English language

Lexical norms of the Russian language presentation. Presentation "lexical norms". Russian language and culture of speech

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By the attitude of each person to his language, one can accurately judge not only his cultural level, but also his civic value. Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky - writer Lexical norms of the Russian language

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Orthoepic warm-up Write down, place emphasis in the words: Award citizens, citizenship, extraction, pamper, catalogue, petition, more beautiful, means, copy, call, pear, cakes, scoop, expert, associate professor, great-grandfather, developed, age, great age Award citizens, citizenship, extraction, pamper, catalog, petition, more beautiful, means, copy, call, pear, cakes, scoop, expert, associate professor, great-grandfather, developed, age, overage

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LANGUAGE NORMS Orthoepic (pronunciation) norms are associated with the sound side of literary speech, its pronunciation. Spelling norms are related to the correct spelling of words. Punctuation norms regulate the placement of punctuation marks. Lexical norms are the rules for using words in accordance with their meaning and features of lexical compatibility. Violation of lexical norms leads to a distortion of the meaning of the statement. Phraseological norms regulate the use of phraseological units in accordance with their meaning. Grammar norms are associated with the use of morphological forms of different parts of speech (morphological norms) and syntactic constructions (syntactic norms). Word formation norms require compliance with the rules for combining morphemes and forming words in accordance with the laws of the language. Stylistic norms regulate the use of speech means in various areas of literary-standardized communication, depending on the context and speech situation

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It was cold throughout the LAST ten days of April. Irina has CHESTNUT hair. Greens usually do not grow in a spruce forest. At the Russian Language Olympiad, I lost POINTS due to inattention. The lawyer sought to have his client acquitted. TYPE OF ERROR EXAMPLES CORRECT OPTION 1. Using a word in a meaning that is unusual for it. It was cold throughout the FOURTH decade of April. 2. Violation of lexical compatibility of a word. Irina has BROWN hair. 3. Mixing of paronyms. Greenery usually does not grow in a FIR-tree forest. 4. The use of polysemantic words or homonyms, leading to ambiguity in the statement. At the Russian Language Olympiad I lost POINTS due to inattention. 5. Poor choice of one of the synonyms. The lawyer sought to have his client WHITENED.

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My grandmother loves folklore (folklore means “folk art”). Do not enter the reading room wearing OUTER clothing! In A.P. Chekhov’s story “Ionych” it is said - (narrated, talked about) about a doctor... Timely and high-quality weeding of BEET contributes to a good harvest. 6.Use of an extra word (speech redundancy). My grandmother loves FOLK folklore. 7.Omission of a necessary word, leading to a distortion of thought. Do not enter the reading room wearing clothes! 8. Inappropriate repetition of the same or similar words. THE STORY “IONYCH” BY A.P. Chekhov TALKS ABOUT IONYCH. 9. Inappropriate use of dialectal and colloquial vocabulary. Timely and high-quality weeding of BURAKOV contributes to a good harvest.

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The word JACKET appeared in Russian only in the 19th century. The professor said that the assistant's assumption turned out to be correct. 10. Mixing vocabulary from different historical eras. Peter the Great took off his JACKET, rolled up his sleeves and got to work. 11. Ambiguity of statements due to unsuccessful use of pronouns. The professor told the assistant that HIS guess was correct.

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Oral training 6 4 1 7 11 3 2 8 EXAMPLES WITH SPEECH ERRORS No. ERRORS 1. Scientists who actively influence positive changes in the world will talk to you. 2. The mother was constantly at work, and most of the time the boy was left to his own devices. 3. Yu. Bondarev’s trilogy “Shore”, “Choice”, “Game”, “Temptation” is dedicated to the post-war fate of the Russian intelligentsia. 4. On the cover of the book is a quote from the above-mentioned linguist. 5.Igor and his father planted a birch tree when he was thirty years old. 6. These areas are contaminated as a result of the Chernobyl disaster explosion. 7. I quickly walked around the Bogatyr store. 8. Having composed a sentence, students determine that the word is a definition. This is how the syntactic features of a word are determined.

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Oral training Today was a very beautiful day. The introductory preamble of the report caused bewilderment among the listeners. In fact, Khlestakov is a person very divorced from the reality of life. The graduates of the theater institute had their first premiere of the play. The price list is posted on the board.

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1. Mixing paronyms. Paronyms are words that are similar in sound, but different in meaning, for example: fragrant - aromatic, bank - bank, stand up - become, meaning - importance, pay - pay, master - learn; escalator - excavator. It is erroneous to use one word instead of another: put on a coat (must: /put on a coat), the essence of the problem (must: essence of the problem), pay a fine (must: pay a fine).

