
How to calculate the area for 1 person. How many square meters are allowed per person - the norms for living space. Where is the size of living space taken into account?

Current legislation allows a citizen to count on improved living conditions. However, this is possible if accounting norm of living space per person less than the established requirements. The value of the indicator is also established in accordance with the law. It must be taken into account that there are sanitary and social standards.

The concept affects the number of people who can live in the premises, as well as the ability to claim additional meters. Not everyone can improve their living conditions. The list of persons who have such a right is reflected in the current legislation. We will talk further about the rules in accordance with which citizens are given additional premises, the amount of standards in accordance with which a person can apply for improved housing conditions, as well as who is provided with housing benefits.

When figuring out how many square meters are allocated per person in an apartment, you need to take into account that the calculations depend on a whole list of factors. The living conditions in a specific subject of the Russian Federation are taken into account, as well as the calculation of which specific norm is being met.

They come in several types, the list of which includes:

  • social;
  • accounting;
  • sanitary

The same list must include the value of the average price per square meter in a particular region, as well as the type of housing for which the calculation is being made.

According to current legislation, the standard living space can be considered the number of meters per person. The authorities of the Russian Federation can independently establish regional standards for housing area or transfer this right to local government.

In accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the size of the area per person cannot be less than 12 square meters.

When calculating the value of the indicator, not the total area of ​​​​the premises should be taken into account, but the actual size of the living rooms.

Accounting norm for housing by regions of Russia

Region Minimum number of sq.m. for one person
Accounting norm sq.m. per person Norm for provision of sq.m. per person
Moscow and Moscow region 10 18
Leningrad region (St. Petersburg) 9 sq.m. (in separate apartments and houses);
15 sq.m (in communal apartments).
Perm region 12 15
Yaroslavl region 12 17
Omsk region 15 18
Ekaterinburg 10 16
Rostov region 6-10 18
Krasnodar 10 18
Nizhny Novgorod and Nizhny Novgorod region 10 sq. m. (in separate apartments and houses);
12 sq.m. (in communal apartments).
Volgograd 11 12-18
Krasnoyarsk, Stavropol 12 15 sq. m for each family member;
18 sq. m - living alone.
Kurgan region, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky 13 15
Novosibirsk 12 15
Saratov 10 sq.m. Family from:
3 or more people - 16 sq. m.
2 people married - 32 sq. m.
2 people related by family relations - 44 sq. m.
Living alone - 30 sq. m.
Samara 11 sq. m. (in separate apartments and houses);
13 sq.m. (in communal apartments).
Family of 2 or more people. - 14 sq. m.
Living alone - 26 sq. m.
Ufa (Republic of Bashkortostan) 12 14

Social and sanitary standards of living space

Article 38 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation outlines the standards that must be complied with when calculating the required living space. So, the standards for the provision of housing are indicated there. The concept represents the minimum size of the living space of an apartment, in accordance with which the size of housing that is provided under a social tenancy agreement is determined. The same article of the Housing Code sets out the sanitary standard for area. It determines the amount of living space that should be available per person. Today the value of the indicator is at least 6 square meters.

Another concept contained in Article 38 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation is a social norm. In accordance with it, the amount of living space per person is determined when providing compensation, payment for housing and utilities. Federal social norm standards may vary. It depends on the number of people living in the premises.

So, according to the law, the footage will be equal to:

  • 42 m2 if the family consists of two people;
  • 33 square meters, if only 1 person lives in the apartment;
  • 18 square meters, per person, if the family consists of three or more citizens.

Accounting standard for living space: what is it?

The accounting norm for housing should be calculated in situations where the issue of placing a family or a specific person on a waiting list for improved housing conditions is being decided. The calculation of the indicator value is carried out depending on the conditions that apply in each specific region.

According to the rules, the accounting standard cannot be lower than the sanitary standard. This means that the value of the indicator must be at least 6 square meters per person.

When calculating the indicator, the number of years who live in the premises together is taken into account. This means that the social norm is also taken into account. The type of living space is also taken into account.

This means that the representative of the authorized body will take into account whether the family lives in an ordinary apartment or in a communal one. The final value of the indicator is determined taking into account all the above parameters.

Table of indicators for certain categories of citizens

When is knowledge of the accounting standard for living space required?

