
What determines the power and magic of a candle? The meaning of candle color. Magic candles

Read in the relevant articles). An important distinguishing feature of the Candle Magic ritual is its flexibility. Most rituals can be adapted to suit any purpose. The purpose of a candle ritual can be to achieve material well-being, resolve a conflict, move up the career ladder, find a life partner, or reveal creative potential, develop extrasensory abilities, obtain information about future events, and so on.

The ritual practice of Candle Magic is very diverse, it includes both simple rituals using the 1st candle, and complex rituals using many candles. Candle rituals are also divided into one-day rituals, when the ritual is carried out within one day, and multi-day rituals, when the ritual continues for several days.

The central element of Candle Magic is the candle. But not all rituals using candles are Candle Magic. A candle ritual differs from the simple use of a candle in that the main place in it is the correlation of the qualities and properties of the candle with the purpose of the ritual, as well as the appropriate preparation of the candle itself.

The Magic of Candles itself and its rituals are based on 4 principles: simplicity, harmony, purity and peace.

Simplicity. The basic principle of all rituals of Candle Magic, which can be formulated as follows: “if something can be simplified in a candle ritual without losing the quality of the ritual and without worsening its result, then it should be simplified.” But, despite the simplicity of the rituals of Candle Magic, they are very effective, efficient and require minimal costs.

Harmony. The candle ritual, by its nature, at different stages of its implementation, is a reflection of certain events that precede it and the cause of the events that follow it. It is the desire for harmony and paying attention to all the seemingly little things that gives the ritual of Candle Magic such effectiveness.

Purity. This principle applies to a greater extent to the altar of Candle Magic, which during the ritual becomes a reflection of that part of the world that is affected through the ritual. During the candle ritual there should be nothing unnecessary on the altar.

Peace. The principle that fundamentally distinguishes Candle Magic from Ritual Fire Magic. When performing a candle ritual, the Magician must be at peace, in a special state, which is characterized by stopping and maintaining internal silence, as well as visualizing the image of the ritual’s goal.

The magic of candles, unlike all other directions distinguished by sophistication and subtlety.

What kind of candles are used?

In order to choose suitable candles for a candle ritual, you need to be guided by some knowledge and principles. Using a high-quality magic candle in a Candle Magic ritual allows you to achieve the best results.

Composition of the candle. A magic candle consists of more than just candle mass and a wick. It is widely believed that parts of various plants are added to the candle to impart the desired magical qualities. If you add the plants themselves in dried form, this may affect the burning of the candle. When using a candle, plant fibers can act as additional wicks and then the candle flame will be too large, the burning will be uneven, and the candle will burn very quickly due to the melting and spreading of the candle mass. In this regard, it is recommended to use candles made with the addition of plant oil concentrates directly into the candle mass. Such candles have the same properties as candles with the addition of plants, and even surpass them in combustion characteristics.

Candle mass. In order for a candle to retain all its magical properties, the candle mass from which they are made must contain at least 60%-80% beeswax. Otherwise, the candle will not have sufficient “energy intensity” and will act in the ritual as an ordinary light source. Store-bought factory-made candles, as a rule, consist of 100% stearin or paraffin, and the use of these candles in rituals gives very mediocre results.

Candle coloring. When choosing a candle, give preference to those candles that are made from colored candle mass; these candles have the same color, both inside and outside. But you may also come across doused candles; they are colored only on the outside, and are usually white on the inside. The use of dousing candles may slightly degrade the quality of the ritual.

Wick. For magic candles, wicks made from natural fibers are used. If desired, crushed plants or plant oil extracts can be added to them.

The use of good and high-quality magic candles for rituals can improve the quality of the ritual and enhance the effect of it. On the contrary, the use of low-quality candles made for beauty or room lighting can negate all efforts and prevent you from getting the desired effect from the ritual.

