
“Secrets of Aliens” () - download the book for free without registration. Secrets of the Aliens (Igor Prokopenko) Secrets of the Aliens by Igor Prokopenko

Igor Prokopenko

Secrets of astronautics


Humanity finds itself in a strange situation today. On the one hand, not a single scientist takes upon himself the responsibility to declare that we are alone in the Universe, and the Cosmos surrounding us is nothing more than a deserted pasture of ancient monkeys. On the other hand, there is not a single material evidence that, besides us, there is anyone else alive in the Universe. And just recently, a sensational discovery occurred in the scientific world, which should put an end to our doubts. There is life on other planets! Moreover, even we, the owners of the Earth, are actually guests from another planet. And this is not me who says this, but world-famous scientists.

For many years, science has said that aliens do not exist. Man is the crown of the Universe, and any scientist who dared to speculate on this topic automatically fell into the category of those who “don’t have everything at home.” But then the first orbital telescopes were launched into orbit, and the incredible was revealed.

It turns out that we are surrounded by hundreds, thousands of planets on which life is possible... And if this statement is already a scientific fact, then - it’s scary to imagine - it turns out that aliens can really exist. It must be said that humanity has been chasing aliens for a long time. Scientists are looking, military people are looking. And sometimes such searches bring truly sensational results.

What is the probability that life exists on recently discovered exoplanets, just like on Earth? What does official science think about this? What are the alternative versions and hypotheses? This is what the book you are holding in your hands is about. This is the fruit of the hard work of the creative teams of the programs “Military Secret”, “Territory of Delusions” and “The Most Shocking Hypotheses”. I hope you find it interesting.

Igor Prokopenko

Chapter first. Space prehistory

Our compatriot, the great scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, is rightfully considered the founder of astronautics. Almost his entire life, which was spent in the provincial towns of Borovsk and Kaluga, he was known to those around him as an eccentric. Tsiolkovsky and other scientists around the world began to dream about the stars, but could not find money for this enterprise. It is clear that only large, strong and wealthy states can afford space projects at the expense of their treasury. But here’s the problem: as a rule, no government wants to spend money on projects not related to economic growth or weapons. But there was one way - you had to work for something that any state protects as a sacred cow. Namely - for the army, for the future war...

Tsiolkovsky was slowly dying from stomach cancer in Kaluga, when a very young student at the University of Berlin, Wernher von Braun, was working on a dissertation on rocket science and took an active part in the activities of the Space Travel Society (Verein fur Raum-schiffahrt). His immediate teacher and inspiration was Hermann Oberth, who published the theoretical work “Rocket for Interplanetary Space” in 1923. Oberth's theory, with all the force of German logic, proved that space travel was technically achievable. These were not the dreams of Jules Verne and Herbert Wells, but an understanding of the laws of aerodynamics. From this it was concluded that a liquid fuel rocket is the optimal means for future astronautics. Based on Oberth's work, young German scientist-enthusiasts at the turn of the 20s and 30s carried out bold experiments with cars, sleighs and railway platforms with rocket engines installed on them. And at the very beginning of the 30s, the Space Travel Society in the vicinity of Berlin built a test site for a series of rocket experiments - along with Rudolf Nebel and Klaus Riedel, the young von Braun took part in them. Testing continued a little later in a former warehouse complex in the Berlin suburb of Reinickendorf.

Concrete barracks, bunkers and shelters, surrounded by an earthen rampart 12 meters high and 18 meters thick, were the ideal place for testing. And soon scientists could be proud that they could launch an arrow-shaped rocket to a height of up to 450 meters - a serious achievement for that time. These successes soon attracted the attention of the German army, which saw the rocket as a new military prospect. Struck by the “Weimar complex,” Germany, the loser of the First World War, clung to any opportunity that promised it the rearmament of the army on a new technological basis. The head of the military munitions and ballistics service, Colonel Karl Becker, attracted by the successes of von Braun and his associates, attracted them to the development of military missiles. The curator of the project was artillery captain Walter Dornberger. Now spaceflight enthusiasts were under the military roof, subordinating their previous ideas about space travel to the practical demands of creating weapons. The former goal remained a personal dream.

Army tests of the long-range missile have been carried out since 1932 in Kummensdorf, 100 km from Berlin. Such a flying missile, equipped with a 1-ton warhead, would be capable of hitting a target at a distance of 160 to 320 km. After a series of unsuccessful tests in December 1932, two A-2 rockets, named "Max" and "Moritz" (after two cartoon characters), flew at an altitude of about 2000 m from an island located in the North Sea. After Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933, the missile program received generous financial support under strict government control and the strictest military secrecy.

One of the founders of modern rocket technology, Hermann Oberth

And in 1937, two years after Tsiolkovsky’s death, a large-scale missile program was launched in Nazi Germany, whose leaders imagined themselves to be the future masters of the world. For this purpose, a design bureau and a missile test site are being created on the Baltic coast in Peenemünde under the leadership of now General Walter Dornberger. The leading specialist in Peenemünde was Wernher von Braun, who rose to the rank of SS Sturmbannführer.

After the war, Dornberger, as a scientific consultant for the Bell Aircraft Corporation, justifying his collaboration with the Nazis, would pathetically say: “No private individual or government agency could afford to spend millions of marks on the creation of large rockets if this was limited solely to the interests of pure science.” . Humanity, agreeing to any costs, was given the task of solving a great goal and taking the first practical step in this regard. And we opened the door to the future..."

And again, at the first stage, failures awaited the Germans - the A-3 rocket, 6.7 m long, equipped with an oxygen-alcohol engine with an estimated thrust of 1450 kg, did not take off even once in December 1937. Three launch attempts ended in failure - the rockets either unexpectedly exploded or fell into rotation and were destroyed. Dornberger understood that if this continued, Berlin would simply cut off funding for the program. But in 1938, a modified A-5 rocket was successfully launched, reaching an altitude of 1 km. The program continued, and by the beginning of World War II, von Braun's team began work on the A-4 rocket, which was later called the V-2 and became the prototype for space rockets. But in the early 40s, the main task of the V-2 was to defeat distant enemy targets.