When a citizen found out that the minimum housing standard for 1 person is 6 square meters. m., and learned that the value of the indicator in 2019 depends on its type and a number of other parameters, it is necessary to figure out when this information may be needed. Information is necessary if the amount of money that must be provided for housing and communal services is calculated.

If for some reason a citizen cannot independently contribute funds in full, the state can provide assistance in the form of subsidies. Their size is calculated according to how many square meters of housing there are per person.

Information is also necessary if a large debt has accrued for housing and communal services, and the family is evicted from their occupied living space. In this case, they will be provided with another apartment in compliance with the 6 sq. m. standard. m. per person.

Data is also required for relocating people from emergency housing. If the apartment has not been privatized, the payment will be made in accordance with the sanitary standard. If the action has been completed, the new room should not be smaller than the previous one.

Who is entitled to larger housing?

Additional living space in Russia is not provided to all citizens. The state provides support to persons who cannot purchase an apartment on their own. Priority is given to people who suffer from severe forms of a number of chronic diseases, as well as employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and military personnel. The rules and regulations for the provision of apartments are established by current legislation.

The following regulations should be taken into account:

  • Federal Law No. 181 of November 24, 1995;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 817 of December 21, 2004;
  • Federal Law No. 76 of May 27, 1998.

Ordinary citizens can also apply for housing with a larger area, but they will have to prove the need for the premises.

In Russia it is used four types of living space size standards for each resident, while their actions can overlap in various areas.

In the same time Everyone needs to know the meaning of these standards, especially for those living in public housing.

In addition, even homeowners are not insured against the fact that sooner or later they will have to use public housing. Let's figure it out how many square meters of housing are allowed per person in the Russian Federation.

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Norm for calculating living space

The standards for calculating living space are regulated by:

  • the current Housing Code of the Russian Federation;
  • legislative acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • resolutions of municipal authorities.

Previously in the USSR acted standard size living space standards, which was 12 m² per person.

However, according to the current Housing complex of the Russian Federation standards are established exclusively for regional or municipal level.

Exception is only sanitary standard, which is indirectly (without mentioning the word “sanitary”) established in the current edition of the code. Therefore, any other information about the established sizes of living space with reference to the Housing Code is outdated.

When calculating area per person Only the size of the living space is taken into account, that is, living rooms occupied by residents. Auxiliary premises (kitchen, balcony, corridor, etc.) are not taken into account.

Calculating the standard of living space may be necessary:

  1. to determine the need improving housing provision;
  2. For determining the area provided housing in dormitories and houses of flexible stock;
  3. to provide additional living space certain categories of citizens;
  4. at determining the rights of minors, disabled people and other categories of citizens entitled to benefits.

It should be borne in mind that any norms apply only to state or municipal housing.

Housing standards for dormitories

Housing standard for dormitories educational institutions, departmental or factory dormitories equals the minimum sanitary standard.

Therefore, the living area of ​​the housing provided in the dormitory cannot be less than 6 m².

In case of non-compliance with these indicators or an addition to the family, residents have the right to new allocated area in the dormitory based on the minimum 6 m² for each resident.

Where is the size of living space taken into account?

The size of living space can be taken into account in various areas:

Who has the right to count on additional living space?

If citizens live in housing, not meeting the standards, they can be provided additional living space.

This procedure applies exclusively to citizens living in municipal or departmental(public) housing.

Disabled people can count on additional living space in the amount of 18 m² according to the law No. 181-FZ“On social protection of disabled people.”

The list of diseases, in the presence of which you can count on additional square meters, is listed in Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 817.

They can also count on additional meters military personnel. According to the law No. 76-FZ“On the status of military personnel,” certain categories of military personnel (officers, unit commanders, etc.) have the right to count on additional living space of no less than 15 and no more than 25 m².

In conclusion, watch a video about how much the standards for providing housing for social rent have increased:

For many families in our country, the housing problem is very acute. Some solve it with the help of mortgage loans, others have the opportunity to purchase residential premises using their financial savings.
Still others expect the state to help them in this matter. In this case, it is important to be informed on the issue of how many square meters are allocated per person. because this norm is fundamental in justifying one’s right to state support.
* Due to frequent changes in legislation, information sometimes becomes outdated faster than we can update it on the website. * All cases are very individual and depend on many factors. Basic information does not guarantee a solution to your specific problems.

