Other dances

What way of life reigned in the Larin family. Larins are a family: a mother and her daughters. Characteristics of Tatyana in the fourth chapter

One of the key minor characters of the work is the younger sister of the main character of Tatiana Olga Larina.

The poet presents Olga as a sweet, obedient girl who embodies femininity and grace, with blue eyes, a light smiling face, a slender figure and light curls.

The girl is distinguished by her cheerfulness, flirtatiousness, without experiencing emotional experiences, captivating with her charm the surrounding men. However, Olga's inner world is not rich in spiritual content, since the girl lives without thinking about life's problems, hiding her lack of spirituality and emptiness.

From the author's point of view, this type of women is widespread and is a reflection of the typical portrait of romantic heroines of love stories, characterized by simplicity, spontaneity, living by force of habit and not capable of any reasoning and discussion.

Olga, like all such women, usually repeat the fate of their mothers, based on the continuation of ancestral traditions and inheriting the practical experience of the older generation.

The heroine expects the same life as her mother, the criteria of which are housekeeping, raising children, caring for her husband. From early childhood Olga is ready for the role of a faithful wife and a good mother, having received the necessary upbringing for this life in the form of learning French, playing music, embroidery, housekeeping skills, so the girl does not expect any troubles and difficulties in the future.

The storyline of the novel in verse is based on the poet's creation of a love triangle between Olga, Lensky and the main character Onegin.

The young, poetically-minded soul of Lensky is passionate in love with a young beauty, but Olga, being a naive and innocent child, involuntarily becomes guilty of the death of her beloved, since she allows herself to flirt with Onegin, whom Lensky, being a decent man, is forced to challenge to a duel that became for the latter fatal.

Feeling no guilt and not long experiencing the death of her beloved Lensky, Olga meets a military officer at the ball, whom she later marries and repeats the fate of her mother, becoming a stout lady.

Using the image of Olga Larina in the work, the poet makes a bright emphasis on the individuality and sensuality of the complex character of the main character of the novel, Tatyana Larina, who is the complete opposite of her younger sister.

Essay about Olya Larina

The great poet of all eras A.S. Pushkin created several female images in his novel Eugene Onegin. Olga Larina is considered one of the main characters. The image of the girl is closely associated with the poet Lensky. Olga was Tatiana's sister. Olga's unique and cheerful disposition, cuteness set off Tatiana's quiet character and originality.

The heroine had a windy character and spent more time with Lensky. Among society, the poet was considered her fiancé. She spent more time at social events and loved to dance and have fun. Tatiana, on the contrary, was silent and preferred to spend time alone with a book in her hands. Outwardly, Olga was a beautiful girl with blue eyes, shiny and golden curls and a wonderful smile. And her voice simply mesmerized those around her.

Despite the beauty and cheerful disposition, the main character Onegin finds flaws in the girl. He characterizes her as a girl with a round face and compares her to the moon, showing her stupidity. According to Onegin and the author himself, in addition to her appearance, Olga did not have a rich inner world. The poverty of Olga's soul was based on lack of spirituality and complacency.

Among the villagers, Olga was considered a simple, playful, frivolous and carefree girl. She possessed great vitality and craved fun and celebration. Like any young girl, Olga was too susceptible to praise. Therefore, Eugene managed to quickly interest the girl.

At the ball in the Larins' house, the hero began courting Olga. The heroine began to reject the attention and feelings of the poet. After such an attitude towards himself, Lensky was inflamed with strong jealousy. He mistakenly assumed that Olga is peculiar and cunning. In fact, due to the underdevelopment and limitedness of the soul, for Olga the signs of attention were of great importance. Jealous Lensky challenged Onegin to a duel. Before the duel, looking into Olga's eyes, the poet felt remorse. Despite his true feelings, the heroine did not like the poet. The girl was not capable of deception, as well as deep feelings. The girl perceived love as a hobby and a way of self-affirmation. After the tragic death in a duel, the girl did not grieve for long and fell in love with a military man, whom she later married. In the novel, Olga's hallmark is flirtatiousness.

Option 3

One of the main heroines of the most unique work "Eugene Onegin" is Olga, whom we meet through Lensky, who has inflamed with ardent love for her.

He was delighted with her bright image, completely innocent, and therefore he liked to spend all his free time with her. In secular society, he was considered the bridegroom of a girl. And although the author shows us a portrait of Olga, filled with purity and beauty, he still does not consider her ideal. Even her appearance and character, he describes very briefly and inexpressively. Pushkin shows us the image of a written beauty without a flaw. It is Onegin who helps us understand the reason for this discrepancy. He sees in the girl's features the absence of life, which is a consequence of lack of spirituality and lack of conflict. Of course, Onegin's opinion cannot be considered from an objective point of view, because, as we see, Olga is simple and direct. She is constantly flirting, and she likes praise, like any woman, from men. That is why Onegin managed to easily capture her attention at the ball. The girl is not preoccupied with any problems, and therefore she lives for her own pleasure, fluttering like a butterfly from one object she likes to another.

Olga is kind, but spiritually poor. This is what confuses Onegin, and maybe for someone she will be a wonderful wife, but not for him and not for the author. After all, Eugene and the writer himself primarily valued a rich inner world in people, and not an ostentatious charm. Due to the fact that she is limited in spirituality, she is simply not capable of high feelings. Lensky, whom she never rejected and even agreed to marry him, simply forgets and dances all evening with Onegin. And this lack of spirituality prevents her from comprehending why her young man left the ball so early. Filled with zealous thoughts, Lensky decided to look at his beloved one last time before the duel. However, he sees that Olga is not tormented by conscience about her behavior, and she is just as cheerful and carefree. When Lensky tragically dies in a duel, we see that Olga was not particularly worried. Soon she begins to accept the courtship of one young lancer.

