
An interesting episode from my life essay. An interesting case from the life of several people. The trick is to live

Everyone has stories to tell in a noisy company to heighten the party's mood. It can be or, conversely, something that is embarrassing to share. And sometimes there are events that cannot be explained, and you involuntarily begin to believe in the supernatural.

And God forbid that there were fewer of the latter, and successful moments "shot" more often. Strangely, amusing incidents from life are rare, but more and more disappointments come to mind. But memory protects us and prudently fails us at the right moment, not giving us in an unjust world. Here are some incidents that will reveal your thoughts.

Let's omit the names, dates and hide the location. Let's say that it was in the fall in a large city. Well, a man got drunk - with whom it does not happen. Celebration, good mood and affordable alcohol - no one is immune. As usual, accompanied by a drinking companion, whom he recognized an hour ago, but is already ready to give his life for him, our hero decided to go in search of affordable love in a nightclub.

On foot, such handsome men do not walk according to their status and it was decided to catch a "cucumber". Here a new friend helped, pointing to the parked car with the words “we’ll fly in a fell swoop”. Friends settled down with a beer in the back seat, not embarrassed by the absence of a driver. And the chauffeur was not easy. Local "lads" collected "tribute" in a small market and, out of habit, left the car nearby.

Ogled so ogled

How surprised and delighted the "brother", similar to two barrels, when they heard the drunken "chief, two counters". The fight was short-lived. Our hero without a hat hid in the bushes, and his new best friend moved into the trunk. It's funny to you, but a person when he could no longer find a friend. This interesting life experience changed his life, endowing him with caution when choosing a taxi and a healthy liver. Such is the lesson ...

How many horror films began with the words "schoolchildren are going on a hike." But here the analogy with the genre, which combined comedy with mysticism, is more suitable. First, there were many strange warnings, as if a higher power resisted letting teenagers go into the forest. Forgotten phones and an intractable salesman of the wine and vodka department interfered. But all the same, the children escaped into nature, seizing the tents and hiding the coveted bottle under their jacket.

The first evening passed decently. Young people warmed themselves by the fire, told horror stories and secretly ran into the bushes to take a sip of alcohol, so that the adults did not pass through. The morning was slightly overshadowed by a hangover, but wellness activities must be carried out. Then an old, shabby grandfather's vessel appears on the stage, even on the shore did not inspire confidence.

But there is no one bolder than a kid with a hangover, and even fishing with a sore head is, in general, a tradition. And here is an interesting case from your life, which could have ended in tears: an old tarp broke, and the guys began to drown in the middle of a huge lake. And the class teacher would have cut the forest if one of the would-be fishermen had not turned out to be a master of sports in swimming. Pulled out a friend. No boots, pants and iPod, but pulled out. And the mysticism is that the previous evening the story about the drowned people living in this reservoir had a special success. How can you not think about the revenge of the annoyed dead?

Superstitious addict

Somehow one representative of the social bottom decided to buy funds from depression. I knocked about a ruble at the station and drove off. First, he drove past the police parade. Then I met a car of traffic cops with a gloomy number "Н 666 ЕТ". And to top it off, a dirty, shabby cat struck the confidence of a superstitious addict.

And he wanted to turn back, spit and become a full-fledged citizen. However, the legs themselves brought to the address, and we can say that the man was not to blame. These are all damned shoes - they are to blame for his addiction. But we got distracted. How surprised the devout "shirik" was when the man in the mask opened the coveted door. Strong hands jerked him into the apartment and threw him against the wall, which already had a dozen of the same losers. Then there was a bullpen, a few days and a savory fingal. This sad and at the same time funny incident from life struck a drug addict. And instead of quitting, on the way to the point, he began to listen more attentively to signs from above.

There is no morality - no one is to blame for the fact that people are in drug captivity, and there are no such signs that will help to quit or warn that the abyss is near. You can only fight unsuccessfully and wait for your roundup.

The trick is to live

All comes with experience. You won't be able to tell your friends an interesting life experience if the world is limited by home and work. Sitting in an apartment and communicating only with a ficus, a person deprives himself of happy ups, bitter disappointments and dangerous adventures. Nietzsche said that existence can be called complete when its sign is nonzero. It doesn't matter whether it's a plus or a minus, days pass in grief or in happiness - we live when we feel.

My life is so amazing and full of surprises that while reflecting on the topic of the essay, several funny situations occurred to me at once. In general, I am a person who loves adventure and constantly gets into some kind of trouble. My summer incident was no exception.

It was summer vacation. As usual, my parents were going to send me to my grandmother in the village for a few weeks. This is already a common thing, for the last few years I have been independently reaching my grandmother, because she lives very close. Two hours on the train and you're there. But this time my absent-mindedness and inattention gave me a real adventure.

