
Tasks C1–C4. Social science. Unified State Exam 2011

How to properly prepare for social studies:

  1. Constant practice is required.
    • Pay special attention to the Unified State Exam in Social Studies 2019. The demo version from FIPI will help you understand the structure of the ticket and understand the requirements. will guide you on what topics you need to study.
    • Prepared for the solution 10 training options with answers. They were developed by teachers based on a demo version.
    • The more tests are solved, the higher the preparedness will be, as the memorization mechanism is triggered. Don't be lazy to work on your mistakes. Solve online tests every week until you make mistakes. Registered users on the site can track statistics of solved tests.
  2. Manage your time correctly to solve practice tests to get the maximum number of points.
    • Tasks 1-3 and 10 are solved in 1-4 minutes;
    • Tasks 4-9 and 11-28 are given from 2 to 8 minutes;
    • Tasks 29 - 45 minutes.
  3. Work with text

      To complete standard tasks 21-24, skills in working with text information are important. When training to solve Unified State Exam tests in social studies online, pay attention to tasks that require not just extracting and reproducing the essence from the information sheet, but also interpretation, your own understanding of what was said or written, and the use of social science knowledge in the formulation.

      Task No. 29 (essay) includes 5 alternative tasks focused on writing an essay on one of 5 topics. Topics represent statements by famous public figures, as well as representatives of politics, science and culture. The task is traditionally considered the most difficult in CMMs.

      Helpful hint: To write a high-quality essay, you must be able to reveal the meaning of a judgment (statements, quotes), draw on the studied provisions of the social sciences, draw your own conclusions and elaborate with vivid examples.

Converting points to grades

  • 0-41 points - “unsatisfactory”;
  • 42-54 points - “three”;
  • 55-66 points – “good”;
  • 67 points and above - “excellent”.

The minimum is 42, and the maximum is 100.

The Unified State Exam test in social studies consists of:

  • Part 1– of 20 problems, with a short answer in the form of a word, several words or numbers. Half of the tasks are at the basic level, the other half are at the advanced level. The first part is worth 35 primary points.
  • Part 2– of 9 problems, with a detailed answer. Tasks 21 and 22 are basic, and from 23 to 29 are of increased complexity and are worth 30 points. Look with a detailed answer in social studies.


  • In 2019, the social studies exam will take 235 minutes (3 hours 55 minutes).
  • It is forbidden to take with you foreign objects (cheat sheets, smartphones, headphones, smart watches, etc.).
  • On the last day before the exam, review the material covered and review the solved options again.

Task 2 of the Unified State Exam in Society: how to solve

The difficulty of this task 2 of the Unified State Exam in social studies is that it requires you to find a generalizing word for a specified number of terms. A generalizing word is a generic term or concept that includes in its meaning the meanings of other concepts and terms. As in other Unified State Examination tasks on society, the topics of the tasks can be very different: social sphere, political, spiritual, etc.

Here, for example, is a task from a real Unified State Exam test in society:

It immediately becomes clear to intelligent boys and girls that the proposed words relate to the topic “Spiritual Sphere of Society”, namely to the topic of religion. If you find it difficult to answer right away, I recommend reading my previous post "" . Having read the terms for the most knowledgeable, it immediately becomes clear that there are only two options left for the answer: cult and religion. What will be more generalizing? A cult is the worship of something.

You can experiment by placing a broom in the corner of your room. And pray to him every day, talk to him... In a month this will be the most valuable item for you :). Create a cult of the broom. What is religion? This is a specific form of worldview, awareness of the world. It is clear that the concept of “religion” includes the concept of “cult,” since a worldview may include the worship of various deities. For example, paganism among the Eastern Slavs: some had the cult of Perun (the god of thunder and lightning), others had the cult of the god of swamps, etc.

Or, for example, Orthodox Christianity: there is the cult of Jesus Christ, there is the cult of the Holy Spirit, there is the cult of the Most Holy Theotokos... Got it?

OK. So the correct answer is: religion

Recommendation 2. You need to have a good knowledge of terms and concepts from various topics in social studies. Understand which terms are related to which ones, and which ones follow from them. For this purpose in my paid video course "Social studies: Unified State Exam 100 points " I have given the structure of terms for all topics of Social Science. I also highly recommend your article about.

