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Curriculum for the program of the worlds of childhood. Approximate basic educational program of preschool education. Worlds of Childhood: Designing Possibilities download fb2, pdf, epub, rtf, txt, read online. Characteristics of the game in different age groups

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

city ​​of Abakan "Kindergarten "Mashenka"

Teacher self-development program

Subject:Creating a social situation for the development of preschoolers 4-7 years old through the program "Worlds of Childhood: Designing Opportunities"

edited by Doronov T.N.

Kondratyeva Irina Viktorovna

Full name of the teacher


Table of contents

Main directions and actions to enhance personal self-education

Professional direction:

Upgrade your skills in a timely manner.

Get acquainted with the latest pedagogical literature.

Take an active part in the work of methodological associations.

Be familiar with legal documents in a timely manner.

Conduct open OODs for peer review.

Psychological and pedagogical direction:

Improve your knowledge in the field of modern psychology and pedagogy.

Information and communication technologies:

Qualitatively expand the knowledge of user skills of working on a computer.

Methodical direction:

Study scientific, methodological and educational literature.

Get acquainted with new pedagogical technologies information and communication, game and project orientation, forms, methods and techniques of teaching through subject publications, through Internet sites.

Develop different forms of OA.

Aesthetic direction:

Visiting exhibitions, museums, excursions.

Participate in creative competitions.

Health protection:

Lead a healthy lifestyle.

How to demonstrate the result of the work done

Presentation of a creative report on the results of the implementation of work at the pedagogical council and at the final parent meeting in 2020. Publication in the media. Placement of their developments on sites on the Internet.Participation in competitions at various levels.

Form of the report on the work done.

Generalization of work experience


    Approximate basic educational program "Worlds of Childhood: Designing Opportunities" / T.N. Doronova (and others). - Moscow: AST: Astrel, 2015. - 206 p.

    Magazines "Preschool Education", "Hoop".

    Journal "Preschool Education"

    Sites: http://www.maaam.ru "Maaam", http://www.doshkolnik.ru "Preschooler", http://nsportal.ru/ - social network of educators.

Approximate basic educational program of preschool education. "Worlds of Childhood: Designing Possibilities »

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Title: Approximate basic educational program of preschool education. "Worlds of Childhood: Designing Possibilities"
Author: Tatyana Doronova, Galina Kuznetsova, Olga Vennetskaya, Sergey Doronov, Larisa Remezova, Marina Runova, Natalya Tarasova, Elena Khailova
Year: 2015
Genre: Educational literature, Pedagogy

About the book Tatyana Doronova, Galina Kuznetsova, Olga Vennetskaya, Sergey Doronov, Larisa Remezova, Marina Runova, Natalia Tarasova, Elena Khailova “An exemplary basic educational program for preschool education. "Worlds of Childhood: Designing Possibilities"

The exemplary basic educational program "Worlds of Childhood: Designing Opportunities" is aimed at realizing the modern goals and objectives of preschool education formulated in the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education based on the methodology of cultural and historical understanding of childhood by L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.N. Leontiev, D.B. Elkonin.

Educational activities in the program are based on partnerships between an adult and a child, a rational, scientifically based construction of the educational process and the subject-spatial environment, real interaction between the family and the kindergarten, and a number of other interrelated methods that make it possible to put the ideas of the Federal State Educational Standard into practice.

An exemplary basic educational program for preschool education "Worlds of Childhood: Designing Opportunities" was developed at the "Federal Institute for the Development of Education" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.

On our site about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online the book Tatyana Doronova, Galina Kuznetsova, Olga Vennetskaya, Sergey Doronov, Larisa Remezova, Marina Runova, Natalya Tarasova, Elena Khailova “Exemplary basic educational program of preschool education. "Worlds of Childhood: Designing Possibilities" in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and a real pleasure to read. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For novice writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you can try your hand at writing.

