
Speech development of a preschooler. Speech development in preschoolers - exercises and methods Speech explanation for preschoolers


Theoretical foundations for studying the speech of children of primary, middle and senior preschool age

1 General characteristics of speech development in preschool children

2 Periodization of speech development: speech development standards for preschool children

Empirical study of the characteristics of speech development in preschool children

1 Organization of the study and description of diagnostic techniques

2 Diagnostic results





The relevance of the topic of the work “Speech Development of Preschool Children” is determined by the fact that speech development is one of the main components of children’s readiness for schooling. Studying the level of language acquisition allows us to obtain data not only about the speech abilities of children, but also about their holistic development. Mastery of language is an important condition for mental development, since the content of historical experience appropriated by a child in ontogenesis is generalized and reflected in speech form and, above all, in the meanings of words.

Thus, the subject of research is speech development, the object of study is the speech development of preschool children.

The purpose of this work is to study and comparatively diagnose the characteristics of speech development using the example of the age groups of primary and secondary preschool age.

In accordance with the goal, the work involves solving the following tasks: speech preschool standard children

Conduct a theoretical analysis of pedagogical and psychological literature on the problem of speech development of preschool children;

Give a general description of speech development in preschool age;

Consider the periodization of speech development in the context of speech development standards for preschool children.

In the course of an empirical study, to diagnose the level of speech development in children of primary and secondary preschool age (examination of the state of passive and active vocabulary; study of coherent speech; study of the ability to correctly coordinate parts of speech).

In organizing the research, the following methods were used: theoretical (analysis of pedagogical and psychological literature); comparison method; method of quantitative processing of obtained experimental data.

The sources of information for writing the work were: basic educational literature, research in the field of preschool pedagogy and developmental psychology, articles in specialized and periodicals, and other relevant sources of information.

1. Theoretical foundations for studying the speech of children of primary, middle and senior preschool age

1.1 General characteristics of speech development in preschool children

Speech is a very complex mental activity, divided into various types and forms. Speech is a specifically human function that can be defined as the process of communication through language. Forming in a child as he masters language, speech goes through several stages of development, turning into an expanded system of means of communication and mediation of various mental processes.

A child’s speech is formed under the influence of the speech of adults and depends to a great extent on sufficient speech practice, a normal speech environment and on upbringing and training, which begin from the first days of his life.

Speech is not an innate ability, but develops in the process of ontogenesis in parallel with the physical and mental development of the child and serves as an indicator of his overall development.

Researchers studying the relationship between speech and thinking in children L.S. Vygotsky, A.R. Luria showed that all mental processes in a child (thinking, perception, memory, attention, imagination, purposeful behavior) develop with the direct participation of speech. Vygotsky L.S. proved that the meaning of children's words does not remain unchanged, but develops with the age of the child. Speech development consists not only in enriching the vocabulary and not only in complicating grammatical structures, but first of all in developing the meaning of the words themselves.

Meshcheryakova S.Yu., Avdeeva N.N. highlight the following features of speech development in preschool children - from 3 to 5 years.

By the beginning of the 3rd year of life, the child’s grammatical structure of speech begins to form.

At this time, most children still have incorrect sound pronunciation, and the understanding of adult speech significantly exceeds pronunciation capabilities.

Over the period from 3 to 7 years, the child increasingly develops the skill of auditory control over his own pronunciation, the ability to correct it in some possible cases. In other words, phonemic perception is formed.

During this period, the rapid increase in vocabulary continues. By the age of 4-6 years, a child’s active vocabulary reaches 3000-4000 words. The meanings of words are further clarified and enriched in many ways. In parallel with the development of vocabulary, the development of the grammatical structure of speech also occurs; children master coherent speech. After 3 years, the content of the child’s speech becomes significantly more complex and its volume increases. This leads to more complex sentence structures. By the age of 3, children have formed all the basic grammatical categories.

Children of the 4th year of life use simple and complex sentences in speech.

At the 5th year of life, children use the structure of compound and complex sentences relatively freely. By the age of 4, a child should normally differentiate all sounds, i.e., he should have developed phonemic perception.

Of course, these stages cannot have clear, strict boundaries; each of them smoothly transitions into the next.

Let's consider the stages of speech development in the preschool period.

By the age of 3, the pronunciation aspect of speech in children is not yet sufficiently formed. There remain some imperfections in the pronunciation of sounds, polysyllabic words, words with a combination of several consonants. The absence of most sounds affects the pronunciation of words, which is why children’s speech is not yet clear and intelligible. Children of this age cannot always use their vocal apparatus correctly; for example, they cannot answer an adult’s questions loudly enough and at the same time speak quietly when the situation requires it when preparing for bed or while eating.

At the age of 3 years, the child intensively accumulates vocabulary. The number of called household items increases, not only those that the baby often (but not constantly) uses; in his statements he uses almost all parts of speech; masters the elementary grammatical structure of his native language (learns case endings, some forms of verbs from the age of 2.5), begins to coordinate adjectives with nouns, lengthens simple sentences, uses non-conjunct compound sentences and situational speech. Simultaneously with the development of speech, the child’s thinking, memory, and imagination develop. At this age, children have a great tendency to imitate, which is a favorable factor for the development of a child’s active speech. By repeating words and phrases after an adult, the baby not only remembers them; by practicing the correct pronunciation of sounds and words, he strengthens the articulatory apparatus.

The fourth year of life is marked by new achievements in the development of the child. He begins to express the simplest judgments about objects and phenomena of the reality around him, make conclusions about them, and establish relationships between them.

In the fourth year of life, children usually freely come into contact not only with loved ones, but also with strangers. Increasingly, the initiative for communication comes from the child. The need to expand their horizons and the desire to understand the world around them more deeply force the child to turn more and more often to adults with a wide variety of questions. He understands well that every object, action performed by himself or an adult has its own name, that is, it is denoted by a word. However, it should be remembered that children of the fourth year of life do not yet have sufficiently stable attention and therefore they cannot always listen to the end of adults’ answers.

By the end of the fourth year of life, a child's vocabulary reaches approximately 1500-2000 words. . The vocabulary is also becoming more diverse in terms of quality. In the speech of children of this age, in addition to nouns and verbs, other parts of speech are increasingly found: pronouns, adverbs, numerals appear (one, two), adjectives indicating abstract signs and qualities of objects (cold, hot, hard, good, bad) . The child begins to use function words (prepositions, conjunctions) more widely. By the end of the year, he often uses possessive pronouns (my, yours) and possessive adjectives (daddy's chair, mommy's cup) in his speech. The active vocabulary that a child has at this age stage gives him the opportunity to freely communicate with others. But he often experiences difficulties due to the insufficiency and poverty of the vocabulary, when he needs to convey the content of someone else’s speech, retell a fairy tale, a story, convey an event in which he himself was a participant. Here he often makes inaccuracies. Simultaneously with the enrichment of the vocabulary, the child more intensively masters the grammatical structure of the language. His speech is dominated by simple common sentences, but complex sentences also appear (complex and complex sentences). Children of this age still make grammatical errors: they incorrectly agree words, especially neuter nouns with adjectives; case endings are used incorrectly. At this age, the child is not yet able to consistently, logically, coherently and clearly for others to independently talk about the events he witnessed; he cannot intelligently retell the content of a fairy tale or story read to him. Speech is still situational in nature. The child’s utterances contain short, common sentences, often only distantly related in content; It is not always possible to understand their content without additional questions; there is still no such development in the statement that is characteristic of monologue speech. A child of four years of age also cannot independently reveal or describe the content of a plot picture. He only names objects, characters or lists the actions they perform (jumping, washing himself). Having a good memory, a child is able to remember and reproduce short poems, nursery rhymes, and riddles; when repeatedly reading the same fairy tale, he can convey the content almost word for word, often without understanding the meaning of the words.

In the fourth year of life, the articulatory apparatus is further strengthened: the movements of the muscles involved in the formation of sounds (tongue, lips, lower jaw) become more coordinated. At this age, a child cannot always control his vocal apparatus, change the volume, pitch of his voice, or rate of speech. The child's speech hearing is improved. By the end of the fourth year of life, children's pronunciation improves significantly, the correct pronunciation of whistling sounds is consolidated, and hissing sounds begin to appear. In four-year-old children, individual differences in the formation of the pronunciation side of speech are especially pronounced: in some children, speech is clear, with the correct pronunciation of almost all sounds, in others it may not yet be clear enough, with incorrect pronunciation of a large number of sounds, with softening of hard consonants, etc. n. The teacher should pay special attention to such children, identify the reasons for the delay in speech development and, together with the parents, take measures to eliminate the deficiencies.

So, in the fourth year of life, children experience a noticeable improvement in pronunciation, speech becomes more distinct. Children know well and correctly name objects in their immediate environment: the names of toys, dishes, clothes, furniture. In addition to nouns and verbs, other parts of speech are beginning to be used more widely: adjectives, adverbs, prepositions. The beginnings of monologue speech appear. In speech, simple but already common sentences predominate; children use complex and complex sentences, but very rarely. The initiative to communicate more and more often comes from the child. Four-year-old children cannot independently isolate the sounds in a word, but they easily notice inaccuracies in the sound of words in the speech of their peers. Children's speech is mainly situational in nature, it is not yet precise enough in vocabulary and perfect in grammatical terms, and in terms of pronunciation it is not yet pure and correct enough.

A child of the fifth year of life shows significant progress in mental and speech development. The baby begins to identify and name the most significant features and qualities of objects, establish the simplest connections and accurately reflect them in speech. His speech becomes more varied, more precise and richer in content. The stability of attention to the speech of others increases, he is able to listen to the answers of adults to the end. The older a child gets, the greater the impact on his speech development that family and public education has.

An increase in the active vocabulary (from 2,500 to 3,000 words by the end of the year) creates the opportunity for the child to construct his statements more fully and express his thoughts more accurately. In the speech of children of this age, adjectives increasingly appear, which they use to denote the characteristics and qualities of objects, reflecting temporal and spatial relationships; to determine the color, in addition to the main ones, additional ones are called (blue, dark, orange), possessive adjectives begin to appear (fox tail, hare hut), words indicating the properties of objects, qualities, the material from which they are made (iron key). The child increasingly uses adverbs, personal pronouns (the latter often act as subjects), complex prepositions (from under, about, etc.), collective nouns appear (dishes, clothes, furniture, vegetables, fruits), but the child still uses them very rarely. A four-year-old child constructs his statement from two or three or more simple common sentences; he uses complex and complex sentences more often than at the previous age stage, but still not enough. The growth of a child’s vocabulary and the use of more structurally complex sentences often leads to the fact that children begin to make grammatical errors more often: they incorrectly change verbs (“want” instead of want), do not agree words (for example, verbs and nouns in number, adjectives and nouns in kind), allow violations in the structure of sentences.

At this age, children begin to master monologue speech. In their speech, sentences with homogeneous circumstances appear for the first time.

Four-year-old children's interest in the sound design of words increases sharply.

At this age, children are highly attracted to rhyme. Playing with words, some rhyme them, creating their own small two- or four-line lines. This desire is natural; it contributes to the child’s development of attention to the sound side of speech, develops speech hearing and requires all kinds of encouragement from adults.

In the fifth year of life, sufficient mobility of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus allows the child to carry out more precise movements of the tongue and lips; clear and correct movement and position are necessary for pronouncing complex sounds.

At this age, children's sound pronunciation improves significantly: softened pronunciation of consonants completely disappears, omission of sounds and syllables is rarely observed. In the fifth year of life, a child is able to recognize by ear the presence of a particular sound in a word, and select words for a given sound. All this is available, of course, only if in previous age groups the teacher developed phonemic awareness in children.

A child’s sufficiently developed speech hearing gives him the opportunity to distinguish in the speech of adults (of course, if given in comparison) an increase and decrease in the volume of the voice, to notice the acceleration and deceleration of the rate of speech, to catch the various intonation means of expressiveness used by adults, conveying in fairy-tale situations how this or that person says another animal - affectionately, rudely, in a low or high tone. By the end of the fifth year of life, many children correctly pronounce all the sounds of their native language, but some of them still incorrectly pronounce hissing sounds, the sound r.

So, by the age of five, there is a sharp improvement in the pronunciation side of children’s speech; most of them have completed the process of mastering sounds. Speech in general becomes clearer and more distinct. Children's speech activity is increasing, they are asking adults questions more and more often. Children begin to master monologue speech.

The growth of an active vocabulary and the use of sentences of a more complex structure (five-year-old children can use sentences consisting of 10 or more words) are often one of the reasons for the increase in the number of grammatical errors. Children begin to pay attention to the sound design of words and point out the presence of a familiar sound in words.

