
Compatibility of signs: he is Aries, she is Sagittarius. Compatibility of Aries and Sagittarius in love relationships

Aries and Sagittarius are the 1st and 9th signs of the horoscopic circle, which indicates the coincidence of their oddness. The element of Fire patronizes both constellations; such people have the same temperaments and understand each other well. This is a union of two strong, active personalities who are always ready to move forward towards happiness.

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While other signs doubt and reflect, fiery representatives conquer new horizons. Together they find it easy and difficult at the same time. It’s easy because Aries and Sagittarius live in the same rhythm of life, actively react to the world around them, and fight for truth and justice. Difficulties arise for the same reason. People are impulsive, quick-tempered, and strive for leadership. Each of them wants their other half to 100 percent share their point of view. Sagittarius turns out to be wiser, Aries is stubborn.

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    Aries woman and Sagittarius man

    Aries and Sagittarius are a harmonious couple, whose compatibility is more than 60 percent. This union is distinguished by its brightness and unpredictability: people can flare up and start quarreling so that sparks of anger fly. Then there will be a stormy truce with declarations of love and unsurpassed sex. Such fluctuations are typical for representatives of fire signs. Their life is filled with vivid emotions that change dramatically depending on their mood.

    Partners are never bored together, but in some cases, violent emotions lead to fatigue and burnout of feelings. For this reason, people should constantly monitor their relationships and work tirelessly on them. If representatives of these signs are able to reach mutual understanding, they will have an interesting, full of positive emotions, long and happy life together. If everyone sticks to their own principles, the partners will part as enemies.

    Features of relationships

    Winning the heart of a Sagittarius man will not be difficult for an Aries woman. She just needs to approach first (the girl already loves to choose her own partners). Aries is distinguished by brightness, beauty and extravagance. These qualities greatly appeal to a fiery man. Also, a woman’s advantages include the ability to behave in society, to be sociable, cheerful, and to shine with her erudition. A guy will certainly appreciate a lady who he can be proud of in front of his friends.

    Seducing an Aries Sagittarius girl is very easy. He knows his worth, looks great, and immediately becomes the life of the party. A fiery girl prefers such guys. She is not attracted by shy young men who silently sigh on the sidelines. She is a conqueror by nature. It’s interesting for a girl to come up and get acquainted herself, or to respond to the attention of an independent guy with self-esteem. Sagittarians most often become successful because they are the darlings of fate. The girl will intuitively feel the potential that the man has.



    • partners have the same native element;
    • people live in the same rhythm;
    • spouses understand each other perfectly;
    • Sagittarius will learn decisiveness in actions;
    • Aries will become less hot-tempered and impulsive;
    • a man will learn to rely on his own opinion, and not rely on the opinions of others;
    • the girl will control the situation and plan expenses rationally;
    • a man will understand that family (not friends) should come first;
    • people match each other in bed;
    • partners are able to achieve a high material level;
    • the couple has many common hobbies;
    • the same principles of raising children
    • the temperament of both representatives;
    • struggle for leadership;
    • woman's jealousy;
    • love of freedom of both partners;
    • lack of ability to compromise;
    • inability to stop in the face of temptation;
    • inability to finish what is started

    The guy strives for a serious relationship, because he is tired of fleeting romances. But he is afraid of losing his freedom and is in no hurry to register the union. Another danger lies in the fact that Sagittarius is able to quickly cool down from love. A girl should take the initiative and encourage a man to get married.


    In the love relationship of this couple, violent passions constantly boil. People enjoy communication wherever they are. Representatives of fire signs improve themselves, strive for personal growth and do not forget about their partner.

    Lovers are often invited to visit. Sagittarius knows how to organize and cheer up the whole company. Aries will demonstrate such qualities of hospitality that everyone present will feel comfortable. Being surrounded by other people, partners do not forget about each other. They exchange glances, joke, and demonstrate their tender feelings in original ways. You immediately get the impression of an ideal couple, when lovers are practically made for each other.

    Aspects of:

    • Spirituality. In this aspect, representatives of the fire zodiac signs never have problems. They are so active, energetic and original that it is never boring. People prefer active types of recreation. These are long journeys, hikes, extreme sports, expeditions. They enjoy visiting theaters, concert halls, expensive restaurants, elite receptions, and shopping. Even at home or in the country, partners do not just lie on the couch. They find time for hobbies and have passionate discussions.
    • Sex. Sexual relationships are full of love and passion. Both partners are among the most temperamental signs who devote a significant part of their lives to the intimate sphere. Lovers love wild, regular and original sex. Their preferences completely coincide, there are no complexes. People experiment in bed and get new sensations. The passion for physical pleasure in bed does not disappear over time.


    After marriage, the life of the spouses does not become less interesting. They continue their active work in the production sphere, creativity and science. People respect each other’s interests and never allow themselves to prohibit their other half from engaging in spiritual development. A man devotes himself completely to work, is responsible for the financial support of the family (for Sagittarius this is a priority), presents his wife with expensive gifts and gives compliments.

    If a woman wants to work, he will not contradict her; if not, he will also take it calmly. Aries cannot sit still. If she decides to become a housewife, she will definitely come up with an additional hobby that will be useful for the whole family. The girl is distinguished by her excellent work ethic; she will never allow herself to waste time on long conversations with friends or hours-long visits to beauty salons.