Let's look at another task 2 of the Unified State Exam in social studies:

We immediately understand that task 2 of the Unified State Exam examines the topic Social Sphere. If you have forgotten the topic, download my free video course. If you don't do this, you will most likely make a mistake. Some people's logic is so crooked that it's simply brutal! Meanwhile, the correct answer: “agent of socialization” is a group or association that participates in an individual’s mastery of the rules and norms of society, as well as social roles. If you are not familiar with these terms, I again highly recommend downloading my free video course.

Recommendation 3. Be extremely careful! Solve tasks 2 of the Unified State Exam in social studies again and again to do this qualitatively on the machine. Here is an example of a similar task that is more difficult:

The theme “Science” from the spiritual sphere of society. By the way, I had a detailed article on this topic. People who are not very attentive will immediately make a mistake by indicating in the answer: classification basis, or theoretical validity. Between the correct answer: scientific knowledge , which includes different classifications and theoretical validity!

In the following posts we will definitely look at other difficult tasks on society, so !

I am attaching a couple of tasks for Unified State Examination 2 in society for you to decide:

The results of the 2010 Unified State Exam in social studies showed that reading and understanding texts is becoming a pressing problem for the subject. Indicators of completing tasks for analyzing and interpreting fragments of original texts containing information have become lower than in previous years.

How to work with text in an exam

1. Where to start working with text?

Before answering questions and completing tasks, read the text carefully. Direct answers to many questions are contained in the text itself.

It is important in the process of preliminary reading to clearly determine which content line of the social studies course the proposed text belongs to (“Society”, “Cognition”, “Spiritual Life of Society”, “Economic Sphere of Society”, “Social Relations”, “Politics” and “Law” This correlation is necessary because, as has been noted more than once, some tasks involve the use of contextual knowledge.

2. Is it necessary to determine the main idea of ​​the text?

Determine the main idea of ​​the text.

3. In what order should I answer the questions?

The general principle is simple - answer in the order in which they are presented in the work. It is sometimes impossible to complete the subsequent task if the answer to the previous question is not found.

4. How to understand for yourself- Should I look for the answer in the text or should I remember what was studied in class?

5. What to pay attention to when completing tasks?

read the assignment carefully;
understand what exactly is required for a successful response;
understand what parts the task consists of;
try to complete the entire task;
if you can only answer part of the task, be sure to write down the answer (each element of the answer is scored, an incomplete but correct answer will earn you extra points);
do not go beyond the scope of the question, do not try to write everything you know about the problem, do not evaluate the author’s opinion and do not try to express your point of view, unless this is directly provided for by the task;
try to illustrate your answer with specific facts;
Having formulated the answer, check its correctness.

The first task of four (C1) is aimed at identifying awareness of perception and accuracy of reproduction of information contained in the text. It is required to find and present in the answer the information contained in the text in the form in which it is given in the author's text. The second task (C2) is aimed at reproducing and interpreting information. The third task (C3) most often involves characterizing the text. This task involves the use of additional knowledge on the subject. The fourth task (C4) is aimed at using the knowledge obtained from the text in another situation. Tasks C3 and C4 are the most difficult. The reason for the difficulties is that graduates do not pay attention to the requirement to perform “based on the text.”

Example assignment

Text for tasks C1-C4.
The state in a market economy

All agents of the economy are united by a single market space of the country, where the same rules of the game are monitored and supported by special state institutions... The market itself is not able to support competition. Maintaining and stimulating competition in the economic sphere is the function of the state. By fighting monopoly and supporting competition, the state is both within the market model and outside it, guaranteeing the stability of the market system as a whole. Supporting stability plays no less a role than protecting competition. The favorable social climate in the country, the stability of the financial system, and... the expansion of the production of public goods - especially in the sphere of services, education, science, healthcare, culture, - the creation of a legal framework in the business sphere... Therefore, depend on the verified, active role of the relevant state institutions. Even in a theoretical market model, the state has a critical role - preserving the market system itself by expressing common, or public interests. No private business, no matter how gigantic it may reach, by its nature can ignore its own interests and shoulder the interests of the entire society. However, the state can only cope with such responsibilities if it is part of a democratic society. In such a society, along with the market mechanism, a democratic mechanism of voter control over the state apparatus has been established, and the judicial system provides legal protection to all citizens in accordance with the law.

(A. Porokhovsky)


C2. The author lists the socio-economic phenomena of society, which are directly dependent on the active role of the state in their regulation.
Name any three of them and illustrate one with an example.




