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Easter is the time for accurate fortune-telling of your destiny or desires. How to make a wish for Easter so that it comes true and is it possible

“Fear your wishes, they come true!” Do you know this wise phrase? But which of us is afraid of them, on the contrary! We all dream: I wish I had this and that! At least it would turn out this way and that way.

How to make a wish so that it surely comes true? This is exactly the question we asked ourselves at the editorial office on the eve of the New Year - the festive night is special! There is a lot of esoteric and even scientific literature on the topic of making wishes correctly, and a sea of ​​information on the Internet. However, when my colleagues and I began to share our personal observations, such facts came to light!

It turned out that each of us had dreams come true, made using a variety of “secret” methods. And although New Year's Eve, when the majority of people fall silent to the chimes with a dreamy look or are in a hurry to burn a piece of paper with cherished words over a glass of champagne, is never too late to make wishes. Especially now, during Holy Week, a mystical and magical time! Fortune-telling, which is so common during Christmas time, and other looks into the future are a sin. And making wishes is a completely harmless thing.

We decided to reveal to you several “tested” methods that we shared with each other during our editorial and New Year’s gatherings. Try using them, and what if it comes true for you too?

Space Order Service

Do you think that making cosmic orders from the Universe is complete nonsense? Maybe so. And for me personally, these “crazy” orders were executed, and more than once. One day such a complex wish was fulfilled in such detail that I simply cannot help but believe in this method. I won’t talk about the desires themselves, it’s still very personal, but I’ll be happy to talk about the methodology itself.

The point is this: you need to clearly formulate what you want, mentally send this order to the Universe and not think about it anymore, throw it out of your head. You need to place such orders with a light heart and childlike trust. The easier and “less serious” you are about the “Space Order Service”, the faster your desire will come true, especially if it is a “test order” to which you do not attach much importance. You just need to throw out the energy outside - I WANT THIS! And that's it, forget it. But when you constantly think about something, fear, doubt, nothing happens as a result.

“Get Lived” in Your Desire

This method is similar to the previous one, but it is still a different technique. Here it is important to correctly formulate the desire and always in the present tense, as if it has already been fulfilled. And “settle” in it.

Here's the real story. A friend of mine couldn’t find a travel companion for her vacation; all her friends refused - some didn’t have money, some didn’t have time... But the girl didn’t give up. For a week, every day, on her way to work, she imagined how she was basking on the beach, how the sun was warming, the sand under her feet, the blue sea before her eyes... And then one of her friends, the one who had no money, suddenly I got a bonus and it was exactly the amount needed for the trip!

Another story also makes you think. The same girl really wanted to buy new perfume, but at that moment she was desperately short of money. However, as soon as I really imagined the aroma of my favorite perfume, money appeared out of nowhere. On Sunday, one bank unexpectedly called on my mobile phone and invited me to come in for exactly the amount that was required for the purchase. It turned out that three years ago the girl overpaid on the loan and they were going to return the money to her!

Eyelashes and namesakes

A well-known children's entertainment: you find yourself accidentally between people with the same names - make a wish! Of course, it’s stupid, but it came true for me once. It was a long time ago, at a school disco. Finding myself between two namesake classmates, I took their hands and wished that the boy I really liked then would ask me to dance. The desire was deliberately chosen to be simple in order to immediately test the effectiveness of this method. And everything worked out!

Another well-known children's method is wishing on an eyelash. If you see that a friend's eyelash has fallen onto his cheek, ask him to guess which cheek the eyelash is on? If a person guesses right, place the eyelash on your finger, blow it away, and while it flies, make a wish.

This is my colleague’s method, which also helped her at school age. What else can you make wishes about at school? Of course, for love! The boy, who did not pay any attention to the future journalist, was already nearby a month after the “magic ritual”.

Go to church

Preparing to write this article, I did a mini-survey among our large team, and was surprised to notice that many of my colleagues do not indulge in riddles. And if there are any requests and desires, they go to church.

“Once I was advised to hold a service for a holiday and pray,” says one of our employees. “I did just that, and the illness that had tormented me for a long time went away. Therefore, I enjoy visiting church, especially festive services - on Easter, Palm Sunday.

And some don’t even go to church for this. They make achievable wishes that come true, and simply work for it.

There are so many ways to make wishes! What have we not remembered! Wish spots (bridges, monuments, etc.), wish trees, dream maps, shooting star. Or you are doing something for the first time - make a wish at this moment! Or you see the same hours and minutes on an electronic clock, like 12:12 - don’t get lost! You also notice some sign for yourself, for example, if a woman comes in first now or if the phone rings now, then your wish will come true. And let many consider such “sales” to be just coincidences. Don’t be afraid to make wishes, the main thing is that they are kind and cannot harm anyone. Then maybe a “happy coincidence” will happen in your life.

