
Not different parts of speech presentation. Writing not with different parts of speech. to rage, to rage, to rage

Game - competition in 7th grade

Maksimova G.V. – teacher of Russian language and literature MBOU “Shaimurzinskaya Secondary School named after. G.Aigi"

Educational portal "My University" www.moi-universitet.ru Faculty "Education Reform" www.edu.reforma.ru

1. remember and organize

rules for continuous and separate writing

sania NOT with different parts of speech;

2. improve relevant

spelling skills;

3. develop the cognitive interests of students.

Educational portal "My University" www.moi-universitet.ru Faculty "Education Reform" www.edu.reforma.ru

NOT with nouns , adjectives and adverbs starting with -о, -е

It is spelled CONTINUOUSLY


1. The word is not used without NOT Ignorant, bad weather



1. If there is or is implied, there is a contrast with the conjunction A : Not true, A lie

Not kind A wicked

Not far away A close

2. Can be replaced with a synonym

This is not true = (false)

Foe = enemy

Uninteresting story = (boring)

Read quietly = (quietly)

2. There are words far, at all, not at all, not at all, never (words with neither)

She not far gorgeous

Not at all interesting

Not at all familiar text

Task 1. Choose the combined or separate spelling NOT

  • (Without) the truth you will travel the whole world, but you will not return back.
  • It’s (not) a disaster if it came into the yard, but it’s a disaster if it doesn’t come from the yard.
  • (Not) gray hair spoils the conversation.
  • A (not) skillful blacksmith mutilates his own hands.
  • Without truth there is (not) living, but howling.

Correct answer

  • You will travel the whole world with lies, but you will not return back.
  • It’s not a problem if it comes into the yard, but it’s a problem if it doesn’t come out of the yard.
  • Fidgeting spoils the conversation.
  • The incompetent blacksmith mutilates his own hands.
  • Without truth there is no living, but howling.

NOT with nouns


Educational portal "My University" www.moi-universitet.ru Faculty "Education Reform" www.edu.reforma.ru

Instead of dots, insert appropriate nouns with NOT.
  • doesn't ask for directions.
  • - a drop, but the stone crushes.
  • . assents, and the friend argues.
  • In... do not be discouraged, but overcome sadness.

Words for reference: (not) friend, (not) happiness,

(not) the weather, (not) great

Task 3. Remove nouns with NOT from the chest

NOT with adjectives Exercise 1. Choose combined or separate spelling NOT

  • An (un)literate person is like a blind person.
  • (It is not) the strong who win in an argument, but the smart.
  • A (not) careless person does it twice.
  • A (not) kind word burns more than fire.
  • Everyone (not) hates a lazy person.

Correct answer

  • An illiterate person is like a blind person.
  • It is not the strong who win the argument, but the smart.
  • A careless person does it twice.
  • An unkind word burns more than fire.
  • Everyone hates a lazy person.

NOT with enclosed telny


Task 2. "The third wheel"

  • Not at all stupid
  • Not at all interesting
  • (not) light, but dark
  • (not) eye-catching
  • (not) sloppy
  • (not) healthy

NOT with adverbs ending in -o, -e

Out of the blue -

Like a cat and a dog -

Go your own way -

Follow the lead -

Play with fire -

NOT with adverbs ending in -o, -e

Task 1. Select adverbs with NOT from known phraseological units

Out of the blue - suddenly

Like a cat and a dog - unfriendly

Go your own way - act independently

Follow the lead - act not independently

Play with fire - act imprudently

2. Game "Third wheel »


1. Acted (not) stupidly 1. Answered (not) loudly

2. Wrote (not) carelessly 2. Nailed (not) tightly

3. Asked (im)politely 3.Stopped (suddenly

1. He spoke (not) quickly, but slowly

2. Looked (not) nice at all

3. Somewhere (not) far away there was a noise

NOT with verbs and gerunds

It is spelled CONTINUOUSLY


If a word is not used without NOT

Hate, resent, feel unwell,

dislike, be perplexed, cannot,

to rage, to rage, to rage

With other verbs and gerunds: didn't notice, didn't notice, wasn't, couldn't.

