
What does the name Liana mean for a girl? Name Liana: origin, meaning, name day, influence of the name on the character and destiny of a person

The meaning of the name Liana has not yet been thoroughly studied. There are several versions of the origin of this name, each of which has the right to exist. Some experts in onomastics (the science that deals with the study of proper names) believe that the name Liana came to us from the Greek language, while others argue that it has Scandinavian roots. In any case, it does not exist either in the Orthodox or Catholic calendars. In Orthodoxy, the day named after Lian is often celebrated on April 5, the day of the Holy Great Martyr Lydia of Illaria.

Representatives of the fair sex, girls who bear the name Liana, since childhood They are distinguished by their sociability and sociability. They easily make new acquaintances, as they always feel confident and excess attention from others does not bother them at all.

At school girls named Liana are able to quickly establish contact with both peers and teachers, but they are characterized by a degree of narcissism, which often pushes other people away from them.

  • Parents of such children have to make a lot of efforts so that excessive narcissism does not lead to sad results.
  • She is a very purposeful person and studies come quite easily to her.
  • However, very often, despite his ability in the humanities and exact sciences, he chooses a creative path for himself and begins to realize his potential in art.
  • He usually draws well, has a sense of rhythm and an ear for music.


As for health, those with the name Liana usually have high immunity and rarely get sick. Their health is good, and their physical characteristics are quite suitable for taking up some kind of sport: figure skating, gymnastics, track and field athletics.

Personal life

The nature is very secretive. She can trust few people with her spiritual secrets and almost always prefers to deal with personal problems exclusively on her own.

Women named Liana are very demanding of themselves; in particular, they are sensitive to their appearance, always trying to look perfect, which, in turn, attracts members of the opposite sex to them.

These ladies know their worth and look very carefully at their future chosen ones.


She cannot imagine her life without beautiful courtship from men, without flirting and coquetry. However, despite the apparent ease of communicating with Liana, not everyone can build a serious relationship with this woman.

The fact is that a lady named Liana is very afraid of getting bogged down in family life.

Pots and diapers are not for her, however, Liana does not at all strive for career growth.

The best option for her is to find a man who will accept her with all her weaknesses and whims and provide her with a decent life.

Liana’s character, the origin of whose name is shrouded in mystery, is also incomprehensible to many and is a mystery to them. This is especially true for men. She is jealous and at the same time prone to flirting, she is secretive and at the same time sociable. Only those who can understand the complex nature of this woman can become a worthy life partner for her.


Liana-Gabriela Ungur (Romanian professional tennis player)

Despite the fact that most women named Liana strive to get married successfully, if they decide to improve their career, they take it on with special zeal.

  • Such ladies are capable of much to achieve their goals; they, as they say, “go over their heads”, not really taking into account the opinions of others.
  • Since Liana always strives to be visible, her bosses notice her very often, and it is thanks to this that she reaches the top of the career ladder.

Compatibility with other names

The name Liana is compatible with:, Hilarion. They will be able to perceive Liana’s complex character quite calmly, and by marrying such a man, Liana will feel confident and protected.

A woman's relationship with her doesn't work out named Liana with Fedor, Konstantin and Yaroslav. Also, a connection with Edgar or Renat does not bode well.

A woman named Liana will be able to make someone happy who completely devotes himself to a relationship, since she is very jealous and does not tolerate being given little attention.

The most popular version of the etymology (origin) of the name Liana is associated with the name of the plant of the same name. Translated into Russian by the adjectives “thin”, “slender”, “young”. Some researchers consider this name to be French, derived from Elaine (a variant of the name Elena). In translation, it is given the meaning “woven”, “bright”, “nimble”, “catchy”, “brilliant”, “light”. The assumption of a connection between the name Liana and the proper names Yulia, Ulyana, Vitalina, Emiliana and others is considered possible, but linguistically unfounded.

Character traits

The name Liana contains the character traits of a strong person. Such a woman is active, persistent, rational, self-confident. She is endowed with spatial imagination and mathematical abilities. This is an inventive person prone to risk. She has a difficult character and ambitious plans.