In older preschool age, children at this stage of life continue to improve all aspects of the child’s speech. The pronunciation becomes clearer, the phrases, or rather the statements, become more detailed. The child not only identifies essential features in objects and phenomena, but also begins to establish cause-and-effect relationships between them, temporal and other relationships. Having sufficiently developed active speech, the preschooler tries to tell and answer questions so that the listeners around him can clearly and understand what he wants to tell them. Simultaneously with the development of a self-critical attitude towards his own statement, the child also develops a more critical attitude towards the speech of his peers. When describing objects and phenomena, he makes attempts to convey his emotional attitude towards them. The enrichment and expansion of the vocabulary is carried out not only through familiarization with new objects, their properties and qualities, new words denoting actions, but also through the names of individual parts, details of objects, through the use of new suffixes and prefixes, which children begin to use widely. Increasingly, generalizing nouns and adjectives appear in a child’s speech, denoting the material, properties, and state of objects. Over the course of a year, the vocabulary increases by 1000 - 1200 words (compared to the previous age), although in practice it is very difficult to establish the exact number of words learned during a given period. By the end of the sixth year of life, the child more subtly differentiates generalizing nouns, for example, not only calls the word animal, but can also indicate that a fox, bear, wolf are wild animals, and a cow, horse, cat are domestic animals. Children use abstract nouns, adjectives, and verbs in their speech. Many words from the passive vocabulary move into the active vocabulary.

Despite the significant expansion of vocabulary, the child is still far from freely using words. A good test and indicator of vocabulary mastery is the ability of children to select words with opposite meanings.

Improving coherent speech is impossible without mastering grammatically correct speech. In the sixth year, the child masters the grammatical structure and uses it quite freely. However, grammatical errors still occur in children's speech. The grammatical correctness of a child’s speech largely depends on how often adults pay attention to their children’s mistakes, correct them, and give the correct example. A child of the sixth year of life improves coherent, monologue speech. He can, without the help of an adult, convey the content of a short fairy tale, story, cartoon, or describe certain events that he witnessed. At this age, the child is already able to independently reveal the content of the picture if it depicts objects that are familiar to him. In the sixth year of life, the muscles of the articulatory apparatus have become sufficiently strong and children are able to correctly pronounce all the sounds of their native language. However, some children at this age are just finishing the correct assimilation of hissing sounds, sounds l, r. With their assimilation, they begin to clearly and distinctly pronounce words of varying complexity.

A five-year-old child has a fairly developed phonemic hearing. He not only hears sounds well, but is also able to perform various tasks related to isolating syllables or words with a given sound from a group of other syllables or words, selecting words for certain sounds, and performing other more complex tasks. However, some children do not distinguish all sounds equally easily by ear.

The pronunciation of six-year-old children is not much different from the speech of adults; difficulties are noted only in those cases when the speech contains new words that are difficult to pronounce or words that are rich in combinations of sounds, which, while pronouncing, they do not yet differentiate clearly enough. But by the age of seven, provided they systematically work on sound pronunciation, children cope quite well with this.

So, by the end of the sixth year, the child reaches a fairly high level in speech development. He correctly pronounces all the sounds of his native language, reproduces words clearly and clearly, has the vocabulary necessary for free communication, correctly uses many grammatical forms and categories, his statements become more meaningful, expressive and more accurate.

In the seventh year of life, in quantitative and qualitative terms, the child’s vocabulary “reaches such a level that he communicates freely with adults and peers and can carry on a conversation on almost any topic that is understandable at his age. When telling a story, he strives to select words accurately and reflect more clearly his thoughts, connecting various facts into a single whole. In the child’s active vocabulary, a differentiated approach to naming objects is increasingly encountered (passenger cars and trucks, and not just a car; clothes, winter and summer shoes). He increasingly uses words indicating professional belonging, while noting some actions and operations that adults perform in the process of work, and the quality of their work, uses these words in his play.The child more often begins to use abstract concepts, complex words (long-legged giraffe), use epithets, understand metaphors (the sea laughed)." The polysemy of the use of words expands (clean shirt, clean air), the child understands and uses words with a figurative meaning in his speech, in the process of speaking he is able to quickly select synonyms (words close in meaning) that would more accurately reflect the quality, properties of objects, actions, done to them. He can accurately select words when comparing objects or phenomena, accurately noticing the similarities and differences in them (white as snow), more and more often uses complex sentences, includes participial and participial phrases. Smoothness and accuracy of speech when speaking freely is one of indicators of the child’s vocabulary and ability to use it correctly. The formation of grammatically correct speech is greatly influenced by the state of adult speech culture, the ability to correctly use various forms and categories, and correct the child’s mistakes in a timely manner.

In the seventh year of life, the child’s speech became more and more structurally accurate, sufficiently detailed, and logically consistent. When retelling and describing objects, the clarity of presentation is noted, and the completeness of the statement is felt. At this age, a child is able to independently give a description of a toy or object, reveal the content of a picture, retell the content of a short work of art, a film he watched, he can come up with a fairy tale, a story, and talk in detail about his impressions and feelings. He is able to convey the content of a picture without seeing it, only from memory, not only tell what is shown in the picture, but also imagine the events that could precede them, invent and tell how events could develop for the baby. Lyubina G.A. notes that the pronunciation side of the speech of a child of the seventh year of life reaches a fairly high level. He correctly pronounces all the sounds of his native language, clearly and distinctly pronounces phrases, speaks loudly, but depending on the situation he can speak quietly and even in a whisper, knows how to change the pace of speech taking into account the content of the statement, pronounces words clearly, taking into account the norms of literary pronunciation, uses intonation means of expression.

In preschool childhood, naturally, the process of mastering speech does not end for the child. And his speech as a whole, of course, is not always interesting, meaningful, or grammatically correct. Enrichment of vocabulary, development of grammatically correct speech, improvement of the ability to express one’s thoughts through speech, interestingly and expressively convey the content of a work of art will continue during school years and throughout life.

1.2 Periodization of speech development: speech development standards for preschool children

A child’s acquisition of his native language occurs with a strict pattern and is characterized by a number of features common to all children. In order to understand speech pathology, it is necessary to clearly understand the entire path of sequential speech development of children in normal conditions, to know the patterns of this process and the conditions on which its successful occurrence depends.

Long-term observations and scientific research have allowed psychologists and speech therapists to record approximate normative periods for speech development in children.

By the age of 3, children develop a need for independence, a desire to act independently of adults, self-esteem develops, which is reflected in speech behavior, in the choice of lexical and emotional-expressive means. The child begins to talk about himself in the first person. By this time, the child's active vocabulary includes up to 1500 words. Instead of a simple two-syllable phrase, he begins to use detailed sentences of five to eight words, and has mastered the plural of nouns and verbs. The child says his name, gender, age; understands the meaning of simple prepositions - performs tasks such as “put the cube under the cup”, “put the cube in the box”, uses simple prepositions and conjunctions in sentences because, if, when. The child understands short stories and fairy tales read with or without the help of pictures, can evaluate his own and others’ pronunciation, and asks questions about the meaning of words.

With the mastery of phrasal speech, the assimilation of the grammatical system of the language improves. By the age of three, the child uses all parts of speech in speech and constructs complete, grammatically formatted sentences. Characteristic signs of speech generalization appear.

A three-year-old child speaks phrasal speech and practically does not allow agrammatisms; uses prepositions and conjunctions when constructing sentences; His speech contains adverbs and pronouns. For a three-year-old child, speech is the regulator of his behavior: he obeys his elders, that is, he follows their instructions given in verbal form.

The child knows the concepts of “dishes”, “clothes”, “vegetables”, “fruits” in passive speech, although he does not yet use them in active speech. Children with whom targeted lessons were conducted to expand their vocabulary include in their speech adjectives that denote characteristics of shape, size, and color. The verb dictionary has been enriched with the names of actions that the child can already perform: draw, color, roll, catch, throw a ball, jump, run, etc. The baby knows that cars move sometimes fast, sometimes slowly; the ball flies up and falls down; a person has right and left hands; he can tell which thing is near and which thing is far away.

The sound pronunciation is not yet completely clear; the sounds Ш, Ж, Ш, Ш, Л, Р, Р were “retained” for the fourth year.

Reasons for concern: persistent and long-term lack of verbal imitation of words new to the child. When this phenomenon appears, the child mostly reproduces part of it instead of the whole word or distorts it using amorphous words. For example: “girl” - deka, “buy” - pika, “bread” - peha. The child does not construct sentences from the accumulated words. There are no verbs in his speech yet. The grammatical design of sentences is grossly distorted, for example, instead of “I don’t want” - Anya wants no. When speaking, the tip of the tongue protrudes between the teeth. The sounds are pronounced with a “squelch” and have a nasal connotation.

At 4 years old, the phrases spoken by the child already include sentences consisting of 5-6 words. There are compound and complex sentences, the prepositions by, before, instead of, conjunctions what, where, how much are used. At the same age, they begin to accompany their play with speech. The vocabulary reaches 2000 words by the age of 4, including words denoting temporal and spatial concepts.

By the age of 5, a child fully masters everyday vocabulary. His vocabulary is enriched with synonyms and antonyms. The child's vocabulary increases to 2500 - 3000. He actively uses generalizing words ("clothes", "vegetables", "animals", etc.), names a wide range of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality. There are no longer omissions or rearrangements of sounds and syllables in words; the only exception is some difficult unfamiliar words (excavator). All parts of speech are used in a sentence. The child masters all the sounds of his native language and uses them correctly in speech.

At 4.5 - 5 years old, the formation of the phonetic system of the native language ends, which largely prepares for mastering written speech. A five-year-old child's speech is clear, intelligible, without disturbances in sound pronunciation, because at this age the process of mastering sounds has ended. Speech activity has increased: the baby not only asks questions himself and answers the adult’s questions, but also willingly and for a long time talks about his observations and impressions. The use of sentences of a more complex structure is the cause of individual grammatical errors found in the speech of a five-year-old child, most often in the coordination of numerals with nouns. The first steps towards mastering literacy have been taken: the baby has learned to notice individual sounds in words, and is trying to fully analyze simple words. By the end of the 5th year, the child’s statements begin to resemble a short story in form. By the age of 6, the meaning of derivative words is mastered in word-formation activities, the intensity of word creation decreases, and operations of self-control and a critical attitude towards one’s speech are formed.

Reasons for concern: everyday vocabulary is limited, it cannot or is difficult to group and name objects, actions, signs according to a general characteristic, in one word, such as vegetables, fruits, trees, etc.; it is difficult to replace a word with a synonym, such as dog - dog, dirty - dirty, look - look; choose an antonym for the word, such as sugar - salt, cold - hot, smiling - frowning; not active in verbal communication, etc.; The child pronounces sounds incorrectly, distorts the syllabic structure of words, and cannot coherently talk about current events.

Summarizing the above, let us present the standards for speech development of preschool children in tabular form.

Table 1. Development of grammatical structure of speech

Grammar section Age 3 - 4 years 4 - 5 years 5 - 6 years 6 - 7 years Morphology Agree words in gender, number, case, use nouns with prepositions: in, on, under, The ability to correctly use prepositions is improved. They use forms of the imperative mood of verbs: want, run, go, lie. The ability to coordinate nouns with numerals and adjectives in a sentence is improved; the ability to use indeclinable nouns is formed. The ability to coordinate nouns with numerals, adjectives and pronouns with nouns is strengthened. Word formation. Nouns are used in the singular form. and many more h., denoting animals and their young; use the plural form. number of nouns in gender case (ribbons, apples, hands) Form a plural form. number of nouns denoting young animals (by analogy), use them by name, gender. cases (kittens-kittens), use the plural form correctly. Part gen. n. nouns Form the plural form. numbers of nouns denoting young animals, cognate words (following the pattern) Form (following the pattern) nouns with suffixes, verbs with prefixes, comparative and superlative adjectives. The ability to form homogeneous words is improved. Syntax They use sentences with homogeneous nouns, learn to correctly agree words in a sentence Correctly agree words in a sentence, learn to use the simplest types of compound and complex sentences Continue to learn to compose simple, complex sentences, learn to use direct and indirect speech Use a variety of syntactic structures and types in speech proposals

Table 2. Development of coherent speech

3-4 years 4-5 years 5-6 years 6-7 years Answer adult’s questions in monosyllables when looking at objects, paintings, illustrations; repeat after an adult a story of 3-4 sentences, compiled about a toy or based on the content of a picture; participate in the dramatization of excerpts from familiar fairy tales; retell short stories and fairy tales, familiar and newly read; compose short stories about the subject according to the content of the plot picture; dialogical speech is improved. Maintain a conversation: ask questions correctly in form and content, answer questions posed. Dialogue and monologue speech is improved. Maintain a casual conversation, ask questions, and answer them correctly. Develops the ability to make coherent, consistent predictions about small literary works without the help of an adult, to independently compose short stories about an object, from a picture, from a set of pictures, from a plan, a sample, from personal and collective experience, conveying well-known events; short stories of a creative nature Dialogue and monologue speech is improved. The ability to answer and ask questions is consolidated, and a culture of verbal communication is formed. The child independently, expressively, and without repetition conveys the content of literary texts, using various means of expression. Further development is gained by the ability to compose stories about an object (according to a plan drawn up collectively and proposed by an adult), from a picture, a series of plot pictures, the ability to compose short stories from personal experience, stories of a creative nature and short fairy tales

Table 3. Vocabulary development

3-4 years 4-5 years 5-6 years 6-7 years Distinguish and name parts of objects, their qualities (size, color, shape, material), some objects similar in purpose (shoes, boots), understand general words: toys, clothes, footwear , dishes, furniture Use nouns denoting professions; verbs denoting labor actions; determine and name the location of an object (left, right, between, near, next to), the time of day, characterizes the state and mood of people; uses nouns denoting the names of parts and details of objects; adjectives denoting properties; the most common verbs, adverbs, prepositionsUse nouns denoting the names of professions; adjectives denoting characteristics of objects; adverbs characterizing people’s attitude towards work; verbs characterizing people's work activities; words with a similar meaning, with a general meaning. Adjectives, nouns, verbs, adverbs, prepositions are used correctly and accurately in meaning. The stock of words denoting the names of objects, actions, and signs is expanding. They use synonyms, antonyms, and nouns with a general meaning in speech. Use different parts of speech exactly according to their meaning

2. Empirical study of the characteristics of speech development in preschool children

2.1 Organization of the study and description of diagnostic techniques

The subject of the study is the speech development of preschool children. The object of the experimental study is children of primary and secondary preschool age.