Inexperienced Magicians who use candles that are not suitable for rituals and do not receive the desired effects from the ritual tend to build illusory theories about the principles of Candle Magic. The most common misconception is the statement that the color, shape and material of the candle have no fundamental significance for the ritual, since all actions take place in the Magician’s head. This opinion does not reflect reality and characterizes its owner as a person unable to make all the necessary preparations for the ritual.

The best ritual candle is made for magical purposes from purified, fully colored wax combined with plant extracts, and has a natural braided wick. You can make such a candle yourself or purchase it from a specialist.

Candle colors

Traditionally, Candle Magic rituals use candles of 9 colors. Candles of different colors have different qualities, depending both on the color itself and on those plant extracts that are added to the candle mass. Below is a list of candle colors with a brief description of the properties and sphere of manifestation of candle energy.

White. Rituals aimed at cleansing from all negativity, creating protection from troubles and other people’s influences, as well as developing intuition and improving the quality of meditative practices.

The sphere of manifestation of the energy of a white candle is purification and meditation.

Red. Rituals aimed at attracting love, passion, improving health and destiny, gaining strength, and also expelling evil.

The sphere of manifestation of the energy of a red candle is passion and creativity.

Orange. Rituals aimed at attracting sympathy and success, increasing attractiveness in the eyes of others, as well as creating a friendly atmosphere and finding new friends.

The sphere of manifestation of the energy of the orange candle is work and career.

Yellow. Rituals aimed at predicting the future, strengthening mental abilities, attracting good luck in business, as well as eliminating obstacles and everything that brings misfortune.

The sphere of manifestation of the energy of a yellow candle is luck and premonition.

Green. Rituals aimed at attracting prosperity and material well-being, strengthening family ties, improving health (healing).

The sphere of manifestation of the energy of a green candle is material well-being and healing.

Blue. Rituals aimed at developing and strengthening mental capabilities, as well as developing creative potential and gaining inspiration.

The sphere of manifestation of the energy of a blue candle is creativity and psychic abilities.

Blue. Rituals aimed at acquiring influence and power in society, achieving a state of peace and abundance, as well as for meditations aimed at revealing superpowers.

The sphere of manifestation of the energy of a blue candle is wisdom and power.

Purple. Rituals aimed at strengthening the strength of spirit, developing magical abilities, achieving a state of integrity with the world and coming into contact with the other world, these candles can also be used to control events.

The sphere of manifestation of the energy of a purple candle is spiritual development and magic.

Black. Rituals aimed at getting rid of negative influences, including magical ones, providing magical influence, making contact with the dead and predicting the future.

The sphere of manifestation of the energy of a black candle is protection and communication with spirits.

Altar of Candle Magic

In different directions of Fire Magic, there are different options for the design and design of the altar. The Magic of Candles is no exception. An altar suitable for a candle ritual is in many ways similar to a classic altar, with the peculiarity that fewer attributes are required to decorate it.

The Altar of Candle Magic looks like a square or, in extreme cases, a rectangular table, its sides oriented to the cardinal points. If you are using a rectangular table, you need to select a square area on it and use it. Just like on a classic altar, attributes that have a connection with the Elements are laid out in the corners (read more about the structure of a classic altar in the article - “Lesson 6. Altar of Fire Magic”). A significant difference between the Candle Magic altar is that there is a lot of free space in the center, this is exactly the place where the ritual itself will take place.

Symbolism of the Candle Magic Altar is that it is a reflection of the world. The square is a symbol of space, and the 4 attributes along the edges are the 4 forces that create and support this world. The candles in the center of the altar symbolize people, events, phenomena and actions that appear in the world.

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We are all accustomed to seeing candles in temples and other places of worship. However, not everyone knows that the magic of candles belongs to pagan traditions, so ancient that their origins are lost in the darkness of centuries.

Every magician knows that Fire is a powerful element that can purify negative energy and impart strength. But if Fire rituals are carried out carelessly, the consequences can be simply catastrophic.