C1. What three economic functions of the state in a market economy are named in the text?

The correct answer must contain the following items:
1) the socio-economic phenomena given in the text are named:
- favorable social climate in the country, stability of the financial system;
- expansion of production of public goods;
- creation of a legal framework in the financial sector.
2) one of the socio-economic phenomena is illustrated by an example, for example:
- adoption of the Civil Code (legal framework);
- fight against corruption (favorable social climate);
- reform of the education and health care systems (production of public goods).
Other examples may be given
Three phenomena are named, one is illustrated with an example 2
Three phenomena are named without an example OR two phenomena are named, one of them is illustrated by an example 1
Less than three phenomena are named without examples OR one phenomenon is named and illustrated with an example OR the answer is incorrect 0
Maximum score 2

C3. The author of the document emphasizes the role of the state in maintaining and developing competition. Based on the text and knowledge of the social studies course, provide three evidence of the importance of competition for a market economy.

Contents of the correct answer and instructions for assessment
(other wording of the answer is allowed that does not distort its meaning)
The answer may include the following items explaining the role of competition:
1) ensures freedom of market pricing;
2) creates conditions for the realization of the economic freedom of the producer, promoting the independence of the economic choice of the consumer;
3) stimulates improvement of the quality of goods and services produced;
4) stimulates reduction of production costs.
Other correct answers are possible.
Three positions indicated 3
Two positions indicated 2
One function specified 1
Wrong answer 0
Maximum score 3

C4. Different points of view are expressed on the issue of the relationship between a market economy and democracy. What position does the author take? Name the two arguments he gives and explain either of them with an example.

Contents of the correct answer and instructions for assessment
(other wording of the answer is allowed that does not distort its meaning)
The correct answer must contain the following elements:
1) the author’s opinion is given: only in a democratic society can the state ensure the functioning of a market economy;
2) two arguments are given, for example:
in a democratic society
- a mechanism for voter control over the state apparatus has been established;
- the judicial system provides legal protection to citizens.
3) an example is given as an explanation, let’s say:
- an entrepreneur can go to court with a claim about the illegality of the actions of the city department in relation to his enterprise;
- voters can demand from their MP a report on his voting on economic issues.
Other arguments and other examples may be given
The author's point of view is indicated, two arguments are named, one example is given 3
The author's point of view is indicated, two arguments are named, an example is not given, OR the author's point of view is indicated, one argument is named and one example is given OR the author's point of view is clearly not given, two arguments and one example are given 2
The author's point of view is indicated, an argument is given without an example OR the author's point of view is indicated, an example is given, there are no arguments OR the author's point of view is clearly not given, two arguments are given, there is no example OR the author's point of view is not clearly indicated, one argument and an example are given 1
The author's point of view is indicated, but the argument and example are not given, OR the answer is incorrect. 0
Maximum score 3
Used materials:
1. Demonstration version of control measurement materials of the unified state exam in social studies.
2. Lazebnikova A.Yu. Social science. Unified State Exam: collection of tasks: methodological guide for preparing for the exam / A.Yu. Lazebnikova, M.Yu. Brandt. – 3rd ed., revised. and additional – M.: Publishing house “Exam”, 2010.
3. Rutkovskaya E.L., Kotova O.A., Liskova T.E. Excellent student in the Unified State Exam. Social science. Solving complex tasks/FIPI. – M: .Intellect – Center, 2010.

Do you know that part C will give you almost half the points on the Unified State Exam in social studies? On the Unified State Exam, you will count every point, therefore, no matter how difficult the written tasks are, they must be solved. Let's try to outline the main recommendations of Unified State Exam experts on Part C?

But the most difficult thing at the Unified State Exam 2016 will not be, but your struggle with emotions, insufficient time, and your own gaps in knowledge. Preparation for the Unified State Exam is entering a decisive phase; do not forget to use ALL opportunities for the most effective and accelerated preparation and repetition of the material.

Part C of the Unified State Exam in Social Studies - structure

“What is more difficult is better,” said the great Aristotle. In relation to part C of the Unified State Exam in social studies, this is absolutely true. If each task in Part A, and some of the tasks in Part B, will only bring you 100% on the Unified State Exam, then in Part C you can count on a grade from 2 to 5 right away!

