
Marilyn Atkinson life in the flow. Life in the flow. Coaching. IntroductionRainbow FlowProcess Coaching and Presence Flow

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To be in a state of flow means to completely immerse yourself in what you love, with maximum concentration and without distractions. This is how you can achieve maximum results in any activity. In her new book, the author of a unique system of personal development, Marilyn Atkinson, will teach you how to enter a state of flow, capture it, and remove any barriers to personal growth and self-improvement.

Learn to experience sincere gratitude, love, satisfaction, the desire for creativity - and you will fill every day of your life with meaning! The purpose of this book is to help not only coaching professionals, but also all those interested in internal change, achieve internal consistency and self-realization.

“The quality of an all-encompassing flow state is determined by inner aliveness, a sense of deep connection between your actions and your own values, and a transformative connection between you and the part of the external world you create. By feeling and being aware of flow, you feel empowered and free to choose, but you do so spontaneously and sincerely. You are fully involved in the process and it is trustworthy. Thus, the flow of experienced value naturally opens the way to self-awareness and the ability to value oneself. We relax and enjoy the moment, no matter what happens.

If you want to become your own coach, use this book to explore your own flow experiences in various areas. Develop your ability to achieve internal coherence and harmony. You will find that flow is easy to experience in a deepened and expanded coaching position. The state of flow is natural, and you can easily experience it when you relax internally and focus on what is most important in your life, your goals today and the qualities you will need to achieve them..."

about the author

Marilyn Atkinson is the author of the Transformational Coaching trilogy: The Science and the Art. She created a number of concepts, processes and tools that you will encounter in the books. Marilyn is an internationally recognized coach and developer of coaching techniques, a consultant to many organizations, a master neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) trainer and psychologist.

Marilyn lives in Vancouver (Canada). She is known as an author and as a person with progressive views. Marilyn Atkinson is the founder and president of Erickson International University (, which provides ICF-certified coaching programs. Since 1985

Marilyn helped open 14 Erickson Training Centers around the world, teaching solution-focused coaching and consulting on four continents. Her presence energizes people and allows them to discover powerful personal development resources; she is an innovator who knows how to influence others.

More than 30 NLP institutes in many countries use its exercises and techniques. Marilyn's practical, systematic coaching skills and strategies have been called the Gold Standard of Coaching.

Current page: 1 (book has 23 pages total) [available reading passage: 5 pages]

Marilyn Atkinson

Life in the Flow: Coaching

Editor Maria Brandes

Scientific editor Tatiana Andrievskaya

Project manager S. Turco

Corrector E. Chudinova

Computer layout A. Abramov

Cover design I. Raskin

Art Director S. Timonov

© Marilyn W. Atkinson, 2012

© Publication in Russian, translation, design. Alpina Publisher LLC, 2013

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet or corporate networks, for private or public use without the written permission of the copyright owner.

© The electronic version of the book was prepared by liters company (

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Rainbow Flow

Process coaching and presence flow

The future enters us to be transformed within us long before it happens.

Rainer Maria Rilke

Thread State

The quality of an all-encompassing flow state is determined by inner aliveness, a sense of deep connection between your actions and your own values, and a transformative connection between you and the part of the external world you create. By feeling and being aware of flow, you feel empowered and free to choose, but you do so spontaneously and sincerely. You are fully involved in the process and it is trustworthy. Thus, the flow of experienced value naturally opens the way to self-awareness and the ability to value oneself. We relax and enjoy the moment, no matter what happens.

If you want to become your own coach, use this book to explore your own flow experiences in various areas. Develop your ability to achieve internal coherence and harmony. You will find that flow is easy to experience in a deepened and expanded coaching position. The state of flow is natural and you can easily experience it when you relax internally and focus on what is most important in your life, your goals today and the qualities you will need to achieve them.

Our definition of a flow state is the same as that described by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (1) . We'll walk you through how to get into a state of flow when coaching and working on any project. You will learn to observe your own internal process of “identity development.”

This state of “search and learning” will allow you to immerse yourself in a state of flow again and again and maintain it so that it becomes part of your ability to enjoy everything you do. Therefore, in this book we focus on identity formation and inner search.

We have observed that one of the best ways to achieve a state of flow is through a process of training and coaching that awakens and expands self-knowledge. To this end, solution-oriented coaches prefer to use some specific techniques and exercises that we introduce to the reader in our book.

