
Lukyanenko is in no hurry to analyze. Sergei Lukyanenko “I'm not in a hurry. The career of the writer Sergei Lukyanenko

I'm not in a hurry
Sergey Lukyanenko

Collection "Gadget" #12

Sergey Lukyanenko

Clutching a bitten sandwich in one hand and a bottle of yogurt in the other, the devil looked around. He looked quite ordinary - a wrinkled old-fashioned suit, a silk shirt, blunt shoes, a tie with a spade. Everything is black, only on the tie are scarlet flames. If it were not for the horns peeping through a neat hairstyle, and the tail hanging down behind, the devil would look like a man.

Tolik vaguely thought that in the hall of the history of the Middle Ages of the city museum, the devil in a suit and tie looks even too modern. He would have gone better with a frock coat or tailcoat.

- What a misfortune ... - spitting out a half-chewed sandwich, the devil spoke. He carefully placed the bottle of yogurt on the floor, glanced sideways at Anatoly and tried the chalk line of the pentagram with his long yellow fingernail. A spark hit the nail. The devil squeaked and put his finger in his mouth.

“I thought the tail would be longer,” Tolik said.

The devil sighed, pulled out a spotlessly clean handkerchief from his pocket, and laid it on the floor. He put a sandwich on the handkerchief. He jumped lightly and touched the ceiling with his free hand - the high museum ceiling, which was four meters away.

There was more spark this time. The devil whimpered and put his second finger in his mouth.

“There is also a pentagram in the basement,” Tolik warned.

“Usually they forget about the floor and the ceiling,” the devil said bitterly. - You people are prone to flat thinking ...

Tolik smiled triumphantly. He glanced at the cheat sheet and said:

“So, in the name of forces that are subject to me, and in the name of forces beyond my control, as well as in the name of forces known and unknown, I conjure you to remain in this place, fenced by the lines of the pentagram, to obey and serve me until I myself, clearly and without compulsion, I won't let you go free.

The devil listened attentively, but could not resist the causticity:

- Couldn't learn? Do you read paper?

- I would not like to make a mistake in a single letter, - Tolik answered seriously. - So, let's get started?

Sighing, the devil sat down on the floor and said:

- Let's dot the i's?

- Certainly.

“You didn't summon a demon. You called the devil. This is much more serious, young man. The demon would have torn you apart sooner or later. And I will deceive you - and take your soul. So ... in vain, in vain.

“I didn't have a spell to summon a demon.

- Want? The devil put his hand in his pocket. - You will let me go, and I will give you a spell to summon a demon. Everything is the same, only the consequences are less unpleasant.

“And what will happen to my soul for summoning a demon?”

The devil chuckled.

- You think ... I'll get it.

Then I decline your offer.

- Okay, let's continue. The devil looked longingly at the bottle of yogurt. Suddenly he flared up: - Well, why me? Why me? One hundred and eight years no one called for devils. They played enough, calmed down, realized that the evil spirits cannot be deceived. And those times - the duty is coming to an end, I decided to refresh myself, and here you are with your pentagram!

- Is the shift long?

“No…” The devil grimaced. - In a year or two. The month remained...

- Sorry. But I can't help.

“So, you summoned an evil spirit,” the devil said dryly and officially. - Congratulations. You must accept or reject the license agreement.

- Read it.

The devil flashed his eyes and rapped out:

– By accepting the terms of this license agreement, the parties undertake the following obligations. First. Evil spirits, in the future - the devil, undertakes to fulfill any desires of the client regarding worldly affairs. All desires are fulfilled literally. The desire must be expressed aloud and accepted for execution after pronouncing the words “the desire is expressed, proceed to execution”. If the wording of the desire allows for two or more interpretations, then the devil has the right to fulfill the desire as he pleases. Second. The person, hereinafter referred to as the client, undertakes to provide his immortal soul for the eternal use of the devil, if the fulfillment of desires will lead to the death of the client. This agreement is entered into at your own risk and may be supplemented by mutually agreed terms.

Anatoly nodded. The text of the license agreement was familiar to him.

“Additions to the license agreement,” he said. - First. The language in which the desire is formulated is Russian.

“The Russian language is not licensed,” the devil muttered.

- This is still with what fright? The language of the formulation of desires is Russian!

"Good," the devil nodded. “Although the default is Swahili.

- Second. The client's desires include influencing people...

- No, no and NO! - The devil jumped up. - I can not. Forbidden! This is interference in other people's souls, I can't!

In general, Anatoly did not hope that this point would pass. But it was worth checking.

- OK. Second addition. The client receives immortality, which includes both complete biological health and the cessation of the aging process, and complete protection against accidents, natural disasters, epidemics, aggressive actions of third parties, as well as all similar incidents not listed above, directly or indirectly leading to the cessation the existence of the client or the violation of his health.

- You're not a lawyer? the devil asked.

- No. History student.