Free download of the book Tatyana Doronova, Galina Kuznetsova, Olga Vennetskaya, Sergey Doronov, Larisa Remezova, Marina Runova, Natalya Tarasova, Elena Khailova “An exemplary basic educational program for preschool education. "Worlds of Childhood: Designing Possibilities"

In the format fb2:

Tatyana Goryacheva

Dear Colleagues! Today I am starting a series of publications from the experience of working on the program "Worlds of Childhood. Designing Possibilities" edited by S. G. Doronov, T. N. Doronova, developed by FIRO. In 2016, our kindergarten was selected on a competitive basis as an experimental site for the implementation of pedagogical activities under the above-mentioned comprehensive program. The program can be found on the website. What interesting things did the developers offer us?

I would like to start by presenting their point of view on interaction between kindergarten and parents as social institutions.

Considerable attention was paid to the issues of interaction between the kindergarten and the family in domestic pedagogy. But even with a superficial analysis of the existing methods of interaction between the family and preschool educational institutions, one common quality becomes noticeable in them - the desire to subordinate the family to kindergarten. Parents and Kindergarten two fundamentally different educational institutions despite common goals. But, since parents and kindergarten teachers are educators of the same children, the result of their activities can only be successful when they become allies. And the interaction of the allies involves them joint activities to complete a common task.

For successful organization of social partnership between kindergarten and parents need to decide the following tasks:

Find ways of self-organization of parents whose children attend the same kindergarten group;

Formulate the content of education and upbringing of children, common to kindergarten and parents;

Find a means of broadcasting this content to parents of children.

So, the didactic manual "Children's Calendar" was chosen as a means of broadcasting.

"Children's calendar" - This is a didactic material for the daily activities of an adult with a child in a family environment.

What is an allowance? This is a full color A4 brochure which:

Printed on thick paper

Each page is perforated, which makes it possible to tear off the page and then work only with it.

The text and images in the calendar are applied on both sides (on one side - a text accompaniment focused on parents, on the other side - a task for the child)

There are as many pages in the calendar as there are days in a month, so doing manual work involves daily developmental activities with the child.

How is the joint activity of the child and parents on this allowance carried out?

on every page of the calendar.

2. The parent does not need to prepare for joint activities. What you may need, in addition to the calendar, is:

Scissors for children and adults

Glue (preferably liquid, such as PVA and glue stick,

Stapler or strong thread with a needle;

Materials for creativity - paints (watercolor and gouache, pencils, crayons, felt-tip pens, etc.

The main purpose of using the "Children's Calendar" is to create a unified approach to the upbringing and education of children, when parents and educators, interacting with each other, carry out the development of the child, taking into account the possibilities of the family and kindergarten.

Based on the results of working with the "Children's Calendar" manual, we made a report and presented it in the form presentations.

Related publications:

Children's master class "Santa Claus from cones" - paper design Required materials and tools: 2 sheets of cardboard.

Children's master class "Snow Maiden from cones" - paper design Required materials and tools: 2 sheets of blue cardboard.

Forms of organization of cognitive research activities in senior preschool age under the program "Worlds of Childhood" Forms of organization of cognitive and research activities in senior preschool age under the program "Worlds of Childhood" Ekaterina Prokhorova.

Prepared by the teacher of the first qualification category Zryacheva Natalia Valentinovna MBDOU kindergarten No. 3 p. Tumbotino village In our preschool educational institution.

Draft manual "Mood Calendar" This manual can be useful for both educators and specialists of educational institutions. I present to your attention the project:

Summary of the lesson "Journey to the world of insects" (based on the materials of the "Children's calendar" of the program "Worlds of Childhood ...") Cultural practice: cognitive and productive activity Form of representation of the goal: work on the verbal description of the goal-condition.

Sample Early Childhood Education Core Curriculum: Worlds of Childhood: Designing Possibilities

Reviewers: doctor of psychological sciences, professor O.A. Karabanova, candidate of pedagogical sciences E.F. Alieva, candidate of pedagogical sciences O.R. Radionova.