On October 3, 1942, the V-2 was successfully launched, and the flight altitude reached 80 km. In July 1943, Dornberger and von Braun reported to Adolf Hitler about the new rocket, showing a film of the spectacular October launch. However, the rocket remained a very complex mechanism, expensive to manufacture and difficult to operate. Reich Minister of Armaments and Munitions Albert Speer was enthusiastic about the V-2, but still doubted its usefulness in war. The Fuhrer had the final say, and Hitler eventually ordered production of the rocket to begin.

True, on August 17, 1943, the British dealt a serious blow to the German missile project, bombing Peenemünde almost completely. 597 Avro Lancaster and Handley Page Halifax heavy bombers dropped thousands of high explosive and incendiary bombs on the site. The Germans managed to shoot down only 47 aircraft. The British air raid killed 735 people, and among them was chief rocket engine designer Dr. Walter Thiel. The deputy commander of the Luftwaffe, Colonel General Jeschonnek, who was responsible for the air defense system in the area, committed suicide. In addition, the concentration camp workers suffered, including the Poles who had previously transported the exact plans of Peenemünde to London. A total of 213 prisoners died: 91 Poles, 23 Ukrainians, 17 French and 82 prisoners of unknown nationality. This led to the fact that the serial production of the V-2 was delayed by about six months.

In the first half of 1944, a number of vertical missile launches were carried out with a slightly increased (up to 67 seconds) fuel burning time at an altitude of 188 km. The last V-2 rocket with serial number 4299 took off from the Peenemünde test site on February 14, 1945.

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If you had told me that one day I would write a second book with that title, I would have said no, it’s not about me. Having been engaged in investigative journalism for many years, I considered stories about aliens and UFOs to be the inventions of dreamers, although, in fairness, it is worth remembering that in Soviet times not only I, but the entire Soviet science and even more so ideology had this opinion.

In general, like all sensible citizens, I did not believe in UFOs. But one day!..

...Once, while working in a closed military archive - it was in East Germany - I came across a folder with documents and, when I opened it, I couldn’t believe my eyes...

It is worth noting that this folder lay not just anywhere, but between the correspondence of Marshal Zhukov with General Montgomery and the Report to the CPSU Central Committee of the head of one of the special services, which justified the need to send two hundred thousand dollars to the “Afghan comrades” for operational needs...

So, the very first document from that treasured folder, which had such respectable “neighbors,” made me pinch myself on the ear, because it was titled like this:

“List of personnel who observed a UFO in the area of ​​the military unit’s missile test site...”

I was stunned! Because this document is dated 1977 (who remembers, this was a time when stories about UFOs could land you in a mental hospital). But what struck me most of all was the fact that the document was signed by the head of the Special Department of the formation, Lieutenant Colonel, as I remember now, Vasilkov...

Well, okay, ideologically dark privates, I thought... But military counterintelligence?

Do you understand how powerful the document was in my hands? After all, the signature of the special officer under the document about UFOs was actually tantamount to the recognition of the chairman of MASSOLIT Berlioz that “God exists!”

Since that day, a new topic has appeared in the list of my journalistic investigations.

Being a serious documentarian, I decided from the very beginning not to believe the words, no matter how seductive the images drawn by eyewitnesses were. I accepted only facts and documents, preferably with a signature and seal.

To my surprise, the folder signed by Lieutenant Colonel Vasilkov turned out to be far from the only evidence in my investigation. The next thing was a huge sheet of Whatman paper, lined with diagrams, diagrams and columns of numbers, which was shown to me in one of the closed research institutes. Its name was no less intriguing:

“Scheme of the appearance of UFOs over objects on the territory of the USSR that have military and strategic significance.”

This document was signed by the Chief of the General Staff himself!

Incredible! It turned out that the special officer Vasilkov and the chief of the General Staff were connected by one terrible secret. Both of them not only do not question the very fact of the existence of UFOs, contrary to the instructions of the ideological department of the CPSU Central Committee, but also seem to know where this vagrant bird’s nesting sites are.

However, as my investigation progressed, I wanted to joke less and less... Reports... Reports... Dozens, hundreds of reports...

Fighter pilots from combat regiments report in their reports how they are attacked by unidentified flying objects.

With military precision, they provide incredible details of combat contacts with flying saucers.

Commanders of nuclear submarine cruisers (with nuclear missiles, by the way, on board) report encounters with underwater objects of clearly extraterrestrial origin that accompany our submarines during combat duty.

Cosmonauts from the orbital station report that unidentified flying objects keep peeping at them through the windows. And one researcher at a military research institute informs the competent authorities with a report that on such and such a day and hour he was abducted by representatives of an alien civilization from his own dorm room and taken to an alien planet in order to become acquainted with the scientific achievements of the above-mentioned civilization. Attached to the report was a medical certificate stating that the employee was sober at the time of the abduction.

At some point it seemed to me that everyone had gone crazy and I was dealing with correspondence from patients in a psychiatric clinic. But!..

What about military ranks and positions? They are written by colonels and generals, commanders and chiefs, vested with enormous power, which means they are at least sensible people and not prone to irresponsible fantasies.

And what about the secrecy stamps on almost every such document? How can one not believe, for example, the head of special intelligence of the Navy, who by his order sent a reconnaissance military vessel on an expedition to the other end of the World Ocean in order to decipher the signals sent by unidentified deep-sea objects, trying to get in touch with our missile cruisers?

What is this? Mass Insanity of Strategic Significance? Or a shocking reality, which, due to its special importance, has been hidden for many years by endless layers of secrecy?

I think anyone who reads this extremely truthful book will be able to answer this question.

…Once our outstanding cosmonaut Georgy Grechko told me how many years ago, as a young scientist, he was sent by Sergei Korolev as part of a scientific expedition to study the Tunguska meteorite. So, when the expedition returned, the first question asked by Korolev, who never believed in the existence of UFOs, was:

- Did you find the plate?

Igor Prokopenko

Part 1
Are people aliens?