- It's clear. I unearthed the manuscript somewhere in the archive… – The devil nodded. - It happens. How did you get into the museum? Why this dull medieval flavor?

- I work here. Night watchman. So, the second addition?

The devil nodded understandingly and grumpily replied:

– That you all surrendered to this immortality? Well, the second point is accepted with the addition: "Except in cases where the harm to the existence and health of the client is caused by the fulfillment of the client's desires." Otherwise, you know, I have no interest.

“Of course, you will try very hard to make such harm happen?”

The devil chuckled.

- The third addition, - said Anatoly. - Penalties. If the devil fails to fulfill any desire of the client, then the contract is considered unilaterally terminated by the client. The devil is obliged to fulfill all the wishes of the client in the future, however, he no longer has any rights to the immortal soul of the client. The contract is also considered terminated if the devil fails to catch the client on an inaccurate wording until the end of time.

The devil shook his head.

“But you have to,” Anatoly said. “Otherwise it makes no sense to me. After all, sooner or later you will catch me on an incorrectly formulated desire ...

The devil nodded.

And I will be doomed to eternal torment. Why am I so happy? No, I should have a chance to win. Otherwise it's unsportsmanlike.

“You ask for a lot…” muttered the devil.

Do you doubt your ability to fulfill my desires?

- No doubt. The contract was made by the best specialists. -Well?

- All right, the third addition is accepted. What else?

- The fourth addition. The devil is obliged not to take any action that restricts the freedom of the client or the process of his free will. The devil also should not compromise the client, including by disclosing the fact of the existence of the contract.

- It is unnecessary. Damn shrugged. - As for disclosure - we ourselves are strict with this. I'll be skinned, if suddenly ... And about freedom ... Let's say I make an earthquake, fill this building with stones, what of that? You will still be alive, according to addendum two, and you will demand to be pulled to the surface, according to the main text of the contract.

“What if my mouth is filled with sand?”

“Reinsurer,” the devil said contemptuously. “Very well, your fourth addition has been received.

- Fifth. The devil provides technical support for the duration of the contract. The devil is obliged to appear at the request of the client in a form visible only to the client and explain the consequences of the client's possible actions, without hiding anything or misleading the client. At the first request of the client, the devil must disappear and not bother with his presence.

- Harsh. The devil shook his head. - Ready, huh? Okay, accepted.

“We sign,” Anatoly decided.

The devil dug into the inside pocket of his jacket and pulled out several folded sheets. He skimmed through them quickly, selected two sheets, and flipped them across the floor to Anatoly.

“Make additions,” Anatoly said.

- For what? Standard form number eight. Do you really think that your additions are so original?

Tolik picked up one sheet and unfolded it. The form printed in a typographical way was entitled “Agreement of a Man with an Unclean Force. Option eight.

The additions really matched.

“Blood or can I use a ballpoint pen?”

“It would be better with blood…” the devil hesitated. - We have such retrogrades sitting ... No, as a last resort ...

Anatoly silently took a needle from a bottle of alcohol, pricked his finger and, dipping a goose feather into the blood, signed the forms. Returned their trait along with a clean needle and another quill. The devil, sticking out the tip of his tongue, signed the contract and threw one copy over the pentagram.

“The deed is done,” Anatoly said thoughtfully, putting the form in his pocket. “Maybe we’ll spray the signing?”

- I do not drink. The devil grinned. And I don't advise you. They always fly into a drunken shop. Such desires express that oh-she-she ... Can I go?

“Isn’t it necessary to erase the pentagram?”

- Now there is no. The agreement has been signed. Listen, where did you get such high-quality chalk? My finger still hurts!

- In the seminary.

“Cunning…” The devil shook his finger at him. - My advice to you. It can be said - an oral supplement. If you promise not to try to deceive me, then I will also… treat you with understanding. I won't touch the entire term that was originally given to you. Even if you wish something thoughtlessly, I won’t take it at your word. And you feel good - you will ride like cheese in butter. And I'm calmer.

Thanks, but I'll try to get out.

Is this a wish? the devil chuckled.

- You will not get anything from me! This is a figure of speech. Better tell me why you have such a short tail?

- Have you seen a lot of devils? Normal tail.

- I can wish you to answer ...

- Bought as a child. Long tails are out of fashion for a long time.

In parting, the devil gave Anatoly an offended look, shook his finger, and disappeared. A moment later, a hand appeared in the air, fumbled, grabbed a sandwich, a bottle of kefir and disappeared.

And Tolik went for a pre-prepared rag and a bucket of water - to wipe the pentagram from the floor. For a poor student, working as a night watchman in a museum is very important.

The first time the devil appeared in a month. Anatoly stood on the balcony of the hostel and looked down, when a delicate cough was heard behind the left, as it should be, shoulder.

- What do you want? Tolik asked.

- Are you having doubts? Do you repent of what you have done and want to commit suicide? the devil asked hopefully.

Tolik laughed.

