English language

Pronounced consonants. Unpronounceable consonants at the root of words. Rules, examples of words. Double consonants at the junction of significant parts of a word

Sometimes consonants play hide and seek with us. They are not pronounced, but are written in a notebook. Lesson topic: “Rule for checking the spelling of words with unpronounceable consonants.”

Good word Hello I told you. " I wish you good health!“This is how the military greet each other. What did the word mean? health? Health is health. And to be healthy meant to be healthy and to live, to be alive. Therefore, our greeting is hello! means: be healthy and live, be alive.

Hello, hello- this is how these words are written, since there is a related word health (health).

And we pronounce these words differently: hello, hello.

Some sounds of the Russian language are difficult to pronounce when there are several other consonants next to them. So they decided to write letters in place of these sounds, but not pronounce the sounds.

There are many words in the Russian language that contain three consonant sounds in a row. One consonant sound out of three is not pronounced. Such consonant sounds are called unpronounceable.

Let's read the words with the same root. Let's find words in which not all consonant sounds are pronounced.

News, news, messenger, known, known.

The sound [t] is not pronounced in the words ve [s’n’]ik, izve[sn]y, izve[sn]o.

The root -west- is spelled the same in words with the same root.

Sad, sad, sad, sad.

The sound [t] is not pronounced in the words gru[sn]o, gru[sn]y. The root -sad- is written the same way.

The letter that denotes an unpronounceable consonant sound will be underlined with one line. This is a spelling.

messenger - news

sad - sadness

In these words you can clearly hear the sound [t’] at the end of the word. Let's underline the letter in the test word with two strokes.

messenger - news

sad - sad

In these words, the sound [t’] is clearly heard, since after the consonant sound there is a vowel. Let's underline these letters with two strokes.

To avoid mistakes in spelling words with unpronounceable consonants, you need to choose a word with the same root so that the unpronounceable sound can be clearly heard.

Test words can be words with the same root:

- the consonant sound is clearly heard at the end of the word;

- a consonant sound is clearly heard when placed before a vowel.

Let's try to solve a new spelling problem using methods of checking roots that are familiar to you.

Change the words according to the command of the question what? Choose a single root word that answers the question what?

miraculous - wonderful, miracles, wonderful interesting - interesting, interest, interesting whistling - whistle, whistling at [sn] and I - lips, oral khru[sn]ula - crunch, crunch All words contain a combination of consonants [sn] or [s'n'].

In words wonderful, interesting between the sounds [sn] there is no unpronounceable sound [t], and therefore there is no letter t. In words whistle, oral, crunched There is an unpronounceable consonant sound [t], and there is also the letter t.

How do you know if a word has an unpronounceable consonant sound or not?

Let's read the words as we say them. Listen to the sounds in the indicated places.

star zdn oh, gro zn oh, by zdn yay, right zdn uh, what's the matter zn ik, chu vstv oh, teaching stv wow

star[zn]oe, thunderous[zn]y, po[z'n']y, pra[z'n']ik, proka[z'n']ik, feel[st]a, participating What is interesting about the designation of sounds [stv], [zn], [z'n']?

In place of sounds [stv] there may be letters stv, vst.

In place of the sounds [zn], [z’n’] there may be letters zn, zdn.

Apply familiar verification methods and prove that the words are spelled correctly.

starry - (what?) star, late - (what to do?) be late, holiday - (what?) idle

These words have an unpronounceable consonant sound, so we write the letter d

formidable - (what to do?) threaten, prankish - (what?) pranks

There is no unpronounceable consonant sound in these words, so there is no letter d

In the words of feeling, the dictionary will help you remember the letters.

Let's say these words and listen to the sounds: so[nts]e, se[rts]e.

We recognize the necessary letters using test words of the same root.

There are such proverbs: “When sunshine Warm, mother's presence is good. The sharp word stings heart».

sun, (what?) sunny - sun

heart, (what?) heart - heart

Words have unpronounceable consonant sounds, they are indicated by letters L, D.

