
Composition based on the picture "Goalkeeper" by SA Grigorieva Composition based on the painting by S. Grigoriev "Goalkeeper" (on behalf of the fan) Description of the painting goalkeeper 7


Preparing for an essay based on the painting by S. Grigoriev "Goalkeeper". (Materials for students. Grade 7)

1. Story about the artist.

Sergey Alekseevich Grigoriev - People's Artist of Ukraine, was born in Lugansk (Donbass) in a large family of a railway worker.
He gained wide popularity asauthorworks onthemefamilies and schools. The best canvases of the artist are dedicated to children. Among them are the famous paintings: "Discussion of the Deuce", "Sea Wolf", "First Words", "Young Naturalists". The painting "Goalkeeper" brought the artist well-deserved fame. The author was awarded the State Prize.

2. Vocabulary work

1. Choose the appropriate participle turns.
1) The boy walked to the gate….
2) No one could, with such a sharpness as a player, dash off and ... just as unexpectedly brake.
3) He powerfully accelerated and ... struck on the move.
4) ... sharply stretched out his hand forward, indicating where he would hit

For reference:
Two steps before the ball, just before the kick; without losing the ball; slowing down and changing direction; without changing the rhythm of steps, not seed.

3. Description plan (option 1)
1) Behind the house on a fine autumn day.
2) Fearless goalkeeper and his assistant.
3) Spectators “get sick” in different ways.
4) Artist's skill: successful composition, expressive details, soft coloring of the picture.

Description plan (option 2)
1) Description of the painting by S.A. Grigorieva “Goalkeeper”:
a) on a vacant lot on a fine autumn day;
b) a fearless goalkeeper;
c) a boy in a red suit;
d) fans and spectators.
2) Features of the composition of the picture.
3) The role of details in the picture.
4) Color of the picture.

5) Theme and main idea of ​​the picture.

6) My attitude is in the picture.


Task: Correct speech errors.

Essay options

Option 1.

war, everyone was addicted to the game.

Option 2

In S. Grigoriev's painting "The Goalkeeper" we see a football match, players and spectators, located on a vacant lot. Of the players, only the goalkeeper is depicted, the rest are not visible in the picture. The goalkeeper, judging by the gloves on his hands, by the face expressing seriousness, by the sinewy legs, is very experienced and has stood at the goal more than once. The goalkeeper - a boy of twelve or thirteen years old - stood waiting for an attack on his goal. He's right after school. This is clear from his briefcase, which is instead of a barbell.

The goalkeeper, players and spectators are not on the football field, but in a vacant lot not intended for football.

In the background: a boy outside the gates and spectators. Probably, the boy in the red suit plays well, but he was not hired because he is younger than the players. He looks only nine to ten years old. But by the look on his face, he really wants to play.

The audience is of all ages: children, and uncle, and a small child. And everyone is very interested in the game. Only the dog, probably someone from the audience, does not look at the game.
The scene of the picture is Moscow. Stalinist buildings are visible in the background.

It's autumn. End of September - beginning of October. The weather is wonderful, warm, because everyone is dressed lightly: in windbreakers, some - kids - in hats, the goalkeeper - in shorts. I liked this picture because it is "alive". I feel the emotions that the guys are overwhelmed with: both the players and the audience.

Option 3.

In front of me is S. Grigoriev's painting "The Goalkeeper". In this picture, the main character is the goalkeeper.
In the foreground is a boy - a goalkeeper. He stands at the gate. If you look at him, you can say that he is a professional in his duties. The goalkeeper has a very serious look. He has a bandage on his right leg, probably, he was injured in previous games. He himself may be expecting a penalty. A boy in a red suit stands behind him. Apparently, he also wants to play football, but he is not allowed in because he is small compared to other players. The guys are after school and therefore instead of barbells they have portfolios.
In the background are spectators. They all look at the game with enthusiasm. Each of them is especially interesting, but most of all I like the dog because she is the only one who does not watch the game.