In the image of Olga, the author showed the type of flirtatious women who are cheerful throughout their lives and are often pretended to be. They do not have deep feelings towards them men. Their life path is carefree and frivolous. However, Olga's frivolity here most likely comes from nature. And if you add to all these qualities a superficial perception of the events and ease of judgment, you get an ordinary and popular female image, quite seductive, but not deep.

Several interesting compositions

  • Analysis of the work of Stendhal Red and Black

    Everyone can interpret the meaning of the title of the novel "Red and White" in their own way, but the main idea will be the contradiction of two different poles, for example, as a clash of personality and society

  • Comparative characteristics of Oblomov and Manilov

    In his poem, Gogol builds a canvas of landowners, who are to some extent a logical series that leads the reader along a certain path of development. On the one hand, Gogol's landowners express a series of human vices

  • Buti sprazhnyuyu people - tse proudly call for the skin of us. Ale is not deserving of a high title. Lyudin is a socialist, so you can't get away without the support. І importantly get lost in people in whatever surroundings, that in whatever

  • Numbers in the novel Crime and Punishment of Dostoevsky (symbolism of numbers) composition

    Throughout the story, this psychologically complex work is intertwined with the mystical meaning of numbers. And throughout the entire novel, a number of numbers are remembered by ear, which the author uses in his story.

  • Themes and motives of Lermontov's lyrics

    The world of Lermontov's lyrics is no less complex and contradictory than Pushkin's. Each poem requires close attention and study, both in itself and in a number of others close on the topic.

3. Characteristics of the Larins family in the novel "Eugene Onegin".

3.1 Mother and Daughters

The Larin family is a provincial local nobility. They live the same way as their neighbors. With irony, Pushkin tells about the "peaceful life" of the Larins, faithful to the "habits of dear old days." Larin himself “was a good fellow, belated in the last century”; he did not read books, entrusted the household to his wife, "and he himself ate and drank in his dressing gown" and "died at one o'clock before dinner."

Pushkin tells us about the formation of the characters of three representatives of the Larin family: mother and daughters - Olga and Tatiana. Larina in her youth was fond of, like her daughter Tatyana, the novels of Richardson, Russo. Before Tatyana, these novels opened up a wonderful world with extraordinary heroes performing decisive actions. Following the example of Julia, the heroine of Russo's novel "New Eloise", Tatiana, violating all the prohibitions, is the first to confess her love to Onegin. The novels developed in her an independent character, imagination. They helped her to realize the vulgar noble world of the Pustyakovs, Skotinins, Buyanovs.

Her mother, reading these same novels in her youth, paid tribute to fashion, as her Moscow cousin "often told her about them." They left no trace in her heart. Hence the different behavior in the same life situations. Older Larina in her youth "sighed for something else", but got married at the insistence of her parents, worried a little, and then, obeying the will of her husband, left for the village, where she took up the economy, "got used to it and became satisfied." Tatyana wants to love, but love a person who is close to her in spirit, who will understand her. She dreams of a person who would bring high content into her life, who would be similar to the heroes of her favorite novels. And it seemed to her that she found such a person in Onegin. She survived the tragedy of abandoning her, "Onegin's confession", but she also experienced true love, real feelings that enriched her.

Pushkin, talking about his "sweet" Tatiana, constantly emphasizes her closeness to the people. She grew up and was brought up in the village:

Larina's landlords

Kept in a peaceful life

The habits of a sweet old man ...

Loved the round swing

Songs, round dance are subservient.

The atmosphere of Russian customs and folk traditions surrounding Tatyana was a fertile soil on which the love of a noble girl for the people grew and grew stronger. There is no abyss between Tatyana and the people.

She sharply differs in her moral character, spiritual interests from girls of the noble milieu, like her sister Olga. Tatiana is full of sincerity and purity in her feelings. Mannered cunning, coquetry are alien to Tatiana. But that was in the nature of the young ladies. After all, Tatyana's mother in the past fully responded to the behavior of her peers. Just like them, she wrote in blood:

In the albums of gentle maidens,

Called Polina Praskovya

And she spoke in a singsong voice.

But time passed, everything superficial flew away, the landowner remained, who:

Began to call

Akulka the former Selina,

And finally updated

On cotton wool dressing gown and cap.

Over the years, she has become a typical representative of her circle. She forgot everything, serf manners reign in her memory. Equally familiar is the way she “salted mushrooms for the winter” and “went to the bathhouse on Saturdays”, and the fact that she “shaved her foreheads” and “beat the maids, being angry”.

Not that Tatiana. Its attitude towards life, towards its values ​​does not change, but develops. Having become a secular lady, a princess, living in luxury, she still loves her world:

Now I'm glad to give

All this rags of masquerade

All this shine and noise and fumes

For a shelf of books, for a wild garden,

For our poor home.

The complete opposite of Tatiana is her younger sister. In Olga there is a lot of cheerfulness, playfulness, life is in full swing. She is always "with a light smile on her lips," her "sonorous voice" is heard everywhere. But she does not have that originality and depth that is in Tatiana. Her spiritual world is poor. “Always modest, always obedient”, she does not think deeply about life, she follows the rules accepted in society. She cannot understand Tatiana, she is not alarmed by Lensky's behavior and mood before the duel. Everything that leaves a deep mark on Tatyana's character passes by Olga. Tatiana loves "not jokingly", "seriously", for life.