The purpose of the experimental study is to study the lexical side of speech of preschool children. Tasks:

examination of the state of passive and active vocabulary;

study of coherent speech;

study of the ability to correctly coordinate parts of speech.

Research base: MDOU No. 17 in Petrozavodsk. The study involved 2 children of primary preschool age (a boy and a girl, pupils of the junior group) and 2 children of middle preschool age (a boy and a girl, pupils of the middle group).

Organizationally, the research was carried out in several stages.

At the first (preliminary) stage, an analysis of theoretical sources on the research problem was carried out, and adequate methods were selected taking into account the research algorithm.

-Stage II of the study included diagnostics of children’s speech development.

-Stage III - analysis of the research results using methods of mathematical statistics, generalizing conclusions and recommendations are made based on the results of the study.

The diagnostic study was carried out in the middle of the academic year (March-April 2012).

The study was based on the principles of: individual approach (taking into account individual personality traits); accessibility; validity; accounting for the leading type of activity.

Diagnostic technique.

In our work, for a diagnostic study of the level of speech development of preschoolers, we used the following methods: “Name the words” and “Tell me from the picture.” (see Appendices 1,2).

Goal: to determine the vocabulary that is stored in the child’s active memory. The essence of the “Name the Words” technique is as follows: we named the child a certain word from the corresponding group and asked him to independently list other words belonging to the same group.



Colors of objects.

Shapes of objects.

Other characteristics of objects other than shape and color.

Human actions.

Ways a person performs actions.

The quality of human actions.

If the child himself found it difficult to begin listing the necessary words, then we helped him by naming the first word from a given group and asked the child to continue listing.

Goal: to determine the child’s active vocabulary.

We asked the child to look at a series of pictures presented in Appendix 2 (depending on age, the pictures are different for the middle and older groups). Next, the child was given 2 minutes. so that he carefully examines this picture. After the child looked at the picture, they were asked to talk about what he saw in it. Another 2 minutes were allotted for the story based on the picture.

The question "What is this picture about?" pushed the child to the need to give an interpretation of the plot. The children established connections between the pictures and explained the content of the picture.

2.2 Diagnostic results

As a result of the study of the vocabulary of preschoolers of the primary and secondary groups using the “Name the Words” method, we received the following results, presented in Table 4.

Table 4. Vocabulary examination using the “Name the words” method

Groups of words Junior preschool age Middle preschool age Boy (Ilya K., 3 years old) Girl (Sonya D., 3 years old) Boy (Nikita A., 5 years old) Girl (Dasha S., 5 years old) Animals. Bear Wolf Cat Hare Dog Pig HorseBear Fox Wolf Cat Hare Dog Hamster MouseBear Fox Wolf Cat Hare Dog Squirrel Penguin Rhinoceros TurtleBear Wolf Cat Hare Dog Goat Tiger DolphinPlants.Christmas Tree Oak Tree Birch Birch Cherry Cucumber Tomato DandelionBirch for Apple Tree Rose Chamomile Strawberry Banana Colors of items. Red Green White Blue Red Green White YellowRed Green Yellow Light Blue Orange Blue Burgundy Red Green Orange Cherry Pink Lilac Shapes of objects. Circle SquareCircle Triangle RectangleCircle Square Triangle Rectangle OvalCircle Square Triangle Polygon Other signs of objects, except shape and color.TallWide Narrow High/low Large Narrow Soft/hardHigh/low Large Wide Wooden Human actions.Walks Sits Walks EatsWalks Sits Walks PlaysWalks Sleep Sits Walks Work It's Reading Breathes Laughs Walks Sits Walks Watches (TV) Resting EngagesWays of a person performing actions.--Fast Slow Beautiful The quality of actions performed by a person.Good Bad Good BadGood Bad Beautiful Good Bad Beautiful AccurateEvaluation of results (points)22254639Evaluation of results (level)Low AverageVery highHigh

For the first group of words (animals), of the 4 children surveyed, all four (100%) named a bear, a wolf, a cat, a hare, and a dog. Animals such as tiger, dolphin, penguin, rhinoceros, and turtle were named only by children in the middle group.

This is explained by the following: already in the younger group (3-4 years), children become acquainted with the animals of their immediate environment: domestic (cat, cow, dog) and wild (fox, bear, wolf, bunny). In the middle group, children's knowledge expands, children clarify and enrich their ideas about who lives in cold and hot regions.

In the concept of “Plants” (second group), children included the following subgroups: trees, shrubs, herbs; flowers; vegetables, fruits, berries. In this group, all children most often named birch - 3 children. Preschoolers aged 5 years named not only trees, but also herbs; flowers; vegetables, fruits, berries (rose, dandelion, cucumber, banana, strawberry).

In the third group (colors of objects), children mainly named the primary colors: red and green - 4 people (100%), as well as yellow, blue, green; contrasting colors: white. The children in the middle group who were surveyed also named colors that were similar in tone: blue and orange; figurative names of colors: cherry, pink, lilac, burgundy.

In the fourth group (shapes of objects), all children named planar geometric shapes: circle - 4 people (100%), square - 3 people (75%). Children in the middle group named a larger number of types of figures, including general concepts: polygon.

In the fifth group (other attributes of objects, except shape and color), children in the active dictionary most often used the following attributes of objects: size, size: tall - 3 people (75%), wide, narrow; material: wooden - 1 person from the older group. Children use other attributes of objects less often: soft, hard - 1 person from the older group.

In the sixth group (human actions), children named the most common actions performed by them and the people in their immediate environment (parents, teachers): walking, walking (100%), sitting - 75%, also named - sleeping, eating, watching (TV ), works. In the older group, children develop the most abstract concepts: exercising, breathing, resting, laughing.

In the seventh group (ways a person performs actions), only children in the middle group were able to name: fast, slow, beautiful.

In the eighth group (quality of performing actions), the children named the following qualities: good, bad - all 4 people, beautiful - 2 people from the middle group, neat - 1 person from the middle group.

As a result of the research we conducted, it was found that children are well versed in the concepts of animals, plants, colors, shapes of objects, and human actions. Difficulties for children (especially for younger preschoolers) were caused by the names of such groups of words as: other characteristics of objects, except for shape and color, ways of performing actions by a person, the quality of actions performed by a person. This is explained by the visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking of preschoolers. Therefore, preschool children master the names of visually represented or accessible phenomena, qualities, properties and relationships. For the same reason, there are no abstract concepts in the preschooler's vocabulary.

Very high and high levels of speech development in children of the middle group are obtained as a result of a large amount of knowledge in the groups of animals, plants, colors and shapes of objects, and human actions.

II. Results of the examination using the “Tell me from the picture” method (Appendices 2, 3).

During the examination, children of the younger group showed the following results.

In the picture the boy has a shovel. He's digging the ground. The boy plants seeds and then waters them. A good harvest has grown.

No. Speech fragments recorded during the research process. Frequency of use%1. Nouns738.92. Verbs422,23. Adjectives in regular form15,54. Comparative adjectives - 5. Superlative adjectives--6. Adverb15,57. Pronouns15,58. Unions15.59. Prepositions211,110. Complex sentences and constructions--

Spring came. A boy plants flowers. He digs the ground, plants seeds, and waters from a watering can. Beautiful flowers have grown.

No. Speech fragments recorded during the research process. Frequency of use%1. Nouns743.72. Verbs637.53. Adjectives in regular form16,24. Comparative adjectives - 5. Superlative adjectives--6. Adverb--7. Pronouns16,28. Unions--9. Prepositions16,210. Complex sentences and constructions--

We see that children's stories are short, nouns predominate in them, and verbs come second. Children's speech contains few adjectives in the usual form and does not contain adjectives in the comparative and superlative degrees at all. Examination results in the middle group. Nikita A.

It was 9 o'clock. Mom came to her son: “Son, let’s go to bed.” But he didn’t want to sleep. Mom picked him up, carried him into the room and put him in his crib. He cried. Mom came and read him a fairy tale. She read and read, lay down next to her and fell asleep herself. And the baby got out of the crib and is playing, and the mother is sleeping.

No. Speech fragments recorded during the research process. Frequency of use%1. Nouns1321.72. Verbs2033.33. Adjectives in regular form--4. Comparative adjectives - 5. Superlative adjectives813.36. Adverb11.77. Pronouns58,38. Unions711.79. Prepositions58,310. Complex sentences and constructions11.7

The child played with blocks. Mom came and said: “It’s time to go to bed.” She took him in her arms and carried him to bed. The baby was sitting in the crib and crying very loudly. Mom decided to read him an interesting fairy tale. She read and read, got tired and fell asleep herself. The baby quietly got out and went for a walk. And mom was sleeping.

No. Speech fragments recorded during the research process. Frequency of use%1. Nouns1021,32. Verbs1940.43. Adjectives in regular form12,14. Comparative adjectives - 5. Superlative adjectives--6. Adverb36,47. Pronouns48,58. Unions612.89. Prepositions36,410. Complex sentences and constructions12.1 In general, for both groups examined, it can be concluded that the perception of a series of plot pictures was complete, since the children were close and understandable to the plot. From the above stories it is clear that children can compose short stories based on a series of plot tasks. We see that both in primary and middle preschool age, children are able to independently reveal the content of a picture if it depicts objects that are familiar to them. But when composing a story based on a picture, children of the younger group concentrate their attention mainly on the main details; secondary, less important ones are often omitted. Most often, children express their thoughts in simple common sentences, and their structure becomes more complex by middle preschool age, sentences with homogeneous members of direct speech, compound and complex sentences appear.

Also, comparing the use of various parts of speech by boys and girls in both age groups examined, we came to the conclusion that there are no significant differences between them.


Speech development is considered as the development of skills to understand and use language: the development of phonemic hearing and sound analysis, vocabulary, awareness of the composition of words, the formation of grammatical categories, the development of communication skills, abilities and skills of coherent speech.

Speech is not an innate ability, but develops in the process of ontogenesis (individual development of the organism from the moment of its inception to the end of life) in parallel with the physical and mental development of the child and serves as an indicator of his overall development. A child’s acquisition of his native language occurs with a strict pattern and is characterized by a number of features common to all children. In order to understand speech pathology, it is necessary to clearly understand the entire path of sequential speech development of children in normal conditions, to know the patterns of this process and the conditions on which its successful occurrence depends. Thus, in middle preschool age, word formation and word creation begin in close connection with the expansion of the vocabulary. The formation of statements such as elementary short monologues (stories) begins. Sound pronunciation is actively mastered, mainly through games with onomatopoeia.

Senior preschool age is marked by the development of free speech, the formation of phonemic perception, and awareness of the simplest linguistic patterns, which is manifested, in particular, in the abundance of language games with grammatical content (word creation, “grammatical searches”). This is the period of mastering the methods of grammatically correct construction of detailed coherent statements, the active development of complex syntax in the arbitrary construction of a monologue, the stage of the formation of grammatically and phonetically correct speech, the development of methods of isolating (awareness) sentences, words, sounds from speech.

Having studied the literature on the topic and conducted a diagnostic study, we came to the conclusion that in the fifth year of life (which corresponds to early preschool age), children know well and correctly name objects in their immediate environment: the names of toys, dishes, clothes and furniture. In addition to nouns and verbs, children begin to use other parts of speech: adjectives, adverbs, prepositions. The beginnings of monologue speech appear. In speech, simple but already common sentences predominate; children use complex and complex sentences, but very rarely.

The results of the diagnostics showed that in middle preschool age children's vocabulary becomes richer; children use homogeneous additions and generalizing words in speech. Some children are able to determine the time of day shown in the picture, most are able to characterize the state and mood of people. Use the most common verbs, adverbs and prepositions, use them correctly and accurately in meaning. Children correctly agree the words in a sentence.

Those around you should help the child develop correct, clear speech. Therefore, the following cultural and methodological requirements can be identified as recommendations:

The speech of educators must be absolutely literate and literary. First of all, you should understand the peculiarities of your speech, take into account its mistakes and errors, fight them through constant self-control and improve your language. This is facilitated by communicating with people who speak perfect speech, listening to artistic readings performed by masters of artistic expression, and independently carefully reading fiction.