On the eve of the trip, my mother helped me pack my bag, warned my grandmother that soon her beloved granddaughter would come to visit, gave me the necessary instructions and parting words. The day before, because the train is at lunchtime, and mom and dad will just be working. Of course, I nodded approvingly, agreed with everything, put tickets and documents on the table and went to bed. I woke up early, wanted to see my friends and walk a little in front of the road. The girls came three hours before the train, and we went outside, bought ice cream, sat on a bench and talked. Time passed quickly, and a call from my mother brought me back to reality. I quickly said goodbye to the girls and ran to get my bag. As luck would have it, the key stuck in the lock, I was nervous, and the time for the train was approaching.

All the same, the door gave up, I grabbed my bag, closed it and ran to the station. All wet and tired, and fell into his carriage and the train immediately started. I got a little hungry and decided to get the sandwiches that my mother put on the path. Taking out my bag, I noticed some movement in it. At first I was scared, but then I heard a loud meow. And then I realized that I was not going to my grandmother alone. I open my bag, and there is my ginger cat Vasily, who looks at me with plaintive eyes. It turns out that while I was walking, the cat climbed into the bag and fell asleep, but when I was late for the train I did not notice it and took it with me.

To be honest, it was more fun for us together, it's good that the ride was not long, and Vasily behaved like an exemplary passenger. During this time, he managed to get to know his neighbor's grandmother Lyusya, who treated him to sausages and sausage. So we got to my grandmother.

By the way, Vasily brought a lot of benefits there, because mice often ran into the old house, which the red-haired prankster caught and importantly brought, showing what a hunter he was. This is the story that happened to me and my cat.

Grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9


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There have been many different interesting cases in my life, but I want to tell you about how one day a little black and white kitten made me and my uncle laugh a lot. We often remember that incident and laugh, although Uncle Marquis's cat has long become a serious and intelligent adult cat.

One day my uncle took me on a long trip to show me his new country house. We were traveling by car, so we arrived pretty quickly. On the way, next to the road, we noticed a small black and white lump. It turned out to be a small kitten, which clung to a lamppost and was shaking violently either from fear or from the cold. Uncle decided to take it for himself. On the way, we bought food for the baby and gave him a drink. When we drove up to the house, he was already playing with the suspension that hung in the car.

The kitten happily ran around the house and got in the way. And when we entered the room, where a huge mirror had already been installed, we noticed that the kitten had disappeared somewhere. Literally a minute later, we found him - he himself came out of the box with building material in the hope of "defeating" the beast he saw in the mirror. His fur stood on end and he was seriously scared. He threw himself on the mirror like a wild animal, but it looked incredibly funny and amusing. Then the kitten looked behind the mirror and began to understand that nothing threatened him. This is how my acquaintance with my uncle's country house and the kitten's acquaintance with the mirror went.

We will never forget this incident. From that moment on, I fell madly in love with cats and begged my mother to have a kitten. A week later, a small kitten also appeared at our house, which we took from a shelter for homeless animals.

Together with the article "Essay on the topic" An interesting incident from my life "read:

Once an instructive incident happened to me, after which I had to draw important conclusions. On summer vacation, my grandparents decided to go for a walk in the forest. They live in their own house, and a large river flows not far and there is a green forest. I went with them. We walked along the forest paths for a long time, it was warm, grandmother told interesting stories, and grandfather whistled beautifully. He promised that someday he would teach me how to whistle like that. Soon I said that I was tired and my grandmother took a blanket out of her backpack and spread it on the green grass. We had a picnic.

Soon my grandparents decided to lie down to rest, and I could walk not far from them. I walked along the overgrown path and looked at the trees. I didn’t notice how I had moved too far. At first I decided to call for help, but then I remembered how cartoon characters act, and I decided to find my way on my own and go back. I began to follow my footsteps. Then I realized that I was confused and began to cry. Suddenly, I heard the voice of my grandfather and shouted back. It turned out that I had not gone far at all, and our camp was behind two bushes.

After this incident, my grandmother told me that as soon as I realized that I was lost, I should shout and call for help. If I went the other way, I could go very far and get really lost. Now I know that if I lose sight of the adults again, I will stop there and call them, so as not to get lost even more.

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On the second day, right after school, we scattered around the village. The team that I was in got a grandmother who lived not far from me. I walked past her yard every day and did not know that she was alone. She seemed to have a family, because the yard is always clean and tidy. The curtains are always snow-white, a large number of flowers on the windows are constantly blooming, which means there is someone to take care of them, the gates, although old, are painted every year before Easter.