However, you have nothing to fear, because we are not going to turn to infernal forces. Today Belshazzar is going to tell you how to use candle magic to perform relatively simple and safe rituals.

Choosing candles by color

I am often asked whether it is possible to replace traditional wax candles with paraffin analogues. In principle, paraffin candles are suitable for most rituals of white and black magic. But as a follower of the “classical” school, I recommend using wax candles if possible. Synthetics are not welcome in magic; most occultists prefer natural materials.

In candle magic, the color of the candle you choose is of great importance. I will list the main colors of the spectrum that are most often found in rituals.

White. This is the color of purity and bright intentions. By the way, church candles are usually considered “white”, despite their yellowish tint. Such candles are used for the following purposes: white love spells, cleansing rooms of negative energy. They are used only in constructive magic, for creation or to fight dark forces.

Red. The shade symbolizes blood, life, health. Red candles in magic are used when reading conspiracies for deliverance. They will also be appropriate if you need to succeed in something that requires physical effort. For example, this could be a sporting event.

Green. This color denotes a rich harvest, it is a symbol of prosperity and material abundance. It is suitable for conspiracies related to gaining material well-being and solving financial problems. In addition, green candles are used in healing, but only if a serious illness is to be treated.

Yellow. This shade has a positive effect on a person’s intellectual potential. Would you like to read a plot to successfully pass entrance or final exams? Don’t hesitate for a second - you need to light the yellow candles!

Violet. This color is well known to all mystics involved in spiritual development. In ceremonial magic, purple candles are used extremely rarely. But they are used when performing practices such as telepathy and clairvoyance sessions. Violet activates the work of the sahasrara chakra, which is responsible for a person’s connection with the subtle, spiritual world.

Black. It is not difficult to guess that the color black is associated with negativity, with rituals. However, candles of this shade are used not only to cause damage or curses. They are also used in spiritualistic séances and in calling spirits. Black is optimal for working with the world of the dead, but such rituals are only possible for experienced magicians.

Quantity matters

One candle is traditionally used to appeal to higher powers. Perform with the help of one candle. Before performing a complex ritual, the magician needs to concentrate and ask for help from the Universe. In this case, it does not matter at all whether you address the Universe as a personalized God or as an impersonal Absolute.

Use two candles in magic aimed at achieving material goals. For example, in conspiracies for the sale of an apartment or car, for successful employment. If your ritual relates to the spiritual sphere (love spell), then you will need three candles.

I believe that you have not forgotten that the number of Fortune is 7. It is seven candles that are used in magic to attract good luck. If you have begun to be haunted by failures and need to “get rid of” bad luck, then the number “6” would be more appropriate. The magician also uses the “six” when he wants to transfer the disease from his ward to a stranger.

How does your candle burn?

If the fire burns evenly, without flashes or crackles, then this means that the ritual is proceeding correctly. Sometimes candles go out as if from a gust of wind, although there is no draft. If you observe such a phenomenon, then immediately complete the ritual, since it is simply dangerous to continue it. Suddenly extinguished candles indicate that next to you there is an unfriendly entity from the astral world (the so-called “elemental”).

Does a lit candle crackle and the flame fluctuate? This means that a large amount of negative energy has accumulated in the room. You shouldn’t do anything, you just need to wait until all the negativity burns out. Then the ritual can be continued.

Color plays a big role in both healing and magical rituals. When selecting candles for rituals, it is very important to pay attention to their color, as well as the color of other paraphernalia and food products.

Therefore, before embarking on any magical ritual, you need to know exactly the magical meaning of a particular color of the candle.

Brief meanings of candles by their color

List of multi-colored candles and their purposes:

But before using multi-colored candles in your rituals, you need to study their meaning in more detail.


In magic, white is a symbol of light, vitality and clarity. It is used in rituals when a new source or sudden surge of energy and enthusiasm is needed.

In addition, magical paraphernalia is used in protective magic to defeat darkness, as well as in meditation. The color white represents spiritual experience and communication with the mentor, angels and inner self.