The culture of speech and its ethics require special attention. The teacher’s speech in form and tone should always be cultured and impeccably polite.

The structure of speech should be adjusted to the age of the children. The younger the child, the simpler the syntactic structure of speech addressed to him should be: sentences should be short, simple. With long complex sentences, children do not grasp the main meaning.

Accuracy, clarity, and simplicity of speech require special attention. The accuracy of perception, clarity of understanding, and therefore thinking, depend on the accuracy of speech. In this sense, human language is replete with errors. We often use words for other purposes: we called a child’s chair a high chair, a window a window, a brick a cube, we suggest children wear shoes or hats, but they must be put on, etc. This harms children’s attention, the accuracy and clarity of their perceptions, impoverishes their vocabulary and distorts their language.

It is unacceptable to include children's words, sometimes so cute and funny, in your speech. This slows down the process of the child mastering correct speech.

It is necessary to regulate the pace of your speech. It is difficult even for an adult to follow the content of speech that is too fast, but a child is completely incapable of this. Not understanding the meaning of the flowing streams of words, he simply stops listening. Speech that is too slow and drawn out is also unacceptable, of course; it becomes boring and unnerving.

You should regulate the strength of your voice, speak as loudly or quietly as the conditions of the moment and the content of the speech require. Children do not hear quiet speech that turns into a whisper and do not grasp its content. They are unable to listen. Children adopt loud speech, turning into a scream, as a manner of speech unusually quickly. What happens? Children shout, they are shouted down by adults, and in the established din the words and their contents emerge.

We cannot impose artistic demands on a teacher’s speech, but his speech should be emotional, if possible figurative, expressive and reflect that interest, that love for the child, the presence of which is necessary for every teacher.

Teachers must have methodological skills, knowledge of the techniques necessary to exert an appropriate influence on children’s speech, and the ability to apply them in all cases of communication with children.

Persons with pronounced and defective speech deficiencies should not guide the development of children's speech.


1.Arushanova A.G. Speech and verbal communication of children: A book for kindergarten teachers. M.: Education, 2001. - 285 p.

Bodalev A.A. Stolin V.V. Avanesov V.S. General psychodiagnostics. St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Rech", 2011. - 440 p.

Vygotsky L.S. Thinking and speech. Ed. 5, rev. - M.: Labyrinth, 1999. - 352 p.

Ermolaeva M.V. Developmental psychology. M.: Publisher: Moscow Psychological and Social Institute, NPO MODEK, 2009. - 376 p.

Karpova S.N. Psychology of child speech development / S.N. Karpova, Z.I. Truve. Rostov-on-Don, 2007. - 288 p.

Lyubina G.A. Speech development of preschoolers in communication: A manual for preschool teachers. institutions. M.: Narodnaya Asveta, 1999. - 180 p.

Lyamina G.M. Features of speech development in preschool children. - M.: ARKTI, 2005. - 252 p.

Meshcheryakova S.Yu., Avdeeva N.N. You and the baby. At the origins of communication. M.: Pedagogy, 1998. - 224 p.

Maksakov A. I., Fomicheva M. F. Sound culture of speech. / In the book: Development of speech in preschool children / Ed. F. A. Sokhina. - M.: Mosaic-synthesis, 2009. - P 152-167

Mukhina V.S. Child psychology. Textbook for students of pedagogy. institutions. / Ed. L.A. Wenger. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Education, 2005. - 272 p.

Nagornova A.Yu. (ed.) Current problems of modern education: experience and innovation. Part 1. Materials of the 3rd scientific and practical conference (correspondence) with international participation: April 20-21, 2012 - FSBEI HPE UlSPU named after. I.N. Ulyanov. - Ulyanovsk: UlGU, 2012. - 344 p.

Palagina N.N. Developmental and developmental psychology. M.: Moscow Psychological and Social Institute, 2005. - 288 p.

Ushakova O.S. Speech development in preschoolers as a necessary condition for successful personal development: lectures. M.: Pedagogical University September 1, 2010. - 68 p.

Fedorenko L.P. Methods of speech development for preschool children. - M., Education, 2007. - 320 p.

Encyclopedia of education and development of preschool children / N.V. Novotortseva, T.V. Bashaeva, N.N. Vasilyeva, N.V. Klyueva and others - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, Academy Holding, 2011 - 480 p.

Annex 1

Goal: to determine the vocabulary that is stored in the child’s active memory. The experimenter names the child a certain word from the corresponding group and asks him to independently list other words related to the same group.

20 seconds are allotted for naming each of the groups of words listed below, and in total 160 seconds are allotted for completing the entire task.



.Colors of objects.

.Shapes of objects.

.Other characteristics of objects other than shape and color.

.Human actions.

.Ways a person performs actions.

.The quality of human actions.

If the child himself finds it difficult to begin listing the necessary words, then the adult helps him by naming the first word from this group and asks the child to continue the listing.

Evaluation of results

10 points - the child named 40 or more different words related to all groups. 8-9 points - the child named from 35 to 39 different words related to different groups. 6-7 points - the child named from 30 to 34 different words related with different groups. 4-5 points - the child named from 25 to 29 different words from different groups. 2-3 points - the child named from 20 to 24 different words associated with different groups. 0-1 point - the child named for the entire time no more than 19 words.

Conclusions about the level of development

points - very high.

9 points - high.

7 points - average.

3 points - low.

1 point - very low.

Appendix 2

Goal: to determine the child’s active vocabulary. If he is between 3 and 4 years old, then the child is shown a series of pictures shown in Fig. 27 and fig. 28. If the child’s age is from 4 to 5 years, then he receives the pictures shown in Fig. 29 and Fig. 30. Next, the child is given 2 minutes to carefully examine these pictures. If he is distracted or cannot understand what is shown in the picture, then the experimenter explains and specifically draws his attention to this.

After viewing the picture is finished, the child is asked to talk about what he saw in it. Another 2 minutes are allotted for the story about each picture.

The psychologist conducting the research using this technique records the results in a table (Table 1), where they note the presence and frequency of the child’s use of various parts of speech, grammatical forms and constructions.

Evaluation of results

10 points - all 10 fragments of speech included in the table are found in the child’s speech. 8-9 points - 8-9 of the fragments of speech included in the table are found in the child’s speech. 6-7 points - 6-7 of those contained in the table are found in the child’s speech fragments of speech. 4-5 points - in the child’s speech there are only 4-5 of the 10 fragments of speech included in the table. 2-3 points - in the child’s speech there are 2-3 of the fragments of speech included in the table. 0-1 point - in speech child has no more than one fragment of speech from those included in the table.

Conclusions about the level of development

points - very high.

9 points - high.

7 points - average.

3 points - low.

1 point - very low.

Table 1 Scheme for recording the results of the study using the “Tell it from the picture” method.

No. Fragments of speech recorded during the research. Frequency of use 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Nouns Verbs Adjectives in the usual form Adjectives in the comparative degree Adjectives in the superlative degree Adverbs Pronouns Conjunctions Prepositions Complex sentences and constructions

Pictures for the “Tell by Picture” technique for children from 3 to 4 years old

A series of story pictures for the “Tell by Picture” method for children aged 4 to 5 years.

Appendix 3

Diagnostic protocols.

Junior group.

Ilya K., 3 years old

Methodology "Name the words"

1. Bear Wolf Cat Hare Dog Pig Horse2. Christmas tree Oak3. Red Green White Blue4. Circle Square5. Tall6. Walks Sits Walks Eats 7. -8. Good bad

No. Speech fragments recorded during the research process. Frequency of use 11. Nouns712. Verbs413. Adjectives in regular form114. Comparative adjectives-15. Superlative adjectives-16. Adverb117. Pronouns118. Unions119. Prepositions220. Complex sentences and constructions -

Sonya D., 3 years old

Methodology "Name the words"

1. Bear Fox Wolf Cat Hare Dog Hamster Mouse2. Christmas tree Birch3. Red Green White Yellow4. Circle Triangle Rectangle5. Wide Narrow 6. Walks Sits Walks Play7. Good bad

“Tell me from a picture” technique

No. Speech fragments recorded during the research process. Frequency of use 11. Nouns712. Verbs613. Adjectives in regular form114. Comparative adjectives-15. Superlative adjectives-16. Adverb-17. Pronouns118. Unions-19. Prepositions120. Complex sentences and constructions -

Middle group.

Nikita A., 5 years old

Methodology "Name the words"

1. Bear Fox Wolf Cat Hare Dog Squirrel Penguin Rhinoceros Turtle2. Birch Cherry Cucumber Tomato Dandelion3. Red Green Yellow Light Blue Orange Blue Burgundy 4. Circle Square Triangle Rectangle Oval5. High/low Large Narrow Soft/hard6. Walks Sleeps Sits Walks Works Reads Breathes Laughs7. Fast Slow 8. Good Bad Beautiful “Tell me from a picture” technique

No. Speech fragments recorded during the research process. Frequency of use 11. Nouns1312. Verbs2013. Adjectives in regular form-14. Comparative adjectives-15. Superlative adjectives816. Adverb117. Pronouns518. Unions719. Prepositions520. Complex sentences and constructions1

Dasha S., 5 years old

Methodology "Name the words"

1. Bear Wolf Cat Hare Dog Goat Tiger Dolphin2. Birch Apple Tree Rose Chamomile Strawberry Banana 3. Red Green Orange Cherry Pink Lilac 4. Circle Square Triangle Polygon 5. High/low Large Wide Wooden 6. Walks Sits Walks Watches (TV) Resting Engages 7. Beautiful 8. Good Bad Beautiful Neat

“Tell me from a picture” technique

No. Speech fragments recorded during the research process. Frequency of use 11. Nouns1012. Verbs1913. Adjectives in regular form114. Comparative adjectives-15. Superlative adjectives-16. Adverb317. Pronouns418. Unions619. Prepositions320. Complex sentences and constructions1


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The purpose and objectives of speech development in preschool children

Speech development: goal, objectives, typical mistakes in the development of children's speech and overcoming them.

The purpose and objectives of children's speech development

I was prompted to write this article by chance - on one of the popular “mom’s” sites I came across gross errors in explaining to parents the methods of speech development for preschoolers. And I realized that I definitely need to write an article for parents about the basics of speech development methods. We need moms and dads, grandparents to know What exactly is speech development in preschool children?, For what any family needs this and what are the effective ways speech games and activities with preschool children.

Who doesn’t write now about the development of children’s speech! It is very difficult for the average reader – a non-specialist – to understand all this confusion. For some reason, it is believed that it is enough to read articles on the Internet or books and retell them in order to declare oneself an “expert/consultant/specialist/trainer in the development of speech in preschool children” and begin teaching other adults how to develop the speech of children. But the theory and methodology of children’s speech development is a very deep, complex and versatile science that requires knowledge of psychological, psycholinguistic, physiological, and methodological foundations. And in order to advise and teach someone about the development of children’s speech, you need to know its basics and understand the system and patterns of a child’s speech development, as well as engage in daily practice of the speech development of many, very different kids. In this article, I will try, as a specialist and candidate of pedagogical sciences in this field, in simple, accessible language to “sort out” the confusion that exists on the Internet regarding the development of speech in children. I hope that as a result of reading this article, you will be able to correctly and effectively develop the speech of your children and will not make mistakes. You will also be able to navigate the literature and articles on children’s speech development.

What you will learn about in the article is not only my personal opinion, it is also the results of numerous scientific studies, as well as the results of my personal long-term work on the development of speech in children from a variety of families and social strata.

You will learn from this article:

Part 1 - “Hit the bull’s eye,” or about the main goal of developing the speech of children under seven years old and why all this is needed,

Part 2 - “Measure twice, cut once” or why you need to know the norms of children’s speech development,

Part 3 - “Wherever you go, you will find”, or the main directions of speech development and tasks,

Part 4 - “It’s hit or miss,” or effective and ineffective ways to develop children’s speech.

Speech development: how to and how not to develop speech in preschoolers

Part 1. Why do you need to develop speech and what is speech development? Or we determine the goal of speech development and “hit the bull’s eye”

Speech development: typical mistakes in understanding the goal.

To do anything effectively, we need to have a very precise idea of ​​the desired goal of our actions. Then we will be able to “hit the bull’s eye” and achieve it. What will happen as a result of our actions? What will the child or his speech be like?

If there is no precise understanding of the goal, then our actions will be very similar to shooting sparrows from cannons, and the goal will be difficult and almost impossible to achieve. The selection of ways to achieve it, that is, the selection of effective speech development techniques and the ability to distinguish them from ineffective ones, also depends on understanding the goal.

Therefore, at the beginning, let's look at the purpose of developing the speech of children in preschool age and the typical mistakes that are encountered in this very important issue.