Academic Supervisors: A.G. Asmolov, T.N. Doronova

© AST Publishing House LLC

© Doronova T.N., Vennetskaya O.E., Doronov S.G., Kuznetsova G.V., Remezova L.A., Runova M.A., Tarasova N.V., Khailova E.G.

Explanatory note

Educational activities in kindergarten that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (hereinafter referred to as the Standard) should be aimed at ensuring the cognitive, physical, emotional, aesthetic and socio-ethical development of preschool children.

The main goal of educational activities regulated by the Standard is the development of the educational program and the achievement of targets for preschool education. At the same time, in accordance with the requirements of the Standard, educational activities should be structured in such a way that the child becomes the subject of his own activity, and his purposeful and conscious activity serves as the main means of his own development. This implies the introduction of innovative forms of implementation of the educational process, a revision of the relationship between an adult and a child.

Another requirement of the Standard is a different understanding of the content of education than before. In general, it comes down to the child's mastering various cultural practices, and not to the acquisition of specific knowledge, skills and abilities.

Implementation new requirements implies new an approach to education that is different from those used previously. In our opinion, minor, cosmetic changes to the traditional program content, which in most cases boil down to editing titles, are no longer enough. A systematic and qualitative reconstruction of the entire content and forms of preschool education is required. Some of the possible new approaches to education are proposed in this Program.

Thus, the content of the Program consists in describing new means that were not widely used before and with the help of which an adult can direct the child's initiative in various cultural practices: play, drawing, research, communication, reading.

To the means that allow you to direct the initiative of the child in a pedagogically valuable direction, and not infringe on it, which enable the preschool educational institution to implement the Standard, we include:

Changing the forms of interaction between an adult and a child;

Restructuring the content of educational activities;

Rational organization of the subject-spatial environment;

Effective interaction between the kindergarten and the family.

1. Target section

1.1. Goals and objectives of the Program implementation

The aim of the program"Worlds of Childhood: Designing Possibilities" (hereinafter referred to as the Program) is to support the diversity of childhood, constructing a child's possible world by designing a social situation of his development in joint activities with an adult.

The goals of the Program are implemented through the solution of the following tasks:– protecting and strengthening the physical and mental health of children, including their emotional well-being;

- ensuring equal opportunities for the full development of each child during preschool childhood, regardless of place of residence, gender, nation, language, social status;

- ensuring the continuity of the goals, objectives and content of preschool and primary general education;

- creating favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations, developing the abilities and creative potential of each child as a subject of relations with other children, adults and the world;

- combining training and education into a holistic educational process based on spiritual, moral and socio-cultural values ​​and rules and norms of behavior accepted in society in the interests of a person, family, society;

- the formation of a general culture of the personality of children, the development of their social, moral, aesthetic, intellectual, physical qualities, initiative, independence and responsibility of the child, the formation of the prerequisites for educational activities;

– formation of a socio-cultural environment corresponding to the age and individual characteristics of children;

- providing psychological and pedagogical support for the family and increasing the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of children's health.

1.1.1. Interaction between an adult and a child

It is well known that the development of a child, his education is carried out through interaction with adults, through independent activity in an objective environment. The modern child is practically deprived of subcultural interactions with older children. Therefore, the main role in its development is played by adults.

The interaction between an adult and a child occurs mainly in two social institutions - in the family and kindergarten and is carried out in several ways:

- the child observes the activities of adults;

- the child is directly involved in joint activities with them;

- an adult transmits knowledge and samples of culture in finished form, the child passively perceives them.

Today it is well known that the last mode of education (direct teaching) is not suitable for a preschooler. The situation when educational activity is determined by the motives of adults, and the child's own interests are left aside, leads to a number of negative consequences. This fact was repeatedly confirmed in the psychological concepts of personality development (L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev), in psychological and pedagogical educational systems (P.P. Blonsky, O. Decroly, J. Dewey).

