
Ten coins tarot meaning in relationships. Arcana Tarot Ten of Pentacles: material abundance


Jupiter in the 2nd house as a symbol of abundance and prosperity.

Straight position:

The Ten of Pentacles symbolizes wealth, prosperity, security, reliability, family, inheritance, home. It may indicate material dependence, when well-being subjugates a person.

Reverse position:

A reversed card means: unjustified risk, dishonest play, unsuccessful investments, lack of support.

Ten of Pentacles.

Card Name: Lord of Wealth

Correspondences – earth (without additions from the letters of the name); Sephira – Kingdom (Malkuth)

Explanation (general meaning): complete well-being, heritage, continuity.

Event: all major family matters; what remains for descendants, what can be inherited. Fundamental values. Getting solid ground under your feet.

1. A very strong, promising, highly profitable business. Often family and inherited. Hereditary professions, trading houses with a name, large construction business

2. Good health, good heredity (there may be hereditary diseases, but they do not undermine health).

3. Strong relationships based on property interests (merger of capital): first of all, the interests of family and property, and lastly – the emotions of the individual.. Acquaintance and marriage at the suggestion of the parents. Durable, promising, will not fall apart.

4. Homely, family-oriented. "From a good family." Conservative, with material attachments (loves money)

5. Advice: consider the opinions and interests of the family.

A word of caution: don't focus too much on family problems.

6. The answer is "Yes". It would be nice to look into the family past, sort through family archives, and study genealogy.

Additionally: the card depicts father, mother, son and daughter, encrypted in the divine name, the patriarch as the god of Hosts, the dog as the kingdom of nature and the tree of the Sephiroth (but without paths)

Upside down.

Explanation (general meaning): Pragmatic and tough material approach.

Event: hoarding, constant concern about the family budget, increased interest in the financial side of family life. Disputes related to property.

1. Business is carried out at a high level, but wages to subordinates are paid very sparingly. The requirement that everyone in the team be strictly responsible for their work (strict demand), strict discipline; but a protected position.

2. Not very good heredity. Health is not very good.

3. Relations on a purely material basis, economic. Everyone plays their role: the woman is on the farm, the man is the breadwinner. Patriarchy, domostroy.

4. Extremely conservative, narrow interests, Everyman, primitive in intellectual development.

5. Advice: Engage exclusively in arranging family affairs.

A word of caution: don’t get caught up in everyday problems.

6. Narrowness of interests, boredom.

General value:

Ten Denarii denotes a period of wealth, stability, fullness of life and confidence in the future. At the same time, wealth and completeness can manifest themselves both on the external and internal plane. However, to achieve inner fullness, you need to keep your eyes open all the time. Thus, the card warns that in the midst of business troubles and diligence one should not forget about spiritual and everyday matters. Behind everyday life, which at first glance is so gray, you need to be able to see the miracles that it conceals within itself.


Advice to take a closer look at your current and already a little boring work in order to discover something new and interesting for yourself in it. This can enrich our experience. This card speaks of the stability of our position at work, interesting tasks, good salaries, successful deals, success both in material affairs and in spiritual development.


Wealth of thoughts. The flow of thoughts and the discoveries associated with it expand our horizons. Individual, long-known facts finally add up, like a mosaic, into a coherent picture, becoming the basis for our further actions. Now we realize how much wealth we have.

Personal relationships:

Here, this card foreshadows a wonderful period during which the smallest details of our relationship with our partner begin to sparkle with new amazing facets. This is where our inner wealth begins to play a key role: we notice the slightest manifestations of attention and self-love that were previously lost behind the veil of habit or the bustle of everyday life.

Ten of Pentacles in combination with other Tarot cards

With the “Jester” card - take a child from an orphanage.

With the “Mag” card - business contacts.

With the “High Priestess” card - a family archive.

With the “Empress” card - a heraldic tree; waiting for a new addition to the family.

With the “Emperor” card - a family clan; family business.

With the “Hierophant” card - parish.

With the “Lovers” card - creating a family.

With the Chariot card - confusion in the house; moving.

With the “Strength” card - show tolerance in the family.

With the Hermit card - a scam; leaving home.

With the Wheel of Fortune card - changes in the house.

With the “Justice” card - equal relationships in the family.

With the Hanged Man card there are family fetters.

With the “Death” card - inevitable changes in the house.

With the “Moderation” card - adapt to each other in the house.

With the “Devil” card - a vicious family.

With the “Tower” card - destruction of home, family; divorce; a loss.

With the “Star” card there is hope for improvement in the family.

With the Moon card - deception in the house; rival; relationships based on deception and mistrust.

With the “Sun” card - an addition to the family.

With the “Court” card - family help.

With the “Peace” card - a happy return to the bosom of the family; creating a family.

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Description of the Ten of Pentacles card

The plot of the Ten of Pentacles tarot card takes place in the city. A man and a woman are standing under a massive arch and talking about something. A child peeks shyly from behind the woman's skirt. He watches with curiosity two white dogs who approached a gray-bearded old man in rich clothes sitting in the foreground of the lasso. The old man affectionately pats one of the dogs in the face, the child, while playing, grabs the tail of the other with his hand.