Internal consistency gives a person access to an inner space in which every second can be used as a creative opportunity. We experience absolute confidence that we do not need to change anything either within ourselves or around us. With this kind of experience, we notice that everything is good just the way it is, and we experience a natural flow of joy even as we learn.

Creative flow

You may remember meetings with family, friends or colleagues, whether for fun or work, when the atmosphere was such that everyone was constantly joking or teasing each other, when humor and ideas were intricately mixed. Any task was then easily completed in a stream. I remember how, as a child, my family and friends and I gathered berries together and then stored them for the winter - the energy flowed quickly and joyfully.

When you start creating, you feel like you can relax and enter a state of flow, appreciating your life with gratitude. In other words, by feeling and observing the results of your creativity, you merge with your inner “I”, which you can completely trust. The flow of creation naturally flows into a broader flow of inner possibilities. You take a step from attention to intention, from perception to growth and development in all areas of your own activities.

You begin to experience the state of flow even more often when you add observation to it. You integrate it by moving from intention back to “next level attention,” developing new awareness and a longer-term vision. When you recognize the value you receive, you feel fully engaged and experience a flood of joy. A deep attraction connects you with a flow of awareness and confidence in your actions.

You move between attention and intention, perception and growth, awareness and perspective, pushing the boundaries of your awareness higher and wider. Mystics called these the “noble steps” to an enlightened mind: first attention, perception and awareness, then intention, appreciation and action, and then again to perception, attention and awareness at a higher level. As the ancient Zen koan says: “First there is a mountain (we perceive), then there is no mountain (we act), then there is a mountain.” At the last stage, you move to an “even wider and more complete” perception.

A state of flow can be triggered by a creative idea. You can get into a state of creativity and, by asking yourself questions, come up with a great plan or find the right idea. Questions might include: “Who can I become if I implement this plan?” “What will I get as a result?” “What value will the world gain?” “How can I achieve the desired result?” “What should be the first step?”

During the development stage, ideas come to your mind. You work diligently to implement your plans so that everything works out. Your brain produces endorphins. And there comes a moment when all the pieces of the puzzle fall into place. And then you relax again, moving to a new level of awareness. Flow is a state that you experience by paying close attention to the value in each of these stages.

With focus and commitment, you can learn to notice the moment when a state of flow opens up to you. Then, by adding facets of awareness, the flow itself will open many new doors for you. Your attention opens to streams of awareness as a result of observation, curiosity, gratitude, love, joy, surprise, understanding, excitement of action, consistent progress and, of course, pleasure. All people love a flow of pleasure!

There is a special magnetic pull that can be experienced by being in flow states, allowing yourself to float on their waves, learning to stay in it. In the following chapters we will describe these amazing flow points that are valuable tools that force us to go beyond emotional skepticism.

The purpose of this book is to help you, the transformational coach, recognize the development of inner flow and stay in this state, moving beyond the usual “negative” language and outdated beliefs that inhibit the inner flow of awareness. You can help others with this too.

Stream of Identity Development

“Imagination is more important than knowledge,” said Einstein. This is a great observation. Did you know that what a person imagines (imagined just three times) can easily become an integral part of him? This especially applies to visualizing your values ​​in the form of actions. A good book, like a good friend, can help you imagine and highlight the most important things in life again and again through images, colors and descriptions. By doing this, people control their destiny.

This book helps you explore the flow of values ​​in your life. The goal of each chapter is to bring the future into the present, to open up and connect together the four core “value areas” of your experience.

Firstly, we want you to understand and explore your values ​​as widely as possible. As we immerse ourselves in our inner life, we experience our values ​​as a “flow state.” The rainbow is a wonderful metaphor to help us find a state of flow in every area of ​​development in our lives.

Secondly, we want the reader to have a clear idea of ​​what they can do. People love that we describe step-by-step how values ​​can turn into practical life tools. This book explores coaching processes useful in awakening and developing full commitment. Your goal is to learn how to masterfully use the methods we offer in specific practical coaching situations.

Third, We want to cover as many situations as possible with examples. Our examples include areas as diverse as work and play, business communications, and family relationships. The book also includes situational exercises and general schemes that readers can try out in practice, test for themselves, experience and integrate into their lives. Everyone needs situational examples from everyday life that show coaching tools in action. They offer sets of exercises that allow you to expand your experience.

Fourthly, we want to create a larger, holistic picture that can help you answer the questions that might arise: “What is the main concept of this book?” “Why were these particular values ​​chosen for her?” “Why should I spend my time on this book and not on anything else?” “How can this book affect my future?” Having experienced the rainbow flow of many values ​​from the experience of being to insight, we relax and hit the road.