“Ah, I understand…” The devil, in his own way, hugged Tolik by the shoulders and looked down. Beautiful girl, you're right! Do you want her?

You can't influence people's souls.

- So what? A large bouquet of white roses - she loves white ones ... ugh, what a vulgarity! Then you pull up in a brand new Bentley...

- I don't even have a bike.

- Will! What are you, a client?

“It will,” agreed Tolik, without taking his eyes off the girl. - I'm in no hurry.

- Well? Let's formulate. I promise I won't catch you on the details this time! So, you need a bouquet of ninety-nine white non-thorny roses, issued to you and a serviceable car not listed on the wanted list ...

“Get out,” Tolik ordered, and the devil, grunting indignantly, disappeared.

In subsequent years, the devil appeared regularly.

The professor, doctor of historical sciences, author of numerous monographs on the history of the Middle Ages, was sitting in his office in front of a mirror and putting on makeup. For fifty years, he looked indecently young. To be honest, without makeup, he looked in his early thirties. And if it were not for the plastic surgery once performed, then he would have looked twenty.

“All the same, your appearance inspires suspicion,” the devil said angrily, materializing in a leather chair.

“Healthy eating, yoga, good heredity,” Tolik retorted. – In addition, everyone knows that I take care of my appearance and do not neglect makeup.

What will you say in fifty years?

“And I will disappear under mysterious circumstances,” said Tolik, applying the last smear. – But there will be a new young scientist.

Also a historian?

- For what? I have a clear penchant for jurisprudence ...

The devil hunched over. muttered:

“Everything looked so banal… Don’t you want to become the ruler of the Earth?” What is it now called... the President of the United States?

“If I want, I will,” Tolik promised. "I, as you know...

- ... I'm not in a hurry ... - the devil finished. - Listen, well, at least one wish! The smallest! I promise that I will do it without any tricks!

“Oh no,” Tolik muttered, studying his reflection. - It's better not to get involved in this matter ... Well, I have guests waiting for me, it's time to say goodbye.

“You deceived me,” the devil said bitterly. - You looked like an ordinary seeker of an easy life!

“I just didn’t emphasize the word “light,” Tolik replied. All I needed was unlimited time.

At the door, he turned around to say "get out." But it was superfluous - the devil disappeared by itself.

In 1999, he became the youngest writer among his Russian colleagues to be awarded the oldest Aelita award, which is awarded to writers for their significant contribution to the development of the science fiction genre.

The works of Sergei Lukyanenko, captivating and not letting go until the moment of reading the last line, according to him, are written in the genre of "hard action fiction". Fans of the Watches series of novels understand why the science fiction writer chose this characterization for his writings.

The film adaptation of The Night Watch and further novels of the cycle brought fame and status to Lukyanenko as a cult writer.

Childhood and youth

The future science fiction writer was born in April 1968 in the picturesque Karatau, a city pressed against the northern slope of the mountain range of the same name. In Kazakhstan, Lukyanenko spent his childhood and youth, his formation as a writer. It is difficult to call the family of Sergei Lukyanenko creative: his parents and older brother are doctors. My father chose psychiatry, my mother - narcology, my brother - a psychotherapist.

Writing attracted Sergei from a young age. At first, the boy read the works of science fiction. At the age of 5 he read the novel "The Andromeda Nebula", at 7 he became interested in the works of the Strugatsky brothers, he was the first to "swallow" the book "The Land of Crimson Clouds" in one breath, then he re-read all the works of the famous brothers.

As a child, then as a teenager, Sergei Lukyanenko read literature of all genres avidly. and instilled excellent taste and style, but the soul soared only when Seryozha plunged into a fictional world and. Later, it was them that Sergei Vasilyevich would call the writers whom he imitated in his first writings.

After graduating from school with a gold medal, the young man went along the path beaten by his parents and brother: he became a student at a medical university. Writing still attracted, but Sergei Lukyanenko at first did not associate life with literary work. He received the specialty of a psychiatrist and got a job in a mental hospital. A year was enough for the young man to melt away his illusions and desire to include the chapter “Medicine” in his biography.

In the early 1990s, Sergei Lukyanenko got a job at the editorial office of the Mira magazine in Almaty and soon took the place of deputy editor. Since the mid-1990s, Lukyanenko finally abandoned the classes that prevented him from concentrating his energies on creativity, and plunged into the world of creating fantastic plots.


Sergey Lukyanenko began to write "on the table" in the mid-1980s, during his student years. The first essay - a story called "Violation" - was published in 1988. It is written in the genre of science fiction.

After the debut, the stories of the young writer are willingly published by the magazines Zarya and Ural Pathfinder. Thanks to publications in the latest, popular educational monthly about tourism, the novice science fiction writer became known in Russia and abroad. The works of Sergei Lukyanenko are published in an Indian magazine for young people, in American publications. A submitting writer from Kazakhstan is invited to festivals and seminars where venerable colleagues gather.