You might be surprised that the words cross and surroundings Previously they were of the same root. In ancient times there was a word in the Russian language around, which meant around, about, on all four sides. A neighborhood- this is a place around something or in the vicinity of something, for example: a city and its environs.

Neighborhood can be verified by word surroundings

What combinations of sounds when writing are dangerous?

Unpronounceable consonants can be in the following sound combinations:

[sn], [s’n’], [zn], [z’n’], [stv], [nts], [rts].

When writing, these combinations of sounds are dangerous, since there may be a spelling: a letter in place of an unpronounceable consonant sound.

Letters of unpronounceable consonants: D, T, V, L.

Let's remember the verification methods:

Powerful, joyful, unhappy,

both charming and stormy,

valiant, selfless, honest.

Don't forget these words.

When writing, insert a T in them.

Solve spelling problems in words with a dangerous combination of sounds [sn]. Try to remember the verification methods.


Vlas T ny - (what?) power

rados T ny - (what?) joy

unfortunately T ny - (what?) misfortune

lovely T ny - (what?) lovely

not us T ny - (what?) bad weather

selfless T ny - (what?) self-interest

dobles T ny - (what?) valor

ches T ny - (what?) honor

Delicious, clear, interesting,

safe and heavenly,

and wonderful and beautiful,

both terrible and futile.

Don't forget these words

do not insert the letter T into them.(N. Betenkova)

Let's select words with the same root that answer the question What? Let's change these words using the question command what?

tasty - (what?) tasty

vowel - (what?) voice

interesting - (what?) interesting

safe - (what?) safe

heavenly - (what?) heaven

wonderful - (what?) miracles

wonderful - (what?) wonderful

terrible - (what?) terrible

vain - (what?) vain

There is no unpronounceable consonant in these words, so the letter T should not be in them.

Let's think about the transcriptions of words:

Transcriptions of words are given. Why are there more letters in words than sounds?

[l’es’n’itsa] - stairs 7 sounds, 8 letters [m’esny’] - local 6 sounds, 7 letters [sv’ersn’ik] - peer 8 sounds, 9 letters

These words have more letters than sounds, since one sound is unpronounceable

Word ladder cannot be verified.

Local let's check with a word place.

Word peer derived from the ancient Russian word verst, which meant age.

And here peer it is written without the letter T. The spelling of the word must be remembered.


In order not to make mistakes in writing words with unpronounceable consonant sounds, you need to choose a word with the same root so that the unpronounceable sound can be clearly heard.

When pronouncing some words with combinations of consonants, loss of sounds. Consonants that drop out during pronunciation are called unpronounceable (region T noah, not us T ny).

To check the spelling of words with unpronounceable consonants (usually combinations stn, stl, zdn, lnc, rdc ), it is necessary to select a related word in which this consonant is pronounced, for example: region T noy - region T oh, just a minute T livy - wait T yeah, right d nick - praz d en, sol n tse - sol n evergreen, gray d tse - ser d Echny.

You cannot insert extra letters that are not in the test word, for example: delicious(taste), verbal(words).

Remember the spelling of words: chu V goodness, bleh sn ugh(Although bleh st eat), re sn itsy, row sn ik, ver st nick, me st va(food, from the ancient verb eat), former(from the Old Russian word before - earlier ).

Stunning and voicing of consonants

Voiced consonants b, V, G, d, and, h words are deafened before voiceless consonants and at the end, for example: hawk b, hawk b ki, borax V, borax V chick, liar G, warehouse d, gara and, Moro h, re h cue etc. On the contrary, voiceless consonants P, f, To, T, w, With before voiced ones they are voiced, for example: co With bah, molo T bah. As a rule, deafening and voicing of consonants is not reflected in writing.

In order not to make a mistake in writing deaf and voiced consonants at the root, the word must be changed or a related word must be chosen so that after these sounds there is a vowel (or l, m, n, R ), For example: hawk b- hawk b s; Moro h- Moro h y, moro h ny; co With ba-ko With it; mo G- mo G whether; mo To- mo To whether.