The uncle, sitting on the side, is watching what is happening with great enthusiasm. It's like he's reminiscing about the years when he was young and played football himself. He is dressed in a suit. In his handbook... This means that he accidentally watches the game, because he went out to read it, but could not resist and began to watch the match. Children are sitting next to him. One girl is especially interesting to me, because she is holding something incomprehensible in her hands: either a fish, or a doll, or a baby.

S. Grigoriev depicted the moment of playing football. The artist's painting depicts autumn, an unclear day. Shrubs and grass have already turned yellow. The guys gathered after school to play football. The observers were lightly dressed. An old industrial city is depicted in the background of the painting. In the distance could be seen a bluish government office with a red flag, damp residential areas, new buildings. The domes of churches are visible in the ancient city. Old buildings are shrouded in fog. In an industrial city, the sky is yellow-gray. And in the old - gray-blue. The guys are playing football in a vacant lot. An impromptu soccer field has been trampled down.

Spectators are closely watching the game. They are passionate about her. To the right of the goalkeeper are the ruins of a building. Two portfolios represented a gate. Pioneer ties and the corners of books were visible from them. Next to the goalkeeper was a white dog with a black ear. The goalkeeper was wearing blue soccer shorts and a black jumper. His knee was bandaged, and his hands were wearing gloves. The boy looked twelve years old (there were wrinkles on his forehead). Next to the goalkeeper was the "referee". The artist wanted to show the excitement of the game. The painting was painted in dim, muted colors in 1949. Despite the fact that four years ago endedwar, everyone was addicted to the game.

Another girl in a red cap bent over to better observe what was happening. Apparently, she is not very good at this, because the man blocks the entire view of the guys.
A boy peeps out from behind the girl. He is following the game so closely that he has even eaten up all over. Next to him is a girl with a large bow, and below is a boy with a younger brother on his lap, wrapped in whatever he wants - he must be hot.
Large houses are depicted in the background of the painting. So they are in Moscow. The picture is autumn.
The sun is already setting, because on the left side the sky is starting to turn red. It's time for the children to go home.

I didn’t like the picture very much, because it’s boring. And it's time for the children to go home and do their homework.

Football has always been the favorite game of millions of boys. They always tried to imitate their idols, discussed the latest sports news. In each courtyard you can meet a small team of local guys. One of these is depicted in the painting by S. Grigoriev.

The action of the picture takes place in the city. In the background, we see large buildings that resemble a theater or university. Judging by the fact that the bushes depicted in the picture turn yellow, the author showed the beginning of autumn. The fact that the audience is dressed like the fall: in jackets and hoods leads to these thoughts. The main character of the picture is a boy of about eleven, who very closely follows the movement of the ball and plans to repulse the blow to its goal from the opposing team. He is wearing a brown blouse, from under which you can see a white collar, gray shorts and black boots.

All fans are also closely following the game. Among them are children of the same age, and a small boy, and girls, and even a middle-aged man in a hat and suit. Next to them is a black and white dog. He is unlikely to follow the progress of the game. Most likely, he is immersed in other thoughts. It is possible that this is a dog of one of the fans. They all look in the direction opposite from the boy, from where the ball should fly. Perhaps they are taking a penalty kick. The boy's right leg is bandaged. He most likely received the wound during the next training session. There is another boy behind him. He is wearing an orange suit. Perhaps he was not taken to play on the team, and he is watching from the sidelines. But, unlike other spectators, he took a place not among them, but behind the goalkeeper, right on the field.

Most likely, this place is not at all intended for football, because there is no goal here, like on a real football field. Instead, there are briefcases indicating where the gate should be. I think the guys gathered after school to relax and play football, because this is a very popular sport.