    If a couple has a joint business, it will bring tangible material dividends. A woman will be able to come up with an original idea, and a man, with the help of his connections, will bring it to life. The spouses have the same views on the principles of raising children. The kids will not need anything: neither material support, nor the attention of their parents.

    Problems and solutions

    The main problem is the unpredictable dynamics of each partner. Fire signs act impulsively; they prefer to completely surrender to their immediate desires. Both a man and a woman can come up with something supernatural and begin to carry it out, forgetting to inform their partner. For your other half, this behavior will be unexpected, but it will be impossible to stop the process. An example would be a sudden trip, a purchase, or participation in some event.

    Everyone thinks that their decision will be unequivocally supported by their partner, but in practice, most often everything looks different. Aries and Sagittarius should stop, think and definitely consult with someone. This especially applies to a woman who sometimes allows herself to behave like a demanding and inexperienced child. Aries often makes irreparable mistakes, but rarely learns from them.

    Other problems and their solutions:


    A man should not see these manifestations, it repels him

    You should not provoke Aries, she is very vulnerable and sensitive

    You shouldn't cheat on your husband, but making him jealous will be useful

    Having such a wife, you should not waste your time on others. There's no better way to find it anyway

    Hot temper

    Struggle for leadership

    It is necessary to recognize that it is the man who should be the master of the house

    In some cases it is necessary to cede the right of leadership to a woman


    The degree of risk should be assessed, even if the result seems to be 100% correct.

    A man should bear greater responsibility for the results of actions

    Restriction of freedom

    If you give Sagittarius freedom, he will choose his family himself

    You can’t limit your wife, but you can limit yourself


    This relationship can last forever and grow stronger every day. Such people have many common hobbies, a lot of topics for conversation, and ideas for spending their leisure time. The guy will always come to the aid of his girlfriend and do everything in his power. The girl will give a lot of advice about a new lover or work issues. Its hallmarks are honesty and sacrifice for the sake of a loved one. But even in a friendly relationship, a woman will not be able to get rid of the feeling of jealousy towards the guy’s other friends or girlfriends.

    The other halves of friends have reason to worry. If a girl is married, she will be faithful to her husband. But for the sake of her charismatic friend, Aries is ready to completely break off her previous relationship. Sagittarius is not known for fidelity, so he will not miss the opportunity to become lovers with his girlfriend, even if he is in a strong, happy marriage.

    Business sphere

    This is a wonderful tandem that is capable of showing the best results. Colleagues have the same rhythms and approaches to the production process. Complementing each other, they are able to achieve incredible heights in almost any area. If they have a business together, there is a danger of an obsessive approach to new ideas. Colleagues are so carried away by the process that they cannot really assess the degree of risk. It seems to people that it will be exactly as they planned. In this case, you need to stop, think everything over carefully, or contact a competent person.


    • Aries woman is a boss. An excellent distribution in which everyone is satisfied with their status. A woman will appreciate the potential of her subordinate, begin to value him and help him in every possible way on all issues. A man respects a woman who has reached such heights in her life. He appreciates her professionalism and values ​​his reputation.
    • The Sagittarius man is the boss. These people are honest and fair, they treat professional people objectively. A man sees a girl’s achievements, always tries to help her, doesn’t find fault with little things, and rewards her for every achievement. The girl values ​​​​the location of her boss, because she constantly feels the degree of his support.

    Sagittarius woman and Aries man

    The compatibility of this pair is 56%. People of the same temperament quickly find mutual understanding. They have the same interests and life priorities, they are successful in many areas of life. But there are some difficulties, since the two fire signs are extremely emotional and hot-tempered. They love to be constantly in sight and impress others. Such manifestations require a huge amount of energy, strength and material resources. People tune in to increase their status and forget about the partner who is nearby.

    For this reason, Sagittarius and Aries, who want to maintain a relationship, must constantly work on themselves. They have many qualities that are categorically not perceived by the other half. This must be taken into account and a sense of condescension and loyalty must be developed.

    Features of relationships

    Conquering the heart of an Aries man will not be difficult for Sagittarius if the meeting takes place in a place with a large crowd of people. There the girl will be able to demonstrate all her advantages, which are sociability, activity and originality. On vacation, at a party, at a concert of your favorite band or at a stadium, Sagittarius feels especially confident. She is bright and attractive, knows how to communicate freely on various topics. These qualities appeal to the guy, but he prefers to find something mysterious in a woman. Sagittarius knows how to intrigue Aries.

    To please a Sagittarius girl, an Aries man does not need to change anything in his behavior. He is used to acting honestly and openly, so he is encouraged to show all his leadership qualities. The only caveat is the tactlessness inherent in some cases (if a man is not confident in his abilities or is afraid of rejection, he allows himself some familiarity). Sagittarius is not the kind of girl who will be scared or appreciate this pressure. The girl will always find an opportunity to respond to any rudeness. The guy needs to show gallantry and friendliness.