Word matchmaker d bah written with d (Although matchmaker T at), word le With tnitsa - with a letter With (Although le h t).

For some consonants it is impossible to select a test word, for example: Ryu To zach, in To hall, ane To dot, ku V tires, ka f tan. You need to remember such words.

Today the weather is stormy

And I'm so unhappy.

The rain is absolutely terrible.

It would soon become clear again

And the red sun would shine,

And it would be wonderful all around!

Nobody likes rainy weather because you can't go out and play with your friends. What to do while sitting at home when it’s raining outside? Maybe study how unpronounceable consonants at the root of words are written?


To correctly write such words, you need to learn the rule:

Let's apply it to the words from the poem:

Today the weather is inclement T ye),

And I'm so unhappy (unfortunately) T e).

The rain is falling absolutely terrible (terrible - no T).

It would soon become clear again (clear - no T),

And the sun would shine red (red - no T),

And it would be wonderful all around (wonderful - no T)!

This helps to check the unpronounceable consonants at the root of a word. It is very simple, you must learn it by heart.

Choose a test word

Let's play the test word game. For each of the examples below, select a test cognate word

  • famous, messenger, agenda (news, message, news, message);
  • sad (sadness, be sad);
  • hello (health, health, healthy);
  • starry (star, asterisk);
  • cabbage (cabbage);
  • locality (place, place);
  • inclement (inclement weather);
  • late (to be late, late);
  • joyful (joy);
  • whistle (whistle, whistle);
  • heart (heart, heart);
  • sun (sunny);
  • reed (reed);
  • participant (participation);
  • honest (honor);
  • dangerous (fear);
  • wonderful (miracles);
  • terrible (terrible);
  • interesting (interesting).

Second graders begin to learn root words. 2nd grade should already be able to select test words.

Words to remember with unpronounceable consonants

It is not always possible to apply the rule. There are words in which unpronounceable consonants cannot be checked. They are called dictionary, their spelling needs to be learned:

  • staircase - a series of steps or rungs;
  • holiday - a day when a significant event is celebrated;
  • feelings - internal experience, emotional state;
  • peers - people of the same age;
  • peers is a synonym for the word "peers".

Find words that have unpronounceable consonants at the root of the word

It is necessary to develop the ability to find words with unpronounceable consonants among others. This requires training. Here are sentences, find words in them with unpronounceable consonants.

These sentences use words with different spellings, among them “Unpronounceable consonants at the root of the word”, examples of such words: messenger, joyful, charming, wonderful, beautiful, starry, cabbage, agenda, late, reeds, localities.

Divide the words into two groups

Words for distribution: ne...y (heavenly), svi...y (whistle), dreve...y (woody), kol...y (wheeled), must...y (oral), inter...y (interesting), hru...ut ( crunch), zap...oh (spare), viru...y (viral), glad...y (joyful), consonant (consonant), ko...y (bone).

This task helps develop the ability to classify words according to their orthographic characteristics: whether there is an unpronounceable consonant at the root of the word or not.


Let's play riddles. You need to guess and write down the last word in the sentence:

  • At dawn, _______________(sun) peeks through the window.
  • My love will open the door in your ____________(heart).
  • On a frosty night, lights burn in the _____________ (starry) sky.
  • He is a known truth-teller, he will not tolerate lies, because he is __________ (honest).

This task will be interesting to complete when studying the topic “Unpronounceable consonants at the root of a word.” 3rd graders will cope with this work easily and fun.

Mini dictations

Now let's write a little dictation. Choose any:

It's a beautiful morning! It just rained. The cabbage beds are washed and fresh. The sun's rays warm up, and the damp earth smells good. My heart is happy from this beautiful morning. Hello summer!