Meaning of the card in the upright position

In the upright position, the Ten of Pentacles tarot card symbolizes a well-established life and stability in all its manifestations. First of all, this is financial stability, but in many ways it relies on people close to you.

Material wealth, strong connections, family traditions, satisfaction and spiritual comfort - the Ten of Pentacles speaks about all this. You will find a strong position in society, in business and in the family, profit, success, support from loved ones (including material), it is also possible to receive an inheritance, expensive gifts or rent.

Basic interpretations of the direct card Ten of Pentacles

  • Wealth, stability, financial well-being
  • Good position in society
  • A strong family, any strong connections - relatives, friends, business partners
  • Financial assistance, patronage
  • Receiving an inheritance, an expensive gift

Reversed card meaning

In an inverted position, the Ten of Pentacles of the tarot indicates the weakness of family (as well as friendships, partnerships, family) ties, which can have a bad impact on the financial situation of the fortuneteller. The presence of this card in your layout indicates that your family and friends can become the voluntary or involuntary cause of your financial losses.

Lack of help and support in difficult times, disagreements between relatives, fraud by partners, outright deception, disputes with loved ones over money or property, litigation - all this can be foreshadowed by the inverted Ten of Pentacles. In this regard, you will experience a period of instability and decreased income.

To minimize losses, try not to succumb to provocations and do not hope for anyone’s help. For now you will have to rely only on yourself. For the future, do not forget to solve problems with loved ones and friends in a timely manner - without their support it will be difficult for you to move forward.

Basic interpretations of the reversed Ten of Pentacles card

  • Financial losses, money difficulties
  • Collapse, instability at work or in the family
  • Risky investments, danger of ruin
  • Losing, debt, theft, fraud
  • Conflicts over money with others

Basic meanings of the card in the upright position:
1. a person who has found peace;
2. wisdom;
3. success after a long business;
4. good relationships between parents and children;
5. family stability;
6. prosperity of personal affairs;
7. wealth, success;
8. wonderful period of love;
9. hereditary abilities;
10. marriage of convenience;
11. good family health;
12. family help;
13. house;
14. emotional calm.

Basic meanings of a card in an inverted position:
1. a very long path to success;
2. something interferes with a good relationship between parents and children;
3. family troubles;
4. loss of honor or prestige;
5. financial losses;
6. lack of motivation;
7. illness of one of the parents;
8. problems with pension or inheritance;
9. marriage of convenience;
10. happy or unlucky occasion;
11. weakness of family ties;
12. risk;
13. death.

A gray-haired man in a beautiful robe sits in the garden near the castle; he watches the lovers who do not notice him. Ten denarii are placed on the card as decoration.

This is a man who has finally found peace. He understands what young people do not yet understand: life is just a game. It can be won or lost, but it doesn't really matter. Only the wise are able to abandon the game and return to themselves, to their true home. However, wisdom comes only with age.

In the scenario - the success of the planned business, although the path to success is long and difficult, and a feeling of peace and happiness after its completion. Good relationship between parents and children.

Inverted - also success, but the path to it may turn out to be so long that the questioner himself will not see it. Whether to take action in such a situation is up to him to decide. Good relationships between parents and children are possible, but until they are realized, something gets in the way.

In the Aquarius Tarot, the Nine and Ten Denarii should be swapped according to their meaning.

(E. Kolesov “The ABC of Tarot”)

DESCRIPTION: Two dogs are located at the feet of the seated patriarch. On the nearby arch is his coat of arms. Nearby, two other family members - a young man and a woman - are chatting animatedly with each other. This scene demonstrates clan, or family, cohesion based on long-standing tradition. The ten pentacles are added to the medieval family setting and are arranged according to the spheres of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. Element: Earth.

EXPLANATION: In a sense, this card symbolizes material prosperity, prestige and family stability. Having pulled it out, you can be confident in the prosperity and security of your personal affairs, and also enjoy the newfound recognition of your merits in your chosen field of activity. However, the presence of this Ten of Pentacles in the form of the Tree of Life reminds us that we are members not only of individual families, but also of a community of spiritual seekers. It is important that in our daily lives we strive not only for material well-being and prosperity, but also for spiritual self-realization. The Ten of Pentacles shows that lasting prosperity is based on spiritual wisdom and understanding.

MEANING OF THE REVERSED CARD: Family troubles. Loss of honor or prestige.

SELF-DEVELOPMENT LESSON: Having achieved success in the material plane, one must strive for higher spiritual spheres. This card represents the culmination of our current worldly existence and the entry into new realms of spiritual consciousness.

(N. Drewry “Tarot. Step-by-step study guide”)




Tens in Tarot

The number ten is associated with the Wheel of Fortune, the planet Pluto, which rules Scorpio and the eighth house. Pluto is the planet of death, birth and transformation; in the cycle, a period of growth and decline is replaced by a new period of growth. Like the Wheel of Fortune in the Major Arcana, Pluto speaks of big changes that fate is preparing.