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The required living space standard

The housing rate per person is calculated in the following cases:

  • If the house is declared unsafe and the residents need to be resettled.
  • If a dispute arises regarding the division of property.
  • When calculating general house expenses.
  • If temporary residents are registered or when registering for registration.

So how many square meters are allowed per person in our country?
The Housing Code clearly establishes how many square meters per person are needed. The norm of square meters per person is 12. Each region can increase or decrease this figure, while social and sanitary standards must be taken into account. The sanitary standard is a constant value and equals six square meters.
The social norm is calculated taking into account the number of registered persons living in one living space:

  • Three family members are allocated 18 sq. m.
  • If a family consists of two people, they are entitled to a living area of ​​42 square meters.
  • One person is entitled to 33 sq. m.

When calculating the standard housing area, housing legislation defines some nuances:

  • If an outsider lives in an apartment with two family members, the housing area should not be less than 54 square meters. m. but should not exceed 62 sq. m. m.
  • When three people living in an apartment who have no family ties, the total area is set at 62 square meters. m. up to 74 sq. m.

What is the housing accounting rate

According to housing legislation, the housing accounting norm determines how many meters of living space should be allocated to one person if he is on the waiting list. This indicator is set at the regional level and may vary in different regions of the Russian Federation. The housing accounting standard is used by authorized bodies in their decision to provide social housing.
Such residential premises are provided to persons in dire need of improved living conditions, but only if this can be proven. To do this, the number of square meters of the apartment in which the person in need lives must be less than the established norm. The social norm of the living space is taken into account when the house will soon be demolished and the citizen will be provided with a new apartment.
According to the law, in each region the social norm is established taking into account the living conditions in it, sanitary norms and technical standards, and the size of the housing stock at the disposal of local authorities.

Living space standard for relocation

People who live in unbearable living conditions need to be resettled. If they rented this residential space under a social tenancy agreement, then local authorities can provide a place in a dormitory instead of an apartment, with 6 square meters per person. m.
Those whose apartments are not privatized should think about how many meters they can legally get. Those people who live in emergency housing and need relocation, and those who are in line to improve their living conditions, need to think about whether in this situation they need to privatize their old apartments or whether they need to wait to receive a new apartment. If living space is privatized, then the owners can win or lose from this, it depends on the situation in the family and the square meters.
The winning situation will be the family whose apartment living space is much larger than the norm. The law provides for the privatization of such housing if it is recognized as dilapidated or in disrepair. provision of other equivalent living space. This means that the family can get a new apartment of the same size. If the apartment is not privatized, then the family will be moved from dilapidated housing to a new home with an area, the established standards for which apply in each specific region.

Standard living space for dormitories and family members of military personnel

The question of how many meters a person living in a dormitory is entitled to is very relevant for our country. In accordance with housing legislation, one person in a dormitory is provided with six square meters.
The Ministry of Defense provides housing for military personnel. By law, one person is provided with 18 square meters. m of living space. For military personnel, this standard increases, but not by more than 9 square meters.
All this information is still not enough to fully understand the required housing standard per person. To do this, you need to carefully study local legislation.

Social norms for living space per person in Moscow

  • Single citizens - Total area 33 square meters
  • Family of two - Total area 42 square meters
  • A family of three or more people - 18 square meters of total area per family member. The accounting norm for the area of ​​living premises is the minimum size of the area of ​​​​living premises, based on which the level of provision of citizens with the total area of ​​​​living premises is determined in order to register them as those in need of residential premises. The accounting norm is established by the local government body. The size of such a norm cannot exceed the size of the provision norm established by this body.

The registration norm (registration norm) in the city of Moscow is set at 10 square meters of total area for individual apartments. The registration standard is set at 15 square meters of total area for communal apartments and hotel-type apartments (clauses 4, 5, Article 2 of Moscow City Law No. 22 of January 15, 2003 “On improving the living conditions of Moscow residents”). The federal standard for the social standard of housing area (to determine the amount of payment for housing and utilities) is determined based on the following standards for the provision of housing for the population: 18 square meters of total housing area per one member of a family consisting of three or more people, 42 square meters for a family of two people, 33 square meters - for citizens living alone. State authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have the right, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, to establish regional standards for the social norm of housing area, as well as to delegate such a right to local government bodies. However, when redistributing federal budget funds between constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation will be guided by the federal standard. (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 28, 1997 N 425 “On the reform of housing and communal services in the Russian Federation”).