In 1989, Sergei Lukyanenko starts his first novel, which he finishes in 1990. By this time, two science fiction novels, The Thirteenth City and The Pier of the Yellow Ships, had been published in The Young Guard and The Ural Pathfinder.

Lukyanenko, inspired by the warm response from readers and literary critics, writes a lot and works tirelessly. In the next two years, 3 novels appear, Sergei takes up the novels "The Boy and the Darkness" and "Atomic Dream". The new stories of the science fiction writer are published in various "fat" magazines, and the novice writer is awarded incentive cash prizes.

In the mid-1990s, Sergei Lukyanenko acquired a computer, acquaintance with which gives rise to the first part of the dilogy - the novel "Dream Line". His passion for video games prompted the novelist to write it. In the same year, in early autumn, the second part of the dilogy, called "Emperors of Illusions", saw the light.

In the spring of 1996, the writer began to write novels, the plots of which he had long hatched. Soon, fans of science fiction will welcome the publication of the books "Stars are cold toys" and "Labyrinth of Reflections". And in the fall, Sergei Lukyanenko leaves Kazakhstan and moves to Moscow. After 10 years, the whole family of the novelist moved to the capital.

In 1997, two books of the Star Labyrinth series saw the light of day, but the following year turned out to be crucial in Lukyanenko's biography, when the Watch series of novels was launched. After the film adaptation in the 2000s, Sergei Lukyanenko turns into a legend. He wrote scripts for Night Watch and Day Watch. The films made were a resounding success.

In 1998, a writer from Karatau published the story "Shadows of Dreams", which was included in the "Line of Dreams" series (the first title was "Dancing in the Snow"). The story of an Orthodox colony and the invasion of the planet by a Psilon dropship is fascinating. It continues the storyline of the previous two books in the trilogy.

In the early 2000s, Sergei Lukyanenko presented his fans with a new novel called "Spectrum", which tells about humanity, who has learned to travel between worlds through portals. Readers instantly sold out the first edition of the book, the novel was repeatedly reprinted.

In the middle of the first decade of the 2000s, the story "Cripples" and the novel "Draft" saw the light. The first work about genetically modified people was included in the cycle "Genome" along with the novel of the same name. The second - "Draft" - about a man whom someone's hand "erased" from life. Sudden loneliness sets conditions for the hero in which previously unknown character traits are revealed.

"Chistovik", a sequel to "Draft", appears in 2007. In it, readers meet again with their beloved hero Kirill Maximov, who was prompted by an anonymous telephone to get out and opened portals to other worlds.

After 2 years, Sergei Lukyanenko presented a gift for the youngest fans - the novel "Nedotep", which is inhabited by minotaurs, necromancers and zombies. At the writer's request, the book is illustrated by graphic artist Evgenia Sterligova.

In 2013, the science fiction writer delighted fans of the genre with the first novel in the Borderlands cycle, called Outpost. The story about the fictional world, called Centrum by its discoverers, hit the shelves of bookstores in November and found thousands of admirers who demanded that the author continue.

Films based on novels and stories by Sergei Lukyanenko are favorably received by viewers in the post-Soviet space. In addition to two "Patrols", the novel "Today, Mom!" was filmed. The painting was called "Aziris Nuna".

Lukyanenko first appeared on the screens in 2011. The audience saw their favorite author in the company of a colleague, a co-author of the novel "Sentinel" cycle. The writers took part in the Ukrainian New Year's TV project based on the Dozors, beloved by millions.

Personal life

The writer met his future wife Sofia Kosichenko in February 1990, and in September the couple went to the registry office.

Sofia was born in Almaty, graduated from the university, where she received a diploma in psychology. For ten years she worked in her specialty, her wards were children. Then she got a job as a teacher at her alma mater. After moving to the capital, Sofia Lukyanenko teaches psychology at a humanitarian university and defended her PhD thesis.

Sergey and Sofia Lukyanenko are happy parents of three children - sons Artemy and Daniil and daughter Nadia, born in 2012. All the offspring of the science fiction writer appeared in Moscow.

The terrier Busya with offspring lives in the writer's house. Sergei Vasilievich collects a collection of mouse figurines. Until 2006, he smoked a pipe, but found the strength to give up his addiction and became interested in cooking.

In 2017, Sergey Lukyanenko opened an account in

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Sergey Lukyanenko
I'm not in a hurry

Clutching a bitten sandwich in one hand and a bottle of yogurt in the other, the devil looked around. He looked quite ordinary - a wrinkled old-fashioned suit, a silk shirt, blunt shoes, a tie with a spade. Everything is black, only on the tie are scarlet flames. If it weren’t for the horns peeping through a neat hairstyle and the tail hanging down from behind, the devil would look like a man.

Tolik vaguely thought that in the hall of the history of the Middle Ages of the city museum, the devil in a suit and tie looks even too modern. He would have gone better with a frock coat or tailcoat.