  • True, the courts are not...
  • Whoever doesn’t... doesn’t...
  • Without bowing to the ground, and without the fungus...
  • They plow the arable land - not with their hands...
  • They won’t force you to work and you won’t be forced to eat...
  • He who loves mother earth is not hungry...
  • The truth is not in fire... and not in water...
  • Without difficulty... and fish from the pond.
  • You'll bury the truth, but you won't get out of the hole...

Task 2. Remember the exception verbs and write them in the crossword puzzle

  • (Don’t) (give) the words, be strong, but (give) - hold on.
  • (Not) (kill) the bear; the skins are not sold.
  • (If you don’t) (know) grief, you won’t know joy either.

Task 3. Form participles from the verbs in brackets and choose the correct spelling with NOT

  • If you don’t give a word, be strong, and if you give it, hold on.
  • Without killing the bear, the skins are not sold.
  • Without knowing grief, you will not know joy.

NOT with participles

It is written smoothly

Written separately

1. With full participles, in which

no dependent words (unfinished task)

2. If the participle is not used without NOT

(hated lies)

  • If the participle has dependent words (not a task I did)
  • If there are words far, not at all, not at all (by no means a solved problem)
  • When there is or implied opposition (not written, but printed work)
  • With short participles (book not read)

Task 1. Choose the correct spelling with NOT.

  • Do not fill up the old well until the new one is (not) dug.
  • (Un)expected success makes your head spin.
  • Friend (not) experienced that the nut is (not) cracked.
  • A teenager, who had never been on a hunt, missed a hare.

Correct answer

  • Do not fill up the old well until the new one is dug.
  • Unexpected success makes your head spin.
  • An untested friend, the nut is uncracked.
  • A teenager who had never been hunting lost a hare.

NOT with participles


Task 2. Game “Fourth wheel” (Which word is missing in each row?)

1) (Un)finished portrait 2) (Un)started notebook

(un)blooming flower (un)explored by anyone edge

(not) understanding person (untouched) by human foot

(un)seeing gaze (not) asleep, but awake child

3) The hall is (not) lit

the letter is (not) printed

answers (un)prepared

(not) good news.

Educational portal "My University" www.moi-universitet.ru Faculty "Education Reform" www.edu.reforma.ru


NOT written together

NOT written separately

  • With words of any part of speech, if the word is not used without Not .
  • With words of any part of speech, if there is or is implied opposition to the word.

2) With no., adj. and adverbs in – oh, oh, if they can be replaced by synonyms or expressions similar in meaning.

2) With verbs, gerunds and short participles.

3) With full participles that have dependent words.

4) In the composition of particles not at all, far from, not at all, not at all not at all, never, not at all (words with ni)

3) With full participles that do not have dependent words.

Homework: "Who is more"

Make a selection of proverbs about friendship,

which contain words with NOT.

For example: Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have 100 friends.

Educational portal "My University" www.moi-universitet.ru Faculty "Education Reform" www.edu.reforma.ru

Thanks for the work!

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Academic subject: Russian language Age of students: 15 - 16 years Duration: 1 school week Purpose: to systematize theoretical information on spelling NOT with different parts of speech, to be able to find this spelling in a literary text

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This project activity involves group work of students. Types of groups: Analysts (study all the rules about spelling NOT with different parts of speech and draw up a reference table) Researchers (select material from fiction for combined and separate spelling NOT with different parts of speech, make cards, tests) Experimenters (select material from works of fiction literature on spelling NOT with different parts of speech and conduct a small experiment with it)

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10th grade students Nikolenko Yulia Gritsynina Vera Kolesnikov Konstantin Popenko Elizaveta Shevchenko Yulia Maliev Alexander Kolotovskaya Elena Reznikov Ruslan Gryzlov Denis Project manager: Chebotko Nadezhda Ivanovna

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Preliminary stage Formation of groups, presentation of a problem situation, selection of a project topic, selection of literature on the topic, drawing up a group work plan. Main stage Determination of the goals and objectives of the group, discussion, evaluation, adjustment of the group’s work plan, presentation of the results of activities, systematization of the material. Completion of the project Groups present the results of their work in the form of tables, cards, tests, defend projects, evaluate the work of another group, and formulate a general conclusion.