Chapter 1
Who built our Earth

A mysterious and creepy discovery in the Elbrus region - a Wehrmacht detachment buried under an avalanche was found. There is no information about his mission in either German or Soviet archives. It is noteworthy that among the personal belongings of the victims, a seal and a suitcase with the symbols of the Ahnenerbe society, an occult division of the Third Reich, were found.

What was the Ahnenerbe expedition looking for in the Elbrus region? Why was this mission classified?

Speleologist from Nalchik Arthur Zhemukhov got on the trail of the German expedition. Not far from the burial, he found a cave 78 meters deep! Maybe it was she who was interested in the Ahnenerbe detachment? According to Zhemukhov’s hypothesis, the mine-cave leads to an underground city, the tunnels of which stretch all the way to Elbrus and further into Transcaucasia! Moreover, the underground city is built under the valley of the pyramids! Stalker, according to his colleagues, was preparing to publish new sensational data about his discovery, but tragedy struck: Zhemukhov died suddenly. What did the speleologist see in the cave and why didn’t he have time to tell about it?

Several intriguing discoveries have recently been made under the foundations of ancient structures. Scientists have discovered mysterious passages under the Giza Valley in Egypt, an entire underground city under the pyramids of Teotihuacan in Central America, and now archaeologists are discussing finds made in the Elbrus region... Where do the tunnels of underground cities lead? And who created this web around our planet?

The Queen's room is the smallest room inside the Cheops pyramid. For several decades it remained a mysterious black box for scientists; they could not figure out what this part of the famous Egyptian pyramid was. Only in 1993, German engineers applied the latest technology - a console with a camera made it possible to see a tunnel about 60 meters deep, leading from the Queen’s Room to the center of the Cheops pyramid.

The shafts themselves are very small, measuring 20 by 20 centimeters. For the first time we were able to see what was hidden inside - there was a door at the end of the southern shaft.

Why did the creators of the pyramids design such tunnel shafts? The most amazing thing about them is that the shafts are not laid horizontally, but diagonally. What is their purpose? The researchers ran a fiber optic cable through the door of the southern tunnel. It turned out that another narrow tunnel was hidden inside the Cheops pyramid!

Comments Robert Bauvel, civil engineer, Egyptologist:

“Imagine trying to build a chimney that runs obliquely through a building. This is terrible, the builders will have a huge number of difficulties. So these mines are very difficult to build, which means they were extremely important.”

Where do the tunnel shafts of the Cheops pyramid lead? For what purpose were they created? According to one hypothesis, the pyramids are only the visible part of a giant megalithic complex. Many kilometers of passages and labyrinths are hidden from our eyes, and all of them have not yet been explored.

Pyramid of Cheops, Great Pyramid of Giza - the largest of the Egyptian pyramids

Places that not so long ago were inaccessible to humans are now being actively explored by amateurs and professionals. Infrared imaging technology from space has made it possible to find new pyramids in Egypt: to identify hidden underground objects in the Saqqara area. Miniature robots convey images of previously inaccessible tunnels in Egypt, Turkey, Israel, and Bulgaria. It turned out that the Earth is literally entangled in a network of underground passages and mysterious labyrinths!

Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Alexander Koltypin believes that, “underground cities are located under the Egyptian pyramids in the Giza desert, there are a lot of them, as well as in Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Argentina, Chile. So many brave souls entered these underground structures that the Peruvian government was even forced to close the entrances with bars.”

Who created the many kilometers of underground tunnels? What are these, ancient crypts or shelters? The complex architecture of underground complexes casts doubt on this. More and more new hypotheses are emerging, speleological expeditions are trying to find out where the mysterious labyrinths of the ancient pyramids lead.

An interesting network of underground passages has been discovered under all the pyramids: in China, Egypt, Bosnia and South America. These are no longer laser-cut, but man-made underground rooms made from stone blocks.

For twenty years, the chairman of the regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society in Kabardino-Balkaria, speleologist Viktor Kotlyarov has been studying the Caucasus mountain ranges. He collected a lot of evidence that there are pyramids in this part of the planet. Often their clear edges are hidden by forest thickets, the peaks are destroyed by time, but, according to Kotlyarov, in some cases it is simply impossible not to notice the silhouette of the pyramid. There are two pyramids in the Elbrus area, these are the peaks of Kogutai. They are so smooth, so perfectly adjusted to each other, that you really get the impression that they were made by people.

During one of the expeditions, Viktor Kotlyarov reached the Chegem Gorge. After nine hours of travel to the Kum-Tyube plateau, which means “burnt earth” in Balkar, several pyramid mountains were found at once. And Kotlyarov placed the last object on the map of megaliths of Kabardino-Balkaria just a couple of months ago - the Chereksky district, the vicinity of the village of Kara-Su. The speleologist was advised by local residents to pay attention to one of the peaks, which looks like a pyramid.

For many years, Viktor Kotlyarov conducted research together with his fellow speleologist Artur Zhemukhov. In the fall of 2013, Arthur made his big discovery - he discovered the entrance to a cave mine in the Khara-Khora mountain range. It turned out that its depth is at least 78 meters!

“Near the mine-cave a pyramid was found, we see stone blocks, it is isosceles. This pyramid also has some properties, but what they are is very difficult to understand. The important thing is that people who start doing this experience various ailments, some incredible phenomena happen to them,”– says the researcher.

Those who have visited the Hara-Hora pyramid and the cave-mine indeed often complain of heart problems. But the real tragedy happened to Artur Zhemukhov himself - he was hit by a car. The day before, Arthur said that he was ready to make a sensational statement about his discovery, but did not have time. Was his death accidental? Colleagues believe that it is simply not the right time to disclose information about the pyramids of the Elbrus region.

In 1874, the outstanding English climber Florence Crawford Grove visited the Caucasus. It was he who was the first to leave memories that one of the mountains in the Caucasus is distinguished by its “remarkably regular conical shape.” The mountain is located in the Cherek Gorge of Kabardino-Balkaria. The peak is so symmetrical that it is difficult to imagine that it was created by nature. Today, thanks to the expeditions of Moscow and Kabardino-Balkarian researchers, it is already clear that there are passages and tunnels inside the pyramid that have not yet been actually explored.