Ten of Pentacles upright

Key words and phrases: Strong family ties. Traditions. Comfort. Money. Well-being. Financial stability. Success. Safety. Stability of life. Insurance. Production. Responsibility. Financial aid. Sound advice. Accumulation of wealth. Family matters. Connection of generations. Family tree. Prosperity. Salary increase. Strong financial position. Cozy home. Happiness. Own. Large purchases or financial transactions. Good investment. Taking care of parents. Family well-being. Inheritance. Pension. Crossing the line. Hereditary abilities. Confidence. Confession. Reputation. The beginning of family life. Commitment to a traditional way of life. Family celebration such as a wedding or christening. Marriage of convenience. Arranged marriage. Corporations. Big business. Government service.

Situation and advice: The Ten of Pentacles depicts representatives of several generations located next to a cozy and reliable home. This is a positive card that indicates financial stability, inheritance, profitable investments, transmission of family traditions, serious changes in life, a successful real estate transaction, the health of all family members, and a reliable foundation of family life. The work is going well and a salary increase is possible in the near future. A parent, close friend, or family friend will help you. Cash receipts in the form of an inheritance or pension are possible. It is likely that marriage and the beginning of family life will occur. It is possible that the upcoming marriage is dictated by family requirements, monetary or business considerations. You want to pass on your family values, everything that you have accumulated and learned in this life, to the next generation. Perhaps you will work in a large corporation or in the government service.

People: Family members. Dynasty. Wealthy people.

Ten of Pentacles reversed

Ten of Pentacles reversed: Financial losses. Quarreling. Disapproval of family members. Money problems. Unstable financial situation in the family. Lack of motivation. Concerns about older family members. Illness of one of the parents. Heavy burden of wealth. Problems with inheritance. Family quarrels over money. Home problems. Possible litigation. Death in the family. Problems with large corporations or government. Unreasonable financial speculation. Financial restructuring.

Situation and advice: You may feel that your stability is under threat. Now is not the time to take financial risks. You will have the opportunity to increase your income and gain job satisfaction. Perhaps the money situation will be tense for some time and you will have to partly reconsider your financial affairs. You may even have to sell some shares, home or property to make ends meet. Perhaps you are concerned about the health or condition of one of your parents or one of the older members of your family. If one of your parents is sick, medical intervention is necessary.

During this period, you bear the burden of responsibility for your loved ones. Problems may arise with registering a pension or inheritance. Quarrels with relatives may arise over inheritance. You may be irritated by your family's demands regarding marriage or choosing a partner: it seems that you are being rushed into an arranged marriage. Unreasonable financial speculation will lead to losses. Problems may arise if you need to contact corporations or government officials. Sometimes, falling upside down, the Ten of Pentacles can mean a complete collapse of material and any other well-being on the essence of the question asked.

People: Busy with solving family problems. People who have financial problems.

The meaning and inner meaning of the Ten of Pentacles lasso

The meaning of the ten of pentacles in the upright position:

  • Home, Household, Saving, Saving.
  • Dwelling, Dwelling, Residence, Landed House, Apartment, Regiment, Building, Ship, Vessel.
  • Archive, Castle, Hut.
  • Family, Extraction, Race, Offspring.
  • Entrance, Cave, Nativity scene.

Other meanings of the tarot ten of pentacles in the upright position:

  • health, wealth, prosperity, secure position
  • prosperity, close ties, inheritance
  • financial well-being, abundance in the home, family history, family nest

Material prosperity and emotional peace most strongly characterize the Ten of Pentacles Tarot in the correct orientation. In this case, the card speaks of the reliability, first of all, of family and friendly ties. Probably, the basis for the current prosperity of the Client was laid by previous generations of the family, and perhaps the Client has received or will soon receive an inheritance. Commitment to these connections is expressed in fruitful mutual assistance with both advice and money.

The Ten of Pentacles tarot card speaks of a strong position in the family and in business. Confidence and reliability, profit and honors. Attention to the family. With a strong position in business, there is time for personal life. Inheritance, gifts, pension, wealth.

Interpretation in an inverted position:

  • Lot, Happiness, Game, Chance, Chance (luck), Ignorance, Fate, Fate, Destination, Fatality.
  • The case is happy or unlucky.

Other meanings of the reversed ten of pentacles tarot:

  • family quarrels, financial difficulties
  • loss, disaster, family instability
  • the need to refrain from risky financial transactions

The inverted ten of pentacles tarot card, in contrast to the correct one, speaks not of strength, but of the weakness of family ties. Family members or close friends impose restrictions and responsibilities on the Client (often unknowingly), and sometimes cause financial disagreements and problems.

The Ten of Pentacles reversed means risk, uncertainty, loss. Possible death. Robbery, loss, damage. Don't rely on luck, it's fickle.

Inner meaning

The prediction described by the step back Nine of Pentacles is coming true. You have taken a strong position both in the family and in business; what you worked for is in your hands. The ten of pentacles tarot card describes the well-deserved feeling of confidence of the Questioner and promises worthy honors. The Ten of Pentacles also speaks of the possibility of receiving an inheritance.