What is speech development? Opinion 1 and error 1. The most common mistake in speech development, which I encounter every day in my practice of communicating with parents and teachers, with my friends, is the understanding of speech development is too narrow - as the work of a speech therapist to identify impaired sounds in children. It is believed that if a child pronounces all sounds, then his speech is well developed and there is no need to develop anything, which is not at all true! Once I even heard from the teacher’s lips (I went with a friend to pick up her child in kindergarten and accidentally heard the teacher’s remark): “You know! It turns out that we also need to develop children’s speech, but we are not a speech therapy group.” This was said by the teacher of the senior group of a kindergarten in a large city (!!!), which showed me that even many teachers do not understand the purpose of their own work on the development of children’s speech and do not know why it is necessary. This means they have no results in this direction.

Let's separate these two concepts and these two lines - speech correction and speech development.

Line 1. Speech correction. A speech therapist deals with speech correction, i.e. correction of speech disorders in children and adults. That is, a speech therapist conducts classes with children whose speech is already impaired and helps the child correct speech disorders. Moreover, speech disorders concern not only sounds, but also speech breathing, intonation, tempo and timbre of speech, as well as grammar, vocabulary, coherent speech, that is, all aspects of speech development. If a child does not have speech disorders, then he does not need speech therapy classes, but he does need speech development classes (see line 2).

Speech therapists conduct classes with the youngest children of early age with delayed speech development or mental retardation, as well as with older children - 3-7 years old, and even with schoolchildren, teenagers and adults. But the methods of teaching 2-year-olds and 5-year-olds or schoolchildren are different.

Line 2. Speech development and prevention of speech disorders. With normal speech development, the child does not require speech therapy classes. But developing his speech is very necessary and important! This means that he needs classes and games not for speech correction, but for speech development. A lot can be done from the first days of a baby’s life to prevent him from developing speech disorders in the future. And so that he speaks freely, beautifully, accurately, expressively, correctly and without mistakes. This is the development of speech.

I specifically wrote it in simple everyday language without terms, so that the difference would be clear.

What is “speech development”? Opinion 2 and error 2. Very often, the concept of “speech development” is narrowed in modern families, and in many centers of preparation for school and preschool education only to prepare children for learning to read and write, or is considered even more narrowly - only as learning to read. That is, in this case, teachers and parents believe that the development of speech in preschoolers is teaching children to read and children’s good knowledge of letters. But quick reading and knowledge of such concepts as “word”, “syllable”, “hard consonant”, “soft consonant”, “vowel”, “sentence” is only a small, very narrow part of the holistic system of speech development in preschool age. And it cannot be “torn out” from this system. More on this below.

A case from my practice. Many years ago I held a parent meeting for my new group of kids. The children in my group at that time were three years old, some were four. The first thing parents asked me at the meeting was how quickly I could teach their children to read, and at what speed they would read by the end of the school year. They thought that since I was working on speech development, this meant that the main thing for me in teaching three-year-old children was reading. Then I asked one of the mothers: “Irina, when you got your prestigious job, did you go through a competitive interview?” “Of course,” Anechka’s mother answered. “Did you have your reading speed checked when applying for this job?” Anya’s mother laughed: “Of course not.” Then I asked those mothers and fathers who had their reading speed tested when applying for a job to raise their hands. Haven't checked with anyone :). I asked what was being tested, and what tests did they need to pass? It turned out that absolutely everyone, when applying for a job, was tested for their ability to navigate new situations, as well as in typical and non-standard situations, think independently, prove their opinion correctly, conduct a discussion, analyze information, not get lost in life situations, general level of development, ability cooperate with people and other life skills. “This is what is laid down in preschool childhood, and this is what I will teach your children,” I said then. – “And have your own thoughts, and express them accurately and clearly for your interlocutor, conduct a discussion, clearly formulate questions and answers to them, defend your opinion, navigate different life situations of verbal communication. And this is the development of speech in babies!” So what will be the most important thing in children’s lives – reading speed or these vital skills of verbal communication with people, the ability to express oneself, one’s thoughts and feelings, to feel one’s individuality? Every parent answers this question for himself. (Note: I do not deny reading, but I believe that it should not be an end in itself and the most important thing in teaching children)

At this meeting we resolved this issue in favor of vital communication skills. And we did it brilliantly! These children not only spoke well by the end of preschool age, they became my co-authors of many speech games and activities that you are now reading on the site. And we also wrote two very real books, published by the Karapuz publishing house in the series “Development of Speech and Verbal Communication” on interesting expressions of the Russian language (counting crows, scratching with your tongue, and others). Games with these children and the stories and tasks they created formed the basis of my online course.”

What is “speech development”? Opinion 3 and error 3. Another very common mistake that I encounter in letters from readers of the site is equate the development of speech with its appearance in a child. From this point of view, it turns out like this: as soon as the baby speaks, as soon as his first words appear, there is nothing left to develop, no development of speech is needed, because the child speaks, which means speech is there and developed! This is wrong. The first words are just the first stage in speech development. All the most interesting things await you ahead. And writing fairy tales and riddles, and getting to know poetry and other genres of children's literature and the ability to distinguish them from each other, and logical speech problems, and games with sounds, syllables, sentences, and retellings, and much more.

What is speech development? Opinion 4 and error 4. Some believe that the method of speech development is simply tongue twisters, counting rhymes, riddles, and pure tongue twisters. You need to use them with children in any order and more often, and everything will be fine.

Or is there an opinion that speech development is it’s just memorizing and naming different objects by a child from pictures(memorizing and naming the names of cities, trees, flowers, animals, countries, body parts, birds, fish, etc.). And we need to make sure that the baby remembers more words - the names of objects, so his speech will be developed. This is wrong. Developed speech is much more than simply naming objects.

I encounter this error all the time on different sites on the Internet. For example, on one of the sites for mothers, the author wrote that for early childhood there is a developed method for speech development, everything is clear, there are well-planned Doman classes, but “for preschool age there is no method for speech development, it needs to be created.” This phrase brought a sincere smile to my face, and I laughed heartily and for a long time. After all, entire teams of talented scientists and practitioners for many decades in our country have created and are creating methods for the development of speech in children! Students learn this technique for several semesters, and it is considered one of the most difficult. And the method of speech development is not a mountain of chaotically selected rhymes, poems or tongue twisters and games - but these are specific stages of solving specific problems in their system. Well-founded, proven steps! Since each pure tongue twister or tongue twister or other technique does not exist on its own, but “fits” into the system of speech development, and fits not just like that, but into a specific direction and at a specific stage of children’s education. It is then that they will really “work” most effectively on the development of children’s speech. Otherwise, we use only 10-20% of their potential.

What happens when this error occurs? We get the so-called “learned helplessness” in the development of a child’s speech. It manifests itself in the fact that the child perfectly and quickly completes tasks that he was taught and which were often repeated. But he does not speak as a means of communication and knowledge in life and is lost in any unfamiliar situation. But mastery of speech as a means of communication is the main thing! As one mother, a reader of my site and a graduate of my course for parents, said: “I was proud that my daughter knew the names of all the capitals of the world, but she could not meet other children in the yard or talk to them, tell a fairy tale. And only now I realized that this was not the main thing!” I’ll say right away that after this mother changed her position in communicating with her child, there was a sharp impetus in the development of the baby’s speech. Now the girl already uses phraseological units in her speech and actively composes stories and fairy tales with her mother. And if this had not happened, she would have remained at the level of memorized words.

A case from my practice. Sasha is 4 years old. When monitoring speech development, I pay attention to the fact that the baby has a very low level of speech development and great difficulties with speech. He cannot retell “from the pictures and with my help even “Turnip”, several groups of sounds are disrupted, the boy gets confused in colors and shapes, cannot describe where the object is, cannot describe the toy even with my help, cannot continue the phrase, he finds words with difficulty, coordinates words with each other in sentences with errors, and has many grammatical errors in his speech. But to my amazement, he answers very accurately from the pictures and tells me all the prepositions (in, on, under, for, before, from under, because of). I ask Sasha’s mom what’s the matter and how does he know prepositions so well, because... I can't understand the reason. It turns out that for a whole year, every day, the mother memorized with her child pictures depicting various prepositions (a ball on the table, under the table, at the table, in front of the table, jumped out from behind the table, etc.). And in the end, Sasha remembered them all and knows how to reproduce and name them. It took a lot of time to do this activity - repeating pictures - daily speech exercises that the child dislikes in the evenings for a year!!! Did this give impetus to the development of Sasha’s speech? No. During this year of “training” the child only on knowledge of prepositions, very important other aspects of speech development were missed. “Training a child” to solve one problem never leads to good results in speech development. All prepositions could be learned very quickly and interestingly for the child with Sasha in exciting and fun speech games (you will find their detailed description in a series of my articles about). Were the mother’s heroic daily efforts to develop her son’s speech effective? No. But you could play speech games with joy and enthusiasm with your child and achieve better results instead of the painful repetition of the same pictures day after day!

Let’s now see how to avoid mistakes and develop children’s speech easily and joyfully without unnecessary “heroism.” And we will finally determine our true goal, what we will try for and what we want to get.

What actually is the method of speech development and the development of speech in children?

The methodology for developing children's speech answers the questions: 1) what to teach in the development of children's speech, 2) how to teach and 3) why and why to teach this way. Moreover, the answers to these questions and recommendations in the methodology for developing children’s speech are also not taken “from the head,” but are determined from the practice of developing children’s speech and from experimental work with children. How does this happen? To test a certain method of speech development, the authors take several groups of children (the groups should be approximately the same in terms of the children’s development level). Further work is carried out with these groups of children on speech development, but they are taught in different ways in order to choose the most effective one. Next, the researchers look at the difference in the results obtained in children. Then the results are rechecked with other groups of children. And based on a comparison of the data obtained, a conclusion is made about which method of speech development in working with children is more effective and gives the best results. And it is this method that is recommended for everyone to use - both teachers and parents. This is how the theory and methodology of children’s speech development was created and is being created. And I, as a researcher of children’s speech, when developing my own methods of developing children’s speech and game-based communicative situations for speech classes with children, do the same thing - I make sure to check all the speech development techniques when working with children before recommending them to other people - teachers and parents.

The goal of speech development for children in preschool age

What exactly is the development of speech in preschool children? Speech development has as its goal help the child master competent, beautiful, expressive oral speech in his native language, learn to accurately, vividly, figuratively convey HIS thoughts, feelings, impressions in speech (note - your own, i.e. do not memorize and repeat like a parrot what is said to an adult, but compose your opinion about the event and express it in speech, prove it, discuss it with others).

That is, a child’s well-developed oral speech should be: a) correct (that is, without errors), b) “good” in quality, that is, beautiful, imaginative, accurate, rich, expressive. This is our goal for the development of speech in children in preschool age.

Nowadays there are more and more children who are considered geniuses in the family. They know huge passages from encyclopedias by heart. But any creative or problematic situation baffles them. They also don’t have beautiful creative expressive speech. That is, they do not have the base, the basis for the development of abilities and speech development.

A case from my practice. Vanya was developed very intensively in the family, since he was the only son and grandson in a family of professors. Vanya’s speech was also developed, but in a special way: they read excerpts from encyclopedias to the child and forced the boy to retell them. This was a daily task - Vanya’s lesson with her parents “on speech development”. The child retold this story, indeed, at the highest level for his age - of course, daily training in the family was producing results! The family believed that a good retelling was the main thing Vanya needed to succeed in school. But the child had obvious problems with verbal communication and creativity, as well as with initiative and curiosity. They were not encouraged in the family. One day I asked Vanya (he was 6 years old at that time): “Will your wooden boat float in the water?” And he answers me: “Grandfather hasn’t read about this to me yet. When he reads it, I’ll tell you what he said.” And there is no attempt by the child to even try to reason, generalize or practically test his version - to launch the boat into the water and draw his own conclusion about its “buoyancy” and its reasons. Such children cannot write a fairy tale, meet a peer in the yard, or come to an agreement with the children. Is their speech well developed? Can they express themselves? No. Alas, they only repeat other people’s memorized thoughts. The goal was not achieved, although the adults in the family invested a lot of effort, but, alas, in the wrong direction! Vanya is currently studying at school - he is an average student, without outstanding success and without the desire for knowledge. After all, what is important in school is not retelling, but the child’s ability to highlight the main thing in educational material, generalize, draw an independent conclusion, analyze, compare, and not repeat after an adult. The parents are disappointed and offended by Vanyushka. But I won’t envy Vanya - after all, the family themselves “drove” him into this “dead end” of development.

This is interesting: When the method of speech development was just being created in Russia, it set an even more interesting and even higher level task - to educate a child not just in correct expressive speech, but individual speaking style! Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol and other writers have an individual style of speech - we will never confuse the authors with each other, feeling their author's style. You can read more about this in the article (the article was written almost 100 years ago, but what deep and very modern thoughts are in it! And how you want to go to these heights!).

Alas, in the modern situation there is no time for this task, because... Usually children do not “mature” to this level. We are already talking about the fact that almost every child has a disorder in speech development! But a huge number of these violations simply could not have happened if the child had been properly treated and communicated in the family and in the kindergarten!

So, with the goal and typical mistakes in determining the goal of speech development, as well as with what the methodology for speech development is, we have decided. The goal is high, interesting, very necessary for all of us in life, and the main thing for us is to start moving forward - to go towards it in small steps.