Local historian Maria Kotlyarova shares her memories:

“There is a hole in the mountain, we lit an ordinary newspaper and inserted it there with the burning end. The smoke did not go towards us, but pulled inside - which means there is some kind of sphere there, or maybe everything there is completely empty. Neither archaeologists nor any other services examined Mount Tuzluk.”

The so-called “cauldrons” still raise even more questions among experts. The mountains of Kabardino-Balkaria, which in their shape resemble giant cauldrons turned upside down. There is a version that these are inverted pyramids!

If you take the Kabardino-Balkarian underground, inverted pyramid - its tip actually points down into the depths of the Earth - then it is generally incomprehensible how it could be made in some mechanical way, even with the help of a laser, even with the help of nuclear explosions.

But if in Kabardino-Balkaria there are pyramids with long labyrinths inside, then who built them? Who could do it?

In the village of Verkhniy Kurp, on the top of the pyramid mountain, archaeologists discovered the remains of ceramics, arrowheads, and bronze items. Scientists attributed the finds to the Koban culture, 6th–3rd centuries BC. The hill, 750 meters high, is convenient from a defense point of view; it has excellent visibility, which could attract the tribes living in these areas. The Nart epic also preserved legends about this mountain. But did the ancestors of the Narts create underground mines and labyrinths? There is a version that the megalithic complexes of Kabardino-Balkaria were built much earlier and by a completely different civilization, which was well versed in astronomy and cosmology.

Speleologist Muaed Malsurgenov clarifies:

“On the summer solstice, the longest day, the front of the pyramid completely coincides at one degree with sunset. And on December 22, on the shortest day of the year,the other end coincides with sunrise, also at one degree. And the conclusion involuntarily arises: is this not a temple of the Sun?

In Kabardino-Balkaria, another mysterious pyramid mountain near the Malka River is called the “grave of the giants.” It is known that in 1912, archaeologists from St. Petersburg tried to conduct excavations here, but local residents did not allow the shrine to be desecrated. Why did the Narts reverence this place so much? And what giants does their epic tell about?

Thousands of kilometers from Kabardino-Balkaria, in Malta, the memory of the giants is also preserved. The Englishman Otto Bayer began studying the ancient temple of Gigantia in the 19th century. They say about it that during construction, giants helped people move giant blocks, which is why the temple on the island of Gozo, neighboring Malta, was called Gigantia, or the Tower of the Giants. Today this site is under the protection of UNESCO as the most ancient temple on our planet. Tradition says that these stone blocks - and some weigh up to 50 tons! – a certain female giantess carried and installed it. In one hand she held her newborn child, and with the other hand she moved the blocks.

Excavations that were carried out here at the beginning of the 20th century show a close connection between megalithic structures and religious practices, which is why they were called temples. But it is possible that these structures had another purpose. These were focal points, that is, places that were especially important for society, where some meetings and rituals were held.

Today, 23 temples have already been found in Malta, and once there were even more of them here! These structures forced scientists to take a fresh look at the history of Malta, in particular, at the numerous tunnels that literally dug the entire island. There are even underground halls and corridors under the Grand Master's Palace in Valletta.

According to Doctor of Historical Sciences Stefan Spiteri, “On the shore near Valletta, near the bastions, there are what we call batteries - places for cannons. You can get to them through tunnels. They were created by knights for military purposes.”

Are Malta’s underground tunnels really part of the island’s fortification system and were they created specifically for defense? It turns out that the medieval knights of Malta were able to do this? The history of the Order of the Knights Hospitaller casts doubt on this.

When the order was founded, a hospital first appeared, so the Knights of Malta became known as the Hospitallers. Then, over time, in order to protect the pilgrims who traveled to the holy lands, the Hospitallers also became warriors. But they never stopped medical work.

Why did the Hospitallers build giant dungeons and put so much effort into it? This version seems unconvincing, considering that the tunnels never helped the knights. In the 16th century, during the Great Siege, the Maltese were miraculously saved from the Ottoman invaders by the Viceroy of Sicily with his army, and later Napoleon conquered Malta without much effort.

The underground temple of the Hypogeum does not fit into the framework of the official theory. He presented scientists with too many mysteries.

The entrance to the dungeon was accidentally found by builders while laying city communications. The Jesuit monk Emmanuel drew attention to him. Alone, the monk began excavations, but he had no idea what amazing discoveries this would lead to. It turned out that the mysterious entrance leads to a giant three-level system of rooms and dead-end traps. This structure was called the Hypogeum.

At first, archaeologists assumed that this structure served as a crypt. Indeed, about 7 thousand buried bodies were found in the Hypogeum at the middle level. The crypt was dated to the Bronze Age. However, no other burials were discovered in the underground temples and tunnels of Malta. Why then were these gigantic halls created?

The scientists were given a hint by the holes, which have a perfectly round shape and are located, as a rule, close to the floor - thanks to this, special acoustics are created in the room.

Interference, the mixing of sound vibrations, especially coming from below, was capable of leading a person into a kind of trance state or its likeness.

Hypogeum in Malta

Specialists from the Research Institute of Mediterranean Civilizations measured the resonant frequencies inside the Hypogeum using an infrared wave receiver and resonators. The results obtained force us to reconsider our knowledge of anatomy and physics.

Today, scientists know that the biological rhythms of all plants and animals are synchronized with electromagnetic waves of low and ultra-low frequencies that are formed between the Earth and the ionosphere. The planet sets the rhythm for all living things, synchronizes with the so-called Schumann resonance and the human brain. It seems that in ancient times those who designed the pyramids and underground labyrinths were well aware of this. Moreover, the builders of megalithic structures knew how to artificially create the resonant vibrations they needed. Thus, in the Cheops pyramid, the main resonant frequency is always constant and equal to 12.5 Hz. As scientists have found, this frequency has a beneficial effect on a person and helps to improve the health of the body.