Determining the accounting norm and the provision norm has important legal significance. So, for example, according to part 1 of Art. 80 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the landlord has the right to prohibit the residence of temporary residents if, after their occupancy, the total area of ​​the corresponding residential premises for each resident is less than the accounting norm for an individual apartment, and less than the provision norm for a communal apartment, in accordance with Art. 81 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the tenant under a social tenancy agreement has the right to be provided with a smaller residential premises in exchange for the occupied residential premises, provided that the area of ​​the occupied premises is more than the provision rate per each family member.

See Moscow City Law No. 29. The provision rate is 18 sq. m of living space for 1 person. When relocating, see Law No. 21

What is the norm of square meters per person in 2017

The standard of living space allocated to one person is very important. Many living conditions depend on it, from payment of utility services to the provision of social housing.

What is the standard for residential square footage per person in 2017? Often, the amount of square meters a citizen is entitled to for comfortable living becomes extremely important. This indicator may be required when dividing an apartment, moving out of a dilapidated house, improving living conditions, etc.

What is the norm for square meters per person in 2017?

General points

Rationing of living space began back in the Soviet era. Many of the rules in force at that time are still applied today. Even when legislation changes, standards are maintained and transferred to new regulations. But it is impossible to say with certainty exactly how many residential meters one person is entitled to, since many factors are important here.
The housing standard has a predetermined size in any particular region. Its value is set individually. For some categories of the population, this norm may change. The increase in area becomes a kind of compensation. Confusion with the definition of living space standards is also due to the fact that this concept can have different variations.
For example, an accounting or social norm. It is not entirely clear what value should be aimed at in each specific case.

In addition, changes in legislation should also be taken into account. Previously, Article 38 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation used the definition of “living space standards”. In 2004, the value corresponded to 12 sq.m. per person, except in certain cases individually determined by law. Moreover, the smallest amount of living space was not determined by the residential complex. and by decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation.
Somewhat later, the concept of “social norm of housing area” was introduced. This began to be used when providing subsidies, paying for utility services, etc.
Moreover, it was determined that the social norm should be equivalent to the minimum amount of living space established by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
The current Code has partially abandoned previously adopted indicators. At this time, the provision norm, as well as the accounting norm for living space, differs, based on the intended purpose of these standards.

What you need to know

Currently, the legislation of the Russian Federation predetermines various types of living space standards, in particular:
If, due to a certain status, a person is entitled to an extra twenty square meters, then he has the right to choose between additional meters or a separate room.
In addition to federal regulations for the provision of additional square meters, there are also provisions of territorial authorities.
For example, until recently, Moscow provided an additional ten square meters of housing for inventors.
Certain categories of citizens have a priority right to the provision of housing from the state fund, these are:

  • prosecutors;
  • persons with open form of tuberculosis;
  • orphans;
  • persons injured in the Chernobyl accident.

The standard for the provision of living space can also be increased in the case where a citizen does not fall under any of the specified categories.

  • the family lives in a room or one-room apartment;
  • Among the family members there is a sick person whose illness is dangerous for others.

Another factor influencing the standard of living space is the gender of the residents and their marital status.
If the persons living together are not spouses, then they must be provided with at least two rooms, even if this exceeds the norm.
The same rule applies to citizens of different sexes who are relatives. Such standards are usually determined at the local level.

What features might there be?

When receiving an apartment from a municipal or state fund, the standards stipulating the number of meters per person are taken into account.
But standards are not always reduced to a minimum. For example, a family consists of four people and two of them are children. According to the minimum, a family is entitled to housing of 24 sq.m.
But children are supposed to have their own room. At the same time, finding a “kopeck piece” that matches the area is quite difficult.
Therefore, social standards begin to apply regarding the situation when family members require separate premises.
Video: housing issue. Registration, utilities. Legal assistance, consultation For example, children of different sexes are provided with separate rooms. Consequently, the family is provided with a three-room apartment, albeit of a larger area.
For a family of two people, housing of 42 sq.m. is provided. But if the people living together are not relatives or spouses, then they are entitled to an apartment with an area of ​​at least 54 sq.m.

