
I am not in a hurry to analyze Lukyanenko's story. Sergei Lukyanenko, biography, news, photos. Personal life of Sergei Lukyanenko

I'm not in a hurry Sergey Lukyanenko

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Title: I'm not in a hurry

About the book "I'm not in a hurry" Sergey Lukyanenko

The talented writer Sergei Lukyanenko was born in 1968 in the city of Karatau, Kazakh SSR. Initially, he published his stories in various magazines and weeklies, for which he was awarded many prizes and awards at festivals of science fiction writers. After that, he took up more voluminous works - novels, but remains true to his favorite fantasy genre. The author has a medical education in the field of psychiatry and worked in his specialty for some time, but found his true calling in writing during his studies.

After a short work as a doctor, Sergei Lukyanenko became both an editor at the Mirs magazine and a member of the editorial board at Malvina. In 1996, the writer moved to Moscow to be closer to Russian publishing houses, which he visited quite often. Two years later, he gained great fame thanks to the book "Night Watch" and its film adaptation, in which Sergey also became the scriptwriter.

The book "I'm not in a hurry" is a collection of short stories, so named because of the work of the same name. In the story, a history student working as a night watchman in a museum decided to call upon an evil spirit to serve him. In the drawn pentagram, a devil instantly appeared in a modern suit and tie, which almost did not differ from an ordinary person, if not for the tail and horns sticking out from under the hair.

The main character - Tolik - began to create a contract, adding some additions. The guy knows that the devil is incredibly cunning and wants to get his soul in any way, catching on the slightest inaccurate wording of desires or terms of a deal. However, the student was well prepared and reinsured, given the conditions regarding his freedom, immortality, the ability to terminate the contract if the devil does not fulfill his wishes or cheats. But the latter is not so simple, because the soul for evil spirits is a very important achievement. It is interesting to read about how exactly the main character will find a way to evade, because his exit will be very non-standard.

Sergey Lukyanenko has created an amazing satirical story that is easy and enjoyable to read. The book "I'm not in a hurry" should not be taken literally, because the images in it consist of metaphors and allegories. The devil is the one who, in his opinion, has long understood the true nature of people: selfish, greedy and vain. That's why it was so easy for him to always get their souls when they weren't extremely careful when they caught fire with their dreams. But a simple student turned out to be not so greedy for endless possibilities and did not look for easy ways.

Tolik knew that he could achieve everything on his own, there was not enough time to achieve all the goals and peace of mind. And when, thanks to the contract, it appeared, the guy no longer needed to rush with desires.

The popular science fiction writer "came out of the twilight" and honestly answered the questions of his admirers

Text: Year of Literature. RF
Photo: Sergey Mikheev / RG

Dressed in a colorful shirt and a Yevtushenko-like cap, the writer began his speech on the Main Stage with a refutation of the theme he himself had declared: “Why don't writers write books”? They write, of course, but more and more they go into “related genres”: cinema, computer games. People did not read less, but began to read in electronic format. The audience has not shrunk, but has become dispersed - a permanent channel of communication has disappeared, and many writers are trying to find this multimedia format (and protect themselves from pirates, we note from ourselves).

“I haven’t published a single book in the last year,- confessed. — And, unfortunately, not because he went on vacation. I worked, I wrote, but I worked on scripts. It's great, but I feel a little guilty. Readers are unhappy with this.

This year, Lukyanenko will try to make amends: the book Kainozon will be published, this is a continuation of the novel Quasi. The film "Draft" directed by Mokritsky, known for the "Battle for Sevastopol", has already been completely filmed. It will be released right after the New Year. Literally on the eve of the festival, it became known that close work on the film "Quasi" was about to begin.

However, the feelings of the author of "Patrols" about this is mixed: “We have a certain renaissance of cinema - I understand that it sounds ridiculous, but so far our fantastic films have not been very encouraging for the viewer. With fantasy on the screen, we have a hard time. But I notice that something is starting to change.”

"I never thought that I would be a writer, the author admitted. - In school, I hated writing essays. I dreamed of becoming a director. But I didn’t get into a theater university, because I was afraid not to enter.(As a result, Sergei Lukyanenko became a graduate.)

