
Fairytale cards. Writing fairy tales using proppa cards Games with cards are different

Propp map for preschoolers

Own fairy tales using Propp's method

If you are teaching children, then Propp's cards will help children remember the fairy tale well and make it easier to retell it.


Here we provide a list of the main motives identified by the researcher Propp:

1. Once upon a time. We create a fabulous space. (Each fairy tale begins with the introductory words “a long time ago”, “once upon a time”, “in the thirtieth kingdom”).

2. A special circumstance (“the father died”, “the sun disappeared from the sky”, “the rains stopped pouring and a drought set in”).

4. Violation of the prohibition (the characters of fairy tales look out of the window, leave the yard, and drink water from a puddle; at the same time, a new person appears in the fairy tale - an antagonist, a pest).

5. The hero leaves home (in this case, the hero can either set off, be sent away from home, say, with the blessing of his parents to look for his sister, or be expelled, for example, a father takes his daughter expelled by his stepmother to the forest, or leave home, turning into a goat after the ban has been violated).

6. The appearance of a friend-helper (gray wolf, puss in boots).

7. A method of achieving the goal (this could be flying on a magic carpet, using a treasure sword, etc.).

8. The enemy begins to act (the snake kidnaps the princess, the witch poisons the apple).

9. Gaining victory (breaking evil spells, physical destruction of the antagonist - the Serpent, Koshchei the Immortal, victory in the competition).

10. Pursuit (what fairy tale, like a detective story, is complete without a chase? Heroes can be pursued by geese-swans, Serpent Gorynych, Baba Yaga, Dashing Accursed and other, no less “cute” characters).

11. The hero escapes from persecution (by hiding in a stove, turning into someone, or using magical means and covering vast distances).

12. The donor tests the hero. And then a new character appears - a wizard, a gnome, an old woman who needs help, or a beggar. Baba Yaga gives the girl the task of doing her homework, the Serpent invites the hero to lift a heavy stone.

13. The hero passes the test of the donor (everything is obvious).

14. Receiving a magical remedy (it can be transferred, made, bought, appear from nowhere, stolen, given by a donor).

15. Absence of the donor (Baba Yaga lets go in peace, the wizard disappears, the dragon hides back in the cave).

16. The hero enters into battle with the enemy (sometimes it is an open battle - with the Serpent Gorynych, sometimes a competition or a game of cards).

17. The enemy is defeated (in fairy tales, the antagonist is not only defeated in battle or competition, but also expelled or destroyed with the help of cunning).

18. The hero is marked (a mark is applied to the body or given a special object - a ring, a towel, an icon; he takes something from a defeated enemy).

19. The hero is given a difficult task (to get a ring from the bottom of the sea; to weave a carpet; to build a palace in one night; to bring something, I don’t know what).

20. The hero completes the task (how could it be otherwise?).

21. The hero is given a new look (a common technique is immersion in boiling water or hot milk, which makes the hero even more beautiful).

22. The hero returns home (usually this occurs in the same forms as the arrival, but it can also be a victorious arrival on a defeated dragon).

23. The hero is not recognized at home (sometimes due to external changes that have occurred to him, a spell cast, injury, growing up).

24. A false hero appears (that is, one who pretends to be a hero or takes credit for his merits).

25. Unmasking a false hero (this can happen as a result of special tests or testimony of authority figures).

26. Recognizing the hero. (And then a substitution is discovered. The false hero is expelled in disgrace, and our character is embraced by a loving royal couple)

27. Happy ending (a feast for the whole world, a wedding, half a kingdom to boot).

28. Moral (what conclusion can be drawn from the story that happened).

where and how can I use this method?

How can you use the fairy tale method to help your child cope with some task?
Using this method, the child, one way or another, identifies himself with the main character, plays out the situation, which ultimately helps, again, to creatively approach the task that has arisen before him and prepare for it psychologically.

To do this, you can start a fairy tale, for example, with the words: “A hero who looks like a baby goes to solve a problem. During the fairy tale, he solves the problem (problem), finds new friends, defeats the “dragon” and returns back happy.

It is advisable to direct the child to take full part in inventing (composing) a fairy tale, only occasionally helping and telling him how to “this way and that way...” build the development of the fairy tale.

In order to get the maximum effect from composing a fairy tale, it is recommended to follow a number of simple rules:

1 It is desirable that the main character and the child have some common features. Maybe they both like jam or watch the same cartoon.