Flow coaching

In this book, we will share with you ways to recognize, develop, and expand states of flow such as pleasure, gratitude, creativity, love, self-actualization, commitment, and other core values.

We will show how, through solution-focused coaching, you can develop and integrate these values ​​and qualities into wonderful developmental processes that activate the core inner value streams we call presence.

We explore sixteen different types of flow and want you to explore the essence of the basic qualities that help you become aware of your life, learn to recognize them, use them, and expand the scope of their application.

When we describe flow states to people, they immediately recognize them. However, they often do not notice them in themselves until we directly point them out. Then people's eyes open, they laugh and enjoy their experience, often adding "You knew it!" or “Wow!” We wrote this book precisely so that people can learn to recognize states of flow that open the door to future awareness. With the door open, flow coaching becomes a powerful tool.

This book is intended for both coaches and laypersons engaged in self-exploration and self-development, and those interested in how to accelerate self-awareness in key areas of life through coaching. The book is divided into chapters to tune you into the internal flows of learning, creativity and development, introducing you to processes that will help accelerate and expand them. In this sense, this book is an excellent complement to the two previous books in the Transformational Coaching: Science and Art trilogy: Life Mastery: The Inner Dynamics of Development and Achieving Your Goals: A Step-by-Step System.

Some chapters will go like clockwork for you. Others will take more time to become part of your self-development and presence and become filled with inner meaning. Together they provide you with a multi-color palette, and you can use each element to develop the art of flow exploration.

In any value system there is a natural, logical structure and internal organization of logical levels of internal meaning, as well as a beginning, middle and end of the flow. Remember the “coaching arrow” from the second book in this series. At the beginning of self-inquiry, we can discover and develop many possibilities for awareness of different types of flow. Here are some of them:

The stream of internal expansion of perception known as the coaching position.

Flow of value awareness.

A stream of serious intention.

Flow of self-realization.

The flow of excitement from continuous activity.

A stream of commitment to expanding the vision of the future.

The depth and wonderful warmth of the flow of gratitude.

A gentle flow of absolute satisfaction.

We often experience these flow states in conversations that are meaningful to us, especially during coaching sessions. All chapters follow each other as states of flow - from attention/perception to intention/evaluation. We then return to a new level of attention and even clearer perception. This movement can be represented as an arrow painted in the colors of the rainbow, the colors of which are arranged from lighter to darker, merging into one.

Coaching Processes

This book is also designed to explore and deepen your knowledge of the coaching process. Typically, mastering the skill of coaching requires a mentor. For this purpose, we recommend using Erickson University's internationally recognized coach training program, The Art and Science of Transformational Coaching (2). Consider working with an experienced coach trained in these processes to further develop your knowledge!

We specifically include examples of coaching processes that you can use to accelerate your development as an individual and as a coach to others. Like the previous two parts of the trilogy, this book begins with an examination of what is involved in advanced coaching techniques. We hope that what you read will be useful to you.

Think of this book as an interactive guide, especially as it relates to the process of self-coaching and learning. Take your time and carefully study each chapter. You can keep a diary. Your goal is to find your own unique flow of inner development. The reader and the authors enter into a powerful alliance. Our role is to be your inspiration, mentor and source of knowledge. In doing so, we want you to make your own discoveries.

The coaching process is a series of steps that help you achieve an awareness of flow, an awareness of presence. All coaching processes provide you with methods for mastering and expanding flow states. Each chapter presents a core idea and at least one example of a coaching process to help you learn more about yourself. You will learn to distinguish states of internal flow by studying the processes that cause them.

By becoming aware of the internal flow, you find yourself in a special world of internal data processing. This world belongs only to you. You completely master the processes of self-knowledge. Flows from the source of understanding and awareness wash away old negative emotions. You learn to expand and develop this stream of awareness and understanding, and to cherish it as an inner presence.

In the previous two books in the series, we introduced you to other coaching processes. In this book, you can explore them in more detail... by inducing a state of inner flow! For example, if you have read the first book of the trilogy “Mastery of Life: Internal Dynamics of Development”, re-read the exercises: “Three chairs. Brainstorming Ideas" (Chapter 3) and "The Walk to Mastery" (Chapter 5). Also, look again at the “Wheel of Rapport” exercise from Chapter 1 of the second book: “Step-by-Step Coaching System.” Each of these processes is designed to establish a connection with the inner flow.