If we return to the question raised in the topic of the meeting, then it is necessary to understand: yes, a writer and a screenwriter are different professions, but the line between them is blurred, because books take on a different format, they become the basis for films, for games. But the basics remain the same! “There is such a very harsh expression, - reminded Lukyanenko. - "Those who read books will always rule over those who don't read books." Because the book is the fundamental principle, it is the concentrate".

Cinema same - it's a lottery. According to the writer, the rights to film adaptation are periodically bought for 25 of his books, but there are no 25 films based on Lukyanenko's books.

Screenwriters can write a script, artists can draw pictures, but at some point a producer can say: no, it's expensive and difficult, it's easier to make a comedy about two guys in a resort for three kopecks and earn five kopecks.

Sergey Lukyanenko also answered the difficult question about the continuations of his books written by other authors - the so-called Worlds of Sergey Lukyanenko. Time has become very fast, he explained. In the 19th century, a reader could wait five years for a writer to write a sequel. Now the reader is waiting for the continuation in six months. The author, on the other hand, can come up with a great world once and describe it, but working in this mode all the time is a failure of quality. The Dozory project arose because the author himself wrote the whole story about Anton Gorodetsky. And so he agreed to let new interesting authors into this world who develop side topics in it. However, Lukyanenko admitted, now he is thinking about the seventh book about his most famous hero.

"Borderland" was originally conceived as a platform where established authors could "play by the rules."

When asked if he writes for himself or tries to guess his “target audience”, Lukyanenko answered this way:

“I usually write for myself. It is important for the author to write in a way that is interesting to you, and trying to work for some given audience is wrong. However, it is sometimes necessary to write books for children - as for adults, only kinder. The book "Nedotep" - no one was killed there in the whole book! Finished and understood - I wrote a fairy tale.

However, this is largely a modern fairy tale. This is a very plastic genre, it uses fairy-tale techniques in many respects. At the heart of fantasy is the unusualness that invades our world. But by a fairy tale we usually understand an educational, instructive thing.

The Russian fairy tale was not very lucky at all - we did not have a figure like Tolkien, who would collect a modern epic from Slavic folklore.

Bazhov went in this direction, but did not reach the end. But such an epic may now arise. There is, for example, Maria Semenova.

In general, Lukyanenko admitted, all science fiction - both Russian and world - is developing towards elves and magicians.

But if a new technical breakthrough occurs (flight to Mars, etc.), everyone will again turn towards science fiction, which is closer to him personally.

At the end, Sergei Lukyanenko, at the request of one of the many viewers, compiled the “top three” of modern Russian science fiction writers in various genres:

  • Roman: "Pandem"
  • Story: Leonid Kaganov, "Epic of the Predator"
  • Tale: Almost Any Tale.

The story was very satisfying. It should not be taken so literally from the point of view when we see serious written characters. On the contrary, we see the devil drinking kefir and eating a sandwich, ironic and pouring sarcasm. It is an image, collective and metaphorical. Yes, a "real" devil would hardly have an addiction to earthly food, although this can be explained. But this trait is charismatic, let's put it this way - it is humanized, just so that you and I perceive it with a smile. After all, the story itself is satirical. And satire, gentlemen, is the genre where the most important role is attributed to absurdities and inconsistencies.

As for the moral and meaning of the story, everything is very simple. In the eyes of the devil, all people are vicious and selfish. That is why he could always get their soul, deceive and fool, play on their own stupidity. Probably, the ideas of the devil are some kind of trend, some kind of warning, or simply the entourage of the problem of the human soul. But the main character was beyond the prejudice of evil spirits, this time the evil miscalculated and did not take into account one simple truth: people tend to learn from their mistakes. Yes, the main character is selfish and cunning, but he did not need the abilities of the devil to satisfy his vices and complexes. He never took the easy way, he loved the taste of his own victories. His cunning consisted only in control over time, which is so little for the implementation of great deeds. Therefore, the main character is an excellent tactician who is cramped within a short human life.

