning logically, we understand that just as ridiculous a saber from 1917 would look in the hands of a Soviet soldier in 1941, it would be strange to observe the picture of barbed wire cut at night by partisans in our time.

And you must admit, having weapons of mass destruction in the form of nuclear charges, bacteriological crops and climate control, it is paradoxical to expect a repetition of the classics in the form of a bayonet and a dugout.

The quiet panic, gradually eroding Internet users and skillfully fueled by the media, is felt in the thousands of requests received hourly. People are so convinced of the inevitability of trouble that they hardly ask questions - will it happen? The clumsy formulation sounds much more relevant: when is the exact date set for the start of the Third World War?

And this is already scary.

Battle for resources

The era when the main contribution to the winner were forests, fields, rivers and the defeated people has passed forever. Today, the greatness of a country is dictated not by population or rich history of victories, but by the possession of underground treasures: oil sources, natural gas deposits, coal seams, uranium deposits.

The date of the start of World War III is not kept silent. It simply passed so long ago that its exact date is unlikely to remain in our minds. The dream of the drivers of trade policy has come true - the economy and the struggle for first place in the leadership elite have become at the forefront of the main life values.

Here it is worth recalling the main method of trade relations, which works everywhere and at all times. The most choice piece never went to those bargaining and fighting for it - there was always a third person standing on the sidelines and sympathetically watching the fight.

Based on events: how can this be

Many will interfere, but only one will get it. It is no secret that the main threat to Russia is attributed to the United States, but the events unfolding around the world's largest leaders suggest that the general tension creates only the appearance of a real threat. The flow of information masterfully maintains the highest bar on the scale of mass hysteria, while the war unleashed by a powerful power (read - the USA) began a long time ago.

Events in Ukraine, Iraq and Syria speak not of spontaneous, but of carefully thought-out actions, which were worked on by hundreds of analysts with such a wealth of strategic experience that simply does not exist in any of these countries. After all, we are not talking about random clashes reminiscent of previous “yard to yard” fights - we are talking about a war that drags on the masses. And here all sorts of peacekeeping missions with the introduction of friendly troops armed with friendly weapons only fuel the hostile mood.

The EU readily accepts information in the form in which the United States presents it; the European Union, apparently, has neither the time nor the initiative to investigate. Like a bull to a red rag, the leaders of the European Union will react to the slightest movement by the United States towards military action against Russia.

This will give the Chinese government, which has been restraining itself for a long time, a reason to talk. The stagnation of American troops in the Pacific region has long been poisoning the existence of the patient Chinese, whose hand is already tired of trembling over the nuclear button. Israel's reaction is also predictable - the long-awaited nod of consent from the United States will allow them to attack Tehran, but how long Israel itself will survive after this is a big question. The last salvos on Iraq will hardly have time to die down before the Libyan, Omani, Yemeni and (where would we be without them) Egyptian bombs will simply sweep away the hapless aggressor.

Anyone else curious about the start date of World War III? Then we discuss further.

A look from the outside - how it will be

It is useful to listen to what retired Colonel General Anatoly Lopata, former Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and First Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine, thinks about the events, scary to say, coming. Looking ahead, we note that the former Secretary of Defense's remark about the location of the future battlefield completely coincides with the opinion of British Air Force Colonel Ian Shields.

When asked by journalists what World War III essentially is and when it will begin, Anatoly Lopata calmly explained that the war is in full swing and the aggressor country in it is called - who do you think? - of course, Russia. And even in relation to America, at least in the fact that it responds with sympathy to the Assad regime in Syria (!). At the same time, the Colonel General admits that the United States is forced to reckon with the Russian Federation and this will remain unchanged, due to the latter’s enormous economic and military potential.

The date of the start of the Third World War, according to the expert, thus belongs to the distant past, but its development to the scale of epic battles belongs to the future, which we still have to live to see. Anatoly Lopata even shared a mysterious figure - 50. In his opinion, it is after this number of years that warring powers will collide in the vast expanses of space.

