
Absolute compatibility between Pisces and Scorpio. Compatibility of Scorpio and Pisces in love and marriage

Scientists and astrologers have been accumulating knowledge and observations of celestial bodies and people for centuries in order to be able to predict certain aspects and events of our lives. For many peoples of the world, the compatibility horoscope has since ancient times been considered an important factor when entering into marriage. Of course, a horoscope cannot determine exactly what the family life of lovers will be like, however, it can tell a couple its strengths and weaknesses, prepare for possible difficulties, and help build a strong relationship.

In a love relationship, these two signs are an example of a couple that is ideal in almost everything. Both signs are water, which promotes strong emotional intimacy within the couple, as well as mutual understanding at the level of feelings. The partners in it complement each other without competing or rivaling each other. However, sometimes it is quite difficult for signs to understand each other due to obvious differences in their temperaments and character traits.


Representatives of the Pisces sign are people with well-developed intuition, creative, capable of giving others true, pure love. Such people do not have a steely character, perseverance and perseverance, but they are endowed with the ability to adapt to almost any, even the most difficult situation, and find the right way out of it. Often Pisces can be influenced by stronger and more powerful people, which makes them quite vulnerable.


People with the zodiac sign Scorpio attract a large number of people around them with their internal magnetism, as they have a very strong character. They are capable of independently solving life's problems and difficulties, know how and love to go ahead, and are not afraid of risks and failures. These people are not afraid to show their emotions, they are full of energy and strength, very sociable and sincere. However, even Scorpio can be prone to vindictiveness, manipulation and some rudeness and cruelty in dealing with others.

Love relationships in such a couple will develop very harmoniously. The leader in the pair will be the woman. She will take on a greater share of responsibility, which will suit the creative Pisces man quite well. Even at the first meeting, the Scorpio woman will most likely take the initiative of dating into her own hands, while the man is hesitant to think about how he could impress her.

In such relationships, a man is attracted to the inner strength emanating from a woman, her willpower and rather tough character. He admires her ability to solve problems that, in a man’s opinion, are practically insoluble, as well as the shocking to him methods that a woman resorts to from time to time to solve them.

A woman in this relationship likes the opportunity to take initiative, take everything into her own hands, and also deep respect from a man. She does not need to compete with a man and fight for the right to be a leader in a relationship: the man happily gives in to her in this.
In the marriage of Scorpio and Pisces, there will be a very clear delineation of responsibilities and roles. Work and financial support for the family in such a couple often falls on the shoulders of the woman, while the man is involved in housekeeping and raising children.

A man does not interfere with a woman’s desire to self-realize by building a career. He may also have some hobbies and activities for the soul that bring income to the family, however, the bulk of the family budget is still most often earned by the woman.

The compatibility of such a couple in sex is very good. Both partners are most often satisfied with each other and do not seek to find adventures on the side. The woman also leads in sex. However, both partners are very attentive to each other’s feelings and sensations.

Lack of self-confidence prompts a man to jealousy, often without any justification. A man will be jealous of his wife for almost any member of the opposite sex, whom he will evaluate as a more successful person than himself. A woman, knowing about her man’s jealousy, in most cases can easily calm him down without starting quarrels and scandals.

The Scorpio woman is very sensitive to deception on the part of her partner, she sees right through him and if she notices signs of lies, she can no longer trust him. In turn, the Pisces man is quite often afraid to admit anything and simply tell the truth. This can cause quite serious problems in their relationship.

However, according to statistics, marriages of a Scorpio woman and a Pisces man break up very rarely.

In such a couple, the woman completely relies on her man, who, in turn, happily takes responsibility for her and for the relationship as a whole. A man gives a woman the support she needs for her self-esteem, for which she is very grateful to him.

The Scorpio man is a real knight for the Pisces woman, ready to protect her from any adversity. He gives her a feeling of security that she needs so much. The rudeness with which a man can address the people around him does not apply to his chosen one: with her he tries to be delicate and careful in his expressions, as he sees her vulnerability and defenselessness. However, the Scorpio man is capable of unbridled anger and rudeness towards the Pisces woman if she decides to betray him in any way. However, a woman rarely dares to take such a step, since she values ​​her chosen one and her position very much.

Most often, the love in such couples is strong and sincere: both partners need each other and are afraid of losing each other. Therefore, in quarrels, both know how to shut up in time, without bringing the situation to a critical point and thus sparing the feelings of their partner. This helps to maintain relationships for many years and not lose love, interest and respect for each other.

In a marriage between a Pisces woman and a Scorpio man, there is also a fairly clear distribution of responsibilities. This is a traditional family where the man is the breadwinner, and the woman takes care of household chores and raising children. Both agree to this arrangement and most often no contradictions arise in this regard among either of the couple.

In sex, partners are completely satisfied with each other. The Scorpio man also leads in intimate relationships. The Pisces woman strives to please him and give him pleasure, but the man himself does not deprive his woman of attention. This way, both get what they need from sex and are satisfied.

The passion in the couple does not subside over time, as both strive to surprise each other year after year.

Such a marriage breaks up very rarely, since both partners value each other and the relationship. If it does come to a divorce, the initiator is most often a man. And a significant reason for separation is often treason or betrayal on the part of a woman, which a man cannot forgive. Without a compelling reason, marriages between such people most often do not break up.

Possible difficulties in the couple's relationship:

Scorpio's jealousy and mistrust can destroy a strong union. The Scorpio man, considering his chosen one to be a little frivolous and flighty, can quite often test her. However, a loving Pisces woman will not look for adventures on the side and will easily be able to pass all the tests.

The mistrust of a Scorpio man can be caused by omissions on the part of a woman. And if trust on his part is lost, the woman will have practically no chance of returning it back. Therefore, the Pisces woman most often does not risk testing fate and her husband’s trust.