- What a misfortune ... - spitting out a half-chewed sandwich, the devil spoke. He carefully placed the bottle of yogurt on the floor, glanced sideways at Anatoly and tried the chalk line of the pentagram with his long yellow fingernail. A spark hit the nail. The devil squeaked and put his finger in his mouth.

“I thought the tail would be longer,” Tolik said.

The devil sighed, pulled out a spotlessly clean handkerchief from his pocket, and laid it on the floor. He put a sandwich on the handkerchief. He jumped lightly and touched the ceiling with his free hand - the high museum ceiling, which was four meters away.

There was more spark this time. The devil whimpered and put his second finger in his mouth.

“There is also a pentagram in the basement,” Tolik warned.

“Usually they forget about the floor and the ceiling,” the devil said bitterly. - You people are prone to flat thinking ...

Tolik smiled triumphantly. He glanced at the cheat sheet and said:

“So, in the name of forces that are subject to me, and in the name of forces beyond my control, as well as in the name of forces known and unknown, I conjure you to remain in this place, fenced by the lines of the pentagram, to obey and serve me until I myself, clearly and without compulsion, I won't let you go free.

The devil listened attentively, but could not resist the causticity:

- Couldn't learn? Do you read paper?

- I would not like to make a mistake in a single letter, - Tolik answered seriously. - So, let's get started?

Sighing, the devil sat down on the floor and said:

- Let's dot the i's?

- Certainly.

“You didn't summon a demon. You called the devil. This is much more serious, young man. The demon would have torn you apart sooner or later. And I will deceive you - and take your soul. So ... in vain, in vain.

“I didn't have a spell to summon a demon.

- Want? The devil put his hand in his pocket. - You will let me go, and I will give you a spell to summon a demon. Everything is the same, only the consequences are less unpleasant.

“And what will happen to my soul for summoning a demon?”

The devil chuckled.

- You think ... I'll get it.

Then I decline your offer.

- Okay, let's continue. - Damn with melancholy

end of introduction

SERGEY LUKYANENKO: I'M NOT IN A HURRY. (a story about the price of time) A young history student called the devil and signed an agreement with him with some amendments. The evil spirit naturally decided that the captivity would be short-lived, but no such luck... The story was written in 2004, and every year more and more relevant meaning appears in it. People run and hurry, but the hero of the story is still in no hurry, and rightly so.

"I'M NOT IN A HURRY" Clutching a bitten sandwich in one hand and a bottle of yogurt in the other, the devil looked around. He looked quite ordinary - a wrinkled old-fashioned suit, a silk shirt, blunt shoes, a tie with a spade. Everything is black, only on the tie are scarlet flames. If it were not for the horns peeping through a neat hairstyle and a tail hanging from behind, the devil would look like a man. Tolik vaguely thought that in the hall of the history of the Middle Ages of the city museum, the devil in a suit and tie looks even too modern. He would have gone better with a frock coat or tailcoat. - What a misfortune ... - spitting out a half-chewed sandwich, the devil spoke. He carefully placed the bottle of yogurt on the floor, glanced sideways at Anatoly and tried the chalk line of the pentagram with his long yellow fingernail. A spark hit the nail. The devil squeaked and put his finger in his mouth. - I thought the tail would be longer, - Tolik said. The devil sighed, pulled out a spotlessly clean handkerchief from his pocket, and laid it on the floor. He put a sandwich on the handkerchief. He jumped lightly and touched the ceiling with his free hand - the high museum ceiling, which was four meters away. There was more spark this time. The devil whimpered and put his second finger in his mouth. “There is also a pentagram in the basement,” Tolik warned. “Usually they forget about the floor and the ceiling,” the devil said bitterly. - You people are prone to flat thinking... Tolik chuckled triumphantly. He glanced sideways at the crib and said: “So, in the name of the forces under my control and in the name of the forces beyond my control, as well as in the name of the forces known and unknown, I conjure you to remain in this place, enclosed by the lines of the pentagram, to obey and serve me until I myself, obviously and without coercion, I will not let you go free. The devil listened attentively, but could not resist the causticity: - Couldn't memorize it? Do you read paper? - I would not like to make a mistake in a single letter, - Tolik answered seriously. - So, let's get started? Sighing, the devil sat down on the floor and said: - Let's dot the i's? - Certainly. You didn't summon a demon. You called the devil. This is much more serious, young man. The demon would have torn you apart sooner or later. And I will deceive you - and take your soul. So ... in vain, in vain. - I didn't have a spell to summon a demon. - Want? The devil put his hand in his pocket. - You will let me go, and I will give you a spell to summon a demon. Everything is the same, only the consequences are less unpleasant. - And what will happen to my soul for summoning a demon? The devil chuckled. - You think ... I'll get it. - Then I decline your offer. - Okay, let's continue, - the devil looked longingly at the bottle of kefir. Suddenly flared up: - Well, why me? Why me? One hundred and eight years no one called for devils. They played enough, calmed down, realized that the evil spirits cannot be deceived. And those times - the duty is coming to an end, I decided to refresh myself, and here you are with your pentagram! - Is the shift long? - Not ... - the devil grimaced. - A year or two later. A month remained ... - I sympathize. But I can't help. “So, you summoned an evil spirit,” the devil said dryly and officially. - Congratulations. You must accept or reject the license agreement. - Read it.