For a long time, football has remained one of the most favorite games not only for boys, but also for adults. For them there is nothing more fun than kicking the ball into the goal, passing through an endless number of obstacles. A lot of films and songs are dedicated to this game. Artists do not forget about it either. The picture "Goalkeeper" is interesting. Grigoriev Sergey Alekseevich - the artist who created it in 1949, managed to accurately convey on the canvas all the excitement and emotions inherent in this sports game. Today the canvas is kept in the Tretyakov Gallery, anyone can see it.

Artist biography

A famous Soviet painter who depicted in his works the life of the younger generation of the post-war era. He was born in 1910 in Lugansk. In 1932 he graduated from the Kiev Art Institute, after which he was engaged in teaching activities. In his paintings, the artist raised the problem of moral education of Soviet youth.

In addition to "Goalkeeper", he wrote such works as "Returned", "Deuce Discussion", "At the Meeting" and others. For his work, the painter was twice awarded the Stalin Prize, as well as several medals and orders. Despite the fact that the artist lived in the Soviet era, his work has not lost its relevance to this day. In grade 7, students are asked to write Grigoriev "Goalkeeper".

Acquaintance with the creation of the artist

Teaching children to be creative is one of the priority tasks of the modern educational system. Teachers invite children to compose a description of the painting "Goalkeeper" by Grigoriev in order to bring them closer to art, develop their ability to logically formulate their thoughts, teach them to express their own opinion about what they see on the canvas. In order to successfully write an essay on the proposed topic, students first need to carefully analyze the scene depicted in the painting.

Starting S. Grigoriev "Goalkeeper", it is necessary to remember in what era it was created. 1949 is a difficult time for the Soviet people. After the end of the Great Patriotic War, only 4 years passed, and the country was recovering rapidly. New businesses and residential buildings appeared. The overwhelming majority of citizens lived in poverty, but the peaceful sky overhead gave them hope for a bright future. Post-war children, remembering all the horrors of hardship and bombing, grew up unspoiled and knew how to enjoy everyday things. For example, playing football. It is such an episode that the artist conveys in his work.

S. Grigoriev "Goalkeeper": an essay on the picture. Where to begin?

The action described on the canvas takes place on an abandoned wasteland. Children came here after lessons to play football. The main character of the plot is an ordinary boy standing at an impromptu gate, the border of which is marked with student bags. Instead of benches on the vacant lot, there are logs where the fans are located: seven children and an adult man in a suit and hat. Another boy is watching the game, standing outside the gate. That's all the picture "Goalkeeper" represents. Grigoriev also depicted a white dog. She is curled up at the feet of the smallest cheerleader and sleeps peacefully, showing no interest in what is happening around her.

Making an essay-description of S. Grigoriev's painting "Goalkeeper", you need to pay attention not only to the view of the football field, but also to the landscapes that can be seen behind it. In the background, the temples are clearly visible and from which it can be concluded that the action takes place in a big city. The football match took place in the fall, as the wasteland is surrounded by shrubs with yellowed leaves. Judging by what the smallest fans were wearing, the weather outside was cool, but it hadn't gotten completely colder yet.

Meet the boy goalkeeper

An essay based on Grigoriev's "Goalkeeper" must necessarily contain a detailed description of the protagonist. The boy standing at the gate looks no more than 12 years old. He is dressed in a blue blouse, from the neck of which you can see the snow-white collar of a school shirt, shorts and shoes. The young goalkeeper has gloves on his hands. His knee is bandaged, but the injury did not prevent him from continuing the tense and exciting game. The goalkeeper is slightly bent over, and all his attention is focused on the field that remains outside the picture. The viewer does not see the rest of the players and only by the tense face of the goalkeeper can guess that a serious game is underway and the ball is about to be in the goal. The fate of the match is in the hands of the little boy, and he, realizing all the responsibility, tries to avoid a goal at any cost.