Nowhere, in anything she has no joy,

And finds no relief

She has suppressed tears.

And the heart breaks in half.

How different the suffering Tatiana is to the windy Olga, who, having wept over Lenskoye, soon became carried away by the ulan, and got married, "repeating her mother, with minor changes."
3.2 Olga

That impromptu portrait of Olga, which Pushkin cites in the second chapter of Onegin, seems to be a characteristic of an absolutely uninteresting girl - a completely “passable” character introduced with a purely “plot” purpose: through Lensky and Olga, the narrative thread reaches for a truly extraordinary female character - Tatiana ... As if there is nothing to say about Olga:

Always fun as morning

How can the poet's knowledge be ingenuous,

Like a kiss of love is sweet,

Eyes like the sky are blue

Smile, linen curls,

Everything in Olga ... but any novel

Take it and find it right

Her portrait: he is very sweet,

I used to love him myself,

But he bothered me immensely ...

Before us is the traditional look of the "Russian beauty", which fully corresponds to the sentimental-romantic template. N.L. Brodsky draws attention to the fact that Pushkin here focuses precisely on Olga's “appearance”, which he conveys with “too general details, devoid of individualization”: “Poor internal content, Olga's portrait did not require in-depth disclosure”

And it seems quite fair remark of Onegin, who wonders why his friend chose the “lesser” of the two sisters:

- And what? - “I would choose another,
When I was like you, a poet.
Olga has no life in her features.
Just like in Vandikova Madona:
She is round, red in face,
Like that stupid moon
In this stupid sky. "

3.3 Tatiana.

Tatiana, Pushkin's favorite heroine, carries the stamp of nationality to the end. The novel "Eugene Onegin" was for Pushkin the fruit of "the mind of cold observations and the heart of sorrowful remarks."

The image of Tatyana Larina in the novel is all the more significant because it expresses the lofty ideals of Pushkin himself. Starting from Chapter III, Tatiana, along with Onegin, becomes the main character in the events. In the summer of 1820, Tatyana was 17 years old, which means she was born in 1803

The author tells about her childhood, about the nature around her, about her upbringing. Her life in the countryside, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, her letter to Onegin, her dreams and deeds - all attract the attention of the author. Tatiana grew up and was brought up in the village. The atmosphere of Russian customs and folk traditions was a fertile soil on which the love of a noble girl for the people grew and grew stronger.

She is very close to her nanny, who very much reminds us of Pushkin's nanny, Arina Rodionovna. "Russian soul", according to the poet's description, Tatiana loves "the darkness of Epiphany evenings", believes in "the tradition of the common people of antiquity, and dreams, and card fortune-telling, and predictions of the moon." Tatiana thinks about the "villagers", helps the poor. All this attracts the author himself to Tatiana. The dreamy and impressionable girl is fascinated by the novels of Richardson and Russo. Reading books awakens Tatyana's thought, books open before her an unfamiliar and rich world, develop her imagination. She differed from the local young ladies in the depth of her thoughts and feelings, and therefore was alien to them. “I am here alone, no one understands me,” she writes to Onegin. But, despite her fascination with foreign literature, Tatiana, unlike Onegin and Lensky, has always been associated with everything Russian, native. There is no cunningness, sly coquetry, sentimental sensuality of the heroines of the books in it. She is full of sincerity and purity in her feelings.

The fate of Tatiana is no less tragic than the fate of Onegin. But her tragedy is different. Life broke, distorted Onegin's character, turned him into “clever uselessness,” according to Herzen's definition. Tatiana's character has not changed, although life brought her only suffering.

Pushkin admits that Tatyana is his ideal of a Russian woman, that in her he expressed his attitude to secular and country life. In her, according to the poet, the best qualities of the Russian character are harmoniously combined.

And if he mockingly tells us about the fate of Olga, who repeated the fate of her mother, then Tatyana, this "Russian soul" girl, whose moral rules are firm and constant, is his "sweet ideal."

4. "A dear ideal to the heart."

4.1. The attitude of Pushkin to his heroine (Tatiana).

Tatiana's sweet ideal ...

From this one line, one can understand Pushkin's attitude to Tatyana, he was attached and sincerely adored this image, created by him.

Tatiana's letter is before me;

I sacredly shore him,

It is remarkable how the poet tries to justify Tatiana for her determination to write and send this letter: it is clear that the poet knew too well the society for which he wrote ...

I knew beauties inaccessible

Cold, clean as winter

Relentless, incorruptible,

Incomprehensible to the mind;

I marveled at their fashionable arrogance,

Their virtues are natural.

And, I confess, I fled from them,

And, I think, I read with horror

Above their eyebrows the inscription hell:

Give up hope forever.

To instill love for them is a misfortune,

It is a joy for them to scare people.

Perhaps on the gaps of the Neva

You have seen such ladies.
Among the fans of the obedient

I've seen other freaks

Proudly indifferent

For sighs of passion and praise.

And what did I find with amazement?

They, by their harsh behavior

Scaring timid love

They knew how to attract her again

At least regret

At least the sound of speeches

Sometimes seemed more tender

And with gullible blinding

Young lover again

Runs for sweet vanity.
Why is Tatyana more guilty?

For the fact that in sweet simplicity

She knows no deception

And believes the chosen dream?

For the fact that he loves without art,

Obedient to the attraction of feeling,

That she is so trusting

What is gifted from heaven

Rebellious imagination,

Alive with mind and will

And a wayward head

And with a fiery and tender heart?