So, half of your USE result depends on completing Part C! Meanwhile, even the simplest of the tasks in Part C - C1, C2 - cause difficulties for graduates. But their meaning is a simple contextual search in a social science text. That is, you just need to correctly select the desired author’s idea from the text.

Part C consists of 9 tasks, which are divided into 4 large blocks.

  • C1-C4 - work with social science text, search for information presented in explicit and implicit form, your own commentary on the author’s judgments based on knowledge of courses and social practice.
  • C5, C8 - tasks of a theoretical nature, where there is practically no need to use examples from the surrounding reality, and the emphasis is on the ability to present the knowledge of a social studies course in a structured manner.
  • C6-C7 - tasks on applying theoretical knowledge in practice, solving problems and giving examples.

We have already dedicated our posts separately to tasks, and a separate section to writing essays in social studies, which our group’s subscribers enjoy using

The published FIPI “METHODOLOGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ASSESSING COMPLETION OF USE TASKS WITH DETAILED ANSWER” will help us. We will devote another separate post to the analysis of essay C9 using FIPI recommendations, and today we will discuss the remaining 8 tasks.

Analysis of part C of the Unified State Exam in social studies 2013

A few words about the methodology of working with social science text:

1. Read the entire text, highlight its main problem (what is it about?). In this case it is ensuring the constitutional right of a citizen of the Russian Federation to judicial protection.

2. We work with the text in the KIM (assignment form). As a rule, C1 and C2 can be completely excerpted from the text, sometimes with minor revision. Like this, for example:

3. That is, without wasting time on rewriting the answer into a draft (remember that working with part C requires a lot of time), we prepare ready-made answers for ourselves to rewrite into a clean copy.

So, here are the answers of a graduate seriously preparing for the Unified State Exam in social studies:

C1.1) Speech The text talks about the constitutional right to judicial protection.
2) The main condition for the implementation of this right is the opportunity for every citizen to find out how, where and on what issue to turn. Ensuring information accessibility of the court.

Maximum per task - 2 points.

C2.1) According to the author, the problem with the complaints procedure is a number of rules that objectively limit access to justice.
2) The restriction is that we will accept complaints only on arbitrarily designated “complaint acceptance” days.
3) Complaints can be filed only after personal consultation with a judge or only after checking documents not provided for by law.
4) Only federal laws can introduce restrictions of this kind.

And again the maximum for the task is - 2 points. But, there are some notes on the design. The problem and its two manifestations are identified. But the last part of the question is not clearly highlighted. Better:

— The role of federal laws in solving the problem of the complaint procedure is that only they can introduce restrictions of this kind.

One more note. Each USE expert checks more than a dozen papers. Naturally, the eye gets blurred, so I recommend clearly writing out the answer to the task, repeating its conditions, especially if several questions are asked for one task.

C3. Conditions for unimpeded access to courts by persons with disabilities include:
1) Providing assistance in moving from home to courts (special social services providing a vehicle (social service car with driver or taxi))
2) Installation of convenient ramps at the entrance to court buildings
3) Convenient elevators and doorways inside court buildings
4) Sound equipment for the blind in court buildings, vehicles, pedestrian crossings.
5) Equipping the metro with convenient ramps and elevators
6) Equipping ground transport with convenient entry into wheelchairs, sound equipment for the blind.

C4. Information accessibility of the court and openness of court hearings guarantees respect for the rights of citizens since: 1) The verdict and decision of the court are publicly announced. This provides an opportunity for public discussion, media coverage, filing complaints if necessary on the part of citizens, or other expressions of dissatisfaction (meetings, rallies).
2) The openness of the meeting guarantees the equality of everyone before the law and the court
3) Elimination of the possibility of falsification and distortion of the court case during the trial.
4) Elimination of biased attitude on the part of the judge, prosecutor or lawyer towards the defendant, plaintiff or witnesses.

Let's note the exhaustive and brilliant answers. Understanding of the text, knowledge of legal theory, and understanding of social reality are demonstrated. This, in contrast to tasks C1-C2 (basic level), tasks of an advanced level, each correctly completed task is scored 3 points.

For the correct C3 and C4 maximum 6 points. Total for text C1-C4 maximum 10 points.

C5.Social progress is the process of development of society from simpler to more complex, from lower to higher.