Other heroes of the canvas

When composing a description of Grigoriev's "Goalkeeper", students need to pay attention to the tension present among the fans, where there are both boys and girls. None of the kids can take their eyes off the field. The ball is already very close to the goal, and the intensity of passions has reached the top. Children sitting on the logs would love to join the game, but they are still too young to be played by older children. But the support of the team is also a very responsible occupation, and the kids gave themselves to it completely. The most desperate of the boys could not resist and ran out the gate. Realizing that the outcome of the game does not depend on him at all, he still cannot sit still.

Against the background of the little ones, an adult man stands out, who also came to cheer for the guys. Description of the painting by S. Grigoriev "Goalkeeper" would not be complete without mentioning this colorful character. It is unknown who the depicted man is. Perhaps he is the father of one of the children, or perhaps he simply could not pass by the exciting action. What is striking is the passion with which an adult and serious man watches a child's game, how much he worries about its outcome. No less kids, this man would like to be on the football field now and take the ball away from the opponent.

Features of the work

The total passion for football is conveyed by the picture "Goalkeeper". Grigoriev was able to focus the audience's attention on the emotional side of the game, to show how much it captures everyone present in the wasteland. Despite its considerable age, the picture is still very relevant today, because millions of people all over the planet are fond of football. It will be interesting for modern secondary school students to describe the plot of the picture, since this sport is familiar to them from an early age.

Grigoriev's painting "Goalkeeper" is written in rather restrained shades. Its color scheme conveys the mood of the post-war era. Cold gray tones testify to the hard life that befell the people who, with their own hands, were forced to raise the country from the ruins. And only bright red elements, which stand out especially against the gloomy background, give the canvas optimism and confidence in a happy and cloudless future.

To make it easy for secondary school students to complete the teacher's task on the topic "Artist Sergei Grigoriev." Goalkeeper ": an essay on a picture", they need to draw up a short outline of the text before creating the text. In the work, you need to make an introduction, then briefly talk about the biography of the painter and only after that go on to describe the plot of the work. Any essay should end with conclusions in which the child talks about what impression he left after a detailed study of the picture. He needs to substantiate his conclusions.

Subtext of the plot of the picture

Why did the artist depict football on his canvas? As you know, collectivism was popularized in the Soviet Union. Football - where each of the participants is part of one system and cannot function fully without it. Likewise, a Soviet person was not able to live outside the collective. We can say that the picture "Goalkeeper" conveys the Soviet era in the best possible way. Grigoriev, capturing the team game on the canvas, conveyed the atmosphere that prevailed in society at that time.

23 january 2015

For a long time, football has remained one of the most beloved games not only for boys, but also for adult respectable men. For them, there is nothing more exciting than kicking the ball into the goal, going through an endless number of obstacles. A lot of films and songs are dedicated to this game. Artists do not forget about it either. The picture "Goalkeeper" is interesting. Grigoriev Sergey Alekseevich - the artist who created it in 1949, managed to accurately convey on the canvas all the excitement and emotions inherent in this sports game. Today the canvas is kept in the Tretyakov Gallery, anyone can see it.

Artist biography

Sergei Grigoriev is a famous Soviet painter who depicted in his works the life of the younger generation of the post-war era. He was born in 1910 in Lugansk. In 1932 he graduated from the Kiev Art Institute, after which he was engaged in teaching activities. In his paintings, the artist raised the problem of moral education of Soviet youth.

In addition to "Goalkeeper", he wrote such works as "Returned", "Deuce Discussion", "At the Meeting" and others. For his work, the painter was twice awarded the Stalin Prize, as well as several medals and orders. Despite the fact that the artist lived in the Soviet era, his work has not lost its relevance to this day. In the 7th grade, students are asked to write an essay based on Grigoriev's picture "Goalkeeper".

Acquaintance with the creation of the artist

Teaching children to be creative is one of the priority tasks of the modern educational system. Teachers invite children to compose a description of the painting "Goalkeeper" by Grigoriev in order to bring them closer to art, develop their ability to logically formulate their thoughts, teach them to express their own opinion about what they see on the canvas. In order to successfully write an essay on the proposed topic, students first need to carefully analyze the scene depicted in the painting.