Today, for a number of reasons, the child is deprived of the opportunity to observe the implementation of various cultural practices by adults: labor activity, as a rule, takes place outside the home, and practical household activities are monotonous. Therefore, the child does not see how adults work and cannot help them as much as possible. In addition, modern parents do not always realize the value of communication, games, and productive forms of activity. They have an opinion that the education of a child begins only at the moment when he begins to master sign-symbolic forms (letters, numbers, etc.).

Current page: 1 (total book has 10 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 7 pages]

Sample Early Childhood Education Core Curriculum: Worlds of Childhood: Designing Possibilities

Reviewers: doctor of psychological sciences, professor O.A. Karabanova, candidate of pedagogical sciences E.F. Alieva, candidate of pedagogical sciences O.R. Radionova.

Academic Supervisors: A.G. Asmolov, T.N. Doronova

© AST Publishing House LLC

© Doronova T.N., Vennetskaya O.E., Doronov S.G., Kuznetsova G.V., Remezova L.A., Runova M.A., Tarasova N.V., Khailova E.G.

Explanatory note

Educational activities in kindergarten that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (hereinafter referred to as the Standard) should be aimed at ensuring the cognitive, physical, emotional, aesthetic and socio-ethical development of preschool children.

The main goal of educational activities regulated by the Standard is the development of the educational program and the achievement of targets for preschool education. At the same time, in accordance with the requirements of the Standard, educational activities should be structured in such a way that the child becomes the subject of his own activity, and his purposeful and conscious activity serves as the main means of his own development. This implies the introduction of innovative forms of implementation of the educational process, a revision of the relationship between an adult and a child.

Another requirement of the Standard is a different understanding of the content of education than before. In general, it comes down to the child's mastering various cultural practices, and not to the acquisition of specific knowledge, skills and abilities.

Implementation new requirements implies new an approach to education that is different from those used previously. In our opinion, minor, cosmetic changes to the traditional program content, which in most cases boil down to editing titles, are no longer enough. A systematic and qualitative reconstruction of the entire content and forms of preschool education is required. Some of the possible new approaches to education are proposed in this Program.

Thus, the content of the Program consists in describing new means that were not widely used before and with the help of which an adult can direct the child's initiative in various cultural practices: play, drawing, research, communication, reading.

To the means that allow you to direct the initiative of the child in a pedagogically valuable direction, and not infringe on it, which enable the preschool educational institution to implement the Standard, we include:

Changing the forms of interaction between an adult and a child;

Restructuring the content of educational activities;

Rational organization of the subject-spatial environment;

Effective interaction between the kindergarten and the family.

1. Target section

1.1. Goals and objectives of the Program implementation

The aim of the program"Worlds of Childhood: Designing Possibilities" (hereinafter referred to as the Program) is to support the diversity of childhood, constructing a child's possible world by designing a social situation of his development in joint activities with an adult.

The goals of the Program are implemented through the solution of the following tasks:– protecting and strengthening the physical and mental health of children, including their emotional well-being;

- ensuring equal opportunities for the full development of each child during preschool childhood, regardless of place of residence, gender, nation, language, social status;

- ensuring the continuity of the goals, objectives and content of preschool and primary general education;

- creating favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations, developing the abilities and creative potential of each child as a subject of relations with other children, adults and the world;

- combining training and education into a holistic educational process based on spiritual, moral and socio-cultural values ​​and rules and norms of behavior accepted in society in the interests of a person, family, society;

- the formation of a general culture of the personality of children, the development of their social, moral, aesthetic, intellectual, physical qualities, initiative, independence and responsibility of the child, the formation of the prerequisites for educational activities;

– formation of a socio-cultural environment corresponding to the age and individual characteristics of children;

- providing psychological and pedagogical support for the family and increasing the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of children's health.

1.1.1. Interaction between an adult and a child

It is well known that the development of a child, his education is carried out through interaction with adults, through independent activity in an objective environment. The modern child is practically deprived of subcultural interactions with older children. Therefore, the main role in its development is played by adults.

