
Cognitive alphabet for children 6 years old. Alphabet for children - print and download. Halves - a game to consolidate knowledge about already familiar letters

Perhaps the title of this article will seem immodest to you, and the author - arrogant. You might think that the author used such a title to attract the attention of readers.

Yes it is. The purpose of this title is to draw your attention to the truly most effective way to teach a child the letters of the Russian alphabet in the shortest possible time and teach him to pronounce these letters with sounds. You will see for yourself the simplicity and effectiveness of this method by reading this article and starting to teach your child letters with its help. After just five lessons, your child will know all 10 vowels well and will begin to memorize consonants, even if he did not know a single letter before. And, most importantly, he will learn letters during games and remember them firmly.

But first, a little digression. Before you start teaching your child letters, you must decide why he needs it. Some parents are proud that they were able to teach letters to a two-year-old or even one-and-a-half-year-old child. But you should only do this if you also start teaching your child to read. Any knowledge must immediately find its practical application. But teaching letters by itself, without simultaneously learning to read, makes no sense. There are many other, no less effective, ways to develop a child’s memory and stimulate the brain during its formation. It’s good if, by the time the child begins learning to read, he forgets these prematurely learned letters and does not begin to pronounce them the way he was once taught: Be, Ve, Ge... or By, You, Gy..., otherwise when reading this It will really bother him. You ask: “Well, if you teach a child letters and reading at the same time, then at what age is it better to start, from two years old?” I believe that at home, in the family, a mother with a child of this age can already study; but first for half a minute, and then for several minutes throughout the day. As a result of such “lessons”, built in the form of a game, the child will develop the ability to concentrate on some specific activity, and then, starting from the age of three and even a little earlier, he can be taught to read in a group of children like him. Just don’t forget that learning to read, especially early learning, should take place without coercion, in play, against a background of positive emotions.

A game method for learning ten vowels in 5 lessons

So, you have set out to teach your child to read books. You will, of course, start by learning letters with him. In what order should they be taught? Of course, not in alphabetical order and not in complete disorder, when the child is given vowels and consonants mixed up.

An important factor in the initial stage of learning to read by words is the child’s solid knowledge of the ten letters that represent vowel sounds (hereinafter, for simplicity, I will simply call them “vowels”). I have more than once drawn my attention to the fact that children who read poorly, even schoolchildren, are hesitant to name vowels, and when reading they stumble, remembering whether it is E, or Yo, or YU. In view of the paramount importance of knowing ten vowels for full reading (so that the child does not “stumble” in every warehouse), I developed this game technique for quickly learning them, which I have been successfully using for several years now.

The duration of each of the five lessons of this technique is several minutes. Lessons are held twice a week, and on the remaining days of the week, parents repeat the content of the previous lesson with the child for two to seven minutes a day. I calculated that teaching a child ten vowels using this method takes a total of just over an hour.

The methodology is based on the principle of repeated display and synchronous sounding of a group of symbols with their gradual partial replacement, proposed by the outstanding teacher Glen Doman. In this case, the task is made easier by the fact that in Russian the vowels form pairs that seem to rhyme: A - Z, O - E, U - Yu, Y - I, E - E. I supplemented the multiple screening with five reinforcing games I developed.

  • The goal of classes using this method is to give the child a solid knowledge of ten vowels in five lessons. Often, parents believe that their child does not need this: “He has known all the letters since he was two years old.” When you start showing him the letters, it turns out that he doesn’t know them well. Confused E With Yo or with YU, does not know E, Y, sometimes thinks, remembering a letter. Before starting to learn to read, the child’s knowledge of all vowels must be brought to automaticity.
  • From other ways of learning letters, which often only slow down their assimilation and make it difficult to use ( A- watermelon, AND- turkey or ABOUT- like a bagel, YU- Yulina letter, I- looks like a pole with a lantern, etc.), this technique is simple and effective.

Lesson #1

Write or print the vowel letters on thick white paper, each on a separate card: letters A, O, U, Y, E- in large bold red font on cards measuring 12x10cm, and I, Yo, Yu, I, E- in blue bold font of a slightly smaller size on 9x10cm cards. For the first lesson you will only need cards A, Z, O, Yo.


On the back of each card, write the letter by hand for yourself so you don’t have to look at the front when showing the letters to your child.