Analysts' forecasts

Joachim Hagopian, known since 2015, warned that the recruitment of “friends” by the countries of the USA and Russia is not accidental. China and India will follow Russia in any case, and the EU countries will have no choice but to accept America’s policies. For Korea, Hagopian predicted military neutrality in relation to both powers, but a rather violent internecine war with the likelihood of the activation of nuclear charges. It can be assumed that the day when the powerful weapon is activated is the date the Third World War began.

Alexander Richard Schiffer, an interesting personality and former head of NATO, in his book: “2017: War with Russia,” predicted the defeat of the United States due to financial collapse, followed by the collapse of the American army.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky, as always, is unambiguous and says what the majority is delicately silent about. He is confident that America will not begin any open action until all the countries involved in the military conflict squabble among themselves to the point of collapse, and, exhausted, lay down what remains of their weapons. Then the US will magnanimously gather the dejected losers and emerge as the sole winner.

Sergei Glazyev, Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation, proposes to create a coalition that does not fundamentally support military policy against Russia. According to him, the number of countries that are officially ready to speak out in favor of abandoning armed conflict will be such that America will simply be forced to curb its appetites.

As Vanga believed

Vanga, the most famous Bulgarian seer, either could not or did not want to predict the date of the beginning of the Third World War. In order not to confuse minds with specifics, the clairvoyant only said that she sees religious strife around the world as the cause of the war. Drawing a parallel with current events, we can assume that the date of the start of the Third World War, which Vanga never predicted, falls during the period of terrorist acts of the ISIS group disguised as offended religious feelings.

Using exact dates

How can we not mention the world-famous American Horatio Villegas, whose vision of fiery spheres striking the earth from the sky became a sensation in 2015. Adapting completely materialistic tasks to the act of clairvoyance, Horatio hastened to announce that he knew the date of the start of the Third World War - 05/13/2017. It is with regret or great joy that we note that no one was able to observe the fireballs on May 13th.

We can only hope that people who were expecting big events in March 2017 were not too upset when they lost confirmation of the words of astrologer Vlad Ross. Let us recall that this person also named the date of the beginning of the Third World War - 03/26/2017, which did not find a response in reality.

The prophecy about the coming Third World War is thought-provoking. What the oracles and soothsayers wrote and said about the beginning of the Third World War is a very important topic in our time. The current situation in the world is, to put it mildly, alarming.

Untied on In Ukraine, the civil war gives the EU and the US a reason to blame Russia for what is happening, and at the same time impose sanctions under this pretext, accusing them of all sins. Moreover, things are not calm in the Middle East. Nostradamus about the Third World War In the works of the Great Foreteller, there is a reminder of the Third World War. They say that three Antichrists will appear on earth, and each of them will bring a world war. This must happen before the Age of Aquarius takes over and the Second Coming of Christ occurs. The first Antichrist must revive the era of Babylon, and introduce sinfulness into humanity, making arrogance and pride the norm. The Antichrist, who will come next, in the descriptions of Nostradamus is similar to Hitler, since he comes from the Rhine from the land of Attila. Having waited for the third Antichrist, the world will howl from his cruelty, because he will surpass Emperor Nero in his ruthlessness. His cunning and cruelty, torture and torture will be applied to everyone indiscriminately. Perhaps he will be the instigator of the third world war.