7.8 Hz is the borderline frequency of the β- and α-rhythms of the brain. 12 Hz is already α-rhythms. It is believed that these frequencies are very important for organisms and can, even at certain waves, in particular 12.5, develop certain abilities - extrasensory, clairvoyant. A person becomes more able to perceive information; with such waves, he is able to learn foreign languages ​​​​much faster. These studies were carried out by both NASA and the Russian military.

The measurements taken at the Hypogeum amazed scientists. The instruments showed that the frequency of sound waves in the underground halls was beyond the Schumann resonance range. According to all the laws of physics, frequencies should vary in the range from 7.8 to 43 Hz. In Hypogea, the sensor showed 110 Hz! When American researchers studied the underground complex of Newgrange in Ireland, they recorded the same frequencies - 110–111 Hz.

It turns out that the Hypogeum allowed us to go beyond the usual reality! But what superpowers did the acoustics of the underground temple allow one to achieve? It has been proven that there was a change in the functions of the cerebral hemispheres.

Who could create such a transformative space? Who had such scientific knowledge?

Alexander Koltypin, candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences, discovered a similar acoustic effect in other underground complexes of the planet: in the Bet Gavrin caves in Israel, Prokhodna in Bulgaria, in the Phrygian Valley of Turkey. The height of the vaults of some caves reaches 30 meters. Halls, tunnels in several tiers, inclined stairs... Who was able to build all this?

Very often, triangular pyramids are carved on their walls, reminiscent of the Cheops pyramid, which form concentric rows along the walls, parallel to each other. It is obvious that these structures were used for some acoustic purpose.

Ancient images of pyramids are also preserved on the walls of the Luzit cave in Israel. The cave itself is shaped like a bell. Opera concerts have been held in a room with amazing acoustics for many years. Such ideal sound cannot be found in any modern concert hall equipped with the latest acoustic systems. But how did their creators use such cave complexes? According to one version, they were built for healing and life extension.

There is a hypothesis that stone sarcophagi were additionally used, into which water and certain solutions were poured. People were placed in them and, under the influence of certain resonant frequencies, the body was rejuvenated and cured of diseases.

This hypothesis unexpectedly found confirmation in the Irish epic - in the legend about the source of Slan. After a battle with the mythical creatures the Fomorians, mortally wounded warriors were brought to a healing spring and placed in a sarcophagus. Even images of this process have been preserved on metal utensils created several centuries ago. Was there really knowledge in ancient times about how to resurrect a person? Maybe the pyramids and underground tunnels really were such infirmaries?

Inside one of the tunnels of the ancient pyramid, which is located in the Balkans, a full member of the Russian Geographical Society Valery Uvarov and an archaeologist from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Dr. Semir Osmanagic, who discovered the pyramids in the Balkans back in 2005, worked. Today it is clear that this is a whole megalithic complex! Excavations have been actively carried out in the valley of the pyramids for 10 years.

Recently, archaeologists discovered tunnels filled with water. What is this? Maybe groundwater accidentally got into this part of the labyrinth? Researchers believe this is not the case. It is in these tunnels that water has always flowed, and it fulfills its function.

Semir Osmanagic found a lot of evidence that the Bosnian pyramids and their tunnels are a complex system, and it still operates today. Tunnels have been preserved, some of them filled with water, and megalithic blocks covered with a layer of clay on top. There is only one detail missing. Osmanagic believes that at the top of the pyramid there used to be a huge quartz crystal, which turned the pyramid into a giant energy station.

This is what he says archaeologist Semir Osmanagic:

“Flowing underground water releases energy that is activated by the quartz crystal. An energy field is formed around the megalith, the ceramic vibrates, and the field intensifies. This radiation can be measured using scientific instruments. One frequency was 28 kilohertz, the second was 7.83 hertz. Inside the pyramid, an effect was created that modern physicists call piezoelectric. It produces ultrasound, we can’t hear it, but we can measure it.”

But for what purpose was this giant pyramid-energy station used? Supporters of this hypothesis believe that there is no clear answer to the question. The system of pyramids and tunnels was multifunctional, and today our civilization has not yet learned to create such technologies. Pyramids were used to treat people and were used, for example, to generate electricity, because sound and infrasonic waves can also be transformed into electrical waves.

It turns out that the pyramids and underground complexes were not tombs or temples at all, there is more and more evidence for this...

He put forward a bold hypothesis about pyramids - power plants Christopher Dunn. He explored the Cheops pyramid and during one of the expeditions he noticed that in the pharaoh’s chambers there were strong cracks on the granite beams located above. What is this? The result of an earthquake, as many Egyptologists believe? But then why didn’t this happen in other rooms and only the Pharaoh’s chambers were damaged?

Christopher Dunn believes that the Cheops pyramid is a former power plant. As a result of the accident, oxygen entered the Pharaoh's chamber and after that an explosion occurred, which damaged the beams. Perhaps, indeed, it was no coincidence that the blocks of the large gallery, corridors and chambers of the Cheops pyramid were so tightly fitted to each other? It was as if they were trying to carefully isolate the cells.

Archaeologist Christopher Dunn testifies:

“Hydrogen was produced in the so-called queen’s chambers. In the chambers of the pharaoh, this hydrogen passed into a high-energy state. If you look at the south wall of the pharaoh's room, there is a round hole in it that resembles an antenna. From outside, energy entered the pyramid, which stimulated the release of hydrogen. It was collected in the southern shaft and brought out."

Some pyramids in Central America may also have had a technical purpose. Research conducted in the ancient city of Teotihuacan showed that mica was used in the construction of structures here. For what? After all, this material is used today, for example, for thermal insulation.

Certain elements of the Pyramid of the Sun were made of mica, which was lost during reconstruction. But, nevertheless, such high technologies were used.

According to one version, the pyramids with their underground labyrinths were assigned an additional task - they were defensive systems. Of course, no one installed weapons like modern air defenses on the tops of the pyramids. The megalithic complex acted as an acoustic installation; it could hit the enemy without firing a single shot.