Classes can be taught by a teacher or one of the child’s parents.

Showing the first two pairs of vowels (A - Z, O - E).

Place two pairs of cards in a stack as shown in the left picture, with the back side facing you. Move the card closest to you A forward (as indicated by the arrow in the right picture) and show it to the child. Say: "This is A". Then put the next card forward and say: "This is I"; then - "This is - ABOUT"; and then - "This is - Yo"Show each card no longer than 1 second. Do it in a fun way, like a game. Look not at the cards, but into the child’s eyes to see where he is looking and attract his attention. Letters A And ABOUT most children already know. You can pause and give the child the opportunity to name them himself. A letters I And Yo quickly name it yourself, before the child, so as not to give him the opportunity to make a mistake. And don't ask your child to repeat them. Your task is to quickly show these four letters and at the same time recite a small poem:

"This - A"

"This - I"

"This - ABOUT"

"This - Yo"

Children can easily remember longer poems, and even more so, they will soon begin to repeat such an easy poem on their own.

If you are a teacher, explain to the child's mother present in class that she must show and name these four letters to him every day until the next lesson at least five times a day. Let her do this the first time in your presence so that you can correct her if she does something wrong. Do not hesitate to explain everything to parents in the same detail as to their children and check that they understand you. Shuffle the cards. Ask mom to put them in the right order. Then she must sit or stand the child in front of her and look into his eyes while showing the letters. She must pronounce letters unfamiliar to the child clearly and before him. A typical mistake is when mom takes out the next letter and holds it in her other hand, without covering the last letter with it. In this case, the child sees two letters at the same time.

Tell your mom that all her homework will take her half a minute a day, because... one such display lasts five seconds. It’s just important not to miss them. Gradually, the pause after the word “This is...” should be increased, and the word itself should be pronounced with a questioning intonation, as if encouraging the child to name the letters himself. The child must simply name the letter. He shouldn't say "this" A" or "letter A"Give your mother the four letters you made and ask her to bring them with her to class.

Lesson #2

By the beginning of this lesson, the children had already repeated for two or three days after their mother A, Z, O, Yo and remembered them well in this order.

Reinforcing games.

Now with these four letters you need to play five reinforcing games so that the children firmly remember them both in the order of the learned rhyme and separately.

Place four cards in pairs on the table in front of the child, calling them out loud, in the order in which they were shown to him. After that, start playing games.


1st game. "Wind". Explain to your child that the red letters are big brothers, and the blue letters are little brothers. Then say: “The wind came and mixed up all the brothers.” Mix the letters yourself so they don't end up upside down. Then let the child put them in order in pairs, calling out loud: A- near I, ABOUT- near Yo(with your help at first).

2nd game. "Hide and seek." Cover the smaller cards with larger ones (red letters on top) and change the order of these pairs: “The little brothers hid under the big ones and swapped places so that Helen wouldn’t find them. Guess which little brother hid under the big brother ABOUT? That's right, under ABOUT hid Yo! And under A? Right, I!"

3rd game. "Hide and seek." You play the same way, but this time it’s the other way around - the big brothers are hiding under the little ones.

4th game. "Crow". Move your palms over the cards laid out in the correct order and say: “The crow flew, flew, flew, flew and... ate the letter.” Quickly cover one of the letters with your palm: “Which letter did the crow eat?” It is better to move both palms at the same time, so that it is more difficult for the child to guess which letter you are going to cover. If he was unable to answer quickly, remove your palm for a moment and cover the letter again. If he doesn’t say even then, tell me, for example: “Next to ABOUT. Right, Yo!" Over time, the child will remember the location of the letters and will guess them easily.

Game 5 "Cards". Now use the same cards to play with your child the same way adults play cards. You shuffle the cards, then throw a card on the table in front of him and ask: “What is this?” If you name it correctly - you win and take the card, if you make a mistake - another student takes it, and at home - your mother takes it. Don’t rush to allow other students to give you hints, let your child think a little. At first, try throwing cards in pairs: first ABOUT, for her Yo, AI etc. If the child wins confidently, throw in pairs, but in reverse order. Then start throwing randomly.

The mother present at the lesson remembers and writes down how to play these five games at home. You only need to play once a day, unless the child asks for more. But each time, stop the game while he still wants to play: “We’ll finish the game another time.”