In Moscow

Providing citizens with living space in Moscow is regulated by Moscow Law No. 29 of June 14, 2006.
The standard for the provision of living space under a social tenancy agreement is defined as 18 sq.m. for one person.
For a family of two people who are spouses, 44 sq.m. is required. For a family of two unmarried people, 54 sq.m. is provided. living space.
For a family of three with spouses, 62 sq.m. And if the family includes three people, but there are no spouses among them, then 74 sq.m.
When a family consists of four or more people, each person receives 18 sq.m. + no more than 9 sq.m.

In St. Petersburg

In St. Petersburg, the accounting norm for housing is determined by the law of St. Petersburg No. dated July 19, 2005. The minimum living area here is 9 sq.m.
It is this value that is used when registering for housing provided as part of improving housing conditions.
At the same time, the current norm for provision per person is 18 sq.m. for a family of two or more people. For a citizen living alone, an apartment with an area of ​​33 sq.m. is provided.

Depending on the room

Living space standards apply to any room where a person spends a fairly large amount of time. But the type of room matters.
For example, when providing temporary housing, living space may be provided according to minimum sanitary standards.
This amounts to 6 sq.m. per person. But if housing is provided as permanent according to this calculation, then this is a direct violation of legal norms.


With regard to the standard apartment area, federal legislation establishes the following values:
But if a person is evicted for debt or moves into temporary housing, then he is provided with housing at the rate of six square meters per person.
In this case, the calculation is carried out based on the area of ​​​​all residential premises and common areas.


When a citizen moves into a hostel, a minimum sanitary standard of six square meters is used.
If this indicator is difficult to comply with in an apartment, then in a hostel, due to cramped conditions and compactness, this norm is quite objective.
In this case, the size of the provided area is calculated based on the number of people, regardless of their marital status and gender.
By the way, when debtors are evicted from municipal housing, they are usually moved into dormitories.

In the office

The area of ​​an employee’s workplace in an office is of no small importance. Often, it is non-compliance with the established norm that becomes a violation of labor legislation.
In accordance with SANPIN standards, one person working with a computer should have at least 4.5 sq.m.
In this case, the norm increases to 6 sq.m. when working with an old model (without an LCD screen). There must be at least two meters of distance between workers' desks. Violation of the norms threatens the employer with a fine of up to twenty thousand rubles.

The norm of square meters per person in 2017, as before, does not have one clear meaning. It depends on the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and various circumstances.
But in any case, the citizen must ensure that he is provided with housing of adequate size.

How many square meters are allowed per person (norm)?

How many square meters are required per person according to the regulations of the housing industry? This information is extremely important for anyone without knowing how many square meters are allocated per person. It will not be possible to resolve the dispute over the division of housing, nor determine the procedure for relocating residents from a house in disrepair. Let's figure out what rules apply in our country.
Standard living space per person, what types of standards exist in Russia?

Unlike Soviet legislation, in Russian there is much less of a desire for rationing. However, in such an important area as housing relations, it is impossible to do without norms, which is why in Russia today there are:

  1. The minimum standard is for living space in dormitories and maneuver funds at the disposal of local authorities.
  2. The provision norm is the minimum area for living that is generally allowed to be allocated to a citizen with whom a social rent agreement is concluded.
  3. The accounting norm is the size of the area, based on which the competent authorities determine whether a particular person or an entire family needs to be allocated more spacious accommodation. According to the law, this norm can in no case be less than the provision norm.

Now let's talk about how many square meters are allocated per person in each of the listed cases.
Minimum standard of living space per person in Russia
It is more logical to start with the maximum permissible level, below which nothing is allowed. The minimum possible norm now is 6 square meters. Such an area is provided to a citizen in 2 cases:

  • in dormitories - for the duration of work, service or study;
  • in the maneuver fund.

In turn, a person may become a tenant of a flexible fund if:

  • apartment provided for social rent. is located in a house awaiting reconstruction or major repairs;
  • the apartment was taken away from a citizen for debts to the bank on a mortgage or in other similar cases;
  • the only housing was lost as a result of the emergency.