They can be lit any day of the week.

White candles represent purification, health, spirituality, honesty, divine power, peace and tranquility. They are also often used during meditation or prayer. Sometimes used when working with the seventh chakra.


This color is considered the color of Mars - the planet and god of war. The meaning of a red candle symbolizes strength, action, energy, health and determination, determination and courage, potency and sexuality, change and longevity, as well as activities that involve risk to life, such as serving in the armed forces. In rituals it is used as a focal point that attracts the power of the gods and invokes their righteous wrath against stagnation and injustice.

Because this color is very powerful, candles must be lit in order to achieve some important goal, and only if you have good intentions. Red candles are especially effective if lit on Tuesday.

Red candles have a fairly wide spectrum of action. They are often used to attract passion and love in life. In addition, they are used to restore physical strength and health. This color is associated with fire, so it can be used in cases where you need to give strength to move towards a goal, for example, to climb the career ladder. Red corresponds to the first chakra.


Orange is considered the color of the sun, creativity, fertility, and also helps procreation. It represents high self-esteem, growth, self-confidence and abundance. If your Self is under threat as a result of systematic pressure or criticism from others, then in magic rituals are performed using orange candles. This shade can help in working with people and in art. Besides, orange is considered a shade of joy, successful integration of literally all aspects of personality. It is recommended to light orange candles on Sundays.

Using orange in your magical rituals, you can gain control over a specific situation or change it. In addition, such candles are recommended for use in rituals that are associated with sex and pleasure. Orange corresponds to the second chakra.


The color yellow is directly associated with Mercury. Inventive and skillful, Mercury became not only the patron of travelers and trade, but also the patron of thieves and swindlers.

For this reason yellow candles favor vigorous activity and communication of any kind, are able to strengthen memory, improve mental abilities, help overcome spiritual and creative crises, and are aimed at acquiring new knowledge. If your goal is to win and gain the trust of another person or to succeed in business or intellectual spheres, light yellow candles. They will also help you successfully pass tests or pass any exams.

Yellow has the ability to heal, especially in cases where a person needs surgery or is dealing with loss of mind. Yellow color will bring good luck in the following areas:

  • Business.
  • Medicine.
  • Technique.
  • Mass information.

Yellow candles can also be used in rituals to find a well-paid job. It is recommended to light them on Wednesdays. Yellow will give strength to the mind, speed up learning and improve memory. It is also worth noting that yellow candles can help with clairvoyance during fortune telling. The color of the sun will help you concentrate and strengthen your imagination when organizing some kind of ritual. Yellow corresponds to the third chakra.

Green and turquoise

Green is considered the color of Venus - the goddess of love. It is indispensable in love affairs and in relationships, romantic or partner. It is also used in rituals that are associated with the natural world, gardening, herbs and tree magic. Green is considered the color of harmony and peace, especially when it comes to your inner world.

In rituals, green candles are often used in order to improve well-being, increase income or capital. This color is very useful for spells that are aimed at invoking good luck or increasing magical abilities. It is recommended to burn green candles on Fridays.

Turquoise is considered the shade of the Egyptian goddess of wisdom, dance and music, Hathor. The magic mirror of this goddess reflected the true essence of everyone who at least once looked into it. Rituals that use the turquoise hue help to establish harmony between the mind and heart, thoughts and feelings, experience and wisdom. Turquoise pays attention to various areas of life. This shade evokes altruism and compassion, increases healing abilities, can help maintain objectivity in some difficult choices or make the right decision, and also allows the magician to penetrate into another dimension.

Blue and cyan

Blue color is most often used in rituals aimed at obtaining protection and wisdom, and is used in meditation. This color is aimed at good health and healing, and is the personification of inspiration and spiritual potential. Blue can bring harmony, calm and tolerance into the home, and also helps with weight loss. Blue corresponds to the sixth chakra.

