
Opposite color to blue. Complementary colors - what you did not know about them - beauty inspired by nature

   July 30, 2014

A lot of fashionistas are afraid to choose an image that combines more than three colors, the rest take risks, often making annoying mistakes.

In fact, competently combining the colors of clothes and accessories is much easier than it seems at first glance. Fortunately, color harmony is subject to laws, which are desirable for everyone who has difficulty choosing colored clothes.

The basics of color science are based on the theory of the “color wheel”, which presents all the colors visible to the eye.
  Color matching by contrast is one of the winning options. Given that this is a circle, draw a straight line-radius through the center of the circle, for example, from green - and it will lead you just to the color of fuchsia. This will be the optimal contrast combination.

If you are afraid of the brightness of the contrast, choose a dull or pale shades. When choosing contrasting colors, it is advised to take them not in equal proportions. For example, a suit of dark shades, and red - only a scarf, collar or handbag.

One of the most difficult combinations is the achromatic color palette when the image is built around black, white or gray, without using other colors.

A more reliable combination in the combination of clothing colors is a harmonious combination. Such a combination is most pleasing to the eye; these are colors that seem to be turning into each other, devoid of contrast and challenge.

How to combine colors in clothes

There are six basic color combinations. Each of them can give an infinite number of different color palettes.

Take the following combinations for the foundation: monochrome, complementary and triadic.

  1. When monochromeconsisting of the colors of one sector of a circle, combine several shades of the same color.
      The monochrome combination can be diluted with a neutral color. The nearby colors on the circle combine perfectly and produce a harmonious and pleasant impression.
  2. When complementary, where two colors opposite in a circle are used, choose tones which beautifully shade each other and give color to "play".
      A split complementary pattern is a pattern in which one of the opposite colors is replaced by two adjacent colors on a circle.
  3. With the triadic a combination of three colors equidistant in the color wheel is selected.
    Primary circuit  is a combination of three primary colors (red, blue and yellow).
    Secondary circuit  is a combination of three secondary colors (orange, green and purple). They are obtained by mixing primary colors (red and yellow form orange, yellow and blue form green, and blue and red form purple).
    Tertiary scheme  is a combination of three tertiary equidistant colors (red-orange, orange-yellow, yellow-green, green-blue and blue-violet). They are formed by mixing primary colors with secondary.

Having simplified it to 12-16 shades, you can more accurately determine the options for approximate combinations. Such a color wheel is convenient for choosing harmonious color combinations from 2, 3 or 4 colors. In each example, connecting different colours  lines can be mentally rotated in a circle, getting new combinations.

2 opposite colors:  combination with high contrast. 3 colors:  classic triad, colors are arranged in a triangle. 3 contrasting colors:  two colors are almost related, one is contrasting.

Red + green
  blue + orange
  purple + yellow

  emerald green + yellow orange + purple
  cobalt blue + light green + orange
  cerulean blue + lemon + red
  blue + yellow + pink

Example: green + yellow + pink.

  Very close option:
4 colors:  3 siblings and 1 contrast.
3 related colors:  low contrast combination. 4 colors:two mutually reinforcing.

  Example: yellow + blue + purple + pink.

Example: lilac + shades of pink.

  Example: blue + lettuce green + pink + instead of orange warm beige.

Examples of color combinations in clothes

Consider the color wheel, color scheme, and the simplest examples.

Combination of analog colors   - soft, calm combination of three adjacent colors of the spectrum. Choose a basic, complementary and accent tone, be sure to use shades of different colors in brightness.

Combination of opposites  (complementary) colors.   According to color theory, each warm color harmoniously combines with the opposite cold. These pairs are easy to identify using the spectral circle (color wheel).

Combination of Complementary Colors   - less contrasting combination of opposites. Such a scheme, when one color is combined with two opposite, close to each other, is perceived by the eye more harmoniously.

Classical Triad - a combination of a combination of 3 colors that are located at the same distance from each other (at the vertices of an equilateral triangle). It is also worth choosing one dominant color, and the other two - shading and complementing the main one.

Rectangular pattern   the combination consists of two pairs, in each of which there is an opposite color and its corresponding analogue. This option is more diverse, but requires the exact balance of the primary and secondary colors.

Color harmony is not limited to 4 color combinations. You can also enter a hexagon in the color wheel, the vertices of which indicate extended color harmonies. Bright, juicy color combinations can be diluted with universal ones - black, white, gray and beige. it good way  expand the color range without risking overdoing and becoming like a rainbow.