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We believe that participation in research (project) activities contributes to the cohesion of the group’s team and the establishment of strong interpersonal connections. Participation in research activities develops creative abilities, increases creative initiative, and helps to increase learning motivation.

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Spelling NOT with different parts of speech. Part of speech. Apart. Together. 1. Noun. There is a contrast with the conjunction “a” (not the truth, but a lie). If NOT is a negation word (not a genius) 1 . Not used without NOT (slave). 2.Can be replaced with a synonym without NOT (not true = false). 2. Full adjectives. Short adjectives. Adverbs ending in -O, -E. 1 There is a contrast with the conjunction “a” (not truthful, but deceitful; not truthful, but deceitful; not truthful, but deceitful). 2. There are words ahead: Not at all... not at all... not at all... far from... never... nothing... not at all... (not a true story at all). 1.Not used without NOT (inclement, rainy). 2.Can be replaced with a synonym without NOT (untruthful = deceitful, untruthful = deceitful, untruthful = deceitful).

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Part of speech. Apart. Together. 3. Full participles. Short participles. 1. There is a contrast with the conjunction “a” (not a solved, but a copied example) 2. The participles have a dependent word (not solved by me). Always separate: The story is not read, the field is not plowed, the notebooks are not checked. 1.not used without NOT (perplexed). 2. There is no dependent word (unsolved example). 3. there is no opposition with the conjunction “a”. 4.Verb. Participle. 1. It is written separately with the particle NOT if it is used without it (it wasn’t, couldn’t). 2. Not up to... (action not finished: didn’t finish the soup, didn’t finish reading the chapter). With the particle NOT it is written separately if used without NOT: without knowing, without thinking. 1. verbs are written together that are not used without NOT (to hate, to be indignant) 2. UNDO... (less than one hundred percent completed, less than the norm: not enough points, not enough colors). Participles that are not used without NOT are written together: hating, raging, indignant, perplexed. 5. Negative and indefinite pronouns In the presence of a preposition (not with anyone, not with anyone) In the absence of a preposition (nekem, no one)

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Part of speech. Apart. Together. 6. In other cases Not written separately: With numerals (not eight books); With pronouns other than negative and indefinite (not this), but the philosophical term not-I is written with a hyphen; With words of state categories (not necessary, not necessary); With a comparative degree (not older, not deeper); with a possessive, relative. (not a fox tail, not a silver bracelet) With hyphenated words (not bright red, not the old way); In interrogative sentences (Isn't it true?).

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Test 1. NOT written together in all phrases of the series. a) I said (more than) times, a long (un)trodden path. b) (Un)shed tears, (un)worthy behavior. c) Behavior (un)worthy of a soldier; (un)completed task by me. d) (un)needed information, (un)open countries. e) A place (un)fenced by nothing, far (not) by chance. 2. NOT written separately in all phrases of the series. a) Not at all (not) interesting, a very (not) stupid boy. b) an animal (un)known to science, a completely (un)known road. c) The grass is (not) cut, the house is (not) brick. d) The wind is (not) cold, but strong; The task was completely (not) completed. e) Completely (un)needed things, no one (not) needs the thing.

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DO NOT write together if

Without NOT the word is not used; Can be replaced with a synonym without NOT; Indefinite pronouns, negative. places without preposition or adverb Sloppy, forced, sloppy; Not true, not bad, undiscovered Someone, no one, nothing, nowhere, nowhere, nowhere,

Slide 3

Adjectives and participles in -MY (even if there is an ES, except for words in the TV. Case; Derivative prepositions despite, despite; Adverbs of measure and degree very, very, extremely, extremely, almost, too, completely + adverb, adjective, participle . Stars invisible through a telescope (but: stars not visible to the eye); Despite fatigue, we set off on a very uninteresting, very uninteresting, completely ill-thought-out journey.