  1. N. Drewry “Tarot. Step-by-step guide to learning"
  2. E. Kolesov “The ABC of Tarot”
  3. Unknown author "Initial information for reading tarot cards"
  4. H. Banzhaf “Tarot Self-Teacher”
  5. Anthony Lewis "Tarot, plain and simple"

Short description

While studying materials related to this map, I came across a huge number of versions of who is depicted on the map. For example, some researchers believe that Merlin himself is depicted on the map, while others think that it is Odysseus disguised as a decrepit old man, entering his home after a twenty-year absence. Adding to the mystery is the design on the cloak, on which some manage to see Waite’s own monogram.

Armed with Zeiss optics, researchers saw that:
In each of the 3 buildings, 7 windows are visible through the arch.

The castle depicted on the coat of arms has 7 windows.

The characters on the card have 7 eyes and 7 arms or legs.

And finally, it can be noted that the Pentacles on the map are placed in accordance with the Tree of Sephiroth.


  • Material well-being
  • Stability
  • Abundance
  • Home
  • Safety
  • Reliability

Key ideas

  • Family stability
  • Prosperity of personal affairs
  • Hereditary abilities
  • Marriage of convenience

Basic meaning

Rider-Waite does not offer anything unexpected in the main meanings of the Tarot card 10 (Ten) of Pentacles (Coins, Denarii). Benefit, wealth, family troubles, pedigree, family nest. The Ten of Pentacles in an inverted position takes on the following meanings: misfortune, loss, gambling. Sometimes - dowry and pension.

The modern meanings of the card have not changed much since Waite's time. The meaning of the 10 of Pentacles is associated with material well-being and family affairs. The theme of family, clan, family business, and a strong material foundation for family life is also relevant for her.

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Video: Meaning of the Ten of Pentacles card

Meaning in relationships

Open - hole card

In the 10 of Pentacles, the line between friends and strangers is very clearly drawn. And despite all its openness, access for strangers to the inner circle is almost impossible. With rare exceptions: after many years, a nanny can become an actual member of the family.

Relationship intensity

Meaning 10 (Ten) of Pentacles (Coins, Denariev) Tarot in relationships and love indicates not one person, but a group. And the relationships within the group are quite intense. And external relations can be anything, up to their complete absence.

Relationship scenario: love, family, relatives, work

Scenario "Family Dinner". The whole family sits down at the table. There is no tension or tension in relationships between people. All family members took part in preparing dinner, everyone made their contribution. Calm peace. Pleasure from the presence of another.

There is a danger in the card of turning the familiar into the boring, when a person gets tired of the taste of dumplings and decides to experience an unusual experience by trying blue cheese or even fried grasshoppers. Security becomes so familiar that people stop appreciating and noticing it.

The meaning of the Ten of Pentacles Tarot refutes the rules prohibiting working with relatives. A family firm, a labor dynasty, a clan as both a family and a work collective. But all this becomes possible solely due to the renunciation of individual goals by team members. A person goes to study to become a lawyer not because he wants to be a lawyer, but because the clan needs lawyers.

In combination with the Major Arcana

  • 10 Pentacles of the Tarot in combination with the Magician card: Let the young float freely
  • 10 of Pentacles Tarot in combination with the Hermit card: Pay special attention to the traditions and experiences of ancestors
  • 10 Pentacles Tarot in combination with the Moon card: Marital status is not as strong as it looks at first glance

Psychological condition

The card reflects a very comfortable emotional state: well-being, stability, material security, confidence in the future. However, the map excludes personal space. If a person feels a kinship with the group and is ready to sacrifice individuality for the sake of the interests of the group, then he will be very comfortable in the 10 of Pentacles card. If he focuses on the personal and individual, then most likely the group will reject him. An extreme manifestation of this card is orphanage syndrome. Everything is ours, nothing is mine. There is no one's own and no one else's.

This attitude towards property was characteristic of very early human societies during the Paleolithic.

In combination with the suit of Wands

  • in combination with the 4 of Wands card: A modest family holiday
  • in combination with the 7 of Wands card: Family struggle within
  • in combination with the Knight of Wands card: Happy days are a thing of the past

Importance in health matters

The 10 of Pentacles indicates good health, a stable situation, longevity. During a period of illness, a person can count on the support of relatives or just close people. The card speaks of improvement, changing the situation for the better.

In combination with the suit of Cups

  • in combination with the 4 Cups card: See your chance in family life
  • in combination with the 5 of Cups card: Sorrows from close relatives
  • in combination with the King of Cups card: A person who neglects the interests of his loved ones

Business and finance, professional activities

Stability, controllability, controllability

Stability as it is. Managed, controlled situation. The mechanism is debugged and already works by itself. In fact, there is no particular need to manage and control.

Ways to Increase Income (Key to Increasing Income)

The key word of the card is family. Therefore, the business is family; a matter passed down from generation to generation. Labor dynasties. This is a closed community, you can only enter it by becoming part of the family.

One of the options for increasing income is to attract family resources: both material (directly finance) and intangible. Knowledge, experience of relatives, interesting ideas can be useful for the common cause.

Another option is to involve the relatives themselves. But this cooperation is less preferable, depending on the circumstances.

General state of finances and trends of changes

The house is a full bowl, everyone is fed, dressed, the basements are bursting with supplies. Very strong financial well-being for many years. Children and grandchildren continue the work of the dynasty and increase their fortune. Very good prospects for income growth. Just an idyllic picture!