Again, if we attribute this story to satire, then everything is very apt and balanced. Every absurdity: the helplessness of evil in front of the main character, the entourage and charisma of the devil himself, the conclusion of an agreement with amendments and signatures (Swahili by default), is thought out in advance and acts as connecting links of a subtle bit of black humor.

Score: 9

The story is well written and easy to read. The plot outline is built around the relationship between the person who called the devil and the devil himself, who is obliged to follow the orders of the young man. Their initial trade was very amused: both the “license agreement” and how the guy diligently circumvented all known pitfalls from the cultural heritage associated with devils.

But the ending disappointed: the trick that the guy caught the devil seems to be stretched and implausible. What Lukyanenko described is the most obvious move, and the fact that the Unclean Power (which the author tries to show is still quite cunning) does not see him point-blank spoils the whole impression. The story lacks complexity, something truly elegant in its denouement, something the reader never expected...

The story bears a striking resemblance to the talented stories that appear in online contests. A good start, jokes, but in the end: banality or simply “I don’t believe” (as here). It could be better, and so, "four with a minus"

Score: 7

An interesting story, the Devil is really a little stupid, and the main character, on the contrary, is too smart, well, he’s just a genius, he foresaw everything ... except for one, he may get bored with eternal life and youth in 100-150 years, then perhaps he will pray to the Devil for death , but he will not be able to “help” him in this due to the clause in the agreement “on not causing harm to the client”, I will paraphrase the famous phrase: “Maybe the Devil is not as stupid as he is painted”, so he will most likely have a chance to take the soul of the client, who sooner or later will ask for death, but will not receive it.:glasses:

Score: 8

The story is good, although not very original. How many have already written about attempts to conclude an agreement with evil spirits and deceive the devil! Lukyanenko's version is quite cute, although the devil in this story looks too naive, not trying to oppose anything to the main character. But one cannot but agree with another idea of ​​the author: everything is in the hands of a person, except for his own health, and everything can be achieved with his own mind and strength. And yet, for such a master as Lukyanenko, the story seems somewhat naive.

Score: 7

The story was funny. The scene of drawing up a contract for the sale of the soul was very pleased. Perhaps I liked the story because of the relative novelty of the topic for me. In addition to completely classic works like "The Night Before Christmas," somehow I did not come across stories about the sale of the soul. So, without trifles, I gave the story a high score. However, I cannot but note the inappropriate behavior of the devil. After all, even under such conditions of the contract, he still wins. After all, he has time ahead of him up to the Last Judgment, which means eternity. Soon, very soon (what does a hundred, two hundred, five hundred or three thousand years mean in the face of Eternity?) he will receive his own. And if so, then his nervous reaction is completely incomprehensible.

Score: 9

Forecasting rocks: glum:! Indeed, a wonderful story. I doubted for a long time what to put -9 or 10. In the end, reluctantly, I put 9.

Although, in my opinion, almost an exemplary story - short, clear, with humor, a climax and an idea. Everything is on the level. The only negative (although it reduced my rating by a point) is the denouement is embedded in the title, so the ending became clear even before the last page was read. A lot of knowledge - a lot of sorrow :wink:...

Score: 9

An excellent story - indeed, if you get involved with evil spirits, then only if you are very well prepared. Yes, and in desires one must be very careful - after all, the interest of evil spirits is not in the fulfillment of desires. The main character, however, is a fine fellow, having unlimited time, you can achieve everything yourself, given that you are also protected from any misfortunes. Very funny, well written and uplifting.

Score: 8

The story is not bad, but it seems to me that the author miscalculated a lot. Vadim Shefner in "The Debtor's Shack" very clearly describes the state of a person who has received practical immortality. Only the protagonist of the novel was able to somehow, relatively peacefully, cope with the gift that fell on him, the rest around him died very quickly.

Endless life will soon bore our hero, and then? ... and there is no eternal rest for the soul ... only hell. And we create hell on earth for ourselves and hell in the other world. And the opportunity to make a wish, the farther, the stronger it will dominate in the brain ... And the personality will collapse ... For immortality is power - and power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. And there is no line where you can stop and take stock before leaving. Horror...