Unsuccessful hunt

The hunt was unsuccessful. It was a stormy day. The sun disappeared behind the clouds, and a sad light rain began to fall. We got out of the forest. The area was known to us. The village herd grazed on this pasture in the summer. A shepherd's hut was visible nearby. We will rest in it after an unsuccessful hunt.

Spring came

The stormy days are over and spring has arrived. The birds are singing cheerfully, the sun is warming, the streams are babbling joyfully. The area was covered with grass, lilies of the valley bloomed under the trees. The buds on the trees opened. Hello Spring!

All these dictations are intended to test knowledge on the topic “Unpronounceable consonants at the root of words.” 3rd grade should cope with such tasks.

Insert words in the text

There was a very interesting text, but the letter-eating beetle ate some of the letters in the words. What to do? It is necessary to return the original form to words that have unpronounceable consonants at the root of the word.

A famous writer wrote a story about a prince who was invincible in battles. The word...the portrait speaks of the weak...character and terrible appearance of the prince. This prince took part in the campaign and was exposed to dangers. He himself was so cruel that he only spared one old man once.

One day after the victory, he arranged a festive feast. The table was bursting with delicious...i..tv. But the joyful feast was interrupted. The social...ce hid behind the clouds and there was a storm of... A strong wind blew, thunder roared, and lightning flashed. The prince felt severe pain, and then fell to the ground unconscious. Groo... but this story would have ended, but then a sorcerer appeared. He was the same age as the century. This old magician miraculously revived the prince and said: “Hello, prince! You once saved me from death, I returned the debt to you!”

Let's make sentences from words

When everyone has learned to write a dictation, you can move on to a more complex task - composing sentences. To do this, we use words that contain the studied spelling “Unpronounceable consonants at the root of the word.” Examples of such words: at a school holiday, joyful faces, concert participants, beautiful flowers, a beautiful area, a famous writer, an interesting story, heralds of spring, late autumn, inclement weather, a sad look.

With these words you can make, for example, the following sentences:

By creating sentences using words that have an unpronounceable consonant at the root of the word, third graders remember them best.

Exercise 1. Rewrite the words, choosing for each of them a word with the same root, in which the root is followed by a vowel.

Voiceless, delicious, powerful, gigantic, sorrowful, bulky, valiant, provincial, interesting, commandant, selfish, bone, local, daughter-in-law, hateful, rainy, patroller, neighborhood, dangerous, agenda, send, post, charming, biased, peer, whistle, heart, verbal, sun, reed, terrible, participate, whip, crunch, integral, honor, wonderful, oral, patronize, obvious, furious.

Task 2. D :

A. malicious violator;

B.surrounding forests;

C. bulky closet;

D.rare exhibit;

E.hlyos...what a speech.

Task 3. Choose the option with an unpronounceable consonant T :

A.great mood;

B.wonderful day;

C.traffic safety;

D.lovely girl;

E. the atmosphere of publicity.

Task 4. Choose the option with an unpronounceable consonant T :

A.meeting of peers;

B.friendship of peers;

C. interesting interlocutor;

D. skilled craftswoman;

E.shine...shine in the heights.

Task 5. Choose a word with an unpronounceable consonant IN :

A.honour heroes;

B.participate in the tournament;

C. I… really hear;

D. delicious food on the table;

E.walk above the class.

Task 6. Choose the option where the word with an unpronounceable consonant occurs D :

A. Trouble was stuck in his envy.

B. Without work there cannot be a clean and joyful life..

C. Honest... dishonest is not a friend.

D. A man is powerful with his heart, a tree with his roots.

E. The secret known to the three is no longer a secret.

Task 7. Insert missing letters where necessary. Choose test words.

Honest answer, interesting book, simple words, forest review, crossfire, viral infection, sailing, watch face, reed thickets, crisis situation, verbal art, tasteless food, an experienced rider, friendship of peers, my son’s peers, honoring a guest, feeling tired.

Task 8. Fill in the missing letters. Write these words in two columns: with an unpronounceable consonant and without an unpronounceable consonant.