The devil flashed his eyes and rapped out: - By accepting the terms of this license agreement, the parties undertake the following obligations. First. The evil spirit, later on - the devil, undertakes to fulfill any desires of the client regarding worldly affairs. All desires are fulfilled literally. The desire must be expressed aloud and accepted for execution after pronouncing the words "the desire is expressed, proceed to execution." If the wording of the desire allows for two or more interpretations, then the devil has the right to fulfill the desire as he pleases. Second. The person, hereinafter referred to as the client, undertakes to provide his immortal soul for the eternal use of the devil, if the fulfillment of desires will lead to the death of the client. This agreement is entered into at your own risk and may be supplemented by mutually agreed terms. Anatoly nodded. The text of the license agreement was familiar to him. “Additions to the license agreement,” he said. - First. The language in which the desire is formulated is Russian. - The Russian language is not licensed, - the devil muttered. - This is still with what fright? The language of the formulation of desires is Russian! "Good," the devil nodded. - Although the default is Swahili. - Second. The client's desires include influencing people... - No, no, no! - the devil jumped up. - I can not. Forbidden! This is interference in other people's souls, I can't! In general, Anatoly did not hope that this point would pass. But it was worth checking. - OK. Second addition. The client receives immortality, which includes both complete biological health and the cessation of the aging process, and complete protection against accidents, natural disasters, epidemics, aggressive actions of third parties, as well as all similar incidents not listed above, directly or indirectly leading to the cessation the existence of the client or the violation of his health. - You're not a lawyer? - asked the devil. - No. History student. - It's clear. Manuscript unearthed somewhere in the archive ... - the devil nodded. - It happens. How did you get into the museum? Why this dull medieval flavor? - I work here. Night watchman. So, the second addition? The devil nodded understandingly and grumpily answered: - Why did you all surrender to this immortality? Well, the second point is accepted with the addition: "except in cases where the harm to the existence and health of the client is caused by the fulfillment of the client's desires." Otherwise, you know, I have no interest. “Of course, you will try very hard to make such harm happen?” The devil chuckled. - The third addition, - said Anatoly. - Penalties. If the devil fails to fulfill any desire of the client, then the contract is considered unilaterally terminated by the client. The devil is obliged to fulfill all the wishes of the client in the future, however, he no longer has any rights to the immortal soul of the client. The contract is also considered terminated if the devil fails to catch the client on an inaccurate wording until the end of time. The devil shook his head. - And it is necessary, - said Anatoly. “Otherwise it makes no sense to me. After all, sooner or later you will catch me on an incorrectly formulated desire ... The devil nodded. And I will be doomed to eternal torment. Why am I so happy? No, I should have a chance to win. Otherwise it's unsportsmanlike. “You ask for a lot…” muttered the devil. Do you doubt your ability to fulfill my desires? - No doubt. The contract was made by the best specialists. - Well? - All right, the third addition is accepted. What else? - The fourth addition. The devil is obliged not to take any action that restricts the freedom of the client or the process of his free will. The devil also should not compromise the client, including by disclosing the fact of the existence of the contract. "That's too much," the devil shrugged his shoulders. - As for disclosure - we ourselves are strict with this. I'll be skinned, if suddenly ... And about freedom ... Let's say I make an earthquake, fill this building with stones, what of that? You will still survive and demand to be pulled to the surface. What if my mouth is filled with sand? "Reinsurer," the devil said contemptuously. - Well, your fourth addition is accepted. - Fifth. The devil provides technical support for the duration of the contract. The devil is obliged to appear at the request of the client in a form visible only to the client and explain the consequences of the client's possible actions, without hiding anything or misleading the client. At the first request of the client, the devil must disappear and not bother with his presence. - Seriously, - the devil shook his head. - Ready, huh? Okay, accepted. - We sign, - Anatoly decided.