Slide 4

Do NOT write separately

With verbs and gerunds; If there is a contrast with the conjunction A; Participles with dependent words; Short participles; Adjectives and adverbs in comparison. degrees; Didn't see, didn't see, didn't think, didn't think; Not the truth, but a lie; not a written, but only a begun letter; Not written by me, not sown by my father; Not painted, not moved; Not better, not higher;

Slide 5

Negative pronouns with preposition; In the presence of words far, at all, not at all, not at all + NOT; Adverbs not in O -E Some short ones are added. Not with anyone, not with anyone, not with anyone, not with anyone; Not interesting at all, far from true, not at all high; Not seriously, not jokingly; I’m not happy, I shouldn’t, I’m not ready,

Slide 6

1. (More than) times I recalled an incident when an (accidentally) spoken word made us (un)friends. 2. Hitherto (un)seen and (un)heard by us appeared in his (un)invented stories as a land of (un)earthly wonders. 3. Dasha was a (not) bad student, but she (didn’t) like mathematics: she (didn’t) have the patience to build chains of endless examples. 4. For reasons (not) beyond his control, the brother (not) had been in his native place for several years, so with (un)disguised excitement he looked for the former features in the (un)recognizable appearance of the city.

Slide 7

1. The thought that she would fly to the rear of the Germans, having (not) learned anything about her husband, remained as before (un)accustomed and (un)bearable. 2. Yes, he is a (not) professional writer, but it is not for nothing that he is considered a talented writer of funny stories. 3. I got the (un)bound novel, typed on an old typewriter, (not) for nothing: having paid Annushka a tidy sum, I became the owner of a whole world, (in)understood to no one but me. 4. A completely (un)prepared meeting could break the (un)strong thread of the emerging peace.

Slide 8

In which sentence are all words with NOT written together?

1. The witness (didn’t) finish the main story, dwelling on absolutely (un)important details that (don’t) concern the investigator. 2. Health problems (not) resolved in time, for which there is always (not) enough time, will subsequently bring (a lot of) trouble. 3. An (ir)replaceable employee at the enterprise made a completely (un)expected decision, which was regarded as a (non)stupid joke. 4. Incomparable beauty was revealed to the eyes of travelers who approached the top along paths not yet (un)trodden.

Slide 9

In which sentence are all words with NOT written separately?

1. A (small) large bird looks into the still (not) open windows and (leisurely) walks along the ledge. 2. (Not) deep, but painful abrasions caused anxiety, so I (didn’t) want to think about the (un)finished construction. 3. The son (un)childishly looked at his father and, (not) letting him finish, ran out into the still (un)lit courtyard. 4. The visitors were (un)pretentious: they (didn’t) care at all that the territory was not yet (not) landscaped, the facades (not) painted.

Slide 10

Together or separately?

1. (not) true; 2. (not) be indignant; 3. (not) frozen pond; 4. (not) have to go; 5. not at all (not) interesting 6. (in) visible goal; 7. not yet (not) ripe; 8. almost (un)adapted; 9. (out of) reach for the athlete; 10. (not) stories we made up; 11. completely (un)familiar; 12. (un)clear from fog; 13. (not) repaired; 14. (not) illuminated by rays; 15.the road is (not) beaten; 16.by no means the only solution; 17. (un)tolerable for a child; 18.actor (not) imitated in the role; 19. (un)harvested rye; 20. (not) visible from the window. Together 1;2;3;6;8;9;11;12;17;18;19;20 Separately 4;5;7;10;13;14;15;16;

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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NOT with different parts of speech Materials for a lesson in the 10th grade Zhurbina G. P., Russian language teacher, Taganrog Pedagogical Boarding Lyceum

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NOT with nouns Together Separately The word without NOT is not used: indignation bad weather 2. Is not a prefix; the word can be replaced with a synonym without not: enemy - enemy misfortune - grief. It is not a negative particle. Negation is often strengthened by contrast with the conjunction a: This was not a she-wolf. It was not a she-wolf, but a dog.