Nature of the book: process and flow

Please read this book with an exploration mindset. Use it as an experiment and an opportunity to consciously experience the flow of values. Explore perceived quality by doing these exercises. For example, as you move forward, you might ask yourself, “At what point in my life do I enter the flow of all-encompassing awareness? Into the stream of transformational vision? Into the flow of self-realization, meaning or inner truth? In the flow of excitement from action or deep gratitude? What does each stream look, feel, hear, and taste like? What color does it paint my life? How do I sense my presence or hold each one? How do I determine that this state has become stable and I can return to flow awareness?”

Each chapter expands the specific area and range of flow expression and development. Each stream, as already mentioned, has its own color. Each allows you to explore a range of potential coaching opportunities in your area. Each offers exercises, processes, and coaching elements to help you experience flow.

By keeping a journal of your exploration and awareness of flow, you will gradually write your own version of this book. You will note for yourself which of the streams is brighter, faster, calmer or more intense than the others. You will find out where the center of your inner world is.

To develop an internal sense of presence, the interaction of the streams of attention and intention is necessary. First, we need a flow of inspirational attention, then clear intention, and finally next-level integration. As every conductor knows, these stages can also be found in the movements of any inspired symphony.

We, living in the 21st century, are faced with the need to care for our neighbors and have the courage to understand what our purpose is. May this book help you on your journey.

Rainbow of Presence

Threads can be represented by different colors of the spectrum, so we used the metaphor of a rainbow to organize the chapters. For the intentions described in each of the chapters, a corresponding color was naturally selected. How do we develop projects? We start with inspiration, then move to implementation, and finally achieve true integration leading to insight and integration.

Our goal is for you to find your own value streams and experience deep satisfaction as you move naturally from one to the other as the project develops. With the exception of Chapter 3 (which is white), the flows of attention described in Chapters 1–7 are indicated by the colors of the warm spectrum, since we accumulate energy when we feel them. In chapters 8–12 we enter a current of cooler colors corresponding to intention, and then into the flows of fast currents and quiet pools of implementation and completion. Chapters 13, 14, and 15 focus on next-level integration, gratitude, self-actualization, and a vibrant, warm sense of satisfaction. You can reach this level in moments of integration, when we agree that the point of the entire journey is to bring into the present the experience of finding truth, insight and natural fulfillment. During our journey, at every stage we experience the entire rainbow of presence flow. See the Individuality-Illumination Flow Rainbow Map below for a brief description of the alternation of flows.

Note. We don't mention colors in the chapters, choose your own color for each one. The purpose of using the rainbow metaphor is to awaken awareness of the color of your own flow states as you decide to find your color for them. In the process, you become an explorer and begin to recognize the deeper colors of your life. Find your own interpretation of the processes and ways of learning described in this book. And most importantly, get into the flow and make it yours!

Creating your identity

Flow of inner truth

Move confidently towards your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.

Henry David Thoreau

Don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you reborn. And then go and do it. Because the world needs reborn people.

The Story of King Midas

We all know the story of King Midas. According to one version, the god Dionysus invited the king, who had done him a favor, to fulfill two of his wishes. Joyful Midas replied: “I want a road passing through my lands.” And then a wonderful stone road appeared, connecting the cities the way the king always wanted.

The king was very pleased and proud of himself, but fear crept into his soul: his next wish was his last. “Just one wish,” he thought. “And there’s still a lot of things that need to be built: palaces, bridges... How can I take advantage of this opportunity?”

And then it dawned on him, and he said: “Let everything I touch from now on turn to gold.” Dionysus nodded. The cup the king was holding became gold.

Midas was very pleased with his new abilities. He walked around the palace, touched the throne and tables, curtains and dishes, and before his eyes they turned into gold. Suddenly his little daughter, the joy of his life, ran into the room and rushed towards him with her arms outstretched. As usual, the king opened his arms to catch her and hug her to his chest. But to his horror, she immediately turned into gold. "What have I done?! - the king sobbed. “I lost my child!”

He asked the gods to free him from this gift. Dionysus heard him and softened. If Midas takes a bath in the Pactolus River and gives away everything he has to those who have nothing, perhaps he will be rewarded with a third wish.

That's what Midas did. He immediately ordered to sell all his gold items and buy food and medicine for the common people. He emptied his storage to buy even more of what people across the country needed. He did not hesitate to sell his palaces and all his possessions until he had almost nothing left.