The devil dug into the inside pocket of his jacket and pulled out several folded sheets. He skimmed through them quickly, selected two sheets, and flipped them across the floor to Anatoly. - Make additions, - said Anatoly. - For what? Standard form number eight. Do you really think that your additions are so original? Tolik picked up one sheet and unfolded it. The form printed in a typographical way was entitled “Agreement of a Man with an Unclean Force. Option eight. The additions really matched. "Blood, or maybe a ballpoint pen?" - It would be better with blood ... - the devil hesitated. - We have such retrogrades sitting ... No, as a last resort ... Anatoly silently took a needle from a bottle of alcohol, pricked his finger and, dipping a goose feather into the blood, signed the forms. Returned their trait along with a clean needle and another quill. The devil, sticking out the tip of his tongue, signed the contract and threw one copy over the pentagram. - It's done, - Anatoly said thoughtfully, hiding the form in his pocket. - Maybe we'll spray the signing. “I don’t drink,” the devil grinned. - And I do not advise you. They always fly into a drunken shop. Such desires express that oh-she-she ... Can I go? - Isn't it necessary to erase the pentagram? - Now there is no. The agreement has been signed. Listen, where did you get such high-quality chalk? My finger still hurts! - In the seminary. - Sly ... - the devil shook his finger at him. - My advice to you. It can be said - an oral supplement. If you promise not to try to deceive me, then I will also… treat you with understanding. I won't touch the entire term that was originally given to you. Even if you wish something thoughtlessly, I won’t take it at your word. And you feel good - you will ride like cheese in butter. And I'm calmer. - Thanks, but I'll try to get out. - Is it a wish? the devil chuckled. - You will not get anything from me! This is a figure of speech. Better tell me why you have such a short tail? - Have you seen a lot of devils? Normal tail. - After all, I can and wish you to answer ... - Stopped in childhood. Long tails are out of fashion for a long time. In parting, the devil gave Anatoly an offended look, shook his finger, and disappeared. A moment later, a hand appeared in the air, fumbled, grabbed a sandwich, a bottle of kefir and disappeared. And Tolik went for a pre-prepared rag and a bucket of water - to wipe the pentagram from the floor. For a poor student, working as a night watchman in a museum is very important.

The first time the devil appeared in a month. Anatoly stood on the balcony and looked down, when a delicate cough was heard behind the left, as it should be, shoulder. - What do you want? Tolik asked. - Do you have doubts? Do you repent of what you have done and want to commit suicide? - the devil asked hopefully. Tolik laughed. - Ah, I understand ... - the devil in his own way hugged Tolik by the shoulders and looked down. - Pretty girl, you're right! Do you want her? You can't influence people's souls. - So what? A large bouquet of white roses - she loves white ... ugh, what a vulgarity! Then you roll up in a brand new Bentley ... - I don’t even have a bicycle. - Will! What are you, a client? - It will be, - Tolik agreed, without taking his eyes off the girl. - I'm in no hurry. - Well? Come on, formulate. I promise I won't catch you on the details this time! So, you need a bouquet of ninety-nine white non-thorny roses, issued to you and a serviceable car not listed as wanted ... - Get out, - Tolik ordered, and the devil, grunting indignantly, disappeared. In subsequent years, the devil appeared regularly.

The professor, doctor of historical sciences, author of numerous monographs on the history of the Middle Ages, was sitting in his office in front of a mirror and putting on makeup. For fifty years, he looked indecently young. To be honest, without makeup, he looked in his early thirties. And if it were not for the plastic surgery once performed, then he would have looked twenty. “All the same, your appearance inspires suspicion,” the devil said angrily, materializing in a leather chair. - Healthy eating, yoga, good heredity, - retorted Tolik. - In addition, everyone knows that I take care of my appearance and do not neglect makeup. What will you say in fifty years? - And I will disappear under mysterious circumstances, - said Tolik, applying the last smear. - But there will be a new young scientist. - Also a historian? - For what? I have a clear penchant for jurisprudence ... The devil hunched over. He muttered: - Everything looked so banal... Don't you want to become the ruler of the Earth? What is it now called... the President of the United States? - If I want - I will, - Tolik promised. - I, as you know ... - ... not in a hurry ... - the devil finished. - Listen, well, at least one wish! The smallest! I promise that I will do it without any tricks! “Uh, no,” Tolik muttered, studying his reflection. - It's better not to get involved in this matter ... Well, I have guests waiting for me, it's time to say goodbye. “You deceived me,” the devil said bitterly. - You looked like an ordinary seeker of an easy life! - I just did not emphasize the word "light", - said Tolik. All I needed was unlimited time. At the door, he turned around to say "get out." But it was superfluous - the devil disappeared by itself. Author: Sergey Lukyanenko #story #SergeyLukyanenko #slowly

Sergey Lukyanenko

Clutching a bitten sandwich in one hand and a bottle of yogurt in the other, the devil looked around. He looked quite ordinary - a wrinkled old-fashioned suit, a silk shirt, blunt shoes, a tie with a spade. Everything is black, only on the tie are scarlet flames. If it were not for the horns peeping through a neat hairstyle, and the tail hanging down behind, the devil would look like a man.

Tolik vaguely thought that in the hall of the history of the Middle Ages of the city museum, the devil in a suit and tie looks even too modern. He would have gone better with a frock coat or tailcoat.

- What a misfortune ... - spitting out a half-chewed sandwich, the devil spoke. He carefully placed the bottle of yogurt on the floor, glanced sideways at Anatoly and tried the chalk line of the pentagram with his long yellow fingernail. A spark hit the nail. The devil squeaked and put his finger in his mouth.

“I thought the tail would be longer,” Tolik said.