Blue is considered the shade of the mother goddess, wise rulers, so it is used as a protective color in rituals. In addition, blue brings calm to the home and makes it possible to cope with a crisis situation. It is recommended to light blue candles on Thursday.

Blue color corresponds to the fifth chakra.

Purple and pink

Purple is the shade of Jupiter, which acts as a wise teacher, as well as the keeper of secret knowledge. Purple symbolizes the psychic and spiritual nature, unconscious wisdom. He is able to connect you with another dimension, bring happiness to everyone who works not only for their daily bread.

You can work with purple candles in the following cases:

  • During meditation.
  • When working with past lives.
  • For fortune telling using a magic crystal.
  • During astral travel.

Such candles also act for mental protection and can protect against nightmares. Purple candles are used in all rituals that relate to investigations, mysteries, secrets, expulsion of all evil and healing of the spirit.

Pink is considered the shade of Venus. It symbolizes family relationships, love, friendship, children, falling in love, trust. This is especially true for the period after betrayal or a failed relationship. Pink candles are used in rituals to restore self-esteem and heal from emotional wounds. They can also save you from previous troubles associated with childhood or family. It is recommended to light pink candles on Fridays.


Black is the color of Saturn, as well as the kings of the underworld:

  • Roman Pluto.
  • Greek Hades.

Black is generally considered a symbol of death and regeneration. The inhabitants of Ancient Egypt believed in this, when during the flood of the Nile the soil was covered with fertile silt, which brought new life to the land every year.

Why are black candles used in magic? In magic, black is the color of endings, which carries the seeds of a new beginning. Black candles are used to expel everything negative, break up outdated relationships, and forget past sorrows. This color helps to experience misfortune and is used in rituals of separation, mental protection and removal of damage. Many people do not like black candles, as they are associated with black magic. And if such associations during rituals mean a lot to you, it is recommended to replace black candles with dark blue, dark purple or brown.

All rites and rituals in magic using multi-colored candles are very powerful; they can change your life not only for the better, but can also cause harm if you do not know the meaning of a particular color.

Attention, TODAY only!

Candle Magic is one of the foundations of Fire Magic and is necessary to attract the qualities of fire into a person’s life. It is also one of the easiest and most widespread types of magical effects. But what are these qualities of fire? What issues can a person solve with the help of the power of candles? Here are just a few of them:

  • Strengthening mutual feelings of partners (Libido).
  • Increased sexuality.
  • Acquisition of physical and mental energy.
  • Strengthening your fortitude.
  • Acquiring charisma, attractiveness and the ability to use it.
  • Strengthening the will to make decisions.
  • Healing, increasing vitality.
  • Treatment of neurological, immunological diseases.
  • Finding courage.
  • Carrying out political and social actions.
  • Eliminating injustice.
  • Cleansing.

Candle magic has been known to mankind since ancient times, so at the moment there are many ways to attract fire into life, and then spells:

  • Direct attraction of fire:
    • light a fire, perform a ritual around it;
    • burn something to destroy it, or send it to the spirit;
    • candle magic;
    • blacksmith craft.
  • Create associations with fire:
    • sex magic;
    • ritual duel;
    • knife, sword, saber, whip, whip - these are attributes of fire; by placing and using such objects, we attract fire.

But today, I will talk about the Magic of Candles. Candle magic in urban settings is the most convenient type of magic, second only to those actions that are performed without magical things, solely on the internal power of the Magician. Candles are easy to buy. The candle flame itself provides a convenient place for concentration and embodiment of the intentions embedded in the candle. You can put any additional symbols on the candle, ranging from simple words with wishes to complex runic spells. It all depends on your goals.

Stages of building a candle ritual

    1. You need to choose a candle color that matches your intention. There are different versions of correspondences. (I’ll tell you about this in detail later, but now the main thing is to understand the principle of operation itself.)
    2. Having decided on the color, the necessary candle must be cleaned and dedicated to the four elements. (More on this later.)
    3. The main action is to correctly direct, invest and seal your magical intentions into the candle. The success of the entire ritual depends on this.
    4. Bless the candle by anointing it with suitable oil.
    5. Light a candle, thereby releasing the energy with which you charged it.