Then Dionysus appeared again: “The gods gave you the opportunity to make a third and even a fourth wish, seeing your efforts.” Relieved, Midas used the third wish to return his daughter. “I thank you with all my heart,” he said to Dionysus. – As for the fourth wish, it has already come true. I'm grateful to have learned what is truly valuable. This is more expensive than anything that can be bought for gold.”

What's more valuable than the gold you can accumulate? What is truly valuable to you?

Editor Maria Brandes

Scientific editor Tatiana Andrievskaya

Project manager S. Turco

Corrector E. Chudinova

Computer layout A. Abramov

Cover design I. Raskin

Art Director S. Timonov

© Marilyn W. Atkinson, 2012

© Publication in Russian, translation, design. Alpina Publisher LLC, 2013

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet or corporate networks, for private or public use without the written permission of the copyright owner.

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Rainbow Flow
Process coaching and presence flow

The future enters us to be transformed within us long before it happens.

Rainer Maria Rilke

Thread State

The quality of an all-encompassing flow state is determined by inner aliveness, a sense of deep connection between your actions and your own values, and a transformative connection between you and the part of the external world you create. By feeling and being aware of flow, you feel empowered and free to choose, but you do so spontaneously and sincerely. You are fully involved in the process and it is trustworthy. Thus, the flow of experienced value naturally opens the way to self-awareness and the ability to value oneself. We relax and enjoy the moment, no matter what happens.

If you want to become your own coach, use this book to explore your own flow experiences in various areas. Develop your ability to achieve internal coherence and harmony. You will find that flow is easy to experience in a deepened and expanded coaching position. The state of flow is natural and you can easily experience it when you relax internally and focus on what is most important in your life, your goals today and the qualities you will need to achieve them.

Our definition of the flow state is the same as Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's description. We'll walk you through how to get into a state of flow when coaching and working on any project. You will learn to observe your own internal process of “identity development.”

This state of “search and learning” will allow you to immerse yourself in a state of flow again and again and maintain it so that it becomes part of your ability to enjoy everything you do. Therefore, in this book we focus on identity formation and inner search.

We have observed that one of the best ways to achieve a state of flow is through a process of training and coaching that awakens and expands self-knowledge. To this end, solution-oriented coaches prefer to use some specific techniques and exercises that we introduce to the reader in our book.

Internal consistency gives a person access to an inner space in which every second can be used as a creative opportunity. We experience absolute confidence that we do not need to change anything either within ourselves or around us. With this kind of experience, we notice that everything is good just the way it is, and we experience a natural flow of joy even as we learn.

Creative flow

You may remember meetings with family, friends or colleagues, whether for fun or work, when the atmosphere was such that everyone was constantly joking or teasing each other, when humor and ideas were intricately mixed. Any task was then easily completed in a stream. I remember how, as a child, my family and friends and I gathered berries together and then stored them for the winter - the energy flowed quickly and joyfully.

When you start creating, you feel like you can relax and enter a state of flow, appreciating your life with gratitude. In other words, by feeling and observing the results of your creativity, you merge with your inner “I”, which you can completely trust. The flow of creation naturally flows into a broader flow of inner possibilities. You take a step from attention to intention, from perception to growth and development in all areas of your own activities.

You begin to experience the state of flow even more often when you add observation to it. You integrate it by moving from intention back to “next level attention,” developing new awareness and a longer-term vision. When you recognize the value you receive, you feel fully engaged and experience a flood of joy. A deep attraction connects you with a flow of awareness and confidence in your actions.

You move between attention and intention, perception and growth, awareness and perspective, pushing the boundaries of your awareness higher and wider. Mystics called these the “noble steps” to an enlightened mind: first attention, perception and awareness, then intention, appreciation and action, and then again to perception, attention and awareness at a higher level. As the ancient Zen koan says: “First there is a mountain (we perceive), then there is no mountain (we act), then there is a mountain.” At the last stage, you move to an “even wider and more complete” perception.

A state of flow can be triggered by a creative idea. You can get into a state of creativity and, by asking yourself questions, come up with a great plan or find the right idea. Questions might include: “Who can I become if I implement this plan?” “What will I get as a result?” “What value will the world gain?” “How can I achieve the desired result?” “What should be the first step?”

During the development stage, ideas come to your mind. You work diligently to implement your plans so that everything works out. Your brain produces endorphins. And there comes a moment when all the pieces of the puzzle fall into place. And then you relax again, moving to a new level of awareness. Flow is a state that you experience by paying close attention to the value in each of these stages.