2 When constructing a fairy tale, it is necessary to create a safe magical space for the main character. Therefore, formulas like: “A long time ago, in some kingdom-state” are used...

3 It’s good when the main character has a friend-helper in the space of a fairy tale. A friend in a fairy tale helps to ease mental stress and defuse emotions.

4 During the fairy tale, it is necessary to solve some problem. The main character solves a problem, acquires a certain skill and is transformed.

5 An antihero is introduced into the fairy tale - a character who must be defeated (or perhaps changed).

6 The ending of a fairy tale should be positive. The problem is solved, after which the hero returns home, receives half the kingdom and a beautiful wife.

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Author of the textbook: V.Yu. Sviridova
Class: 2
Lesson type: OZ
Subject: “Three types of fairy tales: fairy tales, fairy tales about animals, and everyday ones. Russian folk tale "The Man and the Bear".
The purpose of the lesson: Introduce a new type - an everyday fairy tale using the example of the fairy tale “The Man and the Bear”.

1) develop the ability to think, assume, reason, analyze, draw conclusions in the process of working on a fairy tale;
2) to develop the ability to actively perceive educational material: analyze the actions of heroes, make predictions, compare your assumptions with the author’s intention, read by roles;
3) develop communication skills for working in a group;
4) cultivate attentiveness, observation, intelligence, and love of fairy tales;
5) form a UUD.

Equipment: presentation on the topic of the lesson.
Demo material:
Lesson motto: “Don’t be afraid of fairy tales. Be afraid of lies.
What about a fairy tale?
The fairy tale will not deceive...
V. Berestov"
exhibition of books, dictionaries.
Handouts: test, crossword puzzle, cards for group work, individual success cards.

During the classes
I. Motivation for educational activities.

- Smile at each other, at me, at the guests. After all, a smile is conducive to pleasant communication. Let's get ready to work, but don't forget about the rules. Let's remember with our eyes the rules that we follow at all stages of the lesson and get ready...
(The students smile at each other, the teacher, and the guests.
There are signs with rules on the board.
- Be careful;
- be able to listen to the teacher and hear comrades;
- do not interrupt the speaker; if you want to answer, raise your hand;
- be able to work together)
Get ready, kids.
Get ready, little ones,
Come, older kids.
I'll tell you all a fairy tale,
I'll tell you and surprise you.

II. Updating knowledge and fixing difficulties in a trial learning activity.
1. - What do I want to tell you about?
(Children answer the question: - We will get acquainted with a new fairy tale.)
- And the motto of the lesson will be:
“Don't be afraid of fairy tales. Be afraid of lies.
What about a fairy tale?
The fairy tale will not deceive...
V. Berestov"
- How do you understand this statement?

2. Checking the salary. Brainstorm
- What did the fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka” teach you?
(Children answer in the form of the game MSH)

3. Statement of the educational task.
- You took a lot of educational and useful things from this fairy tale. Do you really know fairy tales well? I offer a fairytale quiz.

F a t i l l a l v i k t o r i n a.
- This old woman lives alone in a forest hut. She helps good fellows, but she can also offend them. Sometimes she is teased as a "bone leg". (Baba Yaga.)
- What is the name of the unusual house where Baba Yaga lives? (A hut on chicken legs.)
- What is the name of Baba Yaga’s “plane”? (Mortar.)
- Usually he is depicted as consisting entirely of bones. He cannot die until his death hidden in the egg is found. (Koschei the Deathless.)
- Boots with which the heroes of a fairy tale can take just one step and find themselves in another city, take two steps and find themselves in another country. (Fast walkers.)
- What is the name of the sword with which the hero defeats the Serpent Gorynych? (Treasure sword.)
- A piece of carpet fabric that can be used to fly through the air. (Carpet plane.)
- A headdress, when worn, its owner becomes invisible. (Invisible hat.)
- Well done, guys, what can you say about the answers? What task would you offer the class? (Divide into groups: fairy-tale characters and fairy-tale objects)
- What is the name of the type of fairy tales in which these fairy-tale characters “live” and magical objects are encountered? (Fairy tales.)

QUESTIONS FOR SUPERAGENTS: Where did the word “magical” come from?
A prepared student reads from a dictionary
- The word magic comes from the name of the ancient astrologers, sorcerers - magi. They knew how to work miracles, perform magic, and perform magical, supernatural actions.
- Thank you for message.
- Name other signs of a fairy tale. (Children's answers: - Beginning, ending, magic number)
- What other types of fairy tales are you familiar with? (Tales about animals.)
- Name the features of fairy tales about animals.
Children answer the question: - The main characters are animals, they perform actions, they have their own characters, sometimes we see people in these animals.