How exactly to hit? Either using infrasound waves to instill fear and panic in them, or some kind of energy weapon was actually used, which hit the enemy with the help of concentrated infrasonic energy.

In the spring of 1945, during a flight over Death Valley in the Himalayas, US Air Force pilot James Kausman was forced to descend: unexpectedly, one of the plane's engines almost stalled, and the fuel began to freeze. Below, the plane crew saw a giant white pyramid shining in the sun! Maybe it caused technical problems? The crew was unable to prove this, and over the past decades no new data about the White Pyramid has appeared. The Chinese authorities prefer not to conduct international scientific research on their territory.

There is a rock formation near the city of Xi'an, which is apparently associated with this legend of the White Pyramid. In the Chinese province of Xi'an, hundreds of small pyramids were erected, usually they are tetrahedral and have a beveled top. Some of the pyramids have already been eroded and destroyed by time, but the scale of the ancient city of the pyramids is still obvious. Why was this pyramid complex created here? And who built it?

Chinese guides say these are the tombs of emperors. But in fact, these pyramids were built for other purposes - to give the space nearby certain shapes so that energy-information exchange could occur.

It turns out that the ancient civilization had extensive scientific knowledge, created giant pyramids, and laid many kilometers of tunnels. And our predecessors clearly could stand up for themselves. But in this case, where did this highly developed civilization disappear to? Why is almost nothing known about her today?

For example, in Malta, according to official historiography, before the beginning of the Bronze Age there was a so-called “sterile period”. For several hundred years the island was uninhabited: settlers from Europe had not yet arrived here, and the former owners of the island, those who created the underground complexes, seemed to have disappeared!

Where could the architects of megalithic complexes have gone? Why, all over the planet, all that remained of this civilization were pyramids and underground mines, and the people themselves seemed to have fallen through the ground. Perhaps in this case the figurative expression is closer to the truth. What if representatives of a previous civilization really mastered the underground world of our planet? The cause of this could be a global catastrophe.

What catastrophe could force the owners of the planet to leave its surface? And is it possible to explore the depths of the Earth unknown to us?

Reports of Russian travelers of the 18th century to Lake Baikal have been preserved; they contain information about the “ice content” of the local rocks and icy soils. Centuries later, geological exploration work confirmed that at this latitude, near Lake Baikal, permafrost was indeed preserved! How is this possible? There is a hypothesis that previously the North Pole was located just south of Baikal, so fragments of permafrost have survived here to this day.

The interior design used photographs of FORMAT TV CJSC, as well as: Maltings Partnership / Thinkstock /, Stockbyte / Thinkstock /, Dorling Kindersley / Thinkstock /, Digital Vision / Photodisc / Thinkstock /, Goodshoot / Thinkstock /, Stocktrek Images / Thinkstock /, Ordus, AsianDream, frentusha, TonyBaggett, ttsz, dziewul / Istockphoto / Thinkstock /; byvalet, rocharibeiro / Used under license from; © W.A. Griffiths / National Geographic Creative / Corbis / EAST NEWS, © Zhang Jun/Xinhua Press / Corbis / EAST NEWS, © DoD / Corbis / EAST NEWS, Science Photo Library / EAST NEWS, Everett Collection / EAST NEWS, AP Photo / EAST NEWS, Mark Farmer/AP Photo/EAST NEWS; David Sholomovich, Ter-Mesropyan, Vladimir Perventsev / RIA Novosti, Infographics: Artem Rozanov / RIA Novosti; © Belyaeva Galina / Photobank Lori / Legion-Media.

Photo used for cover design A. Sulima


If you had told me that one day I would write a second book with that title, I would have said no, it’s not about me. Having been engaged in investigative journalism for many years, I considered stories about aliens and UFOs to be the inventions of dreamers, although, in fairness, it is worth remembering that in Soviet times not only I, but the entire Soviet science and even more so ideology had this opinion.

In general, like all sensible citizens, I did not believe in UFOs. But one day!..

...Once, while working in a closed military archive - it was in East Germany - I came across a folder with documents and, when I opened it, I couldn’t believe my eyes...

It is worth noting that this folder lay not just anywhere, but between the correspondence of Marshal Zhukov with General Montgomery and the Report to the CPSU Central Committee of the head of one of the special services, which justified the need to send two hundred thousand dollars to the “Afghan comrades” for operational needs...

So, the very first document from that treasured folder, which had such respectable “neighbors,” made me pinch myself on the ear, because it was titled like this:

“List of personnel who observed a UFO in the area of ​​the military unit’s missile test site...”

I was stunned! Because this document is dated 1977 (who remembers, this was a time when stories about UFOs could land you in a mental hospital). But what struck me most of all was the fact that the document was signed by the head of the Special Department of the formation, Lieutenant Colonel, as I remember now, Vasilkov...

Well, okay, ideologically dark privates, I thought... But military counterintelligence?

Do you understand how powerful the document was in my hands? After all, the signature of the special officer under the document about UFOs was actually tantamount to the recognition of the chairman of MASSOLIT Berlioz that “God exists!”

Since that day, a new topic has appeared in the list of my journalistic investigations.

Being a serious documentarian, I decided from the very beginning not to believe the words, no matter how seductive the images drawn by eyewitnesses were. I accepted only facts and documents, preferably with a signature and seal.

To my surprise, the folder signed by Lieutenant Colonel Vasilkov turned out to be far from the only evidence in my investigation. The next thing was a huge sheet of Whatman paper, lined with diagrams, diagrams and columns of numbers, which was shown to me in one of the closed research institutes. Its name was no less intriguing:

“Scheme of the appearance of UFOs over objects on the territory of the USSR that have military and strategic significance.”

This document was signed by the Chief of the General Staff himself!

Incredible! It turned out that the special officer Vasilkov and the chief of the General Staff were connected by one terrible secret. Both of them not only do not question the very fact of the existence of UFOs, contrary to the instructions of the ideological department of the CPSU Central Committee, but also seem to know where this vagrant bird’s nesting sites are.