Do not forgive her

Are you frivolous passions?
The coquette judges in cold blood;

Tatiana loves not jokingly

And surrenders unconditionally

Love is like a sweet child.

She does not say: put off -

We will multiply the price of love,

Rather, we will start on the network;

First, vanity stab

Hope, perplexity there

We'll torture the heart, and then

Let us revive with jealous fire;

And then, bored with pleasure,

The cunning slave of the shackles

Ready for the hour.

4.2 Characteristics of Tatiana in the fourth chapter.

Tatiana suddenly decides to write to Onegin: a naive and noble impulse; but its source is not consciousness, but unconsciousness: the poor girl did not know what she was doing. Later, when she became a noble lady, the possibility of such naively magnanimous movements of the heart completely disappeared for her ... We think in him to see the highest example of a frank female heart. The poet himself, it seems, without any irony, without any irony, without any ulterior motive, wrote and read this letter. But since then a lot of water has flowed under the bridge ... Tatyana's letter is fine even now, although it already echoes a little with some kind of childishness, something “romantic”. It could not be otherwise: my language of passions was so new and inaccessible to the morally unrepentant Tatyana: she would not have been able to understand or express her own feelings if she had not resorted to the help of the impressions left in her memory by bad and good novels, to no avail and indiscriminately read by her ... The beginning of the letter is excellent: it is imbued with a simple sincere feeling; in it Tatiana is herself:

I am writing to you - what more?

What else can I say?

Now, I know, in your will

Punish me with contempt.

But you, to my unfortunate lot

Keeping a drop of pity

You will not leave me.

At first I wanted to be silent;

Trust me: my shame

You would never know

If I had hope

Though rarely, even once a week

To see you in our village,

Just to hear your speeches

You have a word to say, and then

Think about everything, think about one thing

And day and night until we meet again.

But they say you are unsociable;

In the wilderness, in the village, everything is boring for you,

And we ... we do not shine with anything,

Though you are welcomed innocently.
Why did you visit us?

In the wilderness of a forgotten village,

I never knew you

I would not know the bitter torment.

Souls of inexperienced excitement

Humbled over time (who knows?),

I would find a friend after my heart

There would be a faithful spouse

And a virtuous mother.

The verses at the end of the letter are also beautiful:

………… My destiny

From now on I give you

I shed tears in front of you,

I beg your protection ...

Imagine: I'm here alone

Nobody understands me;

My mind is exhausted,

And I must die in silence.

Everything in Tatiana's letter is true, but not everything is simple: we give only what is true and simple together. The combination of simplicity with truth is the highest beauty and feelings and deeds, and expression ....

4.3 Characteristics of Tatiana in the eighth chapter.

She finally understood that there are interests for a person, there are suffering and sorrow, besides the interest of suffering and the sorrow of love. But did she understand what exactly these other interests and sufferings were, and, if she did, did it serve her to alleviate her own suffering? Of course, I understood, but only with my mind, with my head, because there are ideas that must be experienced both in soul and body in order to understand them completely, and which cannot be studied in a book. And therefore, the book acquaintance with this new world of sorrows, if it was a revelation for Tatiana, this revelation made a heavy, joyless and fruitless impression on her; it frightened her, terrified her and made her look at passions as the death of life, convinced her of the need to submit to reality as it is, and if you live the life of your heart, then to yourself, in the depths of your soul, in the silence of solitude, in the darkness of the night, dedicated to longing and sobbing. Visits to Onegin's house and reading his books prepared Tatiana for the transformation from a country girl into a society lady, which surprised and amazed Onegin so much.

………………… .In one meeting

He's on his way; just entered ... he

She's out for a meeting. How harsh!

He does not see him, there are no words with him;

Uh! How surrounded

Epiphany cold she!

How to contain resentment

Stubborn lips want!

Onegin fixed his sharp eyes:

Where, where is confusion, compassion?

Where are the stains of tears? .. They are not, they are not!

There is only a trace of anger on this face ...
Yes, maybe a fear of a secret,

So that the husband or the light does not guess

Accidental leprosy of weakness ...

All that my Onegin knew ...

Now let's move on to Tatiana's explanation with Onegin. In this Explanation, Tatiana's whole being was fully expressed. This explanation expressed everything that constitutes the essence of a Russian woman with a deep nature, developed by society - everything: both ardent passion, and the sincerity of a simple, sincere feeling, and the purity and holiness of naive movements of a noble nature, and reasoning and offended vanity, and vanity by virtue , under which the slavish fear of public opinion is disguised, and the cunning syllogisms of the mind that paralyzed the generous movements of the heart with the secular morality ...

Onegin, do you remember that hour

When in the garden, in the alley of us

Fate brought me together, and so humbly

Have I heard your lesson?

Today is my turn.
Onegin, then I'm younger

I think I was better

And I loved you; and what?

What have I found in your heart?

What answer? One severity.

Isn't that so? It was nothing new to you

Humble girl love?

And now - God! - blood runs cold,

As soon as I remember the cold look

And this sermon ...

Indeed, Onegin was to blame before Tatiana for not loving her. then how she was younger and better and loved him! Indeed, for love, only what is needed is youth, beauty and reciprocity! Here are the concepts borrowed from bad sentimental novels. ” And yet, in Tatyana's opinion, she was more capable of inspiring love then than now, because then she was younger and better! .. How can a Russian woman be seen in this view of things! And this reproach, that then she found only severity on the part of Onegin? "You were not new to a humble girl's love" Yes, this is a criminal offense - not to make love more expensive. But this reproach is followed immediately by an excuse:

……………… .But you

I don't blame: in that terrible hour

You acted nobly

You were right before me:

I am grateful with all my heart ...