What did Vanga say about World War III?
An important thing in Vanga’s prophecy about the beginning of the Third World War is that it speaks of the fall of Syria as a harbinger of the outbreak of a terrible war. An assassination attempt on the leaders of four countries will begin the spread of the conflict, and this will happen in a small country. The war will bring devastation to almost all of Europe. People will have to starve and beg. A terrible disaster will come to almost every European home. Nowadays, we are seeing how Syria has been experiencing a civil military conflict for a long time, which means we are living in an alarming period of time. Astrologer Pavel Globa Fortunately, Pavel Globa’s predictions are not associated with the beginning of the Third World War in the near future. The Russian seer set an important condition that a war should not break out in Iran, since if it does, a third world war cannot be avoided. Participants in the “Battle of Psychics” also talked about the Third World War. Project participant Alipiyana predicted the beginning of the Third World War in Russia. The first marker of the beginning of the war will be the removal of a dead person who died a long time ago. The war will overwhelm all of Europe and plunge it into chaos, destruction and poverty. At the end of the war, Europeans will suffer the consequences of the war. In Russia, thanks to tough laws, the people will be able to get out of the crisis, but at the same time, in order to have material benefits, the population will undergo a chipping procedure. Some participants predicted the outbreak of war in 2014. So Alexey Pokhabov predicted the outbreak of war in Russia, and the consequence would be the Third World War, which would cover all of humanity and bring a terrible outcome for the entire earth. But you shouldn’t always believe all the predictions, because mistakes are human. It is always necessary to believe in the best, and with the help of your will bring the best to life.

Many people ask themselves the question: when will the third world war begin, and is this really a real prospect, and not the fiction of science fiction writers? To answer this question we need to look at history.

The reasons that led the world to two world wars and the current situation in the world

To understand whether a third world war is possible, we need to analyze the reasons that led to the outbreak of the first two world wars.

  • The First World War was fought over spheres of influence in Europe and for colonies, which were not enough for everyone;
  • The Second World War was a continuation of the First and began as a consequence of the policies of Hitler, who came to power by skillfully playing on the thirst for revenge of the losing German people, adding here his theory of the exclusivity of the Aryan race.

The results of the war are the same in all cases:

  1. Famine and destruction;
  2. Epidemics and unsanitary conditions;
  3. Tens of millions of killed and maimed soldiers and civilians;
  4. Civil conflicts;
  5. Looting and banditry.

As a result, post-war devastation sets nations back decades in development.

The “pendulum” theory in the light of recent events and the crusades

Based on the theory of the pendulum, one can make disappointing predictions about the Third World War. In the Middle Ages, immigrants from African countries (the so-called “Moors”) captured Spain, from where they carried out devastating raids on European countries for many years. The pendulum swung, and the Moors left Europe, and the Europeans turned Africa into a deposit of useful resources, completely unconcerned with the needs of the common population.

If we turn to history, we can see the analogy of the crusaders with modern “peacekeepers,” who again strive for Africa, ostensibly in the name of high ideals, although the real goal is oil.

Does this mean that World War III is inevitable? Most likely not. Major world powers with nuclear potential are a kind of guarantor of peace on earth. Only a madman, knowing what nuclear weapons are capable of, is capable of unleashing a global conflict that will lead to the disappearance of at least 90 percent of the world's population. Disasters at nuclear power plants clearly demonstrated what the atom is capable of.

Since wars have plagued humanity throughout the history of its existence, military conflicts in the “hot spots” of the planet are inevitable. Their main goal has always been and will be the benefit that politicians and corporations can derive from it. But since after the third world war there will be practically no people left on earth, the economy will be completely destroyed and money will lose its value, the “powers of this world” will not allow this.

Predictions about World War III

The likelihood of war, according to modern forecasters, is not at all insignificant. Every year another “prophet” appears, who not only draws the scenario of the Third World War, but also names the exact date of its beginning. Creepy visions are voiced in which fire pours onto the ground and water turns into poison. The start date of the terrible conflict is constantly being postponed, so even the most superstitious citizens have stopped believing in these “prophecies.”

The schemers' predictions are so vague that almost any conflict in the world can be associated with the beginning of the 3rd World War. With the escalation of the conflict in Baghdad, when oil was burning and American tanks were rushing into battle, the number of scammers wanting to make money on people's superstitions increased exponentially.

However, in all the predictions one can trace the same idea: humanity will have a choice, and it will depend on this whether complete extermination or a happy future awaits us.