However, as my investigation progressed, I wanted to joke less and less... Reports... Reports... Dozens, hundreds of reports...

Fighter pilots from combat regiments report in their reports how they are attacked by unidentified flying objects.

With military precision, they provide incredible details of combat contacts with flying saucers.

Commanders of nuclear submarine cruisers (with nuclear missiles, by the way, on board) report encounters with underwater objects of clearly extraterrestrial origin that accompany our submarines during combat duty.

Cosmonauts from the orbital station report that unidentified flying objects keep peeping at them through the windows. And one researcher at a military research institute informs the competent authorities with a report that on such and such a day and hour he was abducted by representatives of an alien civilization from his own dorm room and taken to an alien planet in order to become acquainted with the scientific achievements of the above-mentioned civilization. Attached to the report was a medical certificate stating that the employee was sober at the time of the abduction.

At some point it seemed to me that everyone had gone crazy and I was dealing with correspondence from patients in a psychiatric clinic. But!..

What about military ranks and positions? They are written by colonels and generals, commanders and chiefs, vested with enormous power, which means they are at least sensible people and not prone to irresponsible fantasies.

And what about the secrecy stamps on almost every such document? How can one not believe, for example, the head of special intelligence of the Navy, who by his order sent a reconnaissance military vessel on an expedition to the other end of the World Ocean in order to decipher the signals sent by unidentified deep-sea objects, trying to get in touch with our missile cruisers?

What is this? Mass Insanity of Strategic Significance? Or a shocking reality, which, due to its special importance, has been hidden for many years by endless layers of secrecy?

I think anyone who reads this extremely truthful book will be able to answer this question.

…Once our outstanding cosmonaut Georgy Grechko told me how many years ago, as a young scientist, he was sent by Sergei Korolev as part of a scientific expedition to study the Tunguska meteorite. So, when the expedition returned, the first question asked by Korolev, who never believed in the existence of UFOs, was:

- Did you find the plate?

Igor Prokopenko

Alien secrets Igor Prokopenko

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Title: Secrets of Aliens

About the book “Secrets of Aliens” Igor Prokopenko

Our world is full of secrets and mysteries, and it is unlikely that humanity will be able to solve them all in the near future. But still, every person wants to have at least a little touch on the solution to the mystical that is happening both on our planet and beyond its borders.

Igor Prokopenko is a Russian documentarian, journalist and TV presenter. His works are criticized by many; many do not understand or accept them. All because it is very difficult to believe what Igor Prokopenko writes.

As you know, official science does not take the topic of UFOs and aliens seriously. Why? Because answering this question will certainly lead to many other questions that will need to be answered. This is connected with the structure of the Universe, and with the study of extraterrestrial life, and with the emergence of our planet as a whole.

The book “Secrets of Aliens” will reveal many secrets about who these aliens are, when they visited Earth and for what purpose. Igor Prokopenko also gives his explanation of why many facts were classified, why documents and evidence that a UFO did visit our planet are still stored in the archives, and that many military personnel encountered flying objects.

Many people know or perhaps have heard about the tragedy that occurred at the Dyatlov Pass, located in the Northern Urals. All events developed back in 1959. And, it would seem, science and the capabilities of people have gone far ahead, and there should already be a solution to what happened to the nine guys on that ill-fated night. But, alas! We still don't know how they died or why there were strange injuries on their bodies. Igor Prokopenko gives his explanation in his book “Secrets of Aliens,” which will be interesting to read for anyone who is interested in this particular tragedy and mysticism in general.

Many people like to peer into the distant expanses of our Universe. It seems that you can reach the stars with your hand, as well as the answer to everything that is stored in eternal darkness and silence. Many people like to read about the Cosmos, about how it was created. But many are also interested in the question of whether there is another life? After all, it is so easy to assume that somewhere there is a planet like ours, where life originated and now there are also intelligent beings there who have created their own civilization. The book “Secrets of Aliens” will allow you to lift the veil a little and tell you about what many countries have been silent about for many years.

The book “Secrets of Aliens” is not a fairy tale, it is not fictional stories that were retold between ordinary people. These are reliable facts, these are archival data that were classified for a long time, and are now provided to you so that you can study everything yourself and independently answer the question - is there extraterrestrial life and is it true that the aliens are much closer to us than we are? Are you used to thinking about this?

On our website about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online the book “Secrets of Aliens” by Igor Prokopenko in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

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Igor Prokopenko

Alien secrets

The interior design used photographs of FORMAT TV CJSC, as well as: Maltings Partnership / Thinkstock /, Stockbyte / Thinkstock /, Dorling Kindersley / Thinkstock /, Digital Vision / Photodisc / Thinkstock /, Goodshoot / Thinkstock /, Stocktrek Images / Thinkstock /, Ordus, AsianDream, frentusha, TonyBaggett, ttsz, dziewul / Istockphoto / Thinkstock /; byvalet, rocharibeiro / Used under license from; © W.A. Griffiths / National Geographic Creative / Corbis / EAST NEWS, © Zhang Jun/Xinhua Press / Corbis / EAST NEWS, © DoD / Corbis / EAST NEWS, Science Photo Library / EAST NEWS, Everett Collection / EAST NEWS, AP Photo / EAST NEWS, Mark Farmer/AP Photo/EAST NEWS; David Sholomovich, Ter-Mesropyan, Vladimir Perventsev / RIA Novosti, Infographics: Artem Rozanov / RIA Novosti; © Belyaeva Galina / Photobank Lori / Legion-Media.

Photo used for cover design A. Sulima


If you had told me that one day I would write a second book with that title, I would have said no, it’s not about me. Having been engaged in investigative journalism for many years, I considered stories about aliens and UFOs to be the inventions of dreamers, although, in fairness, it is worth remembering that in Soviet times not only I, but the entire Soviet science and even more so ideology had this opinion.

In general, like all sensible citizens, I did not believe in UFOs. But one day!..

...Once, while working in a closed military archive - it was in East Germany - I came across a folder with documents and, when I opened it, I couldn’t believe my eyes...