The interaction between an adult and a child occurs mainly in two social institutions - in the family and kindergarten and is carried out in several ways:

- the child observes the activities of adults;

- the child is directly involved in joint activities with them;

- an adult transmits knowledge and samples of culture in finished form, the child passively perceives them.

Today it is well known that the last mode of education (direct teaching) is not suitable for a preschooler. The situation when educational activity is determined by the motives of adults, and the child's own interests are left aside, leads to a number of negative consequences. This fact was repeatedly confirmed in the psychological concepts of personality development (L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev), in psychological and pedagogical educational systems (P.P. Blonsky, O. Decroly, J. Dewey).

Today, for a number of reasons, the child is deprived of the opportunity to observe the implementation of various cultural practices by adults: labor activity, as a rule, takes place outside the home, and practical household activities are monotonous. Therefore, the child does not see how adults work and cannot help them as much as possible. In addition, modern parents do not always realize the value of communication, games, and productive forms of activity. They have an opinion that the education of a child begins only at the moment when he begins to master sign-symbolic forms (letters, numbers, etc.).

In kindergarten, the joint activity of an adult with children is also episodic - it is difficult for one teacher to give due attention to each child of the group. As a result, direct learning is now the most common in preschool educational institutions, which is carried out by separating cultural forms of activity into separate components.

Classes for the development of individual mental functions - thinking, speech, memory, which are usually held in kindergarten, are designed to compensate for the lack of natural cultural forms of activity that has arisen. To a certain extent, such forms of education are also encouraged by parents, as they see it as "preparation for school."

In the Program, on the contrary, pre-school education is understood as the implementation by the child of various forms of activity together with an adult and independently, in kindergarten and in the family. In independent activity, which is gaining strength more and more, and with the help of an adult, the child learns to play, draw, communicate with others. The process of acquiring universal cultural skills in interaction with adults and in independent activity in the subject environment, we call the process of mastering cultural practices.

The process of acquiring general cultural skills in its entirety is possible only if the adult plays the role of a partner, not a teacher. Partnerships between an adult and a child in kindergarten and in the family are a reasonable alternative to two diametrically opposed approaches: direct education and education based on the ideas of free education.

The main functional characteristic of partnerships is the equal inclusion of an adult in the process of activity with respect to the child. There are two options for implementing the position of the "on" partner. He can set a goal for himself and begin to act, giving children the opportunity to connect to this activity. We conditionally call such a position “partner-model”. Another approach in the implementation of the partner position is that the adult offers the children a goal: "Let's do ..." This approach also leaves the children with a choice. An adult participates in the implementation of the goal on an equal footing with children, as a more experienced and competent partner. We conditionally call this position “partner-employee”. Each of the models can be used depending on the situation.

Conclusion: partnerships between an adult and a child are the most appropriate form of building educational activities in preschool childhood, but there is a risk that the idea of ​​partnership will remain a declarative slogan if it is not supported and strengthened by other means, which we will consider below.

1.1.2. The content of educational activities

Educational activity is a broad concept, even when it comes to preschool childhood. An adult, in principle, cannot engage in education in general, he must always do something specific. We give here examples of educational approaches that exist in modern pedagogy.

First The approach is that the child is given the opportunity to choose classes in a specially organized subject environment, while he is in the environment of peers, the role of an adult in the classroom is minimal. There are several disadvantages to this approach:

a) some types of activity can be learned by a child only in contact with a carrier of practical experience;

b) "distortions" in his development are inevitable, since he, naturally, will give preference to those activities in which he feels more confident.

Second The approach is focused on the end result. In our case, this may be the educational area mentioned in the Standard. It analytically highlights those specific knowledge, skills, abilities and personal qualities that need to be mastered. So, for example, in the educational field "Social and communicative development" the following components are distinguished:

– knowledge and observance of ethical standards;

- communication skills;

- self-regulation, arbitrariness of actions;

- emotional responsiveness;

- reflective awareness of one's own experiences, self-esteem;

- patriotic feeling.