Score: 8

A cute story. I really liked the storyline in it (no matter how wild it sounds in relation to a five-page story). The idea is good to the point of disgrace, and watching how the devil fell into an elegant and uncomplicated, at first glance, trap amused. What I didn't like was the execution. Usually you should expect much more from Lukyanenko. And so - it is written soundly, easily, but there is no zest.

But in any case, I love such ironic stories about devils and this one looks quite worthy in the general row.

Score: 8

Ingenious things are really simple to ridiculousness. How to circle the devil around your finger so that you can stay alive and not miscalculate. It turns out to be simpler.

A young history student summoned the devil and signed an agreement with him, with some amendments. The evil spirit naturally decided that the captivity would be short-lived, but no such luck.

The story was written in 2004, and every year more and more relevant meaning appears in it. People run and hurry, but the hero of the story is still in no hurry, and rightly so.

I'm not in a hurry

Clutching a bitten sandwich in one hand and a bottle of yogurt in the other, the devil looked around. He looked quite ordinary - a wrinkled old-fashioned suit, a silk shirt, blunt shoes, a tie with a spade. Everything is black, only on the tie are scarlet flames. If it were not for the horns peeping through the neat hairstyle and the tail hanging down behind, the devil would look like a man.
Tolik vaguely thought that in the hall of the history of the Middle Ages of the city museum, the devil in a suit and tie looks even too modern. He would have gone better with a frock coat or tailcoat.
- What a misfortune ... - spitting out a half-chewed sandwich, the devil spoke. He carefully placed the bottle of yogurt on the floor, glanced sideways at Anatoly and tried the chalk line of the pentagram with his long yellow fingernail. A spark hit the nail. The devil squeaked and put his finger in his mouth.
“I thought the tail would be longer,” Tolik said.
The devil sighed, pulled out a spotlessly clean handkerchief from his pocket, and laid it on the floor. He put a sandwich on the handkerchief. He jumped lightly and touched the ceiling with his free hand - the high museum ceiling, which was about four meters away.
There was more spark this time. The devil whimpered and put his second finger in his mouth.
“There is also a pentagram in the basement,” Tolik warned.
“Usually they forget about the floor and the ceiling,” the devil said bitterly. “You people are prone to flat thinking…
Tolik smiled triumphantly. He glanced at the cheat sheet and said:
“So, in the name of forces subject to me and in the name of forces not subject to me, as well as in the name of forces known and unknown, I conjure you to remain in this place, fenced by the lines of the pentagram, to obey and serve me until I myself, clearly and without compulsion, release you to freedom.
The devil listened attentively, but could not resist the causticity:
- Couldn't learn? Do you read paper?
“I wouldn’t want to make a mistake in a single letter,” Tolik answered seriously. "So, let's get started?"
Sighing, the devil sat down on the floor and said:
- Dot the i's?
- Certainly.
“You didn't summon a demon. You called the devil. This is much more serious, young man. The demon would have torn you apart sooner or later. And I will deceive you - and take your soul. So ... in vain, in vain.
“I didn't have a spell to summon a demon.
- Want? The devil put his hand in his pocket. - You will let me go, and I will give you a spell to summon a demon. Everything is the same, only the consequences are less unpleasant.
“What will happen to my soul for summoning a demon?”
The devil chuckled.
- You think ... I'll get it.
“Then I decline your offer.
“Okay, let’s continue,” the devil looked longingly at the bottle of kefir. Suddenly he flared up: - Well, why me? Why me? One hundred and eight years no one called for devils. They played enough, calmed down, realized that the evil spirits cannot be deceived. And those times - the duty is coming to an end, I decided to refresh myself, and here you are with your pentagram!
- Is the shift long?
“No…” the devil grimaced. - In a year or two. The month remained...
- Sorry. But I can't help.
“So, you summoned an evil spirit,” the devil said dryly and officially. - Congratulations. You must accept or reject the license agreement.
- Read it.
The devil flashed his eyes and rapped out:
— By accepting the terms of this license agreement, the parties undertake the following obligations. First. The evil spirit, later on - the devil, undertakes to fulfill any desires of the client regarding worldly affairs. All desires are fulfilled literally. The desire must be expressed aloud and accepted for execution after pronouncing the words "the desire is expressed, proceed to execution." If the wording of the desire allows for two or more interpretations, then the devil has the right to fulfill the desire as he pleases. Second. The person, hereinafter referred to as the client, undertakes to provide his immortal soul for the eternal use of the devil, if the fulfillment of desires will lead to the death of the client. This agreement is entered into at your own risk and may be supplemented by mutually agreed terms.
Anatoly nodded. The text of the license agreement was familiar to him.
“Additions to the license agreement,” he said. - First. The language in which the desire is formulated is Russian.
“Russian is not licensed,” the devil muttered.
- What's with the fright? The language of the formulation of desires is Russian!
"Good," the devil nodded. “Although the default is Swahili.
- Second. The client's desires include influencing people...
- No, no and NO! - the devil jumped up. - I can not. Forbidden! This is interference in other people's souls, I can't!