With focus and commitment, you can learn to notice the moment when a state of flow opens up to you. Then, by adding facets of awareness, the flow itself will open many new doors for you. Your attention opens to streams of awareness as a result of observation, curiosity, gratitude, love, joy, surprise, understanding, excitement of action, consistent progress and, of course, pleasure. All people love a flow of pleasure!

There is a special magnetic pull that can be experienced by being in flow states, allowing yourself to float on their waves, learning to stay in it. In the following chapters we will describe these amazing flow points that are valuable tools that force us to go beyond emotional skepticism.

The purpose of this book is to help you, the transformational coach, recognize the development of inner flow and stay in this state, moving beyond the usual “negative” language and outdated beliefs that inhibit the inner flow of awareness. You can help others with this too.

Stream of Identity Development

“Imagination is more important than knowledge,” said Einstein. This is a great observation. Did you know that what a person imagines (imagined just three times) can easily become an integral part of him? This especially applies to visualizing your values ​​in the form of actions. A good book, like a good friend, can help you imagine and highlight the most important things in life again and again through images, colors and descriptions. By doing this, people control their destiny.

This book helps you explore the flow of values ​​in your life. The goal of each chapter is to bring the future into the present, to open up and connect together the four core “value areas” of your experience.

Firstly, we want you to understand and explore your values ​​as widely as possible. As we immerse ourselves in our inner life, we experience our values ​​as a “flow state.” The rainbow is a wonderful metaphor to help us find a state of flow in every area of ​​development in our lives.

Secondly, we want the reader to have a clear idea of ​​what they can do. People love that we describe step-by-step how values ​​can turn into practical life tools. This book explores coaching processes useful in awakening and developing full commitment. Your goal is to learn how to masterfully use the methods we offer in specific practical coaching situations.

Third, We want to cover as many situations as possible with examples. Our examples include areas as diverse as work and play, business communications, and family relationships. The book also includes situational exercises and general schemes that readers can try out in practice, test for themselves, experience and integrate into their lives. Everyone needs situational examples from everyday life that show coaching tools in action. They offer sets of exercises that allow you to expand your experience.

Fourthly, we want to create a larger, holistic picture that can help you answer the questions that might arise: “What is the main concept of this book?” “Why were these particular values ​​chosen for her?” “Why should I spend my time on this book and not on anything else?” “How can this book affect my future?” Having experienced the rainbow flow of many values ​​from the experience of being to insight, we relax and hit the road.

Flow coaching

In this book, we will share with you ways to recognize, develop, and expand states of flow such as pleasure, gratitude, creativity, love, self-actualization, commitment, and other core values.

We will show how, through solution-focused coaching, you can develop and integrate these values ​​and qualities into wonderful developmental processes that activate the core inner value streams we call presence.

We explore sixteen different types of flow and want you to explore the essence of the basic qualities that help you become aware of your life, learn to recognize them, use them, and expand the scope of their application.

When we describe flow states to people, they immediately recognize them. However, they often do not notice them in themselves until we directly point them out. Then people's eyes open, they laugh and enjoy their experience, often adding "You knew it!" or “Wow!” We wrote this book precisely so that people can learn to recognize states of flow that open the door to future awareness. With the door open, flow coaching becomes a powerful tool.

This book is intended for both coaches and laypersons engaged in self-exploration and self-development, and those interested in how to accelerate self-awareness in key areas of life through coaching. The book is divided into chapters to tune you into the internal flows of learning, creativity and development, introducing you to processes that will help accelerate and expand them. In this sense, this book is an excellent complement to the two previous books in the Transformational Coaching: Science and Art trilogy: Life Mastery: The Inner Dynamics of Development and Achieving Your Goals: A Step-by-Step System.

Some chapters will go like clockwork for you. Others will take more time to become part of your self-development and presence and become filled with inner meaning. Together they provide you with a multi-color palette, and you can use each element to develop the art of flow exploration.

In any value system there is a natural, logical structure and internal organization of logical levels of internal meaning, as well as a beginning, middle and end of the flow. Remember the “coaching arrow” from the second book in this series. At the beginning of self-inquiry, we can discover and develop many possibilities for awareness of different types of flow. Here are some of them:

The stream of internal expansion of perception known as the coaching position.

Flow of value awareness.

A stream of serious intention.

Flow of self-realization.