The Third World War, prophecies of soothsayers of the past and present

Predictions of famous soothsayers of the past and present about what the new world war will be like differ from each other in dates and possible options for the development of further events. Internet with various quotes that can be interpreted in any way you like. Recent events in the Donbass and the escalation of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine have provoked rumors that the third world war is already beginning, and there are fierce debates on the Internet about who will win it. The predictions of Vanga, Nostradamus and other similar “soothsayers” have become more popular than ever.

Vanga's warnings frighten us with a large-scale global conflict on religious grounds, which should develop into a massive internecine war. Events in the East can be interpreted as the beginning of this conflict, although this region has never been stable and similar conflicts were constantly fought there. Vanga also pointed out that natural disasters around the world will become more frequent, and the consequences of this war will be felt by her children, that is, our generation. Despite the large number of coincidences in Vanga’s predictions, you should not believe in them unconditionally.

Matrona of Moscow's predictions about whether there will be a Third World War are unclear. The saint claimed that there would be no battle, and the number of dead would be enormous. Some interpret this prediction as a possible strike from space or a terrible global epidemic of an unknown disease. This prediction predicts salvation and revival for Russia.

Nostradamus' predictions of the future are the most vague. His poems, called quatrains, can be interpreted very widely. If you set a goal, you can link almost any global event to them. Recently, many scammers have been speculating on the predictions of a famous astrologer of the past, in the hope of making money on the gullibility of the population.

The predictions of modern soothsayers are more optimistic. For example, Pavel Globa argues that there is no need to be afraid of nuclear war. The main problem of the future will be the economic state of the planet. As a result of the depletion of resource reserves, Europe and the United States will lose their positions on the world stage, and Russia will take a leading position, thanks to the rich raw material base in the country. It is predicted to unite with the CIS countries to create a stronger state.

Malakhat Nazarova, a fortuneteller from Baku, also does not scare with terrible disasters, although she does not exclude the possibility that a third world war could begin. According to her theory, at the end of each century the world plunges into chaos. Although the war may begin, according to the seer's forecasts, it will not lead to the extermination of humanity.

As we can see, the prophecies are quite vague and contradictory. You shouldn't trust them blindly. It is better to listen to the opinions of famous politicians and military figures.

Forecasts of military and politicians

The possible outbreak of a global conflict worries not only ordinary citizens of the planet, but also the powers that be. In 2014, a publication by political analyst Joachim Hagopian caused a huge resonance, claiming that Russia and the United States were seriously preparing to enter into an open conflict. All major world states will be drawn into this war. The entire European Union will side with the United States, and India and China will support Russia.

The analyst calls the depletion of energy reserves the main cause of the global conflict. According to Hagopian, the US economy is on the verge of bankruptcy, and in order to rise, it needs to seize new raw material bases. According to the expert, this conflict will unleash the Third World War and lead to the complete disappearance of some peoples.

American officer and former NATO chief Richard Shirreff described his point of view in the book “2017: War with Russia.” According to his beliefs, Russia will take over the Baltic countries, which are part of NATO, after which the US government will frivolously go to war with Russia. According to Shirreff, the US Army will suffer a crushing defeat, as government spending on the US Army decreases year after year.

Knowing the real role of Russia on the world stage, its authority and peaceful policy, this development of events looks implausible.

The results of a possible military confrontation between the United States and Russia

In order to assess the possible results of the global conflict between the United States and Russia, you need to try to roughly estimate the combat potential of both sides. British Colonel Ian Shields provides the following data on the size of both armies:

  1. The number of NATO soldiers exceeds 3.5 million, which is more than 4 times the size of the Russian army (according to the same data, it is 800,000 people);
  2. NATO has about 7.5 thousand tanks, which is three times the number of tanks in the Russian army.

Despite this significant superiority in manpower, it will not play a big role in a possible war. The main role in this conflict will be played by the latest technologies, the use of which can destroy tens of thousands of soldiers in a matter of seconds. Ian Shields believes that there is no need to fear that superpowers will start using nuclear weapons. The destruction in this case can be so enormous that there will be nothing to fight for.