As a child, Liana prefers solitude, does not like noisy companies, and refuses to attend kindergarten. Parents understand their daughter’s character and try in every possible way to help her establish social contact. The girl studies well at school. He spends a lot of time on independent studies and in-depth study of precise subjects. In adult life, he focuses on his career and professional success. Ignores communication orientation. She is always interested in the specific or final result of the work.

The secret of the name is that Liana always focuses on the present tense. For her, action and solving everyday problems come first. Behind them are abstract problems and complex questions. She is very mercantile. For the sake of success, he will not be ashamed to step over moral principles. Possessing a wonderful sense of humor and excellent intelligence, he manages to avoid showdowns, participation in squabbles (quarrels over petty intrigues) and gossip. For this, she is appreciated at work and even forgives her more “severe sins.”

Interests and hobbies

Liana's best friends are beautiful and expensive things, good music, and her favorite Internet. The girl is interested in archaeological excavations, engineering discoveries, enthusiastically reads technical literature, can repair a car engine and please her colleagues with a new innovation proposal. She is able to restore and repair any thing if it is of interest or necessary. She independently furnishes a country house and makes repairs in the apartment. She likes people who are into physically dangerous sports.

Profession and business

The owner named Liana is an irreplaceable person in production. She knows almost all complex working professions. Always becomes successful by managing mechanisms, machines, and equipment. Has aptitude for military affairs. Can make an excellent career in law enforcement, jewelry, working as an engineer, designer or pilot.


Liana needs to constantly be on the move, play sports, and not admire the achievements of others on TV. The development of atherosclerosis in adulthood is caused by excess weight, stress, cholesterol and a sedentary lifestyle.

Sex and love

The owner of the name Liana is a proud and secretive person. But if you don’t know this, then the erudite, silent and slightly ironic lady attracts the attention of many representatives of the stronger sex. In addition, such a person always feels more comfortable in male society. She does not accept stereotypes and believes that any woman should be smart, because there should be no dumb girls. She is looking for a partner who is capable of being not only a lover, but also a person who is able to appreciate and understand her as a person. Sex and love are inseparable concepts for her.

Family and marriage

Liana gets married late. She knows the price of freedom and independence. He doesn’t quit his job after marriage. May give birth to twins. She adores children, but without the help of her spouse it is difficult to adapt, take on the role of mother, and find the language of communication with the kids. It is rare to agree to a divorce, even if complex problems arise. In the family, the interests of children come first.

What is the meaning and origin of the name Liana? The answer to this question is of interest to parents who are thinking about naming their daughter this way. This information will also be useful to the owners of the name. So, where did the melodic and feminine name come from, what does it mean, what influence does it have on the fate of its owner, her character? You can read about all this in the article.

What is the meaning and origin of the name Liana

So where to start? First of all, you should understand the meaning and origin of the name Liana. Unfortunately, linguists have not come to a consensus on this issue. Disputes on this topic are still ongoing.

The most popular version indicates that the name was formed from the name of the plant of the same name. “Thin”, “slender” - this is how it sounds translated from Latin.

There is another version about the nationality, origin and meaning of the name Liana. Some researchers believe that it has French roots. The name is implied to come from Elaine. “Bright”, “brilliant”, “light”, “catchy”, “nimble” - this is how it is translated into our language.

In childhood

Parents who plan to name their daughter this way are interested in the meaning of the name Liana for a girl. Its owner grows up as an energetic, optimistic and sociable child. The baby easily gets along with people and makes friends. Liana is constantly in the spotlight and can grow narcissistic and vain.

It is unlikely that the owner of the name will have problems at school. Liana is a good student and has a penchant for creative activities. A child can be interested in drawing, singing, playing musical instruments, and dramatic art.

Criticism is something that Liana extremely disapproves of. She doesn't like to hear about her shortcomings. She also doesn't like it when people try to compare her to others. There is no point in controlling this girl. She remembers all her responsibilities and copes with them perfectly. She is one of the children who reminds their parents about upcoming meetings at school.

In youth

The above tells about the meaning of the name Liana for a girl. What does its owner become like in her youth? Liana is cheerful and charming, easily charming people. It's hard to resist her smile. Those around her often admire her, which leads to the development of such qualities as narcissism and capriciousness.