    Advantages and disadvantages of the union:



    • partners belong to the same fire element;
    • people are the same in temperament and rhythm of life;
    • the girl will become more decisive;
    • the guy will become less self-centered;
    • the woman will pay less attention to useless thoughts and doubts;
    • the man will significantly expand his horizons;
    • Aries will become less harsh and categorical;
    • Sagittarius will gain confidence in the future;
    • the couple has enormous potential for accumulating material resources;
    • partners will make a business started from scratch profitable;
    • excellent sexual compatibility
    • struggle for leadership;
    • selfishness and egocentrism of Aries;
    • a woman is prone to drama and exaggeration of negative circumstances;
    • the guy's tactlessness annoys the girl;
    • everyday issues become a reason for conflicts;
    • hot temper and instability of both partners;
    • Aries's stubbornness provokes mistakes;
    • jealousy on the part of a man;
    • Aries uncompromisingness;
    • the guy's patriarchal habits are met with indignation on the girl's part

    The Aries man lives by momentary impulses. He is able to fall passionately in love with a girl, and after a short time completely cool off towards her. Sagittarius needs to take this feature into account and try to hold the guy’s attention for as long as possible. As long as he is interested, Aries will be nearby, then he will get used to it and stay forever.


    In the compatibility horoscope of this couple, the main criterion is love. All other aspects fade into the background if lovers do not understand life without each other. The main concern is the possibility of turning your relationship into a war zone. Both representatives of the signs are very hot-tempered and stubborn (especially Aries), everyone expects recognition from their soulmate. But it is not always possible to reach mutual understanding. Since fire signs are so energetic, they need to spend their potential wisely.

    It is recommended to direct energy in the right direction, using methods of active recreation or physical work. If this does not happen, negativity will begin to accumulate, which will subsequently spill out into quarrels and conflicts. This primarily concerns Aries, but Sagittarius is also a strong personality with a principled character. The Sagittarius girl and the Aries guy are categorically not amenable to re-education; active attempts by the partner to do this lead to separation.

    Here the desire of the person himself is necessary. Astrologers insist that Sagittarius and Aries simply need each other for self-realization. Therefore, they need to elevate love to the highest rank and try as hard as possible to maintain the relationship.

    Aspects of:

    • Spirituality. Since representatives of both signs belong to the fire element, they prefer an active pastime. They love to travel, especially with their own transport. They like to go hiking, master extreme sports, and get involved in original hobbies. They are always happy for any change of scenery, and the more difficult the conditions, the better for the lovers. This couple is happy to be invited to visit them; Aries and Sagittarius know how to create a fascinating, unusual atmosphere among friends. Partners are never bored, especially during leisure time.
    • Sex. The lovers have completely the same sexual preferences. Since these are temperamental people, passionate sex is often practiced among them and leads to mutual satisfaction. The sex life of partners continues for a long time, while their attraction becomes stronger every day.


    Aries respects his chosen one and practically idolizes her. The girl is allowed to do what a man would not allow any of the representatives of other signs. In a marriage with a Sagittarius, the guy becomes more flexible and soft. He takes care of his wife, gives her expensive gifts, and showers her with compliments. The self-centered Aries, who sees no one but himself, becomes gentle and caring. He broadens his horizons, realizes all his abilities, finds his calling. The guy fully provides for his family, trying to work tirelessly.

    A doubtful, indecisive girl, who is used to hiding her problems in her pillow, gains confidence in her abilities and feels protected by her husband. Together with their spouse, they plan their future lives together, take on the most complex projects and rarely make mistakes with the chosen direction. Aries is an enterprising sign; he knows how to achieve his goals. But his actions are often poorly coordinated, since he acts first and thinks later. The woman is his inspirer and finds reasonable use of his energy and abilities.

    The ideal couple is a working husband and a housewife (Sagittarians are not characterized by a love of housework, but for the sake of a loved one, a woman is capable of much).

    Problems in relationships and ways to solve them

    A significant problem for representatives of fire signs is the idealization of a loved one. When Sagittarius and Aries met, they immediately made an impression on each other. Impulsivity prevented him from considering problems that might be encountered later. The guy saw a friendly, sociable girl, with whom it was pleasant and easy to contact. A woman met a guy whose back she could hide behind. As time passed, character problems became apparent. Each spouse felt deceived.

    Since Sagittarius and Aries are honest truth-tellers, this discovery comes as a shock to them. Both the guy and the girl value their freedom and are in no hurry to get married. When this happened, people suffer and suffer (strong love experiences are characteristic of fire signs), thinking that they have reached a dead end. It is reasonable advice to remind partners that each of them is not capable of playing a double game. They haven't changed a bit since they met.

    It is common for lovers to turn a blind eye to the shortcomings of their other half. It is necessary to bring problems out into the open and learn to find compromises. Having agreed on everything and distributed roles in the family, misunderstandings will disappear on their own.