The flow of excitement from continuous activity.

A stream of commitment to expanding the vision of the future.

The depth and wonderful warmth of the flow of gratitude.

A gentle flow of absolute satisfaction.

We often experience these flow states in conversations that are meaningful to us, especially during coaching sessions. All chapters follow each other as states of flow - from attention/perception to intention/evaluation. We then return to a new level of attention and even clearer perception. This movement can be represented as an arrow painted in the colors of the rainbow, the colors of which are arranged from lighter to darker, merging into one.

Coaching Processes

This book is also designed to explore and deepen your knowledge of the coaching process. Typically, mastering the skill of coaching requires a mentor. For this purpose, we recommend using Erickson University's internationally recognized coach training program, The Art and Science of Transformational Coaching. Consider working with an experienced coach trained in these processes to further develop your knowledge!

We specifically include examples of coaching processes that you can use to accelerate your development as an individual and as a coach to others. Like the previous two parts of the trilogy, this book begins with an examination of what is involved in advanced coaching techniques. We hope that what you read will be useful to you.

Think of this book as an interactive guide, especially as it relates to the process of self-coaching and learning. Take your time and carefully study each chapter. You can keep a diary. Your goal is to find your own unique flow of inner development. The reader and the authors enter into a powerful alliance. Our role is to be your inspiration, mentor and source of knowledge. In doing so, we want you to make your own discoveries.

The coaching process is a series of steps that help you achieve an awareness of flow, an awareness of presence. All coaching processes provide you with methods for mastering and expanding flow states. Each chapter presents a core idea and at least one example of a coaching process to help you learn more about yourself. You will learn to distinguish states of internal flow by studying the processes that cause them.

By becoming aware of the internal flow, you find yourself in a special world of internal data processing. This world belongs only to you. You completely master the processes of self-knowledge. Flows from the source of understanding and awareness wash away old negative emotions. You learn to expand and develop this stream of awareness and understanding, and to cherish it as an inner presence.

In the previous two books in the series, we introduced you to other coaching processes. In this book, you can explore them in more detail... by inducing a state of inner flow! For example, if you have read the first book of the trilogy “Mastery of Life: Internal Dynamics of Development”, re-read the exercises: “Three chairs. Brainstorming Ideas" (Chapter 3) and "The Walk to Mastery" (Chapter 5). Also, look again at the “Wheel of Rapport” exercise from Chapter 1 of the second book: “Step-by-Step Coaching System.” Each of these processes is designed to establish a connection with the inner flow.

Nature of the book: process and flow

Please read this book with an exploration mindset. Use it as an experiment and an opportunity to consciously experience the flow of values. Explore perceived quality by doing these exercises. For example, as you move forward, you might ask yourself, “At what point in my life do I enter the flow of all-encompassing awareness? Into the stream of transformational vision? Into the flow of self-realization, meaning or inner truth? In the flow of excitement from action or deep gratitude? What does each stream look, feel, hear, and taste like? What color does it paint my life? How do I sense my presence or hold each one? How do I determine that this state has become stable and I can return to flow awareness?”

Each chapter expands the specific area and range of flow expression and development. Each stream, as already mentioned, has its own color. Each allows you to explore a range of potential coaching opportunities in your area. Each offers exercises, processes, and coaching elements to help you experience flow.

By keeping a journal of your exploration and awareness of flow, you will gradually write your own version of this book. You will note for yourself which of the streams is brighter, faster, calmer or more intense than the others. You will find out where the center of your inner world is.

To develop an internal sense of presence, the interaction of the streams of attention and intention is necessary. First, we need a flow of inspirational attention, then clear intention, and finally next-level integration. As every conductor knows, these stages can also be found in the movements of any inspired symphony.

We, living in the 21st century, are faced with the need to care for our neighbors and have the courage to understand what our purpose is. May this book help you on your journey.

Rainbow of Presence

Threads can be represented by different colors of the spectrum, so we used the metaphor of a rainbow to organize the chapters. For the intentions described in each of the chapters, a corresponding color was naturally selected. How do we develop projects? We start with inspiration, then move to implementation, and finally achieve true integration leading to insight and integration.