To enhance the effect, the base of the candle is decorated with certain flowers, fir branches, etc. Now let's talk in more detail about the stages of Candle Magic.

Candle color

There is a classic use of color symbolism for various magical purposes:

  • White– purity, protection, spirituality; neutral, can be used for any purpose.
  • Red– passion, desire, strength, health, anger, activity.
  • Pink– the color of happiness, used in matters of beauty, love, harmony, marriage, romance.
  • Green– fertility, harvest, health, money, growth, abundance.
  • Blue– intuition, psychic abilities, astral plane.
  • Blue– inspiration, health, protection, can calm.
  • Yellow– wisdom, knowledge, joy, laughter, memory, new beginnings, intelligence.
  • Orange– pride, success, courage.
  • Black– causes and removes negative effects.
  • Violet– spiritual growth and renewal.

Astrological signs also have color symbolism, and if you know the zodiac sign of your loved one or friend, you can use such a candle to associate with him.

Cleansing and dedicating a candle to the Elements

Altar decoration

To do this, you need to make a small magical altar. Usually it includes a small table for placing the attributes of the elements on it. Place smoking incense (symbol of air) on the eastern side of the table; in the south - a burning candle (symbol of fire); in the west - stone (symbol of earth); in the north - a bowl of water (symbol of water). Cover the table with a tablecloth and place the attributes of the elements on it in accordance with the cardinal directions. Place the candle itself or the object on which magical actions are performed in the center; you can decorate the table with flowers. Having prepared the altar, take a few steps away from it and look from the outside to see if you like the look of it.

Setting up the Elemental Circle of Power

1. Now sit down and tune in internally to perform the ritual, listen to the world around you. Once you're in the mood, take it air attribute, turn to the east and say the following words:

I, the magical name (if there is one), call on the power of the air to come and consecrate this incense so that it can manifest itself in my magic.

Feel how the flows of energy fill the incense with the Power of Air.

2. Take fire attribute(burning candle) and say:

I, the name, call on the power of fire to come and consecrate this candle so that it can manifest itself in my magic.

Stretch your hands forward and feel how streams of energy fill the candle with the Power of Fire, the fire becomes magical.

3. Take earth attribute(stone or bowl of earth), turn to the west and say the following words:

I, name, call on the power of the earth to come and consecrate this bowl of earth, so that it can manifest itself in my magic.

Stretch your hands forward and feel how streams of energy fill the bowl of earth with the Power of the Earth Element.

4. Take water attribute(bowl of water), turn your face to the north and say:

I, the name, call on the power of water to come and consecrate this bowl of water so that it can manifest itself in my magic.

Also feel the energy of the Water Element in the bowl.

5. Stand up center, raise your hands and say:

With the power of the four Elements, let the magic circle appear in this place. I, name, call on the Forces of Air and Fire, Water and Earth to appear and strengthen my magic circle. Let it be so.

Put your hands down and, using the energy emanating from yourself, create a circle of magical Power around yourself and your altar.

Consecration of a candle (according to the purpose of the ritual)

1. Take your candle in your hands, raise it above the smoking incense and say:

Oh, powerful spirits of the air, endow this candle with your power, fill it with qualities (corresponding to the goals of your ritual)...

2. Move the candle and raise it above the burning candle and say:

Oh, powerful spirits of fire, endow this candle with your power, fill it with qualities; (corresponding to the goals of your ritual)…

3. Raise the candle above the bowl of earth and say:

Oh, powerful spirits of the earth, endow this candle with your power, fill it with qualities (corresponding to the goals of your ritual)...

Place the candle in a bowl of earth for a while.