Showing three pairs of vowels (A - Z, O - Yo, U - Yu).

After you have played five games with the first two pairs of letters, draw the next pair of cards you made U - Yu, write them on the back for yourself and add them to the pile (after the lesson, give this pile, all six letters, to your mother).


Now show your child three pairs of letters the same way you showed him two pairs in lesson No. 1. Only this time the child names the first four letters, and you quickly name the last two yourself, not letting him make a mistake (remind your mother of this too). Give mom the same instructions as in lesson No. 1. By the next lesson, after two or three days of showing, the child will remember a new poem:

"This - A"

"This - I"

"This - ABOUT"

"This - Yo"

"This - U"

"This - YU"

Give your mom these six letters you made and ask her to bring them with her to the next lesson.

Attention! After lesson No. 2, the mother shows the child these three pairs of vowels several times a day, but so far plays reinforcement games with him only for the first two pairs ( A - Z, O - E) once a day.

Lesson #3

By the beginning of this lesson, the children had already learned the rhyme:

"This - A"

"This - I"

"This - ABOUT"

"This - Yo"

"This - U"

"This - YU",

and the letters A, Z, O, Yo thanks to five reinforcing games they know and randomly. Now they need to consolidate the knowledge of the last vowels they learned U And YU.

Reinforcing games.

Place the following six cards in pairs on the table in front of your child, calling them out loud, in the order in which they were shown to him. After this, play the games detailed in Lesson No. 2.

Show your child these three pairs of letters as you did in previous lessons. As before, the child names the first four letters, and you quickly name the last two yourself, not letting him make a mistake (remind your mother of this too).

Give your mom all the letters you made and ask her to bring them with her to the next lesson. Tell your mom that all her homework will now take her no more than six minutes a day and remind her that it is important not to miss any of them.

Attention! Pay attention to the mother that after this lesson the child needs to be shown these three pairs of vowels several times a day, putting aside those that are well known to him AND I. And in the evening you need to play reinforcement games with him once only for the first three pairs: A - Z, O - Yo, U - Yu(without yet Y,— AND).

Lesson #4

By the beginning of the fourth lesson, children know the following vowels in pairs: A - Z, O - E, U - Yu, Y - I, and the letters A, Z, O, E, U, Yu Thanks to reinforcing games, they know randomly. Now they need to consolidate the knowledge of the last vowels they learned Y And AND.

Reinforcing games.

You have already realized that the number of vowels with which we play reinforcement games increases with each lesson: in the second lesson we played with four letters, in the third - with six, and now these five games need to be played with eight letters.

Place the following eight cards in pairs on the table in front of your child, calling them out loud, in the order in which they were shown to him. After this, play the games detailed in Lesson No. 2.


Showing three pairs of vowels (U - Yu, Y - I, E - E).

This time you remove the first two pairs of cards AND I And O - Yo, and take out the last pair you made E - E. Label these cards on the back for yourself and add them to the pile. The total number of letters shown is still six and the rhyme remains just as easy to remember. It is also important that the letters E And Yo, which children often confuse, never “meet” when shown: when the letter “came” E in the fourth lesson, letter Yo already gone". Now the cards are in the pile in the following order.


Show your child these three pairs of letters as you did in previous lessons. As before, the child names the first four letters, and new ones for him E And E you quickly name it yourself, not allowing him to make a mistake (once again remind your mother of this). Give your mom all ten letters you made and ask her to bring them with her to class. Tell her that all her homework will now take her no more than six to seven minutes a day and remind her that it is important not to miss a single one.
But it really worries me a lot...

Thank you!