The main idea of ​​Tatiana's reproaches is the conviction that Onegin only did not love her then, that this was not for him the charm of temptation; and now a thirst for scandalous glory leads to her feet ... In all this, fear for her virtue breaks through ...

Then - isn't it? - in desert,

Far from vain rumor,

You didn't like me ... well now

Are you following me?

Why do you have me in mind?

Is it not because in high society

Now I must appear;

That I am rich and noble;

That the husband was mutilated in battles;

Why does the courtyard caress us?

Is it not because my shame

Now everyone would be noticed

And I could bring in society

Are you a seductive honor?
I cry ... if your Tanya

You have not forgotten so far,

Then you should know: the sharpness of your abuse,

Cold, stern conversation

If only I had power

I would prefer offensive passion

And these letters and tears.

To my infant dreams

Then did you have any pity,

Although respect for the years ...

And now! - what's at my feet

Has it brought you? What a little!

As with your heart and mind

Be the feelings of a petty slave!

In these verses, one can hear awe for one's good name in the big world, and in the following, then indisputable proofs of the deepest contempt for the big world are presented ... What a contradiction! And the saddest thing is that both are true in Tatiana ...

And to me, Onegin, this splendor,

Tinsel of hateful life,

My successes in the life of light,

My fashion house and evenings

What's in them? Now I'm glad to give

All this rags of masquerade

All this shine and noise and fumes

For a shelf of books, for a wild garden,

For our poor home

For those places where for the first time

Onegin, I saw you,

Yes for a humble cemetery,

Where today is the cross and the shadow of the branches

Over my poor nanny ...

We repeat: these words are just as unfeigned and sincere as the ones that preceded them, Tatyana does not like light and would consider it happiness to leave it for the village forever; but as long as she is in the light, his opinion will always be her idol, and the fear of his judgment will always be her virtue ...
And happiness was so possible

So close! .. But my fate

Already decided. Carelessly

Perhaps I did:

Me with tears of spells

Mother begged; for poor Tanya

All the lots were equal ...

I got married. You should,

I ask you to leave me;

I know there is in your heart

And pride and outright honor.

I love you(why dissemble?),

But I'm given to another,

I will be faithful to him forever.

The last verses are amazing - truly the end crowns the deal! This answer could be used as an example of the classic "high". This is the true pride of female virtue! But I'm different given away, - exactly given away, but not gave herself up! Eternal loyalty - to whom and in what? Fidelity to such relationships, which constitute a profanation of feelings and purity of femininity, because some relationships that are not illuminated by love are extremely immoral ... But we somehow all stick together: poetry - and life, love - and marriage of convenience, life by heart - and strict fulfillment of external duties, internally violated hourly ... The life of a woman is mainly concentrated in the life of the heart; to love is for her to live, and to sacrifice is to love. For this role, nature created Tatiana; but society re-created her ... Tatiana involuntarily reminded us of Vera in the "Hero of Our Time", a woman weak in feeling, always inferior to him, and beautiful, high in her weakness. True, a woman acts immorally, suddenly belonging to two men, loving one and deceiving the other: there can be no dispute against this truth; but in Faith this sin is redeemed by suffering from the consciousness of its unhappy role. And how could she act decisively in relation to her husband, when she saw that the one to whom she sacrificed all of herself did not belong to her completely and, loving her, still would not want to merge his existence with her? A weak woman, she felt herself under the influence of the fatal power of this man with a demonic nature and could not resist him. Tatiana is taller than her in nature and character, not to mention the huge difference in the artistic depiction of these two female faces: Tatiana is a full-length portrait; Faith is nothing more than a silhouette. And, despite the fact that Vera is more of a woman ... but on the other hand, she is more of an exception, while Tatyana is a type of Russian woman ... Enthusiastic idealists demand from an extraordinary woman contempt for public opinion. This is a lie: a woman cannot despise public opinion, but she can sacrifice it modestly, without phrases, without self-praise, realizing the greatness of her victim, all the burden of the curse that she takes upon herself, obeying another higher law - the law of her nature, and her nature - love and selflessness ...


1. Belinsky V. G. Works by Alexander Pushkin / Notes. K. I. Tyunkina. - M .: Sov. Russia, 1984.-96s.

2. Literature: 9th grade: Textbook for general education. L64 institutions / Auth.-comp. V.Ya. Korovin and others - 7th ed. - M .: Education, 2001 .-- 463 p.

3. A.S. Pushkin. Collected works in ten volumes. Volume 4. - Publ .: Pravda. 1981

4. Lotman Yu. M. Roman A. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". Commentary: A teacher's guide. - L .: Education, 1983 .-- 416 p.

5. Internet resources:

1) http://pushkin.biography.ru/

2) http://pushkin.literatyra.ru/

Portrait of Olga.

Always modest, always obedient,

Always fun as morning

How can the poet's knowledge be ingenuous,

Like a kiss of love is sweet,

Eyes like the sky are blue

Smile, linen curls,

And the whole Larins family. Olga is Lensky's bride, so getting to know the whole Larins family looks natural. The Larins are middle-class landowners. With the light hand of Pushkin, the picture of the village life of the family, its patriarchal way of life, comes to life in front of the reader's eyes. The life of the landowner is conveyed in one stanza, and under the pen of Alexander Sergeevich, one stanza was enough to do this in a fairly complete form. This becomes possible due to the fact that the author selects all the details strictly deliberately.