1) Society is a dynamic self-developing system, which inevitably leads to social progress
2) The idea of ​​social progress arose by analogy with the development of nature
3) Social progress is contradictory, since improvement in one area can lead to deterioration or complete extinction of another area. progress for one segment of the population may be negative for another.
4) The criteria for social progress are the development of science, technology, the sophistication of culture, law, education, medicine, etc.

Let us immediately note that in this format this year, it is specified in terms of two complementary proposals. But there are very big doubts about this answer C5; with the current (extremely specific) form of asking questions on complementary sentences, a maximum of 1 point would be received for a correct definition. Suggestions would be here didn't count, since it would be unclear what is being specified at all.

And yet, they ask you to make two sentences, and the answer is 4. Here exactly 2 are required!

And in Part C of the Unified State Exam there are no abbreviations, especially etc. NOT ALLOWED!

Let's say 1 point for the task.

Here is the graduate's response:

C6. Ways to combat unemployment:
1) Organization of public works (landscaping and improvement of parks, squares, playgrounds)
2) Lending and subsidizing small businesses so that people show their entrepreneurial abilities, create work for themselves and additional jobs. (issuance of loans by banks to open a business at a lower interest rate)
3) Creation of schools and courses for retraining workers (creation of accounting courses, courses in scripting languages, etc.)

1. At the request of the local employment service, the department of housing and communal services of the town of M. allocated an additional 2 places for employing unemployed citizens to work as a street landscaper.

Here is what the FIPI methodological recommendations on this matter look like:

Therefore, for this answer the expert will give 0 points.

Alumni response:

C7. This is a social phenomenon - Socialization of the individual.
1) Parents (mother, father, grandmother, grandfather) have the greatest influence on the primary socialization of the child. In the secondary - school, university, teachers, professors.
2) People who are in authority with a particular person also influence the socialization of the individual.
3) Example: The child remembers how family members communicate with each other and does things by analogy with them.
The student accepts the opinion of a professor he respects on a particular topic.

In general, the task itself implies that you must know at a high level what an agent of socialization is and what an institution of socialization is. These are subjects. In this answer, all the arguments are put “in a heap”... Honestly, experts would argue further in this situation, but you would receive at least 1 point for the example. Two subjects ask, write:
1. Parents.
6. Functions of the state

b) Protection of the territory of the state
c) Representation of the state in the international arena (political, economic)

In the variant, there really was a voluminous question for the plan. The logic behind constructing the graduate's answer is correctly understood, but there are some inaccuracies at the end.

Very confusing again etc. at the end of the plan. Moreover, at the beginning of this point a) Economic and social problems … What is this? this is not a function. These are problems. The point would definitely be taken off, since this item is in the plan task.

2 points for answer.

How to solve part C of the Unified State Exam in social studies?

A few summaries from the disassembled version. We checked it without an essay, we will immediately take this into account when calculating points (- 5 points, this is the maximum for C9).

Out of the maximum possible 22 points, 15 points were scored. That's quite a lot. If you combine this with 17 points for Part A and 11 for Part B, you get (that's almost 67 points). That is, the graduate claims a high level of Unified State Examination scores. I recommend that you continue this work in our group.

You will need

  • - access to the Internet.


History is not just a collection of facts that need to be memorized. She is very logical. Of course, names, dates, names of princes and emperors will simply have to be learned, but otherwise everything can be divided into blocks, which will make learning much easier. For example: politics, social sphere, culture, war.

In each point of each paragraph of the textbook there are a couple of important facts and there are details, often unnecessary and confusing, or presented in such a way that it is simply impossible to remember them. Forget about them for a while. Imagine that New Year is coming soon and that you are collecting and decorating an artificial Christmas tree. First you need to assemble the tree itself, i.e. attach the “paws” to the “trunk”, then wrap it in a garland of light bulbs, and only after that hang the toys. So: do not try to hang toys if the tree has not yet been assembled! The period of the reign of Alexander II, for example, was all about the abolition of serfdom, judicial, zemstvo and military reforms, and then the number of attempts on his life and the construction of the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood on the spot where he was mortally wounded.

Helpful advice

Talk to those who took the Unified State Exam in history last year. What were the questions that they found difficult?
Make contact with your history teacher. He works to help you. Surely he knows and can recommend good teaching aids.
If the story doesn't give in to your mercy, talk to your parents about a tutor. It is better to spend money on a tutor than to enroll in a university next year or choose a less prestigious university.