Legislation may provide other grounds for settling people in a flexible fund. Housing in a flexible fund is provided temporarily - until new housing is provided, compensation is paid or settlements with debtors are completed (if the apartment was taken away for debts).
An area of ​​6 square meters in legislation is called a sanitary norm. It is quite rightly believed that living in a smaller living space can have a negative impact on a person’s health. In addition, it is necessary to additionally take into account sanitary standards, according to which the height of the ceilings in a living room should not be less than 210 cm. Together with the area, these data give an idea of ​​​​the physiologically justified living volume that allows a person to exist.
Provision rate - what is it?
The term “provision rate”, in accordance with housing legislation, means the minimum area that should go to a person who has entered into a social tenancy agreement with the municipality. At the same time, the question is how many square meters are allocated per person. to whom housing is provided not for ownership, but for living, is decided differently in each subject of Russia. Moreover, Art. 50 of the RF Housing Code allows this issue to be resolved differently even in different municipalities of the same region, republic or region.
Here are examples of specific standards:

  • Moscow - 18 square meters (by the way, it is Moscow standards that most Russian regions are guided by);
  • Voronezh - no less than 14, but no more than 18 square meters per tenant;
  • Yaroslavl - 17 square meters;
  • Belgorod, Omsk and Stary Oskol - 18 square meters.

Accordingly, in the case when citizens are allocated municipal housing, its area should be calculated based on these values.
In some cases, the standard is set not at the local, but at the federal level. For example, in relation to military personnel, it was strictly introduced not in any particular region, but throughout Russia. It is curious that for the military the all-Russian norm is equal to that which applies to civilians in Moscow.

Standard living space according to registration

How many square meters are allocated per person is somewhat different. determines the accounting norm. Actually, from the term itself you can understand its meaning: if a tenant has less space in a room, he has the right to register with the local municipality as needing improved housing conditions.
This norm mainly applies to people living in municipal or public housing. In his apartment, the owner has the right to live as he pleases, and he usually does not have the right to claim additional space, although in some cases the accounting norm also applies to apartments that are privately owned. For example, under a commercial lease agreement, the owner (more precisely, the landlord) may prohibit the tenant from accepting temporary residents if, as a result, each person in the apartment has a smaller area than that established by law.

The determination of accounting standards is also within the competence of local authorities. Here are examples of just some of the norms from different cities of Russia:

  • Moscow - 10 square meters for individual apartments and 15 for communal apartments;
  • Voronezh - 11 square meters;
  • Yaroslavl - 12 square meters;
  • Omsk - 15 square meters;
  • Belgorod - 15 square meters.

For comparison: in Stary Oskol, located in the Belgorod region, the norm is less - already 14 square meters, and in the city of Gubkin, the center of the district of the same name in the same region - even 13. It is easy to notice that even within the same region, standards can vary significantly - this is one of the manifestations of federalism and freedom of local self-government in the Russian Federation, without which the very existence of our multinational country is impossible.

How is the accounting standard for housing area applied?

If a person, in accordance with local standards, is included in the list of those in need of new housing, then he can only wait, because according to housing legislation, new apartments are provided only on a first-come, first-served basis. The place in the queue is determined by the date when the person is registered with the local administration.
Accommodation can be provided without a waiting list:

  • residents of apartments or rooms that are no longer suitable for habitation and cannot be repaired or reconstructed;
  • patients suffering from one of the diseases that make it impossible for other persons to live with them;
  • elderly and disabled people who were previously placed with their consent in a hospital, but at the same time refused the services of the institution, if it is no longer possible to return them to their previous housing;
  • certain categories of civil servants (in particular, judges must be provided with housing no later than six months from the date of appointment).

The list is incomplete; federal legislation may provide for other cases when housing should be allocated to a citizen out of turn.

Additional space - who can count on exceeding the standards?

There are categories of citizens to whom housing under a social tenancy agreement is provided in excess of the originally planned area. So, what are these categories and how many square meters are allowed per person in each of these cases?

  1. Heroes of Socialist Labor, Heroes of Labor of the Russian Federation, holders of the Order of Labor Glory of all degrees - 15 square meters.
  2. Federal judges - 20 square meters.
  3. Heroes of the USSR, Heroes of the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Glory - 20 square meters.
  4. Disabled people - no more than 2 provision standards in force in the city of their residence.
  5. Employees of the RF IC - 20 square meters.
  6. Police officers with the rank of colonel and above - 1 additional room (its exact area is not specified in the standards).
  7. Judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation - 20 square meters.
  8. Military personnel with the rank of colonel and above, unit commanders, military personnel with academic degrees, as well as some other categories of military personnel - from 15 to 25 square meters of official housing.