Positive and negative impact of the card on income

In general, the card is very favorable: the cooperation of the 3 Pentacles has reached the ideal, the absolute. Now this is a map of material harmony. And not only material: it indirectly confirms the fact of strong, friendly relationships within the family for many generations.

But the sun can also have spots, and even the most united team is susceptible to negative influences. Prosperity distributed equally is very beneficial to the lazy and incompetent; for others, it can cause justifiable irritation, even righteous anger. What kind of idyll is this? Or the overly active and ambitious try to pull the blanket over themselves, shaking a stable family business. But overall everything is fine.

In combination with the suit of Swords

  • in combination with 2 of Swords: Family ties hand and foot
  • combined with 4 of Swords: Healing in the family
  • in combination with the 9 of Swords: Fears for your marital status

Pay attention to your family

Card of the day Caution

Check your family's financial resources

In combination with the suit of Pentacles

  • in combination with the 6 of Pentacles: Count on the help of relatives
  • combined with 7 of Pentacles: Working hard for the family
  • combined with 8 of Pentacles: Family Business

Questions to ask when drawing the 10 of Pentacles

  • What is the strength of your family?
  • Is your home really your castle?
  • What position do you occupy formally and actually in the family hierarchy?
  • What are the family scripts adopted in your family?

Tarot cards have special magic; they are not revealed to every person, but if you manage to establish a connection with them, they will tell you everything about upcoming events and help you navigate life correctly. In this material we reveal the main characteristics of the 10 Pentacles card.

Image of the 10 Pentacles Tarot

In the classic version of the deck, the Ten of Pentacles card depicts a large family represented by three generations. Happiness, love and mutual understanding reign in it, as well as financial well-being; there is even a family coat of arms.

The Tarot Arcana from the Age of Aquarius depicts an elderly man, wise with life experience, who sits in his favorite chair. During his life, he achieved everything he wanted, now has an enviable fortune and has prepared picture frames to decorate his home. This is a Master with a capital M, who managed to achieve complete perfection in all areas of his life.

What is the meaning of the 10 Pentacles Tarot?

In literature you can find the Ten of Pentacles also under the names Tens of Denarii, Tens of Coins, Tens of Money or Lords of Wealth.

Astrologically, the 10 of Pentacles is patronized by Jupiter, which has entered the Second House. It is a symbol of abundance, prosperity and prosperity.

Also correlated with the map is the planet Mercury, located in the constellation Virgo (Third Decade). It describes a person living in an abundance of material and spiritual goods. He is unable to accumulate them and therefore he has to make room for something new, to give to the world what he already has.

Meaning of 10 Tarot Coins in upright position

The Ten of Pentacles is a symbol of wealth, prosperity, security, reliability, family values, inheritance, home. It can also show a person’s strong dependence on money, when his mood, dreams and desires are entirely subordinated to financial well-being.

  1. General meaning: demonstrates a period of complete well-being, receipt of an inheritance, continuity.
  2. In terms of events: it is an indicator of any major family affairs, what will subsequently be used by descendants (hereditary property), fundamental values. A person finds stable ground under his feet.
  3. In business: speaks of a strong business that brings good profits with further positive prospects. This is often a description of a family business that is passed down from one generation to the next. In addition, the lasso can personify family professions, global trading houses, and large construction businesses.
  4. 10 Coins portends good health and speaks of excellent heredity (a person may have some genetic pathologies, but they do not greatly affect his health).
  5. 10 of Pentacles Tarot meaning in relationships. A strong, reliable union of two loving hearts, the basis of which is the interests of property (combination of capital), that is, initially these are family and proprietary interests and only in the end - emotional experiences. Often the card describes a marriage arranged by the parents. But the connection between people is strong enough, the relationship will not fall apart.
  6. Arkan describes a family-oriented, home-conscious, conservative person who is attached to material values ​​and loves money very much.
  7. The 10 of Pentacles advises not to neglect the opinions and interests of your family.
  8. Warns against focusing on family troubles
  9. The final answer to your question is yes. You should study your family’s past, rummage through the family archive, and study your genealogy.
  10. Additional information: the lasso depicts father, mother, son and daughter, which are encrypted in the divine name. The patriarch on the map is a symbol of the god of hosts, the dog and the tree of Sephiroth are the personification of the natural kingdom.

In reverse

In the reverse position, the lasso speaks of unreasonable risk, playing a dishonest game, investments that will not pay off in the future, and lack of outside support.

  1. General meaning: the card in reverse is a symbol of pragmatism and a tough financial approach to business.
  2. In terms of events: indicates the process of accumulation of benefits, constant concern about the state of the family budget, increased interest in the material side of family life. Also talks about disputes regarding property issues.
  3. In the business sphere: 10 of Pentacles indicates a very high level of business, but at the same time its owners pay low wages to their employees. They have very high demands regarding the quality of work performed.
  4. The card describes not very good health and poor genetics.
  5. In personal life: shows relationships based solely on material calculations. Each of the partners is engaged in fulfilling their main role: the woman is involved in housekeeping, and the man is responsible for earning financial resources. Relationships are built on the principle of patriarchy.
  6. Arkan characterizes a very conservative person with narrow interests, an intellectually primitive man in the street.
  7. The Ten of Coins advises now to devote all your attention only to family matters.
  8. Warns that you should not get too carried away with everyday problems.
  9. Indicates narrowness of interests and boredom.