Despite the fact that social studies is a very easy subject, passing it as part of the unified state exam is very difficult. And getting a score of 100 points on an exam generally seems like an impossible task. However, getting 100 points on the Unified State Exam in social studies is absolutely possible.

You will need

  • - four hours of free time daily for 2-3 weeks;
  • - perseverance and diligence;
  • - 2-3 books on social studies by various authors;
  • - necessary legal acts in the current version;
  • - access to the Internet.


Your best friends in the near future should be patience and perseverance. Social studies is a subject, but the amount of information that you need to know in order to successfully pass the Unified State Exam is large, so you will have to work hard to eliminate gaps in knowledge. If you devote four hours a day to preparation, then in 2-3 weeks you will study the entire course of this subject. But you will have to concentrate as much as possible on assimilating the information so as not to re-read the same material several times.

Make short cheat sheets. This way you will consolidate and summarize the entire array of information. You may not have to use them, but in the process of writing them you will additionally repeat the most important things from the entire course. If you are too lazy to make cheat sheets, you can highlight the main points of each paragraph in the book with a pencil - re-read it, and then carefully erase the pencil with an eraser.

Don't limit yourself to one book - use 2-3 textbooks from different authors. Why is this necessary? There are so many lawyers, so many opinions. Social science the structure of the state and society, by authors with. On just one topic: “What comes first: the state or society?” There are several hypotheses that you need to know. If you prepare for the Unified State Exam using only one book, your knowledge will be limited to the opinion of one specific person on a particular issue. But during the exam you may come across some very tricky questions and it is simply necessary to have material for reasoning.

Since the subject studies state legal issues, and books often contain references to articles of a particular law, you should familiarize yourself with the legislation currently in force in the Russian Federation. Only with the basic documents necessary for successfully passing the exam. To pass the Unified State Exam, you will need to study the Constitution, Civil and Criminal Codes of the Russian Federation. If it is not possible to buy them, the Internet will help you, where you will find the necessary regulations.

Video on the topic

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  • Unified State Examination in social studies points

In order to successfully pass a history test with 100 points, thorough preparation is required. You can attend classes with a tutor - in this case, the chances of passing the exam with flying colors increase. But what about someone who does not have the means for additional classes? Here you can only rely on your own strength and prepare yourself for the Unified State Exam on your own.


Purchase additional literature to prepare for the Unified State Exam. Don't buy the first textbooks you come across. It’s better to carefully study them in the store - whether the information is in clear language, what year of issue you are holding in your hands, whether the authors clearly explain the solution, whether all the material is collected in the book. Only after the manual satisfies all your requirements, feel free to buy it.

Solve the suggested tests daily. You may come across some familiar questions and you will be able to answer them with ease. When analyzing your answers, focus on the incorrect ones. Don’t be lazy to work on your mistakes so you don’t make them again. Memorize dates, definitions, facts - you will definitely remember them at the Unified State Exam. If for some reason you have not studied for several days, try to repeat the material you have already covered, at least briefly, to “refresh” the information in your memory.

Make cheat sheets. It’s not a fact that you will take them with you on . But you will remember what you wrote down. Write down the dates that will definitely appear in the tests. Don't forget to include the names of famous people who contributed to history. Pay special attention to definitions, since Part B focuses on terms. Part C suggests more of an answer. Therefore, read as much as possible to be able to navigate, even if you come across a difficult question.

During the year, try to participate in school competitions in science - this will be a wonderful help for passing the Unified State Exam in the subject with excellent marks. Don’t be lazy to visit the library if you don’t have some material at home.

Video on the topic


  • pass the exam for 100

Social studies remains the most popular subject taken by schoolchildren as their final exam. Unified State Examination results in social studies are required for admission to law, sociology and many other humanities faculties. In order to successfully pass this test, you need to seriously prepare for it.

You will need

  • - textbooks on social studies;
  • - regulatory documents of the Russian Federation;
  • - sheets of paper;
  • - pen.


The mistake of many graduates is that they consider social studies an easy subject that will not be difficult to pass. Do not leave studying the material until the last days before the exam, since a high score can only be obtained by carefully studying a large amount of information. Start preparing at least a month before the Unified State Exam.

The social studies curriculum consists of five different subjects: economics, law, sociology, political science and philosophy, each of which contains its own basic concepts and terms. When preparing for the Unified State Exam, you cannot limit yourself to one school textbook. Select several reputable publications by professional authors that provide different points of view on a particular problem.