The set of expected achievements of the child, which we have given as an example, is disordered and even absurd. In addition, their enumeration can be endless, as well as split up such a broad concept as "personality". With this approach, one gets the impression that each skill, skill or personal quality is formed in the child separately, through classes specially designed for this purpose.

To cover an infinite number of components of any educational field, to understand their origin is a rather difficult task for a practicing teacher, not to mention the parents of a child. In our opinion, the second approach to educational activity is just as ineffective as the first one. Neither in one nor in the other is it possible to establish partnerships between an adult and children. A teacher who, guided by the program, must daily form, develop certain personal qualities, skills and abilities, by definition, cannot be a partner, he can only be a teacher.

Third the approach to educational activity is conditionally called by us culturological. Its idea is very simple and (intuitively) understandable - this approach is close to everyone who is interested in the development of their child. An adult selects for him those cultural practices that he considers necessary and useful, and shows the child ways to implement them. The younger the child, the more universal cultural practices are.

Any adult knows that it is useful for a child to play, draw, move a lot, and he contributes to this to varying degrees - he buys toys, pencils and paints for him, organizes walks. Further, the adult, focusing on the manifested abilities and interests of the child, chooses more specialized cultural practices for him.

TO main cultural practices, mastered by preschoolers, include: a game (plot and rules), productive activities, cognitive research activities, reading fiction. The list of purely children's activities may vary depending on the socio-cultural situation in which a particular child grows up and the values ​​of society as a whole. The cultural practices listed above are, to a certain extent, universal. At the same time, they can be supplemented by other cultural practices, such as practical activities (“labor education”), effective physical exercises (“physical education”), communicative training (“speech development”), simple music making, purposeful study of the foundations of mathematics, diplomas and much more.

There can be many reasons for expanding the list of cultural practices. For example, communicative training is necessary for a child who in early childhood was deprived of the opportunity to hear correct, varied, rich speech, who, due to the neglect of adults, did not develop initiative speech. A hypotonic child requires regular and targeted exercise.

There may be other reasons for emphasizing a particular cultural practice. For example, it is reasonable to assume that in a family of musicians a preschool child will be introduced to music making, and it is this cultural practice that will become the fundamental core, the cultural idea in the development of the child's personality. The development of a child who early showed outstanding physical qualities will follow a completely different trajectory. Each case requires its own cultural practices, and therefore the Program cannot claim to be complete.

As a result, the Program has the following sections: "Story game", "Game with rules", "Productive activity", "Cognitive research activity", "Fiction", "Music" and "Physical culture".

In the process of implementing these cultural practices, as well as in everyday practical activities, the child undergoes moral and communicative development.

It can be assumed that in the preparatory group these cultural practices will be supplemented by the practical activities of children in self-service, teaching literacy and elementary mathematics. In case of problems in the speech development of children, we recommend using the additional section of the Speech Development Program presented by L.A. Remezova (see Appendix). An excellent addition to the Program is the technology for the social and personal development of children, proposed by S.G. Jacobson (see Appendix). In a word, there are many options and each teacher has the opportunity to take into account the interests of specific children and their parents. For this, 40% of the time allotted in the Standard for the variable part is quite enough.

Particular, exclusive attention in the Program is paid to the following cultural practices: the game (the plot and with the rules), productive and cognitive research activities, which we consider essential for the development of the child. Each of these cultural practices is a multi-level system within which specific tasks facing preschool childhood are solved.

So, for example, in order to fully use the developing potential of productive activity, it is not enough just to state its value. You need to know how to operate it. Take as an example the cultural practice of painting.

It is known that by drawing, the child develops imagination. He is already able to imagine and substantively embody the conceived mental image in the drawing. However, drawing is not only "free" creativity, a reflection of the artist's inner world, but also a repetition of existing patterns, albeit with a certain degree of variability. Thus, in one type of activity, a child can develop abilities that are not functionally related to each other: to imagine something conditionally new and to repeat what already exists.