The picture of the Larins family is somewhat ironic, but in general one can feel the author's sympathy for this family, in which he is attracted by the absence of falsehood in it, simplicity in relations, patriarchy and a pronounced connection with national traditions. Even the head of the family, Mrs. Larina, despite the predilection for everything foreign inherent in the nobles of the era depicted, does not go further than the use of French names instead of Russians in this predilection. Unlike the capital and Moscow, here in the countryside, the chasm between the secular society and the people is not felt so strongly.

Although, talking about the Larins family, the poet somewhat obscured the unsightly aspects of the life of the landlord's estate, but in the image of the Larins' guests he gave a description of the landowners who came to visit so deadly in its strength and expressiveness that the laziness, stupidity, idleness and inner emptiness that characterize them cannot be called otherwise. as a manifestation of satire.

Olga's portrait turned out to be extremely clear. As for Tatyana, from the very first lines you understand that she is a wonderful person and no less significant than the hero whose name the novel is named after.

From childhood, Tatiana's features stood out for their originality. The windy games of Olga's sister and her friends never attracted Tatyana. It's a strange thing, because both of Larina's sisters were influenced by the same environment. So why is there such a dramatic difference between the two? The fact is that the environment itself is distinguished by its heterogeneity, and sometimes it activates opposition from the emerging personality. On the example of Onegin, this opposition manifests itself in friendship with Chaadaev, Pushkin and Kaverin, and later in the denial of this very environment that brought him up. Something similar is happening with Tatiana, for whom the environment of the family and local nobles is already alien, and, by her own admission to Onegin, no one here understands her and loneliness weighs on her.

So, Pushkin introduced his reader to all the characters, and it became clear that the main characters would be Onegin and Tatiana.

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The image of Tatyana Larina from the novel by A.S. Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin" is one of those that evoke a feeling of admiration and pity at the same time. Her life path once again makes one think that a person's happiness depends not only on the honesty of his actions and sincerity of intentions, but also on the actions of other people.

The Larin family

Tatiana Larina is an aristocrat by birth. Her family lives in the rural outback, rarely leaving it, so all the girl's communication is based on communication with the closest relatives, the nanny, who is actually equated with family members and neighbors.

At the time of the narration, Tatyana's family is incomplete - her father died, and his mother took over his responsibilities in managing the estate.

But in the old days, everything was different - the Larin family consisted of Dmitry Larin, a foreman in his position, his wife Polina (Praskovya) and two children - girls, the older Tatyana and the younger Olga.

Polina, married Larina (her maiden name is not mentioned by Pushkin), was forcibly married to Dmitry Larin. For a long time, the relationship burdened the young girl, but thanks to her husband's calm disposition and good attitude towards her person, Polina was able to discern in her husband a good and decent person, become attached to him and even, subsequently, fall in love. Pushkin does not go into the details of the description of their family life, but it is likely that the spouses' tender attitude towards each other continued until old age. Being already at a respectable age (the author does not name the exact date), Dmitry Larin dies, and Polina Larina, his wife, takes over the functions of the head of the family.

Tatiana Larina's appearance

Nothing is known about Tatiana's childhood and appearance at that time. An adult girl of marriageable age appears before the reader in the novel. Tatyana Larina was not distinguished by traditional beauty - she was not much like girls capturing the hearts of young aristocrats at dinner parties or balls: Tatyana has dark hair and pale skin, her face is devoid of blush, it seems somehow completely colorless. Her figure also does not differ in the sophistication of forms - she is too thin. The gloomy appearance complements the look full of sadness and longing. Against the background of her blonde and ruddy sister, Tatyana looks extremely unattractive, but still she cannot be called ugly. She has a special beauty, different from the generally accepted canons.

Tatyana's favorite activities

The unusual appearance of Tatyana Larina does not end there. Larina also had non-standard ways of spending her leisure time. While the bulk of the girls indulged in needlework at their leisure, Tatyana, on the contrary, tried to avoid needlework and everything that was associated with it - she did not like to embroider, the girl was bored at work. Tatyana loved to spend her free time in the company of books or in the company of her nanny, Filipyevna, which in their content were practically equivalent actions. Her nanny, despite the fact that she was a peasant by birth, was considered a member of the family and lived with the Larins even after the girls grew up and her services as a nanny were no longer in demand. The woman knew many different mystical stories and gladly retold them to the curious Tatiana.

In addition, Larina often loved to spend time reading books - mainly the works of authors such as Richardson, Rousseau, Sophie Marie Cotten, Julia Krudener, Madame de Stael and Goethe. In most cases, the girl gave preference to books of romantic content, rather than philosophical works, although they were contained in the literary heritage of the author, as, for example, in the case of Rousseau or Goethe. Tatyana liked to fantasize - in her dreams she was transferred to the pages of the novel she had read and acted in her dreams in the guise of one of the heroines (as a rule, the main one). However, none of the romance novels were Tatyana's favorite books.

Dear Readers! We suggest that you familiarize yourself with which Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin wrote.

The girl was ready to wake up and fall asleep only with Martin Zadeki's dream book. Larina was a very superstitious girl, she was interested in everything unusual and mystical, attached great importance to dreams and believed that dreams do not just dream, but contain a certain message, the meaning of which the dream book helped her to decipher.

In addition, the girl could spend hours looking out the window. It is difficult to say at this moment she was watching what was happening outside the window or indulging in dreams.