Detailed meaning of the Ten of Pentacles Tarot

Overall meaning

Ten Denarii foretells a time of enjoying material wealth, stability, and fullness of life. A person is confident in the future. At the same time, the richness and fullness of life can be both external and internal. But to achieve inner harmony, a person must look at the world soberly.

It is also important that household chores do not take up all your time - pay attention to your spiritual improvement.

In progress

Arkan recommends looking at your old, already slightly boring work in a new way in order to find new, exciting facets in it. In general, in a career, the Ten Denarii portends a stable position at work, interesting tasks, a good salary plan, the conclusion of promising deals - a time of complete success.

In the sphere of consciousness

The man thinks very rationally. Thanks to the constant flow of thought and the generation of new ideas, his horizons expand.

Separate parts of what has long been known finally add up to the whole picture, they form the basis for a further line of behavior.

What does the Ten of Pentacles Tarot mean in relationships?

In this area, the Ten of Pentacles Tarot indicates a magnificent period when partners enjoy even minor, but very pleasant little things in their mutual pastime. A person reacts very sensitively to the love and attention shown towards him, which was previously obscured by a veil of habits or everyday vanity.

Combination with other arcana

  • With the “Jester” lasso – adoption (or adoption) of a baby from a shelter.
  • With the Arcana “Magician” – a period of business contacts.
  • With the lasso “The High Priestess” - familiarization with the family archive.
  • With the lasso “Empress” - a family tree, a quick addition to the family.
  • With the lasso “Emperor” - the combination speaks of a family clan and business.
  • With the Hierophant lasso – income.
  • With the lasso “Lovers”, a new family is created.
  • With the “Chariot” lasso, there is confusion in the family.
  • With the lasso “Strength” – a manifestation of tolerance in relationships.
  • With the “Hermit” lasso – separation, leaving the family.
  • With the “Wheel of Fortune” lasso – a period of change.
  • With the lasso “Justice” - all members of the family have equal rights.
  • With the lasso “The Hanged Man” - a person burdened with family shackles.
  • With the lasso “Death” - a time of inevitable changes.
  • With the lasso “Moderation” – partners have to adapt to each other.
  • With the lasso “Devil” there is a vicious connection.
  • With the “Tower” lasso – a house, a family is destroyed. Time of loss.
  • With the “Star” lasso there is hope for changing the situation for the better.
  • With the “Moon” lasso – lies in a relationship, the presence of a rival, the basis of the relationship is deception and mistrust.
  • With the lasso “Sun” - the family is replenished with a new member.
  • With the lasso “Court” - family support.
  • With the lasso “Peace” - a happy return home.

10 Ten of Pentacles Rider White Tarot

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Jupiter in the 2nd house as a symbol of abundance and prosperity.

Straight position:

The Ten of Pentacles symbolizes wealth, prosperity, security, reliability, family, inheritance, home. It may indicate material dependence, when well-being subjugates a person.

Reverse position:

A reversed card means: unjustified risk, dishonest play, unsuccessful investments, lack of support.

Ten of Pentacles.

Card Name: Lord of Wealth

Correspondences – earth (without additions from the letters of the name); Sephira – Kingdom (Malkuth)

Explanation (general meaning): complete well-being, heritage, continuity.

Event: all major family matters; what remains for descendants, what can be inherited. Fundamental values. Getting solid ground under your feet.

1. A very strong, promising, highly profitable business. Often family and inherited. Hereditary professions, trading houses with a name, large construction business

2. Good health, good heredity (there may be hereditary diseases, but they do not undermine health).

3. Strong relationships based on property interests (merger of capital): first of all, the interests of family and property, and lastly – the emotions of the individual.. Acquaintance and marriage at the suggestion of the parents. Durable, promising, will not fall apart.

4. Homely, family-oriented. "From a good family." Conservative, with material attachments (loves money)

5. Advice: consider the opinions and interests of the family.

A word of caution: don't focus too much on family problems.

6. The answer is “Yes.” It would be good to look into the family past, sort through family archives, and study genealogy.

Additionally: the card depicts father, mother, son and daughter, encrypted in the divine name, the patriarch as the god of Hosts, the dog as the kingdom of nature and the tree of the Sephiroth (but without paths)

Upside down.

Explanation (general meaning): Pragmatic and tough material approach.

Event: hoarding, constant concern about the family budget, increased interest in the financial side of family life. Disputes related to property.

1. Business is carried out at a high level, but wages to subordinates are paid very sparingly. The requirement that everyone in the team be strictly responsible for their work (strict demand), strict discipline; but a protected position.

2. Not very good heredity. Health is not very good.

3. Relations on a purely material basis, economic. Everyone plays their role: the woman is on the farm, the man is the breadwinner. Patriarchy, domostroy.

4. Extremely conservative, narrow interests, Everyman, primitive in intellectual development.

5. Advice: Engage exclusively in arranging family affairs.

A word of caution: don’t get caught up in everyday problems.