Forecast from Vladimir Zhirinovsky

Vladimir Volfovich believes that the United States will not recklessly enter into a war until it is 100 percent sure of victory. According to Zhirinovsky, America provoked a conflict between Ukraine and Russia in order to weaken the enemy and drag him into a war with Western Europe. After it becomes clear who will win, the United States will finish off the loser and seize his territories.

The opinion of the LDPR leader often tends to come true. The Third World War, according to his forecast, will occur in the time period from 2019 to 2025. Russia will win and immediately make a huge leap in development.

Overpopulation of the planet as the real reason for the outbreak of World War III

It is suggested that by 2050 the world's population will exceed 9 billion, and an amount of food will be needed that the earth cannot provide. All this will lead to people fighting each other for food, which will lead to terrible wars. These are not fantastic forecasts, but calculations of a number of scientists. The only way out of this situation seems to be the introduction of family planning.

Already, many countries have exhausted their natural resources and are forced to cut down forests that will not last long. A huge problem has become the presence of huge waste dumps that are not recycled and spoil the environment. After cutting down all the forests on the planet, global warming will begin, which will force many people of third world countries to make mass migrations to more suitable lands occupied by other peoples.

All this will inevitably provoke a conflict between refugees from third world countries and the population of civilized countries, which can only end in the complete destruction of one of the parties.

Despite the ominous predictions and escalation of conflicts on the world stage, we can hardly expect the outbreak of the third world war from this side. We need to reconsider the consumer attitude towards nature, otherwise our grandchildren will inherit a future roughly familiar to us from post-apocalyptic films and games.

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I am interested in martial arts with weapons and historical fencing. I write about weapons and military equipment because it is interesting and familiar to me. I often learn a lot of new things and want to share these facts with people who are interested in military issues.

The Internet is actively discussing the events of recent days in the world, which hypothetically could lead to the outbreak of the Third World War. On the conspiracy theorist forum, users have collected all possible facts and guesses that, in their opinion, prove the fact that the world is in danger.

World War III refers to a global military conflict. Today, questions like “will there be a Third World War and when will it start” are no longer fantastic inventions, but very real fears of citizens.

In addition, now, given the growing tension on the world stage, such questions are more relevant than ever. All the conditions in the world lead to a new extensive war. It would seem that in our time no one will ever utter the words “Third World War”, because this very concept seems to have been erased with the liquidation of the “evil empire”.

And, it seems, there is no one with whom to wage a continental struggle (as it was in the Second World War) or a nuclear one (it is assumed that this is how the Third will take place). Some people think in images and imagine the Third World War like this: trenches, cracks in the black, ash-ridden earth, the “enemy” somewhere beyond the horizon...

These ideas are copied and formulated on the basis of many films and stories about the terrible and so distant war of our fathers and grandfathers. This is the Great Patriotic War. Or World War II. But World War III will be different. Many are confident that a future war is already underway. The media, at least, daily and tirelessly, with the importunity of a boring fly, tell us about this. The so-called information battle.

World War III - predictions when it will happen

A world war is fertile ground for reflection and predictions. Whose guesses are closest to reality?

The most famous predictor, of course, is Vanga, whose prophecies come true with a high degree of probability. According to her, an international conflict is to be expected, but it will take place without the use of nuclear weapons. The war will begin due to actions in the Middle East (Syria), and Russia will emerge victorious, taking a dominant position in the world.

Another high-profile prediction was made at one time by the French astrologer Nostradamus. In his characteristic form, he hinted at a confrontation that would take place in one of the Islamic states using nuclear weapons.

The soothsayer Jean Dixon saw the cause of discord in the search for new territories for China. Dixon emphasized that China would conquer all of Asia, as well as part of Russia, continuing its march in the Middle East.

In May 2015, the famous American billionaire George Soros said literally the following:

“If there was a clash between China and a US military ally such as Japan, it would not be an exaggeration to say that we would be on the verge of a third world war.”

Soon, similar judgments were made by the Commander-in-Chief of NATO Allied Forces in Brunsum (Netherlands), Hans-Lothar Domroese.