Starting the description of S. Grigoriev's painting "Goalkeeper", it is necessary to remember in what era it was created. 1949 is a difficult time for the Soviet people. After the end of the Great Patriotic War, only 4 years passed, and the country was recovering rapidly. New businesses and residential buildings appeared. The overwhelming majority of citizens lived in poverty, but the peaceful sky overhead gave them hope for a bright future. Post-war children, remembering all the horrors of hardship and bombing, grew up unspoiled and knew how to enjoy everyday things. For example, playing football. It is such an episode that the artist conveys in his work.

S. Grigoriev "Goalkeeper": an essay on the picture. Where to begin?

The action described on the canvas takes place on an abandoned wasteland. Children came here after lessons to play football. The main character of the plot is an ordinary boy standing at an impromptu gate, the border of which is marked with student bags. Instead of benches on the vacant lot, there are logs where the fans are located: seven children and an adult man in a suit and hat. Another boy is watching the game, standing outside the gate. That's all the picture "Goalkeeper" represents. Grigoriev also depicted a white dog. She is curled up at the feet of the smallest cheerleader and sleeps peacefully, showing no interest in what is happening around her.

Making an essay-description of S. Grigoriev's painting "Goalkeeper", you need to pay attention not only to the view of the football field, but also to the landscapes that can be seen behind it. In the background, temples and multi-storey buildings are clearly visible, from which it can be concluded that the action takes place in a big city. The football match took place in the fall, as the wasteland is surrounded by shrubs with yellowed leaves. Judging by what the smallest fans were wearing, the weather outside was cool, but it hadn't gotten completely colder yet.

Meet the boy goalkeeper

An essay based on Grigoriev's "Goalkeeper" must necessarily contain a detailed description of the protagonist. The boy standing at the gate looks no more than 12 years old. He is dressed in a blue blouse, from the neck of which you can see the snow-white collar of a school shirt, shorts and shoes. The young goalkeeper has gloves on his hands. His knee is bandaged, but the injury did not prevent him from continuing the tense and exciting game. The goalkeeper is slightly bent over, and all his attention is focused on the field that remains outside the picture. The viewer does not see the rest of the players and only by the tense face of the goalkeeper can guess that a serious game is underway and the ball is about to be in the goal. The fate of the match is in the hands of the little boy, and he, realizing all the responsibility, tries to avoid a goal at any cost.

Other heroes of the canvas

When composing a description of Grigoriev's "Goalkeeper", students need to pay attention to the tension present among the fans, where there are both boys and girls. None of the kids can take their eyes off the field. The ball is already very close to the goal, and the intensity of passions has reached the top. Children sitting on the logs would love to join the game, but they are still too young to be played by older children. But the support of the team is also a very responsible occupation, and the kids gave themselves to it completely. The most desperate of the boys could not resist and ran out the gate. Realizing that the outcome of the game does not depend on him at all, he still cannot sit still.

Against the background of the little ones, an adult man stands out, who also came to cheer for the guys. Description of the painting by S. Grigoriev "Goalkeeper" would not be complete without mentioning this colorful character. It is unknown who the depicted man is. Perhaps he is the father of one of the children, or perhaps he simply could not pass by the exciting action. What is striking is the passion with which an adult and serious man watches a child's game, how much he worries about its outcome. No less kids, this man would like to be on the football field now and take the ball away from the opponent.

Features of the work

The total passion for football is conveyed by the picture "Goalkeeper". Grigoriev was able to focus the audience's attention on the emotional side of the game, to show how much it captures everyone present in the wasteland. Despite its considerable age, the picture is still very relevant today, because millions of people all over the planet are fond of football. It will be interesting for modern secondary school students to describe the plot of the picture, since this sport is familiar to them from an early age.