6. Narrowness of interests, boredom.

General value:

Ten Denarii denotes a period of wealth, stability, fullness of life and confidence in the future. At the same time, wealth and completeness can manifest themselves both on the external and internal plane. However, to achieve inner fullness, you need to keep your eyes open all the time. Thus, the card warns that in the midst of business troubles and diligence one should not forget about spiritual and everyday matters. Behind everyday life, which at first glance is so gray, you need to be able to see the miracles that it conceals within itself.


Advice to take a closer look at your current and already a little boring work in order to discover something new and interesting for yourself in it. This can enrich our experience. This card speaks of the stability of our position at work, interesting tasks, good salaries, successful deals, success both in material affairs and in spiritual development.


Wealth of thoughts. The flow of thoughts and the discoveries associated with it expand our horizons. Individual, long-known facts finally add up, like a mosaic, into a coherent picture, becoming the basis for our further actions. Now we realize how much wealth we have.

Personal relationships:

Here, this card foreshadows a wonderful period during which the smallest details of our relationship with our partner begin to sparkle with new amazing facets. This is where our inner wealth begins to play a key role: we notice the slightest manifestations of attention and self-love that were previously lost behind the veil of habit or the bustle of everyday life.

Ten of Pentacles in combination with other Tarot cards

With the “Jester” card - take a child from an orphanage.

With the “Mag” card - business contacts.

With the “High Priestess” card - a family archive.

With the “Empress” card - a heraldic tree; waiting for a new addition to the family.

With the “Emperor” card - a family clan; family business.

With the “Hierophant” card - parish.

With the “Lovers” card - creating a family.

With the Chariot card - confusion in the house; moving.

With the “Strength” card - show tolerance in the family.

With the Hermit card - a scam; leaving home.

With the Wheel of Fortune card - changes in the house.

With the “Justice” card - equal relationships in the family.

With the Hanged Man card there are family fetters.

With the “Death” card - inevitable changes in the house.

With the “Moderation” card - adapt to each other in the house.

With the “Devil” card - a vicious family.

With the “Tower” card - destruction of home, family; divorce; a loss.

With the “Star” card there is hope for improvement in the family.

With the Moon card - deception in the house; rival; relationships based on deception and mistrust.

With the “Sun” card - an addition to the family.

With the “Court” card - family help.

With the “Peace” card - a happy return to the bosom of the family; creating a family.

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On one of the forums I had the opportunity to answer the question of how to read the suit of Pentacles in relationship readings. How to describe the feelings expressed by the cards of the suit of Pentacles.
I've been wanting to write about this for a long time. Therefore, I will post the question, as well as my answer, here. maybe this will be useful to someone.

"I had a couple of questions during the learning process...

1. if pentacles fall on a person’s relationship with a person, is it always material interest?! I don’t fully understand this suit at all, to be honest. What does this mean, even if, let’s say, the question is:

How does A. relate to B.? - cards such as the 6 of pentacles and the ace of pentacles fall out - does this always mean material interest on the part of A.?!
Or can it simply be interpreted as a “good attitude” (roughly speaking)? Moreover, there absolutely cannot be any material connection (dependence) between these people...

I struggle with pentacles all the time about this. "