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Typical tasks Write down, opening the brackets. Explain combined and separate spelling not with nouns. (dis)bewilderment, (dis)belief, (dis)hatred, (not)acquaintance, (dis)problems, (dis)temperance, (dis)forgetting, (dis)indignation, (dis)friend, (dis)story, (un)freedom, (ne)necessity, (un)hardships, (un)sloppiness, (un)nonsense, (un)expectation. (un)happiness of a comrade, (in)dependence of the Fatherland, (in)experience of an assistant, (lack)of manners of an interlocutor, (in)decisiveness of a teenager, autumn (l)weather, complete (il)literacy, burdened by (un)will, (not ) trust in others. 1. Show (not) trust, but doubt. 2. This is (not) a friend, but an old acquaintance of mine. 3. (Un)happiness, but trouble awaited us. 4. Iron is a smith, but (not) a hammer forges. 5. They (not) write with a pen, but with their minds. 6. It was (not) the truth, but a lie. 7. (Not) the stove feeds, but the hands. (Proverbs)

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NOT with adjectives Together Separately Adjective without NOT not used: a ridiculous act; hated enemy. 2. Not a prefix; the word can be replaced with a synonym without not: enemy troops - enemy troops; an unmarried person is a single person. With possessive adjectives: not a hare's fur coat; not a hunting rifle. 2. Comparative adjectives: Birch is taller than oak. 3. Not a negative particle (hidden or explicit opposition): the watch is not gold; honey is not May; The problem is not simple, but complex. 4. If there are explanatory words with a negative meaning: an address unknown to anyone; innocent people. 5. If there are combinations far from, not at all, not at all: far from an easy journey.

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NOT with adjectives Remember short adjectives that are written with not separately: should not, is not obliged, does not intend, is not right, is not visible, is not ready, is not inclined, is not glad, is not necessary; no words of condition are needed, no regrets.

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Typical tasks Write down, opening the brackets. Explain the combined and separate spelling NOT with adjectives. (In)clumsy person, (in)continuous broadcast, (in)approachable rock, (ir)reconcilable contradictions, (in)careless recording, (in)guilty entertainment, (in)ignorant judgment, (in)hated enemy, (in) )friendly character, (un)familiar lieutenant, (recent) acquisition, (un)clear image, (un)usual branching, (not)easy association. In what examples is one attribute denied, and another, its opposite, affirmed? What examples do not have the opposite characteristics? This song is (not) happy, but sad. Summer is (not) cold, but hot. The day is (not) sunny, but cloudy. The person is (not) evil, but kind. The material is (not) bright, but beautiful. The apples are (not) ripe, but very tasty. The story is (not) long, but interesting. The road is (not) smooth, but the shortest. The face is (not) beautiful, but pleasant. Write it down, opening the parentheses. Explain the combined and separate spelling NOT with adjectives. 1. Now in front of us there were (not) high (not) approachable mountains, but (not) large hills with (not) attractive vegetation. 2. He had a far (not) indifferent look. 3. This film is (not) interesting to me at all. 4. My brother has a (non) Moscow registration. 5. People (un)known to me came in. 6. Not a (not) remarkable person. 7. I am (not) ready for the exam. 8. A (not) easy hike for the guys. 9. This building does (not) look like housing at all. 10. Things (not) necessary for us. 11. Nobody (un)needs things.

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NOT with verbs, gerunds and participles Together Separately WithoutNOTverb, gerunds are not used: to be indignant; hate; I hated lies. With verbs, gerunds and short participles: do not read books; not seeing the horizon; the fence is not painted. 2. Full participles: There was a book on the table that I had not read. 3. When negations are used, far from, by no means, not at all: By no means a solved problem.