Woeful, arboreal, voiceless, dangerous, virtuous, unbearable, impartial, integral, furious, backwater, uncontrollable, skillful, shameless... ny, gigantic, vile... , peer... nik, peer... nick, harb...nik, pedagogue... to, participate, whip... n, crunch... n, edible, silence..., surroundings, roundabout, agency, locality, hooligan, champagne.

Task 9. Rewrite by inserting the missing letters. Indicate test words in brackets.

1. The hall was warily silent. 2. Another two hundred steps - and we are safe. ( Arsenyev) 3. Autumn was late this year. ( Korolenko) 4. Dudnikov thrust the shovel into the ground with such force that the handle cracked. ( Sholokhov) 5. Among the eight children there was one the same age as me. ( Herzen) 6. Here, on stoves and on braziers, various dishes were fried and boiled, sizzling. ( Goncharov) 7. Lack of money chained me to the village that I hated. ( Tolstoy) 8. The accordionist played so recklessly, with such skillful t...lings, that the old man could not resist the temptation to listen. ( Markov) 9. My whole family is in good health and sends their regards to you. ( Chekhov) 10. It smelled of dry hot clay and nearby pasture. ( Fedin) 11. The squadron honored its heroes. ( Stepanov) 12. He also took part in the glorious Battle of Borodino. ( Kuprin) 15. The soldiers watched with disinterested curiosity where the planes would fly. ( Kazakevich)

Spelling unpronounceable consonants

If a word contains several consonant sounds in a row (for example, in the word HONEST - STN, ENVIOUS - STL, AGENCY - NTSTV, etc.), then one of them may not be pronounced. This sound is called an UNPROUNDABLE CONSONANT. To find out whether a word has an unpronounceable consonant, you need to try to find a word with the same root in which this consonant is pronounced. Typically, this requires that the consonant being tested be before a vowel (HONEST - HONEST) or at the end of a word (CRUNCH - CRUNCH).

Let's consider as examples the words STAR(?)NYY, HONEST(?)NYY, TERRIBLE(?)NYY and DANGEROUS(?)NYY. You can make sure that in the word STAR you need the letter D between the letters Z and N using the test word STAR. In it, this consonant sound is heard very well, since it is followed by a vowel sound - A. The word CHES(?)NYY can be checked with the word HONOR, in which the consonant T appears at the end of the word.

The word DANGEROUS is checked using the word DANGEROUS: it turns out that there is no unpronounceable consonant in this word. For the adjective TERRIBLE, the word HORROR (the end of the word) or HORRIFY (position before the vowel) can serve as a test. Both test words indicate that this word does not contain an unpronounceable consonant and there is no need to write “extra” letters.

In addition, you need to remember a few words that cannot be verified. Their spelling should be learned.


1. Contrary to verification, without unpronounceable consonants the words SHINE (although SHINE), FLASK (although GLASS), ANGRY (although ANGRY), TABLECLOTH (although TABLECLOTH) are written.

2. Without unpronounceable consonants, the unverifiable words are written: PROGRESS, VAST, PEER, GLOSSY.

3. The word KOSNY is written without an unpronounceable consonant, meaning “backward, gravitating towards the old, familiar” (inert beliefs).


1. Contrary to verification, the word LADDER is written with an unpronounceable consonant (although LADDER).

2. The unverifiable words FEELING, PEER are written with an unpronounceable consonant.

3. The word BONE is written with an unpronounceable consonant, derived from the word BONE (bone marrow, bone tissue).


1. Every house here has its own father, terribly virtuous and unusually honest. (F. M. Dostoevsky, “The Player.”)

2. Even with Polina he is careless to the point of rudeness; however, he enjoys learning during general walks into the city. (F. M. Dostoevsky, “The Player.”)

3. The princess shuddered - she looks around in fright, horror freezes her heart: Not everything here was a dream! (N. A. Nekrasov, “Russian Women.”)