Our goal is for you to find your own value streams and experience deep satisfaction as you move naturally from one to the other as the project develops. With the exception of Chapter 3 (which is white), the flows of attention described in Chapters 1–7 are indicated by the colors of the warm spectrum, since we accumulate energy when we feel them. In chapters 8–12 we enter a current of cooler colors corresponding to intention, and then into the flows of fast currents and quiet pools of implementation and completion. Chapters 13, 14, and 15 focus on next-level integration, gratitude, self-actualization, and a vibrant, warm sense of satisfaction. You can reach this level in moments of integration, when we agree that the point of the entire journey is to bring into the present the experience of finding truth, insight and natural fulfillment. During our journey, at every stage we experience the entire rainbow of presence flow. See the Individuality-Illumination Flow Rainbow Map below for a brief description of the alternation of flows.

Note. We don't mention colors in the chapters, choose your own color for each one. The purpose of using the rainbow metaphor is to awaken awareness of the color of your own flow states as you decide to find your color for them. In the process, you become an explorer and begin to recognize the deeper colors of your life. Find your own interpretation of the processes and ways of learning described in this book. And most importantly, get into the flow and make it yours!

Chapter 1
Creating your identity
Flow of inner truth

Move confidently towards your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.

Henry David Thoreau

Don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you reborn. And then go and do it. Because the world needs reborn people.

Nea Nangia

The Story of King Midas

We all know the story of King Midas. According to one version, the god Dionysus invited the king, who had done him a favor, to fulfill two of his wishes. Joyful Midas replied: “I want a road passing through my lands.” And then a wonderful stone road appeared, connecting the cities the way the king always wanted.

The king was very pleased and proud of himself, but fear crept into his soul: his next wish was his last. “Just one wish,” he thought. “And there’s still a lot of things that need to be built: palaces, bridges... How can I take advantage of this opportunity?”

And then it dawned on him, and he said: “Let everything I touch from now on turn to gold.” Dionysus nodded. The cup the king was holding became gold.

Midas was very pleased with his new abilities. He walked around the palace, touched the throne and tables, curtains and dishes, and before his eyes they turned into gold. Suddenly his little daughter, the joy of his life, ran into the room and rushed towards him with her arms outstretched. As usual, the king opened his arms to catch her and hug her to his chest. But to his horror, she immediately turned into gold. "What have I done?! - the king sobbed. “I lost my child!”

He asked the gods to free him from this gift. Dionysus heard him and softened. If Midas takes a bath in the Pactolus River and gives away everything he has to those who have nothing, perhaps he will be rewarded with a third wish.

That's what Midas did. He immediately ordered to sell all his gold items and buy food and medicine for the common people. He emptied his storage to buy even more of what people across the country needed. He did not hesitate to sell his palaces and all his possessions until he had almost nothing left.

Then Dionysus appeared again: “The gods gave you the opportunity to make a third and even a fourth wish, seeing your efforts.” Relieved, Midas used the third wish to return his daughter. “I thank you with all my heart,” he said to Dionysus. – As for the fourth wish, it has already come true. I'm grateful to have learned what is truly valuable. This is more expensive than anything that can be bought for gold.”

What's more valuable than the gold you can accumulate? What is truly valuable to you?

To be in a state of flow means to completely immerse yourself in what you love, with maximum concentration and without distractions. This is how you can achieve maximum results in any activity. In her new book, the author of a unique system of personal development, Marilyn Atkinson, will teach you how to enter a state of flow, capture it, and remove any barriers to personal growth and self-improvement. Learn to experience sincere gratitude, love, satisfaction, the desire for creativity - and you will fill every day of your life with meaning! The purpose of this book is to help not only coaching professionals, but also all those interested in internal change, achieve internal consistency and self-realization.

On our website you can download the book "Life in the Flow. Coaching" by Atkinson Marilyn for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.

Life in the Flow: Coaching Marilyn Atkinson

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Title: Life in the Flow: Coaching
Author: Marilyn Atkinson
Year: 2012
Genre: Foreign business literature, Foreign psychology, Personal growth

About the book “Life in Flow: Coaching” by Marilyn Atkinson

To be in a state of flow means to completely immerse yourself in what you love, with maximum concentration and without distractions. This is how you can achieve maximum results in any activity. In her new book, the author of a unique system of personal development, Marilyn Atkinson, will teach you how to enter a state of flow, capture it, and remove any barriers to personal growth and self-improvement. Learn to experience sincere gratitude, love, satisfaction, the desire for creativity - and you will fill every day of your life with meaning! The purpose of this book is to help not only coaching professionals, but also all those interested in internal change, achieve internal consistency and self-realization.

On our website about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online Marilyn Atkinson’s book “Life in the Flow: Coaching” in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.