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Typical tasks Write down, opening the brackets. Explain the spelling not with verbs and gerunds. (Didn’t) read the regulations, (didn’t) fall asleep for a long time, (don’t) draw on the fences, (don’t) stay in the sun for a long time, I (can’t) sleep, you (don’t) sleep, (don’t) interfere with your studies, (don’t) know the rules , (didn’t) go to the cinema, he (wasn’t) not feeling well, his father (didn’t) pester him, (can’t) guess the riddle, (don’t) know sadness, (didn’t) want to leave, (didn’t) hate him for lying, (didn’t) fall in love dog, sat (not) moving, watching (not) blinking, not thinking anything (not) thinking of horror, (not) waiting for dinner, stopped (not) wondering, walked (not) in a hurry, (not) wanting to think about anything, ( not) listening to the screams.

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The particle NOT and the prefix UNDO- in verbs Distinguish between the particle NOT and the prefix UNDO-! Not - “denial of action”; under - “incompleteness, insufficiency of action” (sometimes can be checked by selecting an antonym with the prefix OVER-): underfulfill - overfulfill undersalt - oversalt undersalt - overcook undercook - overcook underweight - overweigh.

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Typical tasks Explain the spelling of not and under-: 1. The child did not finish the soup. During the war, people were malnourished. 2. The anchor does not reach the bottom. There is always not enough time. 3. Didn't watch the movie to the end. The brother neglected to look after his sister. 4. The teacher did not finish speaking. He didn't say much.

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NOT with adverbs ending in –o, (-e) Analyze the examples. Formulate a spelling rule not with adverbs. Make a table. 1. He acted ridiculously. 2. The guys sang quietly (quietly). 3. Petya jumped no higher than Sasha. 4. Calculate not exactly, but approximately. 5. It’s not far to go to the forest. 6. He answered far from kindly. 7. He did not work carefully at all.

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Typical tasks Write down, opening the parentheses. Explain continuous and separate spelling not with adverbs ending in –o (-e) and with other parts of speech. 1. (Un)foolishly look, (un)carelessly dress, (un)sloppy performance, (un)exclaim indignantly, (un)clumsily make excuses, (un)bearably bright light, (un)mercilessly fire, (un)bearably hot day, (un)tiringly work, (in)ceasingly smile. 2. Look (not) kindly, go (not) far, speak (not) convincingly, read (not) loudly, (not) possible to leave, think (not) accurately, solve the problem (not) correctly. 3.Speak (not) loudly, but quietly. Jump (not) high, but low. The greeting is (not) friendly, but cold. It’s a far (not) brave thing to do. It is not at all (not) durable to build a house. Wake up the camp quite (not) far from the river. Working in the garden is not at all difficult. The mushroom places were not at all close. 4. (Un)explored area; spoke (not) the truth; (not) blinking glance; calculations not yet (not) made; (un)bearable heat; (not) checking the work; (not) distinguishing roads; (not) with (whom) to consult; hide (not) something; (not) loud whisper; (not) wide, but narrow path; (not) wide, but fishy river; arrive (un)expectedly; spoke (not) loudly, but quietly; (without) saying a word; houses are (not) lit; did not do anything; (un)waning interest; (un)resolved issues; (without) agreement; (un)printed correspondence by me.

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Spelling NOT and NOR in negative and indefinite pronouns and adverbs Review and study the algorithm. Remember and formulate the spelling rule NOT and NI in negative pronouns and adverbs.

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Model tasks Write by inserting the letters i or e into indefinite and negative pronouns. 1.N..why worry, n..why ask, n..who to call, n..who to call, n..who not to tell, n..who to approach, n..who not to catch, n.. with whom to consult, n..what to replace, n..what news, n..what we didn’t know, n..why was there any need to talk to him, n..for whom is it no secret, n..who to care for the sick, n.. ..to whom he did not do good, the event is not..no matter how joyful, but..it is not forgotten. 2. I don’t have any way to get to you. He can't be trusted at all. No one noticed him and no one said anything. I (n..) have nothing to hide from you. Don’t even ask (about) anything. (N..) which does not touch my heart. I couldn’t help my loved ones in any (n..) way. Whoever is not guilty of anything should be blamed for nothing. N.. (about) what kind of acquaintance (n..) what was there to think about. 3.N.. (on) what it doesn’t depend, (n..) what I wasn’t happy about, n.. (with) whom not to meet, n.. (for) whom it’s not a secret, n.. (from) whom to ask, n.. (to) whom to turn to, (n..) who not to imitate, (n..) who to look after, (n..) what is magnificent, (n..) how many millions, come up (n..) what is strange No surprise I thought, I didn’t meet anyone, there was no one in the room, we returned from the forest with nothing, to replace him with someone, to be afraid (n..) what, n..(with) whom to be friends with.