The love relationship between Pisces and Scorpio is quite harmonious. People with such signs complement each other, clearly distributing family roles and responsibilities among themselves, which contributes to building healthy, strong relationships for many years. Of course, some difficulties in a couple’s relationship are still present, however, provided that the partners love each other, and the due desire and effort of both, coping with disagreements or misunderstandings will not be the slightest difficulty for the couple.

Of course, you should not rely entirely on the data of the compatibility horoscope, because it does not take into account the personal characteristics of your partner. However, taking note of it will be useful for you and your chosen one - after all, at the beginning of your relationship, it can help you better get to know the inner world of your partner, prepare for possible difficulties, and also prevent brewing conflicts.

Horoscopes have been popular for decades, because with their help you can find out a lot of interesting information. Scorpio and Pisces, the compatibility between whom is good, have different characters, but this attracts them to each other.

Scorpio and Pisces - compatibility in love relationships

Such a tandem can claim the title “almost ideal”. These people have a lot in common, but at the same time they have something to complement each other. When figuring out whether Scorpio and Pisces are suitable for each other or not, you should take into account which sign belongs to a man and which to a woman:

  1. He is Scorpio and she is Pisces. In this combination, the couple has better compatibility. Scorpio and Pisces in love embody a scenario where a man is a reliable shoulder and head, and a woman is a support and a good housewife. A man can be called the prince that a woman has dreamed of for so long. Partners complement each other well, developing their best qualities and achieving harmony. It is worth noting that there will not be absolute trust in the couple, since Scorpio considers Pisces frivolous, so checks on his part cannot be avoided.
  2. He is a Pisces and she is a Scorpio. Relationships in such a couple can last a long time and become a strong marriage. Scorpio cannot attract attention with his inner strength. A woman’s personal qualities will be a driving force for both, helping in life. The man is satisfied with the scenario where he occupies the second stage, that is, everyone in this couple will find what they were looking for.

Scorpio and Pisces - Marriage Compatibility

In most cases, the marriage union between representatives of this sign is permanent, strong, reliable, devoted and safe. Divorce in such couples is very rare. The union of Pisces and Scorpio is strong, since the former can rely on their other halves in everything, providing them with everything they need, and to a greater extent this concerns love and tenderness. Even in marriage, there is an inexplicable and telepathic connection between representatives of this sign. Scorpio and Pisces, whose compatibility is high, understand each other without words.

Pisces and Scorpio - sexual compatibility

An idyll awaits the representatives of the Scorpio and Pisces signs in bed. The former will take the main position, revealing the potential of the latter, since they are the most passionate in the entire Zodiac. Sometimes Scorpio's dominance can take on a hint of masochism, but partners even like it. When figuring out whether Scorpios and Pisces are compatible, it is worth noting that if partners show looseness and courage, they will be able to realize their wildest fantasies.

Scorpio and Pisces - compatibility in friendship

An excellent friendly tandem that combines people who can understand each other like no one else. They spend most of their time together having conversations, during which they can discuss other people and even their significant other. Describing the compatibility of the signs Scorpio and Pisces, it is worth saying that the former are a good support for the latter, helping to cope with various problems. There are situations. When Scorpios have their own mercantile interests, that can put an end to friendly relations.

Scorpio and Pisces at work

Job prospects depend on the positions people hold. If they are partners or colleagues, then everything will be fine. Scorpio will be recognized as the informal leader, and Pisces will not resist this. Problems may arise due to the fact that both partners like to intrigue, which can negatively affect work. If this is prevented, then the work will go with a bang.

Another scenario worth considering is whether Pisces and Scorpio are compatible as a boss and subordinate. If the leaders are the former, then problems will not arise if the boss is competent. In a situation where the leader is Scorpio, the work will go well, since Pisces feel normal in the role of a subordinate.

The union of Pisces and Scorpio is considered one of the most successful in astrology. The temperaments of the partners combine well here, thanks to which harmony in the couple appears by itself. Representatives of these constellations do not need to look for common ground; mutual understanding in the union arises gradually, as relations develop. When Scorpio and Pisces meet, love or friendship feelings immediately flare up between them.

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Mutual attraction here is the foundation for building long-term and strong connections. Partners ignore minor differences in their views on the world while passions rage between them. But when the ardor fades a little, they have to struggle with their shortcomings. However, astrologers note that most often Scorpio and Pisces manage to smooth out all the rough edges in the relationship.

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    General characteristics of relationships

    Dates of birth

    Unions of Pisces and Scorpios develop quite often, because representatives of these constellations have the same range of interests and hobbies. They often find each other through mutual friends. These zodiac signs rarely spend leisure time at home. If they do not have common friends, then they very quickly join each other’s company.

    Both zodiac signs are ruled by the water element, so they are on the same wavelength. The emotional compatibility of these signs reaches one hundred percent. The leading role in a couple is always given to the decisive and powerful Scorpio, and Pisces is happy to take the place of a thoughtful advisor. Partners are suitable for each other in any type of relationship, but their friendships do not always work out successfully, but love and business alliances become strong and mutually beneficial.

    Here the iron grip and impetuosity of Scorpio are ideally balanced by the smoothness and rationality of Pisces. When one is eager to fight and misses important moments, the second one gently holds him back and points out possible mistakes. There are many advantages in this relationship, these partners:

    • listen and hear each other;
    • love to reason and find common solutions;
    • strive to maintain the union under any circumstances;
    • build love and business communication on mutual respect;
    • know how to admit mistakes and apologize.

    However, this union also has disadvantages:

    • Hot-tempered Scorpio does not think about the consequences of emotional outbursts, while patient and tactful Pisces keep silent about grievances, but distance themselves from their partner in order to avoid emotional wounds.
    • Representatives of these constellations do not know how to forget quarrels. In every conflict, they bring up old mistakes and re-examine them, reproaching each other for what should have long been forgiven and left in the past.
    • Scorpios judge people by themselves, they love to flirt and hang out on the side, while Pisces attribute their own sins, tormenting them with their jealousy.