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2. Tautology and pleonasm. Tautology - repetition in a sentence of words of the same root, for example: workers united together; The following disadvantages should be noted. Pleonasm - verbosity, speech redundancy, repetition of the same concepts, for example: every minute of time is precious (the word time is superfluous, since a minute is associated with the concept of time); folk folklore (an extra word is folk, since folklore is folk art); service (service is translated as maintenance).

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3. Speech insufficiency Lack of words necessary in the structure of the sentence, for example: Oleg understood the danger that threatened if he was arrested (it is necessary to indicate who is in danger); How do you feel after yesterday's excursion? (the word “self” is missing).

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4. Violation of lexical compatibility, for example, you can say “imminent collapse”, but you cannot say “imminent success”, you can say “the near future”, but you cannot say “the near past”.

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5. Violation of the unity of style. Inappropriate use of words with a certain stylistic or emotionally expressive connotation. For example: Winter has come, and the clubfoot's metabolism has slowed down. In Russia, new economic relations are maturing in full swing (a mixture of scientific and colloquial styles).

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ERRORS IN THE USE OF PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS Phraseological units are stable combinations of words that form a semantic unity. Destruction of a phraseological unit (replacing a word, combining elements included in different phrases, using words that make up a phrase from another form) is a violation of the norm. Usage examples

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USE OF PHRASEOLOGISTS (examples) Incorrect - Correct 1) plays a role - has a value 2) has a role - plays a role 3) the lion's share - the lion's share, the majority 4) lift the curtain on this story - lift the veil 5) passes the red line - passes the red thread 6) quality leaves a lot to be desired - leaves much to be desired 7) throw a fog in the eyes - let fog into the eyes, throw dust in the eyes 8) show an example to others - set an example, serve as an example 9) raise a toast - raise a glass, make a toast 10) spend nerves - to waste energy, to fray one's nerves, to spoil one's nerves 11) to achieve success - to win, to achieve success 12) while the essence is the matter - while the court is the matter 13) creaking one's heart - reluctantly 14) to give attention - to attach importance, to pay attention 15) produce an impact - produce an action, have an impact 16) inspire doubts - instill fears, raise doubts 17) earn fame - achieve fame 18) is of interest to us - matters, is of interest 19) killed the worm - killed the worm 20) the cup of patience has run out - the cup of patience is overflowing, patience has run out

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Workshop lesson

Lexical norms

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Lexical norms are the rules for the use of words, as well as stable phrases, in strict accordance with their meanings. A word is the basic unit of language, used to name objects, characteristics, actions, quantities and relationships between them. Any word has a lexical meaning, i.e. semantic content.


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Find cases of violation of lexical norms associated with the use of words in an unusual meaning. Thirty-two trees were planted in the park. Grandma nods affectionately with her kind, wrinkled face. The speaker spoke very concisely. Numerous ancestors of A.S. Pushkin is now living in Russia, France, England and even America. The batch of books that arrived at the library contained several defective copies. The results of the investigation are clear to everyone. It remains to summarize the verdict. After graduating from military school, the young man turned into a real martinet, of whom his parents were proud.

Exercise 1

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Name and write down words used in Russian with the following international word-forming elements.

Exercise 2

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Replace the proposed definition with a foreign word that is close in meaning. An agreement based on mutual concessions Discussion of a controversial issue Cross-country running Animal world A strong impression made by someone/something Summary of a book, article Occupation of territory by military force Notes on past events made by a contemporary or participant Flora

Exercise 3

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Make up sentences with foreign words:

Exercise 4

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Determine the meanings of words. Make up phrases with them. Agency, alternative, hype, dividend, import, investment, interpretation, inflation, periphery, precedent, petition, expert, exclusive

Exercise 5

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Correct errors caused by unjustified use of borrowed words

Exercise 6

Slide 9

Construct phrases in which the words below are used in literal and figurative meaning.

Exercise 7

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Determine the meanings of homonym words. Make up phrases with them so as to distinguish between these meanings

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Lexical norms. Lexical errors and their elimination. Prepared by: I.M. Arkhireiskaya, teacher of Russian language and literature.

Plan. 1. The concept of a language norm. 2. General concept of lexical norms of the Russian language. 3. Lexical errors and ways to eliminate them.

The concept of a language norm. A linguistic norm is the rules for the use of speech means in a certain period of development of a literary language, i.e. rules of pronunciation, word usage, use of traditionally established grammatical, stylistic and other linguistic means accepted in social and linguistic practice.

The concept of a language norm. There are norms: orthoepic (pronunciation, accentology, intonation); word-formation; lexical; grammatical (morphological, syntactic); spelling (spelling and punctuation).

The concept of a language norm. Characteristic features of the literary language norm: relative stability; prevalence; common use; universal obligatory; correspondence to the use, custom and capabilities of the language system.

General concept of lexical norms of the Russian language. Lexical norms are the rules for the use of words, as well as stable phrases, in strict accordance with their meanings.