These statements coincide in meaning with the predictions of Western prophets made in the 1950-1970s and concerning 2016 and beyond.

Moreover, in the prophecies of clairvoyants, as in Soros’s forecast, Russia is assigned the role of “China’s flank ally” invading Europe. We mention these prophecies as a kind of paranormal artifact, illustrating the inescapable fear of the West of the “unpredictable Russian bear.”

Veronica Luken gained fame in the United States as one of the most beautiful fortune tellers of all peoples and times. As for the accuracy of her prophecies, it was not possible to verify it: most were made in 1976-1978 and assigned by the clairvoyant to 2015-2020. It is interesting that when predicting the Third World War for these years, Veronica did not use Aesopian language in the style of Nostradamus or the same Irlmayer.

“Three numbers: two eights and a nine,” is the only mysterious phrase that Luken never bothered to explain.

Otherwise, Veronica, an ordinary housewife in life, operated on the directions of the main attacks, the number and names of military groups, like an experienced general.

The beginning of World War III in October 2017 - who predicted

Controversial fortune teller and self-proclaimed "messenger of God" Horatio Villegas has revealed when World War III will begin. Back in 2015, a Portuguese clairvoyant predicted the victory of billionaire Donald Trump in the US elections. However, despite hitting the bull's eye, the prophet and his predictions continue to be mocked online.

This time Villegas decided to talk about the Third World War, the beginning of which all clairvoyants on the planet are trying to guess.

Self-proclaimed “messenger of God” Horatio Villegas claims that it will all start with a US attack on Syria, the Daily Star reports.

Villegas believes that a nuclear war will begin in the days when Christians celebrate the centenary of the appearance of the Virgin Mary at Fatima. It is worth noting that the words of the “prophet” are perceived quite sharply now, when the United States and North Korea are exchanging hostile attacks, flexing their nuclear muscles.

Horacio Villegas actually predicted Donald Trump's victory back in 2015, saying then that the millionaire would become the "King of the Illuminati" who would "bring peace to World War III."

“I saw people running everywhere, trying to hide from the fireballs that were falling from the sky. They symbolize nuclear missiles that will fall on cities and people around the world,” says the clairvoyant.

The “Messenger of God” claims that World War III will begin before October 13th. “It was on this day, according to Catholic faith, that Our Lady visited a village in Portugal to warn people that if her requests for the conversion of Russia to the Christian faith were not respected, God would use this country to harm the world,” the publication clarifies. Daily Star.

Villegas also said that in his research he used the predictions of Nostradamus, who, in particular, wrote: “Mabus will soon die, and then a terrible destruction of people and animals will come. We will immediately see revenge, thirst, hunger when the comet passes.” According to Horatio, "Mabus could be Syrian President Bashar al-Assad."

“If Assad is bombed and killed, this will mean that the prophecy is coming true,” the seer concluded.

Well, let's see how true this prediction turns out to be. Despite the fact that Trump and Kim Jong-un continue to exchange threats, the likelihood that one of them will sacrifice millions of lives and still press the “red button” is not as great as Horatio would like.

In contact with

Could World War III break out in 2018?

If so, here are five risk areas where this could happen, as identified by Aftonbladet.

“There is an increased risk,” says Isak Svensson, professor of peace and conflict studies at Uppsala University.

Republican Senator Bob Corker has warned that Donald Trump could lead the US "on the path to World War III."
There is a risk that he is not entirely wrong.

According to Isak Svensson, professor of peace and conflict studies, three factors are more likely to prevent war than others.

All of them are now collapsing, largely due to Trump and growing nationalism.

1. International organizations

“One of the goals of the UN, OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe), the EU and similar organizations is to reduce the risk of armed conflict. But with Trump continually trying to dismantle international cooperation, these organizations may be weakened. This will affect the risk of war,” says Isak Svensson.

2. International trade

During his election campaign, Trump accused China of “raping” the American economy. Therefore, many experts expected that he would introduce customs duties on Chinese goods, which would result in a full-fledged trade war.