    Despite their disagreements, these zodiac signs rarely break up. Both are quite affectionate, and when they get used to each other, it is difficult for them to break off the relationship. Pisces always believe in the best. Even if it is difficult for them to live with their chosen one, they prefer to sacrifice their principles for the sake of maintaining the connection. Scorpios often take advantage of their partner’s pliability and become true tyrants. However, experts note that in any type of relationship, these zodiac signs are happy together in their own way.

    Astrologers advise Scorpio to always look at Pisces from the position of an elder. In this union, everything depends on the behavior of the leading partner. Pisces know how to adapt to their chosen one, but you shouldn’t put too much pressure on them. The psyche of this zodiac sign may not tolerate harsh treatment. Scorpio needs to use not only the “stick”, but also the “carrot”, otherwise the vulnerable partner will one day run away from him.

    Pisces in this couple should not take the critical statements of their chosen one to heart. The straightforward Scorpio does not know how to express himself tactfully when he is overwhelmed by emotions, but later he regrets his behavior and corrects every mistake. Pisces just needs to play on their partner’s repentance in moments of reconciliation, but in no case during quarrels.

    Deep trust in this tandem arises spontaneously. But having destroyed it once, the partners will no longer be able to restore the previous level. From the first days of acquaintance, Scorpio and Pisces need to carefully monitor their behavior with representatives of the opposite sex, so as not to provoke each other to jealousy. Not only betrayals, but also mutual suspicions about them can forever remove sincerity and warmth between lovers.

    Scorpio man and Pisces woman

    With a Scorpio guy, a Pisces girl feels safe and confident. She can rely on a strong and determined man for everything. The guy in this union finds a faithful comrade-in-arms and a devoted fan, he does not have to doubt the sincerity of her feelings. The Pisces woman constantly expresses her love for her partner not only in words, but also in actions, and in return receives the warmth and affection of a grateful chosen one.

    Here, both subtly sense the moments when they need to remain silent so as not to provoke a scandal, so quarrels happen extremely rarely. In this combination of signs, the union has a good chance of a happy and cloudless future.

    According to the horoscope, the compatibility of a Pisces woman and a Scorpio man reaches 100%.


    A Scorpio guy bursts into the life of a dreamy Pisces girl like a crazy whirlwind. He, like a fairy-tale prince, looks after his beloved with all the necessary attributes. There are serenades under the windows, pleasant surprises, and sweets and bouquets. And if a girl needs some kind of help or protection, then Scorpio, like a true knight, takes upon himself and solves all the problems of the chosen one.

    In the eyes of a man, the Pisces lady is a frivolous and defenseless person who needs to be taken care of. The fragility and vulnerability of this girl fascinates Scorpio. Even if a guy sees flaws in her, he cannot avoid falling in love, because he cannot leave her. Most often, romantic dates very soon turn into a strong marriage, because both partners feel confident with each other only after the relationship is formalized.


    Both partners in family life find peace of mind. They are warm and comfortable together, they constantly discover new facets that hold their marriage together. Here, spouses do not share the reins of power; initially, the husband is the head of the family, and the wife is an obedient housewife. The Pisces girl likes to pamper her loved one with delicious dishes, take care of him, listen to his stories about incidents at work, and support him in any endeavor. This woman has been dreaming of a happy family since childhood, so she tries to maintain harmony for the common good.

    The husband highly appreciates his wife’s aspirations and praises her for the cleanliness of the house and delicious dinners. Scorpio knows how to earn money, and he brings all the money to his wife. This man is generous, but also very calculating. He will not allow his beloved to spend her earnings on unnecessary things. However, they do not have any quarrels over the joint budget; the wife agrees with her husband in everything and does as he says. Usually, marriages between Pisces and Scorpios are ideal; only the betrayal of one of the spouses can separate this couple.


    They have harmony in bed. A temperamental man knows how to please a woman and ignite her passion. The Pisces girl gives herself entirely to the hands of a skilled partner and tries to prove herself by giving her beloved sophisticated caresses. In sex, this lady is prone to self-sacrifice. She does everything to make her chosen one happy, even if something doesn’t suit her.

    Scorpio should not delude himself and firmly believe in the sincerity of his partner. Delicate Pisces will never say their preferences unless asked. In their intimate life, women of this sign behave the way the chosen one wants, but a man cannot relax. If a lady does not enjoy sex with him, she will definitely find herself a lover.


    The Scorpio guy is not friends with women. He considers every girl as a potential candidate for a lover or life partner. This man does not believe in friendship, so friendship with Pisces is only possible if he likes the girl and expects something more. There may be friendly motives on the part of a naive lady, but she definitely will not find a true friend in Scorpio.


    These partners are able to work fruitfully in one tandem, but most often the man tries to avoid working together with Pisces. In this couple, all responsibilities are smoothly shifted onto Scorpio’s shoulders, so he sees no point in interacting with a woman. Without her, a man copes with tasks much better.

    For Pisces, this partnership is beneficial from all sides. If a girl manages to pair up with Scorpio in the work team, then she rests on her laurels without making any effort. They should not organize a joint business. In the business sphere, Scorpio will not be able to rely on Pisces.

    Pisces man and Scorpio woman

    In this combination of signs, the dominant role is given to the woman. The Pisces man doesn’t even try to take power into his own hands; both feel great when Scorpio makes all the decisions. However, it cannot be said that these partners are made for each other. In this union, the girl cannot fully reveal her femininity. She constantly has to take on male responsibilities, and because of this, she loses respect for her chosen one.

    Here the guy is a typical henpecked guy, although this is not always noticeable from the outside. If partners love each other, they try to behave differently in public. The girl pretends that the man is in charge, but if they have to decide something together, then the last word always remains with her. The guy avoids responsibility, so he always gives in.

    The percentage compatibility between a Pisces man and a Scorpio woman is 80%.


    It is unlikely that a Pisces guy will be able to win a Scorpio girl unless the woman herself shows interest in him. The man himself is not particularly eager to get close to this lady. Scorpio frightens him with his temper and power. Next to this girl, the representative of the Pisces constellation does not feel his masculinity. The lady is initially stronger than him in character; she is able to suppress the chosen one with her power. However, if a spark of passion flares up between them, they rush headlong into the pool of love.