Now let's talk about indicative indicators of speech development - or about “norms” and monitoring of child development.

Part 2. Who came up with the standards for children’s speech development and why you need to know them.

Speech development is a process that a child goes through a number of stages. And there are indicative indicators of a child’s speech development at each age period. All standards for children’s speech development that exist in our country are the result of serious, long-term and in-depth scientific research into child development.

Of course, all children are very individual! But a lag in development of 2-3 periods is already an alarm signal that requires contacting specialists. And if help is provided to the child on time, then everything will be fine. But if you ignore the delay in the development of your child’s speech, then there may be problems at school - great difficulties in writing and in learning in general. The development of speech is closely related to the development of thinking, with communication with peers, so it is very important that the child does not experience problems. And if there are problems, so that they are resolved in a timely manner.

A little about the baby’s vocabulary and approximate indicators in his development.

Just today I received a comment on my website: “Ha ha ha. 200-300 words by 2-3 years!” (subtext is unreal!) But this is the modern minimum - the standard for speech development. The reader laughs at these numbers, because... Indeed, many children do not speak at all now at 2-2.5 years old. And she thinks it's normal! But these numbers are not random! This is the minimum, not the maximum! Let's see what the maximum is and what children at 2-3 years old can really do.

To do this, let's go back to our story. 1965 This is 49 years ago. This year, the book “Development and Education of the Child from Birth to Three Years” was published, edited by the remarkable scientist - classic, researcher of early child development N.M. Shchelovanova. I quote from this book:

“In the third year of life, the child’s speech continues to develop rapidly. His vocabulary is growing every day. Over the course of a year, it increases 3-4 times, reaching 1300-1500 words (my note - let’s compare these figures for the number of words in a child’s dictionary by the age of three!). The child, as if on the fly, catches and repeats not only new words, but now entire turns of speech, and easily remembers poems, songs, fairy tales, although he does not understand everything that he grasps so quickly... As has been said more than once , the level of speech development depends on upbringing. The main means of developing the speech of a 2-3 year old child, as well as a younger one, is his communication with adults and the speech of adults.” This was written when I and many of you – my dear readers – were not yet in this world. Pay attention to the number - 1300-1500 words!!! Not 300, but five times more!!!

When I read these old lines about two-year-old children, I involuntarily compare the two-year-olds of 1965 and modern, even non-speaking children. And this despite the fact that we are all intensively engaged in “early development” from the cradle, buying expensive toys, taking them to centers from almost six months and paying quite a lot of money for it. But children lag behind their peers in previous years in speech development! And they lag behind in basic indicators! And after all, speech - all specialists know this - is a mirror of the child’s overall development, which reflects all his achievements and problems. Why is this “mirror” showing us such sad results now? Maybe we lost something very important or missed it in the race for the unimportant and set other goals for speech development? Yes! This is true!

And when this important thing is revived again, speech problems go away! When we start:

- correctly use lullabies, nursery rhymes, pesters, roll calls from the cradle,

- listen and look closely at your baby and follow him, and not try to impose your ideas and ideas on him,

- conduct communication taking into account the form of communication with the child characteristic of a given age,

- when we, in the course of ordinary affairs, attract the child’s attention to the word and expression of his thoughts and feelings,

- when we try not to speak ourselves, but to create situations for the baby to actively speak -

then children change after us and there is a sharp leap in the development of children’s speech! How sometimes you want children to change on their own. This is unrealistic. When we, adults, change, our children and their speech change after us!

This has already been proven by many mothers with children who took my Silent children not only spoke in this course last fall, but now - a year later - they began to speak better than their peers! This result is not a “magic pill”, it is the spiritual work of parents, but the work is very grateful, joyful, creative and interesting! And yet, this is the result of these mothers and fathers’ understanding of the patterns of speech development. And when you understand not only “what and how to do,” but also “why and why exactly to do this,” then a creative spring awakens inside, everything becomes clear and understandable, fits into the system. And there is no need for extra “developmental” courses and toys. Since there is already an understanding of what a child really needs for development and what not.

You will find a small “cheat sheet” on the development of children’s speech in the course of everyday life in the article. And if you want to learn this and find out all the details, welcome to my course. Sign up and receive information about recruiting a new group in the mailing list. I do not advertise the course, since the number of people willing to study on it is always greater than the number of places in the group of the course, which comes with my individual support for each participant and her baby.

Why is it so important to know the standards of speech development? Or about monitoring the speech development of children.

Are standards necessary and do we need to know them if all children have individual developmental characteristics? Yes need. Although very often I read online in mom’s forums that “there are old farts - they came up with standards, they fit everyone into one size fits all.” Of course, this is written by those who know nothing about standards - indicative indicators of the development of children. Or those who prefer not to solve the problems of their baby’s speech development, but to hide their head in the sand like an ostrich - this is not the best tactic. Any problem in the development of a child’s speech can be solved if it is solved and you contact specialists in a timely manner!

"Tentative"– they are not called that for nothing. They are like a guideline for us - a lighthouse on our journey through the sea of ​​child development. And we need to notice this beacon and understand what it is signaling to us.

Why is it important and necessary to know them? To track the dynamics of your baby's development. So that if you suddenly have problems, you can immediately notice them, contact a specialist - a doctor or speech therapist, and not waste precious time. To not just watch, but to see your baby - what is constantly changing in him, what new things he is learning, what he needs help with, where he is especially strong, and where he is not yet succeeding and needs to be supported with additional games and exercises.

This is important to know: When monitoring the development of a child’s speech, it is important not even how much he can now, but dynamics in its development. And it is important to see that the baby is learning new things, which is happening all the time in his development. forward movement. But if there is no such movement, then there is reason to think. Two reasons may contribute to developmental delay:

A) either we – adults – have “behind” the child and are giving him old tasks that he has long outgrown. And it’s time to give him more complex tasks of verbal communication according to his age

For example, we understand the baby at a glance, we can immediately guess what he will need and what he wants. Why then does the child need to speak? She simply is not needed in his life! No speech! This is one of the reasons that a child’s speech does not appear on time - and a very common reason, which, fortunately, is easy to overcome and correct, and the baby will soon speak.

B) Or there are problems in the child’s development and it is worth consulting with specialists.

I will give examples of the importance of parents and teachers knowing development standards.

Example 1. Baby talk. All children begin to babble, even the deaf! Moreover, they begin to babble at approximately the same time. And this applies to children of different nationalities and from different social classes. Surprisingly, this is a scientifically proven fact! One gets the impression that babbling appears and develops on its own, and the child babbles “for himself.” But what is important to know: in deaf children, babbling gradually fades away (by the way, babbling also fades away in another case - if the mother does not communicate with the baby, for example, if the baby is in the orphanage). In deaf babies, babbling does not become more complicated (there are certain stages of babbling complexity in the normal development of a child, which are described in the section “Baby development from birth to one year”).

Therefore if:

A) the child does not babble (and he, for example, is already 10 months old),

B) babbling has appeared, but does not become more complex, but remains at the same level,

B) babbling appeared and then began to fade

– then you need to immediately contact specialists.

Example 2. Child’s food and… speech development. In the “standards”, that is, in the approximate indicators of child development, the approximate age is given when we begin to accustom the baby to solid food. It would seem, what difference does it make when to start giving your child solid food? It turns out that this is very important! I know friends who ignored solid food until they were 3 years old, and processed all their son’s food in a blender (there were no medical indications for this, the mother just wanted it that way - she thought it would be better for the baby’s digestion). The result is that the child has huge problems with articulation and speaks very poorly!

Let's look at why solid food is so important and how it affects speech.

If a baby after a year or even after 2 - 2.5 years eats only pureed food, then it will be difficult for him to start speaking well. Why? Because speaking requires the ability to control the muscles in the mouth and the ability to control breathing. And chewing solid food is not just about nourishing the body and eating, but also about developing the ability to coordinate muscle work. Food for the little ones is a kind of “articulation gymnastics”, which is “carried out” 3-4 times a day (the number of times the child chews solid food, the number of times he trains his muscles, that is, he did such “gymnastics”). Need to know this? Yes! And on time, start giving your child crackers, fruit, cookies, dried fruit. And also provide cocktail straws to drink juice from or play with them - blowing bubbles. This is also useful for muscle development.

That is why the norms for the development of a child’s speech are not just written words, they contain very deep factors and patterns of the child’s development. But these patterns and factors are not immediately visible at a glance if you look at the norms superficially! They still need to be seen and understood. I'm glad we got to take a deeper look today! I will continue to reveal some secrets of child development that are familiar to professionals. And if you want to know such secrets, write :-), I will tell you on the website and in my courses. And I already tell you a lot in the course I wrote about above. There is an idea to create a creative workshop - a workshop on communicating such secrets and jointly composing - inventing family speech leisure and activities. Therefore, I will be glad to know your wishes and interests. Write in the comments!

Part 3. Speech development tasks.

So, we have determined that speech development is not a narrow area of ​​working with sounds or learning to read, but is a very broad area that is very important in the development of a child. What does speech development include - what areas are highlighted in it:

  1. Sound culture of speech– correct sound pronunciation, rhythm, tempo, timbre, intonation, speech breathing, diction and other indicators of “sounding speech”.
  2. Vocabulary development: includes three lines - a) enriching the dictionary with new words, b) activating the dictionary, c) clarifying the dictionary (that is, the ability to select the most accurate and appropriate word in a given situation).
  3. Mastering the grammatical structure of speech: a) morphology (that is, the ability to correctly and without errors coordinate words with each other in sentences - for example, say “red boots”, but “red dress”, and not “red boots”, “red dress”), b) syntax ( the ability to construct sentences and texts of various types), c) word formation (the ability to form new words from known ones by analogy, for example: builds - builder, teaches - teacher, development of linguistic flair and word creation)
  4. Development of coherent speech– the ability to build dialogue and monologue (description, narration, reasoning), creative composition of fairy tales, fables, stories, riddles.
  5. Preparing for literacy– familiarization with a word, sound, sentence, syllable, mastering the sound analysis of words. Initial learning to read (this is not a mandatory part of the program for preschoolers, so it is not included in all preschool education programs, but most modern children are already fluent in reading by the time they reach school, and many school teachers require this from future first-graders).

In the continuation of the article next week, you will learn how to effectively solve some of these problems and what typical mistakes are usually made and how they can be overcome. We will talk about presentations on speech development - which of them are useful and which are useless for the development of children's speech, how to find time for the development of speech in children, how to make speech classes interesting and many other interesting things. You will learn not only about my experience, but also about the experience of mothers who are readers of the “Native Path” website.

You will hear useful information about the development of children's speech in the video lectures presented below from the series “Talk to me, Mom.” Lecturer - T.D. Yakovenko, teacher of psychology and children's literature at NSPU.

Lecture 1 “Speech and literary and artistic development of preschool children” (from 3 years old)

Lecture 2. Speech development of the youngest children - from zero to three years

And I want to finish the first part with a poem by Sergei Skachko about his native language and speech:

Touch with reverence
To what you are armed with,
Create lightly and revel in
Boundless Russian language

Airy, juicy, tasty,
Severe and gentle, many-sided,
Skilled in all melodies
Our amazing language.

The narrow term suits him,
And an interjection sigh, and a cry,
Be proud that you understand Russian,
Try to comprehend the depth.

It's funny and sad to hear, really,
Like ellochek and fimok army
To the overseas “ings”, “shn” and “wow”
They want to press him, groaning.


"Speech development from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"

The development of coherent speech in preschoolers is one of the most significant aspects of preschool education and upbringing. Based on how well a child masters speech instruments (builds phrases and sentences, correctly selects and uses word forms), teachers form an opinion about the general level of his speech development.

To better understand exactly how speech development occurs in preschool age, and how best to develop speech in a young child, it is necessary to have a general understanding of the main stages of its formation.

Stages of speech formation for a pre-teen child

3-4 years

This period is characterized by a low level of development of coherent speech. The baby answers the questions posed in monosyllables: “yes” or “no”, operates with a narrow set of signs in the description of objects or phenomena, for example, he can indicate the color or shape of an object when answering a question.

At this age, children do not yet have the opportunity to independently retell the plot of their favorite cartoon or story, or describe the proposed picture; it is much easier for them to compose a short story if their parents ask leading questions. The length of such a story will not be more than 3-4 sentences.

4-5 years

The child can retell a short story or fairy tale, and tries to reason and analyze. This is a period of active “whying”, and in order to convey to an adult the essence of the issue that worries him, kids usually try to formulate the question that interests them more clearly.

This is why the most inquisitive children develop coherent speech skills faster and more efficiently. This period is also interesting for the beginning of the active use of dialogues. The preschooler not only answers, but also asks, learns to maintain a conversation, asks relevant questions, and analyzes the answers received.

5-6 years

This age is characterized by a sharp leap in the development of coherent speech in children. They become active participants in the speech process, improve dialogic and monologue speech, and easily retell the content of a favorite fairy tale or a conversation between relatives.