Liana easily becomes the life of any company and is almost always surrounded by fans. Hardly anyone can guess what is on this girl’s mind. She always acts unpredictably.

As an adult

What does the owner of the name Liana become as an adult? The meaning of the name and the fate of its owner are still connected by inextricable threads. And in adulthood, she retains the ability to please people, sociability, and the desire to be in the center of attention. Liana easily uses her charm for selfish purposes.

The mood of the woman whose name is that is constantly changing. She is unlikely to discuss her emotions with anyone. Liana is sociable and easily finds a common language with everyone, but does not let anyone into her soul. Her secrecy hides excessive vulnerability. This lady has an extremely negative attitude towards comments addressed to her, but skillfully hides this under a mask of indifference.

Liana is a good worker. She is conscientious, efficient, and decent. Thanks to her intelligence, talents and sociability, the owner of the name can build a brilliant career.

Positive sides

The owner of the name Liana, the origin and meaning of which is discussed in the article, has many advantages. She has a kind heart, prompting her to always come to the aid of those who pray for her. Inner decency does not allow Liana to treat people meanly.

Liana is a person in whose company it is easy to forget about your problems. She is optimistic, friendly, sociable. This woman knows how to infect with her fun.

Negative sides

Of course, the owner of the name consists of more than just merits. The downside of Liana is her tendency to be rude. Close people especially often suffer from it. A woman should treat her family with more love.

Also, one cannot fail to mention Liana’s jealousy. If someone takes away her admirer, she will certainly take revenge. Also, problems for the owner of the name are often caused by her curiosity. If she learns about the existence of some secret, she will certainly want to unravel it.

Prudence, vanity, arrogance are perhaps Liana’s main shortcomings. She should definitely fight these sides of her character.


The meaning of the name Liana, the character and fate of its owner are all connected. First of all, it should be mentioned that this name has a core. Liana is a proud, firm and strong-willed nature, the owner of developed intuition. She easily achieves what she wants. Liana does this not with the help of whims. She is ready to work to achieve the goals she sets for herself.

Liana is not one of those who likes to leave things halfway. If she has started some work, she will certainly bring it to the end. A woman is distinguished by rationality, but she is not without some inclination towards adventurism. She can achieve outstanding success in the field of television.


In an article devoted to the meaning and origin of the name Liana, it is impossible not to briefly talk about the health of its owner. This woman acquires high vitality from birth. She has good immunity, thanks to which she rarely gets sick. Liana has excellent inclinations for sports; she has every chance to succeed in this area.

Of course, the owner of the name also has certain weaknesses. She is too emotional when it comes to failure. Liana's experiences can lead to a nervous breakdown. It is important that she has people around her who are ready to listen and support at any moment.

Career, business

Liana, even as a child, begins to gravitate towards creative activities. It is possible that she will choose an appropriate profession for herself. However, what matters most to her is prestige. This is what prompts the owner of the name to choose work in the field of economics, politics, and law.

Liana is a careerist to the core. She makes every effort to quickly climb the career ladder. At the slightest success, she strives to attract the attention of her superiors. Sometimes this woman steps over people, uses lies and cunning to get what she wants.

Marriage, family

What else can you tell about the meaning of the name, the character of its owner? This woman is in no hurry to get married. It is important for her to remain independent as long as possible; she is afraid of getting bogged down in everyday life.

Liana is trying to find a man who can satisfy all her needs. If the guy meets her high requirements, then she can become his caring wife. In the family, Liana strives for the role of leader, which may not suit her husband. You should not hope that she will choose the fate of a submissive housewife.

Liana loves her children, but does not strive to raise them. She gladly shifts this responsibility onto the nanny’s shoulders.

Love, sex

Feminine and attractive - this is how you can describe Liana in a nutshell. Is it any wonder that this girl always has a lot of fans. There are many men in Liana’s life, which she does not try to hide.

Liana is a woman prone to jealousy. If someone tries to take her man away, he will bitterly regret it. This lady becomes very virtuoso when it is necessary to develop a plan for revenge.