4. Raise the candle over the bowl of water and say:

Oh, powerful spirits of water, endow this candle with your power, fill it with qualities (corresponding to the goals of your ritual)...

Sprinkle the candle with water from the bowl.

5. Place the candle in the center of the altar, raise your hands and say:

I, the name, consecrate this candle with the four Forces of nature: the Forces of Air and Fire, Earth and Water. Let it be so and so it already is.

Stretch your hands forward and feel how streams of energy fill the candle with the Power of all the Elements. Maintain the feeling of flow for as long as necessary to fill the candle.

6. After consecrating the candle with the four Elements, put your magical intentions into it, write a spell on the candle (depending on the purpose of your ritual) and say for whom and what you are doing.

Example: Magic candle for improving health

Take a red candle (or green or blue). Carve the rune on the candle and fill the candle with energy coming from your hands.

I, name, fill this candle with my power and strengthen it with the “Willow” rune, let the energy of this candle go to improve health (your own or your loved ones).

When you feel that the candle is filled with power, anoint it clockwise from bottom to top with eucalyptus or pine oil - for good health.

Afterwards, the candle must be placed in a candlestick or saucer. If there is a photograph of the person for whom you are doing the ritual, then the candlestick with candles should be placed on the photograph. Light a candle and say the words:

As this candle is lit, let all the energy go towards healing.

P.S.: It will be good if in the flame of a candle you visualize the image of the person for whom you are doing the ritual; if you are healthy, then the image of a healthy person.

How to use a candle in spells

So, the main stages of constructing a ritual have been discussed, and now let’s talk about specific examples of using candles in spells.

Candle for health (you can have different goals: family well-being, monetary profit).

1) Choosing a candle color. I take red for an active life and health.

2) I place a magic circle (the method is described above) and fill the candle with the Powers of the Elements: East, air: a new, healthy, inspired life. South, fire: cleansing from ailments, diseases, giving fire to life. West, land: perseverance, self-confidence. North, water: cleansing, feeling and seeing the necessary life flows.

3) I direct and put my magical intentions into the candle. I carve a runic sign on the candle for health. I make an energy ball with these runes and put it in a candle. I feel the energetic power of the candle.

4) I take eucalyptus essential oil and smear it on the candle from bottom to top, while saying: “I fill such and such a person with Health and Strength”. I place the candle in a candlestick and place it on the photo of the person for whom I am doing the ritual.

5) Lighting a candle, I say: “As I light this candle, let all its energy go towards healing - the name of the person” . In the flame of a lit candle, I visualize the image of a person, already healthy and full of strength.

6) After the ritual, I turn to the spirits of the elements and thank them for their help. I'm closing the circle.

One of the simplest magical actions that comes from natural magic is lighting candles. It is simple because it does not require the performance of a complex ritual and intricate ceremonial actions. Everything you need for candle magic can be bought at the store and the ritual can be performed in any place where you can sit quietly alone.

Many of us performed this ritual when we were children. Making a wish by blowing out the candles on your birthday cake is pure magic. This children's custom is based on three magical principles - concentration, wish and visualization. What happens when we blow out the candles at a birthday party is that we make a wish, visualize the result and concentrate while blowing out the candles. And what is a romantic dinner by candlelight if not a magical ritual with candles?

The size and shape of the candles used for the ritual are not that important. Although fancy, overly decorated or very large candles are inappropriate for such occasions. The reason is simple - all this can distract us from concentration, which is so important when performing magical actions. It is best to use medium-sized and regular-shaped candles. It is important to choose the right magical color for the candle, which is suitable for your ritual. The candle you want to use for the ritual must be virgin - in the sense that it has not previously been used for any purpose - neither for lighting nor for any other magical effect. There is an occult explanation for this - the vibrations received by objects during previous use can prevent you from getting the magical result that you need, or reduce its effectiveness.