How do you make wishes? We are waiting for your comments on the site!



Magdalena Welt, parapsychologist, follower of Vanga:

No wish will come true if you don't believe in it. Now is the time when human thoughts are “heard” and have real power.

It is very good to cast wishes on water, but the wish should not pursue a material goal. Take a crystal bowl and pour 200 ml of water into it. The bowl should be placed in the lunar path, preferably on a full moon. The first thing you need to say to the water is: “Thank you and love you.” These are the words that, like a key, “open” the water.

You can imagine a waterfall and talk about your desire. After this, drink the water in small sips.


Valentina Shelkova, psychologist at the Trust Center:

The word “riddle” is not entirely correct. Try to formulate your dream and start moving in this direction. If a person clearly knows what he wants, he invests energy and does something for it. Then wishes come true. If the image of what is desired is unclear, and a person doubts whether he wants it or not, it’s like dragging an unnecessary heavy suitcase along the way to a dream. However, of course, miracles do happen. But, as a rule, infrequently and for a reason.


Father Alexander, Yaroslavl priest:

Making wishes is not a sin, but it is a waste of time. A person wants to accomplish something, but does not put any effort into it. In order to change something in your life, you need to pray, ask the Lord for it. And this is already work.

Father Sergius, priest of Fedorov Cathedral:

In Christianity, desires are replaced by requests and prayers. Believe and you will receive!

Easter is one of the kindest and brightest holidays that adults and children look forward to. This is a time of renewal, on this holiday people make wishes. If it is wished from a pure heart and soul, then it will definitely come true.

Easter rituals, as well as conspiracies and rituals to fulfill wishes, have always been of interest to many people. Many wishes and rituals are based on the fact that they are universal, writes the 1rre website. With their help, it becomes possible to solve various problems, both family and financial, and health problems.

There is such a custom among people as making wishes for Easter. People believe that when the gates of heaven open on Easter Sunday, then you can make any wishes. They must be light and clean; they can concern not only the person making the wish, but also relatives and close people. To make your wish come true, you need to believe in miracles. Early in the morning on Easter, you need to wake up and mentally say your deepest desire.

Particular attention should be paid to its wording. You can't ask for money or wealth. You can make a wish to find a new job, for good luck in business, health, and in love. You need to make a wish with pure thoughts.

If a person has desires that are not fulfilled, it is advised to make a conspiracy to fulfill desires. It should be done during worship early in the morning. To do this, you should take a paint, preferably red.

It should be placed under your left armpit. The ministry is worth persevering from beginning to end. The egg should not be crushed, so you should be careful. After the service, you should come home, make a wish and eat an egg. Be sure to say the following words:

Christ is Risen!
His glory and power are from earth to heaven.
Send, Lord God, to me, the servant of God (name),
Consolation, all my affairs have a happy resolution.
Whatever I think, let it come true,
Whatever I think, let it come true.
Everything will come true and grow together,
To my joy, God's servant (name).
Help me, Lord, to fulfill my desire
(describe in detail the desire whose fulfillment you are waiting for).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

For your wish to come true, you need to say these words early in the morning for three days in a row.

Make a wish for Easter to come true: a ritual to fulfill a wish

On Easter, many people perform a special ritual to fulfill their wishes. To do this, take a red candle, a piece of paper and a pen.
Write down a wish to God on a piece of paper, thank him, then write down your wish.

Desires on this day can come true without various rituals; it is imperative that thoughts are bright and desires carry kindness.

Easter is the main Christian holiday, the symbols of which are Easter cakes and colored eggs. There are many rituals that during Easter week attract love, health and family well-being to the home. Fortune telling for Easter is enhanced by magical energy, so with its help you can determine your destiny.

Fortune telling on various objects

On a fresh egg

Take a glass of blessed water and 1 chicken egg. Break an egg into the water and use the resulting figure to determine your future:

  1. The egg resembles the shape of a church dome. For young people this portends a wedding, and for old people it portends death.
  2. For men, a dog is a close friend, and for a woman, it is a friend who spreads gossip.
  3. The ship promises a trip abroad or marriage, a married lady - the return of her prodigal husband, a man - a long journey.
  4. Tree - good news, health.
  5. Heart is love.
  6. Flowers - date.
  7. Man - for marriage.

An egg that sinks to the bottom warns you of trouble.

