
Kuindzhi. Composition based on the painting "Birch Grove" by A.I. Kuindzhi Kuindzhi's mission in Russian art

The next exhibition - already the seventh in a row - of itinerant artists promised, as always, a lot of new products and unexpected artistic solutions. The audience was impatiently awaiting not only the works of already recognized masters, but also the appearance of new names working in the style of realism. The real highlight of this exhibition was Kuindzhi's painting "Birch Grove".

The biography of the remarkable artist Arkhip Kuindzhi is an excellent example for those who, despite all the difficulties and obstacles, are firmly moving towards their goal. With all his works, the master strove to justify his surname, which in translation from Greek means “goldsmith”. Only on the third attempt, having entered the Academy of Arts, he brought a lot of new things into the compositional construction of the landscape, into giving the paintings brightness and sophistication. An excellent example of all this is Kuindzhi's work "Birch Grove".

A native of Mariupol was far from the first who took up the image of the unspoken symbol of Russia, but he managed to find such means that made the picture truly spiritualized.

Kuindzhi's Birch Grove, whose history can be found in almost any major art reference book, is an example of the style known as romantic landscape. This style is characterized by a masterful use of light and shadow, combined with an open composition.

In particular, in Kuindzhi's painting "Birch Grove" the necessary effect is given by the image of light green birch branches against the background of a dark green thicket of the forest. Through the use of this technique, festivity and brightness of the image are achieved. The sharply emphasized contrast between sunlight and shadow creates a joyful, uplifting mood in the viewer. In terms of composition, a stream plays the most important role, which divides the canvas into two parts, it gives the picture liveliness, sets the rhythm, and encourages life and creativity.

Almost all critics and art historians agree that in Kuindzhi's painting "Birch Grove" the author managed to add significance and brightness to a landscape that is quite ordinary for our country. This is achieved due to the combination of richness of colors, bold construction of the compositional space, as well as due to the filigree technique of transition from one color scheme to another. Like no one else, Kuindzhi knew how to show light, even without the sun's rays.

Various small details give liveliness to the picture, to which the author paid very close attention. In many respects, this is why this canvas creates a "presence effect" for the viewer, forcing them to inhale the aroma of birches and listen to the murmur of the stream.

The techniques used by the author in "Birch Grove" were later applied by Kuindzhi in other famous works: "Night on the Dnieper", "After the rain", "Sea at night". The name of this remarkable master was included in the golden fund of the national landscape, along with such luminaries as Shishkin and Levitan. Currently, Kuindzhi's work "Birch Grove" is kept in the Tretyakov Gallery, never ceasing to delight new generations of connoisseurs of real art.

(1841 / 1842-1910) - a great Russian artist of Greek origin. Became famous for his unique style of landscape painting. One of the most remarkable works of Kuindzhi is the painting "Birch Grove".

Painting " Birch Grove"Was painted in 1879, Oil on canvas. 97 × 181 cm. Currently in the State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow. After the work was completed, the landscape was presented at the 7th exhibition of the Itinerants or the Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions. The picture shows a birch grove on a bright sunny day. Even then, at the first exhibition, where the painting was presented, many viewers immediately noticed the unusual writing of the landscape. Kuindzhi not only created a very sharp contrast between light and shadow, thereby emphasizing the dazzle of sunlight, but also depicted unusual colors and shades that made the picture very realistic and fabulous at the same time.

The picture is visually divided into two parts by a stream flowing in the center. The stream not only divides the picture into two parts, making it more harmonious, but also draws the viewer's gaze into the distance, almost to the very horizon. Another quality that the stream has is freshness and coolness. He is, in a way, shading the general look of a hot day with a scorching sun.

The trees in the background act as a background. Arkhip Kuindzhi deliberately does not give them drawing and detail, as if showing this to the viewer that the most important thing is in the foreground. Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi has always been in admiration of Russian nature and Russian landscapes, and this picture, in particular, perfectly shows all man's love for nature and the insane inspiration he drew from the forests, meadows and fields of the Russian hinterland.

Painting "Birch Grove". Kuindzhi

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1. What I see in the painting "Birch Grove".

2. What I like about the painting "Birch Grove".

In the painting "Birch Grove" the artist depicted a clear summer day. I see a green meadow lit by the sun and slender white-trunk birches.

The leaves on the birch trees are of a delicate emerald color. A cool swampy stream flows between the trees. Not a cloud in the pale blue sky. And in the distance you can see a dense green forest.

I really like the painting "Birch Grove". She creates a joyful mood. I would like to sit in the shade under a tree and listen to the murmur of a brook and the singing of birds.

Composition based on the painting by A.I. Kuindzhi Birch Grove grade 5


2. Painting masterpiece "Birch Grove".

3. Why I like Birch Grove.

From early childhood, Arkhip Kuindzhi showed a great talent for drawing. During his life, the master created a huge number of paintings, most of which are devoted to nature. Kuindzhi is a recognized master of landscape. One of his most famous works is Birch Grove.

Arkhip Ivanovich was very fond of Russian birch and painted "Birch Grove" in several versions. In the foreground of the picture are white-barrel beauties illuminated by the sun. They seemed to have escaped from a dark forest, visible in the distance, to an emerald glade, and now they are dancing around a cool stream. There is a shadow under the crowns of birches, it is nice to hide there from the scorching summer heat.

The picture looks so real that when you look at it, it seems that a slight breath of breeze is about to touch your face. One wants to look and look at the "Birch Grove", it attracts the eye. The sad mood immediately improves. I think that there is no person who would not like this work.

painting by A. Kuindzhi Birch grove photo

Composition based on the painting by A.I. Kuindzhi Birch Grove grade 6


1. A word about the artist.

2. Kuindzhevskaya "Birch Grove".

3. Feelings caused by "Birch grove".

The famous Russian landscape painter Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi was born in Russia in the city of Mariupol, but he is Greek by nationality. Kuindzhi had a memorable appearance: he was a tall, muscular, very strong man with dark skin and magnificent curly hair. From childhood, Arkhip Ivanovich was very fond of drawing and did it wherever possible. Almost all Kuindzhi's works are devoted to the description of nature. He is considered a master of landscape painting.

The painting "Birch Grove" is considered a masterpiece of landscape painting. In the center of it there is a large forest clearing, on which the main characters of the picture are located - birches. The clearing looks so real that it seems you can jump there, hug a birch tree and smell its bark. Birch trees, like girlfriends, gathered in groups of two, three, and seemed to be secret about something.

The artist painted every branch of the trees with great love. At the same time, the forest in the background of the painting looks like a big green silhouette without any details. It seems to me that the painting depicts the beginning of summer, because the green of the grass and leaves is still a delicate emerald hue, which occurs only in June. The sky above the forest is very clear, almost transparent, with a bluish tint. There is no breeze in the forest. The glade seems to be brightly lit by the sun, the sun is everywhere, although it is not in the picture. And this magical effect is present on many of his canvases. The painting gives me a feeling of joy, happiness and peace. Probably, it is very pleasant to look at her when it is winter and frost outside.