Lexical errors and their elimination. 1. Ignorance of the lexical meaning of the word. For example: Ionych prances on a chaise with a lazy coachman on the box. To prance is to ride a horse bravely. Our plans for success did not come true. A plan is a planned plan of action, activity, intention.

Lexical errors and their elimination. 2. Mixing of paronyms. Paronyms are words that are similar in sound, but completely different in meaning: spectacular - effective; skillful - artificial; elemental-elementary. For example: She was wearing a red efficient dress.

Lexical errors and their elimination. 3. Violation of lexical compatibility. For example: Most of the time was spent preparing for exams. The level of culture of our people is growing from year to year. Young people need to constantly work on themselves, that is, improve their horizons.

Lexical errors and their elimination. Violation of lexical compatibility. Incorrect Correct Play the role Have a role The lion's share Achieve success Wear the significance Waste your nerves Play the main violin The fuss is brewing Have a significance Play the role The lion's share Achieve success Win a victory Carry the character Worry your nerves Play the first violin The fuss is on fire

Lexical errors and their elimination. 4. Pleonasms. Pleonasms are figures of speech in which words are unnecessarily repeated that partially or completely coincide in meaning or those in which the meaning of one word is already included in another. For example, about twenty people; your own autobiography; native aborigine.

Lexical errors and their elimination. 5. Tautology. Tautology is the repetition of the same thing in other words, or the use of unnecessary words of the same root. For example, a figurative image; residents live; urgent emergency care.

Lexical errors and their elimination. 6. Unmotivated use of high book vocabulary. For example: She worked as a nurse for twenty years. We have committed to erecting cowsheds by the end of the year.

Lexical errors and their elimination. 7. Unjustified use of foreign language vocabulary. For example: The order fulfillment period can be extended. Representatives of youth prevailed among those gathered.

Lexical errors and their elimination. 8.Use of bureaucratic language in an alien context. These are basically words and expressions that have a typical official business style coloring (where they are quite appropriate and even necessary). For example, incoming-outgoing; We, the undersigned…; takes place according to the order….

Lexical errors and their elimination. 9. Anachronisms. This is an incorrect correlation of events with the phenomena of time. For example, Gerasim had a small living space (a closet for living).

Lexical errors and their elimination. 10.Speech stamps. Speech cliches are usually called any familiar, boring and tasteless expressions that are the result of a careless attitude to speech. For example, at this stage; completely; cannot be ignored; for the past period of time.

Edit the sentences. 1. At the station there is a notice: “The ticket office for business travelers is on the second floor.” 2. You can start the meeting: the forum already exists. 3. The authors provided the publisher with the manuscript of the book. 4. The author of the article writes about another requirement of L.N. Tolstoy to language, about the requirement of simplicity and clarity, intelligibility. 5. The station can supply energy to a plant with great effect.

Edit the sentences. 6. When you buy an imported item, be sure to study the label. 7. A partner is an accomplice to any action, event, or game. 8. The landscape of the city has been enriched with new buildings. 9. The passenger was reprimanded for his tactless behavior. 10. Fashion designers have proposed several new designs for women's dresses.

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Lexical norms

1. Confusion of paronyms 5. Violation of the unity of style 4. Violation of lexical compatibility 3. Speech insufficiency 2. Tautology and pleonasm Errors in the use of words Errors in the use of phraseological units + Exercises

1. Mixing paronyms. Paronyms are words that are similar in sound, but different in meaning, for example: fragrant - aromatic, bank - bank, stand up - become, meaning - importance, put on - put on, pay - pay, master - learn; escalator - excavator. It is erroneous to use one word instead of another: put on a coat (must: /put on a coat), the essence of the problem (must: essence of the problem), pay a fine (must: pay a fine).

2. Tautology and pleonasm. Tautology - repetition in a sentence of words of the same root, for example: workers united together; The following disadvantages should be noted. Pleonasm - verbosity, speech redundancy, repetition of the same concepts, for example: every minute of time is precious (the word time is superfluous, since a minute is associated with the concept of time); folk folklore (an extra word is folk, since folklore is folk art); service (service is translated as maintenance).

3. Speech insufficiency Lack of words necessary in the structure of the sentence, for example: Oleg understood the danger that threatened if he was arrested (it is necessary to indicate who is in danger); How do you feel after yesterday's excursion? (the word “self” is missing).

4. Violation of lexical compatibility, for example, you can say “imminent collapse”, but you cannot say “imminent success”, you can say “the near future”, but you cannot say “the near past”.

5. Violation of the unity of style. Inappropriate use of words with a certain stylistic or emotionally expressive connotation. For example: Winter has come, and the clubfoot's metabolism has slowed down. In Russia, new economic relations are maturing in full swing (a mixture of scientific and colloquial styles).