    They are very comfortable together; here the guy does not have to invent ways to please his chosen one. The Scorpio woman directly states her desires, and the Pisces man obediently fulfills them. Usually both are satisfied with this situation, so very soon they come to the decision to start a family. Even if the guy doubts the advisability of such a responsible step, the lady instills confidence in him and adamantly leads her beloved down the aisle.


    If in a love relationship Scorpio had to reckon with the chosen one so as not to frighten him away, then after the wedding this woman no longer stands on ceremony with him. She sets clear rules from the first days of life together. In this family, the main breadwinner is the wife. If her earnings are enough for all her needs, then her husband is given the opportunity to leave work and start raising children. Household chores here also fall on the shoulders of the man. The Scorpio woman is a good wife and housewife, but if her husband unquestioningly performs household duties, then she does not interfere with him.

    As long as both are happy with everything, they live in perfect harmony, but most often the woman becomes bored in this marriage. She begins to look for entertainment on the side. A husband is capable of turning a blind eye to his wife’s adventures for a long time, but if a lady openly cheats on him, he says goodbye to her. This man is not too confident in himself, so he sees a rival in every Scorpio acquaintance. In this marriage, scandals due to jealousy often occur, but if a woman is not inclined to break off the relationship, then it is impossible to convict her of treason.

    Most often, these spouses live together happily ever after, only over time passion often leaves their relationship. Pisces miss this moment, but Scorpio makes every effort to keep their feelings burning with a hot fire, so the partners do not lose close contacts.


    The Scorpio lady does not receive full satisfaction of her sexual needs in bed with a Pisces man. This partner is too gentle and affectionate, and the woman loves hard sex. She fails to awaken the beast in her boyfriend; for Pisces, the intimate sphere is associated with the manifestation of feelings.

    In bed, this man expresses his love for his chosen one, therefore he is not able to behave rudely. However, he tries very hard to please his partner. Scorpio enjoys moments of intimacy with him and satisfies him completely. When a woman is not satisfied with something, she takes a lover, but outside relationships are carefully hidden from her husband, so intimate relationships suit both of them.


    A Scorpio girl rarely makes friends with people just like that. In any friendship she seeks benefits for herself, but the Pisces man does not arouse her interest. She may feel sympathy for him, but she cannot use the guy for her own purposes. Only the man is interested in this union, because he receives valuable advice from Scorpio.

    However, the girl tries to limit contact with him. The opposite-sex friendship of these signs is possible only with the prospect of a love relationship. Only in this case, the Scorpio lady and the Pisces man will mutually maintain a connection, but it will not come to friendship, the partners will immediately move on to a whirlwind romance.


    The guy from the constellation Pisces is efficient, but he can hardly be called responsible. When paired with Scorpio, he fails to demonstrate his abilities; the girl takes everything into her own hands and controls the man’s activities. In the business sphere, the union of this couple is good if the woman occupies a leadership position, and Pisces obeys her.

    Scorpio will not work under the leadership of Pisces; this man is not an authority for her. If partners occupy equal positions, then they should not be trusted with joint projects; the woman will suppress her colleague with authority and ignore his excellent ideas in order to show her superiority.

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Compatibility horoscope: compatibility of the zodiac signs Pisces and Scorpio love - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Such a marriage union is most often distinguished by constancy and strength, fidelity and devotion, reliability and safety. Even divorces are very rare here. Fish can live only in well-equipped “aquariums”, which are generously heated by the warmth of the spiritual Gulf Stream. After all, they will always be able to rely on Scorpio in everything, entrusting him not only with their love and feelings, but also with their happiness and destiny. The latter have a great influence on Pisces. Thus, both parties will be extremely happy with both their marriage and the fate that brought them together.

Pisces can absolutely safely leave their many fears and fears behind the threshold of the registry office, since by connecting their lives with Scorpio, they automatically provided for themselves for life, until their last breath. Typical Pisces require a lot of care, good care and an ocean of feelings, and Scorpios voluntarily accept such conditions, because they both sincerely value a friendly family atmosphere, a reliable home with guaranteed peaceful coexistence.

Let us note that for the most part, Pisces and Scorpios are magnetically attracted to each other by silent and complete mutual understanding. Quite often, a powerful telepathic connection can be established between them, which does not depend on distances or geographical or time dimensions. And since both of them are quite silent and sensitive, they also have the art of speaking without words.

Compatibility Chart for Scorpio and Pisces Couples

Scorpio and Pisces – Compatibility in Love and Marriage

These two are silent a lot. Not because they have nothing to say. It’s just that their communication style is conversation without words. Pisces and Scorpio tend to understand each other at one glance - and if so, why bother in vain? The union of two inhabitants of the mysterious water depths is very harmonious, and this is largely the merit of Pisces.

At first glance, it may seem that Scorpio dominates in this pair, and even Scorpio herself may think so... but everything is much more complicated. Usually there is stable equality between partners, and a man is not at all against sometimes giving his beloved a reason to feel in charge, but in a critical situation, when truly masculine fortitude is required to resolve a problem, Pisces takes the blow of fate upon themselves. Isn’t this the kind of life partner that most women of any sign dream of?

For a representative of the glorious Pisces tribe, sharing everything that he is rich in is a social need. He can also be an energy donor: for the self-centered Scorpio, having such a “battery” in his immediate circle is a huge success. The social vector of people born under this sign, on the contrary, is aimed at consumption. But you don’t need to take anything away from Pisces by force: they will offer you their support before you realize that you need help. This is the character of Pisces.

Pisces are very patient. And this is their salvation. Is it interesting to sting someone who doesn’t react to it? Scorpios, for all their many advantages, are the type of people who need to be constantly forgiven - or fought with until the last drop of blood. But since this drop has a huge chance of being yours, ignoring the attacks of the poisonous lady is the best defense against them. As soon as Scorpio aims its sting for an attack, Pisces simply goes into unattainable depths, waving its tail goodbye. That's it, the conflict is over.