Grigoriev's painting "Goalkeeper" is written in rather restrained shades. Its color scheme conveys the mood of the post-war era. Cold gray tones testify to the hard life that befell the people who, with their own hands, were forced to raise the country from the ruins. And only bright red elements, which stand out especially against the gloomy background, give the canvas optimism and confidence in a happy and cloudless future.

To make it easy for secondary school students to complete the teacher's task on the topic "Artist Sergei Grigoriev." Goalkeeper ": an essay on a picture", they need to draw up a short outline of the text before creating the text. In the work, you need to make an introduction, then briefly talk about the biography of the painter and only after that go on to describe the plot of the work. Any essay should end with conclusions in which the child talks about what impression he left after a detailed study of the picture. He needs to substantiate his conclusions.

Subtext of the plot of the picture

Why did the artist depict football on his canvas? As you know, collectivism was popularized in the Soviet Union. Football is a team game where each of the participants is part of one system and cannot function fully without it. Likewise, a Soviet person was not able to live outside the collective. We can say that the picture "Goalkeeper" conveys the Soviet era in the best possible way. Grigoriev, capturing the team game on the canvas, conveyed the atmosphere that prevailed in society at that time.

So that the essay does not coincide with what is on the Internet. Press 2 times on any word in the text.

Composition based on the picture Goalkeeper

The painting was painted in 1949. She was very successful. For the paintings "Goalkeeper" and "Admission to the Komsomol" Grigoriev was awarded a state prize. The main idea of ​​the film is that football is a fascinating spectacle that everyone likes.

Grigoriev's painting depicts a warm autumn day, late September - early October. The wind, sweeping away, twists the yellow leaves, trees and bushes are almost naked. It is still dry, but not early autumn. The sky was covered with a shroud. In the background, the city is visible in a light haze. The landscape is the background on which children are depicted. It is written easily and fluently. The landscape is subordinated to the main story about children who are keen on playing football.

The guys gathered after school to play football in a vacant lot. Their gates were built from briefcases, bags and berets. The artist did not depict the football match itself, so the canvas became even more valuable. But where the goalkeeper and the audience are looking, there is a very acute situation, maybe in a few seconds the ball will approach the goal.

All spectators are dressed warmly, they sit in hats and coats. Only the goalkeeper in his underpants, like summer outside. He has gloves on his hands, which show that the boy is very experienced and has stood at the gate more than once. The most striking spot of the picture is the red tracksuit of the boy standing behind the goalkeeper. The goalkeeper stands, slightly bent over, closing the gate and reacting vividly to what is happening on the field of action.

As if on benches, the fans are sitting on boards stacked at the edge of the house. Spectators of all ages: children, and uncle, and a small child. All of them, fascinated by the game, follow it closely and very enthusiastically. Most captured by the match is the boy in the dark green suit. The man is a passer-by who got carried away by the game and stayed to watch it. The girls are also very focused. Only a white dog is indifferent to football, which is dozing, curled up next to the kids.

The artist managed to unite the characters in a single action. Each detail has its place and, at the same time, each character is revealed convincingly; it is no coincidence that the picture "Goalkeeper" is one of the best. It combines expressive details, a successful composition, soft color.

2. Composition based on the painting by Grigoriev Goalkeeper grade 7

In S. Grigoriev's painting "The Goalkeeper" we see a football match, players and spectators, located on a vacant lot.

Of the players, only the goalkeeper is depicted, the rest are not visible in the picture. The goalkeeper, judging by the gloves on his hands, by the face expressing seriousness, by the sinewy legs, is very experienced and has stood at the goal more than once. The goalkeeper - a boy of twelve or thirteen years old - stood waiting for an attack on his goal. He's right after school. This is clear from his briefcase, which is instead of a barbell.

The goalkeeper, players and spectators are not on the football field, but in a vacant lot not intended for football.

In the background: a boy outside the gates and spectators. Probably, the boy in the red suit plays well, but he was not hired because he is younger than the players. He looks only nine or ten years old, but from the expression on his face he really wants to play.