05/10/2015 16:40:29, natka-Lu

How can you tell whether a child has already memorized a letter or not if he is still 4 months old and cannot speak?
This article corresponds to the modern level of ideas about early development, set in the book Read Before You Walk in 1995 - 1996.
The author quite correctly states:
“Before you start teaching your child letters, you must decide why he needs it.”
"Any knowledge must immediately find its practical application."
- That is, letters should be learned if you teach reading at the same time, otherwise the child will quickly forget the letters.
What is the author's mistake here, if any?
This error is purely technical, but it can play a fatal role - the author himself, apparently, is intuitively aware, but he calls “letters” - letters, and not letter sounds, as recommended in the system of “true early development: Reading before you walk” . It is clear from the text that he does not rule out calling the letters BE, GE, DE, etc. But this is categorically excluded in Tyulenev’s system, which since the 80s is that you cannot tell a child BE, GE, etc. even once, because the child instantly remembers and then it is very difficult for him to form words from the letters BE, ME, GE and so on.!
Another clarification.
When asked at what age, the author answers that at two years old you can start:
This is correct, but you can start using Sharovarov’s “Read before you speak” and Tyulenev’s “Read before you walk” methods even before you are a year old.
So, in 2002, in fact, it was recorded that using a special method a child can be taught to read as early as six months - this was reported at this conference.
Here's another clarification. The author recommends:
"Write or print the vowels on thick white paper, each on a separate card: the letters A, O, U, Y, E - in large bold red font on cards measuring 12x10cm, and I, E, Yu, I, E - in blue in bold print in a slightly smaller size on 9x10cm cards...."
- for group classes, this size of cards can be useful.
However, since 1988 it has been proven that cards of a much smaller size can be used, for example, cards “The ABC of Genius” - the Universal Developmental ABC of Methods of Intellectual Development, abbreviated as URAMIR - for classes with a newborn have dimensions of 7 x 3 cm.
In general, the article is wonderful, although there are no links to primary sources, and many of the ideas and recommendations of the book Read - Before Walking in this article are either not learned, or the author does not know about them...
I believe that exactly the way Polyakov did it, we need to work through every step of early development methods. :)

oh, there’s a whole dissertation, I just learned the sounds, and then we learned to read according to Zhukova with both the little one and the older one

Here you will find the Russian alphabet for children from “A” to “Z” in pictures with tasks for each letter. Colorful pictures and funny letters will not leave your child indifferent! In each task, the child will be asked, from all the pictures that are on the page with the letter being studied, to circle only those whose names begin with this letter. The tasks are more suitable for children who have already practically learned the alphabet and have an idea of ​​which letter in a word is capitalized.

Before you start learning the alphabet, try to clearly explain to your child the difference between a letter and a sound, as well as their relationship with each other, so as not to create confusion in the baby’s head. To make the task easier, transcribe several words and clearly show your child how these words can be written with sounds.

Russian alphabet for children - All letters from A to Z

Before you start learning the Russian alphabet for children and completing our tasks, in which all the letters are studied in order from “A to Z,” you need to conduct a lesson with transcriptions with your child. Using the example of transcription, it will be easier for the child to understand why there are more sounds than letters in the alphabet, because the child will see that in some cases, one letter can mean not one, but two sounds. The child should also know that a soft sign serves to soften consonants, a hard sign makes the sound hard, but these letters themselves cannot convey sound.

It is best to start learning the Russian alphabet with vowels, and the sequence does not matter here. You should not try to cover all the vowels at once, it will be very difficult for a child, start by learning 3 - 4 letters. Classes should not be long, it is better to conduct them more often, at least 5 - 6 times a day. Start learning the next letters no earlier than 3 days later, making sure that the baby firmly remembers the previous letters.

After the child has learned all the vowels, ask him to complete tasks with these letters, which you can download in the attachments at the bottom of the page of this material. Place all the tasks with vowel letters on the table in front of your child and ask him to name which letters he is familiar with. When you are sure that all the letters are named correctly by the child, read the conditions of the first task to him and ask him to complete it, then the next one, and so on.

Russian alphabet in order - Find pictures for each letter

Here you can view and download all the pictures with tasks that present the Russian alphabet in order. In the process of studying the Russian alphabet, it is necessary to explain to children using examples that very often in the Russian language we pronounce one sound in a word, but in writing it is a completely different letter, for example: we hear “apezyana” and write “monkey”, “karova” " - "cow" and so on.

If all tasks with vowel letters have been completed, and you are convinced that the child has learned the material well, begin studying consonant letters. Just first I would like to note the following: now you should introduce the baby not to the name of the letter, but to its sound. It is very important that parents understand this and do not make mistakes that will be difficult to correct later.