Color saturation

Color may be lighter or darker. In other words, color has saturation. To show saturation, the color wheel has several rings; two large rings for dark shades and two small for light ones.

Each color can be used to varying degrees of saturation. In the color wheel below, each color is divided into 6 rows - from light pastel to muted, in the middle - bright and clear colors.

The most contrasting combinations will be:
  1. Bright colors.
  2. Pastel and muted colors.
  3. Pastel and muted shades of the same color.

Combinations with low contrast.
  1. Between pastel colors.
  2. Between muted flowers.
  3. Between shades of the same color, close to each other in saturation.

You also need to remember that color induction is of great importance for visual perception, i.e. a change in the characteristics of one color under the influence of another. If you place dark and light colors nearby, then the dark will appear darker, and the light - lighter.
  Based on materials from,,

By the way, you can print (or draw: o) a color wheel, drop it in your purse and feel free to go shopping!

In moments of uncertainty, think about the color wheel and the basic laws of color harmony, the rest of the time - trust your intuition and inspiration!

Good luck to you!

As promised, I’ll transfer the synopsis here ...

It is believed that there are three primary colors, and all other colors can be obtained by mixing the primary with a different proportional ratio ...

All spectral  colors are called chromatic
All   rest colors are obtained by mixing basic.
Gray white and black  are called   achromatic

Complementary  flowers are opposite  colors in the spectrum.
When they are located next to each other, they intensify, ignite.

main color characteristics:

1. Color tone (hue relative to the main color of the spectrum)

2. Lightness (greater or lesser proximity of color to white)

3. Saturation (degree of brightness of the color, varies depending on the presence of gray in it)

4. Heat-coldness (All chromatic colors and their shades are divided into warm and cold.
  The warm colors include the colors of fire and the sun - yellow, orange.
  Cold colors include water, ice - blue, blue.)

* Within each color, there may be warmer and colder shades. For example, red can be cold if it is with a bluish tint, and warm if it is with a yellow tint. Green with a yellowish tint is warm, and with blue a cold.

... warm and saturated
e   (vibrant) colors attract more attention and give the impression of proximity to the subject. They are also called approximate], protruding.

... cool colors and desaturated
  give the impression of remoteness. Therefore, they are called removing, retreating.

  Has the greatest approximating effect. yellowThe most deleting one is blue. Colors displayed on the same plane may appear closer or more distant from the viewer. Using this property of colors, you can convey volume and bumps, zoom in and out some parts of the photo and put others in the background.
  The property of approaching and removing colors depends on the background on which they are located. They stand out better against a light background, dark tones appear, light tones are lost, and light and bright tones appear more on a dark background, and dark ones disappear.
All chromatic colors stand out better against a gray background.

Depending on the light source, colors tend to change. In daylight, all colors look cleaner, more transparent. Under artificial lighting, color may change. For example, white and gray colors turn yellow, blue - darkens and appears black, purple can turn red or bluish.

  Depending on how the object is located to the light source, distinguish
  six  transition degrees chiaroscuro:

flare - a particularly highlighted part of the subject.
light part -
part of the subject facing the light source;
halftone part
  an object at any angle to the light;
shadow part -
the part of the object located on the opposite side from the light source;
reflex -
  light reflected from any surrounding objects.
falling from an object to another illuminated part;

The harmony of flowers obeys certain laws, and in order to better understand them, it is necessary to study the formation of flowers. To do this, use the color wheel, which is a closed spectrum tape.

  At the ends of the diameters dividing the circle into 4 equal parts, there are 4 main pure colors - red, yellow, green, blue

By mixing each color separately with white and black paint, light and dark tones of the same color are obtained.

Light colors are located on the inside of the color wheel, and dark - on the outside.

Monochrome - colors that have the same name but different lightness, that is, transition tones of the same color from dark to light (obtained by adding black or white paint in different amounts to the same color). These colors are most harmoniously combined with each other and easy to select.

Related colors are located in one quarter of the color wheel and have in their composition one common main color (for example, yellow, yellow-red, yellowish-red). There are 4 groups of related colors: yellow-red, red-blue, blue-green and green-yellow.

Related contrast  colors are located in two adjacent quarters of the color wheel at the ends of the chords (that is, lines parallel to the diameters) and have in their composition one common color and two other color components, for example, yellow with a red tint (yolk) and blue with a red tint (violet) . These colors are coordinated (combined) among themselves with a common (red) hue and harmoniously combine. There are 4 groups of related-contrasting colors: yellow-red and yellow-green; blue-red and blue-green; red yellow and red blue; green-yellow and green-blue.
  Related contrasting colors are harmoniously combined if they are balanced by an equal amount of the common color present in them (that is, red and green colors are equally yellowish or bluish). These color combinations look more dramatic than related ones.