Online fortune telling by egg

Click to start fortune telling (with sound)

On a painted egg

The most common fortune telling at Easter is on colored eggs. You can tell fortunes in this way throughout the entire Easter week. It is advisable that this ritual be performed by unmarried girls. For the ritual you will need a ring, bread, salt and sugar. Before fortune telling, you need to place one object in each corner of the room. After this, stand in the center of the room and spin the colored egg on the floor:

  1. The egg is heading towards the ring. If you have a lover, expect the development of love events up to a marriage proposal. A lonely girl will meet a young man and soon marry him.
  2. Sugar promises you many gentlemen, but without marriage. The year will be measured and calm. There will be no quarrels with loved ones.
  3. Bread is a secure life. The girl will have a man who will give expensive gifts, but this does not mean that he will marry her.
  4. Salt - tears and unrequited love await you.

You can use colored eggs to tell fortunes not only about love, but also about income. The basket with blessed eggs is covered with a towel and placed on the table. The fortune tellers take turns approaching the basket and, without looking, take one egg. Future wealth is determined by color:

  • red - profit, wealth;
  • white - promotion and salary increase;
  • green - the emergence of additional sources of profit;
  • orange - job loss;
  • blue - low income;
  • yellow - many unexpected gifts.

On egg white

Protein fortune telling is similar to the ritual with a fresh egg, but there is a slight difference - you do not use the whole egg. Take half a glass of boiling water. Break 1 egg over a glass, separate the white and pour it into the water. The protein will begin to fold, forming different shapes. From them you can determine your future.

On sacred eggs

The girl takes an egg consecrated in the church, peels it and divides it into two equal parts with a knife. A soft-boiled egg indicates prolonged loneliness. If the yolk is close to the edge, there will be a wedding soon. The brighter it is, the better the future life together. Such divination should be carried out after returning from the Easter service.

Using Easter cake

For Easter, many housewives bake Easter cakes themselves. And this is not without reason, because baking can be used to judge the future fate and well-being of the entire family. If the cake turns out airy and rosy, with a well-baked middle, your life will be calm and prosperous. Failed baking is a bad sign. Family members may have various problems, including health problems.

On the Saturday before Easter, when the Easter cake dough is being kneaded, you can tell fortunes about the fate of all family members. This is a simple fortune telling that all housewives used. Before baking Easter cakes, make one for each family member. After you take the cakes out of the oven, look carefully at the shape of each and try to determine the future from it.

If the cake is neat, without any unevenness or cracks, the year will be successful for the person. Cracked baked goods indicate illness and trouble. A settled cake is bad news.

On a church candle

After the Easter service in the temple, buy a white candle. It needs to be lit and inserted into the cake. On the way home, keep an eye on the flames. If it is constantly smooth and bright, then the whole year will be filled with pleasant events. An extinguished candle promises trouble for you and your loved ones.

On the maps

Fortune telling with cards before Easter is prohibited. This is dangerous because cards can attract evil forces into your home. During Easter week, you need to refrain from any such manipulations so as not to cause trouble and spoil your future. It is also forbidden to tell fortunes on coffee grounds or perform any witchcraft rituals.

Fortune telling at different times

Most of the rituals that our ancestors performed during Easter week are a thing of the past. There are many fortune telling and customs, and each of them has some truth. People believed that during the Easter holidays, with the help of simple manipulations, they could predict their future and protect their family from evil spirits. Faith in God helped them solve their everyday problems.

On the way to church for Easter

On the way to the festive service, collect 10 twigs, and before entering the temple, break them into pieces and say the following words: “I break twigs, I reject pride. Renounce before Christ's house if you can. You will return back and bow to the ground. You won’t say goodbye, you’ll get married.”

The night before Easter

In the evening before the Resurrection of Christ, you can tell fortunes using a church candle. It is consecrated in the temple, brought home, lit and watched over the flame:

  1. A bright, restless fire means exciting events.
  2. A dim, low flame means a year with few bright events, a sad year.
  3. Calm fire - stability and prosperity.
  4. A smoky candle flame means failure and loneliness.

On Maundy Thursday

On this day, they lit a candle in church and went home with it. With a burning candle, they walked around all the corners of the house and read a prayer. After the ceremony, they cleaned up. This custom helped protect the house and all family members from evil spirits. To ward off evil spirits, a bouquet of heather branches was hung on the front door. Thanks to this, a person with evil intent could not enter the house.

There are also many. And in the video there are signs and customs of this day:

On Good Friday

On this day Jesus was crucified, so magical rituals are not encouraged on Good Friday, but there are some. And there are also signs that need to be paid attention to:

  • if a cup or plate breaks on Good Friday, this is a good sign and the year will be successful;
  • a child weaned from his mother’s breast on this day will grow up strong and healthy;
  • It is believed that clothes that are washed on Good Friday cannot be clean.