In order to visualize all the developing functions of this cultural practice, the Program proposes to classify drawing classes in accordance with the goal pursued: drawing according to a model; drawing an unfinished drawing; drawing according to the scheme and according to the verbal description. So, in a child who undertook, at the suggestion of an adult, to depict, for example, a bird, some aspects of his personality develop, and when he reproduces a given decorative ornament with birds, others develop. Both of these activities are equal in educational activities carried out by adults and should have meaning for the child. For example, the resulting drawing can be presented to a loved one or hung on the wall.

Detailed characteristics of each type of activity can be found in the corresponding section. Each of them has its own ways of implementation and, as a result, specific goals and objectives that the educator, carrying out educational activities, must solve. The teacher has the opportunity to compose the content of specific classes with children independently (taking into account the framework of the Program), guided by the classification specific to each cultural practice and the characteristics of a group of children.

Conclusion: the methodological development of the Program implies only the classification of already compiled activities and the selection among them of those that make sense for the child (the implementation of which the child does not need to be forced). Thus, we are not talking about abandoning the usual content of classes, but only about a different method of their distribution in the educational process in general and in a specific calendar plan in particular.

1.1.3. Organization of the subject-spatial environment

The organization of the subject-spatial environment in kindergarten is associated with the solution of two issues:

- determining the principle of selecting items that should be in the group room and on the kindergarten site;

- their location in the indicated spaces.

The solution of these issues depends on the chosen form of interaction between an adult and a child and the content of educational activities.

If the teacher (or the author of the program) has taken the path of direct teaching and educational activity is reduced to the development of individual knowledge, skills and abilities, then the environment in the group should be appropriate. Each subject is responsible for solving one or more specific educational tasks. Groups of objects are combined into "corners" (or "centers") for drawing, construction, logic games, etc. The group dynamics of children in the above approach is not taken into account, since the activity of children is due to the will of an adult.

On the contrary, according to the Program, which is based on the principle of partnership between an adult and children, the object-spatial environment is built on completely different grounds. The main principles of its organization are:

– consideration of each subject and the subject environment as a whole in terms of compliance with the principles of polyfunctionality, transformability and variability;

- typology (classification) of objects in accordance with cultural practices that the child carries out together with an adult, and then continues in free independent activity;

– flexible zoning of space.

These principles will be discussed in more detail in the relevant section.

1.1.4. Interaction between kindergarten and family

Creating conditions for a child to voluntarily enter into joint activities with an adult and his independent activity in a developing object-spatial environment in a kindergarten are highly effective means to implement the Standard. However, these funds may not be enough. After all, it is very difficult for one adult teacher to give due attention to each of the 25-30 children in the group. Therefore, the Program pays considerable attention to cooperation with the family.

As conceived by the authors, educational work under the Program should be carried out not only in kindergarten, but also in the family. This idea was put into practice and will be further considered on the example of the didactic material "Children's Calendar" (hereinafter - "DK"), developed by a team of authors led by T.N. Doronova.

"DK" is a printed material that contains a variety of types of activities for children from three years old in the context of family education. "DK" can serve as the foundation of educational activities in the family. The didactic material presented in it makes it possible to establish joint activities of adults and children in all its variety of forms.

In addition to the development of the intellectual and motivational aspects of the child's personality through his participation in various forms of activity, the use of "DC" allows you to solve a problem of a different nature. It lies in the fact that in the conditions of family education "start" the mechanisms of cultural transmission. As conceived by the authors, "DK" should show adults the value of seemingly uncomplicated children's activities at first glance and the significance of the results achieved in it. The plot of the game built by the child, the completed drawing, the understanding of the meaning of the phenomena taking place around - this is precisely what constitutes the main values ​​of preschool education and guidelines in the educational activities of an adult.

The success of the educational work of parents in families largely depends on the personality of the teacher. It is the teacher who begins the interaction with parents, and he largely determines what the result of this work will be.