III. Identifying the location and cause of the problem.
- What fairy tale will we get acquainted with today? (“The Man and the Bear.”)
- How did you guess? (I looked in the textbook, etc.)
- What do you think, detectives, what type of fairy tale can it be classified as? (To answer this question, you need to read a fairy tale.)
- Formulate the topic and purpose of the lesson. (Russian folk tale “The Man and the Bear.”
Purpose of the lesson: get acquainted with a new species - using the example of the fairy tale “The Man and the Bear”
*find out the characters and events that occur in this fairy tale).

IV. Building a project for getting out of a problem.
1. Primary perception of the text.
1. Vocabulary work.
- Read the introduction by the author of the textbook. What did you learn? (“This tale with a different mood, with slyness and mockery, is told like a joke.”)
- How do you understand these words?
- Where can we find the lexical meaning of these words?
(- We can find these words in the dictionary of synonyms.
- teacher help;
- refer to the explanatory dictionary;
- look in the encyclopedia;
Work in pairs: look for words - synonyms for the word)
Cunning - crafty - playful, good-natured, cunning.
A grin is a smile that expresses ridicule or distrust.
Mockery is an offensive joke, mockery.
A joke is a funny, witty, usually rhyming saying inserted into speech.
2. Familiarity with fairy tales.
- Reading a fairy tale using A. Kushnir’s technology (reading via audio recording - children follow with their fingers)
- Now you will listen to the fairy tale and find out if your assumptions are correct?
- Was everything clear?
Dubrova - oak grove - deciduous forest, usually with a predominance of oak.
Harvest - cut a plant at the root.
The apex is the upper part of the plant.
Break - bend, tilting up or back.

V. Primary consolidation in external speech. Exchange of impressions.
- Did you like the fairy tale? - Share your impressions. Who is the main character of the fairy tale?
(- The main character of this fairy tale is a man. He also fights with evil force, but defeats it with his intelligence and folk ingenuity.)
- What type of fairy tales do we classify?
- Guys, as it is now - in class, can we find answers to your questions, find a way out of the difficulty? (Children's answers)
Physical education for the eyes and with movements

VI. Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition.
1. Compiling a table:
- The fairy tales “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka” and “The Man and the Bear” are different, but both have signs of the fairy-tale genre. Which? Find them.
- Check the slide.
-Which of the two fairy tales can be called magical? (-"Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka.")
- Can the fairy tale “The Man and the Bear” be classified as a fairy tale about animals? (Although the man is struggling with the evil intent of the bear, his main task is to outwit and remain intact)
- What situation is dealt with in the fairy tale? And in life there are situations when you have to use your cunning, ingenuity - an everyday, life situation, but scientists called it differently.
2. Solving a crossword puzzle.
- Solve the crossword puzzle, then in the vertically highlighted cells you will find out the name of this type of fairy tale.
1) What was the bear called in the old days? Hint: remember the name of his home? (Ber, home - den.)
2) Describe the bear using the phrase: “Man, I’ll break you.” (Strong.)
3) I succumbed to the man’s trick. (Silly.)
4) The bear in Rus' was considered a sacred animal; it could not be killed, and the meat of this animal was not eaten. Such an animal was called ... (totem).
5) What is the relationship between the Man and the Bear in this fairy tale? (Mocking.)
6) The patronymic of a bear in Russian folk tales. (Potapych.)
7) “A statement containing ridicule of someone who really thinks so” (Aristotle). (Irony.)
- What word appeared in the selected cells? (Household.)
- Read the definition of this word in the dictionary. (-Everyday - everyday (taken from life)