Both Pisces and Scorpio tend to be very introverted. A couple in which everyone is engaged in contemplation of the inner world and does not impose on their neighbor a concern for their state of mind is definitely a happy couple in which excessive emotional stress will never arise. They do not dissolve in each other, do not suffocate with statements “I can’t live without you!”, and even in marriage they retain an ephemeral sense of freedom.

Most importantly, they are both comfortable in this kind of relationship. Although Scorpio will not be Scorpio if he does not try to control every step of his beloved, to find out all the ins and outs about his work, hobbies, friends, relatives, the contents of his pockets... As much as Pisces is calm, Scorpio is just as anxious. However, curiosity will also be forgiven. Pisces are so used to it.

In general, this union can confidently be called one of the most prosperous. But is Scorpio ever completely satisfied with anyone? Maybe yourself, great and beautiful, but not your loved one. Excessively slow, passive, timid and indecisive. Pisces, on the other hand, first think, then... think again, read reference books, consult with experts, systematize the information received, draw conclusions, and only after that act. It happens, however, that during all these manipulations the train leaves.

There may not be ideal relationships, but there are good, stable and comfortable relationships. In which both partners value each other enough to not pay attention to trifles - these two inhabitants of mysterious dark waters can be classified as such couples.

Scorpio man with other Zodiac Signs

  • Aries 21.03 – 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 – 21.05
  • Gemini 22.05 – 21.06
  • Cancer 22.06 – 22.07
  • Leo 23.07 – 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 – 22.09
  • Libra 23.09 – 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 – 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 – 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 – 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Compatibility of Zodiac signs Scorpio - Pisces

It is not difficult for such partners to quickly gain mutual understanding, which is facilitated by the similarity of worldviews, priorities and hobbies. They are quite satisfied with communicating with each other outside of noisy companies and active entertainment. These zodiac signs are united by sensitivity, emotionality, and depth of inner experiences. Scorpio perceives Pisces as the personification of a creative attitude towards life. In the person of Scorpio, Pisces find a spiritual mentor, looking up to him, but together with Pisces, Scorpios themselves move forward. The relationship is not without some disagreements, but none of them are critical or unresolvable.

Scorpio and Pisces - compatibility in love and marriage


Scorpio man – Pisces woman

A Scorpio man and a Pisces woman have everything to build a long, strong relationship and become happy in their personal lives. They strive for the same thing, their desires are in tune, so it is easier for them to go through life together than alone. In each other they find close people, friends who can lend a shoulder and support at least with sensible advice at the right time.

The high compatibility in this pair is largely due to their belonging to the same element of Water. Thanks to this circumstance, they understand each other perfectly; it is easy for these people to grasp the mood of their partner and understand (or intuitively feel) why he acts or thinks in one way or another. Therefore, they always have the opportunity to act in such a way as not to inadvertently hurt their loved one.

A Scorpio man will rarely have the desire to say a rude word to his chosen one or otherwise show aggression, although this happens quite often in relation to representatives of other signs of the Zodiac. Her purity, shyness, and tenderness allow him to feel like a knight, a protector who protects a weak creature from everyday troubles.

The influence of Scorpio on the Pisces woman can be very noticeable, but Pisces also influence their partner no less, but they do it softly and less openly. However, even if Pisces began to manipulate their spouse, in some sense it would even benefit him or, at least, would not cause harm. In this case, both will move in the same direction (albeit prompted by Pisces) - and the more likely they will be to achieve the goals that they have set for themselves. It’s good if it’s something not too mercantile and everyday, since such aspirations have a detrimental effect on the fate of the union of a Pisces woman with a Scorpio man. They need to have hobbies (separate or joint) that do not allow this couple to get bogged down in the dullness of everyday life.


Pisces man – Scorpio woman

A couple of Pisces man and Scorpio woman have every reason to hope for a long and happy life together. The man in this union cedes the right to leadership to the more active Scorpio woman, and this suits both of them quite well, especially since the first one always gladly shifts responsibility to someone else, meanwhile continuing to keep, as they say, his ear to the ground. The Pisces spouse always wants to be aware of everything that is happening, although the second side of his dual nature - melancholy and passivity - does not allow him to get involved in ongoing events unless particularly necessary. Sometimes Pisces seem weak-willed, but a critical situation can reveal remarkable strength of character in them.

At first, the Scorpio companion even likes her partner’s gentleness, although she immediately plans to get rid of it in the future. This woman, like him, is a master of intrigue and cunning, so the union of these two people, as the horoscope promises, turns out to be very interesting: a woman of the Scorpio sign with a Pisces man will make veiled attempts to make obedient puppets out of each other.

Both partners are capable of putting forward a lot of interesting ideas and projects for further life together, the only difference is that Pisces will nurture them for a long time and with love, without doing practically anything to bring them to life, and Scorpio always wants to do something concrete immediately.

To many, relationships in such a family seem somewhat strange, but they feel comfortable and happy in each other’s company, remaining faithful to each other and trying not to quarrel, especially over trifles. Both intuitively feel or understand that they need to avoid the dullness and banality of everyday life by any means, and they manage to successfully fight this.

Pisces and Scorpio - sexual compatibility

As lovers, this couple has a mutual interest in each other. Scorpios thoroughly enjoy sex with obsequious, pliable and sensual Pisces, seeing in them a good opportunity to satisfy their needs. However, Scorpio can become so carried away by the desire for dominance that it takes on a shade of sadism. But Pisces sometimes display a tendency toward submission and even masochism, so this manner of communication in bed gives them mutual pleasure.

Horoscope of compatibility between Pisces and Scorpios in work and business

It is not difficult for colleagues or partners of these signs to gain mutual understanding; they implement the ideas of one or the other without much difficulty, but Scorpio will have to lead in these relationships, regardless of official positions and statuses - and Pisces will be quite happy with this. They are largely responsible for the emotional environment and mental comfort. But representatives of these zodiac signs are distinguished by touchiness and a special tendency to intrigue, so in the team where this couple works, colleagues should be on their guard.