In addition to educational literature, when preparing for the exam, carefully study the main legal documents of the Russian Federation (Constitution of the Russian Federation, Civil and Criminal Codes). These legislative acts can be easily found in any library or on the Internet.

To successfully complete the test part of the Unified State Exam, you need to familiarize yourself in detail with the basic concepts of the course, and learn some by heart. Connect motor and visual memory to the memorization process. This can be done by making small cheat sheets. On pieces of paper, write down key terms, key names, and dates. This will make it easier to structure and generalize, and subsequently repeat a large amount of material. It’s not worth taking these cheat sheets for the exam itself, they will only distract from the main thing.

The greatest difficulty on the Unified State Exam is usually writing an essay. It is important that it formulates the main idea (thesis), when revealed, you will be able to maximally demonstrate the depth and quality of your knowledge on the subject. This cannot be achieved without regular training in writing such works.

Preparation for the Unified State Exam

Passing the Unified State Exam will be easy if all the tasks are familiar and the student does not “float” in terms and dates. Therefore, you should prepare for the exam in advance, and not on the last day. Find a time that is convenient for you - you can study every day for thirty minutes, or three times a week for an hour or more. It all depends on your fatigue and readiness to perceive repeated material. These sessions should be rewarding and you should be retaining the information rather than just skimming it.
Remember dates as they are important parts of learning history. If you have a bad memory for numbers, then use the association method. Relate them to dates that are important to you.
Remember dates as they are important parts of learning history. If you have a bad memory for numbers, then use the association method. Relate them to dates that are important to you.

History assignments

Purchase special textbooks to prepare for the Unified State Exam in history. Remember the tasks and answers to them that are offered there. Spend sufficient time on each question. Take notes on important terms and dates. If necessary, you can quickly find the information you need, and writing it down on paper helps you remember better.
The manuals should be purchased “fresh”, that is, from the year in which you will take the exam, taking into account all changes and amendments. Give preference to those manuals that contain the most complete answers.
The manuals should be purchased “fresh”, that is, from the year in which you will take the exam, taking into account all changes and amendments. Give preference to those manuals that contain the most complete answers.

Behavior during the exam

Don't answer at random if you don't remember the correct answer. Try to reproduce the material covered in your memory. You will definitely remember something related to this topic. Think logically. There are not many options, so choosing the right one will not be difficult.

Tip 7: How to effectively take notes to prepare for the Unified State Exam

In order to prepare well for the Unified State Exam, in addition to memorization, you need to effectively write notes for good memorization of the material. To do this you need to follow certain rules. They consist mainly in highlighting the main thing from the general.

What to write down and how to highlight the main thing

So, we decided that we need to highlight the main thing from the general. How to do this? First, highlight key words throughout the text or lecture; they will guide you. Keywords will also protect you from recording unnecessary, superfluous information. Secondly, find sentences that are related to these keywords, write them down, so your text will begin to come together. Third, find all the definitions that appear in the text. And fourthly, ask all the questions that may arise when reading the topic title. The answers to these questions are precisely the main thing in the recorded information.

Once you have highlighted everything, compose a logically coherent text, reducing it to the minimum. Enter and use abbreviations of words, as they will help reduce the amount of text, which is better for comprehension and memorization. Do not miss a single definition, because they are the basis of the outline. Whenever possible, create tables and lists.

How to write a summary

It has long been known that the design of the text plays no less important role than the informative content, as it makes it easier to remember. So, in order to effectively prepare your notes, divide the page into parts: below and , you will thus have 3 blocks. Write all the main information in the center, write down all the terms and definitions that appeared in the text at the bottom, and make drawings or diagrams on the side. This way of dividing the page will help you better navigate it, find the information you need, and also teach. In this case, pictures will help you remember the material based on associations and images, and tables and lists will help you organize it.

The next thing to remember when taking notes is to use different colored pens and markers, which should also be used to highlight different topics and definitions. You can associate certain colors with the type of information being highlighted, for example, highlight definitions in red, topics in black, diagrams, etc., so it will be easier for you to navigate through the text.

Do not forget to highlight the definitions by retreating a few cells before and after it. This is done because continuous text is very difficult to remember.

This kind of note-taking will help you easily, quickly, effectively remember and write down the material, and highlight the general things from it. Perhaps this method is suitable not only for preparing for the Unified State Exam, but also in everyday life.