4. You are disgusting to me, disgusting, a stranger, yes, a stranger! – with pain and anger she said this terrible word “stranger” for herself. (L.N. Tolstoy, “Anna Karenina.”)

5. He only wanted what his peers were getting. (L.N. Tolstoy, “Anna Karenina.”)

6. Jorge Luis Borges is a living legend of the twentieth century. He was born in 1899 - almost the same age as the century - in Argentina.

7. There is somewhere a tree whose top makes noise in the sky itself, and God descends along it to earth at night before the bright holiday. (N.V. Gogol, “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka.”)

8. Grandfather's brother Fr. Pavel said that in his youth he loved to use force. They are unloading the rye - he will move the worker aside, put his shoulder under a five-pound sack, the other under a second one of the same kind, and walk, without bending, to the barn. (A. Chudakov)

9. The sky, green and blue forests, people, carts with pots, mills - everything overturned, stood and walked upside down, without falling into the beautiful blue abyss. (N.V. Gogol, “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka.”)

10. He ended up in a searchlight team and one night he mistakenly illuminated not the enemy’s plane, but his own. The Smershevites did not sleep - he was arrested right there, he spent the night in their imprisoned dugout, and in the morning he was shot, accusing him of deliberate subversive actions against the Red Army. (A. Chudakov.)

11. Devils with dog faces hovered around the witches, like guys around pretty girls. (N.V. Gogol, “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka.”)

12. God has a long forest from the sky to the earth itself. (N.V. Gogol, “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka.”)

13. The tired dream departed from the world, having calmly spent its afternoon and morning. (N.V. Gogol, “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka.”)

14. They get up - I get up. Sit down - I'll sit down. I remember my hundred-digit number. I am loyally grateful to Hell for the heavenly roof over my head. (G. Ivanov)

15. I love you, even though I’m furious, Even though this is labor and shame in vain, And I confess to this unfortunate stupidity at your feet! (A.S. Pushkin)

16. But then she felt someone pulled her by the embroidered sleeve of her shirt. (N.V. Gogol, “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka.”)

17. Grandfather, quietly taking her hand, woke her up: “Hello, wife! Are you healthy? (N.V. Gogol, “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka.”)

18. When Sukhov appeared, he came out and politely said: “Sorry, we’re busy today. Wolf meat has been a little tight lately.” (A. Chudakov)

19. Alas, fulfilling the earthly law, I too will go into weightless darkness, into nothingness, where I was nothing, not knowing neither tears nor the happiness of being. (J. N. G. Byron)

20. From the first days, the exiled settlers were literally shocked: they found themselves in a resort place; they were surrounded by the Kazakh folded country: a million hectares of forest, ten lakes, a wonderful climate. (A. Chudakov)

21. Idle spy, am I not strange to my dear fields and forests? (S. A. Yesenin)

22. Four villages, one after another, are monotonously stretched along the street. (A.I. Solzhenitsyn)

23. She shook out the blankets every day in the yard; this had to be done together, and the grandmother mercilessly tore anyone who happened to be at home from his activities. (A. Chudakov)

24. The first streams of fog were just beginning to seep through the fence bars, and visibility was excellent. (A. and B. Strugatsky)

25. And suddenly again, much more intensely than before, a human cry was heard - a command or, perhaps, a curse... (V. Bykov)

26. How rare, however, is true kinship of souls in our poor, sluggish, selfish age! (E.T.A. Hoffman)

27. “And then,” Kornilov answered with magnificent ease, “then, dear, that the Vetzooinstitut buys inert material from us.” (Yu. Dombrovsky)

28. For secret thoughts I neglected And the path of love and glory, the path, Everything that even a little in the world could Or distinguish, or shine... (M. Yu. Lermontov)

29. Often thick-fleeced sheep graze along the hillside, slowly walking to where they are looking for fat pasture. Fresh grass beckons, sparkling with diamond dew; The well-fed lambs jump and frolic there, butting heads. (Lucretius, “On the Nature of Things.”)