Pisces - Scorpio couple: compatibility in friendship

Pisces and Scorpio find in each other people who can understand them like no one else. Their joint entertainment is not very fun and active - these are mainly conversations during which friends discuss their acquaintances, not excluding their other halves from this list. Scorpio helps Pisces cope with everyday problems, and they often save him from emotional burnout. At the same time, the interests of Scorpios may be of a mercantile nature, and if this is noticed by Pisces, friendly communication may lose interest for them. Representatives of opposite sexes can become so attached to each other that they will go beyond friendship and become lovers or even get married, even if they were not free before.

See the compatibility of Scorpios with other zodiac signs:

compatibility of zodiac signs Pisces and Scorpio love

They are very different, but together they can easily find happiness. Scorpio and Pisces don't meet that often. Usually, after the first meeting, both cannot think about anything else. This star attraction of the zodiac signs is just off the charts when they are around. Astrologers claim that their compatibility horoscope is one of the most successful. Yes it does matter

who in the couple is the man and who is the woman. This is important, because powerful planetary energies are involved here that control people’s lives.

If you are lucky enough to meet your ideal partner, then the harmony in your relationship will last a lifetime. Such a couple functions best in middle age, when some relationship experience has already. A young guy and a girl will probably only lose their heads from passion for each other. In love, it is important that you sometimes put aside your feelings and look at your partner without rose-colored glasses. In the case of this couple, it won't hurt to have your eyes checked periodically. Remember, you are dealing with Scorpio - one of the most mystical signs of the zodiac. An astrologer will tell you how to behave correctly.

Star attraction

Each zodiac sign is ruled by a Planet. She gives him unique qualities. Everyone knows the celestial pairs Moon and Sun, Mars and Venus, Jupiter and Mercury. Strong signs are always endowed powerful masculine energy. Regardless of whether it is a man or a woman in front of us, the ruling Planet is the task of its character. Strong and weak, masculine and feminine - these are the ideal combinations for family life. This is the compatibility of zodiac signs. It's very rare that it's full. In the pair of Scorpio and Pisces one can observe such a unique situation.

Everything matters here: the sexual aura of a relationship, constancy in love, the desire to be together. People meet eyes and fall in love. Astrologers love to create a horoscope for such partners. They are always lucky. This is a love story created by the Stars. Such an attraction cosmic level you won't be able to overcome it, you just have to try to be together. This is what every magic forum writes. This is destiny.

The insidious sign of Scorpio

Scorpio is not a spider, but he loves to weave intrigues. This zodiac sign can get on your nerves. His main virtue is his devotion to his family. For her, he will be ready to do anything.

The Scorpio man is always admired by women. He is an unusual person with a lot of interesting hobbies, plans, and projects. Dating him is a real dream. It's all subtle

thoughtful plan. In fact, among all the signs of the zodiac, only Scorpio is distinguished by unsurpassed intuition, cunning and magical attraction opposite sex. If you hear praise from someone about a first date, most likely we're talking about Scorpio. Sexual energy flows out of him like a fountain. Women rush to him as fast as he can at his first call. There is a downside to all this.

Every girl or woman for him is another step towards finding personal happiness. It has a large selection and a huge scope for training. The Scorpio man is really waiting for his one and only. He needs a gentle, easy-going partner who will be delighted with all his ideas. Compatibility between Scorpio and female signs are high, this gives him many chances for personal happiness.

This is a strong sign, self-confident and ambitious. In the first place is career, in second place is the Scorpio woman herself. Everyone else remains in third and subsequent places. This cannot be said to be a callous or cold woman. Scorpio, on the contrary, loves to show his feelings. The person she loves will mean a lot to her. The Scorpio woman chooses a male comrade who could share her hobbies. With him, she is ready for incredible adventures, trips to the ends of the world. Scorpios know how to have fun, that's for sure. Unlike a man, sexual energy Scorpio women under control. She does not like to indulge in useless connections.

Horoscope prophesy her success in love. Finding a worthy person in the circles where she moves is not difficult. The main thing is that they have the same character. It is very important that there is peace and quiet at home. Scorpio loves his home very much and will gladly invite friends. It's just that it should be peaceful there. She will not tolerate quarrels in her home. In order to have personal happiness, compatibility must be on all counts: intellectual and sexy.

Pisces lovers

Everyone likes fish. One of the most harmless signs of the zodiac, they have a huge heart. The main drawback is that Pisces have a hard time concentrating.

Pisces is a different story. For water signs of the zodiac, they are quite sociable,

attractive and emotional. Of course, the Pisces man prefers to create. He loves everything beautiful, sophistication, artistic that he will happily devote himself to creativity. If he is lucky, he will be extremely successful in his niche. His horoscope is closely connected with water. Next to her, he will feel a surge of strength and creative energy. It is very important to get out more often moving water, then his personality will be balanced. The Pisces man is rarely liked by strong female signs. They want a comrade in arms, but he is not suitable for this role.

If you read any women's forum, then Pisces men will be its obligatory participants. They love to visit there and leave some good advice. They are very welcome as friends. The forum will become a modern option for him to fuel his feminine energy. Governing planet Pisces is the Moon, which means femininity is present in it.

The Pisces woman is calm, sophisticated, dreamy. She is silent and smiles, and incredible scenarios play out in her imagination. Despite the fact that she is quite reserved, she attracts the attention of the opposite sex. Behind her shyness they see something more: some kind of sexual game of innocence. More often than not, it turns out that it was not a game. The Pisces woman is truly a rather innocent and naive person. She happily accepts advances from her peers, and older people make me shy. The love horoscope predicts many dangers for her out of ignorance.

She will be very lucky to meet an honest man who will envelop her with care and love. He must understand that she is a refined, timid nature. She needs a lot of space for creativity and plenty of water. With such a person, marriage compatibility will be ideal. Although, she is also preparing for this, searching the women's forum in search of practical advice on cooking, needlework, partner satisfaction techniques.