In general, Anatoly did not hope that this point would pass. But it was worth checking.
- OK. Second addition. The client receives immortality, which includes both complete biological health and the cessation of the aging process, as well as full protection against accidents, natural disasters, epidemics, aggressive actions of third parties, as well as all similar incidents not listed above, directly or indirectly leading to the cessation the existence of the client or the violation of his health.
- You're not a lawyer? the devil asked.
- No. History student.
- It's clear. I unearthed the manuscript somewhere in the archive… — the devil nodded. - It happens. How did you get into the museum? Why this dull medieval flavor?
- I work here. Night watchman. So, the second addition?
The devil nodded understandingly and grumpily replied:
— Why did you all surrender to this immortality? Well, the second point is accepted with the addition: "except in cases where the harm to the existence and health of the client is caused by the fulfillment of the client's desires." Otherwise, you know, I have no interest.
“You will certainly try very hard to make such harm happen?”
The devil chuckled.
— The third addition, — said Anatoly. - Penalties. If the devil fails to fulfill any desire of the client, then the contract is considered unilaterally terminated by the client. The devil is obliged to fulfill all the wishes of the client in the future, however, he no longer has any rights to the immortal soul of the client. The contract is also considered terminated if the devil fails to catch the client on an inaccurate wording until the end of time.
The devil shook his head.
“But you have to,” said Anatoly. “Otherwise it makes no sense to me. After all, sooner or later you will catch me on an incorrectly formulated desire ...
The devil nodded.
And I will be doomed to eternal torment. Why am I so happy? No, I should have a chance to win. Otherwise it's unsportsmanlike.
"You're asking for a lot..." the devil muttered.
Do you doubt your ability to fulfill my desires?
- No doubt. The contract was made by the best specialists.
- Well?
— All right, the third addition is accepted. What else?
— The fourth addition. The devil is obliged not to take any action that restricts the freedom of the client or the process of his free will. The devil also should not compromise the client, including by disclosing the fact of the existence of the contract.
"That's too much," the devil shrugged. - As for disclosure - we ourselves are strict with this. I'll be skinned, if suddenly ... And about freedom ... Let's say I make an earthquake, fill this building with stones, what of that? You will still survive and demand to be pulled to the surface.
What if my mouth is filled with sand?
"Reinsurer," the devil said contemptuously. “Very well, your fourth addition has been received.
- Fifth. The devil provides technical support for the duration of the contract. The devil is obliged to appear at the request of the client in a form visible only to the client and explain the consequences of the client's possible actions, without hiding anything or misleading the client. At the first request of the client, the devil must disappear and not bother with his presence.
"Severe," the devil shook his head. - Ready, huh? Okay, accepted.
“We sign,” Anatoly decided.
The devil dug into the inside pocket of his jacket and pulled out several folded sheets. He skimmed through them quickly, selected two sheets, and flipped them across the floor to Anatoly.
“Make additions,” Anatoly said.
- For what? Standard form number eight. Do you really think that your additions are so original?
Tolik picked up one sheet and unfolded it. The form printed in a typographical way was entitled “Agreement of a Man with an Unclean Force. Option eight.
The additions really matched.
“Blood, or maybe a ballpoint pen?”
“It would be better with blood…” the devil hesitated. - We have such retrogrades sitting ... No, as a last resort ...
Anatoly silently took a needle from a bottle of alcohol, pricked his finger and, dipping a goose feather into the blood, signed the forms. Returned their trait along with a clean needle and another quill. The devil, sticking out the tip of his tongue, signed the contract and threw one copy over the pentagram.
"It's done," Anatoly said thoughtfully, putting the form in his pocket. “Maybe we’ll spray the signing.”
“I don’t drink,” the devil grinned. And I don't advise you. They always fly into a drunken shop. Such desires express that oh-she-she ... Can I go?
“Isn’t it necessary to erase the pentagram?”
- Now there is no. The agreement has been signed. Listen, where did you get such high-quality chalk? My finger still hurts!
— In the seminary.
“Cunning…” the devil shook his finger at him. - My advice to you. You can say - an oral supplement. If you promise not to try to deceive me, then I will also… treat you with understanding. I won't touch the entire term that was originally given to you. Even if you wish for something thoughtlessly, I won’t take it at your word. And you feel good - you will ride like cheese in butter. And I'm calmer.
Thanks, but I'll try to get out.
Is this a wish? the devil chuckled.
- You will not get anything from me! This is a figure of speech. Better tell me why you have such a short tail?
- Have you seen a lot of devils? Normal tail.
- I can wish you to answer ...
— Bought as a child. Long tails are out of fashion for a long time.
In parting, the devil gave Anatoly an offended look, shook his finger, and disappeared. A moment later, a hand appeared in the air, fumbled, grabbed a sandwich, a bottle of kefir and disappeared.
And Tolik went for a pre-prepared rag and a bucket of water - to wipe the pentagram from the floor. For a poor student, working as a night watchman in a museum is very important.