Contrast  colors. Diametrically opposite colors and shades on the color wheel are the most contrasting and inconsistent with each other.

The more colors differ from each other in color tone, lightness and saturation, the less they are in harmony with each other.

Color - a certain relationship of all colors and tones of the work, subordinate to the general tone. Color depending on the prevalence of certain tones can be light or dark, bright or gloomy, cold or warm. In art photography, it is necessary that each color, taken in combination with other colors, does not protrude or disappear, but creates an overall impression of the main, fundamental tone. The richness of color is not in variegation, but in a variety of shades and color transitions.

There are several rules that will help you in choosing a harmonious combination of colors.

Color -----------------\u003e Harmonious colors

Color - Red
Harmonious colors - Green, gray

Color - Raspberry
Harmonious colors - Pearl gray, mauve

Color-Dark Red (bardo)
Harmonious colors - Black, Blue, Beige

Color Scarlet
Harmonious colors - Light blue, green

Color-Thick Pink
Harmonious colors - Various shades of blue

Harmonious colors - Blue, cream

Color-Pale Pink
Harmonious colors - Salad, pale lilac, blue

Orange color
Harmonious colors - Violet, pale blue, bright blue

Color-Straw Yellow
Harmonious colors - Pale pink, grayish blue, green

Yellow color
Harmonious colors - Purple, blue, green

Color- [Pale Yellow
Harmonizing colors - Light lilac, grayish pink, pale green

Color Golden
Harmonious colors - Light gray, green, dark red

Color-Dark Green
Harmonious colors - Brown, beige

Color-Gray-green (aquamarine)
Harmonious colors - Cornflower blue, orange

Harmonious colors - Yellow, sand, orange, pink

Color-Pale Green
Harmonious colors - Dark green, lilac pink

Harmonious colors - Bordeaux, gray

Harmonious colors - Light and dark shades of green

Color-Pale Lilac
Harmonious colors - Green, Gray, Mauve

Harmonious colors-Emerald green, dark red, brown

Brown colour
Harmonious colors - Orange, red, beige

Color Gray
Harmonizing colors - Violet, raspberry, pale lilac

The primary colors of the rainbow, located according to their position in the spectrum (1)
  and in decreasing order of lightness (2).
3 - monochrome version of the color range 2

Light and dark contrast:
Our vision is most sensitive to changes in brightness - we perceive not only the strong differences of light and dark, but also the subtle nuances of changing the brightness of tones.

Between complementary colors, the color contrast of which is considered to be very strong, there is a different contrast of brightness - between red and green it is the smallest, and between yellow and purple - the maximum.

A harmonious photo often contains more or less a set of halftones of different brightness from very light to very dark. Changing the distribution of halftones in the image often allows you to fix the sluggish image.

  color contrast:

It is believed that the simultaneous contrast of the three primary colors is the strongest.

A color image based on contrast in color may lose information when converted to monochrome.

Color contrast enhances the sensation of vigor, purity, determination, energy. It is used to convey strong emotions.

Photo Author  Andrey Turtsevich

Contrast warm and cold:

Surprisingly, warm and cold colors, which are so naturally associated with temperature, can also convey a sense of the depth of space. The reason for this is the properties of the earth's atmosphere to paint distant objects in bluish tones. The farther the subject is from us, the colder it seems. Artists use this to enhance the sense of proximity of objects, deliberately painting them in warmer tones.

With the contrast of warm and cold, you can enhance the feeling of depth of space in landscape photography,
the contrast of warm and cold can be used to transmit dynamics.

A situation where distant objects are displayed in warmer colors in the frame can lead to dissonance.

  Contrast by the area of \u200b\u200bcolor spots:
  The principle of using color contrast over the area is that to enhance the sound of any color shade, it is used in less quantity. By changing the proportions of the colors in the frame, you can create a new color effect. In order to correctly determine the proportion, it must be borne in mind that the effect of color is determined not only by the occupied area, but also by other types of color contrast.

The lighter the color, the smaller should be its proportion to achieve the effect of contrast in area.

Here are approximate values \u200b\u200bof the degree of lightness of the basic unbleached colors of the rainbow on a ten-point scale: red - 6, orange - 8, yellow - 9, green - 6, blue - 7, blue - 4, purple - 3.

Harmonious combination is given by shades, the general perception of which corresponds to monochrome gray, however, to create a harmonious work, it is necessary to take into account both the color shade itself and the area it occupies.