    The most common misunderstandings that a Sagittarius woman and an Aries man have to cope with:


    It is worth reducing the number of male friends so as not to provoke your husband

    The girl is not inclined to play a double game; her husband learns about the betrayal from her lips


    With the help of love and affection you can easily get your husband's attention

    Aries is not alone in the universe, household members are looking forward to his attention


    Clear leadership must be given to the husband, while tactfully correcting his actions

    A real man will not fight with a woman, he himself will give her victory

    The presence of housekeeping skills will be the key to conflict-free communication

    If the wife does not know how to run a house, you need to try to earn money as a housekeeper


    There are no winners in this dispute, since the forces are equal. If you want to live together, you need to give in

    Restriction on freedom

    In order not to provoke your husband into a ban, you should limit your freedom a little yourself

    Sagittarius will not stand imprisonment, she will prefer to leave


    In friendship, Sagittarius and Aries are united by a joint business or creativity. At the first meeting, people will understand that they have found a like-minded person. Emerging dreams and ideas will immediately require implementation. Friends will understand that they cannot find a more suitable not only friend, but also colleague. If there is no opportunity to open a joint business, friends will find common hobbies. Their irrepressible energy requires translation into active activities. Not everyone can understand the desire to go rock climbing or skydiving. And each of the friends will be happy to keep his friend company.

    The other halves of friends should not worry about fidelity. The Sagittarius girl and the Aries man are always faithful to their partners, and never cheat for the sake of pleasure. The exception will be those cases when friends truly fall in love. They will put an end to previous relationships, and only then start new ones.

    Business sphere

    This is an excellent tandem for obtaining the highest results. A flexible and sociable girl will take on current work issues and communication issues. The guy is decisive and brave, so he will take care of the final results.


    • The Sagittarius woman is the boss. This is a difficult tandem where people feel out of place. A woman is a good boss, but for weaker subordinates. The strong-willed and decisive guy is significantly superior to her in all work positions. Heated arguments will arise between employees, turning into rudeness and even insults (the signs are not tactful and like to tell the truth face to face).
    • The Aries man is the boss. This is a very successful balance of power. A hardworking Aries makes an excellent boss, and the girl feels quite comfortable in the role of a subordinate. Despite the boss's temper, she will be pleased. The man will not let anyone offend her and will always reward her for her good work.

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The marriage between these signs is one of the most prosperous and strong. There is mutual love passion, closeness of views, and commonality of interests. The compatibility of Aries and Sagittarius is so good that people often envy this couple. After all, they are everywhere together, be it a vacation trip, a visit, or evening gatherings at home. Signs fall in love almost at first sight and are able to maintain their relationship for a very long time if they do not delay the moment of marriage. The compatibility of Aries and Sagittarius can sometimes be influenced by the year in which they were born (rat, dragon, horse, or goat). The moon can also affect the union, but this does not significantly change the relationship.

Aries and Sagittarius, compatibility in bed

In bed, both zodiac signs get along well. Compatibility in a love relationship is a harmonious continuation of their friendship and mutual understanding, despite some differences in temperaments. Aries loves to take the initiative in sex and loves to be admired. For this sign, sex is valuable in itself. Sagittarius first needs to establish mutual understanding, only then can he fully open up.

Sexual compatibility between Aries and Sagittarius is based on passion and strong physical attraction. Moreover, in such an alliance, Sagittarians often agree to a somewhat passive, driven role. They easily succumb to the passionate pressure of Aries, sometimes without noticing how quickly they end up in bed with this “tiger”.

Both signs are not averse to experimenting, so even after many years of marriage, their sexual relationship does not become boring.

Compatibility of Aries woman and Sagittarius man

When an Aries woman and a Sagittarius man meet each other on the path of life, they immediately fall in love. They only need to talk for a few minutes to find many common interests. And strong sexual attraction can level out some differences in character.

Aries and Sagittarius easily find compatibility because both are bright and completely self-sufficient personalities. At the same time, the girl always admires the generosity of her chosen one. And he becomes infected with her optimism. The family relationships of this couple will be full of mutual understanding and caring attitude towards each other. But there will never be peace in the house. After all, these signs are too temperamental, so violent quarrels and similar reconciliations will become an integral part of their common life. The compatibility of Aries and Sagittarius is also related to their attitude to life. Both signs are active, they prefer to relax outside the home, they love to travel, visit people, and go to parties.

But even in such an almost ideal couple, difficulties cannot be avoided. One of them is a man’s too much love of freedom. A woman born under the sign of Aries is quite jealous and constantly wants to control her partner. She wants to be the only and most important one in his life, excluding from it not only long-time girlfriends, but also close male friends. Sagittarius does not always like this domineering attitude, which is why compatibility between these signs may be at risk.

Compatibility between Aries man and Sagittarius woman

If a handsome Aries man and a Sagittarius woman appear on the horizon, they will simply melt; she cannot resist his temptation. She admires the breadth of his interests and views, his wit, and his positive attitude towards life. The guy will be delighted with the girl’s intelligence, her sincerity and amazing listening skills, which are inherent in all Sagittarius. After meeting, the relationship begins very quickly, and the couple gets married just as quickly (usually at the insistence of the man).

The family very often becomes a model for others. The couple is readily accepted as guests, because they are able to set the tone in any company. Both husband and wife are very sociable, they are able to support any conversation and complement each other perfectly.

An Aries man often becomes a real gift for a Sagittarius woman. After all, he is able to overcome her indecision, pushing her to unprecedented achievements. But such an alliance will also be beneficial for a man. His girlfriend can expand and diversify his horizons and outlook on life. The horoscope favors this couple; together they always achieve success.