“That hasn't happened yet, but at least he has signaled that he is not particularly interested in promoting free trade,” said Isak Svensson.

3. Democracy

The two democracies have never fought each other. But the wave of nationalism that is sweeping the world could rock democracies.

“Populist nationalism targets democratic institutions: universities, courts, media, electoral bodies and so on. This is noticeable in the US under Trump, in Hungary, Poland and Russia, for example,” says Isak Svensson.

The threat from nationalism

Svensson sees how nationalism threatens all three factors that prevent war.

India has a policy of not being the first to use nuclear weapons. Instead, an attempt was made to increase the ability to respond to provocations by rapidly sending armored columns deep into Pakistani territory.


Russians are going to the “West”

Reuters 09/19/2017

"Death to American bastards!"

The Guardian 08/22/2017

Five main fleets in the Indian and Pacific Oceans

The Diplomat 01/24/2013 Militarily weaker Pakistan responded by introducing short-range Nasr missiles, which can be equipped with nuclear warheads.

Many experts fear that such a development, in which Pakistan feels forced to use tactical nuclear weapons to defend itself, could quickly turn a small conflict into a full-scale nuclear war.

Niklas Svanström, however, believes that the likelihood of a world war is low.

“Other countries there have no interests related to security policy. Pakistan has close relations with China, and India has close relations with Russia. But neither Russia nor China will risk starting a large-scale military confrontation. I also find it difficult to imagine that the United States would intervene in such a conflict.”

India - China

Indian Army General Bipin Rawat said in early September that the country must prepare for a two-front war against Pakistan and China.

Shortly before this, a ten-week confrontation between China and India over the definition of the border ended in the Himalayas. Chinese road construction workers, accompanied by military personnel, were stopped by Indian troops. The Chinese claimed that they were in China, the Indians claimed that they were in Bhutan, an ally of India.

According to Bipin Rawat, such a situation could easily escalate into a conflict, and Pakistan could then take advantage of this situation to its advantage.

“We must be prepared. In the context of our situation, war is very real,” Rawat said, as reported by the Press Trust of India.

The border between China and India has long been a point of contention, but the atmosphere is now quite relaxed. But even as China and Pakistan have moved closer economically, aggressive nationalism suggests that may be changing.

“It is difficult to see any hints as to why conflict might break out there, but there is an increased risk of this happening. Both countries' economies are growing rapidly, and both countries are fueled by rather aggressive nationalism. The unresolved territorial issue is of course a clear risk factor,” says Isak Svensson.

Niklas Svanström does not think that China will gain much from this conflict, and India simply cannot win a war against China. Conflicts will continue, but on a limited scale.

“The only situation that could lead to a full-scale war is if India recognizes Tibet as an independent country and starts supporting the Tibetan military movement that is fighting against China. I regard this as extremely unlikely,” says Niklas Svanström.


States: Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, NATO military alliance.

One of the biggest risks that could now lead to conflict is Russia's growing ambitions against Europe, believes Niklas Granholm, director of research at the Total Defense Institute, FOI.

“Russia has thrown out the rulebook that has been in place since the early 1990s to define European security,” says Niklas Granholm. — The main milestone in this matter was the war against Ukraine, when in 2014 there was an invasion of this country and Crimea was annexed, which marked the beginning of the conflict in eastern Ukraine. Russia has demonstrated great faith in military means. The Baltic region once again found itself on the line of confrontation between East and West, which seemed completely implausible to many just a few years ago.”

The cause of the conflict may be ethnic Russian minorities in the Baltic countries, says Isak Svensson.

“In Ukraine, Russia has shown that it is willing to use military force to, in its view, protect Russian-speaking minorities. Thus, there is a hidden risk of Russian intervention in the Baltics if an internal crisis begins in any of the countries. Such a scenario is quite imaginable. It’s quite unlikely today, but possible in the future.”

InoSMI materials contain assessments exclusively of foreign media and do not reflect the position of the InoSMI editorial staff.