The devil sighed, pulled out a spotlessly clean handkerchief from his pocket, and laid it on the floor. He put a sandwich on the handkerchief. He jumped lightly and touched the ceiling with his free hand - the high museum ceiling, which was four meters away.

There was more spark this time. The devil whimpered and put his second finger in his mouth.

“There is also a pentagram in the basement,” Tolik warned.

“Usually they forget about the floor and the ceiling,” the devil said bitterly. - You people are prone to flat thinking ...

Tolik smiled triumphantly. He glanced at the cheat sheet and said:

“So, in the name of forces that are subject to me, and in the name of forces beyond my control, as well as in the name of forces known and unknown, I conjure you to remain in this place, fenced by the lines of the pentagram, to obey and serve me until I myself, clearly and without compulsion, I won't let you go free.

The devil listened attentively, but could not resist the causticity:

- Couldn't learn? Do you read paper?

- I would not like to make a mistake in a single letter, - Tolik answered seriously. - So, let's get started?

Sighing, the devil sat down on the floor and said:

- Let's dot the i's?

- Certainly.

“You didn't summon a demon. You called the devil. This is much more serious, young man. The demon would have torn you apart sooner or later. And I will deceive you - and take your soul. So ... in vain, in vain.

“I didn't have a spell to summon a demon.

- Want? The devil put his hand in his pocket. - You will let me go, and I will give you a spell to summon a demon. Everything is the same, only the consequences are less unpleasant.

“And what will happen to my soul for summoning a demon?”

The devil chuckled.

- You think ... I'll get it.

Then I decline your offer.

- Okay, let's continue. The devil looked longingly at the bottle of yogurt. Suddenly he flared up: - Well, why me? Why me? One hundred and eight years no one called for devils. They played enough, calmed down, realized that the evil spirits cannot be deceived. And those times - the duty is coming to an end, I decided to refresh myself, and here you are with your pentagram!

- Is the shift long?

“No…” The devil grimaced. - In a year or two. The month remained...

- Sorry. But I can't help.

“So, you summoned an evil spirit,” the devil said dryly and officially. - Congratulations. You must accept or reject the license agreement.

- Read it.

The devil flashed his eyes and rapped out:

– By accepting the terms of this license agreement, the parties undertake the following obligations. First. Evil spirits, in the future - the devil, undertakes to fulfill any desires of the client regarding worldly affairs. All desires are fulfilled literally. The desire must be expressed aloud and accepted for execution after pronouncing the words “the desire is expressed, proceed to execution”. If the wording of the desire allows for two or more interpretations, then the devil has the right to fulfill the desire as he pleases. Second. The person, hereinafter referred to as the client, undertakes to provide his immortal soul for the eternal use of the devil, if the fulfillment of desires will lead to the death of the client. This agreement is entered into at your own risk and may be supplemented by mutually agreed terms.

Anatoly nodded. The text of the license agreement was familiar to him.

“Additions to the license agreement,” he said. - First. The language in which the desire is formulated is Russian.

“The Russian language is not licensed,” the devil muttered.

- This is still with what fright? The language of the formulation of desires is Russian!

"Good," the devil nodded. “Although the default is Swahili.

- Second. The client's desires include influencing people...

- No, no and NO! - The devil jumped up. - I can not. Forbidden! This is interference in other people's souls, I can't!

In general, Anatoly did not hope that this point would pass. But it was worth checking.

- OK. Second addition. The client receives immortality, which includes both complete biological health and the cessation of the aging process, and complete protection against accidents, natural disasters, epidemics, aggressive actions of third parties, as well as all similar incidents not listed above, directly or indirectly leading to the cessation the existence of the client or the violation of his health.

- You're not a lawyer? the devil asked.

- No. History student.

- It's clear. I unearthed the manuscript somewhere in the archive… – The devil nodded. - It happens. How did you get into the museum? Why this dull medieval flavor?

- I work here. Night watchman. So, the second addition?

The devil nodded understandingly and grumpily replied:

– That you all surrendered to this immortality? Well, the second point is accepted with the addition: "Except in cases where the harm to the existence and health of the client is caused by the fulfillment of the client's desires." Otherwise, you know, I have no interest.

“Of course, you will try very hard to make such harm happen?”

The devil chuckled.

- The third addition, - said Anatoly. - Penalties. If the devil fails to fulfill any desire of the client, then the contract is considered unilaterally terminated by the client. The devil is obliged to fulfill all the wishes of the client in the future, however, he no longer has any rights to the immortal soul of the client. The contract is also considered terminated if the devil fails to catch the client on an inaccurate wording until the end of time.

The devil shook his head.

“But you have to,” Anatoly said. “Otherwise it makes no sense to me. After all, sooner or later you will catch me on an incorrectly formulated desire ...

The devil nodded.

And I will be doomed to eternal torment. Why am I so happy? No, I should have a chance to win. Otherwise it's unsportsmanlike.

“You ask for a lot…” muttered the devil.