But no matter how good the compatibility of Aries and Sagittarius is, problems in the family also arise. A woman is sometimes worried about a man’s too free behavior, which can lead to misunderstanding among others. After all, public opinion is important to her. But the man is repulsed by some indifference with signs of cynicism in the relationship on the part of his girlfriend.

Problems with compatibility between Aries and Sagittarius also arise due to the distribution of household responsibilities.

Both of them hate everyday life and constantly delegate cleaning, cooking and many other small things to each other. Moreover, a man, most often, believes that he should not do household chores at all and that this is solely the responsibility of his wife.

How to properly build family relationships for Aries and Sagittarius

Although the compatibility of Aries and Sagittarius is very good, you should not hope for an absolutely cloudless life. If you don’t make an effort, not a single favorable horoscope will help. Families in which the men are Aries and the women are Sagittarius cannot under any circumstances be built on a patriarchal principle. Otherwise, there will never be order or tasty food in the house. The man will have to take on some of the responsibilities.

In order not to make Aries jealous, couples need to visit each other more often, go to parties, and go on vacation. Moreover, both signs love it. But Sagittarians need to be given freedom from time to time and not be limited. This feature should always be taken into account by their partners. If you work a little, build relationships on friendship and partnership, the family union will be long and happy. Divorce rates for such couples are actually very low.

Liana Raimanova

Aries and Sagittarius belong to the same element, so their characters have a lot in common. The first fire sign is protected by Mars, the second by Jupiter. Planetary influence determines some differences in the behavior of Aries and Sagittarius.

Wards of Mars have a strong authoritarian character, determination, optimism, and frivolity. Sagittarius also has these qualities, but to a lesser extent. Representatives of this sign are fickle and often go to extremes. Compared to Aries, their character is less stable.

The wards of the element of Fire are united by explosive temperaments. Both are impatient, emotional, and prone to aggression. Despite this, Aries and Sagittarius get along well with each other.

Compatibility Chart for Aries and Sagittarius

Compatibility of Aries man and Sagittarius woman: pros and cons of relationships

Cheerful disposition, charisma, charm - Aries guys are endowed with these qualities in abundance, so they do not complain about the lack of attention from the opposite sex. But a fiery man will not start an affair with the first lady he comes across. He needs a bright and extraordinary personality, attracting the admiring glances of others.

The Sagittarius woman fits this description perfectly. Representatives of the element of Fire are the most spectacular and memorable girls. They are cheerful, full of plans and ideas. Despite their hot temperament, they tend to have a philosophical attitude towards many serious problems, for example, treason.

When choosing a partner, they are no less picky than Aries - they also take a long time to look at their surroundings, choose the best of the best.

Are they compatible in love?

The relationship between Aries and Sagittarius can form the basis of the plot of a love story. This is an exciting and romantic tale with an unknown ending. Feelings between partners are strong, but this reveals one of the disadvantages of such an alliance.

A jealous Aries thinks about his beloved almost every minute. Over time, he develops a desire to protect her from communication with the opposite sex. Aries are self-confident, but in alliance with Sagittarius they tend to doubt themselves.

At first, it will be difficult for the wards of Mars and Jupiter to break away from each other. But they should not completely focus on their relationships, so as not to be left with nothing: no friends, no job, no money.

The depth of feelings and strong mutual attraction do not guarantee that the romance of the couple “he is Aries, she is Sagittarius” will develop successfully

Communication problems are inevitable here. The ward of Mars will try to subjugate his beloved, but she will not even think of dancing to someone else’s tune. Aries will face powerful resistance, which will deal a painful blow to his pride.

However, the Sagittarius woman herself is not against hanging a yoke on her beloved’s neck. But he, too, is not eager to become henpecked. It is quite predictable that at almost all stages of the relationship there will be a fierce struggle for leadership. On this basis, representatives of the element of Fire can break off relations, but they will make a big mistake. Finding a more suitable partner will not be easy for both signs, because love compatibility between Aries and Sagittarius is very high.

Aries guy and Sagittarius girl in sex

The sex life of this couple cannot be called boring. Both partners are talented experimenters with a well-developed imagination, both are self-confident and feel relaxed in bed. Often they get so carried away by the process that the next morning they have to throw out the torn sheets, apply a band-aid to a scratched back, or eliminate other unpleasant consequences of a stormy night. Minutes of intimacy give both partners a lot of pleasant impressions.

Both partners are talented experimenters with well-developed imagination

Are they suitable for each other in marriage?

The wedding of Aries and Sagittarius promises to be an enchanting and memorable event. The very fact that it took place will surprise many around the newlyweds. The couple's honeymoon will be full of romance, and subsequent everyday life cannot be called gray either.

An atmosphere of fun and friendliness will always reign in the family nest of active newlyweds

Both spouses are hospitable and love to have a good time in the company of mutual friends. Visits from relatives are also perceived by Aries and Sagittarius as a positive thing.

After the birth of a child, the couple will be forced to change their wild lifestyle. It is worth noting the responsibility of representatives of both signs - no matter how hard it is for them to give up old habits, they will in any case do it for the sake of raising the baby. Aries husband and Sagittarius wife are the most advanced parents. They will definitely have a warm, trusting relationship with their children.