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Typical tasks Determine the category of pronouns. Remember how indefinite pronouns are formed. Write it down, opening the parentheses. In (some) cities, (not) many libraries, some stories, how many books, on some journey, some friends, someone's things, some ) works, to do something, to make friends with someone, to be offended by someone, to solve (several) problems, to quarrel with someone, to be present at some meeting where there was a loud noise, I heard someone’s voice, smelled some kind of aroma, they promised some kind of help. Place emphasis in the given words and combinations. Explain the combined and separate spellings of not and neither. Make up and write down phrases with these words. Nobody - no one; nothing - nothing; from no one - not from anyone; with no one - no one.

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Spelling NOT and NOR in negative and indefinite pronouns and adverbs It is necessary to distinguish between the combinations none other than nothing else, like no one else nothing else. Combinations are none other than and nothing more than used in sentences where there is no other negation: It was none other than our former neighbor. “It was none other than our former neighbor.” The combinations no one else and nothing else are used in sentences where there is usually already a negation: No one else but us knew these vacation spots on the Volga so well. He was not interested in anything else.

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tests In which sentence is NOT written together with a word? Unnoticed by anyone, he came home. (Un)plowed fields opened up to our eyes. The (not) complex, but simple question puzzled him. This was by no means the right decision. In which sentence is NOT written together with the word? We saw an (immobile) but clear silhouette in the garden. Having (not) found out anything, he left, upset. Historical grammar is perhaps (not) the most difficult subject for philologists. I no longer believe in anything. In which sentence is NOT written together with the word? (Didn't) listen to anyone, he continued talking. You couldn't hear the birds singing. He was pleased, and at the same time he (was) missing something. The road (not) dried out from the rain was very slippery.

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tests In which sentence is NOT written together with a word? Those who (cannot) be silent do not know how to listen. The novel is (nothing) other than a merciless criticism of the younger generation. He realized that he could become the heir of (un)familiar rich people. This was not the right decision at all. In which sentence is NOT written together with the word? (Despite) a life full of summer charm, Levitan worked a lot. I tried to convince myself that she liked purple and (not) red. The crystal ice had not yet come off the wet stones. Wisdom is (nothing) other than the science of happiness.

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tests In which sentence is NOT written separately with the word? Inspiration is an (in)transferable state, the lot of artists and poets. Many people are completely (un)able to imagine their future. (Despite) the downpour, we began to get ready to go home. In the distance a (un)sown field could be seen. In which sentence is NOT written separately with the word? The poem consists of separate (in)complete chapters. It turned out to be a very (not) easy day. In the morning, a warm wind blows across the steppe, which had not had time to cool down overnight. The stepmother immediately (dis) fell in love with her stepdaughter. In which sentence is NOT written separately with the word? The required book has been (not) read. The (un)expressed reproach shone in the mother’s eyes. To the right, above the hill, a (not) blinking star shone. (Despite) the deep autumn, the days were warm and clear.

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tests In which sentence is NOT written separately with the word? As a child, Chekhov was (in)exhaustible with inventions. The heat was (un)extremely hot. Learn to live even when life becomes (un)bearable. The bridge has not yet been built. In which sentence is NOT (NOR) written separately with the word? Autumn has arrived with (never-ending) rains, wet roads, and longing in the evenings. The Don at the crossing point is far (not) wide, only about forty meters. (No) no one in the play agrees with Chatsky that it is immoral to serve. A few steps away the (un)forgettable trills of a nightingale were heard.