The first time the devil appeared in a month. Anatoly stood on the balcony and looked down, when a delicate cough was heard behind the left, as it should be, shoulder.
- What do you want? Tolik asked.
- Are you having doubts? Do you repent of what you have done and want to commit suicide? the devil asked hopefully.
Tolik laughed.
“Ah, I understand…” the devil in his own way hugged Tolik by the shoulders and looked down. Beautiful girl, you're right! Do you want her?
You can't influence people's souls.
- So what? A large bouquet of white roses - she loves white ones ... ugh, what a vulgarity! Then you pull up in a brand new Bentley...
- I don't even have a bike.
- Will! What are you, a client?
“It will,” agreed Tolik, not taking his eyes off the girl. - I'm in no hurry.
- Well? Come on, formulate. I promise I won't catch you on the details this time! So, you need a bouquet of ninety-nine white non-thorny roses, issued to you and a serviceable car not listed on the wanted list ...
“Get out,” Tolik ordered, and the devil, grunting indignantly, disappeared.
In subsequent years, the devil appeared regularly.

The professor, doctor of historical sciences, author of numerous monographs on the history of the Middle Ages, was sitting in his office in front of a mirror and putting on makeup. For fifty years, he looked indecently young. To be honest, without makeup, he looked in his early thirties. And if it were not for the plastic surgery once performed, then he would have looked twenty.
“All the same, your appearance inspires suspicion,” the devil said angrily, materializing in a leather chair.
“Healthy eating, yoga, good heredity,” Tolik retorted. - In addition, everyone knows that I take care of my appearance and do not neglect makeup.
What will you say in fifty years?
“And I will disappear under mysterious circumstances,” said Tolik, applying the last smear. — But there will be a new young scientist.
Also a historian?
- For what? I have a clear penchant for jurisprudence ...
The devil hunched over. muttered:
“Everything looked so banal… Don’t you want to become the ruler of the Earth?” What is it now called... the President of the United States?
“If I want, I will,” Tolik promised. "I, as you know...
“…I’m not in a hurry…” the devil finished. - Listen, well, at least one wish! The smallest! I promise that I will do it without any tricks!
“Uh, no,” Tolik muttered, studying his reflection. - It's better not to get involved in this matter ... Well, I have guests waiting for me, it's time to say goodbye.
“You deceived me,” the devil said bitterly. “You looked like an ordinary seeker of an easy life!”
“I just didn’t emphasize the word “light,” Tolik replied. All I needed was unlimited time.
At the door, he turned around to say "get out." But it was superfluous - the devil disappeared by itself.