It is worth noting that this folder lay not just anywhere, but between the correspondence of Marshal Zhukov with General Montgomery and the Report to the CPSU Central Committee of the head of one of the special services, which justified the need to send two hundred thousand dollars to the “Afghan comrades” for operational needs...

So, the very first document from that treasured folder, which had such respectable “neighbors,” made me pinch myself on the ear, because it was titled like this:

“List of personnel who observed a UFO in the area of ​​the military unit’s missile test site...”

I was stunned! Because this document is dated 1977 (who remembers, this was a time when stories about UFOs could land you in a mental hospital). But what struck me most of all was the fact that the document was signed by the head of the Special Department of the formation, Lieutenant Colonel, as I remember now, Vasilkov...

Well, okay, ideologically dark privates, I thought... But military counterintelligence?

Do you understand how powerful the document was in my hands? After all, the signature of the special officer under the document about UFOs was actually tantamount to the recognition of the chairman of MASSOLIT Berlioz that “God exists!”

Since that day, a new topic has appeared in the list of my journalistic investigations.

Being a serious documentarian, I decided from the very beginning not to believe the words, no matter how seductive the images drawn by eyewitnesses were. I accepted only facts and documents, preferably with a signature and seal.

To my surprise, the folder signed by Lieutenant Colonel Vasilkov turned out to be far from the only evidence in my investigation. The next thing was a huge sheet of Whatman paper, lined with diagrams, diagrams and columns of numbers, which was shown to me in one of the closed research institutes. Its name was no less intriguing:

“Scheme of the appearance of UFOs over objects on the territory of the USSR that have military and strategic significance.”

This document was signed by the Chief of the General Staff himself!

Incredible! It turned out that the special officer Vasilkov and the chief of the General Staff were connected by one terrible secret. Both of them not only do not question the very fact of the existence of UFOs, contrary to the instructions of the ideological department of the CPSU Central Committee, but also seem to know where this vagrant bird’s nesting sites are.

However, as my investigation progressed, I wanted to joke less and less... Reports... Reports... Dozens, hundreds of reports...

Fighter pilots from combat regiments report in their reports how they are attacked by unidentified flying objects.

With military precision, they provide incredible details of combat contacts with flying saucers.

Commanders of nuclear submarine cruisers (with nuclear missiles, by the way, on board) report encounters with underwater objects of clearly extraterrestrial origin that accompany our submarines during combat duty.

Cosmonauts from the orbital station report that unidentified flying objects keep peeping at them through the windows. And one researcher at a military research institute informs the competent authorities with a report that on such and such a day and hour he was abducted by representatives of an alien civilization from his own dorm room and taken to an alien planet in order to become acquainted with the scientific achievements of the above-mentioned civilization. Attached to the report was a medical certificate stating that the employee was sober at the time of the abduction.

At some point it seemed to me that everyone had gone crazy and I was dealing with correspondence from patients in a psychiatric clinic. But!..

What about military ranks and positions? They are written by colonels and generals, commanders and chiefs, vested with enormous power, which means they are at least sensible people and not prone to irresponsible fantasies.

And what about the secrecy stamps on almost every such document? How can one not believe, for example, the head of special intelligence of the Navy, who by his order sent a reconnaissance military vessel on an expedition to the other end of the World Ocean in order to decipher the signals sent by unidentified deep-sea objects, trying to get in touch with our missile cruisers?

What is this? Mass Insanity of Strategic Significance? Or a shocking reality, which, due to its special importance, has been hidden for many years by endless layers of secrecy?

I think anyone who reads this extremely truthful book will be able to answer this question.

…Once our outstanding cosmonaut Georgy Grechko told me how many years ago, as a young scientist, he was sent by Sergei Korolev as part of a scientific expedition to study the Tunguska meteorite. So, when the expedition returned, the first question asked by Korolev, who never believed in the existence of UFOs, was:

- Did you find the plate?

Igor Prokopenko

Are people aliens?

Who built our Earth

A mysterious and creepy discovery in the Elbrus region - a Wehrmacht detachment buried under an avalanche was found. There is no information about his mission in either German or Soviet archives. It is noteworthy that among the personal belongings of the victims, a seal and a suitcase with the symbols of the Ahnenerbe society, an occult division of the Third Reich, were found.

What was the Ahnenerbe expedition looking for in the Elbrus region? Why was this mission classified?

Speleologist from Nalchik Arthur Zhemukhov got on the trail of the German expedition. Not far from the burial, he found a cave 78 meters deep! Maybe it was she who was interested in the Ahnenerbe detachment? According to Zhemukhov’s hypothesis, the mine-cave leads to an underground city, the tunnels of which stretch all the way to Elbrus and further into Transcaucasia! Moreover, the underground city is built under the valley of the pyramids! Stalker, according to his colleagues, was preparing to publish new sensational data about his discovery, but tragedy struck: Zhemukhov died suddenly. What did the speleologist see in the cave and why didn’t he have time to tell about it?

Several intriguing discoveries have recently been made under the foundations of ancient structures. Scientists have discovered mysterious passages under the Giza Valley in Egypt, an entire underground city under the pyramids of Teotihuacan in Central America, and now archaeologists are discussing finds made in the Elbrus region... Where do the tunnels of underground cities lead? And who created this web around our planet?

The Queen's room is the smallest room inside the Cheops pyramid. For several decades it remained a mysterious black box for scientists; they could not figure out what this part of the famous Egyptian pyramid was. Only in 1993, German engineers applied the latest technology - a console with a camera made it possible to see a tunnel about 60 meters deep, leading from the Queen’s Room to the center of the Cheops pyramid.

The shafts themselves are very small, measuring 20 by 20 centimeters. For the first time we were able to see what was hidden inside - there was a door at the end of the southern shaft.

Why did the creators of the pyramids design such tunnel shafts? The most amazing thing about them is that the shafts are not laid horizontally, but diagonally. What is their purpose? The researchers ran a fiber optic cable through the door of the southern tunnel. It turned out that another narrow tunnel was hidden inside the Cheops pyramid!