Tatiana and Olga

Larina's sisters were significantly different from each other, and this applied not only to the external. As we learn from the novel, Olga was a frivolous girl, she liked to be in the spotlight, she flirts with young people with pleasure, although she already has a fiancé. Olga is a cheerful giggle with classical beauty, according to the canons of high society. Despite such a significant difference, there is no enmity or envy between the girls. Affection and friendship was firmly established between the sisters. The girls enjoy spending time together, they guess on Christmastide. Tatiana does not condemn the behavior of her younger sister, but she also does not encourage it. It is likely that she acts according to the principle: I act as I see fit, and my sister as she wants. This does not mean that some of us are right, and someone is wrong - we are different with her and act in different ways - there is nothing wrong with that.

Personality characteristic

At first glance, it seems that Tatiana Larina is Childe Harold in a female form, she is just as dull and sad, but in fact there is a significant difference between her and the hero of Byron's poem - Childe Harold is dissatisfied with the arrangement of the world and society, he is bored because, that he cannot find something to do that would interest him. Tatyana is bored, because her reality is different from the reality of her favorite novels. She wants to experience something that literary heroes have experienced, but there is no reason for such events to be foreseen.

In society, Tatyana was mostly silent and sad. She was not like most young people who enjoyed communicating with each other, flirting.

Tatiana is a dreamy nature, she is ready to spend hours in the world of dreams and dreams.

Tatyana Larina has read a lot of women's novels and has adopted the main character traits and elements of behavior of the main characters, so she is full of novelistic "perfections".

The girl has a calm disposition, she tries to restrain her true feelings and emotions, replacing them with indifferent decency, over time Tatiana learned to do this masterfully.

A girl rarely indulges in self-education - she spends her free time in entertainment or simply while away the hours, wasting time aimlessly. The girl, like all aristocrats of that time, knows foreign languages ​​well and does not know Russian. This state of affairs does not bother her, because in the circles of the aristocracy it was commonplace.

Tatyana lived in solitude for a long time, her social circle was limited by relatives and neighbors, so she is too naive and too open a girl, it seems to her that the whole world should be like that, so when faced with Onegin, she understands how deeply she was mistaken.

Tatiana and Onegin

Soon, Tatyana has the opportunity to fulfill her dream - to transfer one of her women's novels from the plane of the dream world to reality - they have a new neighbor - Eugene Onegin. It is not surprising that Onegin, possessing natural charm and charm, could not fail to attract Tatiana's attention. Soon Larina falls in love with a young neighbor. She is overwhelmed with hitherto unknown feelings of love, different from the one she felt in relation to her family and friends. Under the pressure of emotions, a young girl decides on an unthinkable act - to confess her feelings to Onegin. In this episode, it seems that the girl's love is invented and caused by a secluded lifestyle and the influence of romance novels. Onegin was so different from all the people around Tatyana that it seems not surprising that he became the hero of her novel. Tatyana turns to her books for help - she cannot entrust the secret of her love to anyone and decides to solve the situation on her own. The influence of romance novels on the development of their relationship is clearly visible in the letter, this is evidenced by the very fact that Tatyana decided to write this letter as a whole.

At that time, such behavior on the part of the girl was indecent and, if her act was made public, it could become disastrous for her future life. What can not be said about the fair sex at the same time living in Europe - for them it was a common occurrence and did not imply something shameful. Since the novels usually read by Tatyana belonged to the pen of European masters of the word, the thought of the possibility of writing a letter first was permissible and only intensified under Onegin's indifference and strong feelings.

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In her letter, Tatiana identifies only two ways of developing their relationship with Onegin. Both paths are inherently cardinal and are clearly opposed to each other, because they contain only polar manifestations, avoiding intermediate ones. In her vision, Onegin had to either provide her with a family idyll, or act as a tempter.

There are no other options for Tatiana. However, the pragmatic and, moreover, not in love with Tatyana Onegin lowers the girl from heaven to earth. In Tatyana's life, this was the first serious lesson that influenced her further formation of personality and character.

Eugene does not talk about Tatyana's letter, he understands all its destructive power and does not intend to bring even more grief into the girl's life. At that time, Tatyana was not guided by common sense - she was covered with a wave of emotions that the girl could not, due to her inexperience and naivety, cope with. Despite the disappointment and unsightly reality that Onegin revealed to her, Tatyana's feelings did not run out.

The Yule dream and its symbolism

Tatiana's winter was her favorite season. Perhaps because it was at this time that the Christmas week fell, in which the girls were guessing. Naturally, the superstitious, mystic-loving Tatiana does not miss the opportunity to find out her future. One of the important elements in the girl's life is the Yule Dream, which, according to legend, was prophetic.

In a dream, Tatiana sees what worries her the most - Onegin. However, a dream does not bode well for her. At first, the dream does not bode well - Tatiana walks through a snowy meadow. On her way she meets a stream, which the girl needs to overcome.

An unexpected helper - a bear - helps her to cope with this obstacle, but the girl feels neither joy nor gratitude - she is overwhelmed with fear, which intensifies, as the beast continues to follow the girl. An attempt to escape also does not lead to anything - Tatiana falls into the snow, and the bear overtakes her. Despite Tatyana's foreboding, nothing terrible happens - the bear picks her up and carries her on. Soon they find themselves in front of the hut - here a terrible beast leaves Tatiana, telling her that the girl can warm up here - his relative lives in this hut. Larina enters the vestibule, but is in no hurry to enter the rooms - the noise of fun and feast is heard outside the door.

A curious girl tries to spy on - Onegin turns out to be the owner of the hut. The startled girl freezes, and Eugene notices her - he opens the door and all the guests see her.