VII. "Page of the curious"
-Who was the main character in this fairy tale?
- Do you want to know more about this animal?
Message: The brown bear is the most famous of its tribesmen. He became a character in many fairy tales and legends among different peoples. He can often be seen in circus performances. The bear has a high level of intelligence and is easy to train. The bear weighs up to 800 kilograms. The bear's body length is 250 centimeters, height 120. Females are smaller than males. The brown bear has a large head, small round ears, and small eyes. The bear has claws on its paws. And the color of the bear is brown, hence its name - brown bear. Such animals live throughout the forest zone of the Eurasian continent. Unfortunately, in many European places the bear was exterminated. In our country, the bear is an object of commercial and sport hunting. The bear usually lives near rivers, in forests, and feeds on plant foods. Loves fruits, rhizomes, oats.
In the spring, the bear becomes a predator and can eat wild boar, elk, or deer. The bear is capable of developing decent speed and has a strong blow. The bear sleeps all winter. For hibernation, the brown bear makes a den for itself. Experts distinguish several subspecies of the brown bear; the most famous of them are Caucasian, Kamchatka and Manchurian.
- Thank you for the interesting message.
VIII. Group work
- Investigate the image of a bear in fairy tales.
- Support your answers with excerpts from fairy tales, reading them role-by-role.
- On your tables there are cards with fragments from fairy tales presented on them. You need to read them by role, showing the character of the bear in your voice. You, dear detectives, are given two minutes to prepare.
1st group “The bear returned in the evening, saw Mashenka, was delighted and said: “Yeah, now I won’t let you go!” You will light the stove, you will cook porridge, you will feed me porridge. And if you leave, I’ll catch you anyway and then I’ll eat you!” Mashenka thought and thought and came up with the idea: “Let me go, bear, to the village for a day. I’ll bring gifts to grandma and grandpa.” "No! - the bear growled. “You will get lost in the forest.”
2nd group. “Here a hare walks and cries, and a bear meets him:
-What are you crying about, little bunny?
- How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut. Spring came, the fox's hut melted. The fox asked to come to me and drove me out.
“Don’t cry, bunny, I’ll kick her out... Rrrrr, get out, fox!”
3rd group. “- Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?
- I, little mouse.
- I, frog-frog.
- Me, the runaway bunny.
- Me, little fox-sister.
- I, the top-gray barrel.
- And who are you?
- And I’m a clumsy bear.
- Come live with us!
The bear climbed into the tower. He climbed, climbed, climbed, couldn’t get in and said:
- I’d rather live on your roof.
- Yes, you will crush us.
“No, I won’t crush you.”
4th group. “Good morning, Christopher Robin,” greeted Winnie the Pooh.
“Good morning, Winnie the Pooh,” answered Christopher Robin.
- I was wondering if you had one thing... Well, in general, a balloon?
- A balloon?
- Yes, I asked myself: “I wonder if Christopher Robin has such a thing as a balloon?” I was sitting here thinking about balloons and decided to ask.
- Why did you need a balloon? - Christopher asked Winnie the Pooh.
Winnie the Pooh looked around to make sure no one was listening, put his paw to his mouth and answered in a whisper: “Honey.”
- But they don’t go for honey with balloons.
“I’m walking,” objected Winnie the Pooh.”
5th group. “The big bear took his cup, looked and roared in a terrible voice:
- Who drank in my cup?
Nastasya Petrovna looked at her cup and growled not so loudly:
- Who drank in my cup?
And Mishutka saw his empty cup and squeaked in a thin voice:
“Who sipped in my cup and swallowed it all?”
Reading fairy tales by role and dramatization
-Give a description of the bear.
- Does the image of a bear change in modern fairy tales?
Children answer the question:
-The bear in folk tales is always strong, powerful, and slightly stupid. There is no malice or cunning in him.
-In the author’s fairy tale, for example, by A. Milne, Winnie the Pooh is one of the most charming characters: naive and sincere, able to make friends and love, and a little stupid.

IX. Bottom line. - Let's sum it up in the form of a syncwine
Children perform syncwine in pairs
Strong, stupid
Breaks, wanders, gets angry
The bear is a fast and smart animal.

X. Reflection on activities in the lesson.
- Evaluate your own learning activities on an individual success card.
Success card
I understood the lesson material and everything worked out for me
I didn’t quite understand the lesson material and I didn’t succeed
I did not understand the lesson material and nothing worked for me
- What did you find most interesting?
- What was difficult?
- Did you choose the right motto for our lesson?
-Were we able to achieve our goal?
-How did we work in class?
- Well done! Thank you for the lesson!
XI.D/z: Read the fairy tale by role.
. pick up everyday tales,
. draw an illustration for your favorite part of the story,
. remember and draw up the signs of fairy tales on a sheet of paper in a notebook.

1. Disk for elementary school teachers. System by L.V. Zankov. “Lesson plans. Literary reading. Grades 1-2" Publishing house "Teacher"
2. Materials from the site “”

I noticed that a child’s interest in a particular fairy tale is determined not only by its content, but also by its graphic design. Successful illustrations and cartoons are memorable and evoke a lot of positive emotions - my daughter returns to them again and again.