Of course, in order to conclude that the partner has selfish interests in the querent, one must take into account many factors in the situation. But, as a rule, more often the suit of Pentacles will show a disposition towards a partner precisely for a practical purpose, and this is not necessarily a benefit for oneself.
So, for example, the Ace of Pentacles can indicate that the partner really values ​​the querent and sees him as literally a godsend, a gift for himself. 2 of Pentacles will show that the partner has not yet fully assessed the qualities and value of the querent, but is ready to work on it. Based on this map, one can suspect some selfish motives. But this is not necessarily a financial gain. For example, the benefit may lie in trying on the querent as a worthy or not worthy match for yourself.
according to the 3 of Pentacles, we can say that the partner next to the querent feels safe, as if behind a stone wall, which, as you see, is also a kind of advantageous position for the partner, a kind of mercantile interest. :)
Based on the 4 of Pentacles, one can suspect that the partner treats the querent as an owner, as something of his own, very valuable; only he has the right to this value. This is a reliable, strong relationship, but the querent may feel uncomfortable in it. With this map you can also observe the same mercantile interest in your favor. There is also the fear of losing influence on a person, as well as the fear that the relationship will get out of control. Moreover, the other side can be quite comfortable in such an environment, or very uncomfortable in such a relationship. Therefore, when I get such a card, I often draw an additional card to the question: “How does the querent himself feel about this attitude towards himself from his partner?” sometimes the querent’s attitude towards this point can tell a lot. and the further layout is much easier to read.
The 5 of Pentacles can speak both of a feeling of futility in the relationship and of the querent’s futility as a partner, in the partner’s opinion. In order to draw a final conclusion on this matter, you need to carefully evaluate the cards of the alignment, which relate to how the partner sees the future prospects for the relationship, what efforts he is ready to make in order to maintain the relationship, as well as the internal attitude towards the querent, which Sometimes the partner not only does not show it, but he himself was not able to fully appreciate it for himself. sometimes, against the backdrop of good cards in the layout, this card can show that the partner is ready to be there in joy and sorrow.
6 of Pentacles is a willingness to respond to the needs of the querent, a willingness to help, to share one’s feelings. Often this card falls when one of the partners has unrequited feelings, and the other partner, as if out of a feeling of compassion, makes some signs of attention towards him.
7 of Pentacles. According to this map, feelings can be expressed as certain signs of attention, even recognition. but the querent will always believe that there are few of them, or that they are reserved, (which in principle is so), from this he will have a feeling of “dislike,” and sometimes the feeling that he is loved for mercantile motives.
8 of Pentacles, this card, which can indicate that the partner feels that the querent was created for him, he can become his spouse. Of course, here the partner can start from everyday views on compatibility. For example, what kind of father, master, will he be, will he be able to provide for his family, hammer a nail, etc.
The 9 of Pentacles is happiness that the partner perceives as having befallen him personally. He is so comfortable in his relationship with the querent that one cannot wish for anything better. But this value is only acceptable when the other cards in the layout are favorable. Often this card can show loneliness, as the comfort and satisfaction of being alone. This can also be understood by the cards in the layout.
Well, the 10 of Pentacles, like all tens, completes the series of numerical cards and shows the transition to another level. This is the joy of relationships, of feelings because they are mutual. Reciprocity manifests itself in something tangible. The fact is that the partner clearly sees signs of attention, signs of manifestation of feelings from the querent and he himself responds to him in the same way. These are common roots, even a common way of life, although perhaps not yet marriage. Using this map, more than 2 Cups can be used to judge people’s feelings. This is the same Ace of Pentacles, but at a higher level.
The Page of Pentacles is a trusting relationship, a sensual relationship that brings satisfaction. This is an external chance that we can use for the mutual benefit of our partners. This can be a relationship between friends, between whom something more than just friendship can arise, but only out of convenience. For example, 2 families who are friends and are ready to marry children who have been friends since childhood.
The Knight of Pentacles is a card that suggests that relationships are built on a sense of prudence, aimed at strength and reliability. This card can be called "peasant's love." As a rule, a person’s feelings on this card will be very mundane, dictated by a sense of what is reasonable, convenient, traditional and not sublime.
Queen of Pentacles. If a woman expresses these feelings, then it will be maternal care, guardianship, the desire to take all difficulties on her shoulders, a kind of maternal love. According to this card, a man will show the same feelings as a woman, which may not seem entirely traditional. From here he will seem reliable, somewhat feminine in his expressions of feelings. Such people are often generous with gifts, like the King of Pentacles, in order to thus show their affection for the querent.
The King of Pentacles is love similar to the love of a father, it is guardianship, care, love, like a child. He can pamper and give gifts, thus showing how much he values ​​the querent. You won’t hear beautiful words from him, but you will clearly feel his presence in your life, sometimes with excessive concern over trifles.
Everything written above concerns decks with Rider symbols.

The Arcanum completes the evolution of the number cards of the suit and sums up everything that a person has learned during this period. In a subtle version, Pentacles symbolize material means, but in a broad sense - the world of energies and internal manifestations. Through them, the universe teaches its lessons, punishes and encourages. In the process of interpretation, it is necessary to pay attention not only to superficial facts, but also to try to explain to the questioner all the metaphysical power of the suit. Sometimes, deep-seated experiences are not visible from the outside, but fortune telling helps to pay attention to them and gives advice on how to turn them in the right direction.

The Ten reveals the benefits of collective work (both in the labor and spiritual spheres). The general energy field never runs out; you can always turn to it when your strength has already run out or is about to run out. That is why the importance of family, family ties, and friendship is so relevant here. Sometimes the answer to a pressing question is sought in the history of ancestors, their manifestations of life. The emphasis is on the fact that inheritance can have not only a material, but also a metaphysical nature. Not only land and monetary savings are passed on from generation to generation, but also character traits, concepts and principles of behavior, norms and foundations.

Straight position

Prosperity, prosperity, abundance in the home. The influence of clan and family is clearly manifested. If on Nine there was so much energy that it could be shared with others, now there is an opportunity to use the common egregor. You can draw strength from it at any time and without restrictions.

The map gives a feeling of harmony with the surrounding world and people. The questioner positions himself as part of the whole, and this feeling is pleasant for him. In a coalition with other individuals, he does not lose his individuality, but continues to develop and improve, using more serious resources and outside help.

Patriarchy and adherence to tradition play a large role in the interpretation. Issues of moral principles and social norms are raised. There are also themes of nepotism and clan. Sometimes the card advises turning to your roots, remembering the behests of your ancestors.

Business opportunities open up for growth and advancement. The planned business will definitely bring prosperity and satisfaction. It is possible that there will be a promotion, salary increase and other bonuses in the professional field.

Inverted position

The risk of losing your acquired fortune. Discord between relatives or close people. Reluctance to accept rules and traditions, to follow one’s destiny.

In a private aspect: refusal to marry and have children. Reluctance to furnish your home. Lack of stability and predictability in business, everything constantly does not go according to plan, there is no one to rely on in difficult circumstances.

Arkan's advice: in the near future, do not make fateful decisions, do not get involved in adventures and do not make large purchases.