When talking about something, preschoolers try to compose complex sentences, use epithets and phraseological units. It is important to monitor whether the child correctly selects the necessary word forms, puts emphasis, and uses new words.

The method of describing pictures in speech development classes at this age can no longer be the main one. It is necessary to offer other exercises that stimulate the use of logical operations in speech (analysis, generalization), as well as creative tasks, for example, to independently complete a story that has not been fully read, or to compose your own story using personal experience.

6-7 years

The preschooler becomes a full participant in the speech process. He moves from using descriptive constructions in speech to reasoning and analysis, monitors the culture of speech, and actively applies these skills in the process of everyday communication.

We develop the speech of a preschooler. How?

What does the methodology include that helps parents and teachers promote the timely development of coherent speech in children:

  • training the respiratory apparatus of a preschooler;
  • regular classes using exercises recommended at this stage that help improve coherent speech (, tongue twisters,);
  • set of measures for .

Methods for establishing correct speech breathing

It is very important to teach your child correct articulation when he speaks. To do this, you need to ensure that at the beginning of the conversation children exhale smoothly and forcefully through their mouths, while the speaking child must correctly distribute the flow of exhaled air and control the time during which exhalation occurs.

The method for training these skills involves a certain set of exercises, as well as control over the general level of development of the preschooler’s linguistic apparatus. It is also advisable to conduct timely consultations on the speech development of children with specialized specialists - a defectologist and a speech therapist.

Speech development exercises

Developing auditory differentiation

The method of training auditory differentiation presupposes the child’s ability to identify certain sounds by ear in a long stream of speech.

Say the words

  • Invite your child to name words starting with a certain letter - A, B, P, T, O, M.
  • Now let the preschooler name words ending with other letters, for example: S, T, Zh, V, K.
  • Continue experiments with words: think of letters, for example, O, E, U, L, V and ask them to name those words in which these letters are in the middle.

We train the reaction and analyze the composition of the word


Name the letter whose presence in the word the preschooler must analyze. Then, while listing the words, invite him to indicate the presence of a letter in them by clapping his hands. Let's say the letter "C" is hidden. An adult pronounces a series of words: ELEPHANT, THREAD, LIGHT, COW, MELTON, CHAIR. Each time the child hears the desired letter, he must clap his hands. Over time, the speed at which an adult speaks words can be increased.

Make up a word

In this task the child must come up with a new word. It should begin with the letter with which the word suggested by the adult ends.


We are engaged in word formation

Explain to your child how words are formed that denote the qualities of objects and indicate the material they are made from.

For example:

Glass – glass;

Wood – wooden;

Invite your child to experiment on their own, forming definition words from the following materials:

Fluff, water, sand, paper, light, firewood.

Activities with pictures

Any method of speech development requires the mandatory use of visual and didactic material. Sets of pictures depicting procedures and processes familiar to the child (getting up, washing, cleaning, dressing) will be an excellent help for mastering verbs, adverbs, participles and gerunds.

Ask the children to describe what they see in these pictures. A younger child will most likely answer in monosyllables, using only verbs. An older child will build more complex constructions, introducing parts of speech such as adverbs and adjectives. This will help them describe what they see in the picture in more detail.

Games for developing speech skills

These games can be played by the whole family; they will bring more pleasure to children aged 5-6 years.

Let's go travel

When starting the game, the adult tells the children that the whole family is going on a trip. This can be a trip of any theme: to the sea, to the village to visit grandma, on a hike in the mountains, etc.

Then the presenter invites the children to help him pack the luggage he will need on the trip. It is necessary to clarify the task: exactly what letter the luggage items should be named by. For example, an adult suggests naming the things needed for a hike that begin with the letter “K” (kettle, map, karemat). When the items starting with the suggested letter are exhausted, you can offer another letter and continue the game. A great game for curious and observant children!

We build bridges

This technique wonderfully trains the child’s ability to select the right words, determine the lexical meaning of words, and develops ingenuity.

For such a game you will need children's lotto cards or self-made pictures depicting objects that children often encounter in everyday life. The task is for the preschooler to find a connection between the two proposed pictures and explain what allowed him to combine these concepts.

We show the child a picture on which a plate (saucepan, tureen) is drawn and another on which vegetables and fruits are depicted. The child must “build” a bridge between these two pictures, explaining how they can be connected: vegetable soup can be prepared in a saucepan or fruit compote can be cooked. When completing this task, children must illustrate their ideas in words, trying to fully reveal the relationship between objects.

Tongue Twisters

This wonderful and effective technique will help you learn to pronounce difficult sounds, overcome the formation of “porridge” in your mouth and just have fun, all that remains is to memorize tongue twisters.

Tongue twisters can be very diverse, but in order for the child to enjoy these activities, it is better to reinforce the lessons on learning them with bright and colorful pictures illustrating this or that tongue twister.

In this regard, the book “Try, Repeat. Russian tongue twisters”, illustrated by children's artist A. Azemsha. Huge and bright illustrations of this publication will make children's lessons in learning tongue twisters fun and long-awaited.

Speech development and communication

Parents of growing preschoolers should understand that no modern method of speech development can replace the benefits of live human communication. After all, it is everyday communication at home, within the walls of a preschool educational institution or development circles that is the key to the timely formation of speech skills.

A child who spends a lot of time in front of a TV or computer screen sooner or later has problems related to replenishing his vocabulary, the ability to clearly and clearly express his own thoughts, analyze and reason.

It must be remembered that any technique tries to actively use natural childhood curiosity, which perfectly stimulates children's craving for knowledge. That is why the cognitive and speech development of preschool children is one of the constituent elements of child development.

In the process of communicating with children, parents not only enrich their cognitive sphere, but also help them organize their knowledge about the world around them and create special conditions for the productive growth of the personality of a growing person.

Teacher, child development center specialist
Druzhinina Elena

Delayed speech development and methods for solving it:

Since the education of a comprehensively developed personality is impossible without improving such an important instrument of cognition and thinking as speech, the development of students’ speech is currently one of the main tasks of school education.

Preschool age is crucial for a child's learning: everything that a child learns or fails to learn in these early years will have a significant impact on his future intellectual development, and schooling will not be able to compensate for the gaps in children's development. Therefore, the main task of educators is to develop the cognitive abilities of preschoolers.



Speech development of a preschooler

The development of speech is an urgent task of teaching in primary school, where the foundations of a person’s future personality are laid, because speech is the basis of all mental and practical activity, a means of human communication.

Since the education of a comprehensively developed personality is impossible without improving such an important instrument of cognition and thinking as speech, the development of students’ speech is currently one of the main tasks of school education, and, first of all, its initial level.

Preschool age is crucial for a child's learning: everything that a child learns or fails to learn in these early years will have a significant impact on his future intellectual development, and schooling will not be able to compensate for the gaps in children's development. Therefore, the main task of educators is to develop the cognitive abilities of preschoolers.

Formation the basics of children's intellectual abilities,The cognitive development of the child is carried out under the influence of the social environment. In the process of communicating with others, he learns the language, and with it the existing system of concepts. As a result, already at preschool age the child masters the language so much that he uses it freely as a means of communication.

Speech accompanies and improves the cognitive activity of children, makes work activity more focused and conscious, enriches games, promotes the manifestation of creativity and imagination in visual, musical, and literary activities.

To carry out work on the cognitive and speech development of children, the following means of speech development are used:

1. Communication between adults and children

2. Cultural language environment.

3. Teaching native speech and language in the classroom.

4. Fiction.

5. Various types of art.

The teacher helps the child achieve communicative competence by the end of preschool age by solving problems for the development of different aspects of speech in all age groups:

"Development of coherent speech"

"Vocabulary Development"

“Mastering grammatically correct speech”

“Mastering the sound culture of speech”

"Preparing for Literacy"

The tasks of cognitive and speech development of preschool children are solved comprehensively, taking into account the age characteristics of children and the requirements of the “Program of education and training in kindergarten”.

Based on all this, a model of children's speech development was developed.

(Annex 1)

Diverse speech, rich in additions, descriptions and synonyms, in children aged 3 to 7 years is an extremely rare phenomenon.Speech development in preschoolersis of primary importance because this is the time when the child is most receptive to its comprehension.

Children master their native language by imitating the spoken language of others.

It is a pity that constantly busy parents during this period often forget about this and leave the process of forming the child’s speech to chance.

Children spend very little time surrounded by adults (most often at the TV, at the computer, or with toys); they rarely hear fairy tales told by mom and dad, but plannedclasses for speech development preschoolers - quite rare.

So it turns out that by the time the child enters school, a lot of problems arise. Therefore, solving the problem,speech development in preschoolers, let’s look at what problems parents and teachers encounter most often in this area.

Typical problems of speech development in preschool children:

  1. Monosyllabic speech, which consists only of simple sentences (also called “situational” speech). Inability to correctly and competently construct a common sentence.
  1. Poverty of speech. Poor vocabulary.
  1. Speech in which there is an excess of slang words (the result of watching TV),

Use of non-literary expressions and words.

  1. Poor conversational speech: the inability to ask a question clearly and competently, to construct a detailed or short answer, if necessary and appropriate.
  1. Inability to construct a monologue: for example, a descriptive or narrative story on a specific topic, or to retell the received text in your own words.
  1. Lack of logical justification in your conclusions and statements.
  1. Lack of speech culture: inability to use intonation, adjust speech tempo and voice volume, etc.

8. Poor diction.

Annex 1

The main task of the teacher is to explain to the child what a particular word means and its meaning.

Speech development classes necessarily include memorizing short poems and retelling the text read by the teacher.

As a result of these classes, by the time of school the child will learn to express himself competently, will have an impressive vocabulary and correctly pronounce all the sounds of the language.

Correct speech by an adult is very important for the development of a child’s speech.

That is why it is useful to extend speech rules for kindergarten teachers to parents and the child’s immediate environment.

After all, if, in spite of everything, the baby hears “che” and “nizya” at home, then all the development work done in kindergarten is gradually reduced to nothing. This is especially noticeable if the child is absent from kindergarten for a long time, for example, in the summer.

The speech of a teacher at a preschool educational institution has a teaching and educational orientation. The main thing is the quality of its language content, which ensures high work results.

The teacher’s speech is a reflection of the inner world, the characteristics of the intellectual and spiritual development of his personality, an important part of professional culture, which is a universal culture.

A preschool child spends most of his time in kindergarten: he communicates with the teacher, learns a lot from him, including speech culture. Therefore, the teacher should pay special attention to his speech.

Since the child perceives an adult’s speech as a model, the teacher must speak correctly, without distorting sounds, clearly articulating each word, without rushing, without “eating” endings.

You need to pronounce unfamiliar and long words especially clearly. Liveliness and richness of intonation also play an important role - they contribute to better assimilation of speech.

In cognitive development, the teacher’s task is to consistently increase children’s stock of knowledge, organize it, and systematize it.

The child should receive clear ideas:

About surrounding objects and their purpose;

About the qualities (color, size, shape) of objects;

About the properties (beats, breaks, tears, pours, etc.) of objects;

About the material from which objects are made

Even in ancient times, tongue twisters were invented - a type of colloquial speech with repetition and rearrangement of the same letters or syllables that are difficult to pronounce.

Practice tongue twisters with your child, moderate the haste of his speech. He will surely enjoy these funny and short poems.

Appendix 2

Tongue twisters for speech development

The ship was carrying caramel,
The ship ran aground
And the sailors for two weeks
Caramel ate broke.

The parrot says to the parrot:
- I'll scare you, parrot!
- Parrot me, parrot, -
The parrot speaks to the parrot.

Lenya climbed the ladder,
Lenya picked peaches.
With songs, with peaches
Lenya rolled down the stairs!

The small car has a mousy color.
And the tires rustle like mice.

I met a hedgehog in a thicket:
- How is the weather, hedgehog?
- Fresh.
And we went home, trembling,
Hunching, cowering, two hedgehogs.

A weaver weaves fabric for Tanya's skirt.

Potapka has a pair of slippers on his paws.
I bought Potapka slippers from the store.

Cuckoo bought a hood.
Put on the cuckoo's hood.
How funny he is in the hood!

Bought cuttlefish
Lace dress.
The cuttlefish walks
Shows off her dress.

Bagel, bagel,
Loaf and loaf
Baker's dough
Bake it early.

Ivashka has a shirt,
The shirt has pockets.
Nice pockets
On Ivashka's shirt.

Mol bought herself a coat,
To have something to eat.

Kondrat's jacket is a little short.

Beavers wander into the cheese forests.
Beavers are brave. Good for beavers.

Malanya chatterbox
The milk was chatting - chatting,
I didn’t blurt it out.

Natalka had a gurney on a stick.
Natalka broke the gurney on a stick.
They repaired and repaired Natalka’s gurney,
But the gurney remained without a stick.

Appendix 3

Gymnastics for the tongue

  1. The tongue is about to go for a walk

(open mouth and show tongue):
He washed his face

(we quickly run our tongue over our lips),
I combed my hair

(we pass the tongue several times between the upper

lower teeth, sticking it out),
Looked back at the passers-by

(circular movements with the tongue on the lips),
Turned right, turned left

(we stick out the tongue to the right and left),
Down fell

(stick the tongue down)

climbed up

(stick it up)
Um, and disappeared in my mouth

(we hide the tongue in our mouth).