It is worth noting that the guests of his feast are not like ordinary people - they are some kind of freaks and monsters. However, this is not what scares the girl most of all - laughter, in relation to her person, worries her more. However, Onegin interrupts him and seats the girl at the table, driving all the guests away. After some time, Lensky and Olga appear in the hut, which displeases Onegin. Eugene kills Lensky. At this, Tatyana's dream ends.

Tatiana's dream is inherently an allusion to several works. First of all, on the fairy tale of A.S. Pushkin's "The Groom", which is an expanded "dream of Tatiana." Also Tatyana's dream is a reference to the work of Zhukovsky "Svetlana". Tatiana Pushkina and Svetlana Zhukovsky contain related traits, but their dreams are significantly different. In Zhukovsky's case, this is just an illusion; in Pushkin's case, it is a prediction of the future. Tatyana's dream really turns out to be prophetic, soon she really finds herself on a wobbly bridge and a certain person who looks like a bear in his appearance, and a relative of Onegin, helps her to overcome it. And her lover turns out to be not the ideal person whom Tatyana portrayed in her dreams, but a real demon. He, in reality, becomes the killer of Lensky, shooting him in a duel.

Life after Onegin's departure

The duel of Onegin and Lensky, in essence, occurred because of the most insignificant things - at the celebration of Tatyana's birthday, Onegin was too kind to Olga, which caused a fit of jealousy in Lensky, the reason for which was the duel, which did not end well - Lensky died on location. This event left a sad imprint on the life of all the characters in the novel - Olga lost her fiancé (their wedding was supposed to take place two weeks after Tatyana's name day), however, the girl was not too worried about Lensky's death and soon married another person. The blues and depression of Onegin increased significantly, he was aware of the severity and consequences of his act, being in his estate was already unbearable for him and therefore he went on a journey. However, the death of Lensky made the greatest impact on Tatiana. Despite the fact that nothing connected her with Lensky except companionship, and her position and views were only partially similar, Tatyana had a hard time going through the death of Vladimir, which in its essence became the second significant lesson in her life.

Another unattractive side of Onegin's personality is revealed, but disappointment does not occur, Larina's feelings towards Onegin are still strong.

After Evgeny's departure, the girl's sadness increases significantly, she is looking for solitude more than usual. From time to time Tatiana comes to Onegin's empty house and reads books in the library with the permission of the servants. Onegin's books are not like her favorites - the basis of Onegin's library is Byron. After reading these books, the girl begins to better understand the characteristics of Eugene's character, because he is inherently similar to the main characters of Byron.

Tatyana's marriage

Tatiana's life could not continue to proceed in the same direction. The changes in her life were predictable - she was an adult, and she had to be married off, because otherwise Tatyana had every chance of remaining in the old maidens.

Since no suitable candidates are expected in the vicinity, Tatyana has only one chance - to go to Moscow for a brides fair. Together with her mother, Tatiana comes to the city.

They stay with Alina's aunt. A relative has been suffering from consumption for the fourth year already, but the illness did not prevent her from welcoming visiting relatives. Tatiana herself is unlikely to accept such an event in her life with joy, but, despite the need for marriage, she puts up with her fate. Her mother does not see anything wrong in the fact that her daughter will not be married for love, because at one time she was treated the same way, and this did not become a tragedy in her life, and after a while even allowed her to become a happy mother and wife ...

The trip was not useless for Tatiana: a certain general liked it (his name is not mentioned in the text). Soon the wedding took place. Little is known about the personality of Tatyana's husband: he took part in military events and is essentially a military general. This state of affairs contributed to the question of his age - on the one hand, obtaining such a rank took a lot of time, so the general could already be at a decent age. On the other hand, personal participation in hostilities made it possible for him to move up the career ladder much faster.

Tatiana does not love her husband, but does not protest against marriage. Nothing is known about her family life, moreover, this situation is aggravated by Tatyana's restraint - the girl learned to restrain her emotions and feelings, she did not become a cutesy aristocrat, but she also confidently moved away from the image of a naive country girl.

Meeting with Eugene Onegin

In the end, fate played a cruel joke on the girl - she again meets her first love - Eugene Onegin. The young man returned from a trip and decided to pay a visit to his relative, a certain general N. In his house he meets Larina, she turns out to be the general's wife.

Onegin was amazed at the meeting with Tatyana and her changes - she no longer looked like that girl overflowing with youthful maximalism. Tatiana became wise and balanced. Onegin realizes that all this time he loved Larina. This time he changed the role with Tatiana, but now the situation is complicated by the girl's marriage. Onegin is faced with a choice: suppress his feelings or make them public. Soon, the young man decides to explain himself to the girl in the hope that she has not yet lost her feelings for him. He writes a letter to Tatiana, but, despite all Onegin's expectations, there is no answer. Eugene was seized by even greater excitement - the unknown and indifference only more provoked and agitated him. In the end, Eugene decides to come to the woman and explain himself. He finds Tatiana alone - she looked so much like the girl he met two years ago in the village. Touched Tatyana admits that she still loves Eugene, but now she cannot be with him - she is tied by the knot, and to be a dishonest wife against her principles.

Thus, Tatiana Larina has the most attractive character traits. The best features are embodied in it. During her youth, Tatiana, like all young people, is not endowed with wisdom and restraint. In view of her inexperience, she makes some mistakes in behavior, but she does this not because she is poorly brought up or depraved, but because she has not yet learned to be guided by her mind and emotions. She is too impulsive, although generally a pious and noble girl.