How to prepare a candle for a magical ritual

You can use homemade candles and some people prefer to make their own candles. It's easy to make your own candle using wax. If you make your own magic candle for the ritual, this is really the best option. In this case, you will be sure that the candle will be charged only with your personal energy, that no one has ever held a candle in their hands before you, and it has not absorbed any energy alien to you. In addition, even your actions when making a candle set you up for the ritual and help you concentrate better. The wax must be melted to a liquid state and then poured into a pre-prepared mold through which a wick is passed. Wait for the wax to cool and harden and remove it from the mold. Dye or perfume can be added to the wax to create a color and scent that suits your ritual.

So you bought or made your own candle. Now you need to cover it with magic oil. This is done to create a physical connection between you and the candle through a sensory experience. By touching the candle, you charge it with your personal energy and focus on the desire you intend to realize. This is how the candle absorbs magical mental power and vital energy. When you coat a candle with oil, think of it as a magnet that has two poles. Rub the oil into the base of the candle and gradually spread it throughout the entire length of the candle to the top where the wick is located. The best type of oils you can use are natural oils, which are fairly easy to obtain. Some novice magicians strive to use exotic oils, believing that this way they will achieve better results in their practice. There is no need to strive for this, since this is not the main thing in magical practice.

In candle magic, the color of the candle is important. Depending on the goal that you want to achieve with the help of a magical ritual, the candle should be the color that is needed in this case.

Candle color

White – spirituality and peace, Zodiac sign Cancer
Red – health, energy, strength, sexual potency, Zodiac signs Scorpio and Aries
Pink – love and romance, zodiac sign Taurus.
Yellow – intelligence, memory, creativity, Zodiac sign Gemini
Green – luck, money, harmony, abundance, fertility, Zodiac sign Taurus
Greenish yellow– jealousy, anger, disagreement
Blue – inspiration, wisdom, protection, magical initiation
Blue – understanding, tolerance, Zodiac sign - Pisces
Dark blue – change, focus on the future, Zodiac sign - Aquarius
Violet – physical health and well-being, spiritual strength, idealism, Sagittarius zodiac sign
Silver – inspiration, intuition, understanding of the hidden essence of things, Zodiac sign Cancer
Orange – success in business, career, Zodiac sign Leo
Black– disagreements, negative energy, Zodiac sign Capricorn
Brown – doubts, uncertainty, neutrality, Zodiac sign Libra
Gray – neutrality, negativity, deadlock

If you want to use candle magic for healing, choose a red candle. To successfully pass the exam, a yellow candle is needed for the ritual. A blue candle is suitable for acquiring esoteric knowledge. For love - a red or pink candle. If your goal concerns money and material well-being, choose a green candle. It is these colors that correspond to the signs of the Zodiac, which are responsible for this or that action, and it is these colors that activate the planetary energies that will become your allies in obtaining the desired result. When performing a magic ritual with candles, consider the phases of the moon and choose the one that is suitable for your magic ritual.

How to perform a magical ritual with candles

The simplest form of a magical ritual with candles is this. Take a blank sheet of paper. The paper can be white or the same color as the candle. Write down on a piece of paper your desire that you want to realize. It could be a new job, a new love, a change of residence, healing. Be sure to visualize the fulfillment of your desire; simply writing it down is too little to get a magical result. Imagine the realization of your intention, how you meet the man of your dreams, or you are offered a new job, or your boss announces an increase in your salary. Slowly and carefully roll up the paper on which your wish is written, hold the end of the paper to the candle flame and let the paper light up. Once again, focus on what you want to achieve. Allow the paper to burn completely, but do not blow out the candle, leave it to burn out, taking care of safety first. Make sure that the candle will not fall, the wax will not spill, and that there is no danger from fire. You don't have to be near the candle until it goes out; you can go about your business. Never reuse a candle for a magical ritual; it must burn completely.

When performing some magical rituals with candles, the involvement of two people is necessary. The second person can be symbolically represented by another candle. The color of the candle should match the zodiac sign that this person represents.

These are the correspondences.