Not only I was surprised when an old grandmother opened to us, who walks with the help of two sticks. Tears appeared in her eyes when we explained why we had come, but she let us into the yard and found everyone a job. Two cleaned the house, two went to annoy a few buckets of potatoes, and I got to clean the kitchen.

Seeing how she really lives, I was upset, because while we were playing and running around the village, we could occasionally come and help lonely people. Greasy dishes have not been washed normally for a long time, because the old woman's hands are not at all the same, the dirty floor from the applied dirt after the rain the day before yesterday, towels that can no longer be washed, but only thrown away, and much more. It turned out that only a social worker helps her, who comes 2 times a week and brings food from the store.

We completed all the work in just two hours, then sat for a long time and listened to stories about the war and about the life of Tamara Fedorovna. We parted when it was already getting dark. After this trip, my friend and I began to visit this grandmother every Saturday and help her as much as we could. Unfortunately, she did not live a little by the next May 9, but we did not stop doing a good deed and took an old man living in the next street under our guardianship.
This is how one incident, one day in the flesh, turned our outlook on life and attitudes towards the elderly.

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Composition "An interesting case in my life."

When an interesting incident happened in my life, my friend and I turned 10 years old. We live in the private sector, and the houses are almost close by. Natasha and I walked side by side in a clearing where a walnut tree grew. We used to lay the bedspread under the walnut shade and play with the dolls.

The incident, which is described in the essay on the topic of an interesting incident, took place at the end of the summer. On this day, the weather was clear, but since it was going towards autumn, it often rained, the evenings became colder and were not as comfortable as before.


I agreed to meet with a friend after lunch. The weather was good and we decided to just take a walk. Walking along the street, we talked about school, classmates, parents, lessons and household chores. Suddenly Natasha stopped and asked if I could hear any sound? I answered: "No." After standing and listening, we realized that somewhere tiny kittens squeak. We stood near the dismantled house, a squeak came from the other side. We decided to stop by and take a look. Having entered, we saw three little kittens, which were not even 2 weeks old. They lay on the ground and tried in vain to move. It became clear that someone had thrown the unfortunate crumbs into the trash, and we, without hesitation, took them with us.

Our parents did not react to the kittens as happily as we would like, they were against it, because we often brought home animals from the street. But they were so small for the first time. We didn't know what to do now, but we were able to find a way out. My cat recently had kittens, and we gave them to good hands. She missed them, and we offered her to take care of the found babies. In the clearing where my friend and I were playing, we built a house where the cat and kittens lived. We kept them secret from their parents for a week. All this time they carried food and water for them. But our secret was revealed, the parents of Natasha's friend decided to take pity on the kittens and take them to their place for a while.

How the kittens settled down

When the kittens were one month old, we started looking for owners. We just walked the streets and knocked on the yards, offering to pick up the kids. Many refused. But we did not give up and were able to find owners for two kittens. We could not attach one for a long time. And aunt Zhenya, Natasha's mother, allowed him to stay with her.

At the end of the essay on the topic of an interesting case, I can say that the kitten was given the name Timofey, and now he is a happy, well-fed, fluffy cat.

Remembering this fateful day, in order to write an essay on the Russian language, I thought that everything turned out well, and the animals found their home.

Mini essay "An interesting case in my life"

An interesting incident happened once in my life. It was last summer. At this time of the year, my parents and I live in our house in the village. Not far from our house there is a not very wide, but rather deep and fast-flowing river. Very often my friends and I go fishing there or just sit on the shore and chat about something of our own.
Conversations by the river
And once, on one of these evenings, we sat with my friend Sasha on the river bank, told each other interesting stories and threw pebbles into the river. A large stone came under my arm and I did not hesitate to throw it into the water with a swing. And then huge air bubbles began to flow out from under the water.
Sasha and I immediately fell silent and began to watch what would happen next. In the place where my stone fell, something black appeared. It began to move against the current. We immediately jumped off and rushed after the stranger.
After some time, a strange object swam very close to us. We froze and something did the same. Dusk was falling on the ground, so we could not make out the black object in any way. To be honest, we got scared for a while. But soon we were able to see a funny furry face. The strange thing turned out to be a nice little beaver.
After looking at us a little, the animal disappeared from sight. And we waited a little, hoping that the animal would show itself to us again. But that never happened.
Waiting for the animal
Sasha and I came to that place many times and brought food with us to treat the beaver, but the animal never showed up.
It's incredibly interesting to watch the animals. I think that I will have this opportunity more than once.

Here is such an interesting incident in my life, I liked this topic, then there are other similar topics of essays