Wards of the fire element know how to successfully balance between control and freedom. They take care of children exactly as much as circumstances require. Thanks to the similarity of characters and excellent sexual compatibility, partners can even claim a golden wedding. Aries and Sagittarius often live together until old age, maintaining warmth and mutual respect.

Is there friendship if he is Aries and she is Sagittarius?

Friendship between these signs is not only possible, but also very likely. Representatives of the element of Fire are drawn to each other, their communication becomes easy and relaxed from the first minutes of acquaintance. They have incredible fun together, but those around them are afraid of this union and are extremely negative towards it.

Sagittarius girls are not very concerned about public opinion and are free to behave as they please

Each partner is prone to eccentric behavior and rash actions. Together they are completely uncontrollable– Aries and Sagittarius constantly get involved in various adventures and love to play pranks on others. These people value their friendship very much and are not ready to exchange it for the vague prospect of a love relationship.

Therefore, Aries men and Sagittarius women in most cases prefer to remain friends, even if they begin to experience mutual romantic feelings

How to win an Aries man?

Aries guys are active themselves, and they are looking for a corresponding girlfriend. With a quiet and modest lady they will be bored, but with a cheerful and energetic lady they will be just fine. Representatives of the fire sign will be pleasantly surprised by the girl’s manifestation of initiative and will definitely begin to take a closer look at her.

The Aries man appreciates honesty and openness in women. If he detects signs of insincerity in his lady’s behavior, he will quickly lose interest in her. In general, to win over Aries guys It is enough to have a spectacular appearance and a hot temperament.

How to get the attention of a Sagittarius woman?

Cheerful, cheerful and sociable Sagittarius women are always surrounded by many fans. To win the favor of a representative of this sign, you need to stand out clearly from your competitors, preferably for the better. But sometimes Jupiter’s wards just fall for guys with an eccentric behavior.

A good choice for a Sagittarius girl can only be an active guy who is ready to maintain the active pace of his beloved’s life.

The Aries man fully meets this criterion, but strives to control his other half. The Sagittarius woman jealously guards her freedom and does not tolerate any encroachments on it. She prefers to stay away from men who try to put pressure on her.

Compatibility horoscope for Aries woman and Sagittarius man

Aries girls are always popular with the opposite sex, even if they are not naturally endowed with an ideal appearance. Men are captivated by their open and friendly character, bright charisma, and a sea of ​​charm. In addition, representatives of the fire sign love to flirt and over the years they master the art of flirting to perfection.

Aries girl I like the variety, this also affects her personal life. By adulthood, this lady’s piggy bank contains a significant number of novels and short love affairs. It is impossible to determine the age at which she will settle down and think about starting a family. But we can safely say that the reason for this event will be a meeting with a person whom a representative of the Aries sign will consider an ideal partner for family life.

The Aries girl likes variety, this also affects her personal life.

The number 1 candidate for this role is a Sagittarius man. He is able to instantly make an Aries girl fall in love with him, completely taking over her thoughts. Representatives of this sign are also not deprived of the attention of the opposite sex; their love affairs begin at a very young age. Sagittarians are frivolous and love to have short-term relationships. But if they meet the one, “the one and only,” then they are instantly transformed - become responsible and caring.

Love relationship

Aries and Sagittarius are attracted to each other from the first minutes of their acquaintance. Having started a relationship, they are no longer able to think about anything else, the passion between them is so strong and comprehensive. At first, the novel will be perfect. A Sagittarius in love will begin to shower his other half with gifts, touching the most tender notes in her soul. An Aries girl prone to suspicion will not be able to find grounds for jealousy, since her beloved will always be by her side.

If a man and woman of fire signs are patient, they will be generously rewarded

The mutual attraction in this couple is so strong that the partners probably will not delay the start of living together. But everyday life poses a serious danger to their relationship. The first months under one roof are a period of disappointment for both partners. Sagittarians begin to notice the minor flaws of their beloved and painfully get used to them. Aries are unhappy with the lack of romantic gestures, of which there were so many at the beginning of the relationship. Partners do not like to run a household and constantly try to shove routine duties onto each other.

If the man and woman are fire signs if you are patient, you will be generously rewarded. After a short crisis, a long period of harmony and prosperity begins.

Sexual attraction of a couple

In the intimate life of an Aries woman and a Sagittarius man, complete idyll reigns. Relationships are full of tenderness and passion. Partners feel free and comfortable when going to a common bed.

In this couple, the girl rarely has a headache, and the guy is not looking for additional impressions on the side

The Aries lady gives her chosen one complete sexual satisfaction, and Sagittarius reciprocates her feelings.


The marriage between Aries and Sagittarius is not ideal, since both partners are too temperamental. Both husband and wife are prone to rash actions. They can say a lot of hurtful words to each other in the heat of a quarrel, which they will later greatly regret. A good way to maintain peace in the family are old joint photographs, gifts, letters and other things from the “candy and bouquet” period. Contemplating them, partners completely lose their warlike attitude.

With the birth of a child There will be even fewer conflicts in the family. The educational process unites young parents and pushes them to successfully search for compromises. An Aries-Sagittarius couple has every chance of living together for several decades.

How are an Aries girl and a Sagittarius guy friends?