On the day of Christ's resurrection

Previously, unmarried girls on Easter morning went to the river and swam in cold water. This ritual was performed in order to get married successfully.

A silver item and a painted egg were placed in the washing container. It was believed that silver purifies water from negative energy, the evil eye and damage, and the egg gives health and beauty. On the day of Christ's resurrection, they washed themselves with holy water in order to attract the respect of people. Seven good deeds done on Easter helped a person feel happy for a whole year.

Fortune telling for different purposes

For the betrothed

This ritual is performed on Maundy Thursday. Before telling fortunes for her betrothed, the girl must take a swim. The towel with which she dried herself should be taken to the church and given to people asking for alms. After this, go to church and during the service say the spell: “Christ's resurrection! Help me find my single betrothed, so that he has money and pies. He will become a good and handsome husband!”

For love

Fortune telling for love is the most ancient. It was carried out by girls who were forbidden to show their feelings and enter into relationships with the guys they liked. The unknown worried future brides, so they performed this powerful ritual.

If you doubt that your beloved’s feelings are sincere, go to church and stay there throughout the Easter service. When it runs out, buy two candles and place them in front of the icon of the Virgin Mary. One candle is a woman, and the second is her lover. Light the candles and watch the flames:

  1. The fire burns brightly, without crackling or soot. This means that your love is mutual.
  2. Extinguished fire. If the candle symbolizing the chosen one goes out earlier, he loves you more. A flame that goes out immediately does not promise any love relationship.
  3. Smoke and crackling are a sign indicating a third wheel - a rival or rival.
  4. A dull coating may appear on the candles. This means that many obstacles will arise on the path of lovers.

For money

Throughout Lent, set aside some money every day. On Easter Day, go to church in the morning and give them to the poor. Before this, you need to read the money spell: “Lord, return everything that I give, multiplying it a thousandfold.” Find the icon of the Resurrection, kiss it and read a prayer glorifying Jesus.

To fulfill a wish

If you want to tell your fortune, break off a small piece from the blessed Easter cake. You cannot use a knife.

Wrap the piece in a clean scarf and go for a walk to some secluded place, where you can safely feed the birds. Crumble the cake and throw it to the pigeons or sparrows. If the birds quickly collect the crumbs, your wish will soon come true. Bread left on the ground indicates that you will not get the desired result. Your wish will not come true because insurmountable obstacles will arise along the way.

For marriage

On Easter Sunday, you need to take a small canvas bag filled with wheat grains to church. When you return home, scatter grain on your doorstep and ask God to send you suitors.

If a girl wants to get married, she must try 12 Easter cakes baked by different housewives.

To marry a hardworking man, you need to get to church for Easter service before it starts. Girls who like to sleep and don’t come to church early will get lazy husbands.

To find a rich groom, you need to go to church on the Resurrection of Christ and buy 24 candles. Put half for your health, and the rest for the health of the future groom. After this, read the prayer: “Lord, save and preserve the servant of God whom you have appointed as your husband. Amen".

Bad weather on Easter Sunday suggests that it is better to postpone a wedding planned for this year because it will be difficult. Sunny weather predicts a long and happy marriage.

When you come home from church, before going to bed, put on clean underwear, tie two branches from different trees with woolen thread, put them on a plate and light a candle brought from the temple. When the wax begins to drip, read the spell: “Two branches are entwined forever, interlocked - cannot be separated, for joy, for goodness, for offspring, for profit, for eternal life.”

Is it a sin to guess on Easter?

According to the priests, any fortune-telling is a great sin, because you want to find out about your destiny, but the Lord does not reveal this secret to people. Maybe you don't need to know what will happen in the future, so don't try to guess, but just live and go about your daily business.

The sacrament of fortune telling is a powerful mystical rite, for the results of which you are responsible. Even if you don’t believe in superstitions and omens, you still shouldn’t perform any mystical rituals on the great holiday of Easter. Your thoughts must remain pure, because evil intentions can negatively affect your future.

so that a cherished wish comes true, wealth comes to the house, and the girl is invited to marry

- one of the most beloved Christian holidays, symbolizing the Resurrection of Christ and victory over death. On this day, believers visit, pray, congratulate each other, give colored eggs and consecrate Easter cakes. On Easter, it is customary to have fun (in moderation) and visit the sick and suffering, go to visit and greet everyone you know with three times “Christ is risen!”

Miracle of the Resurrection of Christ. Source: liveinternet.ru

What should you do on Easter so that the year is successful and money is not transferred around the house?