Let us explain why: in the future, when you start teaching your child to read syllable by syllable, it will be very difficult for you to teach your child to connect syllables, because a child who has learned the names of the letters “EN”, “EM”, “KA” will be confused - why connecting the letter “EM” and “A”, the syllable “MA” is obtained, not “EMA”... Therefore, during classes it is necessary to use only sounds: if it is the letter “EN”, we use the sound “N”, if the letter “DE” - sound "D" and so on.

You can download the Russian alphabet for children with letters in order from A to Z in the attachments at the bottom of the page

After your child has learned all the consonants, start completing the assignments!

Letter A and B in the Russian alphabet

Help the little mermaid Ariel find objects - words that start with the letter A, circle them. Words: window, glasses, cucumber, pineapple, orange, shark, monkey, nuts, octopus, watermelon. Help the kitten find words starting with the letter B among the pictures and circle them. Words: bees, butterfly, gift, drum, briefcase, alarm clock, squirrel, bow, bananas.

Letters B and G

Help the wolf find pictures that represent words starting with the letter B, circle them into a triangle. Words: wolf, pyramid, sparrow, train, camel, grapes, lamp, bicycle. Also help the gnome find words starting with the letter G and circle them. Words: gnome, pear, dove, mushroom, eyes, owl, guitar, accordion.

Letters D and E

Help the girl find words starting with the letter D, circle them: tree, tiger, house, cake, telephone, board, dragon, girl. Help the puppy find pictures that begin with the letter E: puppy, raccoon, dolphin, seahorse, blackberry, Emelya, spinning top.

Letters Е and Ж

In this task with the Russian alphabet for children, you need to help Dale the chipmunk find words starting with the letter E among the pictures: honey, airplane, Leopold the cat, brush, Christmas tree, hedgehog, ice. Help Dasha the traveler find pictures starting with the letter Z. Words: hat, ball, beetle, toad, cones, giraffe, pearl, acorn.

Letters Z and I of the Russian alphabet

Help the bunny find objects starting with the letter Z among the pictures: hare, zebra, sun, snake, umbrella, elephant, castle, sugar, candle, star. Help the cartoon heroine find words starting with the letter I. Words: girl, hut, fishing rod, needle, toys, turkey, fig.

Letters Y and K

Help the cricket find words starting with the letter Y among the pictures: cricket, raccoon, spruce, hedgehog, chocolate, yogurt, iodine. And also help me find objects - words starting with the letter K: hippopotamus, cat, crocodile, bread, books, pencils, mole.

Letters L and M in Russian

Help the lion cub find words for objects that begin with the letter L: lion, moon, fox, lemon, plum, frog, oar, bow, ladder. Help the bear find pictures with words starting with the letter M: plasticine, thread, little Mook, hammer, ant, mouse, carrot, bear.

Letters N and O

We continue to learn the Russian alphabet for children. Help the boy find words starting with the letter N, cross out the rest. Words: rhinoceros, notes, scissors, threads, magnet, barbell, knife. Also, children should help the monkey find pictures starting with the letter O, underline them with a line. Words: monkey, glasses, cucumbers, tomato, cow, dandelions, donkey.

Letters P and R

Children need to help the hippopotamus find words that begin with the letter P: hippopotamus, steamboat, pepper, birds, deer, mittens, spider, gift, piglets. In the second picture, help the little fox find words starting with the letter R: robot, shell, rainbow, pen, fish, mermaid, ghost, chair, rose.

Letters S and T in Russian

Help the owlet find words whose names begin with the letter C: owl, birdhouse, compass, balalaika, elephant, pacifier, candles, violin, chair, matches, plum. Help the bunny find words starting with the letter T among the pictures: notebook, dolphin, trolleybus, tiger cubs, telephone, thermometer, tractor, cake, axe, beetle.

Letters U and F

Help Snow White find all the words in the picture starting with the letter U: cube, pointers, duckling, iron, fishing rod, spinning top, snail, caterpillar. In the second picture you need to help Pinocchio find pictures starting with the letter F. Among them: lantern, T-shirt, camera, watercolor, flag, apron, lantern, cherry.

Letters X and C - Russian alphabet for children

In the first picture, the child needs to find all the objects that begin with the letter X. Words: pencil, persimmon, refrigerator, bells, clown, hamster, chameleon. And also help the lion cub Simba find words starting with the letter C among the following pictures: fireworks, candle, saddle, chickens, table, king, flowers, chain.