Representatives of the element of Fire of different sexes make true friends, ready to always help out a friend in word and deed. They are happy and comfortable together.

Sagittarius and Aries always have something to talk about. Both signs are active and do not like routine.

They spend the lion's share of their time looking for ways to diversify their leisure time. Their union is an explosive mixture. Friends easily get involved in adventures and are ready for almost any madness, just to have fun from the heart.

How to win a Sagittarius man and build a relationship with him?

Sagittarius men are attracted to cheerful girls with a good sense of humor. The guy of this sign does not tolerate pressure; he likes the feeling of his own freedom. A woman who constantly makes scenes of jealousy has little chance of winning the heart of Sagittarius.

This should be remembered by authoritarian Aries girls, who are always happy to “crush” their beloved man. If a representative of this sign can cope with the instinct of the owner, she will become ideal candidate for the role of a girlfriend Sagittarius.

Sagittarius men are attracted to cheerful girls with a good sense of humor

Is it possible to make an Aries woman fall in love with you?

A fiery lady needs a bright and proactive partner. The ideal combination is if he is a little stronger in character, otherwise he will not be able to win the respect of the Aries girl.

A representative of this sign will not start a serious relationship with a person whom she does not respect. She must be sure that she has chosen the best man around. At the same time, “best” and “active” are practically synonymous for Aries. The more a guy takes initiative, the higher his chances of successfully winning the heart of his fiery lover.

27 November 2017, 16:52

There will be a lot of passion in their relationship, because both the Aries woman and the Sagittarius man belong to the element of Fire. The only difference is that the Aries woman is such a primary fire, a bright spark, the hottest, the strongest. And the Sagittarius man is an even flame, warm, pleasant, not burning. Probably, her pressure will be excessive for him - the Sagittarius man, although ardent, is still a supporter of easier and simpler relationships. The Aries woman requires complete dedication from her partner, complete fusion. She plunges headlong into love and expects her lover to also lose his head. However, the Sagittarius man is in no hurry to focus on just one woman, even if it is an Aries woman. This state of affairs, of course, does not suit her, the Aries woman is offended, she feels not loved and needed enough. A Sagittarius man needs air in a relationship, but an Aries woman suffocates with her love. However, if she loosens her grip a little, and he limits his freedom a little, they may well have a long and strong relationship.

Sex between an Aries woman and a Sagittarius man is never planned or carefully thought out. Perhaps what unites them in sex is a love of spontaneity. They will both invent something new, look for suitable (and, more often, inappropriate) places in order to realize their wildest fantasies. The only thing that can stand in their way is the reluctance of the Sagittarius man to always follow the will of the Aries woman. Most likely, he will not want to obey - it will take some time for the Aries woman to accept this.

Family and marriage

A marriage between an Aries woman and a Sagittarius man is a completely successful event, since both of them are active, energetic, and have similar values. Both the Aries woman and the Sagittarius man are unlikely to want to have an ordinary safe haven - give them both conquests and adventures. Perhaps they will take first place in the competition “Mom, Dad, I am a sports family”, they will go jogging together in the morning, go to the forest to pick mushrooms and ski. Their children will definitely not be bored with such parents.

They will have something to talk about: both the Aries woman and the Sagittarius man love an active lifestyle and cannot sit in one place for a long time. They will support each other in any endeavor. True, she will not always understand his recklessness - the Aries woman likes to understand what will follow and what will follow. A Sagittarius man may appear in her life from time to time, but even his inconstancy is unlikely to destroy their friendship.

Work and business

If they unite to work together, they will achieve great results. Of course, in order for the process to be complete and continuous, they will need representatives of other elements and signs (mostly earthly), but the Aries woman and Sagittarius man together give birth to that initial impulse necessary for a good start to any project. It doesn’t matter whether the matter concerns creativity or science, the service sector or production - these two will give a spark from which a stable flame is formed.

Most people don't even realize how much influence astrology has on their lives. But if you want to start a love relationship with someone, you should ask about your compatibility with your chosen one. So, for example, Aries and Sagittarius can create an almost perfect connection with each other. Both representatives of such zodiac signs are quite energetic and active; they love traveling and prefer a wide circle of friends.

It's safe to say that Sagittarius serves as the embodiment of the Aries ideal, and usually takes leadership in the family. These people know how to enjoy life and know how to love. However, sexual relationships are of greatest importance to them, and if everything is in order with them, then everything should go well in the domestic sphere. The only difficulty in communication can be that Sagittarians love to argue. Aries also have this drawback, but they can smooth out the conflict in time with a good joke.

In general, with the ability to find a compromise, often the union of two representatives of such zodiac signs leads to marriage. Their relationship usually lasts quite a long time, although the relationship often begins quickly and develops rapidly.

Despite the fact that Aries is famous for its love of freedom, it is Sagittarius who manages to “tie” him to himself so much that he forgets about the desire for independence. People who are patronized by these constellations prefer easy relationships, unencumbered by domestic routine.

Relationship between Sagittarius girl and Aries guy

The Aries man can be praised for his honesty and open character, while the Sagittarius woman is liked by others for her activity and optimism. Such a lady is attracted to the strengths of her companion: a combination of passion and a certain amount of romance. But glimpses of authority can be repulsive, which will be difficult for Sagittarius to come to terms with.