Interests, hobbies

What can you tell about the hobbies of the owner of the melodious and tender name Liana? All her life she loves her appearance and devotes a lot of time to improving it. It is extremely important for Liana to achieve an ideal figure, have impeccable makeup and clothes. This woman knows how to attract attention to her advantages. It easily masks disadvantages or passes them off as advantages. It’s interesting that Liana evaluates those around her depending on how they look and dress. This habit has repeatedly created serious problems for her, but she does not want to give it up.

Liana, of course, can be carried away not only by herself and her appearance. Drawing, music, sports, dancing - it’s hard to imagine what her hobbies will be. It is impossible not to mention that the girl easily gives up a business that has ceased to interest her. She does not complete many of her undertakings.

Name day

The name Liana does not appear in either the Orthodox or Catholic calendars. Accordingly, name days are not provided. They can be celebrated according to their actual birthday.

Full name:

Similar names: Liliana, Lilia, Lianne, Julia, Juliana, Eliana, Heliana, Emiliana, Emiliana, Vitaliana

Church name: -

Meaning: bright, shiny, light

Meaning of the name Liana - interpretation

Information about the origin of the common female name Liana in Armenia is contradictory. Some sources associate it with the Latin word “lilium”, translated meaning “lily flower”. According to other sources, it is translated as “slender” or “thin.” A number of interpreters attribute to it Greek origin and the meaning of “sad news.”

Name Liana in other languages

Years later

The baby with this name is growing up as a joyful, energetic and sociable child. A sweet and smiling girl easily makes friends and gets along with teachers. She does not suffer from lack of attention and often becomes vain and narcissistic.

Liana is a good student and shows and develops her creative talents early. She has a good sense of rhythm, an ear for music, and drawing abilities. Because of her inexhaustible creative inspiration, the girl even signs up for classes on her own and diligently improves her skills.

The girl is sensitive to criticism. She doesn’t like it when someone is set as an example for her, or even worse, when she is compared to someone. However, even in such a situation, the girl will contain her discontent and resolutely continue to improve herself.

The owner of the name retains her artistry, pride, desire to stand out and sociability into adulthood. He uses his ability to please people both for positive purposes and for selfish interests.

Her mood often changes, which often complicates the life of a changeable person. Liana’s sociability is enviable; she finds a topic for conversation with any interlocutor. But she doesn’t open her soul; her secrecy hides her excessive vulnerability. She does not consider it necessary to expose her feelings and problems to the general public. A woman reacts very emotionally to comments addressed to her. However, she will not even show that unpleasant emotions are raging in her soul.

She is conscientious, decent and efficient in her work. Her broad intelligence helps her achieve success in the professional field and quickly find solutions to problems.

Liana's character

Lianas sometimes behave and dress vulgarly, but this does not interfere with the disposition of those around them. In the company of a friendly and sociable optimist, one’s own problems are forgotten, she is inexhaustible with jokes and infects with fun.

Thanks to a kind heart and deep inner decency, a woman is not capable of acting basely and is often the object of intrigue and gossip from envious people. Women with this name are characterized by high intelligence, willpower and intuition.

One of her negative qualities is excessive rudeness towards loved ones, especially towards her own children. She should show more love to her family.

She is spoiled by jealousy and the desire for revenge in amorous matters. Among Liana's other shortcomings, it is worth noting her curiosity, which often causes problems. A high opinion of herself, vanity and prudence repel others from her.

Liana's fate

There is a core in the name Liana; she is a strong-willed and proud nature with good intuition. This combination helps her get everything she wants, but not through whims, but through her dedicated work. She knows the value of her person and will not allow anyone to humiliate her.

A woman does not quit halfway, but always brings it to the end, and this is the secret of her successful destiny. A methodical and rational lady is not without a certain amount of adventurism. Liana achieves great success in the field of television, working as a screenwriter or TV presenter.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Liana often chooses a specialty related to her creative abilities. She is a careerist and, in order to achieve professional success, is able to step over people, resort to cunning and lies.

She may also be attracted to prestigious work in law, politics, or economics. The owner of the name strives to be in sight of her superiors, and she manages to easily move up the career ladder.