Letters Ch and Sh

You need to help Cheburashka find all the words starting with the letter H among the following pictures: compass, suitcase, garlic, brush, teapot, turtle, cups. In the second picture, children must help Sharik from Prostokvashino find words starting with the letter Sh. Pictures to search: Balls, ball, hat, cones, globe, wardrobe, barbell, chess, scarf, cap.

Letters Ш and Б

In the first task you need to help the gnome find words starting with the letter Ш among the pictures: brush, shield, puppy, watch, ball, pike, garlic.

Second task: Do you know that there are no words starting with the letter B - a hard sign? It also does not appear at the end of words. The hedgehog found several words where this letter occurs in the middle (entrance, embrace, ruffle, detour, volume, flaw, eat, explain, announcement, injection. What words do you know?

Letters ы and ь

Did you know that there are no words that begin with the letter Y? You will only meet them in the middle of a word. Help the squirrel find objects whose names contain the letter Y. Words: flowers, book, cheese, bones, skis, mouse, chicken, soap. There are also no words starting with the letter b. Help Dasha the traveler find pictures whose names contain this letter: skates, rings, hero (or Ilya Muromets), ant, frog, oranges, deer.

Letters E and Yu

In the first picture, children must help the mouse find words starting with the letter E among the following pictures: hedgehog, raccoon, excavator, elf, popsicle. In the second picture, you need to help the students find everything that starts with the letter Y and highlight the pictures they found. Words: cabin boy, iron, spinning top, duckling, skirt.

Letter I in the Russian alphabet

Help the bunny find the only one out of all the pictures that doesn’t have the letter I - cross it out. Words: monkey, frog, snake, cherry, lizard, ball, eggs, candle, apple.

You can also supplement your reading training with other materials from our website:

If your child has already learned the entire alphabet and is interested in reading, don’t waste time - download our unusual and exciting tasks in which you need to make a word from the given letters.

Find a word by letter - Activities in pictures for children

ABC is an educational and developmental game for preschoolers aged 2-5 years, with the help of which kids can quickly and cheerfully learn the alphabet, letters for children, and learn to write them.

ABC capabilities

  • Learning letters for children in Russian, in English (learning English letters, as well as learning the English alphabet), in Spanish and Portuguese;
  • The ABC will teach you to correctly pronounce vowels and consonants, syllables;
  • ABC for preschoolers includes tasks for writing letters;
  • The talking alphabet for kids will develop phonemic awareness;
  • The alphabet game for children contains many cards with different objects, the study of which will expand your vocabulary;
  • The alphabet educational game will train fine motor skills.


  • Learning the alphabet is 100 bright and memorable pictures for kids to illustrate words that start with different letters.
  • The alphabet game is a sequential study of each letter for children in Russian: we hear, pronounce, write capital and lowercase letters, guess and learn words that begin with a given letter.
  • The ABC includes tasks to reinforce learned letters: contour puzzles, as well as a quiz.
  • We study the Russian alphabet with voiceover: a fun alphabet for kids has a professional voiceover, thanks to which the baby will learn to correctly perceive all sounds by ear and pronounce them.
  • ABC is an opportunity to learn the alphabets of 4 languages ​​- the Russian alphabet (Russian alphabet for the little ones and the Russian alphabet for preschoolers), the English alphabet (learn the English alphabet with pronunciation for the little ones and the English alphabet for children), Spanish and Portuguese alphabets.
  • You can download our children's educational games for free for ages 2 and up.

Suitable for children of what ages?

  • ABC for children 3 years old;
  • the alphabet for children from 4 years old or the alphabet for children 4 years old, and we also learn the alphabet for children from 4 years old and we learn letters for children from 4 years old;
  • the alphabet for children 5 years old or the alphabet for children 5 years old for free, and we also learn letters for children from 5 years old.