Couples in love

The ideal couple would be a Pisces woman and a Scorpio man. They will be able to like you right away

each other. From the point of view of the laws of nature, this union is the most faithful. A man who is successful in every sense, capable of providing for a family, children, and wife. His woman is a modest, well-groomed dreamer, loving to the point of unconsciousness children and your home. Their horoscope develops at any age, and then everything depends on the lovers themselves.

A Scorpio woman - Pisces man couple has little chance of success. Scorpio experiences some kind of feminine pity towards the Pisces man. He is weak in her understanding, he spends too much time on thoughts and ethereal ideas. They will not have love in its classical sense, only friendship. The compatibility of such a couple leaves much to be desired.

The couple has high love and sexual compatibility. The fact is that they come under the influence of planets with different energies. Very “feminine” Pisces melt from the gaze of “masculine” Scorpios. It doesn't matter who is a man and who is a woman. This is a successful partnership based on a combination of energies. Zodiac signs have every chance to build their own fairy tale about love, devotion, and a long life together. The main thing here is to share responsibilities on time and silently. There is no struggle for primacy, because everyone understands that Scorpio rules the roost. Pisces must submit and forever go into the shadow of your stronger partner.

Everything will work out in love, both strive to make this relationship “once and for life.” Pisces does not need to rush things or push Scorpio. Just follow him, this man has a unique intuition. Your life will work out, because such different zodiac signs most often have the best compatibility. Look at your horoscope from time to time - it will give advice in difficult times. The stars will not deceive you.

Compatibility of Pisces and Scorpio in relationships

The compatibility of Pisces and Scorpio is almost perfect, as astrologers say. These zodiac signs are tuned to the same wavelength; they are united by the mysterious vibrations of the water element.

Pisces and Scorpio have almost perfect compatibility

When they meet, they understand each other perfectly. Contradictions occur in a couple, especially when there are negative influences from other horoscope factors. But they are resolved quite quickly; partners always strive for mutual understanding. Scorpio and Pisces and the friendship between them helps to overcome all contradictions.

Character of the signs

Compatibility largely depends on the characters

The compatibility of the signs Scorpio and Pisces is largely determined by the characteristics of their characters. They are similar to each other, so they converge quickly. But there are also differences between them.

Scorpio's nature is woven from contradictions. His character is bright, he does not recognize halftones. People born under this zodiac sign are individualists. They are brave and strong-willed, they never give up, difficulties only strengthen them. Scorpios do not like noisy companies, their social circle is narrow, they have difficulty letting strangers into their lives. But they are very attached to their loved ones, ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of family and friends. Here are the main character traits of the sign:

  • Mystery and secrecy
  • Controversy
  • Emotionality
  • Strength of mind
  • Developed intelligence and intuition
  • Passion and sensitivity
  • Honesty and dedication
  • Authority.

PISCES + SCORPIO – Compatibility – Astrotypologist Dmitry

Compatibility of Pisces man and Scorpio woman. In the Soviet Union

Compatibility of Scorpio man and Pisces woman. In the Soviet Union

00:06 – Characteristics of representatives of the Zodiac sign Sk�

00:06 – Characteristics of Pisces 01:20 – Pisces – Aries 02:56 – Pisces – Tel

Compatibility: Pisces woman Scorpio man.

Pisces sign compatibility. #Sex. Reciprocity. #Astrol�

Scorpios can be cruel and vindictive, this is their main negative characteristic. They remember grievances for a long time and can strike back at the enemy even after several years. People of this sign are suspicious and distrustful. Their authority can develop into dictatorship. If emotions overwhelm Scorpio, he can destroy everything around him. His complex and contradictory character turns people away from him, which is why Scorpios have so few true friends, and love and relationships are short-lived.

Pisces character

Pisces's character is no less contradictory than Scorpio's. They are subject to mood swings, succumb to the influence of others, and absorb the emotions of the people around them. They have a good memory and developed intuition, even the gift of foresight, but they rarely use it. They love to fantasize and dream, they know how to sympathize and help their neighbors. Here are the main character traits of Pisces:

  • Mystery and mystique
  • Developed intuition
  • Daydreaming
  • Emotionality and sensitivity
  • Generosity and empathy
  • Adaptability and obedience
  • Lack of ambition.

Sensitivity to other people's troubles and emotions makes Pisces overly anxious. They are flexible, able to adapt to the opinions and rhythms of others, but this trait often leads to unscrupulousness. Pisces prefer to avoid responsibility; they do not hesitate to lie and be a hypocrite. They are often described unflatteringly as slippery and unreliable. Due to mental lability, they can become dependent on alcohol, drugs, and gambling. Need outside support.

General compatibility of signs

Scorpio is always the leader in a couple

What are the prospects for this couple? Scorpio and Pisces immediately notice compatibility. A special connection is established between them; they do not need words to understand. These signs live on a common wave, they are united by the mysterious element of water. They feel the full depth of the experiences that their partner lives through, thanks to their developed intuition. They guess their partner's mood even from a photo. Pisces gets a great spiritual mentor, and Scorpio gets a friend who teaches patience and humility. Both zodiac signs will find something new in friendship and marriage if they appreciate each other's positive traits. The leader in the pair is Scorpio. But the secret power of Pisces allows you to be an eminence grise in such a union. Often the final decision rests with them.

Despite all the similarities in the characters of these signs, contradictions exist between them. Scorpio and Pisces lose the compatibility of their signs if they swim in different directions. Pisces are sad in silence; in conversation they try to joke and look optimistic. Scorpio splashes out his more negative emotions, but in long thoughts he is able to find peace of mind. When partners do not understand these features, their friendships and relationships are at risk of breaking down. Misunderstandings are caused by too much pressure from Scorpio on Pisces; they will simply elude him. The passivity and melancholy of Pisces can infuriate Scorpio, because this sign does not like it when people complain, he prefers to see strong people around him.