For citizens who are entitled to 20 square meters, it is possible to provide 1 additional room in the apartment in exchange.
It is important to note that the listed categories have the right to additional living space according to federal regulations. At the regional level, local authorities have the right to establish their own rules based on the housing supply of the population of their city and the capabilities of the administration. So, for example, as of 2011, the Soviet rule was still in force in Moscow, according to which inventors who had a special certificate issued in the USSR had the right to 10 square meters of additional space.
In addition, there are citizens who should be provided with housing first:

  • prosecutors - within the limits established in the region (in practice, this is usually replaced by compensation for rented housing);
  • patients with tuberculosis, if the form of the disease allows for the risk of infecting others;
  • orphans;
  • victims of radiation sickness and other diseases associated with the liquidation of the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Social requirements for rationing living space
Determining how many square meters are allocated per person. It also matters when calculating housing costs. For example, for low-income citizens there are benefits on utility bills and housing, which apply to those who live in rooms and apartments of a smaller area than established by the standards.
The standards here are also set at the regional level. For example, in Moscow the following rules apply:

  • for 1 person - 33 square meters;
  • for a family of 2 people - 42 square meters;
  • if 3 or more people live in an apartment, then the provision norm is applied to them, which in Moscow is 18 square meters per tenant.

In relation to fees for the maintenance and repair of housing in Moscow, the above standards increase by 7 square meters for each tenant.
For space above the social norm, citizens are required to pay an increased amount. At the same time, there are categories of citizens for whom this rule does not apply. These include, in particular:

  • disabled citizens (disabled people and pensioners) living alone, or families in which there are no other members besides pensioners and disabled people;
  • minor orphans who own housing on the right of ownership;
  • tenants of the first floors in Moscow;
  • inhabitants of emergency houses;
  • large families.

The law allows the establishment of benefits for other categories of citizens. To whom specifically and to what extent is decided by local governments and regional authorities.
The federal government also has the right to establish its own benefits. In particular, exemption from rent (in whole or in part) is allowed:

  • Heroes of Socialist Labor, Heroes of Labor of the Russian Federation, holders of the Order of Labor Glory and members of their families;
  • citizens working with chemical weapons;
  • victims of the Chernobyl disaster;
  • disabled people of the Great Patriotic War, etc.
  • How many square meters are allowed for each person?
  • Despite the fact that our economy has long been not a planned one, but a market one, and solutions to housing problems have long been shifted to the shoulders of citizens. nevertheless, the state provides all possible assistance to certain categories of citizens.
  • This means you can buy the apartment you want. There is a desire for four of you to huddle in a one-room apartment with an area of ​​27 square meters, your right.
  • Dear readers! Our articles talk about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique.

If you want to live alone in a private house with a living area of ​​250 square meters or more, no one will interfere. If you have the finances and desire, buy, build. the state will only be happy for you and... demand its tax.
The situation is different if the state takes part in the provision of housing. Here it will limit you to certain norms. You can’t have more than that many meters of living space per person, but you can’t have less than that much either.
For example, the most minimal living space. which is provided for one person is 6 square meters. If we look at the example of a family of four, then everything seems to be correct. Six multiplied by four and we get 24 square meters, which does not reach 27.
But when allocating living space, it will be taken into account that the family has children who require a separate room. According to all current standards, such a family claims at least a three-room apartment, but there are no such apartments with an area of ​​24 square meters.
In addition, if the children are of different sexes. then they are given separate rooms. And it turns out that such a family is already applying for a four-room apartment, the minimum living area of ​​which will be at least 60 square meters.
But in practice, it happens that such families receive both a one-room apartment and a four-room apartment. This has nothing to do with the current law, but depends on the scarcity of the housing stock with which the state can provide some categories of citizens.
general information
So, how many square meters are required by law for each person?

The Housing Code of the Russian Federation defines the general norm as 12 square meters.
At the same time, the minimum sanitary standard is two times less, that is, 6 square meters.
This precisely explains the fact that the same family can be moved into either a one- or two-room apartment or a four-room apartment. Houses are built according to standard designs that cannot take into account all the needs of citizens.
And if apartment buildings are being built in the city, in which apartments have a living area of ​​27 and 50 square meters, and a family claims 36 square meters, then such a family will not be given a larger area (although there are often exceptions here). You will have to be content with 27 square meters, which, according to sanitary standards, is quite enough for a family of three.
It must be remembered that the norm of living space per person is taken into account not only when allocating apartments, but also in such cases as:

  • when calculating payment for living space;
  • upon eviction of the tenant;
  • when dividing an apartment;
  • when relocating residents due to major repairs of an apartment building;
  • when settling tenants for a while;
  • when establishing the need to allocate additional living space.