ERRORS IN THE USE OF PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS Phraseological units are stable combinations of words that form a semantic unity. Destruction of a phraseological unit (replacing a word, combining elements included in different phrases, using words that make up a phrase from another form) is a violation of the norm. Usage examples

USE OF PHRASEOLOGISTS (examples) Incorrect - Correct 1) plays a role - has a value 2) has a role - plays a role 3) the lion's share - the lion's share, the majority 4) lift the curtain on this story - lift the veil 5) passes the red line - passes the red thread 6) quality leaves a lot to be desired - leaves much to be desired 7) throw a fog in the eyes - let fog into the eyes, throw dust in the eyes 8) show an example to others - set an example, serve as an example 9) raise a toast - raise a glass, make a toast 10) spend nerves - to waste energy, to fray one's nerves, to spoil one's nerves 11) to achieve success - to win, to achieve success 12) while the essence is the matter - while the court is the matter 13) creaking one's heart - reluctantly 14) to give attention - to attach importance, to pay attention 15) produce an impact - produce an action, have an impact 16) inspire doubts - instill fears, raise doubts 17) earn fame - achieve fame 18) is of interest to us - matters, is of interest 19) killed the worm - killed the worm 20) the cup of patience has run out - the cup of patience is overflowing, patience has run out

Identifying speech errors in the use of words and phraseological units: Exercise Exercise Exercise Exercise Exercise

Exercise 1 Explain how the comic effect is created in the sentences below. 1. Today the zoo is holding an open day. 2. Each shooter who hits the target receives a bullet. 3. Where is the natural office here? I need to make a copy from my child! 4. The captain said that Shvabrin was transferred here for committing suicide. 5. She put the old clock in the barn. 6. - Dear bride! Take care of your husband! Think first of all about him, about his good, and then about something else. 7. The coach received a wonderful gift from the team: five goals! 8. One of the most powerful impressions of childhood was an excavator in the Moscow metro. 9. At the tomb of the dying poet, the students swore to remain faithful to the ideals of freedom and justice. Boo - ha - ha!!! ...to the exercises

Exercise 2 Indicate pleonasm and tautology in the sentences. 1. Deciduous forests occupy a smaller area covered by forest. 2. The forest is clean air, a moisture collector, a life-giving source of all living things. 3. To consolidate the material studied, it is necessary to perform repetition exercises when studying subsequent topics. 4. I celebrated Christmas at a work colleague’s dacha. 5. Guests of the city were presented with memorable souvenirs. 6. There are no available vacancies at the company. 7. A scientific conference was held in May last year. 8. Architects and designers worked for a long time on the design of this building. 9. The author depicts the image of his beloved heroine with sincere love. 10. In a week the first premiere of the opera will take place. 11. College graduates are employed. Boo - ha - ha!!! ...to the exercises

Exercise 3 Indicate in the sentences errors associated with speech impairment. 1. Spring didn’t keep us waiting this year. 2. One of the means of speech characterization that the author often resorts to is vernacular. 3. Compare these sentences: what they have in common and how they differ. 4. Many years have passed since they studied together. 5. AL manuscripts. There is not much Chekhov left: he usually destroyed. 6. The resolution was adopted by a one-vote vote by the House of Representatives. 7.Class teachers limit educational work to truants and poor students. 8. As the hay is eaten, the milkmaid or auxiliary worker moves all the bars towards the haystack. 9. All this indicates that the equipment is not being used to its full capacity. 10. The issues being negotiated are of fundamental importance. Boo - ha - ha!!! ...to the exercises

Exercise 4 Indicate errors caused by violation of lexical compatibility of words. 1. His son worked as an underground worker. 2. You need to learn to construct sentences so that the thought is expressed fully, accurately and euphoniously. 3. It was necessary to rebuild the destroyed farm. 4. In March, the plant hired three dozen workers. 5. Rainy autumn. The light rain drizzles tirelessly. 6. Some issues have not been completed due to our lack of organization 7. After the war, the Warsaw Pact took place. 8 People perform feats not only during war, but also in peacetime. 9. Everyone unanimously exclaimed: “It’s high time!” Boo - ha - ha!!! ...to the exercises

Exercise 5 Indicate in the sentences errors in the use of phraseological units. 1. The Russian Drama Theater released the tragedy “King Lear”. 2. They are two big differences in family life. 3. From terrible fear, goosebumps crawled all over his body and his hair stood on end. 4. Recently Andrey had an accident. The car is in smithereens, but at least that’s all! Apparently he was born in a diaper. 5. Unfortunately, we often measure everyone with the same brush. 6. This question is already on the order of the day. 7. Neglect of what our youth are doing has already reached the pillars of Hercules. 8. In response, he just grinned with a homeric grin. 9. We live well, our houses are full. 10. That was the last straw that overwhelmed my patience. Boo - ha - ha!!! ...to the exercises