But, in addition to books, the fairy tale plot is visually reproduced using sets of cards (usually 6-8 pieces). Moreover, you can tell not only traditional fairy tales for primary preschool age (“Turnip”, “Kolobok”, “The Three Little Pigs”, “Ryaba Hen”), but also more complex ones, for example, “The Wizard of the Emerald City”, “Puss in Boots” and "Musicians of Bremen". Of course, in an adapted (but not distorted) version. I think that for most parents, like me, reading a prose work three times is enough to remember, after which the text in front of your eyes is simply not needed.

Games with cards are different:

  • guess which fairy tale this episode is from (the child is shown one card, or the child himself chooses one of several, turned upside down),
  • find a picture that shows...,
  • what happened after or before...,
  • find an extra card in a row or add a missing one,
  • make up your own story using the pictures.

You can make cards yourself by cutting them out of inexpensive books of an “inconvenient” format. In addition to fairy tales, children will also be delighted illustrations for your favorite cartoons(“Masha and the Bear”, “Luntik”, “Little Einsteins”). To make them, just print out and paste screenshots onto cardboard. The easiest way is with Masha: ask a request in Yandex pictures masha and the bear alone at home or Masha and the Bear Bon Appetit and get an excellent selection for each episode.

Classes with such material are an excellent training for memory and imagination, as well as the ability to trace cause-and-effect relationships and draw conclusions.

I reproach myself for remembering only one publishing house that produces small cards for children - Prof-Press. But there are many hardworking people on the Internet who, for example, have collected a huge collection of educational cards for children in one place. You can download illustrations for “Turnip” or “Kolobok” for free here ]]> ]]> . Having placed the pictures on an A4 sheet and output them through a color printer, you can paste them onto cardboard and then cut them. It is convenient to place the subject pictures on a flannelgraph or (protecting the edges with tape) simply lay them out on the table.

Good morning, dear parents!

I suggest you and your kids play very interesting games based on the most famous children's fairy tales.

In front of you are pages - a field and cards for them.

The games are designed both for the youngest children, to simply introduce them to the most famous fairy tales, and for older children as role-playing games, games for memory training, attention to logic, and most importantly, fine motor skills of the fingers and speech development.

Here you can download the games themselves based on fairy tales and cartoons:

They include such well-known fairy tales and cartoons as: “Kolobok”, “Hen Ryaba”, “Turnip”, “Teremok”, “The Three Little Pigs”, “Crocodile Gena and His Friends”.

What options can there be for playing fairy tale games with kids:

1. To begin, print out the cards and fields for them, laminate or cover with tape, and cut into small cards. And now you can play.

Take a field, for example, with the fairy tale “Kolobok”, tell the story to your child while laying out cards with characters in the cells of the field. Then tell the story and, in the process, invite the child himself to sort the characters of the story into cells.

2. Another option is to put all the characters into cells, and then ask the child to close his eyes, remove someone, for example, a wolf, and let the child guess who is missing.

3. Arrange the cards with the characters in the order they appear in the fairy tale, and now mix them up and invite the child to establish the correct sequence.

4. When the child knows all the heroes of the fairy tale well, introduce him to the next fairy tale and play similar games. Then you can try to play two games at once, for example, sort the heroes from two fairy tales by their cells. When the baby can do this easily, add more characters and more fields.

If you have any other possible ideas for games with cards, write in the comments)))

Good luck to everyone, raise smart kids)

Lidia Pirogova

I would like to introduce you to didactic aid"IN visiting a fairy tale". In the group we are currently implementing a project of the same name, so I decided to create this benefit for the purpose to expand and consolidate children's knowledge about fairy tales. At this time allowance included only Russian folk fairy tales. I'm planning to create something similar didactic manual on author's fairy tales and the 135th anniversary of K. I. Chukovsky.

I found pictures on the Internet fairy tales, printed them on a color printer, pasted them on thick paper, cut them out, we got a lot of cards with plot pictures from fairy tales. I also printed out the text fairy tales. Every fairy tale I put it in the house - an envelope, numbered it. Like this happened:

Children love to listen fairy tales, because after reading we definitely play, compete in knowledge fairy tales.

Here are some activities that children will enjoy perform: "Tell fairy tale from pictures", "Help the hero return to his fairy tale"(to the heroes of one fairy tales got a character from another fairy tales, "Lay out pictures according to content fairy tales(algorithm)", "From what fairy tale hero?",

“Who can lay out the cards in order the fastest?” (2 sets of identical cards are used).

IN allowance included fairy tales for children of different ages, because I work in a mixed-age group.

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