Marriage and family

The owner of the name is in no hurry to get married; she chooses her spouse meticulously and for a long time. She is afraid of losing her independence, getting bogged down in everyday problems. In her understanding, a man is obliged to provide for all needs, and Liana is looking for a suitable candidate. If the chosen one meets her high requirements, the girl becomes a good wife and caring mother.

She strives to take a leadership position in the family, which does not always suit her husband. The fate of a submissive housewife is not for her. She loves children, but not fanatically, and happily entrusts their upbringing to a nanny.

Sex and love

Attractive and feminine Liana is liked by men; there are many of them in her life. But the heroine’s soul remains a mystery to her partner; there is always understatement in relationships. In love, she is the owner and will not give up her chosen one to anyone. A woman is jealous, and in the impulse of this feeling her worst qualities manifest themselves - vindictiveness, and sometimes envy and malice.

She is not always sincere in relationships; she often collects fans out of passion for sports. Confidence in her own irresistibility is important for a girl; it increases her self-esteem.


Thanks to her high vitality from birth, the heroine is in good health. Good inclinations for sports provide a chance to achieve success in this direction. She has good immunity and gets sick very rarely.
Nevertheless, increased emotionality and acute sensitivity to one’s failures often lead to nervous breakdowns. Liana needs a loyal and close person in her environment who can always listen and support her.

Interests and hobbies

The lady has been passionate about her appearance and its improvement all her life. She strives to achieve an ideal figure; no flaws are allowed in her hair and makeup. A woman embellishes and emphasizes her advantages, and eliminates her shortcomings. She evaluates the people around her by the same yardstick, by appearance.

In addition to her beloved self, she is interested in sports, music, and dancing.

The meaning of the name Liana has several versions. Based on the first version, the name Liana is tritely derived from the name of the plant, which translated from Latin means “thin”, “slender”. According to the second version, the name Liana comes from France, from the name Elaine, and is translated as “woven.” There are many other translation options - “bright”, “clear”, “light”.

    Planet: Mercury

    Stone: Amber, Emerald, Jade


Let's look at the meaning of the name Liana and learn more about the character of this woman. A woman named Liana has great willpower, developed intellect and intuition. Liana can perfectly adapt to any circumstances; she does not tend to lose heart and stop in the middle of the path. Liana is quite self-confident, maybe this is not the best character trait, but in difficult situations self-confidence helps Liana out. By nature, Liana is an introvert. She does not tell others about her thoughts and guesses, and if she does say something, she will certainly do the opposite later. Liana can boast of an analytical mind. The girl is quite curious and unpredictable, and these traits of hers periodically bring her troubles. Liana is a talented person; as a child she could be interested in music and drawing.

If you delve deeper into what the name Liana means, it becomes clear that a woman with this name, as a rule, organizes everything planned well, although sometimes she can pretend to be a fool so as not to do extra work. Liana has excellent mobility and can instantly adapt to the current situation.

Liana starts any business only when she sees interest and benefit in it for herself. At the same time, Liana will, in any case, complete any work she begins.

Liana is very sociable by nature, she quickly finds a common language with people. Next to Liana there are only the right people, only real, faithful and devoted friends.

Career, business

The secret of the name Liana suggests that the owner of this name is purposeful and ambitious. Her ambitions are sometimes even capable of overshadowing simple human weaknesses, so Liana can achieve success in any case.

Relationships, marriage

If you look at the meaning of the name Liana, then very rarely does this woman marry solely for love. Even having fallen in love with a poor boy, she will not be content with life in a shack for a long time, and most likely will go looking for another man on the side. If Liana’s husband is weak-willed, then most likely, in order not to lose such a woman, he will turn a blind eye to her infidelities. But if Liana comes across a jealous person, then she will not be happy, life will not seem like sugar. However, it is unlikely that there will be a man who could tame Liana.


We have already learned what the name Liana means, now let's see which famous person has this wonderful name. Celebrities include Georgian violinist Liana Isakadze, Romanian tennis player Liana-Gabriela Ungur, Soviet screenwriter and film director Liana Eliava, Canadian actress Liana Balaban, Russian artist Liana Esakia and many others. This name belongs to beautiful and talented women, it is not surprising that there are so many famous people among them.