The audience is of all ages: children, and uncle, and a small child. And everyone is very interested in the game. Only the dog, probably someone from the audience, does not look at the game.

The scene of the picture is Moscow. Stalinist buildings are visible in the background.

It's autumn. End of September - beginning of October. The weather is wonderful, warm, because everyone is dressed lightly: in windbreakers, some - kids - in hats, the goalkeeper - in shorts.

I liked this picture because it is "alive". I feel the emotions that the guys are overwhelmed with: both the players and the audience.

3. Essay with a description

I see a picture of S. Grigoriev "Goalkeeper". This painting depicts the spectators and the goalkeeper during football.

In the foreground of this picture is a boy, from his appearance it is clear that he is a goalkeeper. He has a very focused face, perhaps the ball is approaching the goal, or, most likely, he will get a penalty kick right now. The goalkeeper has a bandage on his leg, which shows that this boy regularly plays football. He is about twelve years old, I think he is an average student. Perhaps in the future he will make a good footballer. Behind the goalkeeper is another smaller boy. He is very sad that he was not taken on the team. He stands with an inflated face. He studies in about the third grade. He is very confident in himself. After all, instead of sitting with other spectators, he stands on the field.

The guys are playing in the courtyard that is not intended for playing football. Instead of barbells, they have briefcases on their sides, which indicates that they are playing football after school.

In the middle ground, spectators are sitting on a bench, clearly passionate about the game, except for the dog, which is thinking about something of its own, most likely about food. In addition to the children, an adult uncle is sitting on the bench, clearly extremely passionate about the game. He probably remembers himself in his school years. Two girls are sitting next to my uncle. The first - in a cloak with a hood - is also very closely following the game, the second is also no less interesting what is happening. I think the second girl is obligatory. She has a small child in her arms. Sitting next to her are two boys, clearly interested in the game. The first boy bent down to better see the game, and the second craned his neck because he couldn't see anything behind his uncle. There is a girl behind this boy. It seems to me that she is a good student. She is wearing a school uniform with a bow on her head. Nearby is a boy with a little brother. I believe that this boy is very responsible, he helps his mother all the time and takes care of his younger brother. All spectators are very passionate and focused on the game, even the younger brother of the last boy looks at what is happening with interest. It is possible that the dog lying next to the brothers belongs to them.

Buildings are shown in the background. I think the action of this picture takes place in a large city, probably in Moscow, somewhere in the golden autumn, approximately under Khrushchev, in the years 50-60s. The sky seems to me overcast, and it's not so hot outside.

This picture symbolizes football. It depicts eleven people and a black and white dog. Eleven people represent the number of players in the team, and the black and white dog represents the soccer ball.

In general, I liked the picture, but it would have been better if it showed the whole field and all the players.

4. Short essay

In the most difficult situations, a person knows how to find an outlet, some kind of activity for the soul. In Grigoriev's painting "Goalkeeper", the artist shows that a person is able to adapt to the most unpredictable conditions.

In the center of the picture is a little boy who amazes with his seriousness and concentration. The outcome of the game depends on him, so everyone's attention is riveted to him. The game is watched with interest not only by children, but also by adults. Simple clothes, a wasteland that is used together with the stadium, and dilapidated houses indicate that people live hard, that they lack basic necessities. The most amazing thing is the love of the game, which helps to distract from injustice and problems.

The boys are playing, and the briefcases are nearby. It turns out that the game intercepted them on the way home. They are so passionate that they do not care about time, lessons and other delights of life.

At first glance, the picture seems a little sad, since all the characters and the objects around them are depicted in dark colors. True, the author gives us hope for a bright future, which will certainly come. At the same time, the artist emphasizes that the optimism of the protagonist and his fans will help to survive any difficulties.

Everything for study »Compositions» Composition based on the painting by Grigoriev Goalkeeper Grade 7

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