  1. The bear lives in the house (open your mouth wide),
    The bear loves honey very much (lick lips),
    He will fill his cheeks full (puff out his cheeks),
    And chews, chews, chews (pretend chewing).
    And how does Mishutka eat honey?
    He cleans his teeth with a brush (run the tongue along the top ones,

and then the lower teeth - up and down, left and right).

A cow was grazing in the meadow: “Moo-oo, moo-oo,”
The striped bumblebee flew: "Z-z-z, z-z-z"
The summer breeze blew: "F-f-f, f-f-f"
The bell rang: "Ding-ding-ding"
A grasshopper chirped in the grass: “Tr-rr, tsk-s-s,”
The prickly hedgehog ran by: “Ph, ph, ph,”
The little bird sang: “Til-l, til-l”,
And the angry beetle buzzed: “W-w-w, w-w-w.”

Readiness or unpreparedness of the child to start school

It is determined by the level of his speech development: it is with the help of speech that he will have to assimilate (and assimilate) the entire system of knowledge. If a six- to seven-year-old child mastered spoken language before school, he has yet to master written language.

A simple rule: the better a child’s oral speech is developed by the time he enters school, the easier it is for him to master reading and writing.

Unfortunately, for various reasons, every year more and more children come to the first grade with defects in the pronunciation of sounds, a poor vocabulary, and children who cannot construct a simple narrative sentence.

Testing speech readiness for school.

Correct pronunciation.

Before learning to read and write, the child must learn to pronounce all sounds correctly and clearly. It is unacceptable to have complete sound substitutions in his speech (SOLNYSKO instead of SOLNYSHKO, PALTA instead of PART). Such defects in the pronunciation of sounds are usually reflected in writing.

Presence of phonemic hearing.

To evaluate it, ask your child to write down a few words - not in letters, but in circles. There are as many circles as there are sounds in a word. For example, the word “house” should be depicted with three circles, the word “mother” with four.

Check whether the child understands the task correctly, and then dictate the words to the child so that he writes them in the form of circles.

Show him pictures on which animals are drawn (for example, a lion, a wolf, a cow) and the diagrams of their names are written in the form of circles (according to the number of sounds in a word). The child's task is to determine which circles go with which word.

Ability to distinguish sounds.

A clear distinction by ear of all speech sounds is one of the necessary prerequisites for mastering literacy. Writing any word requires the ability to identify each sound included in its composition and designate it with the corresponding letter. If some sounds seem the same to a child, when writing, he will inevitably have difficulty choosing the letters that correspond to these sounds (and make mistakes).

For example, if a baby does not distinguish between the sounds B and P by ear, he will not know which first letter (B or P) should be written in the word BALKA or in the word PALKA.

The study of auditory differentiation of sounds is carried out using specially selected pictures (the names of the objects depicted on them differ only in one sound being tested).

State of vocabulary.

A child of senior preschool age must have a vocabulary of at least 2,000 words (for some children it exceeds 5,000 words).

It should present the main parts of speech: nouns, verbs, adjectives, numerals, pronouns, adverbs, prepositions, coordinating and subordinating conjunctions.

To study it, a number of special techniques are used to determine the presence or absence of certain words in the child’s “dictionary” (see below).

Formation of grammatical systems.

This is, in essence, clarifying the question of whether the child has mastered the existing patterns of inflection and word formation in the language. A child with normally developing speech usually masters the grammatical system of inflection by the age of four, and the system of word formation by the age of seven.

These terms are quite arbitrary. Sometimes even a seven-year-old child says: “I got there by subway”, “there’s a sweater under my coat”, “hot coffee”, “put down my pencil”, “run faster”, “blizzard day”, “cyclist - a person who rides a bicycle”, etc. etc. (If the parents themselves say it correctly, this practically never happens).

Checking the child’s development of grammatical systems is important because even a very large vocabulary does not solve the problem of the usefulness of oral speech.

It is also important to be able to actively use existing words, to construct sentences and coherent statements from them, since only under this condition can one express one’s thoughts clearly enough. And for the correct construction of sentences, you need the ability to grammatically correctly coordinate words with each other.

Possession of coherent speech.

Coherent speech is usually understood as such extended (consisting of several sentences) statements that allow you to clearly and consistently express your thoughts.

Without fluency in coherent speech, the process of schooling is unthinkable (just think about the usual answers in class), so you need to worry about its development in a child already in preschool age.

Stories are usually divided into factual and creative.

The first, as the name shows, convey real events (facts) - based on their direct perception, or from memory.

The latter are built with the active participation of the creative imagination, thanks to which they can be supplemented with some details that did not exist in the real situation.

In form, stories can be descriptive or plot.

A descriptive story is a description of real or pictured things, plants, animals. There are no characters, there are no events, but the characteristics characteristic of a given subject are simply described. For example: “The puppy is black, shaggy; he has small ears and a short tail...”

In a plot story there is a beginning of action, its development, reaching some high point (culmination), and the completion of the “incident”, or denouement; events here must be transmitted in time sequence, taking into account cause-and-effect relationships.

Periodically offer your child tasks that test fluency in coherent speech:

Let him listen and retell a previously unknown story close to the text;

He will tell you how today went;

Compose a short fairy tale or story;

Describe a picture of nature;

Describe drawings in which, for example, children play, help adults, relax by the sea;

Describe your family, friend or pet;

He will tell you how, for example, the preparation for the holiday and the holiday itself went, and will try to express and describe his impressions.

Appendix 4

Tasks for checking the state of the "dictionary"

Naming objects belonging to various logical groups.
For example, the child must name everything

species of trees, flowers, animals known to him.

Finding generalizing words for a group of homogeneous objects.
Squirrel, hare, wolf - who is it?

Cup, pan, frying pan, glass - what is it?

Blouse, trousers, T-shirt - what is this?

Selection of attributes for a specific subject.
The jacket is new, red, warm;

the snow is white, loose, sparkling.

Selection of possible actions to the subject.
The book is bought, read, considered;

the tree is planted, fertilized, etc.

Selection of objects for a given action.
Prepare lunch, soup; draw a picture, a house; petting a child's head or a kitten.

Selection of synonyms –

words with similar meaning

(kind, affectionate, gentle; huge, huge, large, tall).

Selection of antonyms –

words with opposite meanings

(hot - cold, fast - slow, high - low).

Appendix 5

Game "A Secret Around the World"

The children stand in a chain and whisper the phrase to each other. The last student in the group says it out loud.

Problem speech development in children This is especially acute for primary school teachers. Pronouncing sounds incorrectly, the student writes with errors, and a poor vocabulary interferes with the perception of new material. Already “from the cradle” it is necessary to develop the child, thereby the baby develops as a whole.

The role of parents in the development of children's speech
Children, by imitating those around them, learn spoken language. But, unfortunately, many parents often do not pay the necessary attention to this and let the process of developing the child’s speech skills take its course. This problem is especially relevant now, in the age of technological progress, since the baby spends a lot of time watching TV and at the computer, which replace his parents. Children lack simple human communication. Some parents shift the solution to this issue to kindergarten. But, unfortunately, the staff of a child care institution does not always have a specialist who conducts the necessary classes on speech development with children. Therefore, parents need to work with their children at home. It is not necessary to turn learning into strict school activities; games for children are easy to use on the way to the store or kindergarten, while walking or putting the baby to bed. Closer communication will be beneficial, relationships will become closer and more trusting.

Speech problems of preschoolers
The consequence of insufficient live communication between children and others is problems before entering school:
- the child’s speech is monosyllabic, constructed only from simple sentences;
- vocabulary is very poor;
- use of non-literary expressions, use of slang;
- inability to retell in your own words any plot or story;
- poor diction, inability to change the pace of speech and volume of the voice, and use different intonations.
Exercises and games for children will help develop expressive speech, enrich vocabulary, develop clarity of pronunciation, and literacy.

Games for children 3-4 years old
The main attention is paid to the correct pronunciation of sounds, the development of speech and articulatory apparatus.
Combine exercises on the pronunciation of hissing sounds by topic. For example, based on the picture “Hedgehog and Hedgehogs”, say several exercises: zha-zha - we will look at the hedgehog, zhu-zhu - we will give a leaf to the hedgehog, zhi-zhi - the hedgehogs carry bumps on their back, etc. By pronouncing phrases and words and paying attention to a specific sound, the child will learn to separate the concepts of sound and word.

Game “Whose voice or sound?”
It is advisable to use imitation of musical instruments or animal voices. For example, they give a child a bell and say: “Ding-ding bell.” Similar comparisons: cow “moo-moo”, dog “woof-woof”, chicken “pee-pee”, duckling “quack-quack”.

Guess game
The goal of the game is to be able to find an object based on its characteristics and actions. First, show your baby a few toys. Then describe one: the bunny is gray, he has a small tail, he loves carrots. Let the child try to guess.

Game “Describe the object”
Place some fruits and vegetables in the box. When you take it out, name it: it’s a tomato. The child will describe the path: it is red, round, juicy. Or: watermelon - striped, big, sweet. This way the baby will learn to identify the signs of objects.

Game "Comparison"
The child is offered two dolls, he gives them names and finds the differences. For example, Masha has blue eyes, and Tanya has brown eyes. Similarly: the hair is blond and red, one is in a dress, the other is in trousers. The child will be able to compare objects with different characteristics.

Exercises and games for children 5 years old.
At this age, more attention is paid to the components of the word - sounds. The child learns to determine by ear whether a given sound is present in a word. The baby distinguishes between similar and different words by sound. All this contributes to the development of speech. When performing exercises and games for children, include dialogues in the story, diversify the actions of the characters.

Game "first sound"
Invite your child to choose from several toys and ride in the car only those whose names begin with a certain sound, for example: k - doll, cat, clown. If a child chooses the “wrong” toy (for example, a dog), the car will not move. Explain that in the word “dog” the “k” sound is in the middle of the word, not in the first place.

Game "Who's Lost?"
Teach your child to form words with the same root and find synonyms for words. Encourage your child to think and reason. Imagine this plot situation: a hare is lost in the forest. Call it affectionately: bunny, bunny. Where is he, why is he crying? Lost, lost, wants to eat. What is he like? Sad, hungry, sad. How can I help him? Cure, calm, feed. The child suggests a possible description of the hare.

Game "Let's make up a story"
Together with your child, you can dream up and come up with a story. In the process, the child will understand the sequence of the story, the logical structure of the story. Suppose, for example, that a squirrel went into the forest and met a wolf. What is she like? Nimble, brave. And the wolf? Angry, angry. Then the adult begins to tell the story, and the child continues: the squirrel went out for a walk... and to pick up nuts, she climbed... into a tall tree, and there were nuts... apparently or invisibly, there was... a wolf coming towards her, but she... wasn’t scared, and threw a nut... right at the wolf .

Games and exercises for children 6-7 years old.
During classes on speech development in children preschool age, speech hearing is improved, and the skills of correct and clear speech are consolidated. Tongue twisters and poems are used in classes; this will help develop diction, regulate the strength of the voice, its tempo.

Game "Syllables and Sounds"
When pronouncing words by syllables, learn to determine their number in words, for example: beetle, poppy - words of one syllable; fence, tsap-lya - words of two syllables. Ask your child to name a few words that start with the same sound: “sh” - hat, chess, “zh” - beetle, toad. Learn to distinguish between the hardness and softness of the sounds “r” and “l”: hard “r” - carrots, pears, soft “ry” - radishes, apricots.

Lesson “Sketching observations of a walk”
Prepare paper and colored pencils. After the walk, the child draws what he saw during the walk, commenting and reasoning, taking the first sheet: “The sky is blue outside (paints the top blue), “the sun was shining (draws the sun).” On the second sheet, he continues to draw a changed picture: “A cloud came and covered the sun (draws a cloud),” “it started to rain (draws drops in the form of lines from top to bottom).” Then on the third sheet: “The rain stopped, the sun came out (draws a cloud, and from under it the sun)”, “Puddles appeared on the ground (draws blue oval islands on the brown ground).” Then lay out all three drawings in front of the child, it looks like three frames from a movie. The child’s emotional response will be fixed in the form of visual memory, which will help expand his vocabulary.

Exercises to develop speech breathing
For the development of speech in children and for the child to pronounce the sounds “s-z”, “zh-sh” well. “r”, it is important to learn to take a strong breath. Simple exercises will help with stuttering and missing sounds and words in a child’s conversation.

Exercise "Snowflakes"
Take small pieces of cotton wool or paper napkins and place them in your baby's palm. Show how to blow off “snowflakes” by puffing out your cheeks and taking in more air into your mouth. Let the child repeat 3-4 times.
Exercise "Butterflies".
Hang several bright paper butterflies at face level. Blow on them and they will “fly”. The baby will also blow on them, but no more than seven to ten seconds, as he may feel dizzy.
As a result, thanks to the patient and focused work of adults with children, the child’s speech will become richer, brighter, and he will come to school fully prepared.