The fact is that representatives of this sign are also accustomed to being leaders both in the family and at work. But if such a woman managed to fall in love with an Aries man and evoke reciprocal feelings in him, then she will be able to curb his selfishness and make her chosen one more flexible. Together, this couple can achieve a lot, but this will only happen if two such strong personalities learn to get along together. The Sagittarius woman must not forget that the Aries man is by nature a maximalist, and sees either only white or only black in everything.

And the gentleman will have to come to terms with the fact that his lady love will be popular with the opposite sex, and have many friends in his arsenal. Among them there may be many men and women. Despite the fact that Sagittarius and Aries usually have a happy relationship, they both often have casual affairs on the side. Quarrels can also occur over domestic and financial issues. The fact is that these representatives of the zodiac signs do not particularly like economic matters, and in the financial part they are quite wasteful.

On a note! According to astrologers, the compatibility of the Sagittarius young lady and the Aries gentleman is equal to the maximum - 100%.

Love affair between an Aries lady and her chosen one Sagittarius

A union in which Aries is a woman and Sagittarius is a man is considered less successful than the one described above. However, such relationships usually work out quite well, but you need to work hard at them.

Aries and Sagittarius are independent and freedom-loving, but when they come together, not a trace remains of their desire for independence.

If a wise and active woman fails to find an approach and win the heart of a man who is patronized by the constellation of the man with the arrow, then, quite likely, he may remain a bachelor until the end of his days.

With sufficient sociability and sexuality, it will not be difficult for an Aries girl to attract the attention of Sagittarius, and if she also has wisdom, then the chosen one will remain with her forever. At the same time, the young lady will never have to complain about boredom in a relationship, because an active gentleman of this astrological sign will always be able to bring bright colors and adventures to life. The key to a successful union between these people will be giving each other personal space and sufficient freedom. The Sagittarius man is very open, and if he manages to fall in love with someone, he does not hide it, and tells the person about his feelings without delay.

The Aries woman usually appreciates such honesty, but the excessive directness of her chosen one can hurt her. Despite this, Sagittarius has something to charm the lady of his heart: he is capable of decisive actions, has a passionate temperament and is quite active in the sexual sphere. On the part of an Aries woman, there may be jealousy towards a sociable and loving partner. But the lady needs to remember that in case of betrayal, Sagittarius will not be able to hide his sins and mislead his beloved - honesty and excessive directness will always give him away.

On a note! Astrologers say that in 80% of cases, the marriage between a Sagittarius man and an Aries lady is successful.

Harmony of zodiac signs in the sexual sphere

Aries and Sagittarius most often fall in love with each other at first sight.

This is not surprising, because both of them belong to the fire element. Despite such a quick outbreak, the flame of their passion does not subside for a long time. They are pleasant and comfortable together in bed, because representatives of such zodiac signs are very inventive, enterprising and active. In this regard, they rarely have problems sexually, and this contributes to a strong marriage. If the flame dies out, then the family hearth is also in danger of collapse. In intimate relationships, most often the initiative comes from Aries. He wants physical love always and everywhere.

In addition, such an insatiable zodiac sign craves universal admiration for his sexuality. In this regard, it is important for Sagittarius to make the chosen one feel that he is desired. Aries, in turn, should establish good friendships and communicate more with their partner. In this case, it will be possible to awaken extraordinary affection and tenderness in him. From time to time, both representatives of the fire element are capable of cheating on each other. But, if their relationship is strong, then casual connections, oddly enough, can sometimes even make the union stronger. But in order to add something new to your sex life, you don’t have to look for lovers on the side.

To do this you can simply:

  • buy unusual erotic lingerie;
  • practice role-playing games;
  • prepare dinner with aphrodisiac foods;
  • keep your body in good physical shape;
  • watch erotic films together;
  • during sex, whisper more tender words or even “obscene” words into your partner’s ear.

Aries and Sagittarius in everyday life and households

If in the sexual sphere everything usually goes well for representatives of these zodiac signs, then disagreements are possible at home.

Their views on everyday life often differ, which often results in disputes. In the process, both lovers try to prove to each other that they are right. The wiser Sagittarius is usually the first to compromise, and not because he accepts his partner’s point of view, but because he does not like long arguments. Children in such a couple are most often born late, or at least the spouses do not strive to have them as soon as possible.

Neither Sagittarius nor Aries usually wants to maintain constant order in the house. These representatives of the fire element are not created to be excellent housewives and owners. If the Aries man in a couple is a man, he often refuses to do “women’s” housework. In this case, the Sagittarius woman begins to talk about gender equality and tries to appeal to her husband’s conscience. Sometimes for Aries, comfort in the house is not so important, but if they grew up in a patriarchal family, where only the mother kept order in the family nest, then they will demand the same attitude towards cleanliness from their chosen ones.

In order for things to go well in the economic sphere, you need:

  • Aries is not afraid to clean up the house and help his wife;
  • Sagittarius is more likely to delight his loved one with delicious culinary masterpieces;
  • learn how to manage joint finances economically.

Video - Aries and Sagittarius: compatibility in love relationships