How to play the alphabet for little ones

  1. ABC offers sequential learning of letters. By playing the alphabet for children, the child will be able to learn each letter step by step, namely its pronunciation, spelling, and will also hear and see examples of words that begin with this letter. Having started learning the alphabet for kids with the letter A, we gradually learn letters and sounds with the child and discover all the letters for him while we learn the alphabet for children from 3 years old!
  2. Children's alphabet learning letters: Learning to write letters. Having started learning the children's alphabet with the letter A and having mastered it, the child will be able to play an exciting game of learning letters by painting the outline of this letter painted on the fence with yellow paint with his finger. The ABC shows your child the correct technique for writing letters. After successfully completing the task of the “learning letters” game, the child will hear words of praise.
  3. Learning the alphabet for kids: A fun game with the alphabet. We study the alphabet and consolidate knowledge by playing children's educational games and completing tasks - the child is given 3 contours, into each of which he needs to transfer the corresponding letter.
  4. Children's educational and educational games and applications for children from 3 to 5 the alphabet in the form of a fun quiz will help your child remember which letter words begin with and expand their vocabulary!

We can say that today the paper primer for little ones and the free primer for preschool age are a thing of the past, because the game, which allows you to learn the letters of the Russian alphabet, is full of bright colors and funny virtual toys to make learning the alphabet fun. In addition, children's educational and educational games and applications for children from 2 to 3 years old have a simple interface that a child can understand in a minute.

It’s not so easy to get little brats to learn something, and the alphabet is no exception. But still, you need to start learning letters as early as possible, and free online games “Letters for Children” were created specifically to facilitate this process. Bright and exciting applications will help little ones master their first reading skills in an easy and interesting way for them. Colored pictures stimulate visual perception and thus improve memory. Not to mention the fact that in many games, training will take place in the company of your favorite cartoon characters. It’s one thing when parents explain the letters, and quite another – for example, SpongeBob. In the second case, the child will clearly be more enthusiastic about the idea of ​​learning!
In addition, in addition to the Russian alphabet, your baby will have the opportunity to start learning a foreign language from an early age. Some flash games “Letters for Children” on our website are dedicated to the English language, which will definitely be useful to your child in the future. In general, the sooner you start instilling the basics of literacy in your child, the better! Together with the “Letters for Children” games it is much easier. Therefore, you should not limit the time your child spends on the computer; it is better to make sure that he spends it playing the right games!

Teaching children to read and write is not as easy as it seems at first glance. The pen falls out of naughty palms, the letters do not want to be read... But without this skill, it will be very difficult for a child at school, so most parents want to teach their child at least to read. Try alphabet games - and your child will quickly learn to distinguish one letter from another with the help of the whole variety of games available on our website.

§ The ABC, strange and incomprehensible: how to teach?

The decision about exactly how to teach your child falls on the shoulders of the parents. And this is no coincidence: some children can learn the alphabet at 2-3 years old, but for some it is difficult even before school. For this reason, it is important to choose a game for learning the alphabet in accordance with your child's level. If he is not going to school soon, we recommend the simplest alphabet games with fairy-tale characters, since they allow you to learn to distinguish letters from each other as easily and naturally as possible. They also provide hints and interesting plot twists: for this reason, ABC games will not bore your child.

§ Games about the alphabet and the alphabet: for older children

Children of older preschool age can choose more complex games about the alphabet. There will already be prizes, and a plot based on the cartoon/animated series (forest animals, superheroes, princesses and villains), and funny music. Add to this large pictures, good, detailed explanations and short puzzles, and you will understand that your child will love this part of the alphabet games section.

Are you and your child confused by all the variety of games about the alphabet, words and sentences? Don't complicate things! Start by teaching your child the letters, and also remember how colorful, bright and accessible the content of the primer was. Unfortunately, you may not have it at hand, but it doesn’t matter: games about the alphabet can easily replace this good old textbook. In the virtual alphabet, your child will find animals and objects in alphabetical order, and in some of the tasks he will have to put them all in their place!

§ Letters there and letters here

Has your child already mastered the alphabet and can't wait to get started? If he can already name all the letters in order, then we have more difficult tasks for him. What if your child tries to piece together a letter or a word? The collected letters and words can then be colored, or even translated into English. How do you like this practice? There is also an option with bright puzzles on the alphabet theme - and your child will also like this game.

§ Games about the alphabet and the alphabet for all children!

So, has your child already learned the alphabet through games and retained it so much that he can't wait to read a short children's story? Take your time, check again whether he can connect letters into words. And alphabet games will help you with this too! Just a few missions to connect letters into syllables, and syllables into words, and you will understand whether you can trust your little fingers and eyes with their first book. Don’t forget to praise your child: alphabet games are a very challenging and interesting thing for every preschooler!