True signs for good luck

1. To make your wish come true

It is believed that it is worth asking the Higher Powers at the All-Night Vigil from Saturday to Sunday. Then it will definitely come true! You just need to be patient and stand through the entire service from start to finish.

Easter services last the whole night. Source: spravoslavia.ru

2. So that wealth comes to the house

At Easter, it is customary to bless not only Easter cakes, but also material things. For example, a wallet. There is a belief that a consecrated wallet will subsequently attract money throughout the year.

3. For good luck

In order for there to be luck in your home, and, as our ancestors advised, on Easter, when the bell rings, you need to whisper three times: “Christ has risen, and my family will have health, my home will have wealth, my field will have a harvest. Amen." Then the year will be truly successful.

4. To get married

It’s also customary for Easter. During a church service, when the priest says “Christ is Risen!”, you must quickly whisper: “Resurrection of Christ, send me a single guy to be my groom!” Or early in the morning at sunrise, on Easter, knock on the glass of your window and read: “Easter sun, roll across the sky, and you, groom, show up at my doorstep. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Christ has risen, and the groom comes to me. Amen".

5. To stop quarrels

If in your family members of the household do not get along with each other, you need to roll a red egg from a high mountain, saying at the same time: “How this egg came down from the mountain, so that grief would be released from me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen". Also, to get rid of quarrels and conflicts, a cross was burned with an Easter candle on the doorframe of the front door.

What to do on Easter is strictly prohibited

1. Be sad, conflict and use foul language. The same rule applies to all days of the next week. It is believed that anyone who becomes despondent on this bright holiday will mourn throughout the year. And whoever fights and swears will receive an administrative fine!

2. Get married and have sex . During the entire Easter week, priests do not perform weddings (and also do not baptize).

As for sex, any intimate relationship outside of marriage is not welcomed by the church. And legal spouses should stop having sex during Easter.

3. Have noisy parties and celebrate birthdays. It happens that Bright Resurrection coincides with the date when a believer was born. It is better to postpone the name day celebration to another day, since the celebration of Easter is more important than the birthday party.

The same applies to funerals; grieving for the dead on a joyful day for all Christians is prohibited. For this there are parental Saturdays and Radunitsa.

4. Guessing. The Church has a very negative attitude towards such things as conspiracies and magical rituals. But in the villages, girls quite often gathered in groups on Easter evenings to tell fortunes on Easter cakes and colored eggs about whether they would get married soon and what the near future would be like.

How to celebrate the Holy Resurrection of Christ

The week before Easter, Orthodox believers keep a strict fast. It is customary to break the fast after the Liturgy and Communion. The festive table should include colored eggs, Easter cakes, Easter cottage cheese, and Cahors. They also prepare jellied meat, aspic, stuffed duck or chicken, and pies with various fillings.

Easter cakes and Easter eggs are an indispensable attribute of Easter. Photo VKontakte

You should eat and drink in moderation on Easter. And it is better not to throw away the eggshells left after the meal, but to bury them in a place where people and animals do not usually go. You should do the same with stale Easter cake.

You can and should give gifts to friends and family on Christ’s Resurrection. For example, candles and cards, church utensils, books, Easter cakes and Easter baskets. A painted egg was always added to them as a symbol of evidence of new life.

Should you work on Easter?

On important church holidays, believers tried not to do household chores and work. But it doesn’t always turn out that the day off falls on a Sunday. If you have to go to work on Easter, you shouldn’t make a problem out of it and quarrel with the management (especially now, when there are many for the slightest offense!). Do your work especially conscientiously. It is believed that the Lord will definitely appreciate the zeal of a believer.

But it’s better to postpone household chores on this bright holiday. It is better to find another day for washing and cleaning. Easter should be celebrated with ease and joy, and not in everyday hassles!

Signs associated with the cemetery

The clergy claim that the custom of coming to Easter did not arise during the years of Soviet power, when a ban was imposed on visiting and celebrating various Christian holidays. But commemorating dead ancestors was allowed. Today, when no one prevents believers from attending services, it is better to postpone until Radunitsa, which this year falls on May 10.

Pagans believe that Easter Sunday is the only day of the year when the sky opens and the souls of the dead descend to their burial places to communicate with living relatives and loved ones. Therefore, people rushed to come to the cemetery, bring their loved ones and sweets to the deceased, and ask the souls of the dead for advice.

But littering the grave, throwing food crumbs and eggshells, is extremely undesirable! This will attract birds and... It is better to leave some part of the blessed Easter cakes, eggs and other products on the funeral table in the church.

If you have blessed the food, leave some of it in the church.