But the specified norm of 12 square meters is not a constant value throughout the Russian Federation. In different regions, this value changes in one direction or another, since the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have the right to adhere to their own standards in the housing issue.
But if there is a minimum sanitary standard that determines the minimum threshold of square meters of living space per person, then there are other standards that guide the distribution of housing.

This is a social norm. which allows us to look more optimistically at the housing policy implemented by the state.

According to this norm, if a family consists of three people. then each of them is entitled to 18 square meters.
If it is impossible to satisfy this need, the requirements of this standard can be reduced to 16 square meters.
A family of two, according to the social norm, claims a living space of 42 square meters. How different this is from what we have to deal with when allocating apartments to such families! All they can count on. This is a one-room apartment with one square meter of living space. But if a person fails to start a family, he lives alone. then, according to this standard, he is entitled to 33 square meters of living space.

Unfortunately, there are few proposals from the state. and there are much more applicants for it. Therefore, it is extremely rare to adhere to social norms. In most cases, you can afford such square meters if you buy an apartment on your own. But this requires money.

When calculating preferences for payment of housing and communal services.
This norm is taken into account in order to determine the level of financial assistance to persons who cannot pay for utilities on their own. And if the same indicators are established at the federal level, then local authorities are empowered to set their own, which they take advantage of by lowering this norm.
But there is a case that does not allow the rate to be lowered below the established federal level. This applies to dormitories, which are allocated at the rate of six square meters per person. You cannot go below this parameter. This is strictly prohibited by the provisions of both the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and sanitary standards that are mandatory for use throughout the country.

Therefore, locally they do not have the right to reduce it by providing citizens with hostels.

If an organization, institution or enterprise is caught in this, it will face sanctions from the state. As a rule, they order to eliminate the violation and provide citizens with the required meters of living space.

When evicted from housing for debt on housing and communal services
In cases where it becomes necessary to take decisive action against persistent defaulters for utility services, responsible persons go to court, which may decide to evict citizens from the occupied area.

As a rule, this happens due to the fact that in court the defendants cannot objectively prove their financial insolvency. And then, only in cases where the defaulter lives in the apartment under a social tenancy agreement.
But such a tenant is not evicted to the street. He is provided with other, smaller housing. which meets sanitary standards.
That is, evicted residents in such cases are entitled to living space at the rate of six square meters per person. These are usually dormitories.

Number of family members – Area norm

Single citizens – Total area 33 square meters

Family of two – Total area 42 square meters

Family of three or more people – 18 square meters of total area per
one family member

Accounting standard for residential area - this is the minimum size of the area of ​​​​residential premises, on the basis of which the level of provision of citizens with the total area of ​​​​residential premises is determined in order to register them as those in need of residential premises. The accounting norm is established by the local government body. The size of such a norm cannot exceed the size of the provision norm established by this body.

Registration norm (accounting norm) in the city of Moscow set in size 10 square meters of total area for individual apartments. The registration standard is set at 15 square meters of total area for communal apartments and hotel-type apartments (clauses 4, 5, Article 2 of Moscow City Law No. 22 of January 15, 2003 “On improving the living conditions of Moscow residents”).
Federal standard for social norms of housing area (to determine the amount of payment for housing and utilities) is determined based on the following standards of housing provision for the population:
18 square meters of total housing area per family member of three or more people,
42 square meters - for a family of two people,
33 square meters - for citizens living alone.
State authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have the right, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, to establish regional standards for the social norm of housing area, as well as to delegate such a right to local government bodies. However, when redistributing federal budget funds between constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation will be guided by the federal standard. (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 28, 1997 N 425 “On the reform of housing and communal services in the Russian Federation”).

Determining the accounting norm and the provision norm has important legal significance. So, for example, according to part 1 of Art. 80 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the landlord has the right to prohibit the residence of temporary residents if, after their occupancy, the total area of ​​the corresponding residential premises for each resident is less than the accounting norm for an individual apartment, and less than the provision norm for a communal apartment, in accordance with Art. 81 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the tenant under a social tenancy agreement has the right to be provided with a smaller residential premises in exchange for the occupied residential premises, provided that the area of ​​the occupied premises is more than the provision rate per each family member.