Sergey Lukyanenko

Clutching a bitten sandwich in one hand and a bottle of yogurt in the other, the devil looked around. He looked quite ordinary - a wrinkled old-fashioned suit, a silk shirt, blunt shoes, a tie with a spade. Everything is black, only on the tie are scarlet flames. If it were not for the horns peeping through a neat hairstyle, and the tail hanging down behind, the devil would look like a man.

Tolik vaguely thought that in the hall of the history of the Middle Ages of the city museum, the devil in a suit and tie looks even too modern. He would have gone better with a frock coat or tailcoat.

- What a misfortune ... - spitting out a half-chewed sandwich, the devil spoke. He carefully placed the bottle of yogurt on the floor, glanced sideways at Anatoly and tried the chalk line of the pentagram with his long yellow fingernail. A spark hit the nail. The devil squeaked and put his finger in his mouth.

“I thought the tail would be longer,” Tolik said.

The devil sighed, pulled out a spotlessly clean handkerchief from his pocket, and laid it on the floor. He put a sandwich on the handkerchief. He jumped lightly and touched the ceiling with his free hand - the high museum ceiling, which was four meters away.

There was more spark this time. The devil whimpered and put his second finger in his mouth.

“There is also a pentagram in the basement,” Tolik warned.

“Usually they forget about the floor and the ceiling,” the devil said bitterly. - You people are prone to flat thinking ...

Tolik smiled triumphantly. He glanced at the cheat sheet and said:

“So, in the name of forces that are subject to me, and in the name of forces beyond my control, as well as in the name of forces known and unknown, I conjure you to remain in this place, fenced by the lines of the pentagram, to obey and serve me until I myself, clearly and without compulsion, I won't let you go free.

The devil listened attentively, but could not resist the causticity:

- Couldn't learn? Do you read paper?

- I would not like to make a mistake in a single letter, - Tolik answered seriously. - So, let's get started?

Sighing, the devil sat down on the floor and said:

- Let's dot the i's?

- Certainly.

“You didn't summon a demon. You called the devil. This is much more serious, young man. The demon would have torn you apart sooner or later. And I will deceive you - and take your soul. So ... in vain, in vain.

“I didn't have a spell to summon a demon.

- Want? The devil put his hand in his pocket. - You will let me go, and I will give you a spell to summon a demon. Everything is the same, only the consequences are less unpleasant.

“And what will happen to my soul for summoning a demon?”

The devil chuckled.

- You think ... I'll get it.

Then I decline your offer.

- Okay, let's continue. The devil looked longingly at the bottle of kefir. Suddenly he flared up: - Well, why me? Why me? One hundred and eight years no one called for devils. They played enough, calmed down, realized that the evil spirits cannot be deceived. And those times - the duty is coming to an end, I decided to refresh myself, and here you are with your pentagram!

- Is the shift long?

“No…” The devil grimaced. - In a year or two. The month remained...

- Sorry. But I can't help.

“So, you summoned an evil spirit,” the devil said dryly and officially. - Congratulations. You must accept or reject the license agreement.

- Read it.

The devil flashed his eyes and rapped out:

– By accepting the terms of this license agreement, the parties undertake the following obligations. First. Evil spirits, in the future - the devil, undertakes to fulfill any desires of the client regarding worldly affairs. All desires are fulfilled literally. The desire must be expressed aloud and accepted for execution after pronouncing the words “the desire is expressed, proceed to execution”. If the wording of the desire allows for two or more interpretations, then the devil has the right to fulfill the desire as he pleases. Second. The person, hereinafter referred to as the client, undertakes to provide his immortal soul for the eternal use of the devil, if the fulfillment of desires will lead to the death of the client. This agreement is entered into at your own risk and may be supplemented by mutually agreed terms.