For example, red and green are complementary colors. This means that their combination will be perceived as a hormonal neutral gamut if each color in the photo occupies an equal area, for the reason that the degree of lightness of both colors is approximately the same.

Otherwise, the situation is when using another combination of complementary colors - purple and orange. Since yellow is three times lighter than purple, to achieve a harmonious monochromatic effect, it is necessary to take three times less amount.

If we correlate red and green colors in a 1: 3 ratio, we get a completely different perception of the gamut of red and green, where the effect of the area of \u200b\u200bcolor spots will create a new effect.

Contrast of complementary colors:

  Unlike other types of contrast, this is manifested between specific pairs of shades - for each color there is a single color, additional to it. Two colors are called complementary, when mixed, they give a neutral tone. The theory of color harmony is based on the action of additional shades - the most harmonious is the combination of several shades, the general perception of which would correspond to a neutral tone.

  The contrast of complementary colors is one of the strongest, when using it, it is necessary to take into account not only psychology, but also the physiology of human perception of color. For example, looking at a one-color object will result in a sensation of complementary color in the field of view. This effect must be taken into account when composing color photographs.

  many thanks   Andrei Turtsevich  for such a lucid disclosure of the topic!

To start - organizational announcement   - I remind you that we have paid analysis of color type   . In the summer, I plan to add some points to the analysis, the second block (prints, jewelry, fabrics, etc.). Prices will also slightly change.

And now - most importantly - today I want to talk about color theory. Today I will tell you a terrible secret. There is one complimentary flower trickwhich not everyone knows. The overwhelming majority of image consultants have not heard about it at all, since too little time is allocated to the study of color. And what will be discussed today will be a strong deepening in the theory of color.
It seems to be well known that complementary colors  - these are those that are in the color wheel opposite each other.
Complementary colors reinforce each other and when mixed give a neutral gray color without shades.
If you use Itten’s usual 12 private circle, then, for example, the yellow amplifier will be purple

And now, let's see what enhances the brightness of yellow more? Violet or maybe blue violet? Which photo seems more color stable? Where does yellow look better?

As you can see, both combinations can be in nature, and therefore harmonious. But if we talk about the color that emphasizes yellow, that is, about that which is complimentary - then this is blue-lilac.
Look again

In fact,   if you mix lilac and yellow, gray will not work . And if you mix red with green, it will not work either. But if you mix the blue-lilac with yellow - it will work.
Why it happens?
The fact is that   Itten's 12-part circle, which is convenient for combining multiple colors with geometric patterns, does not work for complementary colors.  since it is ... approximate, not precise. The color spectrum is continuous, it can be divided into many parts, but let's see what color is opposite to yellow in a continuous color circle?
The red one is highlighted in the figure, but yellow can also be traced - opposite it is blue-lilac. and on the other hand lilac-yellow-green.

The fact is that the color space from red to yellow is less than from green to lilac, since the orange color in terms of pigments and in terms of radiation is not an independent color, but rather just a mixture of red and yellow.
Mansell's three-dimensional color tree is considered the most accurate representation of color. . Look, there is no orange in it, and there are only 10 colors.

Mansell believed that there are 5 primary colors and 5 additional, and the exact color circle should look like this.

And from the point of view of science, Mansell is right.
Mansell complimentary color pairs look like this:
red - turquoise ("blue-green"), red-violet - green, violet - yellow-green, blue-violet - yellow, blue - orange ("yellow-red").

Couple blue - orange   coincides with Mansell and Itten

This is how Mansell complimentary colors look red   and turquoise -

But   green   and red violet

purple   and yellow green

And finally   blue violet   from yellow

The result is more stable and interesting combinations, right?

Well, the question remains, why is it still the main circle for working with color - Itten's circle, and not the more accurate Munsell circle.
The fact of the matter is that Mansell himself had a dispute with one color researcher, a teacher named Henry Bailey. Henry agreed that, in theory, Munsell’s circle is correct. But he considered that it was extremely difficult to teach the color of anyone, except for the orange color, it was logically more difficult to explain the color circle of 10 parts. especially since psychologically we perceive this color as separate and very strong. Probably, based on similar considerations (although I can not say), itten's 12-part circle is mainly used everywhere. Moreover, itten’s circle is convenient for constructing geometric combinations that turn out to be quite harmonious and interesting. the only thing that Itten’s circle cannot handle is compliments — the distortion is somewhat noticeable. This is where we need the Munsell circle.  In other cases, according to the established tradition, I will refer to Itten's usual 12 private circle. Moreover, the main terminology is built specifically on the 12th private circle.