Not only the Sun, but also the element associated with the Moon influences relationships. If the Scorpio ascendant is in an earth sign, for example, Virgo, its combination with Pisces will not be the best. But the element of air will give the union new colors and sensations. A fire sign will make Pisces decisive, but this can give rise to a struggle for leadership. The compatibility of Pisces and Scorpio according to the Chinese horoscope also changes. It is difficult for two Tigers, a Dragon and a Rooster, to get along in the house. But the Rat and the Snake will find a common language. Scorpio and Pisces, born in the year of the Snake, greatly strengthen their own intuition.

Sexual compatibility of signs

Scorpio is the most passionate sign of the Zodiac

Pisces and Scorpio have excellent sexual compatibility. Scorpio plays first fiddle in bed. He reveals the secret sexual energy in Pisces. It is not for nothing that this sign is considered the most passionate in the entire Zodiac. The dominant type of behavior in Scorpios sometimes develops into sadism and cruelty. But the fact is that Pisces are by nature prone to masochism. So in a couple, even in such strange and unusual relationships, harmony will reign. Sexual courage and relaxedness in bed allows partners to realize their wildest fantasies. And a mutual telepathic connection is to accurately guess each other’s desires.

Problems in a couple arise if compatibility in love is incomplete. Spiritual closeness and harmonious relationships are important for Pisces. Only then do they receive complete satisfaction from sex. For Scorpio, the emotional component is also important, but his sexual energy is so strong that he can realize his needs without a strong love connection. Dissonance occurs when Scorpio shows too much aggressiveness; even submissive Pisces do not always like this.

Compatibility of Scorpio man and Pisces woman

Signs live in the same rhythm

The Pisces woman and the Scorpio man quickly find a common language, they see a kindred spirit in each other. A Pisces girl and a Scorpio guy can easily win each other; love at first sight is about them. The guy is attracted to the kindness, sacrifice, and understanding of Pisces. He opens up next to such a woman, he is not afraid of tricks, deception, betrayal. Pisces see Scorpio as a reliable friend and look for protection in him. The signs are compatible because they live in the same rhythm and subtly sense each other’s moods and thoughts. The union of a Pisces woman and a Scorpio man is strong; it rarely happens that they separate.

Scorpio and Pisces are an almost perfect couple. They live quite secludedly; if they appear in society, the wife acts as a communicator. Spouses can work together or run a family business, they cooperate well. The family's financial situation is strong, especially in the middle of life. These signs are not characterized by hoarding; they spend more than they earn. But together they know how to manage a budget and control expenses, which is why they have money in their house. Children in such a family grow up happy and are very attached to their parents.

Problems and solutions

A Scorpio man and a Pisces woman may lose compatibility in love if they start competing with each other. This happens in young couples who, due to little experience, try to prove who is right and who is wrong. Scorpio remakes Pisces, because they are so similar to him. It seems to a man that if his wife were a little more active and not so naive, she would become his exact copy. In fact, this is not so; in response to manipulation, Pisces become anxious and suspicious, and fall into depression. A woman also knows how to manipulate a man, but she does it quietly and imperceptibly. By succumbing to its influence, Scorpio can become calmer and look at the world more optimistically.

To maintain marital compatibility and love, Scorpio and Pisces should not engage in open confrontation. Psychological warfare will not lead to anything good. A man must remember that an anxious and complex wife will not bring anything good into his life. It's better to accept it as it is. Then the house will turn into a quiet haven, where a tired companion will find peace and tranquility. The main thing for a woman is not to enter into an open battle with a man, she will lose. The strength of Pisces is in obedience and humility, with this they can win thousands of secret victories. Ultimately, they will become the main ones, and will direct the family ship in the direction they need. At the same time, indulging the unsuspecting Scorpio.

Compatibility of Pisces man and Scorpio woman

Take each other as you are

The Pisces guy and the Scorpio girl understand at first glance that they have found the one they have been looking for for a long time. They do not need to make any effort to make their partner fall in love with them. They live on the same wavelength, their thoughts are similar. The girl sees in the guy a gentle and loving friend, next to whom she can relax and forget about worries. A guy quickly recognizes in his partner that engine that can pull him through all the ups and downs of life without destroying his delicate mental organization. The sexual compatibility of a Scorpio girl and a Pisces guy is excellent, they quickly end up in bed. Lovers never disappoint each other.

In an ideal couple, a Pisces man and a Scorpio woman never lose mutual interest. They are everywhere together, looking at each other with loving eyes. The husband voluntarily gives leadership to his wife. He is glad that he can relieve himself of responsibility and do things that are more interesting to him than solving everyday problems. If a man’s work expresses his aspirations and helps him to realize himself, he earns good money. The wife is also engaged in a career, her income may exceed the income of her husband, which absolutely does not affect the compatibility of the Pisces and Scorpio couple in marriage. Their family life is not in danger if both signs have the same attitude towards life and swim in the same direction.

Problems and solutions

At the very beginning of a relationship, problems arise due to different views on love. For a man, she is calm and quiet. The Scorpio woman is capable of destroying any relationship; she burns with passion, which burns both her and her partner. If the couple has passed this stage, they may face another confrontation. The wife wants to change her husband, make him more active and energetic. Pisces do not tolerate pressure at all; they elude it or turn into incorrigible pessimists. Neither one nor the other has a positive effect on the compatibility of a Scorpio woman and a Pisces man. A quarrel or separation in this case is inevitable.

Pisces and Scorpio will maintain compatibility if they learn to accept each other as they are. A man should be calmer about his wife’s activity; after all, she helps the family achieve success in life and material well-being. He shouldn’t lie or dodge, because Scorpios feel insincerity and never forgive it. A woman should not hope that she will remake a man in her own image. He would rather break down or leave. In the worst case, turn into an anxious and lazy dependent or become a drunkard. After all, there are a lot of Pisces in the percentage of alcoholics. If the couple listens to this advice, they will have many years of a happy life ahead of them; the god of war, Mars, will bypass their home.

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